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‎2014高考英语名师指导分项历炼:任务型阅读、短文改错 Passage 1‎ Make the right choices What is the life's greatest gift?__1__ Choice is the ability to select one course of action from a set of alternatives to achieve a goal.What is so great about choice?It transforms us from dumb animals into artists.Each of us becomes another Michelangelo.Choice becomes nothing other than the tool we use to sculpt (雕刻) our life.The tool doesn't come free,however,for the price of choice is responsibility.__2__ The reward is happiness.‎ Life is not still.It is a flow.__3__ We constantly need to monitor where we are on our journey.We need to ask questions:Am I moving closer to my goals?If not,what corrective measures can I take?What action will I take now to readjust myself to my goals?Choice is power.Choice is at the heart of life.It is the creative power of life.‎ ‎__4__ And your life becomes more convenient or comfortable because of them.For example,you decide which stores to shop at and which gas station to go to.But the decisions that we make to sculpt our life are far more important than deciding where to shop.The more we appreciate the difference between minor and major decisions,the greater the probability that we will experience happiness and fulfillment.‎ All chess lovers realize that it isn't necessary to win to enjoy the game.The pleasure is in the playing.Life is like a chess game.__5__‎ A.It is free will or choice.‎ B.You have to make choices every day.‎ C.Make the best moves you can under the circumstances.‎ D.But when we accept and carry it out,we get a great return.‎ E.Every choice we make leads us closer to or farther from our goals.‎ F.Life is full of hard choices,and the bigger they are,the harder they get.‎ G.Choose to carry out responsibilities not because you have to,but because you want to.‎ ‎【历炼】‎ Passage 1‎ 每个人每天都要面临各种各样的选择。正确的选择究竟会给我们的人生带来些什么呢?‎ ‎1.A 根据上文的提问“生命中最珍贵的礼物是什么?”可知选A项,it指代the life's greatest gift,即生命中最珍贵的礼物是自由的意志或选择。‎ ‎2.D 选项D中a great return与下文The reward前后照应,即当我们接受并执行它时,我们就获得了巨大的回报。这种回报就是幸福。‎ ‎3.E 根据下文所提的三个问题可知该段在谈论选择对人生目标的影响,故E项为正确答案,即我们所做的每一个选择让我们更接近或者远离我们的目标。‎ ‎4.B 根据下文可知,无论是日常生活中的小事,还是涉及人生的大事,都离不开选择。故B项“你每天都不得不做出选择”符合文意。‎ ‎5.C 人生就像一盘棋。在我们身处的环境下,要尽最大可能走好每一步。‎ ‎   ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Passage 2‎ There is an English saying:“__1__”Until recently,few people took the saying seriously.Now,however,doctors have begun to look into laughter and the effects it has on the human body.__2__‎ Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body.People watched funny films while doctors checked their hearts,blood pressure,breathing and muscles.It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise.__3__ If laughter exercises the body,it must be beneficial.‎ Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able to reduce the effect of pain on the body.In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs.The group that tolerated (忍耐) the pain for the longest time was the group which listened to a funny program.__4__‎ ‎__5__ They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing,making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.‎ A.Laughter can prolong one's life.‎ B.As a result of these discoveries,some doctors in the United States now hold ‎ laughter clinics in which they help to improve their patients' condition by encouraging them to laugh.‎ C.The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce a kind of chemicals in the brain which diminish both stress and pain.‎ D.It increases blood pressure,the heart beating and breathing;it also works several groups of muscles in the face,the stomach and even the feet.‎ E.Although laughter helps cure the disease,doctors still can not put this theory into clinic practice.‎ F.Laughter is the best medicine.‎ G.They have found that laughter really can improve people's health.‎ Passage 3‎ Forgiveness To forgive is a virtue,but no one has ever said it is easy.When someone has deeply hurt you,it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate.However,forgiveness is possible,and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health.People who forgive show less sadness,anger and stress and more hopefulness,according to a recent research.‎ ‎__1__ Try the following steps:‎ Calm yourself.__2__ You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure:a beautiful scene in nature,or someone you love.‎ Don't wait for an apology.Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize.They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don't see things the same way.__3__ Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you.‎ Take the control away from your offender (冒犯者).Rethinking about your hurt gives power to the person who caused you pain.Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings,learn to look for the love,beauty and kindness around you.‎ ‎__4__ If you understand your offender,you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness,fear,and even love.You may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender's point of view.‎ Don't forget to forgive yourself.__5__ But it can rob you of your selfconfidence if you don't do it.‎ A.Why should you forgive?‎ B.How should you start to forgive?‎ C.Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.‎ D.Try to see things from your offender's angle.‎ E.For some people,forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.‎ F.To make your anger die away,try a simple stress‎ management technique.‎ G.If you wait for people to apologize,you could be waiting an awfully long time.‎ Passage 2‎ 医生通过实验证明,好心情也是一剂良药。‎ ‎1.F 下文医生所做的实验表明笑有助于身体健康,缓解疼痛等,可推断出F项“笑是最好的良药”符合文意。‎ ‎2.G 根据下文的It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise.可知,医生发现笑与锻炼身体有着相同的功效。由此推断,答案选G项“他们发现笑确实可以促进人体健康”。‎ ‎3.D 根据上文...while doctors checked their hearts,blood pressure,breathing and muscles.可知答案选D项“笑使血压升高,心跳和呼吸加快,它还使面部、肚子,甚至双脚的肌肉得到运动”。‎ ‎4.C 根据上文The group that tolerated(忍耐) the pain...可知答案选C项“笑可以缓解疼痛的原因似乎是它帮助大脑产生一种化学物质,这种物质减弱了压力和疼痛”。‎ ‎5.B 根据下文出现的their patients可知答案选B项“由于这些发现,目前一些美国医生开办了笑诊所,在诊所里,他们鼓励病人通过笑来改善病情”。‎ Passage 3‎ 本文为说明文,主要向读者介绍了如何开始宽恕别人或自己的方法。‎ ‎1.B 第一段说明了宽恕的意义,该空格后的各段说明了宽恕的具体方法,由此可推断该空格处应为一承上启下的过渡句,故选B项。‎ ‎2.F 根据段落中心句Calm yourself.和下文的关键信息think of something that gives you pleasure可确定答案。‎ ‎3.G 根据本段中心句Don't wait for an apology.中的关键信息apology可迅速确定答案。‎ ‎4.D 根据本段关键信息write a letter to yourself from your offender's point of view可确定答案。‎ ‎5.E 根据段落中心句Don't forget to forgive yourself.中的关键信息forgive yourself可确定答案。‎ ‎   ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

