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‎2019高考英语郑州二轮练习资料:阅读理解02含解析 ‎(二)‎ A ‎(2017·海淀第二学期期末,A)‎ My father was a keen baseball fan. Whenever he could, Dad took me out to the park and pitched balls for me to hit.‎ One day at the park, a woman pushing a young boy in a wheelchair stopped to watch us play. My dad was over to them in a flash to ask if the child could join our game. The woman explained that her son had polio(小儿麻痹症)and wouldn't be able to get out of the chair. That didn't stop my dad. He placed the bat in the youngster's hand,pushed him out to home plate and assisted him in holding the bat. Then he yelled out to me, “Anne, pitch one in to us.”‎ I saw the delight in the boy's eyes, so I aimed at the bat and let the ball fly. The ball made contact with the bat with an assist from my dad and the child screamed with joy. As I turned, I heard my dad singing Take Me Out to the Ball Game.‎ An hour later we all left the field, very tired but very happy. Dad told the mother to bring the boy back next Saturday and we would play another game.‎ Dad and I were at the field the next Saturday but the mother and son never came. Twenty years passed,with my dad gone, I had very mixed emotions about leaving the neighborhood. Before moving I decided to take one last walk around the park where Dad and I had spent so many happy moments. Two Little League teams were on the field just about to start a game. I felt the sting of tears in my eyes as I watched the children play the game.‎ ‎“Jeff, protect your base,”one coach yelled. I cheered the runner on when the ball was hit far into the outfield. The coach turned and smiled,“I never thought I'd ever be a coach playing on this field. You see, I had polio as a child and was restricted to a wheelchair. Thanks to a man's assistance,I was able to hit the ball and hear him singing the song Take Me out to the Ball Game. I believe that experience gave me the desire to walk again. I hope that some day I'll look up in the stands and see that man and his daughter again. I sure would like to thank him.”‎ ‎20年前的一次偶遇改变了一个人的一生,使患小儿麻痹坐在轮椅上的男孩走下轮椅,并最终成了一位棒球教练。‎ ‎1.The author was tearful when watching the children playing the game because ________.‎ A. she hadn't recovered from the loss of her father B. she was reminded of her father playing with her to the park C. she realized that her father hadn't received thanks from others D. she was moved by the son who became a coach twenty years later 答案:B。推理判断题。由第5段内容尤其是最后两句的描述可推断出我是触景生情,‎ 应选B。‎ ‎2.Which is the RIGHT order of the following events?‎ a. The author's father died.‎ b. The author played with the boy.‎ c. The author left the neighborhood.‎ d. The author waited for the boy to turn up.‎ e. The author saw the boy coaching a team.‎ A. dbeac B. dbeca C. bdace D. bdaec 答案:D。事实细节题。由文中所表达的事情发生的先后顺序可知D项正确。‎ ‎3.The passage conveys the message that ________.‎ A. the boy is a miracle B. the author's father is a hero C. a simple act of kindness can change a life D. ball games have a great effect on people's life 答案:C。推理判断题。本文意在传达的信息是:一次小小的善举可能改变一个人的一生。应选C。‎ B ‎(2017·沈阳二模,B)‎ New media has been growing fast and influencing people's lives in ways few things have done before. In 2017, China's new media industry witnessed explosive development. But with “new” comes uncertainties and challenges. The following are brief reviews on the development of China's new media and outlooks on its future.‎ Microblogging(微博)‎ Short and convenient, microblogs also experienced “a_big_bang” in China last year, with the number of microbloggers at China's popular portal(门户网站)sina. com. cn almost doubling in less than six months. Afterwards,the other three major web portals,including sohu. com,qq. com and 163. com, each set up their own microblogging services. With more government officials and entities(实体) registering, China's microblogging services are expected to play a more important role in connecting the public and the governments in 2017.‎ Search Engines Baidu's position in the search engine market would face fierce challenges from sohu. com, Microsoft's Bing and goso. cn from the People's Daily. Xinhua is also preparing to start its search engine together with China Mobile, a leading company in mobile networks. Goso and Xinhua both have the advantage of providing content, while Bing has a big edge in technology and funds. They are expected to pose threats(威胁) to Baidu in 2017.‎ Internet of Things IoT refers to a network of realworld objects linked by the Internet and interacting through online services. China set up its first IoT research center in Shanghai in March 2017. Within the same week, Premier Wen Jiabao stated in the annual government report that it would “accelerate the research and development, as well as application of the Internet of Things”.‎ However,some experts say China's IoT is still in an early stage,and it'll take a long time for it to let the public enjoy its full functions.‎ 新的媒体正在迅速发展并以前所未有的方式影响人们的生活。‎ ‎4.What is the text mainly about?‎ A. Some major media in China.‎ B. China's new media and its future.‎ C. The development of China's online services.‎ D. China's earlystage IoT and its major functions.‎ 答案:B。主旨大意题。由首段首句“New media has been growing fast and influencing people's lives in ways few things have done before.”和尾句“The following are brief reviews on the development of China's new media and outlooks on its future.”可知B项正确。‎ ‎5.How many web portals are mentioned in Paragraph 2?‎ A. Two. B. Three. ‎ C. Four. D. Five.‎ 答案:C。事实细节题。由第2段内容可知,段中提到sina. com. cn, sohu. com, qq. com and 163. com四大网络门户。‎ ‎6.Which of the following will be Xinhua' s partner to start a search engine?‎ A. Baidu. B. Sohu. com.‎ C. Goso. cn. D. China Mobile.‎ 答案:D。事实细节题。由第3段中的“Xinhua is also preparing to start its search engine together with China Mobile”可知答案。‎ ‎7.What does the underlined part “a big bang” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?‎ A. A deafening sound. B. An explosive development.‎ C. A terrible damage. D. A demanding challenge.‎ 答案:B。词义猜测题。由画线短语所在句子结合首段第1、2句可知B项正确。‎ C ‎(2017·济南4月模拟,C)‎ Just 25 years ago, the top three career hopes for young people in Britain were teacher, banker and doctor. Now,they want to be sports star, pop star and actor,according to a survey by the Guardian newspaper.‎ Rachel, a character in the popular TV show Glee, may be said to speak for British teenagers. “Nowadays being nobody is worse than being poor,”he said. ‎ Emma Brockes, a reporter with the Guardian, believes it is “the bad influence of celebrity(名人)culture” that is to blame.“When children Wanted to be doctor, it wasn't because they were really more interested in the functions of human organs than they are now,they go where the respect is.” she wrote.‎ It could explain why there has been such an increase in levels of anxiety and depression. Dr Carlo Strenger of Tel Aviv University, studied the sense of self for his new book The Fear of Insignificance:Searching for Meaning in the 21st Century. He told the Daily Mail that young people now are “affected by the close connection to the global entertainment network, which has turned ranking and rating people according to wealth and celebrity into an obsession (痴迷) ”.‎ ‎ “As humans,we naturally measure ourselves to those around us, but now we live in a global village. We are comparing ourselves with the most ‘important’ people in the world and finding ourselves wanting,” he said. Today, even high achievers constantly fear that they are insignificant when they compare themselves to success stories in the media.‎ The way out? Simply stop measuring your achievement through a fantasy of wealth and celebrity. Dr Carlo Strenger said that it was a process called “active selfacceptance through a constant search for selfknowledge through life”. ‎ ‎“The fear of insignificance can only be overcome through strong individual and cultural identity over and above measurable achievement,” he said.‎ 随着时代的发展,人们的追求在不断变化,在全球网络影响与日俱增的时代,成为名人成了人们追逐的目标。‎ ‎8.Nowadays,young people in Britain want to ________.‎ A. choose jobs based on interests B. become famous C. be teacher,banker and doctor D. earn more money 答案:B。推理判断题。由第2段第2句“Nowadays being nobody is worse than being poor”结合首段尾句和第3段首句可推知当今英国的年轻人想成为名人。应选B。‎ ‎9.According to Emma Brockes,what causes the increasing level of anxiety?‎ A. Choices of future careers. ‎ B. Access to the global network.‎ C. Bad influences of celebrities. ‎ D. Endless comparison with others.‎ 答案:C。事实理解题。由第3段“...it is ‘the bad influence of celebrity culture’ that is to blame.”可知答案为C。‎ ‎10.Which of the following is TRUE of Dr Carlo Strenger?‎ A. He is a newspaper reporter.‎ B. He is the spokesman of teenagers.‎ C. He tells success stories on TV.‎ D. He is against ranking people with wealth.‎ 答案:D。事实细节题。由第4段尾句可知D项正确。‎ ‎11.Dr Carlo Strenger suggests that young people should ________.‎ A. seek active selfacceptance B. stick to their own dreams C. make great achievements D. search for the secret of wealth 答案:A。事实细节题。由倒数第2段尾句“Dr Carlo Strenger said that it is a process called‘active selfacceptance through a constant search for selfknowledge through life.’”可知选A。‎ ‎12.The text is mainly written to________.‎ A. talk about job choices B. analyse a social phenomenon C. encourage celebrity culture D. introduce three famous people 答案:B。推理判断题。通读文章可推知作者意在分析一种追求成名的社会现象。‎ D ‎(2017·江南十校二模,C)‎ ‎   Awardwinning author Emma Donoghue's latest book, Room, is a unique and amazing story about a boy's experience living in a small,windowless room with his mother. The 11' x 11' space between the walls of the room is actually all the boy knows because he was born there and has never left. Room will horrify ,surprise, sadden ,and finally delight you. Attracted from the start, readers of all sorts won't want to put Room down.‎ ‎◆First published in the U. S.‎ in September 2017‎ ‎◆Publisher: Little Brown ‎◆321 Pages ‎ ‎  Literary master Ian McEwan returns with Solar, a novel about a Nobel prizewinning physicist. The physicist's personal life is in a mess as his fifth marriage breaks,but this time he actually loves his wife and wants to make things better. Solar is a funny story, completely unusual and as good as anything the writer has ever written.‎ ‎◆Published in March 2017‎ ‎◆Publisher: Knopf Doubleday ‎◆304 Pages ‎ ‎  One Day by David Nicholls was an international bestseller before it was released in the ‎U. S.‎ ‎ in June. Although it is well written and funny at times, don't be fooled—this isn't a goodfeeling romantic comedy. If you decide to read it, be prepared for some heavy moments.‎ ‎◆Published in the U.S. in June 2017‎ ‎◆Publisher: Vintage Contemporaries ‎◆437 Pages ‎ ‎   Fall of Giants by Ken Follett is the first book in a new trilogy(three books)that will take readers through the major events of the twentieth century by following five families. In Fall of Giants, most of the action centers on World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution. Although Fall of Giants is more than 1,000 pages and has many characters,the story is remarkably connected. ‎ ‎◆Published in September 2017‎ ‎◆Publisher: Dutton ‎◆1,008 Pages ‎ 本文向读者介绍了2017年新出版的四本书。‎ ‎13.According to the text,the latest and longest novel is________.‎ A. Room B. Solar C. One Day D. Fall of Giants ‎ 答案:D。事实细节题。由四本书的出版时间和页数可知答案为Fall of Ciants。‎ ‎14.Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?‎ A. Ian McEwan once won the Nobel Prize.‎ B. Fall of Giants is mostly set in wars.‎ C. One day is written by David Nicholls.‎ D. Solar is a funny story about a physicist.‎ 答案:A。事实细节题。由对Solar一书的介绍中可知获得诺贝尔奖的是小说的主人公而不是作者本人。‎ ‎15.We can know from the text that ________.‎ A. the main character of Room has a wide range of knowledge B. Solar is the only book that Ian McEwan has ever written C. all the four books were not published in the same month D. One Day is a funny romantic comedy that sells very well 答案:C。事实细节题。由四本书的出版时间,可知C项正确。‎ ‎16.We can infer from the passage that ________.‎ A. the sixth of Ian McEwan's marriages broke B. Room by Emma Donoghue has a happy ending C. the publisher of One Day is Little Brown D. Dutton and Ken Follett are both publishers ‎ 答案:B。推理判断题。由第1则信息中的Room will horrify, surprise, sadden, and finally delight you.可推知答案为B。易错选A。A项中Ian McEwan应为小说的主人公“The physicist”才对;由第三则介绍可知One Day的出版者是Vintage Contemporaries而不是Little Brown;由第四则介绍可知Dutton是发行人,但从第四则介绍可知Ken Follett是Fall of Giants一书的作者而不是发行人。考生解题时要注意题干的要求,从题干中的infer可知此题是推理判断题,首先就把属于事实细节的C、D排除。‎ E ‎(2017·成都三诊,E)‎ Every social experience that we have affects us in at least some small ways. In modern industrial and post industrial societies, however, there are four familiar influences that have special significance in the socialization process. They are the family, schooling, peer groups and the mass media.‎ The family is the most important agent of socialization because it represents the center of children's lives. Babies are almost totally dependent on others, and the responsibilities of meeting their needs almost always fall on parents and other family members. At least until the start of schooling, the family is responsible for teaching children cultural values and attitudes towards themselves and others.‎ Family based socialization is not entirely intentional. Children learn continuously from the kind of environment that adults create for them. Whether children learn to think of themselves as strong or weak, smart or stupid, loved or simply tolerated, is largely determined by this early environment that adults create.‎ Parenting_styles_aside,_and_parental_attention_is_important in children's social development. Physical contact,verbal stimulation,and openness from parents and others all encourage children's intellectual(智力的) growth.‎ The family also places children in a specific social position, that is, parents not only bring children into the physical world, they also place their children in society in terms of race, religion, and class. In time ,all of these things become part of a child's self concept, or idea of himself or herself. Of course, some aspects of social position may change later on, but social standing at birth affects us throughout our lives. In many ways, then, parents teach their children to follow in their footsteps.‎ 本文主要谈论了家庭对孩子成长的影响。家庭环境、社会地位、种族、宗教尤其是所出生家庭的社会地位对孩子的文化价值观、对自身和他人的态度会产生终生的影响。‎ ‎17.Which of the following statements about family socialization is TRUE?‎ A. All family based socialization is a carefully planned process.‎ B. One's socialization process completely depends on one's family.‎ C. The family plays the most important role in one's socialization.‎ D. The family should be responsible for their children all their lifetime.‎ 答案:C。事实细节题。由第2段首句可知答案。由文中相关内容可知A项中的carefully planned错误;B项中的completely错误;D项中的all their lifetime错误。‎ ‎18.The underlined part in the 4th paragraph means that ________.‎ A. parental attention rather than parenting styles is important B. parenting styles are less important than parental attention C. parental attention is less important than parenting styles D. parental attention as well as parenting styles is important 答案:D。句意理解题。第4段首句画线部分中的aside在此意为“除了……外还……”,相当于并列连词and或as well as。‎ ‎19.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?‎ A. Parents' footsteps decide their children's future life.‎ B. The family has a lot to do with one's social position.‎ C. One's social position can't be changed at all later on.‎ D. Social position at birth won't affect us throughout our lives.‎ 答案:B。推理判断题。本段主要讲了家庭对孩子的影响。‎ ‎20.Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?‎ A. All Steps of Children's Socialization B. Four Agents of Children's Socialization C. Family the Most Important Socialization Agent D. Family Major Influence on Intellectual Growth 答案:C。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述对该子社会化进程产生影响的四大因素中的“家庭的影响”,由此可见作者认为它应该是最重要的。‎ ‎**********************************************************结束 C6 历史地理类 ‎ C6[2018·重庆卷] ‎ C ‎ There is no better way to enjoy Scottish traditions than going fishing and tasting a little bit of whisky(威士忌) at a quiet place like the Inverlochy‎ ‎Castle. When Queen Victoria visited the castle in 1873 she wrote in her diary, “I never saw a lovelier spot. ” And she didn't even go fishing.‎ ‎ Scotland is not easily defined. In certain moments, this quiet land of lakes and grasses and mountains changes before your very eyes. When evening gently sweeps the hillside into orange light, the rivers, teeming with fish, can turn into streams of gold. As you settle down with just a fishing pole and a basket on the bank of River Orchy, near the Inverlochy Castle, any frustration(烦恼) will float away as gently as the circling water. It's just you and purple, pink, white flowers,seeking a perfect harmony. If you are a new comer to fishing, learning the basics from a fishing guide may leave you with a lifetime's fun. For many, fishing is more than a sport; it is an art.‎ ‎ Scotland offers interesting places where you can rest after a long day's fishing. Set against a wild mountain and hidden behind woodland, the beautiful Inverlochy Castle Hotel below the Nevis is a perfect place to see the beauty of Scotland's mountains. Ben Nevis is the highest of all British mountains, and reaching its 1343metre top is a challenge. But it's not just what goes up that matters; what comes down is unique. More than 900 metres high, on the mountain's north face, lies an allimportant source of pure water. Its name comes from the Gaelic language “usquebaugh ” or “water of life”; and it is the single most important ingredient(原料) in Scotland's best known drink:whisky.‎ ‎ 64. The story of Queen Victoria is to show that ________.‎ ‎ A. the Queen is rich in tour experience B. the Castle is a good place to go in ‎Scotland ‎ C. tasting whisky is better than going fishing D. 1873 is a special year for the Queen ‎ 65. How is Paragraph 2 mainly developed?‎ ‎ A. By giving descriptions.‎ B. By following time order.‎ ‎ C. By analyzing causes.‎ D. By making comparisons.‎ ‎66. What is Ben Nevis special for?‎ ‎ A. The Inverlochy Castle Hotel.‎ B. The beauty of its surroundings.‎ ‎ C. The water from the mountain.‎ D. The challenge up to its top.‎ ‎67. What is the main purpose of the passage?‎ ‎ A. To introduce Scottish traditions to tourists.‎ B. To show the attractions of Scotland to readers.‎ ‎ C. To explore geographical characteristics of Scotland.‎ D. To describe the pleasures of life in Scotland.‎ ‎【要点综述】该篇材料介绍了苏格兰Inverlochy Castle的迤逦风光,既有地理风光,又有人文情怀。其写作目的是向读者介绍这里的风土人情,吸引游客观光游览。‎ ‎64. B 推理判断题。引用维多利亚女王的故事目的是提升其城堡的名望。‎ ‎65. A 推理判断题。该段首句Scotland is not easily defined(苏格兰很难定义)明示,该段材料使用的是白描的手法,即通过详尽的描述来说明此地风光无限。‎ ‎66. C 细节理解题。短文最后一段直接说明Ben Nevis的特产——酿造上等威士忌的优质水源。‎ ‎67. B 写作意图题。该篇材料不惜笔墨描述Inverlochy Castle及其附近的风光,其目的显而易见:招揽游客。‎ ‎********************************************************结束 C6[2018·重庆卷] ‎ ‎ D ‎ To take the apple as a forbidden fruit is the most unlikely story the Christians(基督教徒) have ever cooked up. For them, the forbidden fruit from Eden is evil (邪恶的). So when Columbus brought the tomato back from South America, a land mistakenly considered to be Eden, everyone jumped to the obvious conclusion. Wrongly taken as the apple of Eden, the tomato was shut out of the door of Europeans.‎ ‎ What made it particularly terrifying was its similarity to the mandrake,a plant that was thought to have come from Hell (地狱). What earned the plant its awful reputation was its roots which looked like a driedup human body occupied by evil spirits. Though the tomato and the mandrake were quite different except that both had bright red or yellow fruit, the general population considered them one and the same, too terrible to touch.‎ ‎ Cautious Europeans long ignored the tomato, and until the early 1700s most_of_the_Western_people_continued_to_drag_their_feet. In the 1880s, the daughter of a wellknown plant expert wrote that the most interesting part of an afternoon tea at her father's house had been the “introduction of this wonderful new fruit—or is it a vegetable?” As late as the twentieth century some writers still classed tomatoes with mandrakes as an “evil fruit”. ‎ ‎ But in the end tomatoes carried the day.The hero of the tomato was an American named Robert Johnson, and when he was publicly going to eat the tomato in 1820,people journeyed for hundreds of miles to watch him drop dead. “What are you afraid of?” he shouted. “I'll show you fools that these things are good to eat!”Then he bit into the tomato.Some people fainted. But he survived and, according to a local story,set up a ‎ tomatocanning factory.‎ ‎68. The tomato was shut out of the door of early Europeans mainly because ________.‎ ‎ A. it made Christians evil ‎ B. it was the apple of ‎Eden ‎ C. it came from a forbidden land ‎ D. it was religiously unacceptable ‎69. What can we infer from the underlined part in Paragraph 3?‎ ‎ A. The process of ignoring the tomato slowed down.‎ ‎ B. There was little progress in the study of the tomato.‎ ‎ C. The tomato was still refused in most western countries.‎ D. Most western people continued to get rid of the tomato.‎ ‎70. What is the main reason for Robert Johnson to eat the tomato publicly?‎ ‎ A. To make himself a hero.‎ ‎ B. To remove people's fear of the tomato.‎ ‎ C. To speed up the popularity of the tomato.‎ ‎ D. To persuade people to buy products from his factory.‎ ‎ 71. What is the main purpose of the passage?‎ ‎ A. To challenge people's fixed concepts of the tomato.‎ ‎ B. To give an explanation to people's dislike of the tomato.‎ ‎ C. To present the change of people's attitudes to the tomato.‎ ‎ D. To show the process of freeing the tomato from religious influence.‎ ‎【要点综述】本文介绍了西红柿被欧洲人视为禁果而长期受到敌视的历史渊源,而文章最后表达的第一位在公众面前食用该禁果的先贤Robert Johnson的壮举则让西红柿红遍全球。‎ ‎68. D 细节理解题。第一段先谈及苹果被基督教徒视为禁果,而和苹果外观极为相似的西红柿一样被欧洲人排斥。‎ ‎69. C 推理判断题。该句前半部分中的ignore一词明示西红柿被视为禁果的现实,而该段最后一句则强化了对此论断的佐证。‎ ‎70. B 推理判断题。从勇士Robert Johnson对公众的质问句 “What are you afraid of?”及“I’ll show you fools that these things are good to eat!”中可见其壮举的目的是为了让人们摒弃对西红柿的恐惧及偏见。‎ ‎71. C 写作意图题。短文前半部分介绍了西红柿被视为禁果的原因,而最后一段则记录了Robert Johnson食用所谓禁果的壮举,其写作目的是介绍人们对西红柿态度转变的历史过程。‎ ‎****************************************************结束

