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近五年高考128个核心单词必考短语大汇总(最全)‎ ‎1. absorb be absorbed in 全神贯注于            ‎ be absorbed by/with 入神地研究 ‎2. accompany accompany sb to 陪…到…         ‎ accompany sb at/on…用…给…伴奏 be accompanied by/with…与…同时发生/存在、兼带、附有 in the accompany of sb 在…的陪伴下 ‎3. account account for 说明…的原因/占          ‎ on account of 由于/因为 take account of sth 考虑/顾及…         ‎ take sth into account 考虑/顾及…‎ ‎4. accuse accuse sb of (doing) sth  指控…做…‎ ‎5. accustom accustom oneself to sth 使…习惯于…‎ be accustomed to sth 习惯于…‎ be accustomed to doing sth 习惯于做…        ‎ get/become/grow accustomed to sth 适应/习惯于…‎ ‎6. acknowledge acknowledge doing sth 承认做了… ‎ acknowledge sth as/to be 认为某事…‎ ‎7. act act as 充当/扮演                          ‎ act for 代理/代表 act out (用手势/动作)表示出来           ‎ act on /upon 起作用/生效 act against 违反                         ‎ ‎8. add add to 增加/增添                         ‎ add…to  把…加到…‎ add up 加起来                            ‎ add up to 总计/共 in addition另外                           ‎ in addition to 此外/除此以外 ‎9. adapt adapt to 适应(=adjust to)                  ‎ adapt oneself to 使…自己适应/习惯于 adapt sth for sth 改变…以便在不同的情况下使用 adapt from 根据…改写/改编 ‎10. adjust adjust to 适应 ‎11. admit admit doing sth 承认做…                  ‎ be admitted to 准许(入学等)‎ admit one’s mistake 承认错误      ‎ ‎12. advise advise doing sth 建议做…               ‎ advise sb (not) to do sth 建议…做/不做…‎ advise that sb( should )do 建议…应做…‎ ‎13. afford afford to do sth 有能力做…                 ‎ afford sth 买得起…‎ afford sb sth 为…提供…                                       ‎ ‎14. agree agree with sb/one`s opinion /what one said 同意某人的意见/观点/看法 agree to sth 同意某物                       ‎ agree on sth (双方)就…达成共识 agree to do sth同意做…              ‎ ‎15. allow allow sb to do sth 允许…做…                ‎ allow doing sth 允许做…‎ allow for 考虑、顾及                      ‎ allow of 容许/有可能 allow sb in /up /out 允许…进/起来/出去 ‎16. appeal appeal to/for 恳求/强烈呼吁                 ‎ appeal against(提出)上诉 appeal to (某物)使喜欢/吸引/使感兴趣 ‎17. apply apply to sb /sth 适用于/运用于                ‎ apply to sb for help 请求…帮助 apply oneself to sth  专心于…                ‎ apply one’s mind to sth 专心于…‎ apply a theory to practice 把理论运用于实践     ‎ apply for a job提出工作申请 ‎18. apologize apologize to sb for (doing) sth 为(做)…向…道歉 make an apologize to sb for( doing) sth为(做)…向…道歉 ‎19. argue argue with sb about/over sth 与…辩论…       ‎ argue for 为…而辩护 argue against 辩驳反驳               ‎ argue sb into/out of doing sth 劝说…做/不做 ‎20. attach attach sth to sth 将…与…相联系             ‎ attach omeself to sb /sth 加入/依附 attach sb to sb /sth 使隶属于…               ‎ be attached to 依恋/留恋 ‎21. attempt attempt to do sth 试图/尝试做…            ‎ make an attempt to do sth试图做…         ‎ make an attempt on/upon sth 试图夺取…      ‎ make an attempt at doing sth试图做…‎ ‎22. attend attend to                         ‎ attend on /upon be attended by  ‎ ‎23. believe believe in 信任、信仰                      ‎ beyond believe 难以置信 believe it or not 信不信由你 ‎24. blame blame sb for (doing) sth 因…责备…      ‎ be to blame (for…)应承担责任/该受到责备 ‎25. break break down 中断/分解/出故障                   ‎ break up  分解/散开/打碎 break in 闯入/打断/插嘴                        ‎ break into 闯入/强行进入 break off 中断/绝交/休息一下                   ‎ break out 发生/爆发 break through 突破                             ‎ break open 以暴力启开 break away from逃走/脱离                      ‎ break in tears 突然大哭起来 without /with a break 不停的/休息一会儿          ‎ break into laughter突然大笑起来  ‎ ‎26. bring bring in 获利/赚钱/提出/获得(收成等)            ‎ bring out 出版/阐明 bring on 使发生/引起                         ‎ bring up提出/抚养/呕吐 bring down击落/推翻                         ‎ bring about 使发生/造成 bring sb sth /bring sth to /for sb 带给…某物       ‎ bring back归还/记起    ‎ bring sb/oneself to do sth 使某人/自己做…       ‎ bring …to an end 结束 ‎27. burn burn down 烧毁/烧光/烧为平地                  ‎ burn up 烧掉/烧毁/越烧越旺 burn off 烧掉                                 ‎ burn out (使)烧坏、烧光 burn with 有(强烈的情绪或要求)              ‎ burn…to sth 将…烧成…状态 ‎28. burst burst into sth  突然…起来                      ‎ burst into doing sth 突然开始做…‎ burst out doing sth   突然开始做…               ‎ burst open 猛然被推开 ‎29. call call at sp 到(某地)拜访                          ‎ call back 回电话 call in 请(进来)/召集                           ‎ call on /upon 拜访/呼吁 call up 打电话/使…想起                        ‎ call for 需要/要求 call out 大声喊叫                              ‎ call forth 唤起/引起/招致 call after 以…的名字命名                       ‎ call on sb to do sth呼吁/号召…做…‎ ‎30. care care for 喜欢/关心/照顾 照看                    ‎ care about 担心焦虑 ‎31. charge charge for 收费/要价                          ‎ charge sb with sth 控告 charge into /down…冲进(向…下跑去)         ‎ charge a battery 给电池充电 free of charge 免费的/地                  ‎ in/under one’s charge 由…负责               ‎ in the charge of 由…负责                      ‎ get charged 导电 take charge of /in charge of 主管/掌管           ‎ on charge 在充电  ‎ at one’s own charge 自费/用自己的钱 ‎ ‎32. compare compare…with 把…与…相比           ‎ compare…to 把…比作…‎ compared with /to 与…相比(在句中作状语)‎ ‎33. come come about 产生/发生                     ‎ come along 过来/跟着来 come on  加油                            ‎ come after 跟在…后面 come into being 形成/产生                  ‎ come out  出来/开花/出版 come to 共计/达到                         ‎ come over to 造访/来访                             ‎ come up to 到达/比得上/不亚于              ‎ come to know  逐渐认识 come to a stop /an end 结束/停止             ‎ come into force /effect 生效  ‎ come into power /office 上任                 ‎ come across 偶然碰到 come to oneself /come back to life苏醒过来     ‎ come at 袭击 come down下来/败落                       ‎ come true 变为现实                     ‎ come up with 提出/想出(计划、答复等)‎ come into use开始使用 come up 引起注意/走近/发生/考虑            ‎ come up against 碰到/遭到(反对)         ‎ ‎34. complain complain to sb of /about sth 向…抱怨…     ‎ complain of doing sth 抱怨做…‎ ‎35. concern concern (oneself)about /for 担忧、关心       ‎ concern (oneself) with /in 从事、参与 be concerned about /over /for 关心、挂念 be concerned with /in 牵扯到、与…有关 be concerned with /in 牵扯到、与…有关 show /express concern about /for 对…表示关心 ‎36. conclude conclude from 从…得出结论 ‎37. consider consider sb to be/as认为…是…            ‎ consider doing sth 考虑做… ‎ ‎38. consist consist of由…构成                        ‎ consist in 在于、存在于          ‎ convince:convince sb of sth 使…相信…             ‎ convince sb to do 说服…做…‎ convince sb that 使…确信…                   ‎ be convinced of /that…确信 ‎39. cut cut off  切断/砍掉                           ‎ cut up 切碎 cut in 插嘴                               ‎ cut out 割断/剪下/戒除 cut short 缩短/打断                        ‎ cut through 抄近路/穿过/剪断 cut down 砍/削减/减少                     ‎ cut back 缩减 ‎40. date date back to 追溯到…                       ‎ date from 追溯到…    ‎ out of date 过时的/陈旧的                   ‎ up to date现在的/最新的 to date到目前为止                         ‎ the date line 国际日期变更线 ‎41. demand demand of sb to do sth要求…做…         ‎ demand sth of/from sb 向…要求…‎ demand to do sth 要求做…               ‎ in great demand 急需 demand that sb(should)do sth要求…做…‎ ‎42. deny deny doing 否认做过…                      ‎ deny sth to be 否认…是...‎ ‎43. desire have a strong /no desire to do 极想/不想做      ‎ at one's desire 应…的要求 desire that sb (should) do希望…做            ‎ desire to do渴望做…      ‎ leave nothing to be desired 完美无缺          ‎ desire sb to do  希望…做…‎ ‎44. develop develop…into 发展/长成为…              ‎ develop…from /out of 由…发展起来 develop a film 冲洗胶卷                   ‎ develop mind and body 身心发展 develop a new business 发展新事业 ‎45. devote devote to (doing)sth 献身于/专心于          ‎ devote oneself to把…献给 devote one’s life /time to 把…用在           ‎ be devoted to 专心致志于/忠于/很喜欢 ‎46. die die out 灭绝/完全消失/绝迹                   ‎ die of 死于 die from 死于                              ‎ die for 为…而死 die away (音/风/光)渐渐消失                  ‎ die down 逐渐减弱/平息 die off 相继死去                            ‎ die hard (旧习惯等)难改变/消去 be dying for 渴望/极想 ‎47. do do for 使完蛋 /足够/合适                    ‎ do up 收拾、打扮、扣上、系上 do with 处理、对付                         ‎ do without 不用、不要 do over 重做/装饰                           ‎ do out 清扫/清理 do all one can to do sth 尽力做…               ‎ do sth up 修理/重新装修 do all that one can to do sth 尽力做…           ‎ do oneself up 梳妆/打扮自己 do what(ever) one can to do sth 尽力做…        ‎ do away with 除掉、结束、杀死 do everthing one can to do sth 尽力做…         ‎ do (vi) 够、合适 ‎48. dress dress sb /oneself 给…(自己)穿衣服         ‎ dress up 穿上盛装 dress (sb)up as sb /sth  打扮成…              ‎ dress sth up 修饰、掩饰 be dressed in 穿着… ‎ ‎49. drive drive off 迫使…离开/击退/用车把…接走      ‎ drive in 乘坐 drive …into …把…打进…                     ‎ drive sb mad 使…发疯 drive sb out of one’s mind 使…丧失理智 ‎50. drop drop out (of) 不参加/退出/辍学               ‎ drop off(数量)减少/(价格)降低 drop to 下降到                             ‎ drop in on sb 顺便拜访..‎ drop into a deep sleep 陷入酣睡中             ‎ drop history 不学/不选修历史 ‎51. engage engage sb to sb 使…与…订婚               ‎ get /be engaged to sb 与…订婚 engage oneself to do sth 自愿做…                ‎ be engaged in (doing) sth 忙于(做)…‎ engage with 连接、使吻合 ‎52. equip equip sb/sth with sth 用…装备…           ‎ equip sb for 使…有能力胜任…‎ sb be equipped to do sth 使某人有能力做…‎ ‎53. expand expand in /into 把…扩展/发展/膨胀         ‎ expand on sth 阐述/评述 ‎54. fail fail to do sth 未能做…                       ‎ fail in doing sth 干…失败 fail in an exam 考试没及格                   ‎ without fail 一定/务必 ‎55. fall fall behind 落后                            ‎ fall down 掉下/倒塌/下降/失败 fall into the habit of 染上…的习惯             ‎ fall in love with sb 爱上…‎ fall to pieces 倒塌/崩溃                      ‎ fall to the ground 跌倒在地 fall ill /sick /asleep /silent 生病/入睡/不吱声     ‎ a heavy fall of rain 一场大雨 have many falls 跌了很多跤 ‎56. feed feed…on sth /feed sth to …用…喂…           ‎ feed on sth 以…为食 feed back 反馈  ‎ ‎57. fight fight for 为…而战                         ‎ fight against 与…作战 fight with 与…作战/共同对付                 ‎ fight over 为…而争吵 ‎58. fit fit in (with) 与…相适应/协调                  ‎ fit sb /sth in (sth) 安排某人/某事 fit sb /sth out with sth 向…提供所需的东西      ‎ fit sb up for sth 诬陷…(犯某事)‎ be fit for 适合某事                           ‎ be fit to do sth 适合做…‎ ‎59. forbid forbid doing sth 禁止做…                   ‎ forbid sb to do sth 禁止…做…   ‎ ‎60. force force sb to do sth 强迫…做…               ‎ force…open 强行打开…‎ force…into…迫使…进入…                   ‎ force sth from/out of sb 从…强行夺取…‎ force one's way 强行前进/挤过                 ‎ do…with force 用力做…‎ by force 用暴力                              ‎ by force of 借…之力 the air force 空军                             ‎ labour force 劳力 come into force 实施(法律等)    ‎ ‎61. get get across 传播/使人理解                     ‎ get about 走动/(消息等)传开 get ahead 获得成功/取得进展/领先              ‎ get along (with) 进展/相处 get around /round 走动/传开/克服/设法回避       ‎ get at 到达(某地)/挖苦(某人)‎ get away (from) 逃走                          ‎ get back 回来 get down 写下                                ‎ get into 进入/陷入 get off 从…下来                              ‎ get on 上车/马/飞机 get out 逃出/泄露/出版/发表                    ‎ get over 从…恢复/克服/解决 get through 完成/打通/度过                     ‎ get together 聚会 get up起床                                   ‎ get rid of 摆脱 get hold of 抓住                               ‎ get charged /killed /lost /married /paid / 导电/被杀/丢失/结婚/得到报酬 get burnt /broken /damaged /robbed /drunk / hurt / asked ‎ 被烧/摔坏/受损/被抢劫/醉酒/受伤/被问及 get to 到达                                     ‎ get a cold 感冒 get down to (doing) sth 开始认真做…               ‎ get in touch with 与…取得联系 get into( a habit of …) 养成…的习惯                ‎ get into trouble 陷入困境 get ready准备好                                 ‎ get sth done 使…被做 get angry /wet /dirty 生气/变湿/弄脏                 ‎ get close to 接近/靠近                       ‎ ‎62. give give sth back 归还/送还                        ‎ give in (to sb /sth) 投降/屈服/让步 give sth in =hand in sth 呈交                     ‎ give (sb /sth) away 泄露/捐赠/赠送 give off 发出气味/热气等                       ‎ give up (doing) sth 放弃(做)…  ‎ give out 分发/用完/耗尽/发出(声音       ‎ ‎63. go go wrong /bad / blind /hungry 出错/变坏/变瞎/饥饿 ‎64. guarantee guaranee sb /sth against /from保证…不受/免遭 ‎ guarantee sth to sb向…担保/保证 ‎65. hand hand in 上交                                ‎ hand out 分发/散发 hands up 举手                               ‎ hand in hand 手拉手  ‎ at hand 在手边/附近、即将到来                ‎ in hand 在手中 ‎ shake hands with sb 和…握手                  ‎ by hand 用手工   ‎ give sb a free hand 放手让…干…               ‎ first/second hand 亲手/二手 ‎66. help help sb (to)do sth 帮助…做…                    ‎ help sb with sth帮助…做…‎ can’t help doing 禁不住做…                      ‎ can’t help to do 不能帮忙做…‎ can’t help but do 不得不做                        ‎ help oneself to 随便、自取 help sb out 帮助…摆脱困境                       ‎ with the help of 在…的帮助下 ‎67. hesitate hesitate about doing sth对做…犹豫不决         ‎ hesitate to do sth 对做…犹豫不决 hesitate about /over sth对做…犹豫不决       ‎ hesitate in speaking 说话吞吞吐吐            ‎ without hesitation 毫不犹豫 ‎68. hold hold up 举起/支撑/阻挡/使停顿                   ‎ hold back 阻止/抑制/退缩/踌躇 hold out 伸出/坚持/维持/提供                      ‎ hold to 坚持(方向/原则)                             ‎ hold on 继续/不挂断坚持下去/等候            ‎ hold on to 抓住不放   ‎ hold sb /sth up 延误某人/某物 ‎69. imagine imagine doing sth 想象做                    ‎ imagine one’s doing sth 想象…做 ‎70. impress impress…on 给…留下…印/把…印在…上 be impressed by /with /at 被…所感动 be impressed on one’smind /memory ‎ 印在…的脑海里 make /leave a /an…impression on sb ‎ 给…留下…印象 ‎71. insist insist that sb (should) do 坚持要求做…           ‎ insist on doing sth 坚持要求做…       ‎ ‎72. intend intend to do sth 打算做…                      ‎ intend sb to do sth 打算让…做…‎ intend sth for sb /sth  为…而计划                ‎ be intended for 为…打算/设计的 intend sth by sth 通过…意指…                  ‎ intend sth as sth 意欲…成为…‎ ‎73. judge judge sb /sth by sth 以…判定/评价                ‎ judge sb /sth to be 估计…是…‎ judging by /from 根据…来判断                    ‎ as far as one can judge 据我看来 in one’s judgement 依…看 ‎74. keep keep out 置身于…之外/不让…进来               ‎ keep on doing sth 继续做…‎ keep off 推迟/避开/挡住                         ‎ keep from 阻止/隐瞒/使不做…‎ keep up 保持/继续                              ‎ keep up with 跟上/不落在后面 keep to 遵守/信守/坚持                          ‎ keep down 压制/镇压/控制 keep back 阻止/揶制/隐瞒/保留                   ‎ keep at 继续做                          ‎ keep an eye out for sb /sth 提防/警觉/留心           ‎ keep an eye on 照看/照料    ‎ ‎75. knock knock about 冲击、接连打击                    ‎ knock down 击倒、拆除 knock in 敲击                                  ‎ knock into 将…敲进、强行灌输 knock out 敲击、击倒、打败                     ‎ knock over打翻、推翻、撞到 knock up 敲门叫醒                              ‎ knock together 相撞 knock against 撞到、遇到                        ‎ knock off 敲落、中断 knock…out of 从…中敲出 ‎76. lay lay aside 留待后用/把…搁在一旁/储存             ‎ lay down 放下/规定/交出/制定 lay off 解雇/停止/休息/不理会/使失业             ‎ lay the table 摆桌子 lay out 布置/安排/铺开/展开/摆出                 ‎ lay down one’s life for 为…而牺牲 lay the foundation of 奠定…的基础 ‎77. leave leave out 省去/遗漏/不考虑                     ‎ leave alone 不打扰/不干预 leave behind 不带/忘了带                      ‎ leave off 停止/中断 leave for 动身去…                            ‎ leave sb doing…让…做…                        ‎ leave sth as it is /they are 听其自然发展           ‎ leave /let …be 别管    ‎ leave sth with sb 把…暂时托付给…              ‎ leave sth to /for sb 把…留给…‎ leave sb sth把…留给…                        ‎ leave sth open 让…开着 ‎78. lead lead to sth /to doing sth 导致/造成                 ‎ lead sb to do sth导致…做…‎ lead sb to sp引…到…去 ‎79. live live with 和…一起生活/容忍/忍受住              ‎ live up to 遵守、符合    ‎ live through 度过、经受住、经历…后还活者     ‎ live on 以…为食 /继续活着                   ‎ live for 以…为生活目标                       ‎ live off 依赖…生活 live out one’s dream 实现梦想                   ‎ live and let live 宽容别人 live by( doing …)‎ 通过…(手段)谋生/按…的规律生活 ‎ ‎80. look look back on /up 回顾/回想                     ‎ look down on 蔑视/看不起 look for 寻找                                ‎ look forward to 期望/盼望 look into 调查                                ‎ look on…as 把…看作…‎ look out 当心/小心                            ‎ look over 快速查看 look through 审核/仔细查看                    ‎ look up 查阅、向上看 look after 照顾/照料                           ‎ look around round 环顾、四处看看 look at 看/注视                               ‎ look like /as if 看起来像/好像 ‎81. make make up 捏造/虚构/和解/占(比例)/化妆       ‎ make up for 补偿/弥补 make for 向…前进/有利于 ‎ make it 成功/达到目标         ‎ make…into…把…制成…                     ‎ make sb /sth out 认出… ‎ make out 辨认/理解/认出/填写/设法应付/活下去 make out that…声称/断言    ‎ be made of /from 由…制成 be made up of 由…组成                       ‎ make off 匆匆离开/逃走                ‎ make the most /best of 充分利用 make (it) up with sb 和…和好/和解              ‎ make ends meet 使收支相抵 make (good /full) use of 充分利用                ‎ make sense 讲得通/有道理               ‎ make sense of 懂/了解…的含义                ‎ make no sense 讲不通/无意义 manage: manage without 在没有…的情况下应付过去     ‎ manage to do 设法做成…  ‎ ‎82. marry sb marry sb 娶/嫁                             ‎ sb be /get married to sb娶/嫁给…    ‎ sb has been married for…结婚…(时间)         ‎ marry sb to sb把…许配给…‎ ‎83. motivate motivate sb to do sth ‎84. need need to do (某人)需要做…                   ‎ need do(某人)需要做…‎ need doing(某物)需要被做…                   ‎ need to be done(某物)需要被做…                 ‎ at need 紧急时                                ‎ more than needs 超过需要       ‎ meet the needs of 满足…需要                    ‎ be in need of 需要   ‎ There’s no need to do /for sth 不需要做…  ‎ ‎85. offer offer sb sth 为…提供…                        ‎ offer sth to sb…提供…‎ offer to do sth 主动提出做…                     ‎ offer sb money for sth 出钱向…买…‎ offer sb sth for money 某物卖给…要…钱 ‎86. pay pay(money)for 付钱、支付                    ‎ pay back 偿还、报答、报复 pay off 还请(债务)、取得成功                  ‎ pay out 花费、支出 pay the bill 结帐                                ‎ pay…to sb 付钱给…‎ pay sb for sth 因…给…报酬                      ‎ pay attention to 注意 pay a visit to 访问 ‎87. prefer prefer sth to sth 喜欢…胜于…    ‎ prefer doing sth to doing sth 宁愿做…而不愿做…  ‎ prefer sth to sth 喜欢…胜于…   ‎ prefer to do sth rather than do sth ‎ 宁愿做…而不愿做…‎ ‎88. prevent prevent sb from doing sth阻止…做…           ‎ prevent one’s doing 阻止…做…  ‎ ‎89. promise promise sth /to do sth 承诺…/做…             ‎ promise sb to do sth 许诺…做…‎ promise sb sth /sth to sb 答应某人某事         ‎ ‎90. provide provide sth for sb 向…提供…                  ‎ provide sb with sth向…提供…  ‎ provided /providing that…只要,倘若                ‎ provide against 预防/防备 provide for 赡养/抚养 ‎91.pull pull ahead领先,追过 pull down 拆毁 pull in(列车)进站 pull off脱掉 pull on 穿上 pull out(列车)出站,渡过难关 pull over停靠(旁边)‎ pull up (车)停, 使…停止 ‎92put put forward提出/建议/把…往前拨 put across解释/表达 put away放好/储蓄 put in放入/加进 put on穿上/戴上 put through接通 put down写下/记下 put up 举起/张贴 put aside 节省/储蓄/不顾/抛开 put back 放回/拨回 put off延期/推迟 put out 熄灭/扑灭 put up with忍受/忍耐 ‎93. quit quit (doing) sth 停止做…                      ‎ be quit of 摆脱/脱离/免除  ‎ ‎94.react react to sb./sth.对...做出回应 react against sb./sth.反对/对抗 react on sth.对...有影响/使...产生变化 react with sth.与...起化学反应 ‎95.recommend recommend sb…./…to sb.向某人推荐/介绍 recommend sb./sth for推荐...做/作 recommend sb. as推荐...为...‎ recommend doing sth.建议做...‎ recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做...‎ recommend that sb. (should ) do sth. 建议某人做...‎ ‎96. reduce reduce to 减少到                          ‎ reduce by减少了 ‎97.refer refer to sb./sth.提到有关某人/某物 refer to sth.参考/查阅/查看 refer…to …将...送交给...‎ refer to …as…把...说成/比作...‎ ‎98.regret ‎ regret doing 后悔做过...‎ regret not to have done后悔没做过 to one’s regret令某人后悔的是 feel regret for 对...感到后悔 regret to say /tell/ inform/ announce ‎ 遗憾地说/告诉/通知/宣布 ‎99. require require sth of sb要求某人某事               ‎ require sb to do sth 要求…做…‎ ‎(sth) requires doing /to be done(某物)需要被做 ‎ require that sb (should)do  要求…做…‎ ‎100. respond respond to sb /sth 回答/响应                ‎ in response to 作为对…的反应 ‎101.remind remind sb to do sth./that 提醒做…‎ remind sb. of sb./sth. 让…想起 ‎102. result result from 源于…/因...而产生/由...造成 result in 引起/导致/造成 as a result结果 as a result of因.../由于...的结果 without result 没有结果 with the result that其结果是...‎ ‎103. save save …from把...从...中救出 save sb. sth. 省去/免去...的...‎ save one’s life /face/honor 救命/保全面子/荣誉 save up储蓄钱财 ‎ ‎104. scare scare sb. away /off把…吓跑 scare sb.to death 把...吓死 scare sb. into /out of doing sth.‎ 吓得...做/不做...‎ ‎105. see see…as…认为...是...‎ see fit认为合情合理 see the point 弄明白/弄清楚 as you see fit只要你认为恰当 ‎ ‎106.seek seek to do sth. 企图/试图做...‎ seek for /after寻找/追求/探索 seek out挑/选/找出 seek through 找遍 seek one’s advice征求...的意见 ‎ 107. send send out 发送/派发/发出(光/热等)             ‎ send off 给…送行                          ‎ send forth 发出(光/热等)                     ‎ send up 发射/使…上去 send sb sth /send sth to sb 送/寄…给…       ‎ send for 派人去请/拿 send sb doing sth 使…做…                ‎ send sb to do sth派…做…‎ ‎108.set set foot in/on进入/到达/踏上 set free释放 set off动身/出发 set up建立/创立/竖起来 set aside储蓄/放在一边 set down放下/记下/制定 set to work(使)开始做 set fire to 纵火 set sb. an example /an example to sb.给某人树立榜样 be set in 故事发生在.../以...为背景 set out (to do sth.)动身/开始做 set about (doing sth.)开始做 ‎109.settle settle down定居/安心/平静下来 settle down to sth.静下心做...‎ settle for 勉强认可 settle on /upon选定决定 settle up付清(欠账);结清(账目)‎ settle in/into迁入新居/做新工作 settle a dispute a problem /an issue解决争端/问题 settle sth. with sb.与某人解决某事 ‎110. show show sb around /round sth 带领…参观…       ‎ show off 炫耀  ‎ for show 为炫耀/装门面                     ‎ on show 展出/展览(=on exhibition)‎ ‎111.speak speak about 谈论 speak out自由/大胆地说 speak out one’s mind说出心里话 speak to oneself自言自语 speak well /highly of sb.赞赏/称赞 speak badly/ill of sb.说...的坏话 speak for oneself自我辩护 speak for itself(事情)不说自明 generally/strictly/frankly/honestly speaking 一般而言/严格地说/坦率地说/诚实地说 speak for代表...说话 ‎112.stand stand for代表/表示 stand out突出/显著/出色 stand aside站开/袖手旁观 stand away不接近/离开 stand back退后/靠后站 stand against后援/作后盾 stand by抵抗/反抗/靠在…上 as it stands按照现在的情况/事实是这样 stand up站起来/露头角 ‎113.stick stick to 坚持/遵守 stick out伸出/突出 stick to one’s plan/opinion/decision/promise 坚持计划/意见/决定/承诺 stick to a post 坚守岗位 stick to one’s word遵守诺言 be stuck in陷入 ‎114.struggle ‎ the struggle for existence生存竞争 struggle for 为...而战 struggle through the crowd 在人群中艰难前进 struggle with/against 与…搏斗 ‎115. suffer suffer from 患…(病)、受…(苦)‎ ‎116.suggest ‎ suggest sth. to sb. /‎ suggest to sb. to do sth.‎ give suggestions on sth.‎ suggest doing sth.‎ suggest that sb.(should) do sth.‎ The suggestion is that sb. (should )do sth.‎ ‎117.supply supply sb. with sth.‎ supply sth. to sb. ‎ ‎118. suspect suspect sb of doing sth 怀疑…做…    ‎ ‎119. take take off 脱下/起飞/成功/腾飞                  ‎ take after (长相/举止)像…‎ take sth back 收回                           ‎ take sb back to  让…回想/追忆 take over 接管 /接收/控制                    ‎ take in 收留/吸收/欺骗/接受/理解    ‎ take up 拿起/占地/费时/开始从事/开始学        ‎ take down 记下/写下                    ‎ take on 呈现 /从事/雇佣/接受/聘用/聘请        ‎ take to 开始喜欢/从事           ‎ take apart 把…拆开                          ‎ take away 带走/拿走 /使消失  ‎ take out 拿出 取出                          ‎ take back收回  ‎ ‎120. tear tear( sth )apart 撕开                         ‎ tear down 拆掉/拆除 tear at 撕/扯                                 ‎ tear away(使)勉强离去 tear into 攻击/抨击/严厉斥责                   ‎ tear up 撕毁 ‎121. tend tend to do sth 往往容易做…                   ‎ tend to sb 照料/护理…‎ tend to/towards 倾向于/趋于 ‎122. think think of 考虑/想到                          ‎ think of doing sth 打算做..‎ think about 考虑/回想                         ‎ think over 仔细思考 think out 想出                                ‎ think highly/well of 对…评价很高 think little/poorly/badly of 对…评价好/不好      ‎ think of…as… 把…看作/以为…是 What do you think of…? 你认为…怎么样?‎ ‎123.throw throw away 丢掉/浪费 throw off匆匆脱掉/摆脱掉 throw on匆匆穿上 throw up呕吐 throw light on/upon 阐明/使明白 throw shadows on 把影子投射到 throw doubt on对…产生怀疑 throw …at …向着...扔 throw sb. into prison 把...关进监狱 throw sb. sth./throw sth. to sb.把...扔给 ‎124. treat treat …as  视…为…                        ‎ treat sb. (for sth) 治疗某人 treat sb. /oneself to sth. 请…/自己吃…           ‎ treat sb. fairly /badly  无情/公平地对待        ‎ ‎125. turn turn around /round 转过身/转过来              ‎ turn away 回绝/把…打发走/转过脸 turn up 调大出面/调大                        ‎ turn down 关小/调低/拒绝 turn in 上缴/退还                           ‎ turn into 变成 turn off 关掉                                ‎ turn on 打开 turn out (to be)/that…结果是…                ‎ turn over 翻过来/移交/翻阅 turn to 转向/求助于/查阅/依赖                 ‎ turn back 折回/往回走 turn about 转身                              ‎ take turns to do sth 轮流做…‎ in turn 轮流/依次/反过来                     ‎ by turns 轮流地 ‎126.urge urge sb. to do 催促...做...‎ urge sb. into doing催促...做...‎ ‎ have/feel an urge to do sth.渴望做...‎ urge against极力反对 urge that sb. (should)do sth.主张/力劝某人做...‎ in urgent need急需 urge sth. on /upon sb.向...极力陈述.../力言/主张 it’s urged that sb.(should )do 有人主张...‎ ‎127. wear wear sth. away 磨损/用光/消失                ‎ wear sb. /sth down 削弱 wear off 变弱/消失                          ‎ wear sb. out 使…筋疲力尽 wear sth. out 使耗尽/破损                    ‎ sth. be worn out …破了 ‎128. work work at 从事于  work on 从事于/继续工作 work in 加进/插入                           ‎ work out 算出/结果/锻炼 work off 排除/发泄                          ‎ work up 使激动/逐步建立 work over 逼供/拷问work with 与…共事 out of work 失业 at work 在工作/在起作用

