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高考阅读理解中猜词题的解答技巧 适合《考试与评价》高考有听力版 安徽来安 周颖 张宝顺 通过构词法- a. ______ The perimeter of square is four times the length of one of its sides. b. ______ Not all sailors feel comfortable in submarines.Instead,many prefer to be above water all the time.(sub marine) c. ______ The Concorde flies from Paris to New York at supersonic speed.(super sonic) d. ______ During the late 1960s and early 1970s, there were antiwar protests at US colleges and universities. (anti- war) e. ______ Everyone gets a short-time cough sometimes, but many smokers develop a chronic cough. f. ______ When the teacher asked the students to return at 1:30, he told them all to synchronize their watches. (synchron-ize) g. ______ Matt questioned the veracity of the report in the newspaper. h. ______ In Sandy’s English classes, there is a lot of student-student interaction. i. ______ Sharon believes that no country should ever intervene in the politics of another country. j. ______ Barbara’s co-workers gave her a party for her birthday. k. ______ A certain amount of introspection is good, but don’t spend so much time trying to understand yourself that you don’t have time to actually do something. 通过上下文猜词 I. Use the meaning of other words in the sentence or paragraph and the meaning of the sentence as a whole to limit the possible meanings of the word. ①If you break your arm, you may find your doctor using sound to help you. Doctors are excited about a new way they have found to help broken bones heal1. This new technique uses sound waves. Sound waves seem to make fractured2 bones heal faster. How does this work? A machine sends out waves toward the broken bone. These waves make the bone cells vibrate3. This movement of the cells seems to cause them give off chemicals that help the bone mend. Using sound waves can greatly reduce the time that it takes for a broken leg to heal; it may take only six weeks instead of 12 weeks for the bone to mend. II. Use grammar and punctuation clues to understand the relationships among the parts of the sentence. ② You can get to Jarrod’s Island by small boat taxis or by ferry4. The ferry can also carry cars. In good weather, it takes about half an hour. ③Most of us agreed;however,William dissented5. III. Be happy with a general meaning of the world. The exact definition is not always necessary. ④The New York State Board of Regents6 is now considering offering a math-immersion program for secondary school math certification as an alternative to the usual requirements. I would suggest that this program offer college graduates with good academic records in quantitative7 fields of study(like engineering or statistics, for example),a special series of courses in the foundations of arithmetic,geometry,algebra,trigonometry,combinatorics, probability and statistics8. Once in the classroom, these teachers should have been mentored9 by experienced math teachers. 指代词 1. Jogging is good for your health for a few reasons. It is especially good for your heart. If you do it1 a few days a week, your heart will be stronger. It is also good for your legs. And many people believe it is good for your mind. 2. The Frenchmen went up in a basket under a balloon. They built a fire to make the air hot. This2 made the balloon stay up in the air. 3. Early photographer had to carry film and heavy equipment everywhere they went. But this did not stop them3. 4. Tornadoes blow dust and dirt into the air. They4 make a cone(圆锥体) shape in the sky. When people see this, they get ready for the storm. 【答案】 通过构词法: a.Perimeter(peri+metre)n. 周长,四周边长 b. submarines (sub+marine)n.潜水艇 c. supersonic(super+sonic)adj.超音速的 d. antiwar (anti+war)adj.反战的 e. chronic(chron+ic)adj.长时间的,慢性的 f. synchronize(synchron+ize/ise)v.使同步,定在同时 g. veracity(veraci+ty)n.真实性,准确性 h. interaction(inter+act+ion) n.相互作用 i. intervene(inter+vene)v.干涉(interfere) j. co-workers (co+workers) n.合作工人 k. introspection(intro+spect+ion) n.反省,反悟,反思 通过上下文猜词 1.heal v医治,治疗 2.fractured adj.(过去分词) 被折断的,断裂的 3.vibrate v.振动,摇动 4.ferry n.渡船(把人或物体从一岸运到另一岸的水上运输工具) 5.dissent v.反对,不赞成 7.quantitative adj.与数量相关的,数量的 8.mentor v.指导,引导,相当于instruct,direct,guide 不需要知道确切含义,能够分门别类或大意 6. the New York State Board of Regents 美国纽约州某一政府机构 9.algebra,trigonometry,combinatorics, probability and statistics:这些都是与数学相关的学科名称。 【解题技巧点拨】 在阅读理解过程中所遇到的重要词汇和关键词汇,要求我们弄清它们在短文中的词性和作用并准确理解在短文的含义,否在会影响对全文的正确理解和正确答题,而且词义猜测也是高考阅读理解考查考生阅读理解技能的的一个重要方面。那么如何巧妙的猜测生词短语含义呢? 一.利用构词知识来猜测词义: 在阅读中所遇到的生词中很多是通过构词法而来的,因此我们可以运用英语构词法知识来猜测词义。我们知道派生词都是在某些词根或单词通过加前后缀方式来构成的,因此我们只弄清某个派生词的词根含义以及前缀或后缀的作用与含义,那么这个派生词的词性和含义就显而易见。 通常情况下,前缀含有特定含义,例如peri-表示“四周的,周围的”,metre表示“尺度”→a.perimetre(n.周长,边长);sub-表示“在……下面”, marine表示“舰队,船队”→b.submarines(n.潜水艇);super-表示“超级的,超过的”,sonic表示“音速的”→ c.supersonic(adj.超音速的);anti-表示“反对,抵制”,war表示“战争”→d.antiwar(反战的);inter-表示“相互,之间”,构成如h.interact v.→interaction (n.相互作用,互动)和i.intervene (v.干涉,介入interfere);co-表示“协同,合作”→j.co-workers(n.合作者,co-operator);intro-表示“向内部,在内部”,词根spect表示“看”→introspect v.→k.introspection (n.反省,反思)。与前缀不同,后缀通常用来构成某种特定词性,例如-ize/ise构成动词,表示“使成为……,使……化”如synchron(同步,同时)+ize/ise→synchronize表示“使……同步”;-(i)ty构成名词,veraci(真实)+ (i)ty→veracity(真实性);-(a)tive构成形容词,quantit-(数量)+ative→qnautitative表示“数量的,与数量有关的”。 阅读理解经常看到某单词的词性被活用了,即由我们已知的某一词性转化成另一词性,通常情况下需要我们根据句子结构分析弄清其在短文中具体用作何种词性,而词义通常不会有较大变化。词性转换法通常为名词动用、形容词动用、副词动用、动词或短语动词名用等,我们通常可以根据语句结构判断生词词性,而词性转换时通常不改变词义,由此理解生词含义至关重要。 二.利用短文现成的实例和解释猜测词义: 阅读理解中对某些生词词义猜测可以通过短文中作者提供的实例、解释或说明来获得。有时候我们可以通过短文中某些标点符号如冒号(:),破折号(—),括号或that is,ie.,which means,meaning,namely,or rather, ,in other words等后面的解释来进一步分析来理解词义; 有时候我们可以通过短文中eg.,for example/instance, such as,like等后面的具体实例来判断,例如7.quantitative含义可以根据括号里的举例说明like engineering or statistics, for example分析表示“与数量相关的”;有时候我们可以借助句子中的承接类词and,or,but, rather than,instead of,instead,however,yet,therefore,thus,otherwise等来找到前后词语之间的关系,通过同义或近义关系,反义或对立关系等来分析判断词语含义,例如4.ferry含义可以根据or前面by small boat taxis可知“属于一种把人或物体从一岸运到另一岸的水上运输工具”;又如5.dissent含义可以根据however前面Most of us agreed推断,该单词表示“不赞成,反对”。 三.根据上下文提示或常识猜测词义: 有时候某些生词的含义可以借助于我们所掌握的各种学科常识来猜测词义,。有些生词词义可以在上下文找到相关的的叙述例如2.fractured可以从该单词的前后文中找到对应词broken;有时候作者在上下文中给予具体详细的介绍或议论例如3.vibrate可以根据后面叙述This movement of the cells seems to cause them give off chemicals that help the bone mend推断出表示“运动,振动”,又如9.mentor含义可以根据Once in the classroom, these teachers should have been mentored by experienced math teachers.(这些大学毕业生一旦走进课堂,他们就应该有经验丰富的老师来指导)句意分析,借助于这些上下文中给予一定提示,通过对这些有效线索的把握和分析,我们就能够理解该单词的含义表示“指导,引导”。 四.根据短文上下文内容进行分析、推断或归纳猜测词义: 在阅读过程所遇到的生词有时候在短文中没有明确的描述、介绍和解释,也没有提供相关的线索,以致于我们无法用通常的方法来猜测词义。但是某生词在短文中出现决不会孤立的,作者必然会给予某种暗示或与其他词汇存在某种内在联系,这就需要我们根据短文相关内容展开合理思维,寻找作者的暗示来进行分析、归纳和推断从而得出词义, 高考阅读理解考查猜测词义的单词或短语可能是我们熟悉和掌握的,我们在解答这类题目是一定要小心谨慎,切不可凭借自己主观臆断用学过的含义来选择答案,我们必须根据短文内容进行认真分析,弄清该单词或短语在该篇文章的具体含义,结合题目所提供的选项,找出与短文内容最相关的含义通常就是该词汇在短文的含义,例如1.heal的含义可以根据该段内容叙述进行分析概括,尤其注意This movement of the cells seems to cause them give off chemicals that help the bone mend. Using sound waves can greatly reduce the time that it takes for a broken leg to heal分析判断,表示“使折断的骨头修补从而使其愈合,治疗”。 五. 根据上下文理解大意或分门别类: 在阅读理解所遇到的生词中,并不是所有生词都需要准确理解含义的。对于如地名、人名、学科、组织、机构、专业等名称以及其他一些不重要词语的词义理解,我们只需要对其大意的理解或了解它们的分门别类或范畴即可,这类生词通常不会对影响正确答题也不会影响对文章的主题大意的正确理解。例如6. the New York State Board of Regents 读者通过阅读该段内容了解到,这是美国纽约州政府某一分支机构;又如8. algebra,trigonometry, combinatorics, probability and statistics通过上下文内容分析可以了解到这些都是与数学相关的学科名称。读者只要了解到这些情况就足够了而不必要弄清其具体含义。 六.根据上下文猜测指代词含义: 高考阅读理解考查词义理解的另一重要题型是对短文中出现的某一人称代词如it,they,them等,指示代词如this,that,these,those等,不定代词one,ones的所指含义,要准确理解这些代词所指含义。对于这类词汇的理解,我们必须认真阅读短文,着重分析出现这些 1. Jogging is good for your health for a few reasons. It is especially good for your heart. If you do it1 a few days a week, your heart will be stronger. It is also good for your legs. And many people believe it is good for your mind. 2. The Frenchmen went up in a basket under a balloon. They built a fire to make the air hot. This2 made the balloon stay up in the air. 3. Early photographer had to carry film and heavy equipment everywhere they went. But this did not stop them3. 4. Tornadoes blow dust and dirt into the air. They4 make a cone(圆锥体) shape in the sky. When people see this, they get ready for the storm. 代词语句的上下文(尤其是前面相关内容),弄清该代词究竟指代前文或后文中所提及的哪个人或什么事物,例如2.this通过分析可知this之的是前面的整个一句话(they)built a fire to make the air hot含义,而3.them通过句意分析即可知指的是early photographers;4.they通过上下句分析可知指的是dust and dirt blown into the sky by tornadoes。有时候对指代词的理解还要求我们通过句子逻辑关系来分析,例如1.it根据这句话的逻辑分析“Jogging对你的健康有益,尤其对你的心脏有好处,如果你每周有几天来进行它,你的心脏就会变得强劲有力”由此来推断这里it 指的就是jogging。 演练广场:阅读下面各个段落,运用猜词技巧猜测划线部分的生词含义。 A Under-estimating can lead to wasted food or money, missing airline flights, or even disasters.It is said that the designers of the Titanic underestimated on purpose the number of lifeboats needed to accommodate all passengers so that many couldn’t survive the disaster. However, carefully considered underestimating can help people function more effectively. 1.What does here “under-estimate” in this paragraph most probably mean? A.calculate approximately B.calculate approximately more than the fact C.calculate approximately less than the fact D.calculate approximately as much as the fact B Climb attracts people because it’s a good sport for almost everyone. When climing mounts or hills,you use your whole body, especially your arms and legs. This sport gives your body a complete workout. When you climb, both your mind and your body can become stronger. 2.The word “workout” underlined in this paragraph most probably means _________. A. settlement B. exercise C. excitement D. tiredness C Dinosaurs,snakes,crocodiles as well as lizards are all classified in the same category as repitles.And all the reptitles are cold-blooded vertebrates,which means these animals have a bony skeleton to surpport their bodies. 3. What does the underlined word “vertebrates” in this passage most probably mean? A.Animals which have a series of strong bones in their bodies to support their weight. B.Animals whose body temperatures change with the temperatures around them. C.Animals that usually feed on insects and other smaller animals. D.Animals whose babies feed on their mothers’ milk before they grow up. D Most of the programs at the Nuyerican Poets Café are spontaneous rather than planned in advance.Here poets and singers can perform while a jazz band provides appropriate background music.Performers here can express whatever they have in their minds. 4.The underlined word “spontaneous” in this passage most probably means_______________. A.arranged or planned B. traditional C.forced or threatened D.unplanned or unarreanged E One of the masters of the short stories was American writer William Sydney Porter,better known by his pseudonym O. Henry.During the period between 1895 and 1910,O. Henry published hundreds of stories such as The Gift of the Magi and The Springtime. 5.Which of the following phrase have the same meaning of the underlined word “pseudonym”? A.friends B.real name C.pen name D.work partner F Some politicians often use this trick. Let’s say that during Governor Smith’s last term, her state lost one million jobs and gained three million jobs. Then she seeks another term. One of her opponents(对手) says, “During Governor Smith’s term, the state lost one million jobs!” that’s true. However, and honest statement would have been, “During Governor Smith’s term, the state had a net gain of two million jobs.” 6.What do the underline words “net gain” in the passage mean? A. final increase B. big advantage C. large share D. total saving G Have you ever heard of cryosurgery? It is a procedure in which innormal body tissues are destroyed by exposing them to extremely cold temperatures to destroy the bad cells. The temperatures used range from -150oC (-238oF) to absolute zero (-273oF or 2460oF). The surgical procedure freezes unhealthy tissue, and the freezing destroys the cells. 7.Which of the following sentences best explain the underlined word “cryosurgery”? A.A medical treatment which doctors destroy bad body issues by using extremely cold temperature. B.A good way that scientists make the temperature drop to the extreme cold in their lab C.The name of the range of the extreme cold temperature between-150oC (-238oF) to absolute zero (-273oF or 2460oF). D.a kind of reason why innormal body tissues in people’s bodies come into being. H You might wonder why people wanted to build tall buildings in the first place. Actually, American architects and business people had been thinking about it through most of the 19th century. But toward the end of the century, the climate was right. People were streaming into large American cities.There was no place to put them.There was also a boom in business and much optimism about the future.And in Chicago, where many early skyscrapers were built, there was both opportunity and need. 8.The underlined word “climate” in this passage most probably means_______________. A.the weather throughout the year B.conditions or situations C.the good feeling D.the high temperature I The football coaches are usually very important members of the college staff —more important than the professors, some people may say! The coaches pick promising football players from the high schools, and recommend that they be given scholarships by colleges. This is the only way some boys from poor families with no intellectual background can get to college. Quite a few of these students go on to become professional football players. 9.The underlined word “they” in this passage most probably refers to__________________. A.football coaches in colleges B.professors in colleges C.promissing football players D.some people 【答案与解析】 1.C under-estimate是一个派生词,根据构词法知识,under-estimate是在动词estimate前加上前缀under-(在……以下,低于……),因而 under-estimate应该表示“低估”。 2.B workout是一个复合名词,它是由短语动词work out转换来的名词,短语动词work out用作及物动词性质,含有“解决, 设计出,计算出”,用作不及物性质,表示“锻炼,消耗完”,而名词workout也应该具有这些含义,根据单词所在句意分析可知这里表示“锻炼”,类似构成形式还有如break through→breakthrough(突破),break out→breakout(爆发),take off→takeoff(起飞), come in→income(收入),put out→output(输出,产出),stand out→outstanding(出类拔萃的,杰出的)等。 3.A vertebrates的含义,就可以根据后面which means these animals have a bony skeleton to surpport their bodies句子来分析理解其含义为“脊椎动物”因此答案选A项。 4.D spontaneous的含义可以根据该单词后面rather than planned in advance分析spontaneous与planned in advance相反,表示“没被计划过的,没有预先计划安排的” 因此答案选D项。 5.C pseudonym的含义可以通常对美国作家O. Henry所了解的文学常识来猜测,我们知道O Henry是William Sydney Porter发表作品时所用的笔名,因此这里的生词pseudonym应该表示“笔名”。 6.A netgain 含义可以通过上下文内容中所提供的线索和暗示来判断,前面提到的lost one million jobs and gained three million jobs以及the state had a net gain of two million jobs句意分析可知其含义为“净增加”。 7.A cryosurgery需要我们根据诊断内容进行概括归纳得出:我们阅读整个段落内容后发现,整个内容都是围绕cryosurgery展开描述和议论的,根据整个段落内容分析可知,这是一种利用超低温技术来杀死身体内变异组织的外科治疗方法,因此答案选A项。 8.B 对climate的含义理解值得我们重视,尽管这是一个熟词,表示“气候,天气”,在我们阅读短文后发现这里的climate并不表示“气候,天气”,根据上下文内容分析可知这里应该表示“条件condition或情况situation”,从而选出正确答案为B项。 9.C 要弄清人称代词they指代什么,首先要我们认真阅读该段内容,根据前面内容The coaches pick promising football players from the high schools, and recommend可知这些教练挑选一些有培养希望的足球运动员推荐给高校人们他们应该享受奖学金,因此这里they指代的是“那些有培养前途的足球选手”。 作者:张宝顺 地址:安徽来安半塔中学 邮编:239215 宅电:0550—5704022 手机:13955029556 Email: 26021398@163.com查看更多