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致歉信模板一 Dear ,‎ I am writing this letter to make an apology to you.‎ ‎_____(事情发生的时间), I______(事情的经过). Unfortunately,_____(因为什么原因)。As a result,______(造成了什么后果).‎ If you do not mind, I will______(解决措施之一)。 Besides, I will______(解决措施之二) as soon as possible.‎ I feel so sorry for any inconvenience caused by my carelessness. Please accept my apology.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Ming 亲爱的 我写信给你是为了表示我的歉意。‎ 在_____(事情发生的时间)的时候,我______(事情的经过)。不幸的是,‎ ‎_____(因为什么原因)。这导致了_____(造成了什么后果)。‎ 如果你不介意,我将会______(解决措施之一)。除此以外,我会尽快 ‎______(解决措施之二)。‎ 我对因为我的粗心而给你造成的任何不便感到愧疚。请接受我的道歉。‎ 诚挚的,‎ 李明 ‎ 致歉信模板二 Dear ____(称呼),‎ I am terribly sorry to tell you that ______(道歉内容), and I am writing this letter to show my deep regret. Please accept my sincere apology with gratitude. I hope you will understand my situation and excuse me for____(错误).‎ The reason why ______(道歉内容)is that______(道歉原因).Under that circumstance, _____(难言之隐). Therefore, it was not my power to ____(道歉内容).‎ If possible, I would like to suggest that ____(挽救措施). I shall be obliged if you will kindly write and tell me____(处理结果). I am looking forward to seeing you again.‎ 高三英语 - 11 - 作文素材 Yours,‎ ‎_____(落款)‎ 亲爱的 ____(称呼),‎ 我怀着万分歉意告诉您 ______(道歉内容),为了表达深深的遗憾我写下这封信。希望您能接受我诚挚的歉意。我希望您能理解我的困境并且原谅我____(错误)。‎ 我 ______(道歉内容)的原因是______(道歉原因),在那种情况下, _____(难言之隐)。因此不是我的能力所能控制 ____(道歉内容)。‎ 如果可能的话,我建议 ____(挽救措施)。我会十分感激如果您能好心地回信给我并告诉我____(处理结果)。我期待着再次见到您。‎ Yours,‎ ‎_____(落款) ‎ 求职信模板一 Dear ____,‎ My name is______(自我介绍). I am writing this letter to apply for the job your company has advertised.‎ I got known that a______(应聘的职位)is needed in your company. Your company has a reputation for______. I am interested in joining such a professional organization.‎ As you could see from the resume, I have been well trained in______(你擅长的技能)and once won the______(获得过的奖)at the______(比赛的名称) competition. In addition, I often and______(还有哪些经历). So, I am deeply convinced that I am able to compete the position of______(应聘的岗位).‎ Thanks for your patience in reading this letter. I am looking forward to your reply.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ XXX 亲爱的,‎ 我的名字是_____(自我介绍)。我写信的原因是为了申请贵公司在广告上登出的职位。‎ 我了解到贵公司需要一个_____(应聘的职位)。贵公司在_____(公司吸引你的地方)一直很有名气。我很有兴趣加入这么专业的一个组织。‎ 高三英语 - 11 - 作文素材 正如你从我的简历上可以看到的,我在_____(你擅长的技能)经受过良好的训练,并且我曾经在_____(比赛的名称)中获得过_____(获得过的奖)。除此之外,我还_____(还有哪些经历)。所以,我坚信我可以胜任_____(应聘的岗位)这一职务。‎ 感谢您耐心读完这封信。我期待您早日回复。‎ 诚挚的,‎ XXX ‎ 求职信模板二 Dear Sir or Madam,‎ I am writing to apply for a position as a ____(职位) in your company. First of all, your company is the king in the area of ____(公司擅长的领域) and is well-known for its development of ____(公司长处). It would be a great opportunity for me to start my career in the company. What is more, my major is ____(专业), and I have a strong interest in ____(相应领域).‎ When I was still a freshman, I got ____(证书名称) certificate for ____(相应专业), which was outstanding in my class. Besides, I have attended various ____(比赛等)and won top prizes several times, which greatly enriched my knowledge on ____(相应领域). Finally, I had once worked part-timely in a company for two years, and I gained wide experience in ____(相应领域) in these two years.‎ I would be pleased if you could offer me an opportunity to interview me.‎ Looking forward to your reply.‎ Sincerely yours ‎______(落款)‎ 亲爱的先生或女士,‎ 兹写信申请贵公司的____(职位)。首先, 贵公司在____(公司擅长的领域)是龙头而且因为____(公司长处)的发展而闻名。在贵公司开始我的职业生涯对我来说是一个绝好的机会。并且我的专业是____(专业), 我对 ____(相应领域)有着很强的兴趣。‎ 当我还在大一的时候,我获得了____(证书名称) 证书在____(相应专业), 这在我们班是非常出色的。另外,我参加过多项____(比赛等)并多次获奖,这极大地丰富了我在____(相应领域)的知识,最后,我曾在一个公司兼职过两年,并且这两年中我在____(相应领域) 积累了广泛的经验。‎ 如果您能给我一个面试的机会我将非常高兴。‎ 期待着您的回复。‎ 您忠诚的 高三英语 - 11 - 作文素材 ‎____(落款) ‎ 感谢信模板一 Dear ,‎ I am writing this letter to express my gratitude to you.‎ ‎_____(对方帮助你的时间), I had difficulty in_____(做什么事遇到了困难). It was you that did me a favor in time, helping me______(对方做了什么事)。I don’t know how to thank you for your kindness. Hardly could I find a more______(赞美对方的话)than you.‎ Please accept my sincere thanks and best wishes.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Ming 亲爱的 我写这封信是为了向你表示我的感谢。‎ 当_____(对方帮助你的时间)的时候,我在做_____(做什么事有遇到了困难)有困难。是你,及时地向我伸出援手,帮助我_____(对方做了什么事)。我不知道怎么来感谢你的热心,我简直找不到比你更_____(赞美对方的话)的人了。‎ 诚挚的,‎ 李明 ‎ 感谢信模板二 Dear_____(人名):‎ It is my great pleasure to show my hearty thanks to you for_________(感谢的事情)。‎ I was impressed that you really gave me a lot of valuable help when________(受助时间).You not only_____________(帮助的事情) ,but also__________(具体帮的事情)。‎ ‎____Above all, thank you again for your kindness , and thank you for your time.‎ Yours faithfully,__‎ XXX 亲爱的____(人名):‎ 我很荣幸可以向你表示我的谢意,谢谢_____(感谢的事情)。‎ 高三英语 - 11 - 作文素材 我印象深刻的是你在我____(时间)的时候,给予我很多有用的帮助。你不仅帮助我________________(帮助的事情),还帮助我___(帮助的事情)。‎ 最重要的是,再次感谢您的善意的帮助,也谢谢(占用您)宝贵的时间。‎ 你真诚的,‎ XXX ‎ 邀请信模板一 Dear ,‎ I will______(做什么活动)in______(地点)on______(日期)to ____(活动的目的).As you are one of my closest friends, I would like you to participate in the ‎______(活动)and share our joys.‎ The______(活动) will start at______(时间) o’clock in the______(早晨或者上午). First of all, we will______(活动内容之一). This will be followed by ‎_____(活动内容之二).Finally, at around______(时间), we will______(活动内容之三).‎ We look forward to the pleasure of your company.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Ming 亲爱的 我将要在_____(日期)_____(地点)_____(做什么活动)。因为你是我最亲密的朋友之一,我希望你能加入_____(活动),并且分享我们的快乐。‎ 这个_____(活动)将会在_____(早晨或者上午)的_____(时间)开始。首先我们将会_____(活动内容之一)。其次,_____(活动内容之二)。最后,在大约_____(时间)的时候,我们将会_____(活动内容之三)。‎ 我们期待你的陪伴带来的快乐。‎ 诚挚的,‎ 李明 ‎ 邀请信模板二 Dear _____(人名) ,‎ It has been a while since we last met. There will be a _____(内容)at/in _____(地点)on _____(时间). We would be 高三英语 - 11 - 作文素材 ‎ honored to have you there with us.‎ The occasion will start at _____(具体时间). This will be followed by a _____(进一步的安排). At around _____(时间), _____(另一个安排).‎ I am sure the above invitation would have interested you, and just to make sure things will happen as expected please kindly reply to this letter and upon then I will arrange things accordingly. Look forward to seeing you by then. ‎ ‎____My best wishes to you and your family.‎ ‎______(落款)‎ 亲爱的 _____(人名),‎ 自上次一别已有很久了。 将要有一个 _____(内容)在 _____(地点)在 _____(时间),我们非常荣幸地邀请您来跟我们一起参加。‎ 活动将在 _____(具体时间)开始,之后将会 _____(进一步的安排)大约在_____(时间),_____(另一个安排)。‎ 相信以上的邀请已经打动了您,为了确保一切按计划进行希望您回复我,我会相应的做好准备。希望结届时见到您。‎ 祝您阖家欢乐!‎ ‎______(落款) ‎ 邀请信模板三 Dear ______(人名):‎ I am greatly honored to formally invite ____(想要邀请的人)to participate in _____(场合:宴会、开幕式、舞会、婚礼等)。‎ The _____(场合)will be held in the ____(地点), on _____(具体日期),at _____(钟点).‎ ‎[I/We] sincerely hope you can attend. Let [me/us] know.‎ Affectionately yours,‎ XXX 亲爱的_____(人名):‎ 我很荣幸正式邀请____(想要邀请的人)参加____。‎ 会在_____(具体日期)_____(钟点)在_____(地点)举办__。我/我们真诚地希望您/您们能够出席/参加。‎ 请提前告知我们您能否出席/参加。‎ 高三英语 - 11 - 作文素材 你亲爱的,‎ XXX 建议信模板一 Dear ,‎ I’m writing this letter to tell some of my ideas to______(建议内容).‎ I have noticed some problems about______(问题) recently I think the______(需要改进的地方)could be improved as follows. The first,‎ ‎_____(建议之一). It would be beneficial to______(改进带来的好处). The second, I think it could be much better if______(建议之二).Last but not least,_____(建议之三).‎ Thank you for your patience in reading this letter and I’m looking forward to seeing some new changes soon.‎ Li Ming 亲爱的 我写这封信是为了表达_____(建议内容)的想法。‎ 我最近已经注意到_____(问题)的问题。‎ 我认为_____(需要改进的地方)可以按照如下的要求来改进。首先,_____(建议之一)。这会对_____(改进带来的好处)有好处。其次,我认为情况会大有好转,如果能够_____(建议之二)。最后,。‎ 谢谢你耐心读完这封信,我期待能尽快见到一些改变。‎ 李明 建议信模板二 Dear______(人名),‎ I'm glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to ‎_______(引出主题).‎ Here are a few suggestions for your reference. First, it is important to____________(建议一). As you'll be able to_____(按建议做的好处). Then, it is also helpful /useful to_____________(建议二). Besides, it should be a good idea to___________.(建议三),because by doing so ,you'll______(按建议做的好处).You can also_________. (建议四) I’m sure that _____.(预测可能的结果,给对方以行动的信心和决心)‎ 高三英语 - 11 - 作文素材 I hope you’ll find these suggestions useful and I'm looking forward to your improvements in this matter.‎ Sincerely yours,‎ XXX 亲爱的_____(人名),‎ 我很高兴收到你问我怎样_______(主题)建议的来信。‎ 这里有一些建议你可以作为参考。首先,_____(建议一)是很重要的。因为你可以______(按建议做的好处)。然后,______也是有用的。另外,_______(建议三)应该也是一个好主意,因为通过这样做,你将会_____(按建议做的好处)。你也可以_____(建议四)。我相信______(预测可能的结果,给对方以行动的信心和决心)。‎ 我希望这些建议你会觉得对你有帮助,以及我希望你能取得进步。‎ 你真诚的,‎ XXX 感谢信句型精选 ‎1.我对_____印象很深刻。‎ I was deeply impressed with_____.‎ ‎2.你很难明白你给我提供的_____是多么重要。‎ Hardly could you realize how important the_______you provided for me is!‎ ‎3.我会珍惜的机会。‎ I will cherish the opportunity to______.‎ ‎4.如果没有你的帮助,我不可能_____。‎ Under no circumstance could I______without your help.‎ ‎5.我相信我的_____使得我会对得起你的信任。‎ I believe the______has prepared me well for your faith.‎ ‎6.能够_____真是一件令人开心的事。‎ It is indeed a pleasure to_____.‎ ‎7.感谢你为我_____。‎ 高三英语 - 11 - 作文素材 Thank you for______.‎ ‎8.请不要犹豫去_____。‎ Please have no hesitation in_____.‎ ‎9.我相信我能符合_____的标准。‎ I believe I can meet the standard of______.‎ ‎10. 多亏了你的_____,我的取得了很大的提高,。‎ My_______has been improved greatly thanks to your______.‎ 空气污染问题 The environmental pollution, especially the air pollution, is becoming more and more seriously today. On the road people drove slowly because they could not see clearly. People also suffered from many illnesses caused by smog.‎ This kind of air pollutant comes from a variety of natural and manmade sources. The one of the main cause of the haze is _____(原因). But how do we deal with it?‎ In my opinion, one of the effective solutions to help remove haze is to _____(措施一). Moreover,we should _____(措施二). We must _____(措施三). Only in these ways can we expect to have more sunny days.‎ 环境污染问题,特别是空气污染,已经变得越来越严重了。人们在马路上开车慢是因为他们看不清楚。人们也遭受许多雾霾引起的疾病。‎ 这种空气污染物来自各种自然和人为的因素,其中主要的原因是_____(原因)。但是如何解决这个问题呢?‎ 在我看来,消除雾霾的一个有效的措施是_____(措施一)。此外,我们应该_____(措施二)。我们必须_____(措施三)。只有通过这些方法我们才能期望拥有更多的蓝天。‎ 解决方法作文句型精选1‎ 最近,____问题已引起人们的关注。‎ Recently, the problem of ____ has aroused people’s concern.‎ ‎____已成为热点问题被讨论很长时间了。‎ ‎____have been the hot issue of discussion for a long time.‎ ‎____是当今世界的一个严重问题。‎ ‎____ is a serious problem in today’s world.‎ ‎____在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题。‎ 高三英语 - 11 - 作文素材 ‎____ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.‎ 如今,____已成为我们不得不面对的问题了。‎ Nowadays, ____has become a problem we have to face.‎ 如今,____在中学生中越来越流行起来。‎ Nowadays, ____ are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students.‎ 当今,____给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。‎ Today,____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life.‎ 更为糟糕的是____。‎ What makes things worse is that ____.‎ 人类正面临一个日益严重的____问题。‎ Man is now facing a big problem of ____ which is becoming more and more serious.‎ 随着网络的发展,越来越多的人倾向于____。‎ Withthe development of the internet, more and more people are inclined to ____.‎ 解决方法作文句型精选2‎ 只有这样,____问题才能得到控制。‎ Only in this way can ____ be brought under control.‎ 我们应该号召人们____。‎ We should call on the people to____.‎ 只有这样我们才可能有____。‎ Only in this way can we expect to have ____.‎ 总而言之,整个社会都应该密切关注____。‎ In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to ____.‎ 为了有更好的生活,我们要____。‎ 高三英语 - 11 - 作文素材 In order to live a better life, we need to ____.‎ 我们应该铭记____。‎ We should bear in mind that ____.‎ 我相信如果每个人都____,我们就能有所作为。‎ I believe if everyone ____, we can make a great difference.‎ 我们应该养成____的良好习惯 We should have the good habit of ____.‎ 我认为我们所有人都应该认识到的____重要性,并尽力去保护它们。‎ I think all of us should understand the importance of ____ and try our best to protect them.‎ 总之,我们应该谨慎而理智地对待____。‎ In conclusion, we should treat ____ carefully and wisely.‎ 总之,在____方面,行动胜于口号。‎ In conclusion, to ____, actions speak louder than slogans.‎ 高三英语 - 11 - 作文素材

