英语高考一轮复习 单元练习 必修五 Unit 4

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英语高考一轮复习 单元练习 必修五 Unit 4

Unit 4 Making the news Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.Before he became the________(主要)editor of the newspaper he was a journalist.‎ ‎2.I often read the electronic________(版本)of Shenzhen Daily on the Internet.‎ ‎3.The judge found the man not________(有罪)and then he was set free.‎ ‎4.The Japanese's________(占领)of Taiwan lasted fifty years.‎ ‎5.I glanced over the sports________(部分)of China Daily.‎ ‎6.My watch is not________(准确).I am afraid it needs fixing.‎ ‎7.Miss Wang did a________(彻底的)investigation of who broke the classroom windows.‎ ‎8.The new edition textbook is________(出版)by the Department for Education.‎ 答案 1.chief 2.edition 3.guilty 4.occupation ‎5.section 6.accurate 7.thorough 8.published Ⅱ.翻译句子 ‎1.如果你专心致志,就能解决这个问题。(concentrate on)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2.一有麻烦你就应该告知我们。(inform)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3.可能会下雨,你最好带把伞,以防万一。(in case)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4.附近所有居民都要求那家夜总会尽早搬走。(demand)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎5.你能想出使用这个单词的语境吗?(where)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案 1.You'll solve the problem if you concentrate on it.‎ ‎2.You should keep us informed whenever you are in trouble.‎ ‎3.It may rain;you'd better take an umbrella in case.‎ ‎4.All the settlers nearby demanded that the nightclub(should)be moved away as soon as possible.‎ ‎5.Can you think of a situation where this word can be used?‎ Ⅲ.单项填空 ‎1.—I heard you had bought a new car, ________?‎ ‎—It is of high quality but lower prices.‎ A.What's up B.What's it like C.Is that right D.What's the matter 答案 B [——我听说你买了新车,怎么样?——物美价廉。根据语境可知,B项“它怎么样”符合语境,表示询问。]‎ ‎2.He was driving home on the highway last night when a policeman stopped him and________him of speeding.‎ A.charged B.accused C.warned D.reminded 答案 B [accuse sb of(doing)sth意为“因……指责或指控某人”;charge作“指控”解时与介词with连用;warn sb of sth意为“提醒注意(可能发生的事);使警惕”;remind sb of sth意为“使想起(类似的人、地方、事物等)”。]‎ ‎3.It is reported that there will be a heavy rain tomorrow,________the hike would be put off.‎ A.in any case B.in which case C.in no case D.in case 答案 B [考查case的相关短语及定语从句。根据前面说“据说明天有大雨”,可知hike在这种情况下要推迟,which引导定语从句,指代整个主句。]‎ ‎4.________be punished by the teacher,Alice had to make up an excuse for having been absent from school.‎ A.So as to B.As far as C.As well as D.In order not to 答案 D [in order to与so as to都表示“为了”,两者常可互换,但so as to不能置于句首。根据题意应用in order not to。]‎ ‎5.A large number of journalists from both home and abroad gathered in Beijing to ________the 2008 Summer Olympic Games.‎ A.interview B.cover C.approve D.compete 答案 B [cover在题中意为“报道”,符合语境。interview意为“采访;访问”,多用于interview sb about sth结构。]‎ ‎6.—You ________have finished your composition.‎ ‎—I had meant to,but before I could,the bell rang and we had to hand in our test papers.‎ A.were supposed to B.were able to C.had to D.were determined to 答案 A [be supposed to意为“应当”,与不定式的完成式连用时表示“理应做某事(但没有做)”。]‎ ‎7.(2013·福建卷)Not until he went through real hardship ________ the love we have for our families is important.‎ A.had he realized B.did he realize C.he realized D.he had realized 答案 B [句意为:直到他经历这些真正的困难,他才意识到我们对家庭的爱是重要的。当not until位于句首时,句子要倒装。其结构为:Not until+从句/表时间的词+助动词+(主句)主语+谓语+...。]‎ ‎8.(2013·湖南卷)Not once________to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class.‎ A.occurred it B.it did occur C.it occurred D.did it occur 答案 D [考查倒装的用法。句意为:迈克尔从来没有想到过有一天自己会成为他班上的尖子生之一。否定词not置于句首,句子要用部分倒装。]‎ ‎9.He asked us to________him in carrying through the plan at the meeting yesterday.‎ A.provide B.encourage C.assist D.persuade 答案 C [考查动词词义与用法。只有assist与介词in搭配,assist sb in doing sth帮助某人做某事。]‎ ‎10.(2014·海宁模拟)Please do me a favor—________Mr.Smith of the date and place of our English speech contest.‎ A.to inform B.informing C.inform D.informed 答案 C [句意:请帮个忙吧——告诉史密斯先生英语演讲比赛的时间和地点。此处为祈使句,故inform用动词原形。]‎ ‎11.(2014·台州模拟)Funding arrangements for the poor students are already________,with which they can go back to school to continue their study.‎ A.in order B.in demand C.in place D.in vain 答案 C [句意:对贫困学生的资金安排已到位。可知选C。A.“按顺序,有秩序”;B.“需要”;D.“白白地,徒劳”。]‎ ‎12.(2014·浙大附中模拟)Your plan,as well as his,sounds original.But the company,I think,won't________either of them,for they are unrealistic.‎ A.abolish B.comment C.approve D.overlook 答案 C [句意:你和他的计划听起来都很新颖,但是我认为公司都不会批准,因为它们都不切合实际。approve“批准,认可”,符合句意。abolish废除;comment评论;overlook忽视。]‎ ‎13.You should get down to your study from now on.Please ________what is of great importance to your future development.‎ A.concentrate on B.depend on C.put on D.take on 答案 A [句意:从现在起你应该开始认真学习了,请专心于对你未来的发展非常重要的事情上。concentrate on“专心于”,符合句意。depend on依靠,依赖;put on穿上,戴上;take on呈现,承担。]‎ ‎14.—Why did you eat your words,Billy?‎ ‎—Sorry,dear.But I really forgot where I was________to meet you.‎ A.demanded B.imagined C.supposed D.guessed 答案 C [句意:——Billy,你为什么食言了?——亲爱的,对不起。但是我真的忘了应该到哪儿见你。be supposed to do理应,应该……。]‎ ‎15.Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage________avoided.‎ A.is to be B.can be C.will be D.has been 答案 A [“be to+动词原形”表示对未来的假设,根据句意“……如果食品短缺能够避免”可知选A项。]‎ ‎16.(2014·台州高三质检)Jim went to answer the phone, ________, Harry started to prepare lunch.‎ A.However B.Nevertheless C.Besides D.Meanwhile 答案 D [句意:吉姆去接电话,与此同时,哈里开始准备午餐。前后两个句子是相同的语义关系,在时间上表示同时,所以用meanwhile。]‎ ‎17.—Mike turned ________ deaf ear to what Mrs Smith said.‎ ‎—He was stupid.After all, she knew all the tricks of ________ trade.‎ A.the; a B.the; the C.a; / D.a; the 答案 D [turn a deaf ear to充耳不闻,不愿听;tricks of the trade(内行人的)诀窍。]‎ ‎18.—You really appreciate Justin Bieber's performances, don't you?‎ ‎—________.I just like his soft voice.‎ A.Not exactly B.Don't mention it C.Not a little D.Don't say so 答案 A [考查交际用语。根据对话内容可知第二个说话人并不是完全喜欢Bieber的表演,他只是喜欢他柔和的嗓音,因此选Not exactly,表示“不完全如此”。Don't mention it用来回应对方的感谢,Not a little表示“非常(喜欢)”,Don't say so别那么说。]‎ ‎19.It's very difficult to ________ a foreign language, which takes time and energy.‎ A.acquire B.apply C.require D.achieve 答案 A [句意为:掌握一门外语很难,需要花时间和精力。acquire获得(知识、能力等);apply申请;require要求;achieve实现。]‎ ‎20.(2014·杭州七校联考)—Do you mind if I use your car?‎ ‎—________.‎ A.No, go ahead B.Sure, please od C.Yes, of course not D.No, you may not 答案 A [考查情景交际。句意:“我用你的车你介意吗?”“不介意,用吧”。go ‎ abead“说吧;用吧”,符合句意。]‎ Ⅳ.阅读理解 A blue hole is a flooded sea cave with a hole that opens up at the land's surface.These cave systems form in carbonate rock, often on islands.Some blue holes have very special rock formations and water chemistry.Far below sea level, they contain some of the harshest environments on Earth, with no oxygen and no light.Yet these areas are filled with life forms that have adapted to the extreme conditions.‎ Information gathered from these blue holes is helping scientists to increase their understanding of biology, archaeology and geology.But exploring these blue hole environments brings danger as well as discovery.‎ Blue holes get their name from the color some have when seen from the air.The color is usually a reflection of the sky on the water.But not all of these cave systems have blue surfaces.Some contain dark or muddy water.‎ Blue holes are the result of erosion in which water breaks down rock.Rain falling thousands of years ago contained chemicals which slowly wore away at the limestone landmass.These holes later filled with sea water as the sea level changed.The rising and falling of sea levels and the mixture of salt and fresh water further wore away at these cave formations.Blue holes are vertical caves.But they can also have horizontal cave formations that may be hundreds of meters long.‎ These flooded cave systems can be found in the ocean, or they can be found inland.Ocean caves are affected by tides, so they always have water movement.But blue holes on land are very still.They have several layers of water, chemicals, and bacteria.The top layer of fresh water comes from rainfall.This layer acts like a cap on top of the layered mixture, and keeps out oxygen from the atmosphere.The fresh water floats on a denser layer of saltwater.Underneath this is a layer of poisonous hydrogen sulfide, produced by bacteria living in the water.Underneath this layer is anoxic seawater—water that does not contain any oxygen.‎ Underwater caves are probably one of the least explored ecosystems on the planet.One reason blue holes have not been fully explored is that they can be extremely dangerous.There are many safety rules that divers must follow to help ensure their survival.‎ First,divers must have training and experience to swim in these caves.Those who explore a cave for the first time must establish a thin rope called a guideline.This line helps them to safely ‎ enter and bring more than one set of breathing equipment in case one device fails.Meanwhile,they must pay careful attention to their air supply.The rule is to use a third of their air to enter the cave,a third to exit,and a third for emergencies.   ‎ For most explorers,though,the possibility of discovery in these cave environments makes the experience worth the risk.You can jump into what looks like an insignificant little hole in the ground,and come out with information that's of value to many different disciplines.Scientists are interested in these caves because oxygen-free conditions there are similar to those on Earth long ago,before oxygen existed on our planet,as well as similar to space.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文为说明文,介绍了blue hole的特点,形成原因、类型、价值及水下岩洞为何没有得到充分探索的原因。‎ ‎1.According to the passage,blue holes ________. ‎ A.are now a popular choice for tourists ‎ B.are flooded caves found mostly on islands ‎ C.have appeared as rocks pile up year by year ‎ D.can give off bright blue light deep in the caves 答案 B [细节理解题。根据文章的第一句话A blue hole is a flooded sea cave with a hole that opens up at the land's surface可知。]‎ ‎2.It can be inferred from the passage that ________. ‎ A.quantities of advanced life forms exist in blue holes ‎ B.blue holes are not fully explored due to their low value ‎ C.blue holes are vertical caves because of strong currents ‎ D.the chemicals in the rain lead to the formation of blue caves ‎ 答案 D [推理判断题。根据第四段第一、二句话Blue holes are the result of erosion in which water breaks down rock.Rain falling thousands of years ago contained chemicals which slowly wore away at the limestone landmass可知。]‎ ‎3.The fifth paragraph mainly talks about ________. ‎ A.two different types of blue holes ‎ B.how a blue hole comes into being ‎ C.why scientists are interested in blue holes ‎ D.rules for divers exploring blue holes ‎ 答案 A [主旨大意题。本段主要介绍两种不同的blue holes。]‎ ‎4.When exploring blue holes,divers must ________. ‎ A.have a thin rope as a guideline anytime ‎ B.wear glasses in case of bright blue light ‎ C.swim as quickly as possible to save time ‎ D.learn to make good use of their air supply ‎ 答案 D [细节理解题。根据第七段描述,尤其是倒数第二句they must pay careful attention to their air supply可知。]‎ ‎5.The exploration of blue holes can help us ________. ‎ A.discover more energy resources ‎ B.understand the origin of life on Earth ‎ C.learn about the movements of seawater ‎ D.get ready for the exploration of the ocean ‎ 答案 B [推理判断题。根据最后一段的最后一句话可知对这些blue holes的探索会有助于我们了解地球上的生命起源。]‎

