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第 一 讲 前言 (命题趋势与应试策略,评分原则) 写作指导 ↓ 针对性练习 ↓ 满分作文 ↓ 必备词句 ↓ 实战演练 ↓ 家庭作业 师生互动、发散性思维、 演练结合、当堂点评。 第 二 讲 高考作文写作实用技巧 第 三 讲 五种基本句型 第 四 讲 文章的结构:开头、主体和结尾 第 五 讲 书面表达常见错误及扣分值 第 六 讲 应用文:书信,发言稿、通知 第 七 讲 记叙文:写人、叙事 第 八 讲 说明文:介绍人物、事物的说明文 第 九 讲 议论文 第 十 讲 图表、图画作文 第十一讲 第十二讲 第十三讲 第十四讲 2011高考英语万能模板 前言(一) 命题趋势与应试策略 一、评分原则 1.本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。 2.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后综合给分。 3.词数小于100的,从总分中减去2分。 4.评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性。 5.拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面。没错误书写3个单词从总分中减去1分,原则上不超过3分,重复的不计。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。标点符号错误,将视其对交际的影响程度酌情减分。 6.如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。 二、各档次的给分范围和要求 分数档 文章内容 英语的语法结构和词汇 词汇和语法错误 语句间的衔接和连贯 整体效果 第五档 21—25分 覆盖所有内容要点。 较多 有些许错误,但为尽力使 有效使用衔接手段,全文 完全达到快乐预期的写 (很好) 用复杂结构或较高词汇所致;具备较强的语言运用能力 结构紧凑。 作目的 第四档 16-20分 (好) 虽漏掉1、2个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容。 能满足任务要求。 基本准确,些许错误主要因尝试较复杂结构或词汇所致。 应用了简单的连接成分,是的全文结构紧凑。 达到了预期的写作目的。 第三档 11—15分 (一般) 虽漏掉一些内容,但覆盖所有主要内容。 能基本满足任务要求。 有些错误,但不影响理解。 应用了简单的连接成分,使得全文内容连贯。 基本达到了预期的写作目的。 第二档 6~10分 (较差) 漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要内容,有一些无关内容。 语法结构单调,所用词汇有限。 有错误,影响了对写作内容的理解。 较少使用语句间的连接成分,内容缺少连贯性。 信息未能清楚的传达给读者。 第一档 1~5分 (差) 明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关的内容,可能未理解试题要求。 语法结构单调,所用词汇有限。 较多错误,影响了对写作内容的理解。[来源:] 缺乏语句间的链接成分,内容不连贯。 信息未能传达给读者。 0分 未能传达给读者任何信息:内容太少,无法评判;写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。 高考英语作文高分技巧-逆向思维法 逆向思维法是指为实现某一创新或解决某一因常规思路难以解决的问题,而采取反向思维寻求解决问题的方法。在做英语书面表达题时,我们亦可借鉴这种方法,从研究高考对书面表达的要求入手,以及阅卷者的感受,去迎合他们的要求,从而做到有的放矢,以求短时期内取得对书面表达的突破。 我们可以从高考作文的评分标准及阅卷的角度来审视一下对写作的要求,看看在他们的眼中优秀作文的共同点有哪些,哪些又是主要的失分点。通过研究高考书面表达卷评分标准,我们可清楚地发现,一篇高分书面表达必须具有以下特点: 内容要点齐全,清楚地表达了自己的观点并进行了充分合理的论证; 准确性高,描述恰当,时态、人称符合文章要求,语法、句法准确无误,结构严谨,标点、格式、大小写亦能正确应用; 连贯性好,衔接语使用恰当,全文结构紧凑; 使用了一些较为复杂的词汇,句式,能体现出较强的语言运用能力; 开头、结尾富有特色不落俗套,给人耳目一新的感觉。 通过对高考评分标准的研究,我们可能发现高分作文有着共同的优点。我们在平时就要严格遵循书面表达的要求,认真训练,积极发现自己的问题并做出有针对性地改进。 【典例1】 Live in Harmony 当前我国政府和人民正努力把我国建设成一个社会关系和谐的国家,具体到学生而言,大部分学生与家长成员以及同学关系的处理上总体是好的,但也存在着一些问题,如果容易发火,与同学吵架,不听从家长和老师的教育等。我校正在调查高三学生与家庭成员和同学老师之间的关系处理情况,你作为高三学生请把以上的情况向学校反映并提出一些改进的意见。 要点如下:1.目前的实际情况:好的方面和不好的方面; 2.你个人的改进意见。 注意:1.文章的开头已经给出(不计入总词数); 2.词数:100左右。 Nowadays the government and people of China are trying to build a country with a harmonious relationship. 【参考范文】 Live in Harmony Nowadays the government and people of China are trying to build a country with a harmonious relationship. Generally speaking, the relationship between us students and our family members, classmates as well teachers is good. However, there exist some problems. Some students in our grade are easy to lose their temper because of unbearable anxiety and heavy study burden. What’s worse, they sometimes quarrel with others, and even turn a deaf ear to their parents and teachers, which is very disappointing. In my opinion, we middle school students should make our efforts to improve the situation. First, we should respect our parents and teachers as well as our classmates. Second, when we are not feeling good, we can chat with our friends, teachers and parents. It is likely that they can understand us better and give us some reasonable advice. Third, after a day’s hard work, we can relax ourselves by taking some exercise, such as playing basketball, table tennis and so on. The most important is to create a harmonious atmosphere around us in order to realize self-harmony. 专家点评:本篇作者以大见小的写作手法紧密联系实际,清晰的结构,入理的描述,准确的用词,都说明它是一篇不错的范文。 1) 内容要点齐全。作者巧妙地分析了周围环境的不和谐现象,并且提出创造和谐氛围的途径,富有见地,富有哲理。作者首先总结出学生与家庭成员以及班级同学在关系处理上总体是好的,但也存在着一些问题并很自然地引出问题所在,然后话锋一转,提出自己的观点:学生应该如何改变这种状况。作者在写作中适当增加了细节,使文章内容更为充实,表达更为具体,给读者以清晰的印象。最后用一句话总括主题:创造和谐氛围,创建和谐校园。整篇文章读起来要点清晰,归纳有序,让读者一目了然。 2) 语言使用准确性高,较好地使用了英语的各种句型,琅琅上口,英语味道浓厚。作为对当前社会问题的论述,时态的把握特别重要,写作时应以一般现在时为主。另外要能正确地列举事例,有些同学列举时,容易前后不一致,开始时用firstly, secondly,后来就变成了third。还要注意的是标点应用准确,逗号、句号的使用要恰如其分,使名层次结构清晰,句意明了,有效的避免汉语句式的简单罗列、词语堆砌。 3) 语言的连贯性强,非常出现地使用了连接词,使全文的结构紧凑,层次清楚,过渡自然。比如使用了如however, what’s worse, generally speaking, in my opinion等连接词,使文章衔接自然、生动。 4) 这篇范文较好地使用了较为复杂的词汇和高级句型,并运用了同位语,插入语以及非限制性定语从句。As well as, lose their temper, turn a deaf ear to, make our efforts to , chat with, quarrel with, create a harmonious atmosphere等词组应用及It is likely that 句型,which is very disappointing非限制性定语从句,relax ourselves by taking some exercise中非谓语动词的使用无不为文章增添了亮点。 书面表达语篇布局: 1.仔细审题,确定体裁。首先要判断作文是记叙文、说明文还是应用文,是图表形式还是提纲形式是开放式作文还是半开放式作文,并据此选择合适的应对策略。 2.抓住关键信息,梳理文章要点,考生在拿到题并审完题后,应列出提纲,以免遗漏,对需要适当发挥的地方细心确认,不要离题太远。 3.紧扣所列要点,精心挑合适的词句,列出需用的重点短语和句型,注意行文要适合语境及英语的表达习惯。 4.利用所列出的词句组句成文,注意句子结构的完整性及语法的准确性,还要选择合适的连接词把句子联系起来,使上下文行文连贯,成为有机的整体。 5.仔细核对草稿,修正错误,尤其要注意自己经常犯的一些错误,大到人称、时态的选择小到标点、大小写都要注意。 6.注意卷面,规范誊写,誊写时要写得干净工整,清晰易读,千万不能太潦草,试卷一般不能出横格,要靠线书写整齐。 第一讲 高考英语作文高分技巧-十句作文法 十句作文法是由有关专家总结出来的一种高分作文方法,考生在经过短期训练之后便可较大幅度地提高成绩。为此有必要向考生加以介绍,目的是使一些对作文没有把握的考生找到一条可行的解决办法。 需要指出的是所谓十句作文并非一定10句,从很多考生的高分来分析,句子数量在8句至12句(依句子长短和结构不同而不同)。如以每个句子平均10—15个单词计算,便能用8—12个句子完成一篇要求10—120的作文。 其基本模式为: ┌─主题句 句 1 第一段─┤ 开头 └─扩展句 句 2 ┌─主题句 句 1 第一段─┤ 正文 ├─扩展句 句 2 ├─扩展句 句 3 ├─扩展句 句 4 ├─扩展句 句 5 ├─扩展句 句 6 ├─扩展句 句 7 ├─扩展句 句 8 └─扩展句 句 9 第三段 ──结尾句 句10 结尾 第一段为开头,包括两句。第一句为主题句,必须提出,通过问题点明全文主题;第二句为扩展句,须进一步说明和支持主题句。或是将关系倒过来,由第一句说明情况,第二句提出问题。 第二段为正文,共七句。第一句(句3)为主题句,提出本段的主题,它应与第一段的主题相关和一致。 第二句至第七句(句4一句7)为扩展句,说明和支持本段的主题。句与句之间要注意运用好过渡使段落 逻辑合理,结构得当。 第三段为结尾,简化为一句,也是全文的总结句,它将前面内容总结为一结果,表明自己的论点。 三段之间的连接要灵活运用“启、承、转、合”的连接过渡手段。例如: Example 1 Television Television presents a vivid world in front of us. (1)(主题句)Through TV, we can learn what is happening half way across the world. (2)(扩展句) Television also plays an important educational role in our daily life. (3)(主题句) For one thing, the TV university provides an opportunity for many young men who can not go to formal universities. (4)(扩展句) For another, children can broaden their scope of knowledge by watching such popular programs as "The Animal World", and "The Mickey Mouse and Duck Donald". (5)(扩展句) Besides, women can learn about the latest fashion of dresses and the best recipe for making fruit cakes. (6)(扩展句) Furthermore, we learn many world advanced technologies from TV programs such as computer and telecommunication. (7)(扩展句) And also we can learn singing, dancing and doing physical exercises in some special TV training courses. (8)(扩展句) In short, the effect of TV's educational role is becoming more and more obvious. (9)(扩展句) Having viewed these several aspects, and with many more TV program being produced, I believe that our life will become even more significant. (10)(总结句) 1.本文是一篇典型的十句作文,主题句“Television presents a vivid world in front of us”点明了文章的主题,其他句子均围绕它进行扩展。扩展句(句2—9)内容详实,结束句(句10)总结性和概括性很强。整篇文章层次清晰,充分体现了十句作文法的特点。 2.较好地使用了大量的连接词,如for one thing, for another, besides, furthermore, and also等,另外,in short的使用也使结论更加清晰,概括更加明了。 3.最后的总结句富有创意,利用分词短语的形式把上下文连贯起来,体现了作者对英文句式的灵活应用,避免了一般性的概括语,很有特点。 4.使用了较高级的词汇句型,不单调,像宾语从句(what is happening halfway across the world, our life will become more significant),宾语从句(who can not go to formal university),分词短语(by watching…,for making fruit cakes, having viewed these aspects),重点短语(plays an important educational role, provide…for…),高级单词(present, broaden, scope)和with复合结构(with many more TV programs produced)等,这些都极大地提升了文章的档次。 使用十句作文法,首先要仔细审题,确定文章的中心问题。主题句的表达特别重要,然后才能围绕中心进行扩展,使意图明确。扩展句一定要具体详细,不可太空、太泛,不要对与要求无关的内容进行随意发挥,更不可为了表现英语水平而写出文不对题的句子,画蛇添足。 Example 2 Changes in People's Diet There have been some changes nowadays in the diet of the Chinese. There have been some changes nowadays in the diet of the Chinese. (1)(主题句) For example, grain, the main food of most people in China, is now playing a less important role, while the consumption of high-nutrition food such as milk, meat has increased. (2) (扩展句) The changes in diet can be accounted for by a number of factors. (3) (主题句)First, people are much wealthier than before. (4) (扩展句) With a higher income, they can afford to buy good foods which, in the past, were rarely seen on the dinner tables of ordinary families. (5) (扩展句) Another factor is that people have realized the importance of a balanced diet to their health. (6) (扩展句) Lack of certain amount of meat or milk, for example, will result in poor health. (7) (扩展句) Finally, owing to the economic reform, meat and milk, which were scarce in the past, are produced in large quantities. (8) (扩展句) For all those reasons, what was formerly called "the basket of vegetables" has become that of varied foods. (9) (扩展句) To sum up, insignificant as those changes may seem, they are the signs of the improved economic condition in China, and we believe that as the effort in the modernization movement continues, there will be greater changes in people's diet in the future. (10) (总结句) 书面表达应试步骤: 1.审题确定格式、体裁、时态、人称等写作要点。 2.列出提纲,确定开头句、扩展句和总结句,选择好适宜的句型。 3、利用一些关联词或者过渡句把句子有机地连接起来,必要时可适当增加细节。 4、仔细检查,适当修改,保证句子结构完整,要点齐全,人称时态主谓一致。 5.认真誊写,卷面整洁。 第二讲 五种基本句型: 英语句子看上去纷繁庞杂,但仔细观察不外乎五个基本句式。这五个基本句式可以演变出多种复杂的英语句子。换言之,绝大多数英语句子都是由这五个基本句式生成的。这五个基本句式如下 基本句型一: S十V主谓结构 在这个句型中的动词是不及物的行为动词, 不能带宾语. 这种动词表示主语的行为动作, 意义基本完整, 所以不再需要宾语. 这些动词常见的有:appear, apologize,arrive, come, die, disappear, exist, fall, happen, rise,等等。不及物动词没有被动语态形式. 在这个句型中, 谓语后面有时不再附加任何成分, 而大多数情况下有状语性质的修饰语. 这种修饰语可以由副词, 介词短语, 不定式短语, 分词短语以及从句等来担任. 例如: 1) . Tom正在等待 _________________________________________________. 2) 小Tom正在桌子旁等待_________________________________________________. 3) 他停了下来 _________________________________________________. 4) 他停下来看了一下 _________________________________________________. 5) 小男孩站在那里,行乞 _________________________________________________. 6) 父母已经去世的那个小男孩站在那里行乞 _________________________________________________. 7). 事故是昨天晚上发生的 _________________________________________________. 基本句型二: S十V十P主系表结构在本句型中, 由系动词及表语构成表性状的复合谓语, 说明主语的身份, 特征, 性质, 状态等. 英语中除了最常见的系动词be以外, 还有表示感官的连系动词look, feel, sound, taste, smell等; 表示变化的连系动词get, turn, become, grow, fall, come等; 表示状态的连系动词keep, remain, stay, continue, seem等. 例如: 1) 我们是中国人 _________________________________________________. 2)他很像他父亲 _________________________________________________. 3) 我们在任何时候都应该保持谦虚。_________________________________________________. 4). 这种食物尝起来很糟糕。_________________________________________________. 5). 春天到了,天气变得越来越暖和_________________________________________________ 6). 不要吃那种食物,它已经变质了。_________________________________________________. 7). 这个事实证明是正确的。_________________________________________________. 基本句型三: S十V十O主谓宾结构 本句型中的及物动词同样也为行为动词, 表明一个具体实在的动作, 但其本身所表示的意义并不完整, 需要有一个宾语, 才能表达一个完整的概念. 例如: We have a TV set. You may use my pen. I will use hers. He doesn’t like the first. He likes the third. 这种句型中的动词应为及物动词或者可以后接宾语的动词短语。同时,句子中有时含有与宾语有关的状语。作宾语的成分常是:名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句。如: 1) 我昨天看了一部电影。________________________________________________. 2)这些孩子他们照看得很好。_____________________________________ 3) 学生们正在操场上打篮球 _____________________________________ 4) 我刚开始不喜欢英语 _____________________________________ 5) 他很爱他的父母 _____________________________________ 6) 我们都应该爱我们的祖国 _____________________________________ 基本句型四: S十V十O1十O2 主谓双宾结构,O1=间接宾语;O2=直接宾语 有些动词后面, 可以有两个宾语, 这个宾语一个指人, 一个指物, 指人的叫间接宾语, 表示动作的方向和目标; 指物的叫直接宾语, 表示动作的承受者, 间接宾语一般放在直接宾语之前. 并不是所有得动词都能用于此句型。除以上两词外,能用于此句型的动词主要有两大类: (1) bring, give, sell, show, take, tell, throw, write等;(2) buy, find, get, leave, make, save, choose等。例如: She brought me some fruit. Can you do us a favour? 这两个句子中的间接宾语都可以变成介词短语放在直接宾语后面. 例如: She brought some fruit to me. Can you do a favour for me? 1) 昨天她父亲给她买了一辆自行车作为生日礼物 __________________________________________________ 或者 __________________________________________________ 2) 请把你的画给我看一下。_____________________________________ 3) 只要你不失去信心,我会给你提供机会的。_____________________________________ 4) 王老师教我们英语 _____________________________________ 1) 请告诉我这件事的真相 _____________________________________ 基本句型五: S十V十O十C 主谓宾补结构 宾语和补足语之间的关系是逻辑上的主谓关系, 即宾语是宾语补足语的逻辑主语。 句型中的宾语常用名词或代词宾格. 常用来作宾语补足语的成分有名词, 形容词,动词不定式, 现在分词, 过去分词, 介词短语和副词等. 例如: She named her baby John. We elected him monitor of our class. Keep the room clean and tidy, please. His father wished him to be a musician We consider it a pity that they have given up trying it a second time. 这种句型中的宾语+ 补语可统称为“复合宾语”, 作补语的常常是名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、分词、动词不定式等。如: 1). 请让孩子们安静下来。________________________________________________________. 2)他把墙漆成白色。________________________________________________________. 3) 我们发现他是一个诚实的人。______________________________________________. 4) 请保持教室干净 _____________________________________ 5)我常常让他帮助我学习英语 ________________________________________________________. 注意:动词have, make, let, see, hear, notice, feel, observe, watch等后面所接的动词不定式作宾补时,不带to。如: 5)他让他的员工整天工作________________________________________________________. 6) 不要让水一直流 _____________________________________ 第三讲 文章的结构:开头、主体和结尾 (一)掌握技巧: (1)注意篇章结构,合理布局 开始部分(opening paragraph)——说出文中的要点、核心问题。 正文部分(Body paragraphs)——围绕主题开展叙述、讨论。 结尾部分(concluding paragraphs)——对全文的总结和概括。 要做到全文中心突出、段落之间必须是有机地联系,内容完整、连贯。前后呼应,祛除与主题无关的内容. (2)确定主题句 主题句是对全文的概括,是文章的主旨。它能在文章中起到“画龙点睛”的作用。通常主题句出现在一篇文章的开头,而后,全文对主题句所提出的内容进行解释,扩展。 写主题句应注意以下几点: ①归纳出你要写的文章的几个要点 ②提炼出一句具有概括性的话 ③主题句应具有可读性,抓住、吸引读者。 (3) 高考英语写作常用开头和结尾 一开头万能公式: 1.开头万能公式一:名人名言有人问了,“我没有记住名言,怎么办?尤其是英语名言?”,很好办:编! 原理:我们看到的东西很多都是创造出来的,包括我们欣赏的文章也是,所以尽管编,但是一定要听起来很有道理呦!而且没准将来我们就是名人呢!对吧? 经典句型: A proverb says,“You are only young once.”(适用于已记住的名言) It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever.(适用于自编名言) 更多经典句型: As everyone knows, No one can deny that… 2。开头万能公式二:数字统计原理:要想更有说服力,就应该用实际的数字来说明。 原则上在议论文当中不应该出现虚假数字的,可是在考试的时候哪管那三七二十一,但编无妨,只要我有东西写就万事大吉了。所以不妨试用下面的句型: According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation. 看起来这个数字文邹邹的,其实都是编造出来的,下面随便几个题目我们都可以这样编造: Honesty根据最近的一项统计调查显示,大学生向老师请假的理由当中78%都是假的。 Travel by Bike根据最近的一项统计调查显示,85%的人在近距离旅行的时候首选的交通工具是自行车。 Youth 根据最近的一项统计调查显示,在某个大学,学生的课余时间的70%都是在休闲娱乐。 Five-day Work Week Better than Six-day Work? 根据最近的一项统计调查显示,98%的人同意每周五天工作日。 更多句型: A recent statistics shows that… 二结尾万能公式: 1.结尾万能公式一:如此结论说完了,毕竟要归纳一番,相信各位都有这样的经历,领导长篇大论,到最后终于冒出个“总而言之” 之类的话,我们马上停止开小差,等待领导说结束语。也就是说,开头很好,也必然要有一个精彩的结尾,让读者眼前一亮,这样,你就可以拿高分了!比如下面的例子: Obviously(此为过渡短语), we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others. 如果读者很难“显而见之”,但说无妨,就当读者的眼光太浅罢了! 更多过渡短语: to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, on account of this, thus 更多句型: Thus, it can be concluded that…, Therefore, we can find that… 2.结尾万能公式二:如此建议如果说“如此结论”是结尾最没用的废话,那么“如此建议”应该是最有价值的废话了,因为这里虽然也是废话,但是却用了一个很经典的虚拟语气的句型。拽! Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem. 这里的虚拟语气用得很经典,因为考官本来经常考这个句型,而如果我们自己写出来,你说考官会怎么想呢? 更多句型: Accordingly, I recommend that some measures be taken. Consequently, to solve the problem, some measures should be taken. 二、写作的七项基本原则 一)、长短句原则工作还得一张一驰呢,老让读者读长句,累死人!写一个短小精辟的句子,相反,却可以起到画龙点睛的作用。而且如果我们把短句放在段首或者段末,也可以揭示主题: As a creature, I eat; as a man, I read. Although one action is to meet the primary need of my body and the other is to satisfy the intellectual need of mind, they are in a way quite similar. 如此可见,长短句结合,抑扬顿挫,岂不爽哉?牢记! 强烈建议:在文章第一段(开头)用一长一短,且先长后短;在文章主体部分,要先用一个短句解释主要意思,然后在阐述几个要点的时候采用先短后长的句群形式,定会让主体部分妙笔生辉!文章结尾一般用一长一短就可以了。 二)、主题句原则国有其君,家有其主,文章也要有其主。否则会给人造成“群龙无首”之感!相信各位读过一些破烂文学,故意把主体隐藏在文章之内,结果造成我们稀里糊涂!不知所云!所以奉劝各位一定要写一个主题句,放在文章的开头(保险型)或者结尾,让读者一目了然,必会平安无事! 特别提示:隐藏主体句可是要冒险的! To begin with, you must work hard at your lessons and be fully prepared before the exam(主题句). Without sufficient preparation, you can hardly expect to answer allthe questions correctly. 三)、一二三原则领导讲话总是第一部分、第一点、第二点、第三点、第二部分、第一点…如此罗嗦。可毕竟还是条理清楚。考官们看文章也必然要通过这些关键性的“标签”来判定你的文章是否结构清楚,条理自然。破解方法很简单,只要把下面任何一组的词汇加入到你的几个要点前就清楚了。 1)first, second, third, last(不推荐,原因:俗) 2)firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally(不推荐,原因:俗) 3)the first, the second, the third, the last(不推荐,原因:俗) 4)in the first place, in the second place, in the third place, lastly(不推荐,原因:俗) 5)to begin with, then, furthermore, finally(强烈推荐) 6)to start with, next, in addition, finally(强烈推荐) 7)first and foremost, besides, last but not least(强烈推荐) 8)most important of all, moreover, finally 9)on the one hand, on the other hand(适用于两点的情况) 10)for one thing, for another thing(适用于两点的情况) 建议:不仅仅在写作中注意,平时说话的时候也应该条理清楚! 四)、短语优先原则 写作时,尤其是在考试时,如果使用短语,有两个好处:其一、用短语会使文章增加亮点,如果老师们看到你的文章太简单,看不到一个自己不认识的短语,必然会看你低一等。相反,如果发现亮点—精彩的短语,那么你的文章定会得高分了。其二、关键时刻思维短路,只有凑字数,怎么办?用短语是一个办法!比如: I cannot bear it. 可以用短语表达:I cannot put up with it. I want it. 可以用短语表达:I am looking forward to it. 这样字数明显增加,表达也更准确。 五)、多实少虚原则原因很简单,写文章还是应该写一些实际的东西,不要空话连篇。这就要求一定要多用实词,少用虚词。我这里所说的虚词就是指那些比较大的词。比如我们说一个很好的时候,不应该之说nice这样空洞的词,应该使用一些诸如generous, humorous, interesting, smart, gentle, warm-hearted, hospital之类的形象词。再比如: 走出房间,general的词是:walk out of the room 但是小偷走出房间应该说:slip out of the room 小姐走出房间应该说:sail out of the room 小孩走出房间应该说:dance out of the room 老人走出房间应该说:stagger out of the room 所以多用实词,少用虚词,文章将会大放异彩! 六)、多变句式原则 1)加法(串联) 都希望写下很长的句子,像个老外似的,可就是怕写错,怎么办,最保险的写长句的方法就是这些,可以在任何句子之间加and,但最好是前后的句子又先后关系或者并列关系。比如说: I enjoy music and he is fond of playing guitar. 如果是二者并列的,我们可以用一个超级句式: Not only the fur coat is soft, but it is also warm. 其它的短语可以用: besides, furthermore, likewise, moreover 2)转折(拐弯抹角) 批评某人缺点的时候,我们总习惯先拐弯抹角说说他的优点,然后转入正题,再说缺点,这种方式虽然阴险了点,可毕竟还比较容易让人接受。所以呢,我们说话的时候,只要在要点之前先来点废话,注意二者之间用个专这次就够了。 The car was quite old, yet it was in excellent condition. The coat was thin, but it was warm. 更多的短语: despite that, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, notwithstanding 3)因果(so, so, so) 昨天在街上我看到了一个女孩,然后我主动搭讪,然后我们去咖啡厅,然后我们认识了,然后我们成为了朋友…可见,讲故事的时候我们总要追求先后顺序,先什么,后什么,所以然后这个词就变得很常见了。其实这个词表示的是先后或因果关系! The snow began to fall, so we went home. 更多短语: then, therefore, consequently, accordingly, hence, as a result, for this reason, so that 4)失衡句(头重脚轻,或者头轻脚重) 有些人脑袋大,身体小,或者有些人脑袋小,身体大,虽然我们不希望长成这个样子,可如果真的是这样了,也就必然会吸引别人的注意力。文章中如果出现这样的句子,就更会让考官看到你的句子与众不同。其实就是主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句的变形。 举例:This is what I can do. Whether he can go with us or not is not sure. 同样主语、宾语、表语可以改成如下的复杂成分: When to go, Why he goes away… 5)附加(多此一举) 如果有了老婆,总会遇到这样的情况,当你再讲某个人的时候,她会插一句说,我昨天见过他;或者说,就是某某某,如果把老婆的话插入到我们的话里面,那就是定语从句和同位语从句或者是插入语。 The man whom you met yesterday is a friend of mine. I don’t enjoy that book you are reading. Mr liu, our oral English teacher, is easy-going. 其实很简单,同位语--要解释的东西删除后不影响整个句子的构成;定语从句—借用之前的关键词并且用其重新组成一个句子插入其中,但是whom or that关键词必须要紧跟在先行词之前。 6)排比(排山倒海句) 文学作品中最吸引人的地方莫过于此,如果非要让你的文章更加精彩的话,那么我希望你引用一个个的排比句,一个个得对偶句,一个个的不定式,一个个地词,一个个的短语,如此表达将会使文章有排山倒海之势! Whether your tastes are modern or traditional, sophisticated or simple, there is plenty in London for you. Nowadays, energy can be obtained through various sources such as oil, coal, natural gas, solar heat, the wind and ocean tides. We have got to study hard, to enlarge our scope of knowledge, to realize our potentials and to pay for our life.(气势恢宏) 要想写出如此气势恢宏的句子非用排比不可! 七)、挑战极限原则既然十挑战极限,必然是比较难的,但是并非不可攀! 原理:在学生的文章中,很少发现诸如独立主格的句子,其实也很简单,只要花上5分钟的时间看看就可以领会,它就是分词的一种特殊形式,分词要求主语一致,而独立主格则不然。比如: The weather being fine, a large number of people went to climb the Western Hills. Africa is the second largest continent, its size being about three times that of China. 如果您可一些出这样的句子,不得高分才怪! 三、文章主体段落的三大杀手锏 一)、举实例思维短路,举实例!提出一个观点,举实例!提出一个方案,举实例!而且者也是我们揭示一个观点最好的方式,任何情况下,只要我们无法继续文章,不管三七二十一,尽管举例子! In order to attract more customers, advertisers have adopted every possible simulative factor in making ads, such as sound, light, colours, cartoon films and human performance. For instance, to advertise a certain food, advertisers will ask an actor or actress to sit at a table and devour the seemingly delicious food while they fime him or her. 更多句型: To take…as an example, One example is…, Another exampleis…, for example 二)、做比较方法:写完一个要点,比较与之相似的;又写完一个要点,再比较与之相反的; 世界上没有同样的指纹,没有相同的树叶,文章亦同,只有通过比较,你才会发现二者的相同点(through comparison)和不同点(through contrast)。下面是一些短语: 相似的比较: in comparison, likewise, similarly, in the same manner 相反的比较: on the other hand, conversely, whereas, while, instead, nevertheless, in contrast, on the contrary, compared with …,… 三)、换言之没话说了,可以换一句话再说,让你的文章在多一些字,或者文邹邹地说,是让读者更充分的理解你的观点。 实际就是重复重复再重复!下面的句子实际上就三个字I love you! I am enthusiastic about you. That is to say, I love you. I am wild about you. In other words, I have fallen in love with you. 或者上面我们举过的例子: I cannot bear it. 可以用短语表达:I cannot put up with it. 因此可以这样说:I cannot bear it. That is to say, I cannot put up with it or I am fed up with it. 更多短语: in more difficult language, in simpler words, put it more simply. (二)巧用连接词 要想使文章有整体性、连贯性,就要学会正确使用连接词 表示罗列增加 First, second, third, First, then / next, after that / next, finally For one thing … for another…, On (the) one hand…on the other hand, Besides / what’s more / in addition / furthermore / moreover / another / also, Especially / In particular, 表示时间顺序 now, at present, recently, after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days, at first, in the beginning, to begin with, later, next, finally, immediately, soon, suddenly, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment form now on, from then on, at the same time, meanwhile, till, not…until, before, after, when, while, as, during, 表示解释说明 now, in addition, for example, for instance, in this case, moreover ,furthermore, in fact, actually 表示转折关系 but, however, while, though, or, otherwise, on the contrary, on the other hand, in contrast, despite, in spite of, even though, except (for), instead, of course, after all, 表示并列关系 or, and, also, too, not only … but also, as well as, both… and, either …or, neither …nor 表示因果关系 because, because of, since, now that, as, thanks to…, due to…, therefore, as a result (of), otherwise, so…that, such…that 表示条件关系 as (so) long as, on condition that, if, unless 表示让步关系 though, although, as, even if, even though, whether …or…, however, whoever, whatever, whichever, wherever, whenever, no matter how (who, what, which, where, when, whom) 表示举例 for example, for instance, such as…, take… for example 表示比较 be similar to, similarly, the same as, in contrast, compared with (to)…just like, just as, 表示目的 for this reason,, for this purpose, so that, in order to, so as to, 表示强调 in deed, in fact, surely, certainly, no doubt, without any doubt, truly, obviously, above all, 表示概括归纳 in a word, in short, in brief, on the whole, generally speaking, in my opinion, as far as I know, As we all know, as has been stated, as I have shown, finally, at last, in summary, in conclusion, 第五讲 高考英语书面表达分类模板 写作训练(一) (一).书信类作文 一.书信写作常用的惯用语 1. 在信的开头常用以下客套话: How are you? How are you getting on recently? How are you getting on/ along with …? 2. 当给别人复信时,可以用: Many thanks for your last kind letter. I must apologize for not replying to your last letter at once. 3. 在信的结尾时可以用以下语言 Best wishes /regards to you! Good luck to you! Please give my best wishes to … Looking forward to hearing from you! Wish you good health and happiness! 一). 高考作文赏析 1.情景介绍 假如你是一名乘客,名叫李华,对次航班不满意,理由如下四个: (1) 航空公司给你丢了一个重要的包, 内有公司机密文件; (2) 飞机迟到一个半小时; (3) 飞机上食物很差; (4) 乘务员的服务态度不好。请就此事给航空公司写一封投诉信。 2.写作步骤 第一步 审题, 做到“四”确定 1). 体裁格式:书信格式 2). 主体时态:一般过去时 3) . 中心人称:第一人称 4). 内容要点: a. 自我介绍,说明投诉事由 b. 投诉事由四点 c. 提出要求或希望 第二步 短语和句型: I’m writing this letter about….. I’m sorry to say that ….. I’m unhappy about , First of all,…….Secondly……..Thirdly…..Fourthly…… I hate to have to say this ,but I think that…. Honestly speaking…., I do hope …… Dear manager, My name is Li Hua. I am a passenger of your airline. I’m writing this letter about your bad service. I’m sorry to say that I’m very unhappy about your airline. First of all ,your airline lost one of my bags in which there is an important paper of our company. Secondly, my plane was one and a half hours late .You know ,I had to attend an important meeting in time.Thirdly, the food on the plane was terrible . Fourthly, I hate to have to say this ,but I think that the attendants on the plane were unfriendly and impolite to me. Honestly speaking, this is the worst airline I know in the world. The focus of my complaint is where my bag is . I do hope you can help me find my bag and improve your service. Yours Li Hua 二) . 实战演习 Passage (一) (10重庆) 假设你是李华,于2010年6月3日搭乘国外某航空公司航班(flight number BA793)回国后,发现遗失了一个行李箱(suitcase)。现请用英文给该航空公司写一封信,请他们帮你寻找。 信件要点包括: l 陈述写信原因 l 简要描述该行李 l 说明其重要性 l 期待回复并表示感谢 注意: 1. 词数100左右。 2. 信件格式已为你给出。 3. 请在答题卡上作答。 【思路点拨】试题为应用文中的书信写作,试题只给出写作框架,并未给出所有的具体写作细节,为半开放性写作。写好此文,需注意三点:一是写信格式要准确,信的开头已经给出,但切要写好信的结尾。二是要详略得当,本文应重点写的是对箱子的描述。三要注意适当地增加细节,恰当地使用连接过渡词,以使行文连贯。 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3. 参考范文:passage (一) Dear Sir/Madam, I’m Li Hua. I took the flight BA793 on June 3, 2010. But when I came to my home, I found I lost a suicase. I am writing to you to request you to help me find it back. My suitcase is a small blue one with a zip. There is a lable on the handle with my name and address on it. It si really important for me, because I had put all my important documents in it, including my ID card, passport and so on. Besides, it si what my father sent to me on my birthday. Thanks for your kind consideration and I look forward to receiving your earliest reply. Yours truly, Li Hua. 【范文点评】文章要点齐全,写作层次清晰,紧扣要点框架并适当添加细节,行文连贯,句式多变,能够正确运用各种复合句,对箱子的描述恰当得体。 passage (二) 假设你是张伟,你收到你的美国笔友Mike的一封E-mail(见表一),请根据邮件内容和你获得的广告(见表二)所提供的信息,给Mike 回一封电子邮件。 Dear Zhang Wei , How are you going on recently ? I’m so glad to tell you that I have planned to go to Beijing to study Chinese in my coming holiday . Would you please help me find a Chinese training school, and give me some information about it ? Write back soon . Mike LET’s TALK IN CHINESE Course : Chinese for beginners Time : January 20————February 19 Place : No. 1 Lecture Hall Tuition (学费): 2,000 RMB For more information : www. redstar . Org Red Star Language School (表一) (表二) 注意: 1.词数120左右。开头语已为你写好。 2.内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。 Dear Mike , I’m so glad to learn that … Zhang Wei 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2. 相关词汇: 3. 参考范文:passage (二) Dear Mike , I’m so glad to learn that you’re coming to Beijing to study Chinese . I have got a lot of information about foreigners learning Chinese . Here I’d like to recommend you a famous language school—Red Star Language School . It happens to have such a Chinese training course that will satisfy your demands . It starts on Jan . 20th and lasts a month till Feb . 19th . It’s intended for beginners like you . Besides , the tuition is reasonable . It costs only RMB 2,000( about $ 240). If you have some more questions , please let me know or just mail www. redstar. Org. Hope to see you in Beijing soon . Zhang Wei Passage (三) 1 0全国Ⅱ 假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Peter曾表示希望来中国教书。你校现需招聘外教,请给他写封信,告知招聘信息。内容主要包括: 1. 教授课程:英语口语、英语写作、今日美国、今日英国等 1. 授课对象:高中生(至少三年英语基础) 2. 工作量: ——每周12学时,任先三门课 ——担任学生英语俱乐部或英语校报顾问(advisor) 注意: a) 词数100左右; b) 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; c) 开关语已为你写好,请将完整的回信书写在答题卡上。 Dear Peter, I remember you told me you were interested in teaching in China. Best, Li Hua 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3. 参考范文:passage(三) Dear Peter, I remember you told me you were interested in teaching in China. Our school now is looking for a native-speaker to teach some courses to senior high students. If you come, you can choose three of the following four courses: Speaking, Writing, Britain Today and America Today, and teach 12 hours a week. The students who are going to take these courses have at least three years of English learning experiences. Besides teaching, you will also work as an advisor to our students’ English club or our school’s English newspaper. Please let me know if you are interested and if you have any other questions. I’d be more than happy to help. Best, Li Hua Passage(四) 假设你是李平,是一名高中生。请你围绕“建设和谐社会”的主题,根据下面所提供的信息,用英语给你的同学写一封信。 1.人与社会:祖国、家乡、学校 2.人与人:家人、师长、同学 3.人与自然:能源、环境、动植物 4.你的态度:(内容由考生自己拟定) 注意: 1.信必须包括以上信息内容,可适当发挥; 2.开头、结尾已给出; 3.词数120左右(开头与结尾不计入总词数) Dear fellow students, Our government is aiming to build a harmonious society. I think it is every citizen’s duty to work hard to achieve this goal. As high school students, what should we do? Best wishes. Yours, Li Ping 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3. 参考范文:Passage(四) Dear fellow students, Our government is aiming to build a harmonious society. I think it is every citizen’s duty to work hard to achieve this goal. As high school students, what should we do? First of all, we should love our motherland. We should also care our hometown and our school. Secondly, let’s fill the world with love. We should show our respect for old people, our parents and our teachers. We should also learn from each other, care for each other and help each other. More importantly, all of us must be faithful and honest in our daily life. Finally, let’s work together to save energy and protect our natural environment, including animals, trees, flowers and grass. As for myself, I will study even harder and try my best to do all the above. Let’s start work now and do what we can to build a harmonious society! Best wishes. Yours, Li Pin Passage(五) 假设你是李明,最近参加了一期“澳大利亚冬令营”活动。共两周时间你住在Johnson 夫妇家中,他们为你提供了吃、住、行及旅游方面的帮助。请写一封电子邮件感谢他们。 内容包括以下要点: 1.安全到家 2.感谢 3.感受 4.保持联系 注意: 1.词数120左右; 2.可以适当增减细节,以使行文连贯; 3.邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好。 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, I’m writing to you from my home in China._____________________________________________ 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2. 相关词汇: 3. 参考范文:Passage(五) Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, I’m writing to you from my home in China. I returned home safe and sound. When I think of the wonderful two weeks I spent in Australia, I just can’t help thinking of both of you. It was so kind of you to have provided everything to make my staying there such a happy and lucky experience. I’ve learned so much, not only English but also culture. And I really enjoyed a great deal the fun and laughter we shared with each other. Thank you very much. I’ll always remember this trip as well as your kindness. I’ll keep in touch and write to you later. Please take care! Yours, Passage(六) 假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华,你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest),希望附近某大学的外籍教师Smith 女士来做评委,请参照以下比赛通知给她写一份信, 英语演讲比赛 www.ks5u.com 主题:人与自然 时间:6月15日下午 2:00—5:00 地点:501教室 参赛选手:10名学生 联系人:李华(电话 4487665) 欢迎大家光临 注意:词数100左右。 内容要点: 1. 自我介绍 2. 邀请做评委3. 演讲主题 4. 比赛时间 5. 参赛选手6. 联系方式 **************************************************************************** Dear Ms .Smith, With best wishes Li Hua 练后总结: 1.典型错句: 2. 相关词汇: 3. 参考范文:Passages (六) Dear Ms. Smith, I'm Li Hua, a chairman of the Student Union of Yucai Middle School, which is close to your university. I'm writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest to be held in our school on June 15. It will start at 2:00 pm in Room 501 and last for about three hours. Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic “Man and Nature”. We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. Please call me at 44876655 if you have any questions. I am looking forward to your reply. With best wishes, Li Hua 写作训练(二) 日记 (一)日记的格式 Sept 23, 2009 Wednesday cloudy It is three months since I began this diary…. (二) 日记的时态 日记的时态一般用过去时,当然,要记叙天气,描写景色,或议论,或表示客观事实, 用一般现在时;如表示个人感想,打算或决心,用一般将来时。 (三)以记事为主的日记一般按事情发生的先后顺序来记叙,如;at first ,then , later on ,afterwards,soon, finally ,at last. (四)高考鉴赏: 根据汉语的提示写篇日记。 今天你参观了清华大学。一大早,老教授在门口接你们,然后领你参观了校园、图书馆、实验楼。下午,老教授给你们做报告。傍晚,我们不得不向老教授告别。 写作思路: 1. 应用文:日记格式 2. 时态的选择:一般日记采用过去时态。 3. 写作要点:(1)清早,老教授在门口等你们。(2)你们参观了校园、图书馆、实验楼。(3 )下午,老教授给你们做报告。(4)向老教授告别。 1. 写作注意事项:以时间为顺序。Early in the morning /then –after that—at the end of …---at night …. 2. 单词和短语的选择: get to the gate/reach the gate /arrive at the gate ;welcome sb warmly /give sb a warm welcome ;visit a place ;give sb a lecture ;say good bye to sb ./make up one’ s mind to do sth April 25 Saturday Fine (1)Today we visited Qinghua University .Early in the morning we arrived at the gate of Tsinghua University , where we were warmly welcomed by an old professor ,who then showed us around the campus .In the Library ,we saw many books ,far more than we could imagine .There were some university students reading attentively in the reading rooms .After that ,we came to the lab building .At the end of the visit ,the old professor gave us a lecture in science in the afternoon. Time passed quickly before we knew it .We had to say goodbye to the professor .At night ,I worked harder at my lessons than usual and made up my mind to be a student of Qinghua University . Passage (七) 下午数学考试,你成绩不好,心情郁闷。晚上几个好朋友邀你去歌厅(KTV)唱歌,你们一晚上唱得很尽兴。你用日记的形式记录下你今天的活动及感受。 日记需包括以下几个要点: 1.下午的数学考试你的成绩不佳,心情一直不好。 2.晚上朋友们邀请你去KTV唱歌,这是你第一次去KTV。 3.大家唱得很高兴,而你一直当听众,你觉得你的歌唱的不好,不敢去唱。 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2. 相关词汇: 1. 参考范文:passage(七) Nov. 12,2004 Friday Sunny This evening I went to the KTV with some of my good friends. This was the first time that I had been to a KTV and at first Ididn’ t want to go. I was ( had been ) in a bad mood the whole afternoon.because I didn't do well in the math exam. At the KTV, everybody sang his favorite songs very happily except me -- I was only one of the audience. I dare not have a try because I was afraid that I couldn' t sing well. Encouraged by my classmates, I picked up the microphone and sang an English song entitled" 1 believe I can fly". I have become cheerful now and above all I' ve regained self-confidence. I believe that the worst enemy in one' s life is oneself. I shouldn't lose heart just because of one or two failures because I still have chances to try. 写作训练(三) 应用文 (一)通知 通知分为口头通知和书面通知 A.口头通知 一般不用写标题,也不必有发通知的日期。常以Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and girls 等开头;接下来是:Be quiet ,please ! Attention ,please ! May I have your attention please ! Please be quiet, everyone ,there is something I have to tell you. 结尾语常用:Any questions? Does everyone understand ? That’s all .Thank you. 举例:请根据下面提示写一篇口头通知: 假如你是学生会主席,你要在学校广播上发布通知,内容如下: 学生会将在八月十五日晚(星期六)主楼报告厅举办聚会,欢迎来自美国的朋友。聚会7:00准时开始。节目有音乐、舞蹈、唱歌比赛。最好还要和外国朋友交换礼物。请带上自己的礼物,写上自己的名字和祝福语。 1. 要点: a.学生会将在八月十五日晚(星期六)主楼报告厅举办聚会,欢迎来自美国的朋友。 b.聚会7:00准时开始。 c.节目有音乐、舞蹈、唱歌比赛。最好还要和外国朋友交换礼物。 d.请带上自己的礼物,写上自己的名字和祝福语。 2. 单词和短语的选择: be going to be held /be going to hold a party ;There will be …..;bring…along …;wrap up ;sign your name and write …; 3. 注意开头和结尾: passage (八) Boys and girls , May I have your attention ,please ?I have announcement to make . Don`t forget the time .There is sure to be a lot of fun .Everyone is welcome . That`s all .Thank you . 练后总结: 2. 典型错句: 3. 相关词汇: 参考范文:passage (八) Boys and girls , May I have your attention ,please ?I have announcement to make . The Student Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening ,August 15 .To welcome our friends from the States, the party will be held in the lecture hall of the Main Building .It will begin at 7:00 p.m. There will be music ,dancing ,singing and exchange of gifts .Will everyone please bring along a small gift for this purpose .Remember to wrap it up ,sign your name and write a few words of good wishes . Don`t forget the time .There is sure to be a lot of fun .Everyone is welcome . That`s all .Thank you . B.书面通知 passage (九) 内容如下:1.你们学校为了提高中生的口语水平,将于10月2号下午在教学楼一楼报告厅举行英语口语竞赛 2.愿意参加的同学在9月25号前在学生会报名。 3.前五名有奖励。 写作思路: 1. 应用文:书面通知。 2. 写作注意事项:(1)格式 (2)使用婉转语气 (3) 开头写出what ;who ;why ;where and when , 句子简洁。 1. 单词和短语的选择:improve one`s English ;hold an English-speaking contest;sign up ;give prizes ; Notice Wish you success ! The Student Union Mar 30, 2010 练后总结: 3) 典型错句: 4) 相关词汇: 参考范文:passage (九) Notice An English-speaking contest is going to be held for senior students in order to improve the oral English .It will be held in our lecture hall on the first floor in the teaching building at 2 P.M October 7 .Those who would like to take part in it are supposed to sign up at the office of Student Union before September 25 .All the senior students are welcome to join in the contest .The first five winners will be given prizes .Please try your best and get ready in time . Wish you success ! The Student Union Mar 30, 2010 C: 寻物招领 passage (十) 1. 我在本月一天下午在餐厅丢失了一个包,里面有两本教材,一本字典和自行车钥匙。若有发现的同学请送到高三一班。不甚感谢!王伟 参考范文: passage (十) Lost I was careless and lost a bag in the dinning-hall on the afternoon of this month. Inside were two textbooks, a dictionary and a key to my bike. Will the finder please send it either to the students of Class 1, Senior three ?/Anyone who/whoever found it , please let me know. Many thanks. Wang Lei passage (十一) 本人拾得一个手提包,内有一个照相机,一副眼镜,现金若干和其他物品,忘失主前来认领。请致电123456,并请带上身份证。 参考范文: passage (十一) Found A handbag was found, inside which are a camera, a pair of glasses, some money and other things. The loser is expected to come identify it. Please telephone at123456 or get in touch with …. Please bring your identification card with you when you come. (二)发言稿 passage (十二)(10四川) 假定你校将举行一个成人仪式,你将作为代表在仪式上发言。请你按以下内容要点准备一篇英文发言稿。 1.过去对成年的向往; 2.现在的感受和认识; 3.将来的目标及措施。 参考词汇:责任 responsibility 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 3.发言稿的开头与结束语已为你写好(不计入总词数) Good morning,everyone! The topic of my speech today is “thoughts on becoming a grown-up”. Thank you for listening. 【写作要点】本文要求写一篇成人仪式上的英语发言稿。开头结尾均已给出。对写作内容也有了明确的要求:①过去对成年的向往 ②现在对已成年的感受和认识 ③成年的我将来的目标及措施。注意:写作要点齐全,要包括规定的三方面内容;注意时态的变化。 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2. 相关词汇: 3. 参考范文:passage(十二)w_w*w.k_s*5_u.c_o m Good morning, everyone ! The topic of my speech today is “Thoughts on becoming a grown-up.” As a child, I always hoped that I could grow up as soon as possible so that I could have whatever I wanted and do whatever I liked. Now I’m a grown-up, but I find things do not go as I expected. Although I can enjoy more freedom, at the same time I realize that being a grown-up not only means this, but also more responsibilities. I hope to do more for my parents and society in the future to make my life more meaningful. To reach the goal, I must first try my best to pass the college entrance examination and enter a good university.(106words) Thank you for your listening. passage(十三)假设你应邀参加学校组织的“英语学习师生座谈会”,请你根据下表所提示的信息,用英语写一篇发言稿,简单介绍自己英语学习的情况,并对学校今后的英语教学提出建议 自己英语学习的情况 1.英语学习的目的 2.英语学习的方法 3.课外自学的途径 ………. 对学校英语教学的建议 (请考生根据自己的经历与感想,提出两至三点建议)。 注意: 1.对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。 2.词数150左右。开头和结尾已经写好,不计人总词数。 3.文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。 Dear teacher and schoolmates,1t’s a great pleasure for me to be today and share myexperience of learning English with you. Thank you for listening.(150words) 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2. 相关词汇: 3. 参考范文:passage(十三) Dear teacher and schoolmates,1t’s a great pleasure for me to be today and share my experience of learning English with you.I'm interested in English and hope to be an interpreter in the future.Naturally lt’s very important for me to learn English well .As everybody knowsvocabular is an important part of language, just like bricksin a building .I usually memorize twenty new words a day and put them to use whenever possible . After class.I often listen to English programs on TV and on the radio .Besides ,I've learned a lot from the Internet and other sources. Now.I'd like to make some suggestions on English teaching and learning in our school.Firstly ,we should be given more opportunities to use what we’ve learned ln order to have a better grasp of it.Secondly.I hope our teachers can recommend more interesting books and magazines and give us more free time to read them. Finally,1 suggest we have more Endish activities,such as English contests and festivals. (三)招聘启事 passage(十四) 你校学生会需招聘一名留学生做英语学习顾问,请你以短文形式写一则招聘启事。内容主要包括: ——母语是英语,汉语流利者优先 ——解答用语学习问题,协助组织英语活动 ——每周4小时,报酬面议 ——联系人:李华(Tel:13011223344) 注意:1。词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.启事标语和结尾已为你写好。 Thank you for listening.(150words) 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2. 相关词汇: 3. 参考范文:passage(十四) English Advisor Wanted The Student Union of our school decides to invite an international student to work as an English Study Advisor next term. The main responsibilities of the advisor include helping students to practice their oral English. Answering their questions, and helping organize activities such as singing English songs, English evenings, or lectures on interesting topics. The applicant should be a native speaker of English. Fluency in Chinese is preferred. The advisor is expected to work 4 hours per week. If you are interested, please call Li Hua at 13011223344 for an interview. Payment for the service will be discussed during the interview. Student Union (四) 欢送辞 passage(十五) Tom三年前随父母来中国,现在要回国,假如你是班长赵宁,请你代表全班同学起草一篇欢送辞,内容包括: 1.在中国逗留期间,相处融洽,互相帮助。 2.同学们学习英语兴趣更浓,进步大。 3.Tom 喜欢运动,积极参加校运会并为班级赢得荣誉。 3.以后经常联系,希望Tom再来中国。 注意: 1.词数120左右。文章开头已给出(不计入词数) 2.文章应包括所有要点。 Dear friends, Today we are having a party to honor our friend Tom, who is returning to his own country with his parents……. 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3. 参考范文:passage(十五) Dear friends, Today we are having a party to honor our friend Tom, who is returning to his own country with his parents. How time flies! It is three years since he came to our school. During this period, we have helped each other and thus have become good friends. What's more, many of us have become more interested in English and have made great progress in it. Tom is fond of sports very much. He not only took an active part in our school sports meeting but also won honor for our class. Tom, we all hope that when you return to your homeland, you will get in touch with us as often as possible. We also hope you will come to China again some day. Good luck, Tom. May you have a pleasant trip home! 写作训练(四)图画型作文 图画型作文,这种题型更能考查学生的分析问题的能力,因此深受命题者的青睐。考生应注意认真审题,一旦审题有所偏颇,不容易得到高分。此类作文首先要描述图画,然后介绍图画背后所反映的问题,最后联系实际发表自己的观点。 常用表达有: 1. As can be seen from the chart, … 2. From the chart/picture /table we can see(The chart shows) that ... 江苏省2010届英语看图作文专项练习1 请根据下面这幅漫画写一篇150词左右的短文。 Ks5u 要求: 1. 请阐述温室效应所产生的原因。 2. 简述其后果,应尽可能涵盖图中所有信息(至少谈及二个方面)。 3. 我们该怎么办? These years, global warming is becoming a serious problem, endangering people’s life. Several factors contribute to the rise of temperature. First of all, a lot of greenhouse gas is produced by cars and factories; further more, the loss of forests is another cause of global warming. Ks5u Global warming will cause some harmful effects. In the first place, some islands will disappear because of the rise of sea level. Extreme weather will also result from global warming. When temperature rises, the production of crops will decrease. Besides, some animals and plants will disappear from the planet, thus destroying the ecosystem. Facing such a threat, we should join efforts to ‘cool’ the earth, such as taking a subway or bus to work instead of driving private cars to reduce greenhouse gas. All in all, we are supposed to remember it’s our responsibility to save our earth. Ks 5 (10北京)passage (十六)www.ks5u.com/gaokao/beijing 假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的学生李华,利用上周末的时间帮助祖父母安排了去北戴河的旅行。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,叙述你从准备到送行的全过程。 注意:1.周记的开头已为你写好。www.ks5u.com/gaokao/beijing 2.词数不少于60。www.ks5u.com/gaokao/beijing Last weekend, I helped my grandparents prepare their trip to Beidaihe. www.ks5u.com/gaokao/beijing 基本分析: 1. 文体:周记。 2. 人称:I 3. 时态:一般过去时 4. 事件大意:我为爷爷奶奶准备出行+我送行 5. 图片要素: 图一:查询信息(train ticket, weather, hotel) 图二:买票(buy ticket) 图三:准备行装(package) 图四:送行(see-off) 3. 图片关联: 图一、二、三都是并列关系,主题是旅游前的准备阶段,三幅图没有轻重之分,所占篇幅比例相当。图四是最后的送别阶段,文章末尾要有点睛之笔,可以是送别感受,对爷爷奶奶的祝福,也可以是自己的成长和收获。 4. 文章立意:今年的作文和90后的学生特点相联系,积极引导高中学生要培养独立性,增加实践能力,并要照顾体谅长辈。所以文章末尾的立意也可以往这方面考虑。 Last weekend, I helped my grandparents prepare their trip to Beidaihe. 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3. 参考范文:passage(十六) Last weekend, I helped my grandparents their trip to Beidaihe. On Saturday morning, together with my grandparents, I searched the Internet for the train schedule, the weather in Beidaihe, and some hotel information. In the afternoon, I went to the train station and managed to buy two tickets for my grandparents although there was a long queue. After dinner, I packed into the suitcase the things my grandparents need, such as clothes, glasses, an umbrella, and a map. The next morning, I went to the station to see them off. Waving goodbye to them on the platform, I felt happy for them and wished them a safe journey. passage(十七) 仔细观察下面一幅图画,并根据图画的内容,写一篇词数100左右的英语短文。 情景:假定你叫李红,家住香港。你和几个朋友约定星期六在中心公园聚会。现请你写封信邀请Brown女士参加,并根据下图告诉她来中心公园的路线。 参考词汇:have a gathering party(聚会) 这是一篇图画说明文,根据图画,指明路线,如何到达中心公园。注意观察图画,确定出发点、行走路线、目的地,灵活使用表达路线的表达语。 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3. 参考范文:passage(十七) Dear Mrs Brown, We are so glad that you're coming to join us on Saturday. Here is how you can find us. We'll have our gathering party in the Central Park. Maybe you've been there, haven't you? Go straight on when you get out of the school gate and come to the street. Then turn right at the second crossing and you'll find a hospital. Just opposite it is a No. 7 bus stop. Take a bus and get off at the fourth stop. Central Park is just in front of it. We'll have our gathering party in a boat on the lake. What a funny thing! Do come on time. We'll wait for you at the park gate. Yours, Li Hong 归纳总结: 方位指路有如下表达 1). Our school is located at the foot of a green hill. 2). In front of the school is a beautiful garden with a library on its left and a laboratory on its right. 3). Behind the garden is the classroom building. 4). At the back of the school are the students’ dormitory and the dinning-hall, in front of which lies the large sports field. 5). The teacher’s dormitory stands between A and B. 6). Go straight ahead until you get to the end of the street. 7). Please get across the bridge and go eastward. 8). No.25 Bus will take you right there. 9). It will take you about 10 minutes to get there. 10). It’s about 10 minutes’ walk /ride from here. passage(十八) 阅读下列图表,以“Changes in the Ways People Spent Their Holidays”为题,写一篇词数为120左右的短文。 注意: 1.短文的首句已给出,不计入总词数; 2.可根据图表信息,适当发挥。 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3. 参考范文:passage(十八) Changes in the Ways People Spent Their Holidays The ways people spent their holidays have changed greatly recently. In 2002, 35% of people spent their holidays at home. The number dropped greatly to 10% in 2006. The paragraph shows that the number of people spending their holiday traveling abroad also increased. Compared with 15% in 2002, the rate in 2006 rose to 25%. Because people now have much more money than before, they can afford to travel abroad, and the rate may continue to rise in the near future. The paragraph shows that the number of people going to the seaside remained nearly the same, while the number of people who go camping rose from 10% in 2002 to 30% in 2006. Maybe people become tired of the city and want to be close to nature. passage(十九) 最近,你作为研究性学习课题组的成员就高中英语教材的看法在同学中间开展了一次调查,调 查的结果如下: 请根据以上调查结果,写一120左右的调查报告。报告的开头已给出。 I recently surveyed my classmates about their views on the new English textbook… 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3. 参考范文:passage(十九) I recently surveyed my classmates about their views on the new English textbook. According to the survey, 80% of the students were quite satisfied with it, while 15% disliked it and 5% had no opinion. Students who liked it said the pictures with the texts were very attractive, which greatly aroused their interests in learning. Moreover, the book was very interesting, covering many hot topics and providing lots of cultural knowledge of the world. However, students who disliked it complained there were too many new words and difficult sentences, making the texts difficult to understand. In conclusion, the new English textbook has helped most students improve their English enormously. passage(二十) 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Tom来信询问你们的学习情况。请你根据下图提供的信息,写一封回信,谈谈自从你校学生开始尝试一种新的学习方法以来,你们学习情况的变化。 注意:词数:不少于120词左右。 Dear Tom, It was great to hear from you again. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________-______________________________________________________________________________ All the best. Yours , Li Hua 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3. 参考范文:passage(二十) Dear Tom, It was great to hear from you again. There are many things going on in our school. In fact things have got much better since we started a different way of learning. In the past our teachers stood in front of the class talking all the time while we students listened, busy taking notes. After a tiring day at school, we always had a lot of homework to do. Sometimes we even worked late into the night. Now we are active in class. We often have discussions in pairs or in groups. After class we enjoy all kinds of activities, such as going in for sports, doing experiments or surfing the Internet. We are extremely happy about the changes in our studies. All the best. Yours, Li Hua 写作训练(五)对比类写作 对比类写作已成为英语书面表达中一个非常重要的形式。不管在工作学习中还是在日常生活中,对比是人们分析问题和解决问题的重要方法和手段,这就不难理解为什么对比类写作是高考写作中的一个重要形式。 对比类写作一般有两种方式:一是集中比较或对比(集中说明一个对象的诸种特征);二是逐点比较或对比(一条一条地说明两者的异同)。 对比类写作可以大致分为以下几种: 一、今昔对比 在作今昔对比时,要注意时态的变化。谈到过去的情况要用过去时态(主要是一般过去时),谈到现在的情况要用现在时态(主要是一般现在时)。 今昔对比的写作格式是:开头(提出什么事情发生了变化)→对具体事例作对比→结论。写作方式既可采用集中比较,也可采用逐点比较。在写作时可用以下句型来组织完成整篇文章: 1. 开头常用句型 (1) Great changes have taken place. 发生了巨大变化。 Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the last five years. Quite a few changes have taken place in my school since you left China. Over the past twenty years or so, great changes have taken place in our life. (2) Things have begun to improve since… 自从……以来,事情有了好转/改善。 Things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce learning load. 2. 对比常用句型 (1) …used to…, but now… 过去常……,但是现在…… (2) …in the past, but now… 在过去……,但是现在…… (3) once…, but now… 曾经…….,但是现在…… (4) Things are different now. 情况已大不同了。 (5) But now, everything has changed. 但是现在全变了。 Where the playground used to be now stands another new building---our library. I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well. Now I have more free time. My parents contacted others mainly by sending them letters in the past, but now we call long distance at home. Once my parents listened to the radio for news and other information, but now we watch the news and other programs on TV. When they got married about twenty years ago, my parents lived in a small room crowded with furniture, but now we have moved into a big new three-room apartment. 在作对比时,为避免句型重复,可适当变换一些句式,比如: (1) Another change is… 再有一个变化是…… Another big change is in the housing conditions. (2) What’s more, … 还有…… What's more, I can go to bed earlier than in the past. 3. 结尾常用句型 In short, changes in our life in the past twenty years have brought us comfort and convenience. 2004年北京春季高考题范文 Changes In Our Life Over the past twenty years or so, great changes have taken place in our life(主题句). Take my family for example(过渡句). My parents contacted others mainly by sending them letters in the past, but now we call long distance at home(对比一). And once my parents listened to the radio for news and other information, but now we watch the news and other programs on TV(对比二). Another big change is in the housing conditions(过渡句). When they got married about twenty years ago, my parents lived in a small room crowded with furniture, but now we have moved into a big new three-room apartment(对比三). In short, changes in our life in the past twenty years have brought us comfort and convenience(总结句). 在写这类文章时,首先要写好主题句。同学们在审题时要把握全局,把全文要说明的主题在第一句交待清楚。然后根据所给材料,展开今昔对比。对比时不要单调地使用同一句型,要稍有变化,并中间要有恰当的过渡句。最后写好总结句,即你对这种现象做出自己的理解或判断。 Passage 21云南省祥云一中2010届高三第二次月考) 假如你是李华,目睹了近年来你所在城市的变化。你写了一篇有关城市变化及所带来的思考的短文寄给某英语报社。短文包括城市的变化,并表达你的感受和建议:在建设和发展的同时,还应加强文物和古迹保护,以传承文化。 几年前 满街小商铺,小卖摊点,拥挤,垃圾 现在 街道宽敞,沿街种植了绿树和鲜花,新建了公园和高楼 注意:1. 词数:100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 3. 参考词汇:摊点:stalls 历史文物historical relics 练后总结: 3) 典型错句: 4) 相关词汇: 5) 参考范文: Our city has changed greatly over the last few years. Streets used to be narrow, with old buildings and stalls crowded together, and litter everywhere. Nowadays the streets are wider, cleaner and there are trees and flowers growing along the sidewalks. However, in creating a more modern city some tradition has been lost. Some of the historical buildings have been torn down and high rise buildings and parks have been built in their place. The ancient culture has disappeared, and our city has become the same as all other cities: modern, clean but without its own special character. Are all changes good changes? I think we should do something to protect our historical relics at the same time. Passage 22009年江西师大附中、鹰潭一中、宜春中学、临川一中、南昌三中五校联考) 以下是某英文报联合你校对你市(Kangming City)1998年到2008年家庭消费变化的图表,请据此写一篇短文,做一文字说明。文章的开头已经给出。词数110左右。 图 表 1 图 表 2 The average family income in our Kangming City increased from 8,000 yuan per year in 1998 to 20,000 yuan in 2008. 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2. 相关词汇: 3. 参考范文: The average family income in our Kangming City increased from 8,000 yuan per year in 1998 to 20,000 yuan in 2008. In the meantime, the structure of the average family expenses has changed, too. These graphs show the change clearly. The biggest part of the average family expenses is housing. In 1998, the average family spent 25 percent of its income on housing. In 2880, expenses on housing rose to 42 percent. Food and drink are the second biggest part of the average family expenses. In 1998, about 18% of the average income was spent on this item. In 2008, the figure grew to 30%. As a result of such increase in the expenses on housing and food, expenses on other items have been reduced from 57% in 1998 to 28%in 2008. Thus, a conclusion can be drawn that as income increases, people can improve their living step. But still the average family has to spend a large part of income to meet the basic needs. 二、正反观点对比 对同一件事情,人们常有不同的看法,即正反两种观点。在写作时,常使用一般现在时。写作格式一般是:提出问题→两种不同观点→对两种不同观点的论据(理由)逐项作对比。有时题目会要求说出自己的观点,可在结尾段加上自己的观点并简要说明理由,最好不要重复前面的已谈到的理由。写作方式一般采用集中比较。在写作时可用以下句型来组织完成整篇文章: 正反观点对比常用句型 (1) We have a discussion about… 我们对……进行了一次讨论。 We’ve had a discussion about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks. (2) We have had a survey on… 我们对……开展了一次调查。 We’ve had a survey on whether students should be allowed to carry mobile phones to schools. (3) Opinions are divided on the question. 在这个问题上意见有分歧。 (4) Opinions are mainly divided into two groups. 有两种不同意见。 (5) Others have different opinions. 其他人有不同看法。 (5) Sixty percent of the students are for the idea, while forty percent of the students think otherwise. 有60%的学生支持这个观点,然而有40%的学生则不这样认为。 (6) Sixty percent of the students think it necessary to…, but forty percent of the students don’t think so. 60%的学生认为……是必须的,而40%的学生则不这样认为。 (7) On the one hand, … On the other hand, … 一方面……,另一方面…… 在对某一观点作进一步论证时,可用下列句型: (1) What’s more, … 还有就是…… What’s more, we can get a good knowledge of the culture and social customs of the country where we study, as well as improve our English. (2) Besides, … 除此之外…… Some students cannot discipline themselves. Besides, it’s far too expensive to study abroad, which is a load to the family. 当然在提出多个论据时,也可用First, …Second, … Third, …来列举论据。 2002年高考题范文 Dear Editor, I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks(提出问题). Opinions are divided on the question(过渡句). 60%of the students are against the idea of entrance fee. They believe a public park should be free of charge(观点一). People need a place where they can rest and enjoy themselves. Changing entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away(论据一). What is more, it will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the appearance of a city(论据二). On the other hand, 40% think that fees should be charged(观点二) because you need money to pay gardeners and other workers(论据一), and to buy plants and young trees(论据二). They suggest, however, fees should be charged low. Yours truly Li Hua 可以看出,这类文章的写作,首先要提出问题,即双方讨论的问题。接下来提出观点一,并用一系列论据进行阐明。说明完观点一之后,再提出观点二,继续用论据进行说明。如果需要说明自己的观点,可接下来说明自己的观点。 高考英语书面表达正反观点议论文写作指导 一、构思---文章结构 正反观点对比类的文章: 开头:提出问题 主体:陈述不同的观点及其理由 结尾:说明自己观点 二、表示不同观点的套语 v总起: Different people hold different opinions. Opinions are divided. People have taken/adopted different attitudes towards … People have different opinions on this problem. People take different views on this question. v表达不同观点: …of them hold the opinion that …. …of them are in favor of the idea that… People who are for/against the idea think … Some people believe that…. Others argue that … v不同观点之间的衔接: However, …of them hold a different view. / …of them hold the opposite opinion. People who are against it don’t think so. However, each coin has two sides. Different from those…., …people think …. On the other hand, … people object that …. 并列关系:and, as well as, also… 递进关系:besides, in addition, moreover, what’s more… 比较、对比:like, unlike, on the contrary, on the other hand… Passage 23南省祁阳四中2010届高三第一次月考) 时下,各类电视节目广泛使用短信参与方式,对此人们评价不一。请你对此现象谈谈个人看法: 要求:1.词数:120词左右。 2.可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 练后总结: 1. 典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3.参考范文: At present, short messages are widely involved in various TV programs.People react to them in different ways. Defenders hold the view that short messages offer the audiences more chances to participate in the live programs.In this way, the mass media benefit a lot from them.On the other hand, they appeal to the need of the young people. Critics accuse that if the short messages are out of control, we cannot ensure the taste of the programs.What’s more, the expenses may make audiences feel bad.To make matters worse, some adolescents are so addicted to them that too much time and energy are wasted. As far as I am concerned, the short message is typical of information technology, but it is a powerful tool that needs to be used with care. Passage 24江西省九江市六校2010届高三上学期第一次联考) 越来越多的学生在校外租房而不愿住宿舍。请根据下面提示,用英语写一篇短文,说说各自的好处与坏处,并表明自己的观点。 1.学习时间; 2. 安全; 3. 自由性; 4. 与同学交往; 5. 学习效果。 注意: 1. 可从其他角度阐述,但两方面的理由都至少要有两条; 2.词数100左右。宿舍:dorm 练后总结: 1.典型错句: 1. 相关词汇: 2. 参考范文: Nowadays, some students would not like to live in a dorm. Instead, they rent houses outside the school. There are advantages for both. Living in a dorm can increase friendship and cooperation between classmates. And of course it is safer. A dorm is more like a society, which enables students to learn to adopt to each other, thus preparing for the social life in the future. As for renting houses to live alone, it’s better for study ,as you can feel free in your own room without being interrupted by others. As a result, you can have more time and devote yourself to studying. But there may appear some safety problems as you live outside of the school. Anyhow, as a student, I prefer living in a dorm. Passage 25 (河北省衡水中学2009届高三下学期第一次调研考试) 人们的生活水平越来越高, 购买汽车的人越来越多。下面是人们对于个人购买汽车的两种不同的意见,请根据这两种看法,写一篇短文,并表达自己对于这件事情的看法。 赞成 反对 1. 个人购买汽车可加速汽车工业的发展;2. 上下班方便;3. 使人们的生活多姿多彩。 1. 使道路更加拥挤; 2. 使污染更加严重; 3. 使得能能源的供应更加紧张。 注意: 1.词数:100左右(不包括已给的起始句)。 As time goes on, people are getting richer and their life is getting better and better. _________ 练后总结: 1.典型错句: 2. 相关词汇: 3. 参考范文: As time goes on, people are getting richer and their life is getting better and better. As a result, more people are ready to buy cars for their own use. But different people have different ideas about whether they should buy cars for personal use. Some people hold the belief that buying cars for personal use can help develop motor industry in our country. With the help of cars, it will be convenient for them to go to and off work. Besides, cars can make their life more colourful and beautiful. As we all know, every coin has two sides. Some people think that more personal cars will make roads more crowded and produce more dirty gases. In addition, more cars will use more resources. Therefore, too many cars will make energy supply more demanding. As far as I am concerned, I think it necessary for people to buy their own cars as long as they are able to. 三、数据分析比较 此类题目要求考生通过对数据的分析比较得出某一结论或说明某一现象。在写作时不要对数据进行简单的列举,而是要通过对数据进行分析,得出某一结论。即应该通过对数据比较得出某物增长了多少或减少了多少,而不是简单的写成今年是多少去年是多少。时态常用一般现在时和一般过去时。写作方式最好采用逐个比较而不宜采用集中比较。写作格式一般是:说明现象→数据比较→得出结论。在写作时可用以下句型来组织完成整篇文章: 常用句型: 1. We can see from the chart that…. 我们可以从图表中看出…… 2. We can see from the table that… 我们可以从表格中看出…… We can see from the chart above that the environment in the Yellow River Valley is getting worse and worse. 3. A has increased by X%. A增长了X%。 4. A has doubled in the past five years. A在过去五年里增长了两倍。 范文 北京近年来交通工具发生了很大变化。 请根据下表和所给提示,用英语写一篇短文,以便刊登在某家对外发行的英语杂志上。 年份交通工具 自行车 出租车 私人汽车 公共汽车 2001 1,000,000 125,000 250,700 17,600 2002 1,650,000 273,000 390,800 18,900 特点 方便,健身 快捷,便宜 富有 慢,脏,拥挤 Along with the city development, the transport system is also changing(主题句). We did a survey on the different transportations. According to the result, people more and more prefer convenient transportations, like taxi, which doubled in the past year(比较一). Besides, private cars have been increasing rapidly with the high living standard(比较二). While public bus, which was considered the main transport in the city, now is thought by most people dirty and crowded(比较三). But on the other hand, bicycle, as another traditional transportation, is still widely accepted for its convenience and benefit to people’s health(比较四). In a word, people are enjoying an easier and more conventional life(总结句). 数据比较类文章通常也要求先提出主题句,即通过数据比较要说明的问题。接下来对数据进行比较。在边进行比较时边说明问题,在进行多项比较时,要注意句与句之间的过渡与衔接。最后要写好总结句,即你对这一现象作出自己的理解。 Passage 26 5湖北省黄冈中学2009届高三2月月考英语试题) 下表是对某中学高三(1)班50个学生健康问题的调查表。请根据表格内容,综述学生当前存在的健康问题,并就中学生如何保持身心健康提出自己的建议。 问题类型 学习焦虑 逆反心理 缺乏交往 睡眠不足 缺乏锻炼 视力不佳 人数 35 20 15 40 25 35 比例 70% 40% 30% 80% 50% 70% 要求: 1.词数100左右; 2.可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 3.开头已经给出,不计字数。 As is apparently shown in the chart above, many middle school students have problems both physically and mentally, _______________________________________ 练后总结: 1.典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3.参考范文: As is apparently shown in the chart above, many middle school students have problems both physically and mentally, with 70% of the students having learning anxiety as well as poor eyesight, and a larger percentage lacking sleep. Coming next is the lack of physical exercise. 40% of the students surveyed won’t obey their parents or teachers. In addition, Still fewer claim not to have enough communication with others. As far as I am concerned, we students should balance our physical exercise and studies. Just as a saying goes: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” without a sound body, one cannot achieve anything. However, too much attention has been paid only to studies. Therefore, I suggest we be given less homework and more time for out-of-classroom activities to solve all the problems. Only in this way can we lead a happy and healthy life. Passage 27 (福建省厦门外国语学校2009届高三最后一次模拟(英语)) 根据下列图示, 以 “The New Grading System in Our School”为题, 为某一中学英语报写一篇短文, 说明你校目前新课改中的这一举措以及你对学校实施这一举措的认识。 要求: 词数120字左右, 开头已为你写好, 不计人总词数 参考词汇: 评分体制grading system 参与participation(n.) ① tests ② notes ③ homework ④ class participation ⑤ team work The New grading system in Our School In order to help students develop their abilities in all fields, our school now has asked the teachers to make some changes in the grading system. This chart shows how it works. 练后总结: 1.典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3.参考范文: The New grading system in Our School In order to help students develop their abilities in all fields, our school now has asked the teachers to make some changes in the grading system. This chart shows how it works. The students’ final score will be made up of 5 parts. About 30% of it will come from their test results. The rest of the score is decided by the performances of the students in the following parts: 20% comes from your notes, and another 20% is decided by how you do your homework. If you take an active part in classroom activities, you can get another 20% of the score. Teamwork in class is also important. If you want a higher score, you should be good at working together with your classmates. In my opinion, our school has made a good decision. To begin with, this new grading system has changed the way the students’ performances in school only depended upon their test results. Secondly, it will certainly help to improve ourselves in many ways. 写作训练 (六)说明文 说明文分为叙述性、解析性、描绘性三种。写作方法有定义法、举例法、比较法、 细节描述法四种。 写作时注意:要层次分明、抓准特征、语言准确、方法恰当,按时间、空间或逻辑顺序进行说明。选材要新颖、典型,内容要生动有趣。 【实际运用】(2007年全国高考卷Ⅱ书面表达题) 为一家新开业宾馆作宣传。主要内容包括: 1.地点:距白山入口处500米 2.房间及价格: 热水淋浴 单人间(共20间),100元/天 双人间(共15间),150元/天 3.餐饮: 餐厅(中、西餐),咖啡厅(茶、咖啡) 4.游泳池:全天免费开放 5.欢迎预订。 注意:1.词数100左右,开头已经写好; 2 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 (一) 审题: 1.体裁:说明文 2.中心人称:第三人称 3.时态:一般现在时 4.内容要点: A 地点是宾馆 B 房间及价格 C 餐饮情况 D 全天免费开放泳池 E 欢迎预订 (二)列提纲、要点:(题目Title…) ①Welcome to __.②__is now open for business. ③Our hotel stands __.④It has __.⑤A single room is __and a double room ⑥You are advised to__.⑦The hotel serves__.⑧You can also enjoy yourself __. ⑨We also have __.⑩All are welcome! Passage 28 省临沭县2010年高考打靶题英语试题) 最近,很多中学生都纷纷开起了自己的博客。一方面,博客可以作为展示自己的窗口,可以释放学习的压力,因此已经被越来越多的中学生所接受。但是,另一方面,很多家长和老师都认为管理个人博客要花相当多的时间和精力,会耽误学习。请对这一现象进行简要介绍,并发表自己的看法。 注意:1.词数:l00左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数; 2.参考词汇:开博客open one’s blog。 Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that more and more high school students open their own blogs on the Internet. 练后总结: 1.典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3.参考范文: Nowadays ,there is a phenomenon that more and more high school students open their own blogs on the Internet .For one thing ,it can provide a colorful platform to showcase their talent ,and it is a way to release thire pressure ,and all this makes it more and more popular with high school students. But many parents and teachers hold a different view ,they think that managing one’s blog will take a lot of time and energy, while this should be used to study which is their main responsibility . In my opinion ,I do approve of this activity. Opening and organizing an eye catching blog needs various abilities such as writing, designing, being skilful at computer and so on. Only if we master those abilities can we make a successful blog. As a consequence, we improve ourselves during the procedures of organizing our blogs. Blog itself is of little harm. It is your attitude towards it that matters. We should take the advantages and avoid some bad effects. Passage 29 (湖北省2010届高三八校第一次联考) 假设你校在举办征文活动,题目为“How to Overcome Test Anxiety,请你用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你自己的具体做法,以供同学们借鉴。 注意:1.词数120左右。 2.做法不少于四点。 3.参考词汇:well-prepared, take a deep breath, positive thoughts, concentrate on, repeat 4.开头已给:Whoever takes exams will feel more or less tense and anxious… 练后总结: 1.典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3.参考范文: Whoever takes exams will feel more or less tense and anxious. So how to overcome test anxiety is very important and a problem in desperate want of being solved. Personally, the following may be of help to you. First, make sure that you’re well-prepared for the exam, which will make you feel confident that you can do it. Second, once you have take your seat, take a few minutes to relax, such as letting your arms hang loosely, moving your fingers as well as taking a few deep breaths. Third, push away the negative thoughts and turn them into positive ones. Fourth, concentrating on the exam may also benefit you a lot and don’t pay attention to the people around you. Besides, if you are sitting for an oral exam, smile a lot and imagine you are having the nicest conversation in a long time. Of course, when you start feeling tense and anxious again during the exam, repeating the exercise to relax yourself is essential. Passage 30 (浙江省余姚中学2010届高三第二次质量检测) 据报道,圣诞节这个原本是西方的传统节日在中国愈来愈受到青睐。为此,已有学者发出倡议,号召国人慎对圣诞,抵制西方文化扩张。请以“Do We Need to Fear the Popularity of Christmas?”为题,用英语写一篇120词左右的短文,要点如下: 1.圣诞节已成为年轻人推崇的时尚。 2.中国传统的节日正渐渐淡出年轻人的生活。 3.你认为对待西方文化应持的态度。 Do We Need to Fear the Popularity of Christmas? 练后总结: 1.典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3.参考范文: Do We Need to Fear the Popularity of Christmas? Nowadays Christmas Day is becoming more and more popular with Chinese youngsters. They celebrate and enjoy it in various ways. Meanwhile they don’t know and don’t care much about the traditional Chinese festivals. Some people are worrying that the increasing popularity of Christmas might take people's attention away from traditional festivals in China. As far as I’m concerned, there is no need to have fears over culture expansion. Youngsters are interested in new things, but it doesn't mean they are turning their backs on Chinese traditional culture. However, we should stay cool while celebrating western festivals. We should bear in mind the cultural values of celebrating our own traditional festivals, for if we let our traditions disappear, there will be a cultural gap, which Western values may fill. Passage 31 (福建省季延中学2010届高三第一阶段考试) 每位同学都希望自己具有良好的人际关系,成为班级中受欢迎的人。请你根据下表所提供的信息,写一篇题为“Being a Popular Student”的英语短文,参加学校网站英语论坛的讨论。 受人喜爱的 个性品质 对待集体 热心班级活动,具有团队精神,工作负责 对待他人 尊重、关心他人,富有同情心,…… 对待自己 (请考生自己拟定内容,列举至少两点)…… 注意:1.短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥; 2.短文标题与开头已为你写好,不计入总词数; 3.词数:120左右。 Being a popular student We all hope to be popular with our classmates and teachers 练后总结: 1.典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3.参考范文: Being a popular student We all hope to be popular with our classmates and teachers.To enjoy popularity, we are supposed to regard the class as our big family and try our best to take an active part in all our class activities.We should be responsible for the work and keep teamwork spirit in mind. To be a popular student, we must show our respect, concern and sympathy for others.As a result, we never hesitate to lend a hand to those in need. To be a popular student, we ought to be strict with ourselves in everything we do at school and make an effort to achieve all-round development, being good not only at our lessons but also at sports, music, painting, social services and so on.In time of success we remain modest, while in time of difficulty we keep strong-minded. All in all, being a popular student among the classmates and teachers comes naturally to those who keep improving their personal qualities. Passage32 (河南省郑州市47中2010届高三实验班第一次月考) 有一批要到中国投资的外国企业家在我国某城市参观考察。假定你是接待人员,要向外宾们简要介绍这个城市的概况。请你用英语写一篇100词左右的发言稿,须包括以下内容: 1. 这是一座新兴的现代化城市,建于20世纪90年代初; 2. 海陆空交通便利,又有一条与首都北京相连的高速公路(freeway); 3. 自然资源丰富,电力及其他能源供应充足; 4. 公共秩序(the public order)良好,政府多方面支持外国投资者(investor)。 注意:短文开头已写出,不计入总词数。 Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to our city. Now let me introduce… 练后总结: 1.典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3.参考范文: Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to our city. Now let me introduce our city to you. Our city is a newly-built modern city. It was set up in the early 1990s, but it has been developing rapidly. From here you can travel to anywhere by water, by air or by land. Recently another freeway which is connected with Beijing has started being used. The areas around our city are rich in natural resources. And we have enough supplies of electricity and other forms of energy. The public order is very nice. Besides, the governments of our country and our city support foreign investors in many aspects. We expect more and more foreign friends to come and invest in our city. That’s all. Thank you. Passage 33 (吉林省吉林一中2009届高三阶段验收) 请你根据以下要点提示写一篇题为 Chinese tea 的短文,向外国朋友介绍中国的茶文化。 历史 中国人种茶饮茶已有4000多年 种类 种类多,龙井茶享誉世界 茶具 陶瓷茶壶,茶杯 喝茶的地方 茶馆,餐馆,家庭,上班休息 喝茶的益处 有利健康,醒脑提神,绿茶防癌 练后总结: 1.典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3.参考范文: It is 4,000 years since the Chinese began to grow and drink tea. There’re many kinds of tea in China, of which Longjing Tea is famous all over the world. Tea is usually drunk in tea sets. A tea set is made up of a tea pot and some teacups, which are both made of china. Most Chinese are fond of drinking tea. Tea is served not only at tea house and restaurants but also at home. People also drink tea during breaks at offices or factories. It has been discovered that drinking tea does a lot of good to people’s health. A cup of tea can make you relaxed and refreshed. And it’s said that green tea can prevent cancers. That’s why tea is becoming more and more popular with people. Passage 34 (吉林省长春外国语学校2010届高三第一次月考) 请根据下面的提示,以“南极洲Antarctica”为题写一篇短文(词数100词左右). 1.南极洲在地球的最南端(extreme south) 2 它的面积大约14万平方公里。 3 它是世界上最寒冷的地方。常年有冰雪覆盖。 4 它的自然资源有企鹅 (penguin)、鲸(whale)、铁、煤等。 5 目前还只有一些科学工作者在那里。 练后总结: 1.典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3.参考范文: Antarctica Antarctica, which is the coldest continent in the world, lies the extreme south of the earth. It has an area of about 140,000 square kilometers. It is covered with cold thick ice and deep snow all year long.But it is a very rich continent.It has many well-known animals such as penguins, whales and it is also rich in mineral resources including iron, coal and so on.Up to now only some visiting scientists live there.Maybe one day lots of households will live there 写作训练(七)记叙文 记叙文以写人、写景、记事为内容,以叙述为表达形式。旨在讲述在何时、何地、何人、发生何事,有何结果。从1998年至2008年间,没有在高考的全国卷中出现,但在书信中常用记叙形式。现以2007年的辽宁高考题为例予以说明。 (2007辽宁)大学生活即将开始,面对新环境,请根据提示,谈谈你打算如何安排你的大学生活。 内容要点: 1.确定新的学习目标; 2.改进学习方法; 3.学会独立生活; 4.参加各种课外活动; 5.处理好与同学的关系。 注意: 1.短文内容要连贯、完整; 2.短文单词数为100左右(开头已给出,不计入单 词总数). (一)审题 1.体裁:记叙文 2.中心人称:第一人称 3.主体时态:一般将来时 4.内容要点: ① 确定新的学习目标 ② 改进学习方法 ③ 学会独立生活 ④ 参加各种课外活动 ⑤ 处理好与同学的关系 (二)列出提纲 ① I will___.② After I enter collage,__.③ What’s more,___. ④ I’ll do___.⑤ In my spare time___.⑥ In order to___. ⑦ I will____.⑧ In addition,___.⑨ If possible,___.⑩ I think___. Passage 35 (湖南省师大附中2010届高三第四次月考) Dick是一个25岁的澳大利亚青年,他的成功之路被认为是奇迹.请根据以下信息,以“Attitude is altitude”为题目,写一篇不少于120词左右的短文,同时谈谈Nick的经历对你的启发。 1. 出生时无手无脚,曾被很多人当作怪物嘲笑; 2. 永不言弃;乐观自信; 3. 会游泳、冲浪、钓鱼;完成了大学教育并获得了双学位,是两个公司的CEO; 4. 人生信条:态度就是高度; 参考词汇:四肢limbs, 3.参考范文: Attitude is Altitude Nick is a 25-year-old Australian man, whose life is full of hardships. He was born without limbs. He used to be made fun of for looking like a monster. Everything seemed impossible to him. However, Nick never gave up. After many failures, he finally learned to swim, fish and even surf. What surprised us is that he completed a university education and got two degrees. And now he is the CEO of two companies. When asked about the secret of his success, Nick’s answer is: Attitude is altitude. In his eyes, nothing is impossible if he is determined to overcome any difficulties. He thinks a positive attitude is the key to success. After reading Nick’s story, I have been feeling inspired by his spirit. Compared with him, we are healthy enough to enjoy life. Somehow, we are always frustrated facing difficulties. I think Nick has set a good example for us. Try to appreciate what we do have and be more persevering and you will achieve success in the end. Passage 36(2010届广东惠阳高级中学高考前英语检测试题) 作为学校英文报的小记者,你参加了对我国云南等地旱灾情况的调查活动,请根据以下信息,用英语写一篇报道。 【写作内容】 灾 情 措 施 中国南部正在遭受六十年来最为严重的旱灾。 当地政府正在寻找地下水源,或进行人工降雨(cloud seeding)。 几百万人缺水,大面积的农田不能春耕。 国际国内的援助业已陆续送达灾区。 仅在云南省内,旱灾导致的直接经济损失就已达10亿元。 一方有难八方支援,战胜自然灾害。 【写作要求】 1. 必须使用5个句子表达全部的内容;卷面整洁规范 2. 信息内容完整,句子正确,结构合理,语篇连贯。 练后总结: 1.典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3.参考范文: Passage 37 (08·江西) 学校计划举行英语作文竞赛,主题为“We need Advice from Older Generations”。请根据下列要求写一篇作文: 你遇到了困难或问题,不知该怎么办。你去请教一位长辈,后来问题得到了解决。要求写清楚下面三点: 1.当时面临的困难或问题是什么? 2.你获得的指教是什么? 3.结果如何? 注意: 1.作文总词数为100左右; 2.不能在作文中出现所在学校的校名和本人姓名,否则本节判为零分。 练后总结: 1.典型错句: 2.相关词汇: 3.参考范文:查看更多