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绝密★启用前 福建省厦门双十中学2018-2019学年高二上学期第一次返校考试英语试题 评卷人 得分 一、完形填空 One Saturday afternoon, my mother was driving home. On the halfway, after ___her credit card to buy something at the store near the gas station, she put her wallet on the top of her car just for a moment to_____jny phone call. And then obviously, she __ and drove off, When arriving home, she realized that and thought that the____of getting it again was small.‎ She was so __ surprised when she found a____on her door from a person who said he and his friend found her wallet a few hours earlier. Patrick and Catherine saw the wallet in the middle of the road a few____from the gas station. They stopped their car to_______,It was filled with all the things one naturally kept in a wallet, including some ___ and other cash, however, no phone number, ____ this,they managed to get a(n)____from my mother's driving licence, and without hesitation, they decided to drive to our home to_______it ‎ When my mother went to get her wallet, she was so ___and grateful. She____to give them some money as a(n)___ of gratitude, but they refused, saying that they were just glad to___ my mother help.‎ They were naturally __, and they had finr.____ in the Golden Rule as well. They drove to our home because they realized the unpleasant and upset experience the loss of a wallet and all its contents could ____.I think they were really____and helpful.‎ ‎1.A. pulling out B. standing for C. paying for D. sorting out ‎2.A. make B. answer C. hear D. send ‎3.A. sank B. explored C. forgot D. inspected ‎4.A. amount B. expectation C. thought D. chance ‎5.A. curiously B. joyfully C. willingly D. strangely ‎6.A. sign B. signal C. note D. postcard ‎7.A. seconds B. hours C. squares D. blocks ‎8.A. pick it up B. look it up C. take it out D. put it out ‎9.A. pictures B. envelopes C. bills D. medals ‎10.A. Instead of B. Because of C. Despite. D. Without ‎11.A. number B. photograph C. address D. distance ‎12.A. get B. check C. exchange D. return ‎13.A. hopeless B. relieved C. fortunate D. warm-hearted ‎14.A. intended B. advised C. demanded D. instructed ‎15.A. feeling B. mood C. present D. expression ‎16.A. offer B. share C. trust D. seek ‎17.A. honest B. selfish C. logical D. creative ‎18.A. courage B. faith C. support D. devotion ‎19.A. remove B. deserve C. value D. cause ‎20.A. humorous B. independent C. polite D. considerate ‎【答案】‎ ‎1.A ‎2.B ‎3.C ‎4.D ‎5.B ‎6.C ‎7.D ‎8.A ‎9.C ‎10.C ‎11.C ‎12.D ‎13.B ‎14.A ‎15.D ‎16.A ‎17.A ‎18.B ‎19.D ‎20.D ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本文为记叙文,文章主要介绍了两个陌生人,在找到妈妈的钱包后,开车来送回的感人故事。‎ ‎1.考查动词短语。根据后文语境可知妈妈拿出信用卡,把钱包放到了车顶上。A. pulling out 拿出,拖出 B. standing for 代表 C. paying for 支付 D. sorting out分类,故选A 。‎ ‎2.考查动词。此处表示因为接电话所以把钱包忘了。A. make 打电话 B. answer接电话 C. hear 听到 D. send 送,故选B 。‎ ‎3.考查动词。根据后文她意识到了忘了钱包的事情,所以是忘记了。A. sank 下沉 B. explored 探索 C. forgot 忘记 D. inspected 视察,故选C 。‎ ‎4.考查名词。此处表示召回的可能性很小。A. amount 数量 B. expectation 期望 C. thought 想法 D. chance 机会,可能,故选D 。‎ ‎5.考查副词。根据后文钱包找到了因此妈妈是开心。A. curiously 好奇地 B. joyfully 开心地 C. willingly 乐意地 D. strangely 奇怪地,故选B 。‎ ‎6.考查名词。根据后面的said 可知是在一张便条上写道,所以是note。A. sign 标识 B. signal 信号 C. note 便条 D. postcard 明信片,故选C 。‎ ‎7.考查名词。此处表示离加油站不远的路中央。A. seconds 秒 B. hours 小时 C. squares 平方米 D. blocks 街区,故选D 。‎ ‎8.考查动词短语。根据后文送钱包可知他们捡起了钱包。A. pick it up 捡起 B. look it up 查找 C. take it out 拿出 D. put it out 熄灭,故选A 。‎ ‎9.考查名词。钱包里当然是钞票,现金等。A. pictures 图画 B. envelopes信封 C. bills 钞票 D. medals奖牌,故选C 。‎ ‎10.考查介词。根据前文说没有电话号码,虽然联系不上,但他们找到了我妈妈的驾驶证,知道了我们的住址。A. Instead of 代替,而不是 B. Because of 因为 C. Despite. 虽然,尽管 D. Without没有,故选C 。‎ ‎11.考查名词。根据后文他们开车来到我家可知他们得到了我们的地址。A. number 数字 B. photograph 照片 C. address地址 D. distance距离,故选C 。‎ ‎12.考查动词。根据前文可知他们归还了钱包,所以他们开车来时还钱包的。A. get 得到 B. check检查,核对 C. exchange 交换 D. return 归还,故选D 。‎ ‎13.考查形容词。根据语境可知妈妈得到钱包应该是松了口气而且很感激。A. hopeless 绝望的 B. relieved 松了口气 C. fortunate 幸运的 D. warm-hearted热心肠的 ‎,故选B 。‎ ‎14.考查动词。根据后文他们拒绝可知妈妈打算给他们一些钱作为酬谢。A. intended打算 B. advised建议 C. demanded 要求 D. instructed 指示,故选A 。‎ ‎15.考查名词。根据语境可知妈妈给钱是为了表达感激之情。A. feeling 感情 B. mood心情 C. present礼物 D. expression 表达,故选D 。‎ ‎16.考查动词。根据语境可知,他们拒绝了,说他们很乐意帮助别人。Offer sb help 主动帮助别人 A. offer提供 B. share 分享 C. trust 信任 D. seek寻求,故选A 。‎ ‎17.考查形容词。根据前文他们的行为可知他们很诚实。A. honest 诚实的 B. selfish 自私的 C. logical 合逻辑的 D. creative 有创造力的,故选A 。‎ ‎18.考查名词。此处表示他们有坚定的信念。A. courage 勇气 B. faith 信念 C. support支持 D. devotion 投入,故选B 。‎ ‎19.考查动词。此处表示他们呢能够体会丢失钱包所带来的不愉快和难过等。A. remove 移走 B. deserve 值得 C. value 珍惜 D. cause 引起,故选D 。‎ ‎20.考查形容词。根据语境可知他们很体谅人。A. humorous 幽默的 B. independent 独立的 C. polite 礼貌的 D. considerate 考虑周到的,体谅的,故选D 。‎ Several years ago, our “Mommy and Me” time began. My next-door neighbor and fellow _______, Christie,and I were out in our front yards, watching seven children of about age 6 ride their _______up and down. “I wish I could take one of my children _______alone,” said Christie.‎ Then we _______ a plan: When Christie takes one of her children out, I'11 _______ her other three. And when she takes care of two of mine, I‘ll take _______out.‎ The children were very quick to_______the idea of “Mommy and Me” time,Christie's daughter, McKenzie,went first. When she returned, the other children showered her with tons of _______. McKenzie was smiling_______. Christie looked refreshed and happy. “She's like a ________child when there's no one else around,” Christie shared wife me quickly. With her mother all to herself, McKenzie didn’t have to make an effort to gain ________. Just as Christie had noticed changes in McKenzie, I also________something different in each of ray "childrer during our________times. For example, If am always ________when my daughter, who is________close to me, holds my hand frequently. My stuttering(口吃的)son, Tom, doesn’t stutter once during our________since he doesn't have to struggle for a chance to speak. And the other son, Sam, who's always a ________when around other children) shines as a leader during our times together.‎ ‎“Mommy and Me”time________us to be simply alone and away with each child — talking, sharing, and laughing, which has been the biggest________ .Every child________to be an only child at least once in a while.‎ ‎21.A. worker B. sister C. father D. mother ‎22.A. horses B. cars C. bikes D. toys ‎23.A. off B. out C. over D. in ‎24.A. worked out B. stuck to C. gave up D. looked into ‎25.A. see B. watch C. protect D. control ‎26.A. nobody B. everybody C. someone D. none ‎27.A. accept B. receive C. refuse D. feel ‎28.A. goods B. candies C. answers D. questions ‎29.A. forcedly B. freely C. broadly D. casually ‎30.A. normal B. different C. strange D. brave ‎31.A. awards B. attention C. results D. appointment ‎32.A. discovered B. urged C. supported D. described ‎33.A. future B. painfiil C. alone D. old ‎34.A. tired B. embarrassed C. disappointed D. surprised ‎35.A. seldom B. always C. nearly D. constantly ‎36.A. ceremonies B. meetings C. activities D. challenges ‎37.A. leader B. lecturer C. defender D. follower ‎38.A. forbids B. leads C. educates D. allows ‎39.A. gain B. disadvantage C. suffering D. practice ‎40.A. fails B. deserves C. plans D. promises ‎【答案】‎ ‎21.D ‎22.C ‎23.B ‎24.A ‎25.B ‎26.C ‎27.A ‎28.D ‎29.C ‎30.B ‎31.B ‎32.A ‎33.C ‎34.D ‎35.A ‎36.C ‎37.D ‎38.D ‎39.A ‎40.B ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本文是记叙文,文章讲述了妈妈和我的这个活动组织,文章强调每个孩子都应该和父母单独相处一段时间,这样可以使孩子得到更好的关爱。‎ ‎21.考查名词。根据语境可知此处表示我和我隔壁邻居兼同事的妈妈克里斯蒂在外面看孩子们骑自行车。这也符合前面提到的Mommy and me 主题。A. worker 工人 B. sister 姐姐 C. father 父亲 D. mother 母亲,妈妈,故选D 。‎ ‎22.考查名词。根据语境可知是骑自行车。A. horses 马 B. cars 汽车 C. bikes 自行车 D. toys 玩具,故选C 。‎ ‎23.考查介词。根据后文语境When Christie takes one of her children out,可知此处表示她打算带一个孩子单独出去。Take。。。out 带。。。出去。,故选B 。‎ ‎24.考查动词短语。此处表示我们制定出了一个计划。A. worked out 制定出 B. stuck to坚持 C. gave up 放弃 D. looked into 调查,向里边看,故选A 。‎ ‎25.考查动词。根据后文的take care of 可知是帮她照看。A. see看见 B. watch照看,看管 C. protect 保护 D. control控制,故选B 。‎ ‎26.考查代词。根据语境表示我戴某一个孩子外出时,她帮我照看其他的孩子。A. nobody 没人 B. everybody每一个 C. someone 某一个 D. none没有一个,故选C 。‎ ‎27.考查动词。根据后文孩子的反应可知孩子们很快接受了这个想法。A. accept 接受 B. receive 收到 C. refuse 拒绝 D. feel 感觉,故选A 。‎ ‎28.考查名词。根据语境可知没有出去的还有一大堆的问题。A. goods 货物 B. candies 糖果 C. answers 答案 D. questions 问题。,故选D 。‎ ‎29.考查副词。根据后面妈妈的反应refreshed and happy可知孩子很开心,因此是开怀大笑。A. forcedly 强迫地 B. freely自由地 C. broadly 大地,广阔地 D. casually 随意地,故选C 。‎ ‎30.考查形容词。根据后文的_something different in each of my "children可知他变得与众不同。A. normal正常的 B. different 不同的 C. strange 奇怪的 D. brave 勇敢的,故选B 。‎ ‎31.考查名词。此处表示她再也不用努力地去赢得我们的关注了。A. awards 奖励 B. attention注意 C. results 结果 D. appointment 任命,故选B 。‎ ‎32.考查动词。根据前文noticed,可知此处表示我也发现了这种变化,所以用discover合适。A. discovered发现 B. urged 催促 C. supported 支持 D. described 描述,故选A 。‎ ‎33.考查形容词。根据前文语境take one of my children out alone可知是独自和一个孩子呆在一起时 A. future 未来的 B. painful痛苦的 C. alone 独自 D. old 年老的,故选C 。‎ ‎34.考查形容词。根据语境可知我的女儿很少接近我的经常抓住我的手我会很吃惊。A. tired累的 B. embarrassed 尴尬的 C. disappointed 失望的 D. surprised 吃惊的,故选D 。‎ ‎35.考查副词。更具语境可知是很少接近我的A. seldom很少,几乎不 B. always 总是 C. nearly 几乎 D. constantly 不断地 ‎36.考查名词。此处表示我口吃的儿子在我们的活动中也不再口吃了。A. ceremonies 仪式 B. meetings 会议 C. activities 活动 D. challenges 挑战,故选C 。‎ ‎37.考查名词。根据后文的leader可知跟其他孩子在一起时是follower,而独自出去就变成了leader。 A. leader 领头的 B. lecturer 演讲者 C. defender 保卫者 D. follower 跟随者,故选D 。‎ ‎38.考查动词。此处表示这个活动使得作者可以独自带一个孩子出去谈话,笑,分享等。A. forbids 禁止 B. leads 导致 C. educates 教育 D. allows 允许,故选D 。‎ ‎39.考查名词。根据全文内容可知这便是他们最大的收获,所以用gain。A. gain 获得 B. disadvantage 缺点 C. suffering 受苦 D. practice 练习,故选A 。‎ ‎40.考查动词。此处表示每个孩子都应该得到暂时做独生子的机会。A. fails 失败 B. deserves 应该得到 C. plans 计划 D. promises许诺,故选B 。‎ ‎【点睛】‎ 完形填空的解题技巧之一就是要根据上下文来学会“推理”出最佳选项。同学们要遵循“上下求索”的原则来查找信息。例如,第3小题要求判断用哪个介词我们可以根据后文When Christie takes one of her children out得出是out。第13题也是根据前文的根据前文语境take one of my children out alone得出是独自带着一个孩子玩。第17题的follower是根据本句的leader得出。‎ 评卷人 得分 二、阅读理解 Read the advertisements, and then choose the best answers,‎ Driver Wanted ‎1. Clean driving license. 2. Must be of smart appearance. 3. Aged over 25.‎ Apply to: Capes Taxis, 17 Palace Road, Boston Air Hostesses for International Flight Wanted ‎1.Applicants must be between 20 and 33 years old.‎ ‎2. Height 1.6m to L75ra.‎ ‎3. Education to GCSE standard,‎ ‎4.Two languages.‎ ‎5. Must be able to swim.‎ Apply to: Recruitment office, Southern Airlines, Heathrow Airport West HR37KK Teacher Needed For private language school Teaching experience unnecessary.‎ Apply to: The Director of Studies, Instant language Ltd, 279 Canal Street.‎ Nurses Needed ‎1.Having worked more than 3 years.‎ ‎2. Aged more than 30.‎ ‎3. Identificiation.‎ Apply to: West Hospital 58 Park Avenue, Manhattan ‎41.Which of the following prevents Jack working as a Capes Taxis driver?‎ A. Drinking beer once in a while.‎ B. Not having college education.‎ C. Being unable to speak a foreign ianguage.‎ D. Being punished for speeding and wrong parking.‎ ‎42.Which of the following needs working experience according to the text?‎ A. At To be a nurse. B. To be a teacher。‎ C. To be a driver, D. To be an air hostesses.‎ ‎43.If Mary wants to work as an air hostess for Southern Airlines, she must A. be over 25 years old B. look smart and beautiful C. have some similar working experience D. speak another language besides her mother tongue ‎【答案】‎ Two languages.☞选项D. speak another language besides her mother tongue ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 此文为应用文,文章主要介绍了四则招聘广告以及要求。‎ ‎41.细节理解题。根据Driver wanted 中Driver Wanted1. Clean driving license.可知要求没有违规记录,所以D项会导致Jack当不成出租车司机。‎ ‎42.细节理解题。根据Nurses needed 中1.Having worked more than 3 years.可知要想当护士需要有工作经验,所以A正确。‎ ‎43.细节理解题。根据Air Hostesses for International Flight Wanted中的要求1.Applicants must be between 20 and 33 years old.2. Height 1.6m to L75ra.3. Education to GCSE standard,4.Two languages.5. Must be able to swim.可知必须满足的条件是D,要能说母语以外的另一种语言。‎ ‎【点睛】‎ 文章主题和中心思想的阐述往往需要大量细节信息的支持,这些细节对于理解全文内容至关重要,同时也是归纳和概括文章中心思想的基础。命题人往往会要求考生根据不同的要求阅读文章,以获得某些特定的信息,或准确地寻求所需的细节,并对细节进行直接或间接辨认和理解。文章细节的理解可以细化为:(1)一一对应型。答案与题目在表达形式和意义上直接吻合,一一对应,一目了然。属于浅层次的阅读试题,分数比例较少。(2)语言转述型。这是一类间接事实细节题,答案与题目在意义上从分运用了词义之间的转述关系,即正确选项是原文有关词语和句子的另类表达。属于中档难度题,分数比例较大。(3‎ ‎)语意理解型。这是一类深层事实细节理解题,答案与题目之间存在着一定的逻辑联系,这种联系需要建立在事实的基础上通过上、下文来进行判断、分析、归纳和整合,才能得出正确答案。属于较高难度的事实细节题。(4)是非辨别型。这是一类综合事实细节题,出题形式常常是“三正一误”(三项正确,只有一项不符合原文内容)或“三误一正”(三项错误,只有一项符合原文内容)。(5)事实排序型。这是一类运用多项事实进行排序的事实细节题,要求根据动作发生的先后顺序、时间顺序或者句子之间的逻辑关系,找出时间发生,发展的正确顺序。‎ 第三小题【解题剖析】此题属于细节理解中的(1)语意理解型。这是一类深层事实细节理解题,答案与题目之间存在着一定的逻辑联系,这种联系需要建立在事实的基础上通过上、下文来进行判断、分析、归纳和整合,才能得出正确答案。‎ ‎【答案定位】‎ 根据根据Air Hostesses for International Flight Wanted中的要求1.Applicants must be between 20 and 33 years old.2. Height 1.6m to L75ra.3. Education to GCSE standard,4.Two languages.5. Must be able to swim. 可知必须满足的条件是D,要能说母语以外的另一种语言。‎ ‎【推理关系】‎ 题干If Mary wants to work as an air hostess for Southern Airlines, she must☞文章内容1.Applicants must be between 20 and 33 years old.2. Height 1.6m to L75ra.3. Education to GCSE standard,4.Two languages.5. Must be able to swim.‎ Londoners are great readers. They read and buy vast numbers of newspapers andmagazines and of books. especially paperbacks, which are still comparatively cheap in spite of ever-increasing rises in the costs of printing. They still continue to buy “proper91 books, too, printed on good paper and bound(装订)between hard covers.‎ There are many streets in London containing shops which specialize in book-selling. Perhaps the best known of these is Charring Cross Road in the very heart of London. Here bookshops of all sorts and sizes are to be found, from the celebrated one which boasts of (自夸)being “the biggest bookshop in the world” to the tiny dusty little places which seem to have been left over from Dickens time. Some of these shops stock, or will obtain, any kind of books, but many of them specialize in second-hand books, in art books, In foreign books, in books on philosophy, politics or any other of the countless subjects about which books may be written. One shop in this area specializes only in books about ballet!‎ Although it may be the most convenient place fof Londoners to buy books, Charring Cross Road is not the cheapest, For the really cheap second-hand books, the collectors must ‎ yenture_off the beaten track, to farringdon Road, for example, in the East Central district of London. Here there is nothing so impressive, as bookshops. The booksellers come along each morning and pour out their sacks of books onto small handarts .And the collectors, some professionals and some amateurs, have been waiting for them, In places like this they can still, occasionally, pick up for a few pence an old one that may be worth many pounds.‎ ‎44.“Londoners are great readers.” means that .‎ A. Londoners are great because they read a lot B. There are a great number of readers in London C. Londoners are readers who read only great books D. Londoners read a lot ‎45.According to this passage, Charring Cross Road _.‎ A. is in the suburbs of London B. is famous for its bookshops C. contains various kinds of shops D. is the busiest street in London ‎46.In this passage, what does the underlined part Venture off the beaten track” mean?‎ A. move away from a busy street.‎ B. buy books in a most busy street,‎ C. waste time looking for books.‎ D. take a risk of losing one's life.‎ ‎47.On Farringdon Road, .‎ A. you can find fine books for the latest books B. there are only small bookshops for the secondhand books C. you can see booksellers selling books on handcarts.‎ D. the same books as the ones in the bookshops of Charring Cross Road are sold ‎【答案】‎ although。。。the most convenient。。。not the cheapest,而cheap 的要yenture_off the beaten track, to farringdon Road ☞选项A. move away from a busy street.‎ ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本文为记叙文,本文介绍了伦敦人都爱读书,在伦敦一些买书的地方。‎ ‎44.句意推测题。根据文章大意及第一段They buy vast numbers of newspapers and magazines and of books可知推测出伦敦人喜欢阅读。故D正确。‎ ‎45.细节理解题。根据文章第二段Perhaps the best known of these is Charring Cross Road in the very heart of London.可知此地以它的书店而出名。故B正确。‎ ‎46.词义推测题。根据文章最后一段Although it may be the most convenient place for Londoners to buy books, Charring Cross Road is not the cheapest. For the really cheap second-hand books, the collectors must yenture_off the beaten track, to farringdon Road, for example, in the East Central district of London.可以推测出要想买到便宜的书不能去最方便的地方,故A正确。‎ ‎47.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段The booksellers come along each morning and pour out their sacks of books onto small hand carts.可以得出答案。故C正确。‎ ‎【点睛】‎ 依据反义词和对比关系猜测词义 ‎ 运用对比手法描述事物或现象是文章写作的一种常用的修辞手法。在这种修辞手段下,作者常借用一些信号词来提供相反信息,从而表明一个词与前面的另一个词互为反义。常用的信号词有: but/yet/however/nevertheless; while/whereas; otherwise/or else; unlike/instead/ rather than; by contrast/compared to; on the contrary/ on the other hand 等。‎ 第三题【解题剖析】此题属于猜测词义中的(2):依据反义词和对比关系猜测词义。答案需要找关键词although。。。the most convenient。。。not the cheapest,可知其前后是反义关系。‎ ‎【答案定位】‎ 根据文章最后一段Although it may be the most convenient place for Londoners to buy books, Charring Cross Road is not the cheapest. For the really cheap second-hand books, the collectors must yenture_off the beaten track, to farringdon Road, for example, in the East Central district of London.可知要想买到便宜的书不能去最方便的地方。‎ ‎【推理关系】‎ 题干In this passage, what does the underlined part Venture off the beaten track” mean?☞文章内容Although it may be the most convenient place for Londoners to buy books, Charring Cross Road is not the cheapest. For the really cheap second-hand books, the collectors must yenture_off the beaten track, to farringdon Road, for example, in the East Central district of London.‎ The spread of Westem eating habits around the world is bad for human nealth and the ‎ environment.These findings come from a new report in the journal Nature.‎ David Tillman, a professor of ecology at the University of Minnesota, America, examined information from 100 countries to identify what people ate and how diet affected health. He noted a movement beginning in the 1960s. He found that as nations mdustriaHzed(工业化),population increased and earnings rose, more people began to sdopt what has been called the Western diet.‎ The Western diet is high in sugar, fat, oil and meat. By eating these foods, people began to get fatter and sicker. David Tillman says overweight people are at greater risk for non-infectious diseases like diabetes (糖尿病)and heart disease.‎ Unfortunately, when people become industrialized, if they adopt this Western diet, they are going to have these health problems, especially in developing countries in Asia, China is an example where the number of diabetes cases has been jumping from less than one percent to 10 percent of the population as they began to industrialize over a 20,year period, And that is happening all across the world, in Mexico in Nigeria and so on.‎ And, s diet bad for human beings, is also bad for the environment As the world's population grows, more forests and tropical (热带的)areas will become farmland for crops or grasslands for cattle. We are likely to have more greenhouse gas in the future from agriculture than that coming out of all froms of transportation right now.‎ Mr, Tillman calls the link between diet, the environment and human health. "a trilemma11: a problem offering a difficult choice. He says one possibte setttemenf is leaving the behind.‎ ‎48.According to the passage, more greenhouse gas might be given off in the future from .‎ A. transportation B. developing countries C. agriculture D. developed countries ‎49.David Tilman believes that_ .‎ A. diet, the environment and human health are closely connected B. the Western diet is the only choice as the nation industrializes C. people in tropical areas are more likely to have heart disease D. traditional diets are more balanced than the Western diet ‎50.We can infer from the passage that .‎ A. industrialization contributes to the spread of the Western diet B. overweight people are at higher risk of infectious diseases C. the examined information comes from developing countries D. Nigeria has the largest number of diabetes cases ‎51.The main purpose of the passage is to .‎ A. call on us to protect the environment B. warn us of the danger of the Western diet C. remind us of the importance of health D. advise us to have a balanced diet ‎【答案】‎ ‎48.C ‎49.A ‎50.A ‎51.B ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本文是一篇健康环保类阅读,随着全球化进程进一步加快,西方的饮食习惯也层层逼近世界的每一个角落,它是否对我们的饮食健康或者环境造成影响呢?这篇文章就此话题做了详细的介绍 ‎48.细节理解题.根据We are likely to have more greenhouse gas in the future from agriculture than that coming out of all forms of transportation right now.可知,我们将来更多的温室气体将会来自农业而不是现在的交通.故选C.‎ ‎49.细节理解题.根据He found that as nations industrialized,population increased and earnings rose,more people began to adopt(采纳) what has been called the Western diet.可知,他发现随着国家工业化的进程,人口的增加以及收入的提高,越来越多的人开始采纳所谓的西方饮食.故选A.‎ ‎50.推理判断题.根据Unfortunately when people become industrialized,if they adopt this Western diet,they are going to have these health problems,especially in developing countries in Asia可知,不幸的是,当人们变得工业化,如果他们采纳了西方饮食,他们将会产生健康问题,尤其是在亚洲的发展中国家.可以判断出随着工业化脚步的加快,西方饮食在不断侵入.故选A.‎ ‎51.主旨大意题.本文主要讲述了随着全球化进程进一步加快,西方的饮食习惯也层层逼近世界的每一个角落,它会对我们的饮食健康或者环境造成一定的影响.再结合Mr.Tillman calls the link between diet,the environment and human health,"a ‎ dilemma",a problem offering a difficult choice.He says one possible solution is leaving the Western diet behind.可以看出,本文是在警告我们西方食物存在诸多问题,大家要有节制有选择的食用,结合选项.故选B.‎ When people reunite with their loved ones, it's usually all extremely happy moment. But what is their most common response to seeing them again? It may seem strange, but most of the time they break down in tears.‎ Now a group of psychologists (心理学家) from Yale University say they have found the reason why, and that crying tears of joy may well be the body's way of keeping emotional(情感的)balance.‎ ‎“They seem to take place when people are overtaken by strong positive emotions, and people who do this seem to recover better from those strong emotions, ”Oriana Aragon, the lead researcher said.‎ Aragon and her fellow psychologists looked at hundreds of participants’ emotional responses to different things, including happy reunions and cute babe. Many participants said they would react in a negative or aggressive way to the positive things to cry at happy moments and want to pinch(捏) a cute baby's face or even, tell them“I want to eat you up!” But then researchers found that these people were able to calm down from strong emotions more quickly.‎ There are many other examples of times when people respond to a positive experience with a negative emotional reaction, At an exciting concert, fans scream at their idols(偶像).People who have just had a big lottery win are often in floods of tears* “These findings advance our understanding of how people express and control their emotions, which is importantly related to mental and physical health, the quality of relationships with others, and even how well people work together/' said Aragon.‎ ‎52.What have the psychologists from Yale University found in their research?‎ A. Crying tears of joy helps to balance emotions.‎ B. The reason why people cry with tears.‎ C. People recover slowly from strong emotions D. Strong negative feelings are useful to people.‎ ‎53.What does the underlined “they” in Paragraph 2 probably refer to?‎ A. Times when people reunite with friends.‎ B. Participants’emotional responses.‎ C. Times when people cry tears of joy.‎ D. Strong positive emotions.‎ ‎54.Which of the following agrees with the findings of the research?‎ A. Kissing a cute baby. B. Crying at good news.‎ C. Crying at a failure. D. Laughing at happy reunions,‎ ‎55.Where does the passage most likely come from?‎ A. A popular biology book. B. A children literature book,‎ C. A science fiction novel. D. A psychological science journal.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎52.A ‎53.C ‎54.B ‎55.D ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一篇说明文。本文介绍了“喜极而泣”这种现象,并指出发生这种行为的原因。‎ ‎52.细节理解题。根据第二段中crying tears of joy may well be the body's way of keeping emotional balance.可知,喜极而泣是身体保持情感平衡的方式。故选项A正确。‎ ‎53.词义猜测题。根据第二段中that crying tears of joy may well be the body’s way of keeping emotional(情感的)balance.(喜极而泣可能是身体保持情感平衡的方式。)“They seem to take place when people are overtaken by strong positive emotions,and people who do this seem to recover better from those strong emotions(当人们被强烈的积极情绪所压倒时,他们似乎就会发生,而这样做的人似乎从那些强烈的情感中恢复得更好)。由此可知they指的是“Times when people cry tears of joy”。故C项正确。‎ ‎54.理解推断题。根据第三段中to cry at happy moments可知,本文介绍了一个奇怪的现象:当我们快乐的时候,我们会高兴地哭起来。故B项“听到好消息哭了。”与该项研究的发现符合,故选B。‎ ‎55.理解推断题。通读全文可知本文是对于人心理现象的研究.故应该是来自于心理学研究杂志。故答案B正确。‎ ‎【点睛】代词指代题要求同学们根据语境的逻辑关系、判断画线的人称代词或指示代词在文章中指代的对象,包括考查it(指动物,无生命的事物、特定的事件或人),they/them(指代人、物、事件的复数名词),he/she 等人称代词的指代意义,以及指示代词this,that,these,those等在文章中的指代意义,考查同学们对文章中叙述特定的人,物,事件的认知能力。解答这类题时,同学们要认真阅读画线词所在句和前后临近句的内容,分析人称转换和动作变换的详细过程,理清来龙去脉和前后的因果关系,从而准确推断其指代的对象。本题第2小题,根据第二段中that crying tears of joy may well be the body’s way of keeping emotional(情感的)balance.(哭泣的喜悦可能是身体保持情感平衡的方式。)“They seem to take place when people are overtaken by strong positive emotions,and people who do this seem to recover better from those strong emotions,(当人们被强烈的积极情绪所压倒时,他们似乎就会发生,而这样做的人似乎从那些强烈的情感中恢复得更好)。由此可知they指的是“Times when people cry tears of joy”。故C项正确。‎ 评卷人 得分 三、七选五 阅读补全。根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ The rules about how to talk,eat and sit, which are highly limited, are observed in most Western restaurants and homes.56. Westerners have no idea how to act at the Chinese dinner table. No forks or knives for them to use! The Chinese host makes great,sweeping arm movements that go over large sections of the table,passing over both food and friends alike.57..However, it leaves many foreigners at a loss for what to do.‎ In my childhood-home, dinner was enjoyed with low voices, and the topics that we could discuss were very limited.58. if I had to leave the table to use the toilet,I had to excuse myself without mentioning what it was that I was going to do. “May J be excused, please? I need to wash my hands”.I would say. My mother would say,“Sure.” My father would often play a joke on me by saying, “59.”.‎ As for eating, we did it quietly. No eating noises were allowed. Everything must be done as quietly as possible, If any sound was created by eating food or drinking, it would be considered as manners!‎ ‎60. He is to sit up straight with the recessive hand (usually the left) in one's lap holding a napkin while the dominant hand (usually the right) holds the fork or spoon. The only time one is allowed to have both hands on the table is when he is using a knife to cut something.‎ A.The scene is fantastic,‎ B. Your hands don*t look dirty!‎ C.. How one sits at the table is also prescribed(规定的).‎ D. Can't you think up a better excuse than that?‎ E. In general they were all strictly forbidden topics,‎ F. Yhey’re completely different from what we find hew in China. G. We were not allowed to talk about anything that made listeners uncomfortable.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎56.F ‎57.A ‎58.G ‎59.B ‎60.C ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了中国的餐桌礼仪。‎ ‎56.根据上文说“大多数西方餐馆和家庭都遵守有限的关于如何交谈、吃饭和落坐的规则”,而下文说“因此,许多西方人不知道在中国餐桌上该如何行动,也没有叉子或刀子供他们使用!”,所以空格处应该是说西方的规则和我们在中国发现的规则完全不同。F选项里的代词they指代的是上文提到了西方的有限的规则。故选F。‎ ‎57.根据上文说到这位中国主人一个动作很大的手臂运动,手臂穿过桌子的大部分区域,同时经过食物和朋友。下文对这个情景作了总结:这个场面太棒了。然而这是西方餐桌上见不到的,所以让外国朋友不知所措。故选A。‎ ‎58.根据上文说我童年时在餐桌上谈论的话题是有限的,可推知下文进一步解释不能谈什么:我们不允许谈论任何让听众感到不舒服的事情。故选G。‎ ‎59.根据上文说“我要去上厕所不能直接说,只能找借口说我要去洗手。所以每次我要离开餐桌说要去洗手时,父亲都会开玩笑”,故推知父亲是说:“你的手看起来不脏!”,其实他知道“我”要去上厕所。故选B。‎ ‎60.因为本段后面内容讲的是坐在桌前的一些规矩,所以可知本段主题句是:如何坐在桌子上也是有明文规定的。故选C。‎ ‎【点睛】‎ 在做七选五题的过程中,应首先略读一下短文,了解一下短文的大致意思,然后把几个选项含义理解透,尤其注意意思相近,表达有交叉的选项之间的区别。然后再细读短文,把答案填入合适位置。答题时可以把含义相近的几个选项轮流填入同一处位置,反复阅读,反复体会,找出最佳选项,对于实在没有把握的小题可以最后完成。完成短文后,再认真通读一遍全文,看看上下语意是否通顺,是否符合逻辑关系。‎ 另外,做题时要注意文章的首段和每一段的首句或尾句,因为它们往往就是文章的主题句。例如第5小题考查上文和句意理解。因为本段本段后面内容讲的是坐在桌前的一些规矩,又因为本空设在本段的开头,可知是本段的主题句:如何坐在桌子上也是有明文规定的。故选C。‎ In the long history of about 5,000 years, numerous Chinese traditional festivals were celebrated as the memory of gods or some significant days, some of which are passed down from generation to generation and people always practice special traditional activities in each festival,‎ Qingming Festival Qingming Festival is on the 15th day after Spring Equinox (春分), round April 4 or April 5 every year. 61., They remove the weeds growing on the ancestors* tomb to make them clean, so this festival is also called Tomb-sweeping Festival. In some areas, people are forbidden to use the fire to cook the food, so they only eat the cool food. Thus, it is also named Hanshi Festival.‎ Double Ninth Festival ‎62.The Chinese character of September is the same as 9, so we get this special name. Chinese people, especially the north Chinese,climb the mountains to the peak to enjoy the wonderful perspective, and admire the beauty of chrysanthemum(菊花).‎ Winter Solstice(冬至).‎ Winter solstice is on around December 22 or 23 of solar calendar each year, From winter solstice on, the daytime will be longer and longer. ' 63. jChinese people in the northern region, eat dumplings-aad wonton(馄炖), while in the southern regions rice balls.‎ ‎64.‎ In China, this festival is in late January or early Februaty, the last day of the Lunar year.‎ People celebrate it by having a family reunion dinner, setting off fireworks and staying up late. Breaking the dishes and bowls is a thing all the people scare(惊恐),but if you did it, you have to say: “sui sui ping an)”65.‎ A.Spring Festival.‎ B.New Year's Eve.‎ C. People always visit their friends and relatives*‎ D. People will go to worship(祭拜)their ancestors.‎ E.It is a pun(双关语), meaning you will be healthy eVery year.‎ F. It is celebrated on Sept. 9th of the Lunar Calendar, around October G. It's a holiday which is regarded as important as the Spring Festival.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎61.D ‎62.F ‎63.G ‎64.B ‎65.E ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 此文为说明文,文章主要介绍了中国的四个中国的传统节日。‎ ‎61.根据后文They remove the weeds growing on the ancestors’ tomb to make them clean, so this festival is also called Tomb-sweeping Festival.可知清明节人们将祭拜祖先,所以D正确。‎ ‎62.根据标题Double Ninth Festival以及后文The Chinese character of September is the same as 9, so we get this special name.可知重阳节在农历九月九庆祝,所以F正确。‎ ‎63.根据下一句Chinese people in the northern region, eat dumplings-aad wonton(馄炖), while in the southern regions rice balls.以及下一段可知此处介绍冬至的重要地位,所以G正确。‎ ‎64.根据后文内容In China, this festival is in late January or early Februaty, the last day of the Lunar year.可知本段介绍的是除夕,所以B正确。‎ ‎65.根据前文Breaking the dishes and bowls is a thing all the people scare(惊恐),but if you did it, you have to say: “sui sui ping an)”可知这是双关语,意味着新的一年健康平安,所以E正确。‎ 第II卷(非选择题)‎ 请点击修改第II卷的文字说明 评卷人 得分 四、语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Children have their own rules in playing games. They don't care much about66.wins or loses, and they don't seem to worry whether the game67.(finish) or not when they leave.‎ Yet, they like games that depend a lot on luck, so that their personal abilities cannot be68.(direct) compared. They also enjoy games that move in stages in 69. each stage, the choosing of leaders, the picking-up of sides, or the determining of which side70.(start) is almost a game in itself.‎ Grown-ups can hardly find children’s game exciting, and they often feel71.(puzzle) at why their kids play such a simple game again and again.‎ However, it is found 72. a child plays games for very important reasons. He can find 73. (he) being a useful partner to someone of whom he is ordinarily afraid. He can become a leader and give 74.(order) when it comes to his turn. In some games, he can pretend to be dead or to kiss someone he has caught. 75. appears to us that when children play a game they imagine a situation under their control.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎66.who ‎67.is finished/has been finished ‎68.directly ‎69.which ‎ ‎70.shall/will start ‎71.puzzled ‎72.that ‎73.himself ‎74.orders ‎75.It ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 此文为说明文,文章介绍了孩子们有着属于他们自己的游戏规则。他们很少有裁判,也不用为保住得分而费心。他们不在乎谁输谁赢,也不在意游戏是否进行到底。游戏对孩子们来说很重要,在游戏中,孩子可以暂时忘掉自我,尽情享受游戏的乐趣。‎ ‎66.考查宾语从句的连词。根据语境可知他们不在乎谁输谁赢。About 为介词,后加宾语从句,从句缺主语,根据意思指人,所以用who。‎ ‎67.考查被动语态。此处缺少句子的谓语,the game 作主语,与完成是被动关系,所以用is finished。‎ ‎68.考查副词。此处修饰谓语be compared,所以用副词directly。‎ ‎69.考查定语从句连词。此句先行词为games,从句表示在游戏中每一步如选择领头的,挑选哪一方等本身都是游戏,所以用关系代词which代替games,做in的宾语。‎ ‎70.考查时态。根据句子成分分析,此处是which引导的宾语从句,从句缺谓语,在根据语境游戏显然还没有进行,所以要用将来时。‎ ‎71.考查过去分词。此处表示成年人感到困惑孩子们为什么喜欢玩游戏。人感到用过去分词。‎ ‎72.考查连词。此处为it做形式主语,that引导主语从句,表示人么发现孩子们玩游戏是有原因的。‎ ‎73.考查反身代词。此处主语为he,所以宾语用himself,表示他发现他自己是个有用的伙伴。‎ ‎74.考查名词单复数。发出命令,命令不止一个,所以用复数。‎ ‎75.考查形式主语。此处表示看上去似乎孩子玩游戏时他们想象了一个自己可以控制的情形。That引导真正主语从句,因此主语用it,做形式主语。‎

