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专题2 非谓语动词 ‎1.非谓语动词作状语 ‎(1)不定式作状语 ‎①表示目的 I stopped the car to take a short break as I was feeling tired.‎ ‎②不定式作结果状语表示出乎意料的结果,动词不定式前常加only。‎ George returned after the war,only to be told that his wife had left him.‎ ‎(2)现在分词作状语 ‎①一般式doing 表示动作和谓语动作同时或几乎同时发生,与句子的主语是主动关系。‎ The sun began to rise in the sky,bathing the mountain in golden light.‎ ‎②完成式having done 表示动作发生在谓语动作之前。‎ I got to the office earlier that day,having caught the 7:30 train from Paddington.‎ ‎③被动式having been done 表示动作发生在谓语动作之前,与句子的主语是被动关系。‎ Having been asked to work overtime that evening,I missed a wonderful film.(被动意义,非谓语动词的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前)‎ ‎(3)过去分词作状语 过去分词作状语时,与句子主语之间是被动关系。‎ Seen from the top of the mountain,the city is very beautiful.(被动关系)‎ Seeing from the top of the hill,we find the park even more beautiful.(主动关系)‎ ‎2.非谓语动词作定语 ‎(1)现在分词 现在分词(短语)作定语与所修饰的名词之间存在着逻辑上的主谓关系,表示该动作的主动和进行。‎ Laura was away in Paris for over a week.When she got home,there was a pile of mails waiting for her.‎ ‎(2)动词不定式 不定式作定语表未做的事情。‎ His first book to be published next month is based on a true story.‎ 不定式作定语的特殊用法:‎ ‎①下列词语后常接不定式作定语:chance,wish,right,courage,need,promise,time,opportunity,way,the first,the second,the last,the only等。‎ ‎②不定式作定语和所修饰的名词在逻辑上有主谓关系。‎ There is no one to look after her.‎ ‎③不定式与被修饰的名词在逻辑上有动宾关系。‎ She is now looking for a room to live in.‎ ‎(3)过去分词 过去分词(短语)作定语与它所修饰的名词在逻辑上有被动关系,表示该动作的被动或完成。‎ You cannot accept an opinion offered to you unless it is based on facts.‎ His first book published last month is based on a true story.‎ 注意:表示心理状态的动词ing形式,意为“令人……的”;动词ed形式,意为“(人)感到……的”,也可修饰体现内心感受的look,expression,tears,smile,voice等名词。‎ ‎3.非谓语动词作宾语 ‎(1)动词afford,promise,refuse,expect,hope,learn,offer,wish,want,fail,plan,agree,forget,like,prefer,decide,manage,try,arrange,determine,desire等后面接不定式作宾语;动词come,get,grow后接不定式作宾语时,意为“逐渐地……”。‎ David refused to accept my invitation.‎ She has a hot temper,but you will grow to like her.‎ 下列词语后可接“疑问词+不定式”:teach,decide,wonder,show,learn,forget,ask,find out,advise,discuss等。‎ I don’t know how to deal with this kind of matter.‎ ‎(2)动词admit,appreciate,avoid,consider(考虑),delay,dislike,enjoy,escape,excuse,finish,imagine,keep,mind,miss,practise,risk,resist,suggest等后要接动词ing形式作宾语。‎ Bill suggested holding a meeting on what to do for the Expo during the vacation.‎ 动词短语can’t stand,give up,feel like,keep on,insist on,look forward to,put off,devote...to,object to,be busy(in),get down to,have difficulty/trouble(in),have a good/wonderful/hard time(in),have fun等后要接动词ing形式作宾语。‎ I had great difficulty finding the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.‎ 介词后要接动名词:what about,how about,be fond of,be good at等的介词后接动名词。注意on/upon doing sth.=as soon as 引导的从句,作此意讲时on/upon后也可以接名词。‎ On his arrival at the station,he found the train had just started.‎ 注意:表示一种倾向多接动名词作宾语,如果表示某一特定的或具体的行动,多接不定式。‎ I like listening to music,but today I don’t like to.‎ want,require,need表“需要”讲,后用不定式时要用其被动形式,用动名词时用其主动形式(表被动意义)。‎ The patient required to be examined.‎ The patient required examining.‎ ‎4.非谓语动词作主语 ‎(1)动名词作主语 Hearing how others react to the book you have just read creates an added pleasure.‎ It is no use crying over spilt milk.(动名词短语作主语,it作形式主语)‎ ‎(2)不定式作主语 To see is to believe.=Seeing is believing.‎ It is important to respect people.(不定式短语作主语,it作形式主语)‎ ‎5.非谓语动词作宾补 ‎(1)分词作补语的区别 ‎①现在分词作宾补的两大特征:一是宾语与现在分词有主谓关系;二是现在分词所表示的动作正在进行。可接现在分词作宾补的动词(短语)常见的有:have,see,hear,find,get,leave,notice,watch,keep,start,set,catch,smell,feel,send,listen to,look at等。‎ I looked up and noticed a snake winding its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.‎ I won’t have you speaking to your dad like that.‎ I heard an English song being sung by a little girl when I passed by her room yesterday.(被动,正在进行)‎ ‎②过去分词作宾补的两大特征:一是及物动词的过去分词作宾补与宾语有动宾关系;二是不及物动词的过去分词作宾补与宾语有主谓关系,多用来表示动作已完成。可接过去分词作宾补的动词有:have,see,hear,find,leave,want,make等。‎ Claire had her luggage checked an hour before her plane left.‎ I was surprised to find my hometown changed so much.‎ ‎(2)不定式作补语的用法 ‎①接带to的不定式作宾补,此类动词(短语)有:advise,allow,ask,cause,command,encourage,expect,forbid,force,get,hate,invite,leave,like,mean,order,permit,persuade,prefer,request,tell,want,warn,wish,call on,depend upon,long for,wait for等。‎ I didn’t mean you to hear it.‎ We’re all longing for the new term to begin.‎ I’m sorry,I can’t go out with you.I have an urgent thing to settle.‎ ‎②接不带to的不定式作宾补的动词(短语)有:make,have,let等使役动词以及see,watch,notice,observe,look at,feel,hear,listen to等感官动词。如果这些动词或短语用于被动语态,则to不可省略。动词help后的不定式符号to可以省略,也可以保留。‎ Let those in need understand that we will go all out to help them.‎ She was seen to enter the manager’s office ten minutes ago.‎ ‎(3)with+宾语+宾补 with The man felt very happy with so many children sitting around him.‎ John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work finished,he gladly accepted it.‎ With a lot of difficult problems to settle,the newly elected president is having a hard time.‎ ‎6.非谓语动词作表语 ‎(1)动名词作表语时,说明主语的性质或特征。‎ The queen’s work is laying eggs.‎ ‎(2)不定式作表语时,说明主语尚未发生的动作,或表示将来的动作。‎ His ambition is to go to Harvard‎ ‎University.‎ 注意:现在分词或过去分词作表语时,通常为分词化的形容词。‎ ‎◆非谓语动词与语法填空 非谓语动词是历年高考语法填空的必考点。如果句中已有谓语动词,并确定所给动词要填写为非谓语动词,就要考虑是v.ing形式、过去分词形式还是动词不定式。‎ 典题试做1‎ 用所给动词的正确形式填空 ‎1.When a new day breaks,the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough (cool) the house during the hot day:at the same time,they warm up again for the night.(2015·全国Ⅱ)‎ 答案 to cool 解析 “形容词+enough+动词不定式”为一常用句式。‎ ‎2.Since the plants took a while to grow,he started cutting down trees (sell) the wood.(2015·广东)‎ 答案 to sell 解析 这里用动词不定式形式在句中作目的状语。‎ ‎3.It took years of work (reduce) the industrial pollution and clean the water.(2014·新课标全国Ⅰ)‎ 答案 to reduce 解析 句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式,该句结构为It takes+时间+to do sth.。‎ ‎4.She wished that he was as easy (please) as her mother,who was always delighted with perfume.(2009·广东)‎ 答案 to please 解析 该句空格前是形容词,所以用动词不定式作状语。‎ ‎5.Abercrombie & Kent,a travel company in Hong Kong,says it regularly arranges quick getaways here for people (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.(2015·全国Ⅰ)‎ 答案 living 解析 句中已有谓语动词arranges,故应考虑非谓语动词。由于live与其所修饰的名词people之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用表示主动意义的现在分词形式。‎ ‎6.In addition to their simple beauty,what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their ability to “air condition” a house without (use) electric equipment.(2015·全国Ⅱ)‎ 答案 using 解析 介词without之后的动词要用动名词形式。‎ ‎7.I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver,but he refused to stop until we reached the next stop.Still,the boy kept (ride).(2014·新课标全国Ⅱ)‎ 答案 riding 解析 根据空格前面的kept可知,此处是keep doing sth.结构,意为“继续做某事”。故后面应使用v.ing形式,因此填riding。‎ ‎8.A study of travelers (conduct) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world.(2015·全国Ⅰ)‎ 答案 conducted 解析 分析句子结构可知,此句的主干为A study of travelers names Yangshuo as one of the top...,故判定空格处应填非谓语动词形式。study与conduct之间为动宾关系,故用表示被动的过去分词形式作定语。‎ ‎9.The adobe dwellings(土坯房) (build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even the most modern of architects and engineers.(2015·全国Ⅱ)‎ 答案 built 解析 build与句子谓语are admired之间无连词,故应填非谓语动词。主语the adobe dwellings与动词build之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词形式作后置定语。又由by一词的暗示也可知用表示被动意义的过去分词。‎ ‎10.Mary will never forget the first time she saw him.He suddenly appeared in class one day, (wear) sun glasses.(2012·广东)‎ 答案 wearing 解析 由前面的逗号可知这里不是并列谓语,应该是分词短语作伴随状语,因为逻辑主语是he,故用现在分词形式wearing。‎ 应对策略1‎ ‎1.首先分析句子结构,若句子中已有谓语动词且不是并列谓语时,需考虑非谓语动词。然后分析非谓语动词在句中作何成分,再根据各非谓语动词特点确定填哪种形式。对于不定式的考查,需注意不定式的时态和语态,熟记常考跟不定式作宾语的动词以及一些常考句式。‎ ‎2.现在分词作状语,表示自然而然的结果或伴随,且与句子主语构成逻辑上的主动关系;现在分词作定语表示动作的主动进行行为或正在进行中;动名词作主语表示一般的、抽象的或习惯性动作;此外,应熟记能用动名词作宾语的动词或动词短语。‎ ‎3.过去分词可作状语、定语或补语,表示被动与完成;若作表语常考的为形容词性化的过去分词;过去分词不可作主语或宾语。‎ ‎4.其次,还可以从分析句子成分角度,确定所填非谓语动词的形式:‎ ‎(1)作主语,v.ing形式与不定式一般可以互换,意义无多大区别;但在疑问句和句型“There is no+主语”中,主语需用动名词而不用不定式。‎ ‎(2)作目的状语或在形容词后作状语,一般用不定式。‎ ‎(3)作伴随状语,通常用分词:与逻辑主语是主动关系,用现在分词;与逻辑主语是被动关系,用过去分词。‎ ‎(4)作宾语,通常用动名词或不定式,介词后面要用动名词。‎ ‎(5)作定语:不定式表将来;现在分词表进行;过去分词表被动与完成。‎ ‎(6)作宾语补足语:不定式表动作全过程;现在分词表主动或进行;过去分词表被动或完成。‎ ‎(7)独立主格和with复合结构的非谓语动词要考虑与复合宾语的逻辑关系。‎ ‎◆非谓语动词与短文改错 高考短文改错中,句中出现多个谓语动词且无连词的错误;非谓语动词形式错误,如本该用不定式或动名词却用了原形;在介词或某些动词后本应接动名词的却用了原形,本该用现在分词的却用了过去分词等。另外,不定式符号to的多用或少用也常考。‎ 典题试做2‎ 单句改错(每小题1处错误)‎ ‎1.It’s been a month since I came to this new school and I really want share with you some of the problems I have been experiencing.(2015·四川)‎ 答案 want后加to 解析 want后跟带to的不定式作宾语。‎ ‎2.The position of the classroom with its view made me felt like I was dreaming.(2015·浙江)‎ 答案 felt→feel 解析 make后跟复合宾语,当宾补为动词且与宾语之间为逻辑上的主谓关系时,用动词原形。‎ ‎3.We’ve been spending a lot of time sing in karaoke bars.(2015·四川)‎ 答案 sing→singing 解析 spend some time (in) doing sth.花费时间做某事。‎ ‎4.I enjoyed sit close to the windows and looking at the view.(2015·浙江)‎ 答案 sit→sitting 解析 动词enjoy后要接动名词作宾语。‎ ‎5.I might have to retire again next year just get some more of these biscuits.(2015·陕西)‎ 答案 just后加to 解析 用动词不定式表示目的。‎ ‎6.My favorite picture at the party is of my coach and me enjoy the biscuits with ‎ happy laughter!(2015·陕西)‎ 答案 enjoy→enjoying 解析 分析句子结构可知,介词of后是复合宾语,用动名词形式。‎ ‎7.After looks at the toy for some time,he turned around and found...(2015·全国Ⅱ)‎ 答案 looks→looking 解析 介词after后面跟v.ing形式。‎ ‎8.She used to holding me on her knees and sing old songs.(2013·新课标全国Ⅰ)‎ 答案 holding→hold 解析 be used to doing sth.是“习惯于做某事”,而used to do sth.意为“过去常常做某事”,由句意可知应把holding改为hold。‎ ‎9.Have tea in the late afternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner,which might not be served until 8 o’clock at night.(2013·新课标全国Ⅱ)‎ 答案 Have→Having 解析 分析句式结构可知句子的主语为Have tea in the late afternoon,动词原形不能作句子的主语,所以应该用动名词形式作主语。‎ ‎10.I also shared with my friends many photos taking in Beijing.(2012·陕西)‎ 答案 taking→taken 解析 photos与take在逻辑上是动宾关系,表示被动用过去分词。‎ 应对策略2‎ 句中已有谓语动词,若再出现动词,又没有并列连词,注意考虑非谓语动词的形式,根据其在句中成分以及逻辑关系,来判断其形式是否正确。做短文改错时,需注意以下几个方面:‎ ‎1.作主语或宾语不能用动词原形,通常改为ing形式或不定式。因在短文改错中,只能改一个词,如果主语是原形,就只能改为ing形式了。‎ ‎2.熟记其后只能接ing或只能接to do作宾语的动词。‎ ‎3.介词后要用动词的ing形式。注意区分to是介词还是不定式符号。‎ ‎4.一些固定短语或句式中的非谓语动词形式。‎ ‎5.根据非谓语动词与其逻辑主语的关系来确定用ing形式还是用ed形式。‎ ‎6.别混淆谓语动词与非谓语动词。‎ ‎◆书面表达中非谓语动词易错点聚焦 ‎1.缺少非谓语动词的主动与被动意识 ‎(误)We thought it wrong for her to punish.‎ ‎(正)We thought it wrong for her to be punished.‎ ‎(误)The man lay on his back,with his whole body burying in the sand.‎ ‎(正)The man lay on his back,with his whole body buried in the sand.‎ ‎2.缺少搭配意识 ‎(误)Would you please stop to watch TV?You have watched it for too long.‎ ‎(正)Would you please stop watching TV?You have watched it for too long.‎ ‎(误)Your suit needs to iron.‎ ‎(正)Your suit needs ironing.‎ ‎(正)Your suit needs to be ironed.‎ ‎3.缺少前后主语一致意识 ‎(误)Before handing in your test paper,it is necessary to go over the whole paper.‎ ‎(正)Before handing in your test paper,you should go over the whole paper.‎ ‎(正)Before you hand in your test paper,you should go over the whole paper.‎ ‎4.缺少结构意识 ‎(误)Time permits,I’ll talk for another hour.‎ ‎(正)Time permitting,I’ll talk for another hour.‎ ‎(误)Having not been in the city long,I was still a stranger there.‎ ‎(正)Not having been in the city long,I was still a stranger there.‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.It is widely believed that (form) a good habit will benefit us all our lives.‎ 答案 forming 解析 It is widely believed that...从句中缺主语,这里使用动名词短语作主语,表示泛指意义的行为。‎ ‎2.For example,the proverb,“plucking up a crop (help) it grow”,is based on the following story.‎ 答案 to help 解析 动词不定式作目的状语。‎ ‎3.When there was no place in the whole field (leave) to dig,the rabbit dug a tunnel right to where the dog had been lying all the time.There he found the carrot and the bone.‎ 答案 left 解析 此处为place的后置定语,leave与place构成逻辑上的被动关系,因此使用过去分词形式。‎ ‎4.The doors to the theater were open and we handed our tickets to the ticket takers (stand) in the doorway.‎ 答案 standing 解析 the ticket takers是动作stand的执行者,故要用现在分词形式作后置定语。‎ ‎5.Their lives are made a bit easier to have this opportunity (find) nice clothing for not a single penny.‎ 答案 to find 解析 此处用不定式作定语,修饰opportunity。‎ ‎6.I noticed a man (sit) at the front.‎ 答案 sitting 解析 notice sb.doing sth.现在分词作宾语的补足语,表示正在做某事。‎ ‎7.While she was getting me (settle) into a tiny but clean room,the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car.‎ 答案 settled 解析 get sb.done,故填过去分词settled作宾补。‎ ‎8.Anyone who finds a dead bird with a band on its legs is asked to send the band to Washington with a note (tell) where the bird was found.‎ 答案 telling 解析 with复合结构中,非谓语动词和其逻辑主语note为主谓关系,所以用现在分词形式。‎ ‎9.When Peter speaks in public,he always has trouble (think) of the right things to say.‎ 答案 thinking 解析 have trouble/difficulty/problems (in) doing sth.是常用结构。‎ ‎10.Today we have chat rooms,text messaging,emailing...but we seem (lose) the art of communicating facetoface.‎ 答案 to be losing 解析 考查非谓语动词作表语。seem后通常用动词不定式,此处非谓语动词后有名词短语the art of communicating facetoface作其宾语,且表进行,故用不定式的进行式。‎ Ⅱ.单句改错(每小题1处错误)‎ ‎1.One evening at sunset,we sat by the fire,have our barbecue.‎ 答案 have→having ‎2.Felt hungry,we built a fire by the lake and barbecued the fish.‎ 答案 Felt→Feeling ‎3.After think for some time,I let her copy my answers.‎ 答案 think→thinking ‎4.It is difficult to understanding why she barks every minute she’s outside.‎ 答案 understanding→understand ‎5.He wanted teach me about animals,insects and trees.‎ 答案 wanted后加to ‎6.He isn’t good at talk but he gets on well with other people.‎ 答案 talk→talking ‎7.Gradually,I became interesting in biology and chose to learn biology when I entered the college.‎ 答案 interesting→interested ‎8.Thank you so much for not only giving me life,but also teach me how to be a good person.‎ 答案 teach→teaching ‎9.Therefore,I told them interested stories and how I was enjoying Brazil.‎ 答案 interested→interesting ‎10.Third,we should find ways to reuse the water using in washing,especially bath water which is quite a lot,and that will save much water.‎ 答案 using→used Ⅲ.语法填空 A(非谓语动词专练)‎ There is a wonderful story about a young girl who had no family and no one 1.to love(love) her.‎ One day,2.feeling (feel) very sad and lonely,she was walking through a grassland when she noticed a small butterfly 3.caught(catch) in a thorn bush.The young girl carefully released the butterfly.Instead of 4.flying(fly) away,the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy.‎ ‎“In return for your wonderful kindness,”the good fairy said to the girl,“I will give you any wish that you would like 5.to get(get).”The little girl thought for a moment and then replied,“I want to be happy.”‎ ‎6.Leaning(lean) toward her,the fairy whispered in her ear and then disappeared.‎ With the little girl 7.growing(grow) up,there was no one in the land happier ‎ than she was.Everyone wanted to make themselves 8.told(tell) the secret of happiness by her.She would only smile and answer,“The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl.”‎ When she was dying,the neighbors all gathered around her,9.fearing(fear) that her unbelievable secret of happiness would die with her.So they begged her 10.to tell(tell) them what the good fairy said.The lovely old woman simply smiled and said,“She told me that everyone,no matter how old or young,how rich or poor,had need of me.”‎ B Almost everyone has some kind of hobby.11.It may be anything from collecting stamps to making model planes.Some hobbies are very expensive,but 12.others are valuable only to their owners.I know a man who has a coin collection worth several thousand dollars.A short time ago he bought a seldom 13.seen (see) fiftycent piece worth 250! He was very happy about what he bought and thought the price was 14.reasonable(reason).15.On the other hand my youngest brother collects match boxes.He has almost 600 of them but I doubt 16.whether/if they are worth any money.However,to my brother they are very valuable.Nothing makes him 17.happier(happy) than to find a new match box for his collection.That’s 18.what a hobby means,I guess.It is something we like to do in our spare time simply 19.for the fun of it.The value in dollars is not important,but the 20.pleasure(pleased) it gives is.‎

