2021版高考英语一轮复习Unit3Lifeinthefuture同步练习 人教版必修5

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2021版高考英语一轮复习Unit3Lifeinthefuture同步练习 人教版必修5

Unit 3 Life in the future 一、语基必备知识 ‎(一)重点词汇——分类记忆 Ⅰ.阅读词汇——知其意 ‎1.aspect n. 方面;层面 ‎2.timetable n. 时间表;时刻表 ‎3.typist n. 打字员 ‎4.tablet n. 药片 ‎5.steward n. 乘务员;服务员 ‎6.receiver n. 接受者;接收器;电话听筒 ‎7.mask n. 面具;面罩;伪装 ‎8.citizen n. 公民;居民;市民 ‎9.ecology n. 生态;生态学 ‎10.postage n. 邮资 ‎11.stewardess n. 女乘务员 ‎12.greedy adj. 贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的 ‎13.swallow vt. 吞下;咽下 ‎14.goods n. 货物 ‎15.representative n. 代表;典型人物 adj. 典型的;有代表性的 ‎16.pessimistic adj. 悲观(主义)的 Ⅱ.核心词汇——写其形 ‎1.previous adj. 在前的;早先的 ‎2.fasten vt. 系牢;扎牢 ‎3.belt n. 腰带;皮带 ‎4.flash vt.& vi. (使)闪光;(使)闪现 ‎5.guide n. 指导;向导;导游 vt. 指引;指导 ‎6.lack vi.& vt. 缺乏;没有 n. 缺乏;短缺的东西 ‎7.switch n. 开关;转换 vt. 转换 22‎ ‎8.optimistic adj. 乐观(主义)的 ‎9.material n. 原料;材料 ‎10.recycle vt. 回收利用;再利用 ‎11.dustbin n. 垃圾箱 ‎12.button n. 纽扣;按钮 Ⅲ.拓展词汇——通其变 ‎1.tolerate vt.容忍;忍受→tolerance n.容忍 ‎2.impress v.(使)留下深刻印象→impression n.印象;感想;印记→impressive adj.给人深刻印象的 ‎3.constant adj.连续不断的→constantly adv.不断地 ‎4.surround vt.围绕→surroundings n.周围的事物;环境→surrounding adj.周围的 ‎5.adjust vt.调整;使适应→adjustment n.调整;调节 ‎6.press vi.& vt.按;压;逼迫n.按;压;印刷;新闻→pressure n.压力;挤压;压迫(感)‎ ‎7.instant n.瞬间;片刻adj.立刻的→instantly adv.马上 ‎8.settle v.定居;解决→settlement n.定居;解决 ‎9.exhaust vt.耗尽→exhausted adj.筋疲力尽的 ‎10.motivate v.成为……的动机;激励→motivation n.动机 ‎11.certain adj.确信的;有把握的→uncertain adj.不确切的;无把握的→certainty n.确信 ‎1.男女有别 ‎①steward     乘务员;服务员 stewardess 女乘务员 ‎②waiter 男服务员 waitress 女服务员 ‎③actor 男演员 actress 女演员 ‎④host 男主人 hostess 女主人 ‎2.常见合成名词集锦 ‎①timetable    时间表;时刻表 ‎②viewpoint 观点 22‎ ‎③waterfall 瀑布 ‎④bookstore 书店 ‎⑤bookmark 书签 ‎⑥hometown 家乡 ‎⑦seafood 海产品 ‎3.后缀ive形容词大观园 ‎①attractive    吸引人的 ‎②impressive 印象深刻的 ‎③creative 创造性的 ‎④constructive 建设性的 ‎⑤expensive 昂贵的 ‎⑥active 积极的 ‎⑦positive 积极的 ‎(二)重点短语——记牢用活 ‎1.take__up        拿起;接受;开始;继续;占用 ‎2.sweep__up 打扫;横扫 ‎3.slide__into (快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进……‎ ‎4.be__back__on__one’s__feet (困境后)恢复;完全复原 ‎5.lose__sight__of... 看不见……‎ ‎6.in__all__directions 从/向四面八方 ‎7.remind__sb.__of... 使某人想起……‎ ‎8.speed__up 加速 ‎9.switch__off 关掉 ‎10.stare__at 凝视;盯着看 ‎11.in__an__instant 立刻,马上 ‎12.suffer__from 患有(疾病等),遭受 ‎1.“v.+from”短语荟萃 ‎①result from       因……而起 ‎②adapt from 由……改编 ‎③benefit from 从……中获益 ‎④hear from 收到……的来信 ‎⑤date from 始于……‎ 22‎ ‎2.如何“加/减速”‎ ‎①speed up         加速 ‎②pick up speed 加速 ‎③gather speed 加速 ‎④slow down 减速 ‎⑤reduce the speed 减速 ‎(三)重点句式——背熟巧用 句型公式 教材原句 句型1:be+adj.+to do sth.‎ At first my new surroundings were__difficult__to__tolerate.‎ 开始的时候新的环境让我难以忍受。‎ 句型2:过去分词(短语)作状语 Hit__by__a__lack__of__fresh__air,__my head ached. 由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。‎ 句型3:形容词(短语)作状语 Exhausted,__I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.‎ 我感到累极了,爬上床很快就睡着了。‎ 句型4:地点状语放于句首,句子使用全部倒装句式 Inside__was__an__exhibition__of the most uptodate inventions of the 31st century. 太空站里展出了31世纪一些最前沿的发明。‎ 二、语境强化训练 Ⅰ.语境填词——根据提示写出该词的适当形式 ‎1.(2018·浙江卷6月)Many cities with bans still allow shoppers to purchase paper bags,which are easily recycled(回收利用) but require more energy to produce and transport.‎ ‎2.(2018·江苏卷)Developing the Yangtze River Economic Belt is a systematic project which calls for a clear road map and timetable(时刻表).‎ ‎3.(2019·江苏卷)Human beings took it for granted that their brains held all the solutions,but maybe their hearts can be a better guide(指导;向导).‎ ‎4.Keeping an optimistic(乐观的) state of mind is good for health.‎ ‎5. A new series of simple English reading materials(材料) for middle school students has come out this year.‎ ‎6.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)It clearly showed that while likability can lead to healthy adjustment(adjust), high status has just the opposite effect on us.‎ Ⅱ.语境品词——写出加黑词汇在语境中的意义 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ阅读B)However, if others benefit in the process, and I get ‎ 22‎ some reward too, does it really matter where my motivation lies?动机,激情 ‎2.(2018·浙江卷6月阅读C)Modern America was born on the road,behind a wheel.The car shaped some of the most lasting aspects of American culture: the roadside diner, the billboard, the motel, even the hamburger. 方面 ‎3.(2018·江苏卷)Kids shouldn’t have access to violent films because they might imitate the things they see.模仿 ‎4.(2017·天津卷完形)I lost 150 pounds and raised $50,000! I feel that I’ve been given a second life to devote to something that is meaningful and enormous.巨大的 Ⅲ.派生词练习——用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1.I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class and no one will be tolerant of that.(tolerate)‎ ‎2.We are in instant need of help. Please tell us instantly they arrive. (instant)‎ ‎3.The city of Hangzhou is really an impressive place. The famous West Lake always leaves quite an impression on the visitors. I was strongly impressed by its beauty the first time I visited it. (impress)‎ ‎4.The famous star was enjoying the pleasant surroundings when he was recognized and was surrounded by a crowd of fans. (surround)‎ ‎5.The firm is pressing me for a decision and the pressure from my parents is quite unbearable, so I have to accept this new job. (press)‎ ‎6.An official was sent to settle the problem but different opinions of two sides destroyed all the hopes of a peaceful settlement. (settle)‎ Ⅳ.选词成篇 be back on one’s feet; the instant; take up; make an adjustment; speed up; for lack of I once 1.took__up a job in a company after graduation. However, 2.for__lack__of experience, I didn’t do a good job as expected. I often arrived home tired out. What’s more, I fell ill suddenly, suffering from a heart attack. Fortunately, I 3.was__back__on__my__feet quickly. At that time I reached a point where I should 4.make__an__adjustment as soon as possible, or I had to give up. Luckily, 5.the__instant Mr. Smith took over the company, he gave me a lot of encouragement and pressed me to take an active lifestyle. At the same time, Mr.Smith’s optimistic attitude towards life 6.sped__up the development of the company.‎ Ⅴ.完成句子 ‎1.(2019·浙江卷6月书面表达)总之,言语很难来表达我对你真挚的感谢。‎ 22‎ All in all, words are hard__to__express__my__sincere__thanks to you.‎ ‎2.假如给予更多的关心和照顾,这个孩子就不会变得如此自私和淘气。‎ Given__more__attention and caring, the child wouldn’t have become so selfish and naughty.‎ ‎3.他又累又渴,于是走进一家茶馆,一个机器人侍者迅速过来招待他。‎ Tired__and__thirsty,__he went into a teahouse and a robot waiter quickly came up to serve him.‎ ‎4.房子前面坐着一位老人,他给我们讲述了长征的故事。‎ In__front__of__the__house__sat__an__old__man who told us the stories about the Long March.‎ ‎ tolerate vt.容忍;忍受 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①The government can’t tolerate everyone’s destroying(destroy) cultural relics.‎ ‎②Instead of blaming the child, she gave him a tolerant(tolerate) smile and let him go.‎ ‎③When neighbors want to get along well with each other, they have to show their tolerance(tolerate).‎ ‎[能力提升]——词汇升级 ‎④(普通表达)When he went abroad, he found the new surroundings hard to bear.‎ ‎(高级表达)When he went abroad, he found the new surroundings hard to tolerate/put__up__with.‎ ‎(1)tolerate (sb.) doing sth. 容忍/忍受(某人)做某事 ‎(2)tolerance n.    宽容;容忍;忍受 tolerant adj.   宽容的;容忍的 ‎[佳句背诵] In some experts’ opinion, living conditions on the Mars are very hard to tolerate.‎ 在一些专家的眼中,火星上的生活条件难以忍受。‎ ‎[名师点津] “忍受”的种种表达:tolerate vt.忍受;stand vt.忍受;bear vt.忍受;put up with忍受;容忍。‎ 22‎ ‎ lack vi.& vt.缺乏;没有 n.缺乏 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①For lack of human protection, the number of Yangtze finless porpoise is becoming smaller and smaller.‎ ‎②Though lacking(lack) money, his parents managed to send him to a university.‎ ‎[能力提升]——一句多译 他缺乏与他人交流的技能,因此在比赛中失败了。‎ ‎③He__lacked__the__skill__to__communicate__with__others,__so he failed in the competition.(lack vt.)‎ ‎④Lacking__the__skill__to__communicate__with__others,__he failed in the competition.(分词作状语)‎ ‎⑤For__lack__of__the__skill__to__communicate__with__others,__he failed in the competition.(介词短语)‎ ‎(1)for lack of       因缺乏……‎ a lack of  缺乏……‎ ‎(2)lacking adj.  短缺的;缺乏的 be lacking in  缺少……‎ ‎[佳句背诵] Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a lack of exercise.‎ 健康问题与不良的饮食习惯和缺乏锻炼密切相关。‎ ‎[名师点津] (1)lack作动词时可用作及物动词,后直接加宾语(不用被动语态);‎ ‎(2)形容词lacking常与in连用;‎ ‎(3)lack作名词时,常与介词of 连用。‎ ‎ press vi.& vt.按;压;逼迫 n.按;压;新闻 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①Out of curiosity, the little girl pressed her nose against the shop window.‎ ‎②If pressed(press), he will admit that he knew about the affair. ‎ ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎③无论你面临多少压力,都不要半途放弃。‎ No__matter__how__much__pressure__you__are__under,__never give up halfway.‎ 22‎ ‎(1)press...against/to... 把……压/挤/贴在……‎ press sb.to do sth.  极力劝说/敦促某人做某事 ‎(2)pressure n.  压(力),压强;强制 under pressure  面临压力;受到压力 ‎[佳句背诵] I know studying is very important, but my parents put too much pressure on me.‎ 我知道学习很重要,但父母给我施加了太多的压力。‎ ‎ instant n.瞬间;片刻 adj.立即的;立刻的 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①He made an instant decision to risk his own life to save the drowning child.‎ ‎②In an instant, he took off his coat and jumped into the water.‎ ‎[能力提升]——一句多译 让我非常惊讶的是,她一读那封信就哭了起来。‎ ‎③Much to my surprise, she burst into tears the__instant/instantly she read the letter. ‎ ‎④Much to my surprise, on/upon__reading__the__letter,__she burst out crying.‎ ‎⑤To my great surprise, she burst into tears the__moment__she__read__the__letter.‎ ‎(1)in an instant=instantly   立刻;马上 for an instant   一瞬间;顷刻 ‎(2)一……就…… ‎[佳句背诵] Please send me an email the instant/instantly you reach Yunnan.‎ 请你一到云南就给我发电子邮件。‎ ‎[名师点津] 表示“一……就……”的结构有the minute...,the moment...,as soon as...,immediately...,directly...,hardly...when...,no sooner...than...;on...等。‎ ‎ take up 占有(时间/空间);继续;开始;接受;拿起;开始从事 ‎[一词多义]——写出下列句中take up的含义 ‎①We tried to find a table for seven, but they were all taken up.占据 ‎②I put the telephone down and took up my work again.继续 22‎ ‎③Peter will take up his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month.开始从事 ‎④I’m going to take up the challenge of lasting a whole week without arguing.接受 take off    脱掉(衣服等);起飞;事业腾飞;休假 take over  接管;获得对……的控制或管理 take down  写下;记下;拆除 take in  吸收;接纳;领会;欺骗 take on  呈现;雇用;承担;从事 ‎[佳句背诵] With the development of science and technology, our country has taken on a new look.‎ 随着科技的发展,我们的祖国呈现出新的面貌。‎ ‎ speed up 加速 ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①They are broadening the bridge to speed up the flow of traffic.‎ ‎②Our physics teacher said that light travels at a speed of 300,000km per second.‎ ‎③Once outside the station, the train began to pick up speed.‎ ‎[能力提升]——完成句子 ‎④你应该养成良好的学习习惯,这可以帮助你加速到达目的地。‎ You should form a good habit of learning, which can help you speed__up__to__reach__your__destination.‎ ‎(1)reduce speed/slow down  减速 pick up speed  逐渐加速 ‎(2)at high/low/full/top speed 以高/低/全/最高速 at a speed of...  以……的速度 ‎[佳句背诵] Many countries are faced with the problem about how to speed up economic development.‎ 许多国家面对如何加快经济发展的问题。‎ ‎[名师点津] speed的过去式、 过去分词有两种形式: speeded,speeded或sped,sped。‎ 22‎ ‎ 过去分词(短语)作状语 ‎(教材P18)Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached.‎ 由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。‎ ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①Located(locate) in the central district, the Xi’an Hotel offers the best service with the lowest price.‎ ‎②Ordered(order) over a week ago, the books are expected to arrive any time now.‎ ‎[能力提升]——一句多译 从高层建筑物上看,公园看上去更漂亮。‎ ‎③Seen__from the top of the high building, the park looks even more beautiful. (分词作状语)‎ ‎④Seeing__from the top of the high building, I find the park even more beautiful. (分词作状语)‎ ‎(1)过去分词或过去分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式、伴随等,表示被动或完成;‎ ‎(2)过去分词的逻辑主语一般与句子主语一致;‎ ‎(3)过去分词表示的动作与句子的主语之间为被动关系。  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] Shown this Sunday afternoon, the film will last two hours. ‎ 这部电影将于本周日下午放映,持续两个小时。(2018·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)‎ ‎ 形容词(短语)作状语 ‎(教材P18)Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.‎ 我感到累极了,爬上床很快就睡着了。‎ ‎[基础练习]——单句语法填空 ‎①The boy lay on the sofa, relaxed(relax).‎ ‎②Luckily(luck), I met a very good teacher, who encouraged me to take some math classes, business classes and history classes.‎ ‎[能力提升]——句式升级 ‎③(普通表达)I was too nervous.I couldn’t think of anything at the beginning of the exam.‎ ‎(高级表达)Too__nervous,__I couldn’t think of anything at the beginning of the exam.(形容词作状语)‎ 22‎ 形容词短语作状语可以表示方式、原因或伴随状况等,可位于句首、句末或句中,常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。  ‎ ‎[佳句背诵] To our relief, the missing child returned home ten days later, exhausted but healthy.‎ 使我们欣慰的是,丢失的孩子十天后回到家,精疲力竭但很健康。‎ ‎[名师点津] (1)形容词(短语)作状语时和主语常可构成系表关系;‎ ‎(2)如果用来修饰句子的谓语动词或整个句子,则应用副词作状语。‎ Ⅰ.词形转换和动词的形式变换(用所给词的正确形式填空)‎ ‎1.You should make full preparations for the job interview if you want to leave a good impression(impress) on the judges.‎ ‎2.The purpose of the programme is to develop our interest in English learning and get us motivated(motivate).‎ ‎3. She added that as a reporter she needed many different skills and was constantly(constant) challenged to learn new things.‎ ‎4.I’m uncertain(certain) whether I’ll get the first prize in the English competition, but I will try my best.‎ ‎5.Paper,iron and glass are all materials which can be__recycled(recycle) and used again.‎ ‎6.It now seems unlikely that it will be possible to reach a peaceful settlement(settle) of the conflict.‎ Ⅱ.固定用法和搭配(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式)‎ ‎1.The five survivors eventually reached safely, starved and exhausted(exhaust).‎ ‎2.Faced(face) with the increasing unemployment, many people went on strike in most of the European countries.‎ ‎3.Students should involve themselves in community activities where they can gain experience.‎ ‎4.After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane took up her job as a doctor in the countryside.‎ Ⅲ.易错误用(改正下列句子中的错误)‎ ‎1.It is widely agreed that pressing students to studying is not a good idea.studying→study 22‎ ‎2.We live near the airport.The loud noise from the planes every day is hard to put up.在up后加with ‎3.Worrying about her daughter, the mother came to see her yesterday.Worrying→Worried ‎4.We must never lose the sight of the fact that man must live in harmony with nature.删除第一个the ‎5.In front of our house stand a tall tree with a history of 1,000 years, which is protected by the government now.stand→stands Ⅳ.熟词生义(根据具体语境写出加黑词的词性及含义)‎ ‎1.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ完形)Through the years,I’d run into former students who would provide updates on old classmates. n.最新消息 ‎2.Pressed by my friends and relations, I decided to seize the opportunity. vt.催促,逼迫 ‎3.He deserted his wife and children and went abroad. v.抛弃,离弃 ‎4.We shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that education is of vital importance.忽视 提能一 语段填空(在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式)‎ ‎(一)‎ The household robot will not only take 1.up much housework, such as cooking dinner and sweeping 2.up the fallen leaves, but also remind me not 3.to__lose(lose) sight of anything important. 4.Relaxed(relax) and happy, I can deal with other important jobs more efficiently.‎ ‎(二)‎ For lack 1.of selfconfidence, Tom lost interest in English;as a result, he reached a point 2.where he should make some 3.adjustments(adjust), or he had to give up.Fortunately, 4.instantly(instant) Mr.Smith, a new teacher, took over his class, he gave Tom a lot of encouragement and made him take up learning actively and confidently. At the same time, Mr.Smith’s lively and vivid teaching 5.sped(speed) up his progress.‎ 提能二 话题写作(用本单元词汇、句式和语法知识写满分作文)‎ 假设某英文报社向中学生征文,题目是“The House in the Future”。请根据下列要点和你的畅想写一篇短文。①如何智能化;②怎样服务人。‎ ‎1.补全要点句(黑体部分请用本单元所学词汇)‎ 22‎ ‎①随着科技的发展,将来的房子在许多方面不仅智能而且贴心。‎ With__the__development__of__science__and__technology,__the house in the future will be smart and caring in__many__aspects.‎ ‎②未来的房子由电脑控制,了解主人的喜好并能和主人交流。(分词作状语)‎ Controlled__by__computers,__the future house will learn about the master’s likes and dislikes and communicate with him.‎ ‎③它会发信息告诉主人缺乏日用品。‎ It will send the master messages to inform its master there__is__a__lack__of__daily__goods.‎ ‎④房子一意识到主人疲惫不堪,就会调节自身使环境更舒适。‎ The__instant/Instantly__it__senses__its__master__is__exhausted,__the house can adjust__itself__to__make__the__surroundings__comfortable.‎ ‎⑤太阳能充电系统将回收利用水并把废物变为燃料,这对环境极为有利。‎ A solarpowered system will recycle__water__and__turn__waste__into__fuel. This is of__great__benefit__to the environment.‎ ‎⑥毫无疑问,未来的房子会给我们提供各种便利。‎ There__is__no__doubt__that the house in the future will offer__every__kind__of__convenience__to__us.‎ ‎2.升级平淡句 ‎⑦用非限制性定语从句升级句⑤‎ A__solarpowered__system__will__recycle__water__and__turn__waste__into__fuel,__which__is__of__great__benefit__to__the__environment.‎ ‎3.衔接成美文(注意使用适当的过渡衔接词汇:to begin with, for example, besides, in addition, in conclusion)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 22‎ One possible version:‎ The House in the Future With the development of science and technology, the house in the future will be smart and caring in many aspects.‎ To begin with, controlled by computers, the future house will learn about the master’s likes and dislikes and communicate with him. For example, it will send the master messages to inform its master there is a lack of daily goods. Besides, the instant/instantly it senses its master is exhausted, the house can adjust itself to make the surroundings comfortable. In addition, a solarpowered system will recycle water and turn waste into fuel, which is of great benefit to the environment.‎ In conclusion, there is no doubt that the house in the future will offer every kind of convenience to us.‎ ‎(建议用时:50分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2020·河南适应性测试)Every year between May and September, all 54 employees of Basecamp, a Chicagobased web application company, have a short work week: just four days—a total of 32 hours. Also, they usually work five days a week for the rest of the year.‎ ‎“That’s plenty of time to get great work done. This is all we expect and all we want from people,” says Jason Fried, a cofounder. “Working 50, 60, or 70plus hours is unnecessary. In fact, if you have to work 50, 60, or 70plus hours a week, there’s a management problem.”‎ The company’s summer workload must fit reduced hours, Mr.Fried insists, otherwise the benefits of a shorter week—to recover from work, enjoy time with family and pursue(追求) outside interests—would be undone.‎ His new research finds that it is not just long hours that are harmful to employees’ physical and mental health. It is also the intensity(强度) of work. Moreover, it suggests that intense work harms career prospects. That is because unbearable hours and intensity are in the opposite direction, reducing the quality of the work.‎ The research concludes that the level of intensity we apply to the work we do 22‎ ‎ is generally “a stronger predictor of unfavorable outcomes than overtime work”.‎ The research compared people of similar jobs and education levels, and found they were more likely to suffer poorer happiness and worse career prospects, including satisfaction, security and promotion, when they worked at an intense level for long periods.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文以一家总部位于芝加哥的网络应用公司Basecamp的54名员工将近半年时间每周只工作4天,共32小时的情况为例说明了较短的工作周有益于人们的身心健康,并以一项研究来证明。‎ ‎1.What do we know about Basecamp’s fourday work week?‎ A.It lasts nearly half a year.‎ B.The work pressure is too high.‎ C.There are some management problems.‎ D.Employees work more than 8 hours a day.‎ A 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段可知,一家总部位于芝加哥的网络应用公司Basecamp的54名员工在每年5月到9月期间每周的工作时间都很短:只有4天,共32小时,持续5个月,大概半年时间,故选A项。‎ ‎2.What does Mr.Fried intend to say in paragraph 2?‎ A.Given plenty of time, people can do more.‎ B.To get work done well needs plenty of time.‎ C.People can do a job very well in a short work week.‎ D.A long work week is appropriate for reduced workload.‎ C 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Working 50, 60, or 70plus hours is unnecessary. In fact, if you have to work 50, 60, or 70plus hours a week, there’s a management problem.”可知,弗里德先生认为一周工作50几个小时,60几个小时,甚至70几个小时是没有必要的。如果真这么做了,管理上是有问题的。由此推知,弗里德先生认为人们可以在短时间内把工作做好,故选C项。‎ ‎3.What does the research mentioned in the text want to tell us?‎ A.Getting much more rest.‎ B.Improving work quality.‎ C.Refusing a fiveday work week.‎ D.Avoiding working too intensely.‎ D 解析:推理判断题。根据题干中的the research可定位到文章的第四至六段,通读这几段,尤其是第四段可知,这项新研究发现长时间工作不只对员工的身心健康有害,工作的强度也会影响员工的职业前景。这是因为难以忍受的工作时长和工作强度会降低工作质量 22‎ ‎,第五、六两段进一步说明了长时间和高强度工作的坏处,由此可以推知,该研究建议人们要避免高强度工作,故选D项。‎ ‎4.What can be the best title for this passage?‎ A.More Work, More Profits B.Less Work, Less Benefits C.Shorter Week, Better Reward D.Longer Hours, Higher Intensity C 解析:标题归纳题。文章第一、二段以一家总部位于芝加哥的网络应用公司Basecamp为例,说明了较短的工作周的好处。第三段介绍了较短的工作周的好处。第四至六段介绍了一项有关工作时长和工作强度对人的影响的研究,更进一步印证了较短工作周对人身心方面的益处。由此可知C项最能概括全文内容。‎ B ‎(2020·济南高三质检)Nearly every week, we hear news about the latest successes and failures in driverless vehicles. But we hear little about how other industries are developing this same kind of technology. One industry heavily involved in researching and developing artificial intelligence, or AI, is agriculture. Companies are experimenting with hightech tools that can help farmers save time and money, while reducing environmentharming chemicals.‎ One of the companies is ecoRobotix of Switzerland. It created a robot equipped with AI and cameras to identify all plants on a farm. The robot has four wheels to carry it through the fields in search of weeds. Computercontrolled arms then lower and spray the weeds with small amounts of herbicide(除草剂).Company officials say the robot can fully operate on its own for up to 12 hours a day while being powered by the sun. It uses the same kind of sensor and positioning technology used to guide driverless vehicles. A farmer can also control the equipment through a smartphone.‎ The cofounder of ecoRobotix, Aurélien Demaurex, says the farm robot can kill weeds with 20 times less herbicide than traditional methods. This is because the system uses exactly the right amount of chemical in the exact place required to kill the weeds. Currently, farmers spread weed killers over massive areas to destroy unwanted plants.‎ Another company developing farm robotics is Californiabased Blue River Technology. The company has a system called “See & Spray”, which it claims was the world’s first smart sprayer. The system—which is connected to the back of a tractor—is also equipped with AI to identify and chemically kill only the weeds. ‎ 22‎ It can also spray chemicals on wanted plants to help them grow. Ben Chostner, vicepresident of business development for Blue River Technology, explains in a company video that See & Spray technology uses the same deep learning methods used in facial recognition. “The first time the machine saw a pigweed, it didn’t know what kind of plant it was. But we taught it—by giving it tens of thousands of examples of that pigweed—and now it’s an expert in pigweed.”‎ ‎【解题导语】 研究者们正在试验农业方面的人工智能高科技工具,这些工具可以帮助农民节省时间和金钱,同时减少使用对环境有害的化学物质。‎ ‎5.How will AI benefit agriculture?‎ A.It will fund agriculture research.‎ B.It contributes to lowcost farming.‎ C.It can avoid harmful chemicals.‎ D.It frees all farmers from field work.‎ B 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Companies are experimenting with hightech tools that can help farmers save time and money, while reducing environmentharming chemicals.”可知,人工智能可以帮助农民节省时间和金钱,同时减少使用对环境有害的化学物质。故选B。文章没有提到人工智能会资助农业研究,故A项错误;根据文章第二、三段内容可知,人工智能可以进行精准喷洒小剂量除草剂等,而不是避免有害化学物质,故C项错误;此外,本文没有提到使所有的农民从农田劳作中解放出来,故D项错误。‎ ‎6.What do the products of the two companies have in common?‎ A.They use recognition technology.‎ B.They are powered by solar energy.‎ C.They are connected with smartphones.‎ D.They can help wanted plants grow rapidly.‎ A 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“It created a robot equipped with AI and cameras to identify all plants on a farm.”以及第四段第三句“The system—which is connected to the back of a tractor—is also equipped with AI to identify and chemically kill only the weeds.”可知,两个公司的产品的共同点就是它们都使用了识别技术,故选A。‎ ‎7.What do Ben Chostner’s words suggest about the robot?‎ A.It is environmentally friendly.‎ B.It is good at selfimproving.‎ C.It has the learning ability.‎ D.It can track various plants.‎ 22‎ C 解析:推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“But we taught it—by giving it tens of thousands of examples of that pigweed—and now it’s an expert in pigweed.”可知,通过给它成千上万的例子来教它,这个机器现在在识别苋方面是一个专家。由此可推知,Ben Chostner意在表明该机器人有学习能力。故选C。‎ ‎8.What is mainly talked about in the text?‎ A.The experiment in farming robots.‎ B.New trend in artificial intelligence.‎ C.Modern See & Spray technology.‎ D.Artificial intelligence in agriculture.‎ D 解析:主旨大意题。根据文章第一段第三句“One industry heavily involved in researching and developing artificial intelligence, or AI, is agriculture.”可知,农业是研究和开发人工智能(AI)的重要行业之一;然后文章第二至四段介绍了两个公司的人工智能产品是如何帮助农业生产的。由此可知,本文的主旨是介绍人工智能在农业中的应用。故选D。文章第二至四段列举了两个公司是如何将人工智能应用到农业中去的,其中提到了机器人实验以及产品的名称及功能等,但这些都是为了说明人工智能是如何在农业中应用的,故A、C两项错误;此外,文章没有重点讲述人工智能新的发展趋势,故B项错误。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 ‎(2020·石家庄模拟)One day, I was driving with my threeyearold granddaughter, Madison, when I saw a __1__ reading “Friendly Upholstery(家具装饰品)”. It was a small __2__.‎ When I parked my car and walked inside, the gentleman was __3__, so I began to __4__ Madison what they built in such a place. As we were walking around, I __5__ to tell him to take his __6__ as I was in no hurry.‎ When he __7__ his call, I began to __8__ I had a wooden shelf in my home office that extended out from my desk and that __9__ my granddaughter would strike her head. I needed something soft to __10__ the shelf to protect her.‎ ‎“She’s a pretty little thing,” he said __11__, reaching out to make her laugh.‎ I stood watching as he headed off to a back room. Minutes later, he returned __12__ a piece of leather. I took it and __13__ how much it would be. “How much do I __14__ you?” “Don’t worry about it,” he told me, as he waved his hand __15__.‎ After thanking him, we drove home, where I covered the shelf with the leather. It was less than an hour later when Madison slipped off my desk, hitting her face directly on the side of the shelf. A bit scared, she got up, __16__.‎ 22‎ I was inspired by that gentleman’s __17__ for someone else’s safety, rather than the money that he could have gotten from me, a(n) __18__ from out of nowhere.‎ Last week, one year later, I returned to his small shop and __19__ him once again. I wanted him to know that kindness is __20__ appreciated by some, even in this day and age, and that I will forever remember it.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文主要讲述了作者带着3岁的孙女在家具装饰品店购买东西时,店主善意相助,作者对此非常感激的故事。‎ ‎1.A.notice          B.sign C.warning D.title B 解析:notice意为“通知”;sign意为“招牌”;warning意为“警告”;title意为“标题”。此处表示“我”正开车带着“我”3岁的孙女行驶在路上,这时“我”看见了一个招牌,上面写着“友好家具装饰品”。故选B。‎ ‎2.A.market B.garage C.shop D.buffet C 解析:garage意为“车库”;buffet意为“快餐部,自助餐”。根据下文中的“I returned to his small shop”可知,选C。‎ ‎3.A.in trouble B.on leave C.in the queue D.on the phone D 解析:in trouble意为“陷入困境”;on leave意为“休假”;in the queue意为“排队”;on the phone意为“打电话”。根据下文中的“When he ______ his call”可知,店主正在打电话。故选D。‎ ‎4.A.show B.teach C.offer D.award A 解析:根据下文中的“As we were walking around”可知,店主在打电话,所以“我”开始带着孙女在店里四处看看。故选A。‎ ‎5.A.glanced B.yelled C.gestured D.bowed C 解析:店主在打电话,所以“我”做手势告诉他慢慢打电话,因为“我”不着急,故选C。‎ ‎6.A.time B.order C.turn D.seat A 解析:参见上题解析。take one’s time表示“不着急,慢慢来”,故选A。‎ ‎7.A.answered B.canceled C.returned D.completed 22‎ D 解析:根据下文“我”开始跟他解释“我”需要买的东西可知,此处表示“当他打完电话”。故选D。‎ ‎8.A.argue B.explain C.conclude D.condemn B 解析:参见上题解析。argue意为“争论”;explain意为“解释”;conclude意为“得出结论”;condemn意为“谴责”。故选B。‎ ‎9.A.frequently B.permanently C.casually D.deliberately A 解析:frequently意为“频繁地”;permanently意为“永久地”;casually意为“偶然地”;deliberately意为“故意地”。根据语境可知,“我”的家庭办公室里有一个木架子从“我”的桌子上伸出来,“我”孙女频繁地撞到头,因此“我”需要一些柔软的东西去盖住它来保护孙女,故选A。‎ ‎10.A.decorate B.support C.cover D.fix C 解析:参见上题解析。‎ ‎11.A.proudly B.abruptly C.calmly D.kindly D 解析:根据本句中的“She’s a pretty little thing”和“reaching out to make her laugh”可知,应选D。‎ ‎12.A.selling out B.holding out C.picking up D.gathering up B 解析:sell out意为“卖完”;hold out意为“递出”;pick up意为“拿起”;gather up意为“收拢”。几分钟后,他回来递给“我”一片皮革,故选B。‎ ‎13.A.wondered B.suspected C.calculated D.announced A 解析:wonder意为“想知道”;suspect意为“怀疑”;calculate意为“计算”;announce意为“宣布”。“我”想知道这个要花多少钱。故选A。‎ ‎14.A.reward B.know C.owe D.envy C 解析:根据上文中的“how much it would be”可知,此处表示“我”该付你多少钱。故选C。‎ ‎15.A.up and down B.now and then C.in and out D.back and forth D 解析:up and down意为“来回,往复”;now and then意为“时常”;in and 22‎ ‎ out意为“时常出入”;back and forth意为“反复来回”。他告诉“我”别担心,同时反复来回地挥着手,故选D。‎ ‎16.A.unaware B.unhurt C.disappointed D.disabled B 解析:根据下文中的“I wanted him to know...I will forever remember it.”并结合语境可知,孙女没有受伤,故选B。‎ ‎17.A.sacrifice B.promise C.demand D.concern D 解析:sacrifice意为“牺牲”;promise意为“诺言”;demand意为“要求”;concern意为“关爱,关怀”。根据语境可知,那位先生对其他人安全的关心而不是为了从“我”——一个突然出现的陌生人这里得到钱的行为鼓舞了“我”,故选D。‎ ‎18.A.stranger B.driver C.neighbor D.instructor A 解析:参见上题解析。‎ ‎19.A.assisted B.questioned C.thanked D.comforted C 解析:根据语境可知,时隔一年后的上周,“我”回到了他的小店再次感谢(thanked)他,故选C。‎ ‎20.A.temporarily B.truly C.instantly D.generally B 解析:temporarily意为“暂时地”;truly意为“确实地”;instantly意为“立刻”;generally意为“通常”。“我”想让他知道善良确实是被有些人感激的,故选B。‎ Ⅲ.书面表达 ‎(2020·东北三省四市二模)你校学生会计划举办“汉语桥”活动,你受学生会委托写一则通知,邀请你校美国留学生参加此活动。‎ 内容包括:‎ ‎ 1.介绍活动的意义;‎ ‎ 2.邀请美国留学生参加动员会(the pep rally);‎ ‎ 3.动员会的时间、地点。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数。‎ Notice Dear overseas students from America,‎ 22‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ Students’ Union One possible version:‎ Notice Dear__overseas__students__from__America,‎ Here comes the news that a Chinese Bridge activity will be held in our school. So all of participants are warmly welcome in the pep rally to get fully prepared for the followups.‎ ‎①Aimed at promoting Chinese culture around the world, the Chinese Bridge acts as a platform to help narrow the gap of understanding China. Whoever is actively involved in the activity will develop a positive awareness of Chinese and its culture behind. ②Based on it, the pep rally is scheduled in our school auditorium from 2 pm-3 pm next Friday afternoon.‎ Please make sure you are available at that time and join us.‎ Students’__Union ‎【一句多译】‎ ‎①The Chinese Bridge, whose aim is to promote Chinese culture around the world, acts as a platform to help narrow the gap of understanding China.‎ ‎②Based on it, it is scheduled that the pep rally will be held in our school auditorium from 2 pm-3 pm next Friday afternoon.‎ 22‎

