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‎ Unit 3 Looking good feeling good 一、语基必备知识 ‎(一)重点词汇——分类记忆 Ⅰ.阅读词汇——知其意 ‎1.pressure n. 压力 ‎2.including prep. 包括 ‎3.chemical n. 化学物质 adj. 化学的 ‎4.work vi. 起作用,有效果,奏效 ‎5.branch n. 分支;分部;树枝 ‎6.approximately adv. 大约 ‎7.skip vt.& vi. 跳过,略过;蹦跳着走 ‎8.properly adv. 适当地 ‎9.system n. 身体,(器官)系统;体系;制度 Ⅱ.核心词汇——写其形 ‎1.figure n. 体形;数字;人物 ‎2.energetic adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的 ‎3.damage vt.& n. 损害,伤害 ‎4.suffer vt.& vi. 受苦;遭受(磨难)‎ ‎5.diet n. 节食;日常饮食 vi. 节食,控制饮食 ‎6.count vi. 认为,算作;重要 vt. 数数 ‎7.concentrate vt.& vi. 集中(注意力、思想等);全神贯注 ‎8.failure n. 衰退,衰竭;失败;故障,失灵 ‎9.amount n. 数量 Ⅲ.拓展词汇——通其变 ‎1.ashamed adj.惭愧的,羞愧的→shame n.羞耻,惭愧;遗憾的事→shameful adj.‎ 38‎ 不体面的→shameless adj.不知羞耻的 ‎2.treatment n.治疗;待遇;处理→treat v.治疗;招待;处理,讨论 ‎3.contain vt. 包含;容纳→container n.容器 ‎4.recover vi.复原,恢复健康vt.重新获得,恢复→recovery n.恢复 ‎5.painful adj.令人疼痛的,痛苦的→pain n.疼,痛苦 ‎6.attractive adj.有吸引力的,有魅力的→attract v.吸引→attraction n.吸引人的事物 ‎7.embarrassed adj.尴尬的,不好意思的,难为情的→embarrass vt.使尴尬→embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的;为难的 ‎8.prefer vt.更喜欢→preference n.偏爱 ‎9.effect n.效果,作用;影响→effective adj.有效的 ‎10.equipment n.器材;设备→equip v.给……装备 ‎11.sadness n.悲伤→sad adj.悲伤的 ‎12.comfort n.安慰;舒适 v.安慰→comfortable adj.舒适的→comfortably adv.舒适地 ‎13.peaceful adj.平静的;和平的→peace n.和平 ‎14.achievement n.成就→achieve v.达到,实现;获得成功 ‎15.useless adj.无用的,无效的→use vt.& n.使用→useful adj.有用的 ‎1.由“figure”想到的几个“人物”‎ ‎①VIP (a very important person)‎ ‎ 重要人物 ‎②a historical figure 历史人物 ‎③a heroic figure 英雄人物 ‎④typical character 典型人物 ‎2.“学习过程”相关词 ‎①concentrate v.集中(注意力、思想等);全神贯注 ‎②attend vt. 上学 ‎③review vt. 复习 ‎④acquire vt. 获得;习得 ‎⑤master vt. 精通;掌握 ‎3.常考的“a”开头的表语形容词 ‎①alive 活着的 ‎②awake 醒着的 ‎③asleep 睡着的 ‎④alone 独自的 ‎⑤alike 相似的 ‎⑥ashamed 惭愧的,羞愧的 38‎ ‎⑤a big shot 大人物 ‎⑥a small potato/a nobody 小人物 ‎(二)重点短语——记牢用活 ‎1.work_out 锻炼;解决;计算出 ‎2.be_ashamed_of 对……感到羞愧 ‎3.lose_weight 减肥 ‎4.recover_from 从……中恢复 ‎5.go_on_a_diet 节食 ‎6.side_effect 副作用 ‎7.fall_out (头发等)脱落 ‎8.get_into_shape 强身健体 ‎9.make_the_most_of 充分利用 ‎10.put_on_weight_ 增加体重 ‎11.in_the_long_term 从长远角度看 ‎12.give_up 放弃,停止 ‎13.as_a_matter_of_fact 事实上,其实 ‎14.give_out 分发;用完,消耗尽;‎ ‎ 发出(光、声音等)‎ ‎15.follow_one’s_advice 听从某人的建议 ‎16.take_the/a_risk 冒险 ‎17.in_no_time 立刻,马上 ‎18.be_dying_to_do_sth. 渴望做某事 ‎1.“锻炼”表达万花筒 ‎①exercise 锻炼 ‎②work out 锻炼 ‎2.“实际上”各种表达法 ‎①as a matter of fact ‎3.“立刻;马上”荟萃 ‎①right away ‎②right now ‎4.“盼望,期待(……)”集中营 ‎①expect vt. 期望,期待 ‎②hope for 希望,‎ 38‎ ‎③take exercise 进行锻炼 ‎④have physical training ‎ 进行身体锻炼 ‎⑤take physical exercise ‎ 进行身体锻炼 ‎②in fact ‎③in reality ‎④in truth ‎⑤in practice ‎⑥in effect ‎⑦actually ‎③at once ‎④in no time ‎⑤immediately ‎⑥instantly 期待 ‎③wish for 期望,希望 ‎④long for 渴望 ‎⑤be eager for 渴望 ‎⑥look forward to 盼望,期待 ‎⑦be dying to do sth. 渴望做某事 ‎(三)重点句式——背熟巧用 句型公式 教材原句 句型1:as用作连词 I think you look great as_you_are,_and you’re a wonderful person.‎ 我觉得你目前这个样子看上去就很棒,而且你是一个非常优秀的人。‎ 句型2:while用作并列连词 Some sports are usually done indoors, while others are done outdoors.‎ 有些运动通常在室内进行,而另外一些在室外进行。‎ 句型3:keep+宾语+宾语补足语 Water helps keep_your_system_clean.‎ 水有助于保持人体内部系统清洁。‎ 句型4:倒装句:so+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语 Walking and riding your bike count, and so_do_school_sports.‎ 行走和骑自行车算是锻炼,在学校进行的体育活动也算。‎ 二、语境强化训练 Ⅰ.语境填词——根据提示写出该词的适当形式 ‎1.With his reputation damaged(损害), he regretted having done so.‎ ‎2.Confucius was one of the great figures(人物) in the history of China.‎ ‎3.What counts(很重要) is not your appearance but your ability.‎ 38‎ ‎4.Studies show that people are more likely to suffer(遭受) from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.‎ ‎5.We should have a balanced diet(日常饮食) to keep us energetic every day.‎ ‎6.(2019·北京卷)They are extremely important in the safe and effective(effect) running of our programmes.‎ ‎7.(2017·江苏卷)A quick review of successes and failures(fail) at the end of year will help shape your year ahead.‎ ‎8.While selecting job applicants, we usually give preference(prefer) to those with some experience.‎ ‎9.She called me and said she was painful(pain), because her marriage did not go well.‎ ‎10.With his attention concentrated(concentrate) on his book, he didn’t notice someone entering his room.‎ Ⅱ.派生词练习——用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1.What you did was embarrassing,_making the guest very embarrassed and it also embarrassed me.(embarrass)‎ ‎2.The doctor said her father would recover soon and we wish her father would make a full recovery from the operation.(recover)‎ ‎3.Patients cannot be treated with timely treatment because of a shortage of medicine.(treat)‎ ‎4.The container on the table contains many kinds of fruits, including pineapples. (contain)‎ ‎5.He prefers to surf the Internet rather than do anything else because playing computer is his preference.(prefer)‎ Ⅲ.选词成篇 in the long term; work out; as a matter of fact; fall out; side effect Nowadays many girls have a strong desire to look as attractive as the film stars. And they begin to take pills which have 1.side_effects on their health. However, the weight remains the same. But they begin to come down with illness. What’s worse, their hair even 2.falls_out. 3.As_a_matter_of_fact,_ I think we should follow 38‎ ‎ the doctor’s advice to go on a diet and 4.work_out regularly every day, which will benefit us 5.in_the_long_term. We should bear in mind that nothing counts more than our health.‎ take a risk; feel good; in no time; be ashamed of; recover from Last year, while climbing a hill, Mary 6.took_a_risk of crossing a meadow ignoring our advice and was bitten by a poisonous snake. She passed out 7.in_no_time. Fortunately, she was rushed to a nearby hospital. After the doctors’ timely treatment, she 8.recovered_from injury. When she 9.felt_good,_she left hospital soon. Nowadays, she 10.is often ashamed_of herself for her reckless behavior.‎ Ⅳ.完成句子 ‎1.我们本想到中午完成任务,但结果并没像计划的那样。‎ We had wanted to finish our task by noon, but it didn’t quite work_out_as_planned.‎ ‎2.前两项服务免费,但是第三项服务要花35英镑。‎ The first two services are free, while_the_third_costs £35.00.‎ ‎3.噪音使我整夜都没睡着,因此我考试没有考好。‎ The noise kept_me_awake all night, so I didn’t do well in the exam.‎ ‎4.他决定继续自己的学业,我也是。‎ He has made up his mind to continue with his studies, and so_have_I.‎ ‎ figure n.数字;图形;人物;身材;人影 v.计算;想;估计;认为 ‎[一词多义]——写出下列句中figure的词性和含义 ‎①(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)I figured whoever lost the dog was probably just as close to it as I am to my dogs. vt.认为 ‎②(2017·江苏卷)Indeed official figures suggest the country has shrunk by 5% since 1993 and people in Russia live a shorter life now than those in 1961. n.数字 ‎③(北京卷)As for my favorite figure in Chinese history, it must be Wei Yuan, a great thinker in the late Qing Dynasty._n.人物 38‎ ‎④ (福建卷)I wonder how Mary has kept her figure after all these years._n.身材 ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎⑤(2019·全国卷Ⅰ) It is difficult to_figure_out(弄明白) a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been poorly studied; however, biologists calculate that there are about 20,000-25,000 polar bears worldwide.‎ ‎ ‎(1)keep one’s figure  保持体形 ‎(2)figure out 想出,理解;弄明白,看透 figure on 期待,指望,依赖 figure in 把……列入计算/考虑范围 figure that 认为,认定 ‎[佳句背诵] I couldn’t figure out how she managed to keep her figure. She figured that taking exercise was the best way to lose weight.  我弄不明白她是怎样保持身材的。她认为锻炼是最好的减肥方法。‎ ‎[词块助记] ‎ a slim figure 苗条的身材 the latest trade figures 最新的贸易数据 check up the figure 核对一下这个数字 a public/a leading/an authority figure ‎ 一个公众/领军/权威人物 ‎ ashamed adj.感到惭愧或羞耻的 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①He felt ashamed of cheating in the exam, determined never to do such things again.‎ ‎②It is a shame that a good student should do something like that.‎ ‎③It is shameful(shame) to break school rules, to be selfish or to make little effort to achieve progress.‎ ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 38‎ ‎④读了上面如此多的妈妈们的抱怨,我感到羞愧和内疚。‎ Having read about the above common complaint from so many mothers, I_feel_ashamed_and_guilty.‎ ‎ ‎(1)be ashamed to do... 耻于做……;因难为情而不愿做……‎ feel/be ashamed of (doing) sth. ‎ ‎ 为(做)某事感到羞愧 ‎(2)It’s a shame that.../What a shame that... ‎ ‎ ……真让人遗憾。‎ ‎(3)shameful adj. 可耻的;不道德的  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] In my opinion, you should be ashamed of your foolish behaviour.‎ 依我看来,你应该对自己愚蠢的行为感到羞耻。‎ ‎ failure n.衰退,衰竭;失败;故障,失灵 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①Knowing what you are doing reduces the risks of failure(fail).‎ ‎②The art show was far from being a failure; it was a great success.‎ ‎③It is very important to find out why you failed to_achieve(achieve) your goal.‎ ‎④(福建卷)Success consists in the ability to continue efforts through failures(fail).‎ ‎ ‎(1)a failure 一个失败的人,一件失败的事 ‎(2)fail v. 在……中失败;忘记、未能(做某事)‎ fail to do sth. 没能做某事 fail (in) sth. 失败,没有通过……  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] As we all know, failure is the mother of success. 众所周知,失败是成功之母。‎ ‎ contain vt.包含;容纳;容忍 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空/猜测加黑词的含义 38‎ ‎①He looked at me for a moment, and then wrote a sentence containing(contain) the best advice I’ve ever had.‎ ‎②When he was criticized by the boss, he was so angry that he couldn’t contain himself(he).‎ ‎③The newlybuilt stadium is big enough to contain twenty thousand students and teachers.容纳 ‎[能力提升]——一句多译 我们班有60名学生,包含35名男生和25名女生。‎ ‎④There are 60 students in our class, containing_35_boys_and_25_girls.(contain)‎ ‎⑤There are 60 students in our class, including_35_boys_and_25_girls.(including)‎ ‎⑥There are 60 students in our class, 35_boys_and_25_girls_included.(included)‎ ‎ ‎(1)contain oneself 克制自己 ‎(2)container n. 容器;集装箱;货柜  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] After the meal, a lucky charm and a red pocket which contains lucky money will be given to everyone and some lucky words are said to each other. 饭后,每个人都会收到一个吉祥饰物和一个装着压岁钱的红包,并互相说一些吉祥话。(2017·浙江卷11月)‎ ‎[名师点津] ‎ ‎(1)contain指某容器中盛有某物、装有某物;‎ ‎(2)include表示把某事物作为其中的一部分包含在内,常构成分词短语sth.included/including sth.。‎ ‎ damage vt.& n.损害,伤害 ‎[能力提升]——完成句子/一句多译 ‎①他不会做任何有可能损害他名誉的事情。‎ He won’t do anything that may cause_damage_to_his_reputation.‎ ‎②众所周知,吸烟会损害我们的健康。‎ a.As we all know, smoking can do_damage_to_our__health.(damage n.)‎ 38‎ b.It is well known that smoking can damage_our_health.(damage vt.)‎ ‎ ‎(1)damage sb.’s career/reputation/health ‎ 损害某人的事业/名誉/健康 ‎(2)do/cause damage to... 对……造成损害  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] The accident caused some damage to my car, but it’s nothing serious. 这起事故对我的车造成了一些损伤,但是并不严重。(辽宁卷)‎ ‎ prefer vt.(preferred, preferred, preferring)更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)‎ ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①I’m quite satisfied, and I prefer renting such an apartment to buying(buy) one.‎ ‎②Unlike fastfood places, fine dining shops prefer customers to_stay(stay) longer and spend more time.‎ ‎③(2019·天津卷)Several reasons may account for my preference(prefer) for western painting.‎ ‎[能力提升]——一句多译 我宁愿过简单的生活也不愿浪费有限的资源。‎ ‎④I prefer_to_live_simply_rather_than_waste the limited resources. (prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.)‎ ‎⑤I prefer_living_simply_to_wasting the limited resources. (prefer doing sth. to doing sth.)‎ ‎⑥I would_live_simply_rather_than_waste the limited resources. (would do sth. rather than do sth.)‎ ‎⑦I would_rather_live_simply_than_waste the limited resources. (would rather do sth. than do sth.)‎ ‎ ‎(1)prefer (doing) sth.to (doing) sth.‎ ‎ 宁愿(做)某事而不愿(做)某事 38‎ prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做某事 prefer sb. to do sth.‎ ‎ 希望/愿意某人做某事 ‎(2) ‎(3)preference n. 偏爱;优先权;偏爱的事物 ‎  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] I prefer the school uniform to the traditional Chinese dress at the welcome ceremony next month. 在下个月的欢迎仪式上,与中国的传统服装相比,我更喜欢校服。(2019·江苏卷)‎ ‎[名师点津] (1)prefer不用于进行时。‎ ‎(2)prefer相当于like better,所以prefer不可与比较级连用。‎ ‎ suffer vi.& vt.遭受(痛苦或困难),受苦;经受(损失等)‎ ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空/单句改错 ‎①a. Our life is becoming better and better while in some countries there are still some people suffering from hunger.‎ b.(2019·浙江卷6月)The loss of big trees was greatest in areas where trees had suffered from the greatest water shortage.删除from ‎②It is hard to imagine the pain and suffering(suffer) these poor people went through during the winter months.‎ ‎[能力提升]——完成句子/句式升级 ‎③(普通表达)He had_never_suffered_such_a_great_loss(从未遭受过这么大的损失) before in his life, so he almost lost the hope for life.‎ ‎④(高级表达)Never before in his life had_he_suffered_such_a_great_loss,_so he almost lost the hope for life.(倒装)‎ ‎⑤(高级表达)Not having_suffered_such_a_great_loss before in his life, he almost lost the hope for life.(分词作状语)‎ ‎ ‎(1)suffer作及物动词时,指遭受一般的痛苦、损害等,其宾语常为loss,pain,punishment,defeat, hardship, disappointment等。‎ 38‎ ‎(2)suffer from 受……苦;患病 ‎(3)suffering n. 受苦;苦难  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] ①Neilson considers herself lucky though she suffered injuries. 尽管受了伤,尼尔森还是认为自己很幸运。(湖北卷)‎ ‎②All day and all night it snowed, and the city began to suffer from a general traffic jam. ‎ 大雪不分昼夜地下,全城开始陷入交通大拥堵。‎ ‎[词块助记] suffer from a heart attack心脏病发作 suffer a great deal from cold and hunger饥寒交迫 ‎ effect n.结果;效果,效能;作用,影响 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)This trend, which was started by the medical community(医学界) as a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side effects(effect) such as overweight and heart disease.‎ ‎②a.The new law will come into effect in 2022; surely it will have an effect on the industry of the country.‎ b.It won’t be easy to put the changes into effect, so we must spare every effort to do it.‎ ‎③a.(2018·全国卷Ⅰ)While running regularly can’t make you live forever, the review says it is more effective(effect) at lengthening life than walking, cycling or swimming.‎ b.(2018·北京卷)Ordinary soap, used correctly, can deal with bacteria effectively(effect).‎ ‎[能力提升]——词汇升级 ‎④(普通表达)Smoking is bad for your health, so you’d better give it up.‎ ‎(高级表达)Smoking affects/has_a_bad_effect_on your health, so you’d better give it up.‎ ‎ ‎(1)have an effect on/upon 对……有影响 38‎ bring/carry/put...into effect ‎ 实施; 使生效 come/go into effect 开始生效; 开始实施 take effect 生效;开始实施 in effect 实际上;有效 ‎(2)effective adj. 有效的  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] Favorable policies are in effect to encourage employees’ professional development. 有利的政策正在有效地鼓励员工的职业发展。(2019·江苏卷)‎ ‎[名师点津] 表示“实际上”的表达还有in fact, in reality, in practice, actually, as a matter of fact等。‎ ‎[词块助记]‎ cause and effect 因果关系 side effect 副作用 take effective steps 采取有效措施 ‎ count vt.& vi.数;有价值;重要;认为,看作;包括,把……计算在内 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①(浙江卷)It is not how much you read but what you read that counts(count).‎ ‎②The whole team count on Cristiano Ronaldo, and he seldom lets them down.‎ ‎③Don’t always count on others to_help(help) you; you are old enough to do the work by yourself.‎ ‎④(2019·北京卷)Wilson has covered an astonishing 64,000 miles, and has had countless(count) pleasant and often humorous conversations with the students he transports to and from school.‎ ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎⑤To be honest, I count_her_as_one_of_my_best_friends(认为她是我最好的朋友之一) in our school.‎ ‎ ‎(1)count on sb./sth.(to do) 依靠;指望 count in/out 把……计算在内/‎ 38‎ ‎ 不把……计算在内 count...as... 认为……是……‎ ‎(2)countless adj. 无数的,数不尽的 ‎  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] By contrast, hard work is something that everyone can count on/upon. It might bring luck.‎ 比较而言,努力是我们每个人都能指望的东西,而且常常是努力带来运气。‎ ‎[词块助记] ‎ count from one to one thousand 从1数到1 000‎ count (up) to ten 数到10‎ keep (a) count of 数得清;记录 ‎ concentrate vi.集中(注意力、思想等);集中于;使……集中 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①a.(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)She has turned down several invitations to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies.‎ b.If you concentrate all your energies on the study of English, you will master the language.‎ ‎②Speaking on the phone requires concentration(concentrate) and takes a driver’s attention from the road.‎ ‎[能力提升]——完成句子/句式升级 ‎③(普通表达)Because he concentrated_his_attention_on(专注于) playing the Internet games, he didn’t notice the kitchen was on fire.‎ ‎④(高级表达)With_his_attention_concentrated_on playing the Internet games, he didn’t notice the kitchen was on fire.(with复合结构)‎ ‎⑤(高级表达)Concentrating_his_attention_on playing the Internet games, he didn’t notice the kitchen was on fire. (分词作状语)‎ ‎ ‎(1)concentrate on/upon 专心于……‎ concentrate...on/upon... 把……集中于……‎ 38‎ ‎(2)concentration n. 专心;集中 ‎[佳句背诵] If you are unable to concentrate your attention, you are unable to achieve your best level.‎ 如果你不能集中注意力,你就无法达到最好的水平。‎ ‎[名师点津] 表示“集中精力于……”的短语有:concentrate one’s attention on/upon, fix/focus one’s attention/mind on/upon, be absorbed in, bury oneself in/be buried in sth., put one’s heart into, keep one’s mind on, be devoted to。‎ ‎[词块助记] ‎ concentrate our efforts on improving education ‎ ‎ 集中精力改进教育 concentrate on one task 全神贯注于一项任务 ‎ amount n.数量 vi.总计;共达 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①A huge amount of environmental damage has_been_brought (bring) down by the destruction of the rainforests.‎ ‎②Keeping what belongs to another person without permission amounts to stealing.‎ ‎③Large amounts of money were spent on the magnificent building, but the poor were not allowed to have a single room.(be)‎ ‎ ‎(1)an amount of/amounts of  一定量的,些许 in large/small amount(s) 大/少量地 ‎(2)amount to 等于,相当于,达到  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] A large amount of my time has been devoted to improving my English. ‎ 我大量的时间都用来提高我的英语水平。‎ ‎ work out 锻炼,计算出,制订出,解决,结果,理解 ‎[一词多义]——写出下列句中work out的含义 ‎①Can you work out how much money it will cost?计算出 38‎ ‎②We didn’t plan our art exhibition, but it worked out well.结果 ‎③He works out every day, so he must have a strong body.锻炼 ‎④We’d better discuss everything in detail before we work out the plan.制订出 ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎⑤他已经花了两年的时间写一本关于育儿方面的书。‎ He has spent two years working_on_a_book about childcare.‎ ‎ ‎(1)work at 在……工作(任职);学习……‎ work on 从事(某工作);致力于……‎ ‎(2)at/out of work 在工作/失业  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] ①To work out the difficult maths problem, I have consulted Professor Russell several times. 为了解出这道数学难题,我已经向拉塞尔教授请教了好几次了。(陕西卷)‎ ‎②Information about the job market can be a lifeline for those who are out of work. 对于那些失业的人而言,有关就业市场的信息可谓是他们的生命线。‎ ‎ fall out (头发等)脱落;吵架 ‎[基础练习]——用fall的相关短语填空 ‎①The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to fall_for it.‎ ‎②Study hard or you will fall_behind.‎ ‎③To their surprise, he fell_off a horse at a parade.‎ ‎④It is almost impossible to visit Florida without falling_in_love_with the state.‎ fall down 摔倒 fall off 从……掉下来 fall for 受……的骗,对……信以为真 fall behind 落后,跟不上 38‎ fall in love with 爱上  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] I think that treatments of some sort had caused a lot of her hair to fall out.‎ 我想可能是她接受的某种治疗使她掉了不少头发。‎ ‎ in the long term 从长远角度看 ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎①这样的发展看来可能性不大,起码短期之内应当如此。‎ Such a development seems unlikely, at least in_the_short_term.‎ ‎②我所有的室友相互之间的关系都很好。‎ All of my roommates are on_good_terms_with_each_other.‎ ‎③就薪水而言,这个工作倒是不错,但是也有一些不利之处。‎ The job is great in_terms_of salary, but it also has some disadvantages.‎ in the long run 从长远角度看 in the short term/run 从短期角度看 in terms of 就……而言,从……方面 on good/bad terms with sb. 与某人关系友好/不好  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] Protecting the environment is very costly, but in the long term, it will benefit the whole society.‎ 保护环境花费巨大,但从长远来看,这将有利于整个社会。‎ ‎ as用作连词 ‎(教材P43)I think you look great as you are, and you’re a wonderful person. 我觉得你目前这个样子看上去就很棒,而且你是一个非常优秀的人。‎ ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①As technology develops, we can have access to the information swiftly.‎ ‎②(2018·全国卷Ⅰ)In brief, do as the Chinese do when in China.‎ ‎[能力提升]——一句多译 随着时间的推移,我逐渐适应了学校生活。‎ 38‎ ‎③With_time_going_by,_I gradually adapted myself to the school life.(with) ‎ ‎④As_time_went_by,_I gradually adapted myself to the school life.(as)‎ ‎ ‎(1)as是连词,意为“按照”时,引导方式状语从句。‎ ‎(2)as是连词,意为“随着”时,引导时间状语从句。‎ ‎(3)with是介词,意为“随着”时,后接名词或代词等构成with短语或with复合结构。  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] ①As I was busy preparing for my final exam, I didn’t reply to your email as soon as I received it. 因为我正忙着准备期末考试,我没有一收到电子邮件就给你回复。(2017·天津卷)‎ ‎②As I waited at the stop, I heard a big noise.‎ 当我在车站等车的时候,我听到一个很大的声响。‎ ‎[名师点津] as可以引导原因状语从句,意为“因为”。‎ ‎ while用作并列连词 ‎(教材P47)Some sports are usually done indoors, while others are done outdoors.‎ 有些运动通常在室内进行,而另外一些在室外进行。‎ ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空/单句改错 ‎①(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)Interruptions are one of the worst things to deal with while/when you’re trying to get work done.‎ ‎②(2019·全国卷Ⅰ) While the sun’s rays can age and harm our skin, they also give us beneficial Vitamin D.‎ ‎③(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)Corn production has jumped nearly 125 percent over the past 25 years, but rice has increased only 7 percent.but→while ‎[能力提升]——句式升级 ‎④(普通表达)On the farm, we helped pick watermelons. While we were working, I realised how hard it was to work in the fields under a hot sun.(2019·北京卷)‎ ‎(高级表达) On the farm, we helped pick watermelons._While_working,_I realised how hard it was to work in the fields under a hot sun.(状语从句的省略)‎ ‎ 38‎ ‎(1)while用作并列连词,表示对比或转折,意为“然而;可是”,用来连接两个并列分句;‎ ‎(2)while用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句,表示“当……时候”,从句谓语动词要用延续性动词;‎ ‎(3)while用作从属连词,引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管;虽然”,从句往往位于主句之前;‎ ‎(4)while用作从属连词,引导条件状语从句,表示“只要”。  ‎ ‎[名师点津] (1)while还可用作名词,意为“(一段)时间”。常见短语:after a while 过了一会儿;in a short while 一会儿以后;once in a while 偶尔,间或。‎ ‎(2)while和but有所不同,while用于对比,but表示转折;当同一个主语时应用but,不用while表示转折。‎ ‎ keep+宾语+宾语补足语 ‎(教材P58)Water helps keep your system clean.‎ 水有助于保持人体内部系统清洁。‎ ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①a.(浙江卷)A good listener takes part in the conversation,offering ideas and raising questions to keep the talk flowing(flow).‎ b.It is necessary that we keep the young generation informed(inform) of the current affairs.‎ ‎②a.(广东卷)In other words, we should keep the earth healthy(health) while using its supply of natural resources.‎ b.He kept his eyes closed(close) and stayed where he was. ‎ ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎③(北京卷)为了更方便联系我们,你最好把这张名片放在手边。‎ To make it easier to get in touch with us, you’d better keep_this_card_at_hand.‎ ‎“keep+宾语+宾语补足语”结构,这里keep为使役动词,意为“使……继续处于某种状态”。‎ 38‎ ‎(1)keep+宾语+形容词/副词/介词短语/名词 ‎(2)keep+宾语+现在分词 ‎ ‎(3)keep+宾语+过去分词   ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] New technology has been brought in since newelected mayor came into power and carried out the new policy, keeping the city developing rapidly. ‎ 自从新当选的市长上台执政并实行新政策以来, 新技术得以引进, 使得该市迅速发展。 ‎ ‎[名师点津] 在“keep+宾语+宾语补足语”结构中,现在分词与宾语之间为主谓关系,过去分词与宾语之间为动宾关系。‎ ‎ 倒装句:so+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语 ‎(教材P58)Walking and riding your bike count, and so do school sports.‎ 行走和骑自行车算是锻炼,在学校进行的体育活动也算。‎ ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①(2019·全国卷Ⅲ) The most famous designers are Chinese, so are the models, and so are the consumers.‎ ‎②They couldn’t find out the cause of the fire; neither/nor could we.‎ ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎③(湖北卷)—Father, you promised!‎ ‎—Well, so_I_did(我的确如此). But it was you who didn’t keep your word first.‎ ‎④Mary was born in Australia and she lived in the United States. So_it_was_with_Jane/It_was_the_same_with_Jane(简也是如此).‎ ‎ ‎(1)“so+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”意为“……也一样”,表示前面所述的肯定情况也适用于后者。‎ ‎(2)“neither/nor+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”,意为“……也不”,表示前面所述的否定情况也适用于后者。‎ ‎(3)“so it is with...=it is the same with...”意为“……也一样”,表示前面出现的两种或几种情况也适合于另一个人或事。‎ ‎(4)“so+主语+系动词/助动词/情态动词” 意为“……的确如此”,‎ 38‎ 表示同意上文所述内容。  ‎ 维度一 在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.You can never make any achievements(achieve) without any great efforts.‎ ‎2.It was the engine failure(fail) that caused the accident.‎ ‎3.Surely it doesn’t matter where the student associations get their money from; what counts(count) is what they do with it.‎ ‎4.We should take effective(effect) measures to prevent the globe from becoming warmer and warmer.‎ ‎5.Within a few days Ada became seriously ill, suffering(suffer) great pain and discomfort.‎ 维度二 在空白处填入1个适当的单词 ‎1.You can’t predict everything. Often things don’t work out as you expect.‎ ‎2.Baby teeth do not last long and they fall out to make room for bigger, stronger adult teeth.‎ ‎3.Mary will go to Peter’s birthday party tomorrow. So will I.‎ ‎4.They made the same mistake as others would have made on such an occasion.‎ ‎5.They took a long time to recover from this shock.‎ 维度三 语境品词(写出加黑词汇在语境中的意义)‎ ‎1.Teenagers are damaging their health because they play computer games too much.损害 ‎2.To decrease the amount of rubbish and to protect the environment, more governments are requiring people to recycle materials.数量 ‎3.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)Of the common berries, strawberries are highest in vitamin C, although, because of their seeds, raspberries contain a little more protein, iron and zinc (not that fruits have much protein). 包含 ‎4.(2017·北京卷)For a sudden heart failure, the single best chance for survival 38‎ ‎ is having someone nearby step in and do CPR quickly.故障 ‎5.You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies.羞耻的 维度四 易错误用(改正下列句子中的错误)‎ ‎1.The basketball team suffered from a sharp defeat in last Friday’s match.删除from ‎2.He lost his backpack, which contained a lot of things, included an expensive cellphone.included→including ‎3.Every minute, when made the most of study the lessons, will benefit students a great deal.在study前加上to ‎4.The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, most of them are beyond our control.them→which或在most前加and或删除are ‎5.The professor preferred giving lectures to students to go to the party.go→going ‎6.This experiment turned out to be failure, but, as we know, success often comes after failure.在第一个failure前加上a ‎7.Equipped himself with necessary knowledge and skills, the young man went to the job market with much confidence.Equipped→Having_equipped或删除himself ‎8.This kind of method will not work out, at least on the short run.on→in 维度五 完成句子 ‎1.请按我现在正在做的这样做这个试验好吗?‎ Will you please do the experiment as_I_am_doing now?‎ ‎2.我在出去旅游之前必须锻炼身体。‎ I have to get_into_shape before I set out on a trip.‎ ‎3.在英语课上,我未能回答出老师的问题,对此感到羞愧。‎ In an English class, I couldn’t answer my teacher’s question and I was_ashamed_of that.‎ ‎4.你知道不管你做出什么决定,你都会得到我们的全力支持。‎ You know that you have our full support no_matter_what_you_decide.‎ ‎5.夏季躺在树下让我很放松。‎ Lying under the tree in summer keeps_me_very_relaxed.‎ 38‎ 提能一 语段填空(短文中黑体部分为本单元核心知识点,请补全短文,并背诵体会黑体部分用法)‎ Nowadays, more and more teenagers who are overweight feel 1.embarrassed(embarrass) about their figures. As a matter of fact, everyone wants to be slim and 2.energetic(energy). To look attractive, some of them begin to go on 3.a diet, while some even turn to pills for help, 4.which may really work in a short time.‎ Health experts say these pills may have side 5.effects(effect) such as falling out, and liver failure. 6.Because weightloss pills contain chemicals which may cause damage to body, they advise teenagers to work out 7.regularly(regular) and get into shape in the long term. 8.Walking(walk) and riding a bike also count. At the same time, having a 9.balanced(balance) diet is necessary. Don’t skip breakfast. A certain amount of fruit and vegetables should 10.be_eaten(eat) every day.‎ 提能二 话题写作(用本单元词汇、句式和语法知识写满分作文)‎ ‎1.补全要点句(黑体部分请用本单元所学词汇)‎ ‎①为了保持体形,格林夫人尝试了不同的方法。‎ In order to keep_her_figure,_Mrs. Green tried different ways.‎ ‎②她节食。‎ She went_on_a_diet.‎ ‎③她买了一些设备来锻炼身体。每天她都用这些设备锻炼。‎ She bought_some_equipment for physical exercise.She worked_out with these equipment every day.‎ ‎④不久她就放弃了。她发现像这样继续下去很难。‎ It was not long before_she_gave_up.‎ She found_it_difficult_to_continue like this.‎ ‎⑤她开始吃减肥药,这些药有副作用,损害了她的健康。她受了很多罪。‎ She began to take_weightloss_pills.The pills had_side_effects and damaged_her_health. She suffered_a_lot.‎ 38‎ ‎⑥从她的经历看,我们知道减肥时必须多加小心。‎ From her experience,we know that we must be more careful when losing_weight.‎ ‎2.升级平淡句 ‎⑦用定语从句升级句③‎ She_bought_some_equipment_for_physical_exercise_with_which_she_worked_out_every_day.‎ ‎⑧用原因状语从句升级句④‎ It_was_not_long_before_she_gave_up,_for_she_found_it_difficult_to_continue_like_this._‎ ‎⑨用定语从句和结果状语从句升级句⑤‎ She_began_to_take_weightloss_pills,_which_had_side_effects_and_damaged_her_health,_so_she_suffered_a_lot.‎ ‎3.衔接成美文(注意使用适当的过渡衔接词汇:at first, at the same time, however, then)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ One possible version: ‎ In order to keep her figure, Mrs. Green tried different ways. At first, she went on a diet. At the same time, she bought some equipment for physical exercise ‎ 38‎ with which she worked out every day. However, it was not long before she gave up, for she found it difficult to continue like this. Then she began to take weightloss pills, which had side effects and damaged her health, so she suffered a lot. From her experience, we know that we must be more careful when losing weight.‎ 课时练1 2篇阅读+1篇完形 阅读理解 A ‎(2020·福建质检)Australian adults want to see “life skills” introduced into school curriculum, including money management, job preparation and domestic tasks. New research from Monash University showed Aussie adults also widely supported the inclusion of technology, coding and artificial intelligence subjects in student curriculum to prepare them for future jobs.‎ Coauthor Professor Neil Selwyn, from Monash’s new Education Futures think tank, said the survey results of more than 2,000 Australians had taken himself and Dr. Deana Leahy by surprise.“The life skills—I wasn’t expecting that at all,” he said. Those quizzed were asked to rate the value of a list of subjects already in the curriculum, and were also given an open space to write what they think should be included. Prof. Selwyn said people called for schools to teach financial skills, budgeting, cooking and doing taxes.“You could argue that these are things people should be learning themselves, or learning from their families,” he said.“But we’ve got to be thinking forward in terms of the skills people will need for jobs and their ways of living.”‎ One respondent said schools should introduce a “contemporary life skills” subject:“A compulsory 1hour a week class on skills needed that parents seem continually unable to teach their kids”. Suggestions for the class included resume writing, filing tax returns and health claims. Another respondent called for ‎ 38‎ students to be taught “general life skills” as unfortunately not enough kids will have parents to actually be bothered to educate them or simply parents don’t know themselves.‎ Of the subjects, maths was the highest ranked(75.5 percent), followed closely by English(74.8 percent). And while science was the third highest ranked subject(46.2 percent), it was more strongly supported by those who earned higher wages and were universityeducated compared to lower income earners.‎ Aspects of school life considered least important were students having fun, learning about things that interested them and being given the opportunity to be creative.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。来自莫纳什大学的新的研究表明,澳大利亚成年人广泛支持将科技、人工智能等科目引入学校课程,以让学生为他们未来的工作做好准备。‎ ‎1.Why did the adults suggest adding “life skills” to school curriculum?‎ A.To vary school curriculum.‎ B.To enrich students’ school life.‎ C.To prepare students for future work and life.‎ D.To save parents the trouble of educating kids.‎ C 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Aussie adults also widely supported the inclusion of...to prepare them for future jobs”,并结合该段内容可知,澳大利亚成年人支持将“生活技能”引入学校课程旨在让学生为他们未来的工作和生活做好准备,故C项正确。‎ ‎2.What did Prof. Selwyn think of the adults’ suggestions?‎ A.Reasonable. B.Ridiculous.‎ C.Interesting. D.Impractical.‎ A 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“You could argue that...But we’ve got to be thinking forward in terms of the skills people will need for jobs and their ways of living.”可知,Selwyn教授认为成年人将“生活技能”引入学校课程的建议是合乎情理的,故A项正确。‎ ‎3.What does paragraph 3 focus on?‎ A.Differences of school subjects.‎ 38‎ B.Reasons for the school survey.‎ C.Opinions from the surveyed.‎ D.Investigations of the respondents.‎ C 解析:段落大意题。根据第三段中的“One respondent said schools should introduce a ‘contemporary life skills’ subject”和“Another respondent called for students to be taught ‘general life skills’”可知,第三段主要介绍了被调查者的观点,故C项正确。‎ ‎4.What can we know from the text?‎ A.The present curriculum is to adults’ taste.‎ B.Contemporary life skills involve resume writing.‎ C.Students’ interests have been greatly promoted.‎ D.The parents quizzed think well of school life.‎ B 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“One respondent said schools should introduce a ‘contemporary life skills’ subject...included resume writing, filing tax returns and health claims.”可知,当代生活技能包括写简历、提交纳税申报单和健康索赔,故B项正确。‎ B ‎(2020·淮北统考)There is more of a connection between food and culture than you may think. On an individual level, we grow up eating the food of our culture. It becomes a part of who we are. Many associate food from our childhood with warm feelings and good memories and it ties us to our families, holding a special and personal value for us. Food from our family often becomes the comfort food we seek as adults in times of frustration and stress.‎ On a large scale, traditional food is an important part of culture. It also operates as an expression of culture identity. Immigrants bring it wherever they go, and it is a symbol of pride for their culture and means of coping with 38‎ ‎ homesickness.‎ Many immigrants open their own restaurants and serve traditional dishes. However, the food does not remain exactly the same. Some materials needed to make traditional dishes may not be readily available, so the taste and flavor can be different from what they would prepare in their home countries. Additionally, immigrants do not only sell dishes to people from the same countries as them, but to people from different countries. Therefore, they have to make small changes about the original dishes to cater to a wider range of customers. Those changes can create new flavors that still keep the cultural significance of the dishes.‎ We should embrace our heritage(传统) through our culture’s food but also become more informed about other cultures by trying their food. It is important to remember that each dish has a special place in the culture to which it belongs, and is special to those who prepare it. Food is a window into culture, and it should be treated as such.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇议论文,主要探讨了食物和文化之间的联系。‎ ‎5.What’s the function of food mentioned in the text?‎ A.To help motivate homesickness.‎ B.To show national identity.‎ C.To reflect a country’s history.‎ D.To show a community’s superiority.‎ B 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的内容,尤其是第二、三句“On an individual level, we grow up eating the food of our culture. It becomes a part of who we are.”,再根据第二段的内容,尤其是第二句“It also operates as an expression of culture identity.”可知,文章中提到的食物的作用是显示国家身份。‎ ‎6.What does the underlined “it” in paragraph 2 refer to?‎ A.The specific traditional food.‎ B.The national culture.‎ C.A traditional expression of food.‎ D.The oldfashioned taste.‎ A 解析:代词指代题。通读第二段可知,传统食物是文化的一个重要部分,‎ 38‎ 它显示了文化身份,移民不管去哪儿都带着它,它象征着对自己文化的骄傲,也是应对乡愁的方法。由此可推知,it指代传统食物。‎ ‎7.Why do some immigrants have to change the original dishes in their restaurant?‎ A.To attach cultural importance to their dishes.‎ B.To announce the beginning of their life on foreign soil.‎ C.To make the dishes popular among customers.‎ D.To present their own food culture in a new way.‎ C 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的内容,尤其是第四、五句“Additionally, immigrants do not only sell dishes to people from the same countries as them, but to people from different countries. Therefore, they have to make small changes about the original dishes to cater to a wider range of customers.”可知,移民不仅把菜肴卖给来自相同国家的人,还卖给其他国家的人。为了使菜肴受到顾客的欢迎,一些移民不得不改变传统的菜肴。‎ ‎8.What’s the author’s attitude towards different food cultures?‎ A.Negative. B.Balanced.‎ C.Unfair. D.Unchangeable.‎ B 解析:观点态度题。根据最后一段的内容,尤其是第一句“We should embrace our heritage(传统) through our culture’s food but also become more informed about other cultures by trying their food.”可知,我们应该通过我们文化的食物来接受我们的传统,但也应该通过尝试其他文化的食物来了解更多文化。由此可推知,作者对不同的食物文化持客观公正的态度。‎ 完形填空 ‎(2020·阜阳诊断性测试)I received 3 missed calls from a number I didn’t recognize today. I __1__ it was something to do with an accident I had recently. I was ready to answer __2__ when the number called a 4th time. __3__, I was asked if I was Jessica and if I had __4__ anything. I said I didn’t think so and __5__ who it was.‎ It was a man called Darren who __6__ he was behind me in the shop this morning. As I was leaving, my purse __7__. He picked it up and __8__ to see where I had gone but he couldn’t see me any more. So he opened my purse and called the __9__ inside 38‎ ‎ it.‎ I have just been to __10__ him to get my purse back, only to find out Darren is __11__ and lives rough in the streets of Cardiff. He even apologized as he said he had taken out some __12__ to call me to return my purse. But __13__ a few pounds used to contact me, everything was all still __14__. I admit that I wouldn’t have blamed him if he’d spent more of the __15__.‎ I felt __16__ that someone returned it, and that the person who returned it was someone who had __17__. It made me __18__ not only was I lucky that my purse was found by someone __19__, but that I was going to a warm home.‎ The __20__ would be a much better place with more kind people like Darren in it.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文通过作者的钱包失而复得的故事告诉我们:只要人人都能够善良对待他人,我们的世界将会变成更加美好的地方。‎ ‎1.A.assumed  B.promised C.declared D.agreed A 解析:根据语境可知,作者有三个来自同一号码的未接来电,作者认为(assumed)这和自己最近的一起事故有关。promise “许诺”;declare “宣布”;agree “同意”。‎ ‎2.A.gently B.gratefully C.humorously D.eagerly D 解析:根据上文“I ______ it was something to do with an accident I had recently.”可推知,作者渴望(eagerly)去接这通电话。gently“温和地”;gratefully “感激地”;humorously “幽默地”。‎ ‎3.A.Often B.Instead C.Still D.Besides B 解析:根据上文可知,作者认为那通电话和自己的一起事故有关,但是接通电话后才知道并非如此。此处前后表示转折,故Instead “相反”符合语境。‎ ‎4.A.explored B.bought C.lost D.checked C 解析:根据第二段和第三段的描述可推知,Darren捡到了作者的钱包,因此他打电话问作者是否丢了(lost)什么东西。‎ 38‎ ‎5.A.forgot B.remembered C.suspected D.asked D 解析:根据语境可知,作者接电话时并不知道打电话的人是谁,因此作者问(asked)对方是谁。forget “忘记”;remember “记得”;suspect “怀疑”。‎ ‎6.A.explained B.requested C.repeated D.believed A 解析:根据语境可推知,Darren向作者解释(explained)了事情的经过。‎ ‎7.A.broke B.failed C.dropped D.disappeared C 解析:根据语境可知,作者离开商店的时候钱包掉在(dropped)地上了。‎ ‎8.A.walked away B.looked around C.turned up D.got through B 解析:根据语境并结合常识可推知,Darren环顾(looked around)四周寻找作者。‎ ‎9.A.card B.address C.bill D.number D 解析:根据语境可知,Darren找不到作者,于是打开作者的钱包,拨打了里面的号码(number)。‎ ‎10.A.meet B.question C.beg D.remind A 解析:根据语境可知,通过电话后,作者去见(meet)Darren以拿回自己的钱包。‎ ‎11.A.hopeful B.helpful C.homeless D.speechless C 解析:根据本句中的“lives rough in the streets of Cardiff”可推知,Darren是一个无家可归的(homeless)人。‎ ‎12.A.pictures B.change C.tickets D.jewelry B 解析:根据上文可推知,Darren很穷,他不得不从作者的钱包里拿出一些零钱(change)给作者打电话。‎ ‎13.A.in spite of B.in terms of C.owing to D.apart from 38‎ D 解析:根据语境及该句中的“But”可推知,Darren除了(apart from)从作者的钱包里拿出几英镑和作者联系外,其余的东西都没动(untouched)。‎ ‎14.A.untouched B.unlimited C.classified D.consumed A 解析:参见上题解析。untouched “原封未动的”符合语境。‎ ‎15.A.time B.effort C.cash D.energy C 解析:作者承认,即使Darren从自己的钱包里多拿一些现金(cash),作者也不会责怪他。‎ ‎16.A.embarrassed B.surprised C.worried D.relaxed B 解析:作者的钱包丢了,有人捡到并归还给作者,而且这个人一无所有(nothing),这让作者感到惊讶(surprised)。‎ ‎17.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing D 解析:参见上题解析。nothing “没有什么”符合语境。‎ ‎18.A.realize B.consider C.recall D.imagine A 解析:根据语境可知,这件事让作者意识到(realize)自己是幸运的,因为自己丢失的钱包被一个诚实的(honest)人捡到,并且作者将回到一个温暖的家。‎ ‎19.A.familiar B.polite C.honest D.wise C 解析:参见上题解析。‎ ‎20.A.shop B.world C.environment D.street B 解析:根据语境可知,如果这个世界有更多像Darren这样善良的人存在的话,这个世界(world)将会是一个更加美好的地方。‎ 课时练2 1篇阅读+1篇七选五 ‎+1篇改错+1篇书面表达 阅读理解 38‎ ‎(2020·芜湖高三月考)A largescale study has found a link between eating a diet based on organic food and having a reduced risk of cancer. If the new results are confirmed, promoting organic food consumption could be a promising preventative strategy against diseases, a team of researchers from several French institutions said.‎ Among the environmental risks for cancer, there are growing concerns about exposure to different types of pesticides(杀虫剂) from farming. The impact of such chemicals on the human body is still not well understood, but there are some indications that harmful effects can occur even at low concentrations.‎ Meanwhile, pushed by environment and health concerns, the organic food market continues to grow rapidly. Organic food is produced without the use of synthetic(合成的) fertilizers, pesticides, genetically modified organisms and veterinary(兽医的) medications.‎ ‎“Organic foods are less likely to contain pesticide remains than conventional foods, and studies have shown that an organic diet reduces exposure to certain pesticides,” Julia Baudry, lead author of the study from the Centre of Research in Epidemiology(流行病学) and Statistics in France, told Newsweek.‎ ‎“In the general population, the primary route of exposure is the diet, especially intake of conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. However, few studies have examined the association between organic food consumption and cancer risk.”‎ For the study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, a team of researchers examined data on the organic food consumption frequency and dietary intake of 68,946 French adults collected by an ongoing survey which began in 2009. They then followed up these people at various points in the future.‎ 38‎ Participants reported how often (never, occasionally or most of the time) they consumed 16 types of organic foods including fruits, vegetables, soybased products, dairy products, meat and fish, eggs, grain and legumes, bread and cereals, flour, vegetable oils and condiments, readytoeat meals, coffee, tea and herbal tea, wine, biscuits, chocolate, sugar and so on.‎ ‎【解题导语】 一项研究发现,食用有机食品与降低患癌风险之间存在联系。如果新的研究结果被证实的话,提倡食用有机食品是一种很有发展前景的预防疾病的策略。‎ ‎1.What is the finding of the study?‎ A.Processed food consumption may lead to an increased risk of cancer.‎ B.Promoting organic food consumption may help to prevent diseases. ‎ C.Organic food consumption can help cure cancer in a short time.‎ D.Eating a diet based on organic food may lead to the risk of cancer.‎ B 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“If the new results are confirmed, promoting organic food consumption could be a promising preventative strategy against diseases...”可知,该研究发现食用有机食品可能会帮助人们预防疾病。故选B项。‎ ‎2.Why is organic food becoming popular nowadays?‎ A.Organic food never contains harmful chemicals.‎ B.Organic food market continues to grow rapidly.‎ C.People care about environment and health issues.‎ D.Organic food is produced in a clean environment.‎ C 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Meanwhile, pushed by environment and health concerns, the organic food market continues to grow rapidly.”可知,现在有机食品流行是因为人们关注环境与健康问题。故选C项。‎ ‎3.Which of the following is the advantage of organic food?‎ A.Organic food never contains harmful pesticide remains.‎ B.Organic food is less likely to be exposed to some pesticides.‎ C.Different types of pesticides won’t affect organic food.‎ D.Organic food won’t be influenced by outside environment.‎ B 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Organic foods are less likely to contain ‎ 38‎ pesticide remains than conventional foods, and studies have shown that an organic diet reduces exposure to certain pesticides”可知,有机食品含有杀虫剂残留物的可能性低于传统食品,研究还表明有机食品可降低受某些杀虫剂影响的程度。故选B项。‎ ‎4.What might the article go on describing after the last paragraph?‎ A.The researching process of the study.‎ B.The disadvantages of organic food.‎ C.The bright future of organic food.‎ D.Other researches on organic food.‎ A 解析:推理判断题。最后一段介绍了研究的参与者报告他们食用16种不同类型的有机食品的频率,下一步应该是对实验数据进行研究,即实验的研究过程。A项意为“这项研究的研究过程”;B项意为“有机食品的缺点”;C项意为“有机食品光明的未来”;D项意为“其他关于有机食品的研究”。故选A项。‎ 七选五 ‎(2020·宿州高三诊断)Have you ever wondered what the real meaning of the saying “A friend in need is a friend indeed” is? 1.________. True friendship is the one, in which the individuals do not have to maintain good manners with each other. Sharing true friendship is the situation, when the person you are talking about is regarded as one among your family members, when the relation you share with him or her reaches a stage that even if you don’t correspond for some time, your friendship remains unchanged.‎ The trust between best friends is such that if one friend falls in trouble, the other will not think twice to help. If the bond between two friends is strong, true friends can tolerate even long distances. 2.________. It would not affect their friendship.‎ ‎3.________. They would face it together and support each other, even if it is against the interests of the other person. Best friends don’t analyze each other and they don’t have to do so. They accept each other with their positive and negative qualities. 4.________. They know each other’s strengths as well as weaknesses. One would not overpower the other. They would respect each other’s individuality. In fact, they would understand the similarities and respect the differences.‎ 38‎ True friendship is marked by selflessness. Best friends support each other, even if the whole world opposes them. 5.________. If you have even one true friend, consider yourself lucky.‎ A.True friendship never fades away B.Nothing is hidden between true friends C.It is not easy getting true friends for the lifetime D.For them, geographical separation is just a part of life E.True friends don’t desert each other when one is facing trouble F.Remember, all the best friends are friends, but not all friends can be the best friends G.People talk about the true value of friendship actually without knowing what it stands for ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。在生活中,真正的友谊不会拘泥于各种礼仪,朋友彼此间都以诚相待,会毫不犹豫地帮助对方。‎ ‎1.G 解析:空前一句是说,你曾经想知道“患难见真情”的真正含义吗?后一句解释了什么是真正的友谊;由此可推知,空处应是说很多人并不了解真正的友谊的含义。故选G。‎ ‎2.D 解析:根据前一句中的“long distances”可知,此处叙述的是距离对双方的影响,这与D项中的“geographical separation”相呼应。故选D。‎ ‎3.E 解析:根据后一句中的“face it together and support each other”可知,此处讲述的是真正的朋友会共同面对困难并互相支持,这与E项中的“don’t desert each other”相呼应。故选E。‎ ‎4.B 解析:根据后一句“They know each other’s strengths as well as weaknesses.”可知,真正的朋友知道对方的优点和缺点,双方坦诚相见,故B项符合语境。‎ ‎5.C 解析:根据空后一句“If you have even one true friend, consider yourself lucky.”可知,即使你只有一位真正的朋友,那你也应该感到幸运;由此可推知,C项“获得一生的真正的朋友并不容易”符合语境。‎ 短文改错 ‎(2020·昆明教学质量检测)Our school encouraged us to experience some future careers last vacation. Some students choose to work as either cashiers in a store ‎ 38‎ and waiters at a restaurant. I was one of the 500 student to join in the activity. I decided be an assistant in a photo studio because of I love taking photos. With the help of a advanced photographer in the studio, I opened my imagination in my daily work. I also developed practically skills which are necessary for them to face future challenges. The most important thing I’ve learned are to improve myself after I get my dream job.‎ 答案:‎ Our school encouraged us to experience some future careers last vacation. Some students to work as either cashiers in a store waiters at a restaurant. I was one of the 500 to join in the activity. I decided be an assistant in a photo studio because I love taking photos. With the help of advanced photographer in the studio, I opened my imagination in my daily work. I also developed skills which are necessary for to face future challenges. The most important thing I’ve learned to improve myself I get my dream job.‎ 书面表达 ‎(2020·贵州适应性考试)假定你是李华,为了帮助参加“一带一路”交流项目的来华留学生更好地了解中国的传统文化,你所在的学校决定举办春节联欢活动。请给你的朋友Paul写一封邮件邀请他参加,内容包括:‎ ‎1.时间、地点及参与者;‎ ‎2.活动:写“福”字、包饺子、学剪纸等;‎ ‎3.目的:感受“年”味及传统文化的魅力。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 参考词汇:一带一路One Belt One Road ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 38‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ One possible version:‎ Dear Paul,‎ How is everything going here in China? I am writing to tell you that our school will hold a Spring Festival celebration in the Art Center on January 28. And we will invite all the students from the One Belt One Road exchange program to participate to know more about Chinese culture. I hope you can come too.‎ During the celebration, we will write the Chinese character Fu, make dumplings and learn paper cutting. We hope these will help you experience the Spring Festival atmosphere. Besides, the celebration will show the charm of Chinese traditional culture.‎ Looking forward to your reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 38‎

