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考点1. break相关短语 break down ‎(机器、车辆)停止运转;(健康、精神)崩溃;(系统、讨论等)出问题;分解 break away 打破陈规,放弃习惯;奋力挣脱 ‎ break out ‎(战争、疫情、火灾等)爆发 break in/into 破门而入 break up 打碎、分裂;分手 ① Let’s break up the whole into parts. 让我们化整为零。‎ ② You must break away from these old customs. 你们必须破除这些旧风俗。 ‎ ③ The dog broke away from its owner and ran away. 狗挣脱了主人,跑了。 ‎ ④ After a long time of hard work,he almost broke down. 长时间艰苦劳动之后,他的身体几乎垮了。 ‎ ⑤ Why did the peace talks break down?为什么和谈失败了? ‎ ⑥ This matter will break down in water. 这种物质在水中会分解。‎ 考点2. call相关短语 call at a place 拜访某地 call on/upon sb. ‎ 拜访或看望某人 call for sth. (sb.)‎ 需要,要求;接(某人)、来取(某物);喊着要人取来 call off 叫走,转移开;取消,不举行 call on/upon sb. to do sth.‎ 号召某人做某事 call up ‎(给……)打电话;想起,回忆起 call in 收回,召回 call out 大声喊 ① Call your dog off. 把你的狗叫走。‎ ② The match was called off because of bad weather. 由于天气不好,比赛取消了。‎ ③ This problem calls for careful thought. 这个问题需要好好想一想。‎ ④ I’ll call for you at seven this evening.今晚七点我来接你。 ‎ ⑤ We call for the package at the post office.我们到邮局去取包裹。‎ ⑥ The toy company has decided to call in the defective products all over the world. 该玩具公司已决定在全世界范围内召回那些有缺陷的产品。‎ ⑦ They boy called out for help. 那个男孩大声呼救。‎ 考点3. come相关短语 come about 发生(不及物);(bring about,使发生,及物)‎ come across ‎ 偶然遇到( meet with和run into也有这个意思)‎ come along 进展;一起来 come up with 想出(主意或计划等)‎ come out ‎(书、唱片、电影等)出版发行; (花)开放 come to oneself 苏醒过来(oneself可以省略)‎ come to realize 开始意识到 come up ‎(在谈话或会议中)被提及,被讨论 ① Things are coming along fine.事情进展顺利。‎ ① When does their new album come out? 他们的新唱片什么时候发行?‎ ② The subject came up at the meeting yesterday.这个话题昨天在会议上被提及。‎ 考点2. cut相关短语 cut down/back 减少 cut in 插话;(车从前面突然)插入 cut off 切断、终止(供应、电话等); 使与外界隔断 cut up 切成碎片 ① The government has announced plans to cut back on defence spending by 10% next year. 政府已宣布计划明年减少防务开支10%。‎ ② I’m trying to cut down on caffeine. 我在尽力减少咖啡因的服用量。‎ ③ I was just talking to Jane, when Dave cut in (on us / our conversation). ‎ ④ 我正和Jane谈话,这时Dave突然插话进来。‎ ⑤ Did you see that white car cut in (on us/ in front of us)? 你看到那辆白色的车突然插入(到我们前面)了吗?‎ ⑥ If this bill is not paid within five days, your gas supply will be cut off. 如果这个账单五天内不付,你的液化气供应将会被切断。‎ ⑦ Many villages have been cut off by the heavy snow. 许多村庄因为网搜语法通霸大雪与外面隔断。‎ ⑧ He cut the wood up to build a fire.他把木头破碎来生火。‎ 考点3. get相关短语 get along/on ‎(人)相处融洽;(工作)进展……‎ get down to ‎ 开始认真做某事(to是介词)‎ get through 结束、完成;成功地联络;通过(考试);渡过难关(也常用go through, be through)‎ get away 逃脱;离开 get away with 做成某坏事而未被发觉或处罚 get changed 换衣 get across 使理解,使相信 get over 战胜、克服(困难……)‎ get together 聚会 get to sb.‎ 使某人受到影响(cause sb. to suffer or be upset)‎ ① How are you getting along/on with your job?你的工作进展得怎么样?‎ ② She got through her exams without too much trouble.她没有遇到太大麻烦就通过了考试。‎ ③ I don’t know how I got through the first couple of months after Andy’s death. 我不知道在安迪死后我是怎样度过前几个月的。‎ ④ The thief got away in the dark.那个贼趁着黑暗逃脱了。‎ ⑤ If someone commits a murder, he won’t get away with it.如果一个人犯了谋杀罪,他是不会逃脱惩罚的。‎ ⑥ I wanted to come along, but couldn’t get away. 我想要一起走,但是走不开。‎ ⑦ We tried to get our point across, but he just wouldn’t listen. 我们尽力想使他理解我们的意思,但他就是不听。‎ ⑧ The heat was beginning to get to me, so I went indoors.炎热开始使我感到难受,因此我走进屋里。 ‎ ⑨ I know he’s annoying, but you shouldn’t let him get to you. 我知道他很烦人,但你不应当让他影响你。‎ 考点4. ‎ give相关短语 give away 捐赠;泄露(秘密)‎ give in ‎ 屈服,投降 give out ‎(机器或身体某部分stop working)停止工作(指人可译作“筋疲力尽”);用完、用尽;分发(作业、文件、物品);散布、公布(消息、文件等)‎ give off/out 发出(气味、热、光等)‎ give up 放弃(后跟动名词)‎ ① The party was meant to be a surprise, but Sharon gave it away. 本打算这个派对秘密准备,但Sharon却泄了密。‎ ② She thinks no one knows how much she likes him, but her face gave her away! 她认为没有人知道她多么爱他,但她的表情却告诉了我们一切。‎ ③ All machines gave out eventually.所有的机器最终都停止了运转。‎ ④ Our food supplies gave out.我们的食物供应已经用完。‎ ⑤ Both the man and the horse gave out after the long ride. 赶了很长一段路后,人马俱乏。‎ ⑥ The government gave out food to people out of work. 政府向失业者分发食品。‎ ⑦ They stood there, giving out the leaflets to the passers-by.他们站在那里, 向过路人散发传单。‎ ⑧ This milk must be bad, for it is giving off a nasty smell. 牛奶一定变质了,因为它散发出一种令人恶心的气味。‎ ⑨ The sun gives out light and heat to the earth. 太阳向地球发出光和热。‎ ⑩ He gave up teaching only two years ago.  两年前他才离开教学工作的。 ‎ 考点1. go相关短语 go about 着手做某事(begin to do/deal with sth.),后跟动名词;到处走动 go over 复习;仔细察看 go off 爆炸;(枪、闹铃)响 go red/ mad/ blind/ hungry go是系动词,“变得”‎ go ahead (with)‎ 开始(继续)做某事 go through ‎(法律、计划等)通过,批准;经受(困难);全面检查 ① How can we go about solving this problem? 我们怎样着手解决这个问题?‎ ② Didn’t you hear your alarm clock going off this morning? 你没听到你的闹钟今天早上响了吗?‎ ③ We’ve received permission to go ahead with the music festival in spite of opposition from local residents. 尽管当地居民反对,我们得到允许继续举办音 乐节。‎ ④ I always go over my revision notes just before I go into an exam. 在考试之前,我总是认真复习我的复习笔记。‎ ⑤ You must go over the instructions of how it works before you use the micro-wave oven. 在使用微波炉前要先看看它的使用说明。‎ ⑥ I’m going through my wardrobe and throwing out all the clothes I don’t wear any more. 我全面检查了我的衣柜,网搜语法通霸把我不穿的衣服都拿了出来。‎ ⑦ Remember to go through the pockets before you put those trousers in the washing machine. 在把裤子放进洗衣机之前,记着看一下口袋。‎ 考点8. look相关短语 look around/about 环视四周 look back on sth.‎ 回顾(某事),回想(某事)‎ look down on 看不起,瞧不起 look forward to 期待,盼望(后跟动名词)‎ look up 抬头看;(在书、字典中)查找;好转 look over 审阅,检查(to quickly examine)‎ look sb. over 上下打量(某人)‎ look through 翻阅,浏览(to read sth. quickly )‎ look into sth.‎ 调查,研究,了解; look into one’s eyes直视 look out 注意,小心(也可用watch out!)‎ look out for 留意(try to notice,也可用watch out for, keep an eye out for)‎ look up to sb.‎ 钦佩、敬仰某人(look down upon瞧不起)‎ look after 照料,照看 look on/upon sb. as 把某人当作……看待 ① I still shudder when I look back on the past. 想起过去,我仍然不寒而栗。‎ ② Things are looking up. 情况在好转。‎ ③ You shouldn’t look down upon the poor. 你不应该瞧不起穷人。‎ ④ The police are looking into the cause of the accident.警方正调查事故原因。‎ ⑤ Look out. There’s a car coming! 当心!汽车来了!‎ ⑥ I had a few minutes before the meeting to look over what he’d written. 在会前我有几分钟时间来快速查看他写的内容。‎ ⑦ He looked her over and nodded lightly. 他上下打量她,然后微微点了点头。‎ ⑧ We looked on her as a daughter.我们把她当作女儿看待。‎ ⑨ While shopping here, you must look out for pickpockets.在这里购物时,你一定要留意扒手。‎ ⑩ Many fans look up to Yao Ming.许多粉丝都很钦佩姚明。‎ 考点 9. pay相关短语 pay back 偿还;报复 pay off ‎ 还清(债务、欠款); (付出得到)回报 pay sb. some money for sth.‎ 因为某物/事付给某人多少钱 pay down 当场支付,现金支付 ① Can you lend me some money? I’ll pay you/it back tomorrow. 你能借给我一些钱吗?我明天还你。‎ ② He swore he’d pay her back for all she’d done to him. 他发誓他要为她所做的一切报复她。‎ ③ We should be able to pay off the debt within two years. 我们应该两年内能还清债务。‎ ④ All her hard work paid off in the end, and she finally passed the exam. 她所有的努力最后都得到了回报,她终于通过了网搜语法通霸考试。‎ 考点 10. pick相关短语 pick up 捡起,拿起 去拿某物,去接某人 中途搭载乘客 ‎(在实践中)学得(语言习惯等)‎ 买(便宜货),用较少的钱买到 见到、听到、闻到(微弱光、声音、气味)‎ ‎(无线电)接收到(信号)‎ ‎(中断后)重新开始,继续 跌倒后站(爬)起来 increase or improve 增加、改善: (风)变大,(车)提速, (生意、生产、天气、健康等)好转、 有起色等 pick out ‎(从众多人、物中)辨认出;挑选 ① I went to pick up the phone/receiver, but it had stopped ringing.我去想拿起电话听筒,但它已停止响了。 ‎ ② When you’re in town, could you pick up the books I ordered? 当你在镇上的时候,请把我订购的书拿回来好吗?‎ ③ Whose turn is it to pick the children up after school? 该谁去接孩子了?‎ ④ The train stopped several times to pick up passengers. 火车沿途停了好几次,让乘客上车。‎ ⑤ My friends knew where to pick up a good second-hand bike. 我的朋友知道在哪里可以便宜地买到好的二手自行车。‎ ⑥ We picked up the harbor lights as we sailed along.我们向前航行时看见了港口灯塔。‎ ⑦ Police dogs picked up the scent(气味) of the two men from clothes they had left behind. 警犬从那两个人丢在后面的衣服上闻到了他们的气味。‎ ⑧ Can you pick up Moscow on your radio? 你的收音机能收到莫斯科电台吗?‎ ⑨ After lunch shall we pick up where we left off yesterday? 午饭后我们从我们昨天停的那个地方开始吗?‎ ⑩ She fell off her bike, but quickly picked herself up. 她从自行车上摔了下来, 但马上爬了起来。‎ ⑪ The truck picked up speed slowly. 卡车慢慢提速。‎ ⑫ The wind always picks up in the evening. 夜晚时风总是变大。‎ ⑬ His spirits picked up when he got the good news. 当得知好消息后,他精神焕发。‎ ⑭ The economy is finally beginning to pick up again. 经济终于又开始有所好转。 ‎ ⑮ He picked up nicely after a long careful treat. 经过较长时间精心治疗后,他的健康恢复得很好。‎ It seems as if the weather may pick up soon. 看上去天气好像很快要放晴了。‎ Let me pick out some good ones for you.‎ 考点 11. put相关短语 put aside 留出(钱或时间等);暂置一边 put sth. away 把某物收拾起来 put sth. back 放回原处 put down 镇压;写下;放下 put forward 提出(建议等)‎ put off 推迟(后跟动名词作宾语)‎ put on 穿衣;上演 put out ‎ 扑灭(火)‎ put up 张贴;搭建;举起; 提供临时住处 put up with 忍受 ① He put aside some money every month for future uses.他每月都留出一部分钱以备后用。‎ ② Let’s put our differences aside. 让我们把我们的异议先搁置一边。‎ ① The proposals that you have put forward deserve serious consideration. 你提出的建议值得认真考虑。‎ ② Sally is putting me up for the weekend.这个周末我住Sally家。‎ ③ I can’t put off going to the dentist any longer.我再也不能推迟去看牙医了。 ‎ ④ Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 不要把今天能做的事推到明天做。‎ 考点 12. set相关短语 set about doing 开始,着手(to start to do or deal with something, 后跟动名词, 意同go about) ‎ set out/off 出发(start a journey)‎ set out to do 开始做,着手做(to start an activity with a particular aim)‎ set off 点燃,引爆 set aside 留出(时间、钱等);暂置一边 (也可用put aside)‎ set sb. apart 使区别开来 set down 写入、印入(正式文件中)‎ set up 建立(公司、组织、体系等); 组织(会议、活动等)‎ sb. be set up 受陷害,中圈套 set back 推迟;使受挫 set/lay the table 整理餐桌(to put a cloth, knives and forks, etc. on the table in preparation for a meal)‎ set a record 创纪录 ① I’ve no idea how to set about changing a tyre on a car. 我不知道怎样着手换车上的轮胎。‎ ② I tried to apologize, but I think I set about it the wrong way.我尽力想道歉,但是我想我一开始方式就错了。‎ ③ He had some money in an account that he’d set aside for his kids. 他账户上有一些钱,是留出给他孩子用的。‎ ④ I set aside half an hour every evening to hear Erik read. 我每天晚上留出半小时时间来听Erik读书。‎ ⑤ In times of war people tend to set aside political differences. 在战争时期,人们倾向于把政治问题暂置一边。‎ ⑥ What set her apart was that she had a lot of original ideas. 使她与众不同的是,她有许多原创的主意。‎ ⑦ What time will we have to set off/out for the station tomorrow? 我们明天必须什么时候开始出发去车站?‎ ⑧ They set out to discover a cure for cancer. 他们着手来寻找癌症的治愈办法。‎ ⑨ Be careful that you don’t set the fireworks off by mistake.当心点, 别弄错了引起那些爆竹爆炸。‎ ⑩ The rules of the club are set down in the members’ handbook. 这个俱乐部的规章制度被印在成员的手册中。‎ ⑪ A committee has been set up to organize social events in the college. 一个委员会被成立以组织大学的社交活动。‎ ⑫ We need to set up a meeting to discuss the proposals. 我们需要组织一个会议来讨论这些提议。‎ ⑬ They claimed that they weren’ t selling drugs, but that they’d been set up by the police. 他们声称他们没有卖毒品,他们是中了警方的圈套。‎ ⑭ The accident has set them back several weeks.那次事故已使他们耽搁了几个星期。‎ ⑮ All their efforts at reform have been set back.他们所有的改革努力都遭受到挫折。‎ 考点 13. take相关短语 take apart 拆卸,拆开 take after sb.‎ ‎(在外貌、性格上)像某人 take down 写下,记下(别人所说的)‎ take effect 生效,起作用 take…for granted 想当然,认为……‎ 是真实的;低估了……的价值 take sb. in 欺骗某人 take off 休假;(事业)腾飞; 脱衣;(飞机)起飞;‎ take on 展现出,呈现出 (begin to have a particular quality) ‎ take over 接手,接管 take sth. out on sb.‎ 拿某人出气 take up 占去时间、空间、位置等; 开始从事某项工作或活动 take chances 碰运气,冒险 ① He takes after his mother. 他长得像他的母亲。‎ ② International sanctions were beginning to take effect.国际制裁的效果开始显现出来。‎ ③ The traffic laws don’t take effect until the end of the year. 交通法到年底才生效。‎ ④ We have to re-educate the public about something they have always taken for granted. 关于一些公众一直认为是想当然的事情,我们不得不再对他们进行教育。‎ ⑤ I can’t believe she was taken in by him. 我真不敢相信她被他骗了。‎ ⑥ He took off two weeks in September.他9月休了两周假。‎ ⑦ Her singing career had just begun to take off.网搜语法通霸她的歌唱事业才刚刚腾飞。‎ ⑧ Her voice took on a troubled tone. 她的声音中显示出她被什么事困扰着。‎ ⑨ She took over as manager two weeks ago.她两周前接手经理这一职位。 ‎ ⑩ I know you’ve had a bad day, but there’s no need to take it out on me! 我知道你今天不顺心,但也没有必要拿我出气。‎ ⑪ This desk takes up too much room. 这个桌子占去太多空间。‎ ⑫ Have you ever thought of taking up acting ?你考虑过从事演艺吗?‎ ⑬ Dennis wasn’t a man to take chances.丹尼斯不是一个靠碰运气做事的人。‎ 考点 14. turn相关短语 turn against 背叛,反对 turn down 拒绝,谢绝(某人建议、忠告); 关小(声音)‎ turn in 上交(也用hand in)‎ turn over 翻过来 turn to sb. for help 转向某人求助 turn out 聚集(参加公众活动或娱乐)‎ turn out (to be)‎ 证明是,结果是 turn up ‎(人或机会出乎意料或事先无计划地)出现 ① Please turn/hand in your homework on time.请按时交作业。‎ ② After six years of fighting, public opinion has turned against the war. 经过六年战争之后,公众也开始反对这场战争。‎ ③ He turned down the job because it involved too much travelling. 他拒绝了这个工作,因为它涉及太多旅行。‎ ④ Thousands of people turned out to welcome the England team home. 数千人聚集在那里,来欢迎英国队归来。‎ ⑤ She turned up at my house late one night.一天夜里她突然来到我家。‎ ⑥ This job turned up just when I needed it.当我需要这个工作时,它突然出现了。 ‎

