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Ø absence of mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉Absence of mind in chemical experiments may cause a serious accident.‎ Ø be absorbed in 全神贯注于…(近义词: be lost in ; be buried in; be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on)‎ ‎ Newton was so absorbed in his laboratory work that he often forgot to eat. 牛顿全神贯注地在实验室工作,常常连吃饭也忘了。‎ Ø ‎(be) abundant in (be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有 Fish is abundant in the river.河里鱼很多。‎ Ø access (to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解 There is no access to the street through that door.‎ 穿过那个门没有通向大街的路。‎ Ø on account(credit) 赊账 If you buy something on account, you pay nothing or only part of the cost at first, and pay the rest later.‎ Ø on account of 因为(because of)‎ You use on account of to introduce the reason or explanation for something.‎ Ø on no account不论什么原因也不 On no account should the mixture come near boiling.‎ Ø take sth into account 把……考虑进去 The direction of the prevailing winds should be taken into account.‎ Ø give sb an account of 说明, 解释 (理由)‎ Ø account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明 The suspect couldn't account for his time that night.‎ 嫌疑犯不能说明那天晚上他的时间安排 Ø accuse sb of…(=charge sb with…; blame sb for…; blame sth on sb ; complain about) 指控,控告 They were accused of unlawful assembly.‎ Ø be accustomed to doing sth (=be in the habit of doing sth, be used to sth)习惯于 I am not accustomed to being interrupted.‎ Ø be acquainted with 了解; 熟悉 He was well acquainted with the literature of France, Germany and Holland. ‎ Ø act on 履行 Both countries failed to act on recent UN resolutions. 双方均未能履行联合国近期的决议。‎ Ø act as 担当 Act as an agent to record the accounts. ‎ Ø adapt oneself to (=adjust oneself to)使自己适应于 He adapted himself to the cold weather.‎ 他适应了寒冷的天气。‎ Ø adapt…(for) (=make sth suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)‎ A graded reader(年级课本, 分级读本)is a story which has been adapted for people learning to read or learning a foreign language.‎ Ø in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外 There’s a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge. ‎ Ø adjust to (=change slightly)调节; 适应 They are unable to adjust themselves to their environment.‎ Ø have an advantage over 胜过 This custom-built kitchen has many advantages over a standard one. ‎ Ø take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from)欺骗、利用 She took advantage of him even after they were divorced. ‎ Ø agreed to同意, 允诺 She agreed to my idea她同意我的想法。‎ Ø agree on 对…意见一致 We agree on this count这一点上,我们的意见一致。‎ Ø agree with 一致;相符合 I quite agree with what you say. 你所说的我很赞成。‎ Ø agree with sb 同意某人的观点 ‎ I agree with you about the gun situation. ‎ Ø in agreement with 同意, 一致 ‎ Not all scholars are in agreement with her, however. ‎ Ø ahead of 在…之前, 超过 ‎ Our company is ahead of other makers of spare ‎ parts for the airplane. ‎ 我们公司制造飞机零部件比别家的业绩好。 ‎ Ø in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体, 悬而未决 ‎2)在谣传中 ‎ ‎3)到处弥漫 ‎ Excitement was in the air. 到处充满了兴奋之情 ‎ Rumors about the celebrity are still in the air.关于那个明星的流言还在谣传。‎ Ø above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是, 最重要的 ‎ Above all, do not be too proud to ask for advice. ‎ Ø in all adv. (=altogether) 总共, 总计 ‎ In all some 15 million people live in the selected areas. ‎ Ø after all 毕竟,到底; ‎ It has turned out to be a nice day after all. ‎ 天气终于转晴了。 ‎ Ø ‎(not) at all 一点也不; ‎ I'm not at all sorry I came, I'm glad! ‎ 我来了一点也不遗憾,我很高兴。 ‎ Ø all at once(=suddenly)突然; ‎ I feel terribly sleepy all at once. ‎ Ø once and for all 一劳永逸; ‎ The problem can be solved once and for all, if you do that.(如果你那样做,问题就可能一劳永逸地得到解决。) ‎ Ø above all 最重要的; ‎ Ø allow for 考虑到, 把…算进去 ‎ We must allow for his inexperience我们必须考虑到他缺乏经验。 ‎ Ø amount to (=to be equal to) 总计、等同于 ‎ The banks have what amounts to a monopoly(垄断). ‎ Ø answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for) 对…负责、保证(guarantee) ‎ I will answer for the truth of what he has said. ‎ 我保证他所说的话是真的。 ‎ Ø apologize to sb for sth 为…向…道歉 ‎ I apologized to her for stepping on her foot. ‎ 我因踩了她的脚而向她道歉。 ‎ Ø appeal to sb 对某人有吸引力 ‎ Does the film appeal to you? ‎ Ø apply for申请 ‎ I want to apply for the job. 我想申请这项工作。 ‎ Ø approve of doing(= be in favor of, favor, agree to)赞成 ‎ My parents don't approve of me smoking cigarettes. ‎ 我的父母不准许我吸烟。 ‎ Ø arise from(=result from) 由…引起 ‎ Mistakes arose from a basic misunderstanding. ‎ 出自于基本上是误解的错误 ‎ Ø arrange for sb to do sth 安排…做… ‎ It has been arranged for him by his family to marry a girl of his own class. 他家已就婚姻问题为他做好安排,要他娶一个门当户对的女孩 ‎ Ø be ashamed of 以…为羞耻 ‎ I behaved badly yesterday and I am ashamed (of myself) now. 我昨天表现不好,我现在感到很惭愧。 ‎ Ø assure sb of sth 向…保证, 使…确信 ‎ I assure you its quality. 保证质量 ‎ Ø attach (to) 缚, 系 ,结 ‎ We should attach primary importance to the development of economy.我们要把发展经济的工作放在第一位。 ‎ Ø make an attempt at doing sth (to do sth) 试图做… ‎ If you make an attempt to do something, you try to do it, often without success. ‎ Ø attend to (=look after) 关注;注意: ‎ We'll attend to that problem later. ‎ 稍后我们将关注那个问题 ‎ Ø attribute…to…(=to believe sth to be the result of…)把…归因于 ‎ David attributed his company's success to the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work. ‎ 大卫说他们公司之所以获得成功是由于全体员工的团结和坚持不懈努力工作的结果。 ‎ Ø on average平均 ‎ On average, American firms remain the most productive in the world. ‎ American shares rose, on average, by 38%. ‎ Ø be aware of (=be conscious of , beware)意识到 ‎ I was not aware of the fire. 我没有意识到火。 ‎ Ø turn one’s back on sb (=close one’s eye to sb) 不理睬 ‎(某人),背弃,抛弃 ‎ If the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. ‎ Ø be based on / upon 基于 ‎ This news report is based entirely on fact. ‎ 这篇新闻报导是完全根据实际情况写成的。 ‎ Ø on the basis of 根据…, 在…基础上 ‎ On the basis of the above results, we may establish attractor viewpoint of process of the long-range atmosphere and climate. ‎ Ø to begin with (=firstly) 首先, 第一(经常用于开始语) ‎ To begin with, we must consider the faculties of the staff all-sidedly.首先,我们必须全面地考虑全体员工的素质。 ‎ Ø on behalf of以…名义 ‎ Secret Service officer Robin Thompson spoke on behalf of his colleagues. ‎ Ø benefit (from) 受益,得到好处 ‎ We benefit from daily exercises. ‎ 我们得益于每天做操。 ‎ Ø for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处) ‎ in the interests of 符合…的利益 ‎ It is not his fault. He did it for your benefit. 这不是他的过错。他是为了你的利益才这样做的。 ‎ All the donations are for the benefit of the disabled children. 所有的捐款都是为了帮助残疾儿童。 ‎ Ø for the better 好转 ‎ Her condition took a turn for the better. ‎ 她的情况有所改善 ‎ Ø give birth to 出生 ‎ His hobby of collecting coins gave birth to his successful business. ‎ Ø on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机 ‎ We went on board. 我们登上了轮船/飞机。 ‎ Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened. ‎ 飞机上的人都很着急,而且我们急于想了解出了什么事。 ‎ Ø boast of (or about) 吹嘘 brag about ‎ Nobody should boast of his learning. ‎ 谁也不应当夸耀自己的学识。 ‎ Ø in brief(=for short, In summary)简言之 ‎ In brief he says 'No' 他简短地说了一个'不'字。 ‎ Ø on business 出差办事 (对应for pleasure) ‎ I'm here on business. ‎ Ø last but one 倒数第二 ‎ Jack was the last but one to arrive.杰克是倒数第二个到达的。 ‎ Ø but for (=without) 要不是(表示假设) ‎ But for my brother's help, I would not have finished. ‎ 要不是我兄弟的帮助,我是无法完成的。 ‎ Ø buy sth for…money 用多少钱买 ‎ She bought her friend a present for 50 RMB. ‎ 她花了50元买了一件礼物给她的朋友。 ‎ Ø be capable of 能够, 有能力 ‎ Are you capable of climbing that tree? ‎ 你能爬上那棵树吗? ‎ Ø in any case(at any rate, at any price, at any cost, anyhow)无论如何 ‎ It's too late, in any case. 无论如何太晚了。 ‎ Ø in case (=for fear that) 万一; ‎ Take along an umbrella, just in case. ‎ 随身带一把伞,以防万一 ‎ Ø in case of (=in the event of, if)如果发生…万一 ‎ This is a case of stupidity, not dishonesty. ‎ 这只是个愚蠢的例子,并非不诚实。 ‎ Ø in the case of 在...的情况 ‎ What to do in the case of an eye injury? ‎ Ø in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句) ‎ In no case do we recommend that much physical exercise.‎ Ø by chance(=accidentally, by accident)偶然 ‎ They met by chance on a plane. ‎ 他们在飞机上不期而遇 ‎ Ø for a change换换环境(花样等) ‎ Eat early for a change. 变化一下提早吃饭 ‎ Ø charge…for 因…索取(费用),charge sb with sth 控告某人犯有… ‎ The barber charges ten dollars for a haircut. ‎ Ø round the clock(=all day and all night, usually without stopping) 昼夜不停地 ‎ This is a terrific mission and we are very busy doing science round the clock. ‎ Ø comment on sth评论 ‎ Everyone commented on her new hat. ‎ 大家都在评论她的新帽子。 ‎ Ø commit oneself to致力于 ‎ I commit myself to strive for grades of “A” ‎ Ø to commit oneself to a promise 受诺言的约束 ‎ Ø keep company with (=be friendly and go out together) 和…要好 ‎ If you keep company with a person or with a particular kind of person, you spend a lot of time with them. ‎ Ø by comparison(with) 比较起来 ‎ Agricultural productivity remained low by comparison with advanced countries like the United States. ‎ Ø in comparison with (=in contrast to) 和…比起来 ‎ They were living rather well, in comparison with people elsewhere in the world. ‎ Ø compensate for (=give sth to make up for) 补偿, 赔偿,弥补 ‎ Nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health. ‎ 一个人失去了键康是不可弥补的。 ‎ Ø compensate sb for sth 赔偿,弥补 ‎ Management compensated us for the time we worked. 资方补偿我们工作时间的报酬 ‎ Ø complain to sb about/of sth 向某人抱怨… ‎ Jean is always complaining about something. ‎ 琼总是满腹牢骚。 ‎ Ø be concerned about 关心 关注 ‎ We're rather concerned about father's health. 我们相当担心父亲的健康。 ‎ Ø on condition that (=if) 以…为条件, 假如 ‎ I’ll lend you the book on condition that you return it on Monday. ‎ Ø in that = because 因为 ‎ I do it in that I like it. 我做这件事是因为我喜欢。 ‎ Ø now that = since 既然 ‎ I will tell you, now that you ask. ‎ 你既然问,我就告诉你。 ‎ Ø in / out of condition 健康状况好/不好 ‎ He was too out of condition to clamber over the top. ‎ Ø in good (bad) condition处于良好(坏)状态 ‎ He had deluded himself that he kept in condition but now he knew differently. ‎ Ø confess (to)(=admit a fault, crime, or sth wrong)承认, 供认; confess to a crime 承认罪行 ‎ She confessed stealing the money. ‎ She confessed to stealing the money. ‎ 她承认偷了钱。‎ Ø with confidence 满怀信心地; ‎ The band is on excellent form and brimming with confidence. ‎ Ø have confidence in 对…有信心 ‎ It's a tragedy that one lacks confidence in himself. ‎ ‎"一个人如果缺乏自信心,那就是悲剧。" ‎ Ø be confident of对…有信心 Peter is confident of winning the post as the assistant to the managing director. ‎ 彼得确信他能获得总经理助理的职位。 ‎ Ø confine…to… 把…限制在某范围内 ‎ The sick child was confined to bed. ‎ 这个生病的小孩不能离床 ‎ Ø be confronted with(=face up to) 面对, 面临 ‎ I am confronted with many difficulties. ‎ 我面临很多困难。 ‎ Ø congratulate sb on sth祝贺 ‎ Let me congratulate you on the birth of your daughter. 我祝贺你喜获千金。 ‎ Ø be conscious of(=be aware of)觉察,知道 ‎ I was conscious of her presence. 我知道她在场。 ‎ Ø in consequence (=as a result) 结果 ‎ You studied hard, and in consequence you passed the test. 你学习努力,所以通过了考试。 ‎ Ø in consequence of (=as a consequence of) ‎ 由于…的缘故 ‎ As a consequence of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse. ‎ 由于在医院的缘故,谢莉决定当一名护士。 ‎ Ø under consideration 在考虑中 ‎ Several proposals are under consideration by the state assembly(州众议院). ‎ Ø take…into consideration (=take account of, take…into account)考虑到, 把…考虑进去 ‎ Ø consist of(=comprise及物动词)由…组成的 ‎ Our class consists of 50 students.‎ Our class is comprised of 50 students.‎ Ø consist in主要在于 ‎ The beauty of the artist's style consists in its simplicity. ‎ 这位艺术家的风格上的美在于它的简朴 ‎ Ø consult sb on/ about sth 向…征求…方面的意见, 就…向…请教 ‎ I must consult my principal on this matter.这件事我必须与委托人商量一下。‎ Ø to one’s heart’s content心满意足 ‎ Although the houses are old, the lighting is good and rent is low. To his heart's content, there is a place for shelter房屋虽有些破旧,但采光好且租金低。有个可以住的地方令他心满意足。‎ Ø be content with(=be satisfied with) 满足于 ‎ be content to do sth 愿意做某事 ‎ My parents would be content with my academic performance. 父母会满意我在学校的表现的。‎ I am content to leave the details about the plan for your further discussion.我愿意把计划的详细信息留给你们进一步讨论。‎ Ø on the contrary 相反 ‎ On the contrary, I admire her intellectual honesty and her pursuit of self-knowledge.相反的是,我欣赏她充满智慧的直白和对自我认识的追求。‎ Ø contrast A with B 把…与…相对(对照) ‎ It is interesting to contrast the two writers. ‎ 将这两位作家加以比较是很有意思的.‎ Ø in contrast to/with 和…形成对比 ‎ ‎ His white hair was in sharp contrast to his dark skin. ‎ 他的白头发与黑皮肤形成了鲜明的对比.‎ Ø by contrast 对比之下 ‎ ‎ She had almost failed the exam, but her sister, by contrast, had done very well. 她考试差点不及格, 而她的妹妹相比之下考得很好.‎ Ø contribute to 有助于 ‎ Her work has contributed enormously to our understanding of this difficult subject. 她的著作极有助於我们对这个困难问题的了解.‎ Ø under control(被)控制住 out of control无法控制 ‎ They have got flood waters under control.‎ 他们已使泛滥的洪水受到了控制。‎ ‎ The lorry ran down the hill out of control.‎ 卡车失去控制直往山下冲去。‎ Ø at one’s convenience 在方便的时间或地点 ‎ ‎ With a caravan, you can stop at your own convenience; you're not dependent on hotels. 开着一辆大篷车, 可以随意停下来, 不用住旅馆。‎ Ø be convenient to / for 对…方便 ‎ Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? ‎ 你明天开始工作方便吗?‎ Ø convince sb of (=cause sb to believe or feel certain; to persuade sb)使某人确信, ‎ What she said convinced me that I was mistaken. ‎ 她的一番话使我认识到我错了.‎ Ø try to persuade sb to do sth劝说某人做… ‎ ‎(into doing sth / out of doing sth)‎ You try and persuade her to come out with us. ‎ 你去试试劝她跟我们一起出去吧.‎ Ø cope with(=deal with, try to find a solution to)应付, 处理 ‎ ‎ The mayor should take steps to cope with the holiday rush.市长应采取措施解决假日食宿交通繁忙的问题。‎ Ø at all costs不惜任何代价 ‎ He will attain his goal at all costs.‎ 他将不惜一切代价达到目的。‎ Ø at the cost/expense of 以…为代价 ‎ He saved the lives of his friends at the cost of his own.‎ 他牺牲自己而挽救了朋友的生命。‎ Ø a matter of course 理所当然的事 ‎ It is a matter of course that industry will bring us success, wealth and good luck. ‎ Ø in due course (At the proper or right time) 正好的时间 ‎ A formal contract will be sent to you in due course. 正式的合同将在适当的时候寄给你。 ‎ Ø cure sb of + 某种疾病 治好某人的疾病 ‎ Now doctors believe they have cured him of the disease. ‎ Ø be in danger (of)处于…危险中; ‎ The bridge is in danger of collapse. 桥要塌了。 ‎ Ø be out of danger脱离危险 ‎ If necessary, the airship can stay up there for days to keep out of danger. ‎ Ø date back to可追溯到 ‎ If something dates back to a particular time, it started or was made at that time. ‎ Ø date from从某时期开始 ‎ The present controversy dates from 1986. ‎ Ø deal with 安排, 处理, 涉及, 做生意 ‎ How would you deal with an armed burglar? ‎ 遇到持有武器的盗贼,你将如何对付? ‎ Ø on the decline 在衰退中, 在减少中 ‎ on the increase 在增加 ‎ The number of robberies in the area is on the decline. ‎ 这地区的劫案在减少.‎ The demand for consumer goods is ever on the increase.对消费品的需求日益增长。‎ Ø to one’s delight 令某人感到高兴to one’s regret 遗憾; sorrow悲痛; relief 安心; distress 苦恼; shame羞愧; surprise 惊奇; astonishment 惊奇; ‎ Ø delight in sth (=take great pleasure in doing sth) 因……高兴 ‎ She delights in cooking lovely meals. ‎ 她以烹饪美食为乐。 ‎ Ø take delight in sth喜欢干…, 以…为乐 ‎ Our monitor takes delight in helping others.‎ 我们的班长乐于助人。 ‎ Ø be dependent on 依靠 ‎ She is completely dependent on her daughter for money. 她花的钱完全靠从她女儿那里得到。 ‎ Ø deprive sb of sth 剥夺某人某物 ‎ The court ruling deprived us of any share in the inheritance. 法庭裁决剥夺了我们全部的继承权 ‎ Ø derive…from(=obtain…from)由…来的 ‎ She derives great pleasure from her studies. ‎ 她从学习中获得极大乐趣。‎ Ø in despair 绝望 ‎ She threw up her hands in despair. ‎ Ø despite (=in spite of) 不管, 尽管 (直接接名词) ‎ Despite the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday. ‎ 尽管天气不好,我们的假期仍过得很愉快。 ‎ They kept going in spite of their fears. ‎ Ø in detail 详细地 ‎ The teacher explained the text in detail.‎ 老师详细解释了课文。‎ Ø on a diet 吃某种特殊饮食, 节食 ‎ No, thanks. I am on a diet. 不,谢谢了我正在节食. ‎ Ø differ from…in… 与…的区别在于… ‎ She differs from me in many ways. ‎ Ø in order 整齐, 状况良好 ‎ He put his papers in order before he left the office.‎ 离开办公室前,他把文件整理好。‎ The unexpectedness of my father's death meant that his affairs were not entirely in order. ‎ Ø on display(=being shown publicly)陈列 ‎ The work was on display. 作品正在展出。 ‎ Ø dispose of (=get rid of ,throw away)处理掉 ‎ Please dispose of the waste paper.请把这些废纸处理掉。‎ Ø make out 辩认出 ‎ I could barely make out the traffic signs through the rain. 在雨中我几乎看不清交通标志。 ‎ Ø ‎(be) distinct from ( = be different from) 与…截然不同 ‎ Those two suggestions are quite distinct from each other. 这两个建议截然不同。 ‎ Ø distinguish…from 把…与…区别开 ‎ Speeches distinguish man from the animals. ‎ 言语使人区别于动物。 ‎ Ø do away with (=get rid of; abolish; discard eliminate) 除去,废除,取消; ‎ The teachers want to do away with cheating in the school.老师们想在学校里消灭作弊现象。‎ They have done away with the old laws.‎ 他们废除了旧法律。‎ Ø do away with (=kill) 杀掉, 镇压 ‎ He did away with his enemies.他杀死了他的敌人。‎ Ø have…to do with 与…有关系 ‎ That's none of your business; it has nothing to do with you. ‎ Ø in doubt悬而未定 ‎ An outcome is still in doubt. ‎ Ø due to 由于,因为 Her illness was due to bad food. ‎ 她的病是坏了的食物造成的。‎ The accident was due to careless driving.‎ 这场车祸是粗心驾驶造成的。 ‎ Ø be on duty 值班, 值日, 在上班时 ‎ There were 2,250 policemen on duty in and around the stadium. ‎ Ø have an ear for 对……听觉灵敏 ‎ Moby certainly has a fine ear for a tune. ‎ Ø with ease ( = easily) 容易, 不费力 ‎ He passed the examination with ease. ‎ 她轻松地通过了考试。 ‎ Ø at (one’s) ease ( = without worry or nervousness) 自在,不拘束 ‎ I felt at(my)ease. ‎ Ø have an effect on 对…有影响 ‎ Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body. ‎ 含酒精的饮料会对你身体有很坏的影响。 ‎ Ø take effect 生效 ( come into effect; go into effect; be brought into effect) ‎ The new rule took effect last month.‎ 新规则上个月开始实施了。‎ Ø in effect (=in fact, in essence) 有效,实际上 ‎ The old system is still in effect. 旧制度仍有效。 ‎ He is, in effect, my rival. ‎ 实际上他是我的竞争对手。 ‎ Ø emerge from ( =appear, arise from ) 出现, 暴露(问题意见等) ‎ Advanced figures are emerging in multitude in this era of ours. ‎ 在我们这个时代先进人物正在大量地涌现出来。 ‎ Ø place(or put, lay) an emphasis on 强调, 把重点放在…上 ‎ Some schools put/lay/place great emphasis on language study. 有些学校极注重语言学习. ‎ Ø encourage sb in 鼓励; encourage sb to do sth ‎ Her parents encouraged her in her studies. ‎ 她的父母鼓励她好好学习.‎ He encouraged me to write novels.‎ 他鼓励我去写小说 Ø on end (=continuously) 连续地 ‎ There has been no rain for weeks on end.‎ 持续几个星期没下雨了。‎ Ø at one’s wit’s end 无法可想, 智穷计尽 ‎ He has already been at his wit's end in this matter. ‎ Ø be engaged in 忙于,从事 ‎ I have a large circle of friends and acquaintances engaged in photography. ‎ Ø be entitled to (=be given the right to do sth)‎ 有权…,有资格… ‎ Officers are entitled to travel first class. ‎ 官员有权坐头等舱。 ‎ Ø be equal to 等于 ‎ Twice two is equal to four. 2乘2等于4。‎ It is equal to me whether he comes or not. ‎ 他来不来对我都一样。 ‎ Ø be/ feel equal to (某人)能胜任,能应付 ‎ He is equal to this task.‎ He is equal to doing this task.‎ 他能胜任这项任务。 ‎ Ø be equipped with 装备有,装有 ‎ You can also tour the site on modern coaches equipped with videos. ‎ Ø ‎(be) equivalent to(=equal in value, amount, meaning) 相等于, 相当于 ‎ Is there a French word that is the exact equivalent of the English word `home'? 法语中有没有和英语home完全一样的对应词?‎ Ø in essence (=By nature; essentially) 本质上 ‎ In essence, both proposals are much the same.‎ 这两个建议实质上是差不多的。‎ Ø except 除…以外; besides 除…以外 还有…… ‎ except for (=apart from) 除…以外 (an) exception to …的例外 ‎ No one except me knew it. 除我之外没人知道它。‎ This translation is very well done,except for a few inaccuracies.这篇译文很不错,只有几处译得还不够确切。‎ Libraries offer various other services ~ lending books.‎ 图书馆除了出借书籍之外还提供种种其他服务。‎ Apart from these two books, he has written some plays and film ‎ scripts,除了这两本书外,他还写了一些剧本和电影脚本。‎ Your composition is good, apart from some spelling mistakes.你的作文写得很好,只是有几处拼写错误。‎ Ø exchange…for 以…交换 (with sb)‎ ‎ He exchanged the blue sweater for a red one. ‎ 他把蓝毛衣换成了红的。‎ They exchanged hostages with each other. ‎ 他们相互交换了人质。‎ Ø in exchange for He gave me an apple in exchange for a cake. ‎ 他给我一个苹果,换一块蛋糕。 ‎ Ø at the expense/cost of 以…为牺牲 ‎ A reduction in price can never be made at the expense of quality. ‎ 降低价格的同时,并不以牺牲质量为代价。 ‎ Ø expose…to…使暴露于…, 使…受(危险,风险) ‎ The baby was left exposed to the wind and rain. 婴儿被离弃于风雨之中.‎ Ø beyond expression (=in a manner that cannot be expressed) 无法形容, 说不出的 ‎ If we did, our young lives were prized beyond expression. ‎ Ø to some extent 某种程度上, (多少)有一点 ‎ To some extent, this was the truth. ‎ Ø look into the future 展望未来 ‎ Enjoy the time of youth. And look into the future! ‎ Ø in the twinkling of an eye 一眨眼,转眼间 ‎ In the twinkling of an eye, I’m already over 50 years old. ‎ Ø keep an eye on (=keep a watch on)照看,监视 ‎ I went for a run there, keeping an eye on the children the whole time. ‎ Ø in the face of 面对着(困难等情况) ‎ He succeeded in the face of great difficulties. ‎ 尽管有巨大的困难,但他成功了。 ‎ Ø in one’s face在某人的脸上; ‎ The disappointment expresses in her face. ‎ Ø face to face(常与with连用)面对面地 ‎ They sat face to face with each other without a word.‎ 他们面对面坐在一起无话可谈。‎ Ø face up to 大胆面对 ‎ She must face up to the fact that she is no longer young. 她必须正视她已不再年轻这一事实。 ‎ Ø be faced with面对 Though faced with great difficulty, she finished the task quite well.‎ Ø lose faith in 对…失去信心 ‎ People have lost faith in the British Parliament. ‎ Ø faithful to (=loyal to) 对…忠诚 ‎ Our company is faithful to the promised terms. ‎ 我们公司忠实于自己承诺的条件。 ‎ Ø live up to v. 实践, 做到(measure up to) ‎ We will live up to what our parents expect of us. ‎ 我们决不辜负父母亲对我们的期望。 ‎ Did the TV play live up to your expectations? ‎ 这部电视剧有你期望的那样好吗? ‎ Ø be familiar with 熟悉,了解 ‎ Are you familiar with this type of car? ‎ 你熟悉这种型号的汽车吗? ‎ Ø be familiar to熟悉,了解 Is this type of car familiar to you? ‎ 熟悉这种型号的汽车吗?‎ Ø have a fancy for ( = take a fancy to, take to) 爱好,爱上,入迷 ‎ I have a fancy for that dish. 我喜欢那道菜。 ‎ Ø run after the fashion 赶时髦 ‎ Tom is a man who runs after the fashion. ‎ Ø in favor of 支持...; 而不是…(instead of) ‎ If you are in favor of something, you support it and think that it is a good thing. ‎ Ø in one’s favor(=to one’s advantage)对有利 ‎ In the end they decided to vote in my favor and accept you. ‎ Ø ‎(be) favorable to(=advantageous)有利的 ‎ His new premises have proved to be favorable to business.他的那栋新建的大楼已证实对他的生意有利。‎ Ø fear for (=be afraid for the safety of sb or sth) 为…担心 ‎ If you fear for someone or something, you are very worried because you think that they might be in danger. ‎ Ø for fear of (=in case of; because of anxiety about) 以防, 由于怕… ‎ ‎"The teacher refused to have his daughter in his ‎ class, for fear of showing favor to her. 教师不愿意把自己的女儿编入自己的班级,恐怕会对她有所偏袒。 ‎ Ø feed (sb) on sth 靠吃…, 用…喂养 ‎ She fed the baby on pureed carrots.‎ 她用胡萝卜泥喂养那婴儿 Bats fly at night and feed on insects. ‎ 蝙蝠在夜间飞行,以昆虫为食。‎ Ø be fed up with厌烦, 腻了 ‎ I am fed up with his laziness and carelessness.‎ 我受够了他的懒惰和粗心。‎ Ø feel like (=have a desire for) 想要, 如同 ‎ I feel like taking a walk.Would you like to go with me?我想去散散步,你愿和我一起去吗?‎ This new manmade material feels like real leather.‎ 这种新的人造材料摸起来如同真皮革。‎ Ø fill out ( =fill in )填写 ‎ Please carefully fill out the job application. ‎ 仔细填写工作申请 ‎ Ø set sth on fire(=set fire to sth)使着火,放火 ‎ Be careful with the candle,you will set those curtains on fire. 当心蜡烛,你会把帘子烧着的。‎ Be careful with the candle,you will set fire to those curtains. 当心蜡烛,你会把帘子烧着的。‎ Ø at first sight(=when first seen)乍一看,一见 ‎ At first sight, the problem seemed insoluble.‎ 乍看起来,这问题似乎无法解决。‎ Ø for the first time 第一次 (作状语) ‎ I have come here for the first time.‎ Ø fit into 刚好放入,适合,适应 ‎ She does not fit into the rigid social system. ‎ Ø fit in with ( = suit , fall into agreement) 合适, 相配, 一致 ‎ ‎ His ideas did not quite fit in with our aims. ‎ 他的想法和我们的目标不完全一致。‎ His good mood fit in with the joyful occasion. ‎ 他良好的心绪与那欢快的场合很和谐。‎ Ø ‎(be) fit for 适合 ‎ This food is not fit for your visitors. ‎ 这食物对你的客人来说不合适。 ‎ Ø focus on (=concentrate on) 集中在…上 focus sth on 把…集中在…上 ‎ The research effort has focused on tracing the effects of growing levels of five compounds. ‎ Ø be fond of 喜欢 ‎ I am not fond of eating meat. 我不喜欢吃肉。 ‎ Ø ‎(be) in force 有效 , 实施 ‎ The law should remain in force. ‎ 法律应当有效力。‎ Ø by force 靠武力, 强行 ‎ The police took his property by force.‎ 警察抢走了他的财产。‎ Ø force…on 把…强加给… impose…on… ‎ New duties were forced on wines and spirits. ‎ 酒类被加征新税。 ‎ Ø in the form of 以…形式 ‎ A week after the tsunami struck Asia, there has been a large amount of aid in the form of donations and other forms of assistance from around the world. ‎ Ø be fortunate in sth幸运,有好运气 ‎ The physicists have been fortunate in obtaining outside research funding. ‎ Ø free of charge 免费 ‎ The leaflet is available free of charge from post offices. ‎ Ø be free from 免受, 没有… ‎ The secretary was free from all blame for the errors. ‎ 这些失误完全不能怪秘书。 ‎ Ø in front of 在…前面 ‎ A large tree stands in front of his house.‎ 他的房前长有一棵大树。‎ Ø in the front of 在…前部 ‎ I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside.‎ 我坐在公共汽车的前部,以便饱览农村风光。 ‎ Ø furnish…with (=supply) 向…提供 ‎ The bathroom is furnished with 2 toilets, 2 showers and 2 sinks. ‎ Ø In general (=Generally)通常 ‎ People in general like her. 大家一般都喜欢她。 ‎ Ø be good for 对…有好处;对…有作用 ‎ Honey is good for you. 蜂蜜对你身体有益。 ‎ Ø be good at 擅长于 ‎ He is very good at French. 他精通法语。 ‎ Ø be good to 对…好 ‎ The boss has always been very good to her. ‎ 老板对她一直非常好。 ‎ Ø for good (=for ever) 永远地, 长期地 ‎ I'm moving to Europe for good.我将永久移居欧洲 ‎ Ø take…for granted (=assume to be true) 把…认为理所当然的 ‎ ‎ It is taken for granted that everyone is equal before the law. 法律面前人人平等是被认为理所当然的。‎ Ø be grateful to sb for sth 因…感谢某人 ‎ I am grateful to you for helping me.感谢你的帮助。 ‎ Ø on the ground of (=on the basis of) 由于… ‎ He's called 'Ginger' on the ground of his bright ginger hair. ‎ 他长着一头淡黄色的头发,因而被人叫着'黄毛'。 ‎ Ø ‎(be) on guard 站岗,警惕 ‎ ‎ Be on guard when somebody flatters you. 有人奉承你时,一定要当心。‎ Ø guard against (=defend, keep safe)警惕,防止 ‎ We must take measures to guard against infection. ‎ 预防传染 ‎ Ø guess at 猜, 估计 ‎ We could only guess at her motives. ‎ Ø be guilty of 犯有…罪或过失 ‎ They were found guilty of murder. ‎ Ø be in the habit of doing sth 习惯于 ‎ Ø get (fall) into the habit of养成了…的习惯 ‎ We should get into the habit of keeping good hours. 我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯 ‎ Ø come to a halt (=stop) 停止; 停住 ‎ His exciting and stylish life as a drug lord seems to have come to a halt. ‎ Ø at hand 在手边, 眼前(附近) ‎ Punishment is at hand. 惩罚就要到来 ‎ Ø on hand 在手头, 在手边 现有(=with sb) ‎ ‎ He has too much work on hand to go picnicking with us. ‎ 他手头的工作太多了,不能跟我们去野餐。‎ I don’t have enough money on hand. ‎ Ø by hand 用手工(做) ‎ Silk handkerchiefs embroidered by hand sell well in the Western market. ‎ 手绣的丝制手帕在西方市场销路很好。‎ Ø at the head of 在…的前头 ‎ At the head of the queue was an old woman. 在队伍最前头的是一位老太太。 ‎ Ø head for (=move towards) 向…方向前进 ‎ ‎ They set sail at dawn and headed for the United States.他们的船在黎明时启程驶向美国。‎ Ø hear of (=know about) 听人说起, 听说过 ‎ I've never heard of anyone doing that. ‎ 我从未听说有人做那种事。 ‎ Ø at heart (=in reality) 内心里, 实际上 ‎ When I say don't eat sweets, I have your health at heart. 我说不要吃糖是为你的健康着想。 ‎ Ø by heart (=by memory) 熟记, 背(诵) ‎ All you have to do is learn it by heart. ‎ 你只要做的就是把它背出来。‎ Ø to one's heart's content 尽情地 ‎ Today is Saturday; I can sleep to my heart's content. ‎ Ø with all one's heart全心全意地,真心实意 ‎ I wish with all my heart you find what you're looking for. ‎ Ø hinder…from(=stop…from)阻碍,使不能做 ‎ I was hindered from getting here earlier. ‎ 我因受阻未能早些到达这里。 ‎ Ø go on holiday = go for a holiday在(去)度假 ‎ He could not get time off work to go on holiday. ‎ Ø be (feel) at home (=to be comfortable; not feel worried) 感觉合适,无拘束,熟悉 ‎ He spoke very good English and appeared pleased to see us, and we soon felt quite at home. ‎ Ø in honor of… 祝贺…,纪念… ‎ I have cooked a special meal in honor of our visitors. 我做了一道特殊的菜向我们的来客表示敬意。 ‎ Ø on one’s honor 以某人的名誉担保 ‎ On my honor, I solemnly assure you that it doesn't involve any risk. ‎ Ø hope for 希望(某事发生),希望有 ‎ We hope for an early answer to our letter. ‎ 盼早日赐覆。 ‎ Ø to one’s horror 令某人感到恐惧的是 ‎ To my horror, the garden door was left unlocked. ‎ Ø in a hurry (=hastily) 匆忙地 ‎ You always seem to be in a hurry. ‎ 你似乎总是很匆忙。 ‎ Ø be identical with(=exactly alike)和完全相同 ‎ My opinion is identical with his. ‎ 我的意见和他的意见相同。 ‎ Ø be noted for 以...著名 ‎ be famous for 以...著名 ‎ He was noted for his politeness. ‎ 大家都知道他很有礼貌。‎ Ø be ignorant of ( = lacking knowledge) 对…不了解,不知道 ‎ I am quite ignorant of what his plans. ‎ 我一点也不知道他的计划是什么。 ‎ Ø ‎(an) impact (on) 对…的强烈影响 ‎ They say they expect the meeting to have a marked impact on the future of the country. ‎ Ø impose…on… 把…强加给 ‎ Don't impose yourself on people who don't want you. 不要勉强和不需要你的人在一起。 ‎ Ø impress sth on sb给…留下印象 ‎ His words impressed themselves on my memory. 他的话铭刻在我的记忆里. ‎ Ø impress sb with sth 给…留下印象 ‎ I had a chance to impress her with my efficiency and I muffed it up. 我本来有机会使她对我的办事效率有印象,但是我错过了这个机会。‎ Ø make (leave) an impression on sb =give sb an impression 给…留下印象 ‎ He has told me his plans and he's made a good impression on me. ‎ Ø inclusive of 把…包括在内 ‎ The monthly rent is $20 inclusive of everything. ‎ 月房租总共二十美元,包括一切费用在内。‎ Ø exclusive of 除...外, 不计算在内 ‎ The hotel charges $‎150 a day, exclusive of meals. ‎ 这旅馆一天收费一百五十美元,不包括膳食。‎ Ø independent of 独立的,不受约束的 ‎ Phil was now much more independent of his parents. ‎ Ø be indifferent to (=not interested in)对…漠不关心, 冷淡, 不在乎 ‎ I am indifferent to their arguments. ‎ 我对他们的争论毫不关心。 ‎ Ø ‎(be) inferior to(=less good in quality or value) 比…差; ‎ His work is inferior to mine. 他的工作不如我。 ‎ Ø superior to比…好 ‎ ‎ This article is superior to that one in style.这篇文章在文体上要比那篇好。‎ Ø inform sb of sth 通知, 告诉 ‎ The sales manager asked his men to inform him of everything concerning the sales in time. ‎ 销售部经理让他手下的人把关于销售量的情况及时报告他。 ‎ Ø be innocent of 无罪的,无辜的 ‎ Can you provide any evidence that he was innocent of the crime?你能提供证据证明他没有犯这罪吗? ‎ Ø insist on 坚持 I still insist on my viewpoint. ‎ 我仍坚持我的观点。‎ Ø instead of (=in favor of) 代替,而不是… ‎ I ordered chicken instead of fish. 点了鸡而不是鱼 ‎ Ø instruct…in (=teach) 教指导训练某人… ‎ She instructed me in the use of the telephone. ‎ 她教我使用电话。 ‎ Ø insure…against… 保险; ensure 使安全; ‎ It is advisable to insure your life against accident. ‎ 最好参加人寿保险,以防意外。"‎ Ø assure…(of) 使…确信,保证 ‎ I can assure you of the reliability of the news. ‎ 我可以向你保证这消息是可靠的。 ‎ Ø in the interests of 符合…的利益,为了…的缘故: ‎ Think in the interest of the whole family; 为了整个家着想; ‎ Ø interfere in干涉, interfere with打搅,干扰 ‎ I don't want to interfere with you; proceed with your work. 我不想打扰你了,你继续工作吧。 ‎ I don’t like others to interfere in my private affairs. 我不喜欢他人干涉我的个人事物。 ‎ Ø at intervals 每隔一会儿, 每隔一段距离 ‎ Lamp posts are standing at intervals along the street. ‎ 灯柱在街道两边相间排列。‎ Ø be involved in (=become connected or concerned) 卷入, 参加 ‎ I don't want to get involved in the matter. ‎ 我不想卷入此事。‎ Ø invest in 投资 ‎ The state has planned to invest two millions in the dam. 国家计划投资两百万元修建这个大坝。 ‎ Ø by itself (=alone, without help)单独地,靠自己 ‎ The house stands by itself outside the village. ‎ 这幢房子孤单地坐落在村外。 ‎ Ø of itself自然而然地,自动地 ‎ The door opened of itself.门自动地开了。‎ Ø be jealous of 妒忌 ‎ He is jealous of their success. 他妒忌他们的成就。 ‎ Ø junior to sb 年纪较…轻, 职位较…低 ‎ ‎ The president was so young that he was junior to some of his employees. 总裁的年龄甚至是比他的一些雇员还小。‎ Ø ‎(be) keen on 喜爱, 渴望 ‎ My roommates are very keen on bridge cards among other things. 我同房间的人,除了其他活动外,还喜欢玩桥牌。 ‎ Ø keep a close watch on ( =keep a sharp lookout for) 密切注视 ‎ US‎ officials have been keeping close watch on the situation. ‎ Ø To the best of my knowledge 就我所知=as far as I know, ‎ To the best of my knowledge, Barrie and Bonnie are twins. ‎ Ø at large(=at liberty, free) 在逃, 逍遥法外 ‎ at large(=in general) 一般来说, 大体上 ‎ at large(=at full length; with details)详细地 ‎ The murderer is still at large. 谋杀犯仍未归案。 ‎ The country at large is hoping for political and economic reforms.全国人民普遍希望进行政治和经济改革。‎ Please explain the passage at large.请详细地讲解这篇短文。‎ Ø lean against (背)靠着… ‎ She was seen leaning against a post. ‎ 有人看见她靠在柱了上。‎ Ø ‎ (not) in the least 一点(也不), 丝毫(也不) ‎ ‎= (not) at all ‎ I don't mind in the least. 我根本就不在意。 ‎ Ø at one’s leisure 在…有空的时候 ‎ I'll return the call at my leisure.我有空就会来拜访。 ‎ Ø at length 1.(=after a long time, at last)终于 2. (=in detail, thoroughly)详细地 ‎ At length we arrived at our destination. ‎ 我们终于到达了目的地 ‎ The teacher explained the text at length. 教师详细地解释了课文。‎ Ø be liable to (=be subject to)易于的,应受(罚) ‎ be liable for 对…应负责任的 ‎ In a depression banks are liable to fail. ‎ 在经济萧条期间,银行很可能倒闭 ‎ The chairman is personally liable for the company's debt. ‎ 董事长对公司债务承担个人责任。‎ Ø lie in 在于 ‎ The solution lies in research. 答案在研究中 ‎ Ø for life (Till the end of one's life.) 终身 ‎ He was jailed for life in 1966 for the murder of three policemen. ‎ Ø in the light of (=considering; taking into account) 考虑到, 根据 ‎ We have revised our plan in the light of these changes.我们已经根据这些变化修改了计划。 ‎ Ø throw light on ( = make clear, explain) 使…更为清楚, 阐明 ‎ This study may throw light on its present state.这种研究有助于说明它的目前状态。 ‎ Ø long for(=want very much)渴望,希望得到 ‎ I longed for a bicycle. 我特想要辆自行车。 ‎ Ø before long (=soon)不久, 过了不久以后 ‎ ‎"Before long, the noise dropped completely and the boat began to drift across the water." ‎ ‎"不久,轰鸣声完全消失了,于是这只船开始漂浮在水面上。" ‎ Ø in the long run (=in the end)从长远来说,最后; ‎ It'll be cheaper in the long run to use real leather. ‎ 使用真正的皮革终究是比较便宜的。 ‎ Ø in the short term (从短期来说) ‎ The WTO is not the best place to address this issue in the short term. ‎ Ø ‎(be) at a loss 不知所措;亏本 ‎ He is always at a loss what to say in front of strangers. ‎ 他在生人面前总是不知要说什么。‎ If you buy a house for 22000 and sell it for 20000 you are selling at a loss. 如果你买房时花了22000英镑,卖时只卖20000英镑,那么你就赔钱了。‎ Ø be at ease. 安逸,自由自在 ‎ Put the soldiers at ease while waiting for inspection. ‎ 等待检阅时让士兵们稍息 ‎ Ø major in 主修(某课程) ‎ I major in Chemistry. ‎ Ø as a matter of fact 实际上, 事实是 ‎ I'm going there tomorrow, as a matter of fact. ‎ 实际情况是我明天就要去那儿。 ‎ Ø by all means 1. (=at all costs)不惜一切 2. (=certainly) 当然行; ‎ If you feel you need to ask any questions, by all means do so. ‎ He was determined to become leader by all means ‎ Ø by means of用…; ‎ They succeeded by means of patience and sacrifice. ‎ 他们靠耐心和牺牲而取得了成功 ‎ Ø ‎ by no means 完全不, 决不 ‎ This remark by no means should be taken lightly. ‎ 这次讲话绝不能等闲视之 ‎ Ø be in a mess 乱七八糟, 处境困难 make a mess of 弄乱, 打乱 ‎ Your room is in a mess. Please tidy it. ‎ 你的房间杂乱不堪,请把它打扫干净。 ‎ Ø bear(keep) sth in mind(=remember)牢记 ‎ You must bear in mind that your parents hope to depend on you to become a good doctor. 你要记住你的父母指望你成为一名好医生。 ‎ Ø by mistake(由于粗心,健忘原因而)错误地 ‎ I took your pen by mistake.我错拿了你的钢笔。 ‎ Ø mistake sth for sth把一物错认为另一物 ‎ I mistook Anna for his sister. ‎ 我误把安娜当作是他妹妹。 ‎ Ø in the mood to do sth. 有情绪去做,有心境做 ‎ I was in no mood to laugh and talk with strangers. ‎ 我没有心情和陌生人一起谈笑. ‎ Ø make the most of 充分利用 ‎ We must make the most of it. ‎ 我们必须充分利用它。 ‎ Ø be something of 有点…,像… ‎ Our professor is something of an eccentric. ‎ 我们教授的性情多少有点儿古怪 ‎ Ø name after 用…的名字命名 ‎ John was named after his uncle. ‎ 约翰与他叔父同名。 ‎ Ø native to 所产的 ‎ Banana is native to Taiwan. ‎ 香蕉是台湾的土(特)产。 ‎ Ø by nature 天生的, 生来 ‎ He was by nature affectionate. ‎ Ø none other than 不是别人,正是… ‎ It's none other than Tom! We thought you were in Africa! 是汤姆!我们以为你还在非洲! ‎ Ø for nothing (=free, without payment)免费, 徒然 ‎ All that preparation was for nothing because the visit was cancelled. 因为访问取消了,一切准备工作都白费了。 ‎ Ø nothing but 只有(=only), 不过…而已 ‎ For a few months I thought and talked of nothing but Jeremy. ‎ He did nothing but complain. ‎ Ø to say nothing of (=not to mention)更不用说… ‎ Unemployment leads to a sense of uselessness, to say nothing of financial problems. ‎ Ø do sth at short notice 只给很少时间准备 ‎ Can you be ready at short notice ? 你能一接到通知马上就准备好吗? ‎ Ø take notice of (=pay attention to) 注意 ‎ We want the government to take notice of what we think they should do for single parents. ‎ Ø object to (=oppose to) 反对 ‎ A lot of people will object to the book. ‎ Ø objection to (接动名词) 反对 ‎ He has a strong objection to getting up early. 他强烈反对早起。 ‎ Ø on occasion(=now and then)不时地,必要时 ‎ I meet her on occasion at the club or in the theatre. 我有时在俱乐部或剧院里遇到她。 ‎ Ø by occasion of (=because of) 由于 ‎ The football match was postponed be occasion of rain. ‎ Ø occupy oneself with (in) 忙于(某事) ‎ I occupied myself with all kinds of paint testing. ‎ Ø it occurs to sb that… 某人想到… ‎ It occurred to me that I could have the book sent to me. ‎ Ø once and for all 永远地 一劳永逸地,彻底地 ‎ We have to resolve this matter once and for all. ‎ Ø all at once (=suddenly, now) 突然 ‎ All at once she decided she wasn't going.She didn't explain why.她突然决定不去了,她没有讲明理由。‎ Ø once in a while (=occasionally) 偶尔 ‎ Your body, like any other machine, needs a full service once in a while. ‎ Ø operate on sb 给某人做手术 ‎ The doctors operated on her stomach. ‎ 医生给她的胃动了手术。 ‎ Ø come/ go into operation开始运转 ‎ When a rule, system, or plan comes into operation or you put it into operation, you begin to use it. ‎ Ø put/bring sth into operation 使…投产,运转 ‎ Cheaper energy conservation techniques have been put into operation in the developed world. ‎ Ø be opposed to… 反对… ‎ My mother is opposed to the new plan. ‎ 我妈妈是反对这个新打算的。 ‎ Ø be opposite to 与…相反的 ‎ Her house is opposite to mine. ‎ 她的房子在我的房子对面。 ‎ Ø ‎(be) in order井井有条,处于良好状态; ‎ Now he has a chance to put his life back in order. ‎ Ø out of order(=in bad condition)出毛病,发生故障 ‎ Their phone's out of order. ‎ Ø ‎ originate from(=begin)起源于,由引起 ‎ All theories originate from / in practice and in turn serve practice. 任何理论都来源于实践,反过来又为实践服务。 ‎ Ø on the outskirts (of) 在城郊 ‎ We live on the outskirts of the city. ‎ 我们住在这个城市的郊区。 ‎ Ø owe…to 把…归于… ‎ She owes her success to good luck. ‎ 她把成功归功于幸运。 ‎ Ø keep pace with 跟…并驾齐驱 ‎ Farmers are angry because the rise fails to keep pace with inflation. ‎ Ø part with (=give up, let go of) 舍弃,卖掉 ‎ She hated to part with her favorite sweater, but it could not be mended and she had to throw it away.她不愿舍弃她心爱的毛衣,可是,又没办法补好,只得把它丢了。 ‎ Ø participate in (=take part in)参加 ‎ I will participate in the festivities. ‎ Ø ‎(be) particular about 讲究,挑剔(吃,穿) ‎ I'm not particular about my clothes; I don't mind what I wear. 我不怎么讲究我的衣服,我不在乎我穿什么。 ‎ Ø in particular (=especially) 特别是,尤其 ‎ You use in particular to indicate that what you are saying applies especially to one thing or person. ‎ Ø ‎(a) passion for 对…的热爱,热情 ‎ She had a passion for gardening. ‎ Ø be patient with 对…耐心 ‎ I am not patient with people who I think are stupid. ‎ Ø pay for 赔偿, 付款, 报偿, 处罚 ‎ Why should I pay the penalty for somebody else's mistake? ‎ Ø pay…for 付…的钱 ‎ I have paid 10 RMB for the toy. ‎ Ø ‎(be) at peace with 与…和睦相处 ‎ She is at peace with herself and her friends. ‎ 她平和地对待自己和朋友 ‎ Ø in peace (=peacefully)安静,平安 ‎ All the villagers live together in peace. 所有村民都和睦相处。‎ Ø peculiar to… 特有的, 独具的 ‎ Language is peculiar to mankind. 语言是人类特有的。 ‎ Ø persist in 坚持,固执 ‎ ‎ He persisted in carrying on the experiment in spite of all kinds of setbacks. 尽管遇到很多挫折,他仍坚持做实验。‎ Ø in person 亲自, 当面 (on the spot) ‎ ‎ It was fitting that he should be here to receive the prize in person. 他应该亲自来领奖才对。‎ Ø take pleasure in 喜欢做某事 ‎ ‎ He takes great pleasure in teaching his little sister.他很乐意教他的小妹妹。‎ Ø be on the point of doing sth (=be about to do sth) 刚要去做 ‎ He was on the point of saying something when the phone rang. ‎ Ø to the point中肯, 扼要 ‎ ‎ The speaker came to the point straight away. 讲演者直述要点。‎ Ø come to the point 谈主要问题 ‎ Let us come to the point directly. ‎ Ø there is no point in doing sth没必要做某事 ‎ There was no point in staying any longer. ‎ Ø in practice 实际上 ‎ In practice, workers do not work to satisfy their needs. ‎ Ø out of practice 荒疏,不熟练 ‎ ‎`How's your German?' `Not bad, but I'm out of practice.' ‎ Ø prefer…to… (choose rather, like better) 宁要, 更喜欢 ‎ I prefer coffee to tea 我喜欢咖啡胜过茶 ‎ Ø in the presence of 在…在场的情况下 ‎ The talks took place in the presence of a diplomatic observer. ‎ Ø prevail over 占优势, 压倒, 战胜 ‎ The East Wind prevails over the West Wind. ‎ 东风压倒西风。 ‎ Ø prevent…from 使…不, 防止…做 ‎ We were prevented by heavy smog from seeing anything. 浓雾使我们看不到任何东西。 ‎ Ø previous to (=prior to) 在…之前 ‎ a day previous to Christmas 圣诞节的前一天 ‎ Ø take pride in(=pride oneself on) 以…自豪 ‎ We take pride in offering you the highest standards. ‎ Ø in principle 原则上 ‎ They agree to the plan in principle. ‎ 他们原则上同意这个计划。 ‎ Ø in private (=privately) 私下, 秘密地 ‎ Can I speak to you in private? ‎ 我可以私下同你谈谈吗? ‎ Ø in public 公开地 ‎ I do not want to speak about it in public. ‎ 我不想当众说这件事。 ‎ Ø proceed from (=arise from, result from) 由…发出, 由…引起(产生) ‎ Miserable sobs were heard to proceed from the next room. 从隔壁房间里传出悲怆的呜咽声。 ‎ Ø proceed with ( =go on with sth) 继续进行 ‎ Let us proceed with our lesson. 我们继续上课吧。 ‎ Ø in progress(=in the state of be done)进行中 ‎ The building of the largest bridge across the river in Adia is in progress. 这座亚洲最大的一座跨江大桥正在建设中。 ‎ Ø prohibit…from 禁止, 阻止 ‎ Modesty prohibits me from saying what happened. ‎ 羞怯妨碍我说出所发生的事情 ‎ Ø be proud of 为…自豪 ‎ He is proud of his daughter's ability to speak four languages. 他为女儿能说四种语言而骄傲。 ‎ Ø provide for 为…做准备 ‎ We provided food for the hungry children. ‎ 我们为饥饿的孩子们提供食物。 ‎ Ø provide sb with sth 给某人提供某物 ‎ They provide us with food. 他们供给我们食物。 ‎ Ø on purpose(=by intention, deliberately)故意, 特地 ‎ I came here on purpose to see you. ‎ 我特地来这里看你。 ‎ Ø beyond the reach of 无法达到(得到,理解= out of reach of) ‎ What he said is beyond the reach of my ‎ understanding. ‎ Ø within reach of 够得到,能拿到 ‎ If you are not within reach of proper medical treatment, then self-treatment is an emergency choice. ‎ Ø react to 对…作出反应 ‎ How did your mother react to the news? She reacted by getting very angry. 你妈妈对这个消息的反应怎样?她的反应是非常生气。 ‎ Ø in reality (=in fact, really) 事实上 ‎ It seems as if he knew everything, but in reality, he is as stupid as can be. 他似乎是个万事通,其实他是再愚蠢不过了。 ‎ Ø reason with (=argue) 与...评理 ‎ It's no use flying off the handle. You can reason with us.大发雷霆是没有用的。你可以跟我们讲道理嘛! ‎ Ø refer to…as 把…称做… ‎ Marcia had referred to him as a dear friend. ‎ Ø refer…to…涉及;提到, 查资料;参考 ‎ He referred briefly to his notebook. ‎ Ø with/in reference to(=concerning, about)关于 ‎ I am writing with reference to your article on salaries for scientists. ‎ Ø with/in regard to (=concerning)有关,关于 ‎ In other words, with regard to the whole we must despise the enemy, but with regard to each specific problem we must take him seriously. 也就是说在整体上我们一定要藐视它,在一个一个的具体问题上我们一定要重视它。‎ Ø give one’s regards to sb 向…问候 ‎ Give my regards to your wife! ‎ Ø regardless of (=without worrying about, despite, in spite of) 不顾,不考虑 ‎ We will persevere regardless of past failures. ‎ 尽管以前我们失败过,但仍要坚持下去 ‎ Ø in/with relation to 关于, 有关 ‎ He is the sixth person to be arrested in relation to the coup plot. ‎ Ø to one’s relief 令…感到放心的是 ‎ To my relief he found the article acceptable. ‎ Ø relieve…of… 解除,解脱;帮助拿,辞退 ‎ Let me relieve you of that heavy parcel. ‎ 让我把你的重包裹解下来吧。 ‎ Ø rely on 依靠(depend on), 信赖 ‎ You may rely on me. 你可以信赖我。 ‎ Ø remark on(upon) 对…发表评论 ‎ If his host appreciated the irony, he didn't remark on it. ‎ Ø remind sb of (It occurs to sb that…)提醒某人…,使某人向想起 ‎ This reminds me of last year. ‎ 这使我想起去年的事。 ‎ Ø reply to 答复, 回答 ‎ A lot of people replied to our advertisement. ‎ 有许多人对我们的广告作出了反应。 ‎ Ø resort to 诉诸于… (via, by, by means of ) ‎ resort to force 诉诸于武力 ‎ When his wife left him,he resorted to drinking.他妻子离开他之后,他就开始酗酒了。‎ Never resort to force to solve the problem.千万不可用武力来解决问题。‎ Ø respond to 对…反应, 响应, 对(药)有效 ‎ Would anyone care to respond to the last question?谁愿意回答最后一个问题? ‎ Most patients respond to this treatment.这种治疗对大部分病人有效。‎ Ø be responsible for 对…负责, 是造成…原因 ‎ Pilots are responsible for their passengers' safety. 凡是飞机驾驶员均应对乘客的安全负责。‎ Smoking is responsible for many cases of lung cancer. 吸烟是许多人患肺癌的致病因素。‎ Ø rest on/upon(=depend on) 取决于 ‎ The long-term future of the country rests on how we teach our children. ‎ Ø restrain…from(=hold back from)抑制不…… ‎ Gladys wanted to ask, `Aren't you angry with him?' But she restrained herself from doing so. ‎ Ø restrict…to(=keep within limits)把限制于 ‎ He restricts himself to two cigarettes a day. 限制每天吸两枝香烟。 ‎ Ø result in (=cause) 导致 ‎ The accident resulted in three people being killed. ‎ 这次事故造成三人死亡。 ‎ Ø in return (for) 作为报答; 以报答(for) ‎ What can we do for them in return for all the ‎ help they have given us? 我们将怎样来报答他们所给我们的种种帮助呢?‎ Ø in turn 轮流 ‎ The girls called out their names in turn. 那些女孩儿逐一报出自己的名字。 ‎ Ø get rid of 摆脱, 去掉, 除去 ‎ You are supposed to get rid of carelessness, for it often leads to irretrievable errors. 你们一定要克服粗心大意,因为粗心大意常常引起无可挽回的错误。" ‎ Ø give rise to (=lead to) 引起, 导致 ‎ The heavy rain gives rise to the flood. 大雨引起了洪水。 ‎ Ø at the risk of (=with danger of)冒…的风险 ‎ ‎ He was determined to get there even at the risk of his life.他决心到那里去,即使是冒生命危险也在所不惜。‎ Ø run(take)risk of (=do sth dangerous)的风险 ‎ He will run the risk of losing his life to save the child. ‎ Ø rule out (=leave out) 排除, 不考虑 ‎ The option of starting over has been ruled out. 重新开始这种选择已被排除考虑 ‎ Ø for the sake of为了…… ‎ For the sake of safety, you must keep all medicines away from children. 为了安全,要把所有的药都放在孩子们拿不到的地方。 ‎ Ø be for sale 待售 ‎ That house is for sale. 那座房子待售。 ‎ Ø on sale (=offered to be sold) 出售, 上市 ‎ Tickets on sale now! ‎ Ø on a large scale 大规模地 ‎ They are preparing for war on a large scale. 他们正在大规模地备战。 ‎ Ø on schedule按时,准时; ‎ The renovation is on schedule. ‎ Ø ahead of schedule提前; in advance预先; ‎ The task will be finished ahead of schedule if nothing prevents. ‎ Ø behind schedule落后于计划进度,晚于规定时间 ‎ We were two months behind schedule, and already over budget. ‎ Ø start from scratch(=from the beginning)从头开始,白手起家 ‎ Let’s start from scratch and learn the simple technique needed to save shots from sand. ‎ His business was started from scratch with200 pounds he'd borrowed from a relative. 他的店是他从亲戚那里借的200镑白手起家干起来的。‎ Ø in search of(=in quest of)寻找; ‎ Reservoirs are drying up and farmers have begun to leave their land in search of water. ‎ Ø in honor of 为了表示敬意; ‎ The United Nations has issued a stamp in honor of Captain Alfred Dreyfus. ‎ Ø in memory of 为纪念 ‎ The congress opened with a minute's silence in memory of those who died in the struggle. ‎ Ø in pursuit of 为追求 ‎ If you do something in pursuit of a particular result, you do it in order to achieve that result. ‎ Ø on one's behalf 为...的利益, 以…名义 ‎ Can my friend do it on my behalf? ‎ Ø in favor of 为赞成…; ‎ We are in favor of her promotion to president. ‎ 我们赞成她升为总裁 ‎ Ø senior to 比…年长; ‎ Williams felt himself to be senior to all of them. ‎ Ø superior to 比…更好; ‎ We have a relationship infinitely superior to those of many of our friends. ‎ Ø inferior to 比…差 ‎ His photographs were inferior to those taken by Ernie. ‎ Ø in a sense 在某种意义上 ‎ In a sense, both were right. ‎ Ø sensitive to 对…敏感; ‎ She is sensitive to what people think of her. ‎ 她很敏感人们对她是怎么想的。 ‎ Ø in sequence 按顺序, 按先后次序 ‎ A couple of dozen letters and numbers are pressed in sequence on a keyboard. ‎ Ø share sth with sb 与…分享,分担,分摊,共用 ‎ He showed me the flat he shares with Sally. ‎ Ø be shocked at / by 对…感到震惊 ‎ Relief workers were shocked by what they saw. ‎ Ø go/be short of (=be without enough of) 缺乏 ‎ If you go/are short of something, especially food, you do not have as much of it as you want or need. ‎ Ø in short supply 供应不足 ‎ Food is in short supply all over the country. ‎ Ø be short of (=lacking enough)缺乏,不够 ‎ We're short of cash. 我们现在现金不足 ‎ Ø catch sight of (=see for a moment)瞥见 ‎ Jessica caught sight of Lois and waved to her. ‎ Ø ‎(be)in sight (=in view, visible) 看得见 ‎ Peace was in sight. 和平在望。 ‎ Ø out of sight 看不见 ‎ Keep out of my sight. 不要让我看见你。 ‎ Ø know sb by sight 与…只面熟 ‎ I don’t know her well. I just know her by sight. ‎ Ø be sorry about/for 懊悔的,后悔的,难过的 ‎ A: Sorry for interrupting you. B: Never mind. ‎ 甲:对不起我打扰你了。乙:没关系。 ‎ Ø speak ill of 说…的坏话; speak badly of ‎ speak well of 说…的好话 speak highly of ‎ Never speak ill of people behind their backs.千万别在背后说人家坏话。‎ Everyone that knows him speaks well of him.了解他的人都称赞他。‎ Ø specialize in 专门研究, 专攻 ‎ That doctor specializes in children's illnesses. ‎ 那位医生专门研究儿科疾病。 ‎ Ø in spite of (=despite) 尽管 ‎ They kept going in spite of their fears. ‎ 他们不顾害怕继续前进 ‎ Ø on the spot 在现场, 在出事地点; 立即(=at once) ‎ The police were on the spot within a few minutes of my telephone call. 我打电话几分钟後警察就赶到了现场。‎ You've put me on the spot here I can't answer your question. 这你可把我难住了,你这个问题我答不上来。 ‎ Ø take a stand against 采取某种立场反对 ‎ take a stand for 采取某种立场支持… ‎ A number of countries, including Australia, were prepared to take a stand for democracy and to take a stand against terrorism. ‎ Ø stare at 目不转睛地看, 凝视, 盯着 ‎ He stared at the word trying to remember what it meant. 他盯着这个单词,努力想记起它的意思。 ‎ Ø stick to (=refuse to leave or change)坚持; ‎ stick to one’s promise 比喻不食言 ‎ stick to one’s friend 忠于朋友 ‎ Ø in stock有库存, 有现货 ‎ If goods are in stock, a shop has them available to sell. If they are out of stock, it does not. ‎ Ø be strict with 对…严格要求 ‎ If you are too strict with them, your children will see you as dictatorial. ‎ Ø be/go on strike 罢工 ‎ The company's threat to sack anyone who went on strike was just (a) bluff. 公司威胁说谁罢工就解雇谁,那只不过是虚张声势罢了。 ‎ Ø subject…to(=cause…to experience)使受到 ‎ subject (adj) to 易受到…的 ‎ All citizens in this nation are subject to the law. ‎ 这个国家的全体公民都必须服从法律 ‎ Children are subject to colds. 易于感冒的孩子 ‎ Ø submit to 提交(=hand in) ‎ I submitted my papers to the examiner. ‎ 我把试卷交给主考老师。 ‎ Ø substitute…for 以…代替… ‎ The coach substituted Smith for Jones. 教练让史密斯上场,换下了琼斯。‎ Ø be suitable for (=fit) 合适…的 ‎ This toy is not suitable for young children. ‎ 这个玩具不适合小小孩玩。 ‎ Ø supply sb with sth 向某人提供某物 ‎ ‎ They supplied the whole brigade with all the bedding and towels they needed.他们向全旅人员提供了他们所需要的被褥和毛巾。‎ Ø for sure/certain (certainly, definitely) 肯定地,有把握地 ‎ We'll win for sure. 我们肯定会获胜 ‎ Ø make sure弄清, 弄确实 ‎ Make sure he writes it down. 让他一定记下来 ‎ Ø suspect sb of 疑心某犯有… ‎ The police suspected her of murder. 警察怀疑她犯了谋杀罪 ‎ Ø be suspicious of (=not trusting)对…有疑心 ‎ I am suspicious of that woman - I think she may have stolen something from our shop. ‎ 我很怀疑那位妇女,我想她可能偷了我们商店的东西。 ‎ Ø be sympathetic to/towards对…同情,赞同 ‎ He was very sympathetic to me when I was ill.我生病时他很同情我。‎ She was sympathetic to my ideas. 她对我的想法表示支持。‎ Ø sympathize with sb/sth 对…表示同情 ‎ I must tell you how much I sympathize with you for your loss, Professor. ‎ Ø have sympathy with 对……怀有同情心 ‎ I have been a prisoner, so I have a lot of sympathy with other people in prison. ‎ Ø have a taste for 对……有兴趣、鉴赏力 ‎ That gave me a taste for reading. ‎ Ø have a taste of 经历、品尝过… ‎ This voyage was his first taste of freedom. ‎ Ø to one’s taste 合…的口味, 中意 =to one’s liking ‎ Classical music is also very much to my taste. ‎ Ø tell…from (=recognize) 辨别认出 ‎ ‎ The twin sisters stand together in this photograph, and I can't tell from each other. 这张照片上这两个双胞胎并排站着,我分不出谁是谁。‎ Ø in terms of (=with regard to; in the light of) 就……而言;根据,按照 ‎ It is a small country both in terms of size and population. ‎ Ø be on good terms with sb 关系好 ‎ Peter is not doing a good job, but he is always praised by the boss because he is on good terms with the boss. ‎ Ø on second thoughts 经再三考虑之后 ‎ I said I wouldn't go, but on second thoughts I think I will. 我说过我不会去,但再一想,我决定要去 Ø see through识破:看穿 ‎ We saw through his superficial charm. 我们很清楚他的表面功夫。 ‎ Ø at one time 过去一度, 以前曾经 ‎ This kind of wine was very popular at one time, but now it is considered too strong.这种酒曾经很受欢迎,但是现在被认为度数太高了。‎ Ø behind the times (思想,看法)落后于时代 ‎ You're behind the times. 你落伍了. ‎ Ø behind time (=late) 迟到, 晚点 (没有the) ‎ The train is ten minutes behind time. ‎ Ø for the time being (=temporarily)暂时 ‎ For the time being, you will have to share this room with another person. ‎ Ø in time 及时、最后,终于 ‎ In time they came to accept the harsh facts. ‎ 他们最终承认了严酷的事实 ‎ We came to the meeting just in time. ‎ Ø on time (=punctually) 准时 ‎ The train arrived on time. ‎ Ø at no time 无论何时也不… ‎ At no time did they try to persuade me to suppress the information. ‎ Ø in no time (=very quickly) 立即,马上 ‎ If you weren't here, she would get rid of me in no time. ‎ Ø at times (=occasionally= sometimes) 间或, 时常 ‎ Life can be a real bastard at times. ‎ Ø at all times (=always) 始终, 总是 ‎ The centre is staffed at all times. ‎ Ø at a time 一次, 每次 They learn 30 words and a passage at a time.他们一次学30个单词和一篇短文。‎ He checked them off one at a time as they came in.当他们进来时,他对他们逐个检查。‎ Ø on top of 在…上面,熟练掌握,高兴之极 ‎ Two months before she gave birth to Jason she left work feeling on top of the world. ‎ Ø in total (=all have been added up) 总计 ‎ I was with my husband for eight years in total. ‎ Ø be in touch with 与…有接触, 有联系 ‎ I'm definitely going to get in touch with these people. ‎ Ø be out of touch with 与…没有联系=have no contact with ‎ I have been out of touch with Susan for about one year. ‎ Ø by turns 轮换地(One after another; alternately) ‎ We clean the classroom by turns.我们轮流打扫教室。 ‎ Ø in turn 反过来=on the contrary ‎ Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. 理论是基于实践的而又服务于实践。‎ Ø be in use (=be used)被使用 ‎ be out of use (=be on longer used)不再被使用 ‎ These implements are in general use.这些工具广被使用。‎ The custom has gone/fallen out of use.这个习俗已被废弃。‎ Ø be/get used to(介词)+名词或动名词,习惯于used adj ‎ We are getting used to the cold weather. ‎ Ø used to+动词原形 过去常做 ‎ We used to go there every year. 我每年都去那儿。 ‎ Ø in vain (=uselessly) 徒劳 ‎ Our labor was in vain. 我们的劳动是白费力气 ‎ Ø by/in virtue of (=as a result of, by means of, via, by way of:) 由于…; 借助…‎ She becomes well off by virtue of a large inheritance. ‎ Ø be in the way (=obstructive) 碍事, 阻碍 ‎ The indecisive man always sees a lion in the way. ‎ Ø ‎(be)under way (=moving forward= in process)正进行 ‎ There are efforts under way to designate the bridge a historic landmark. ‎ The project is still in process. ‎ Ø by way of (=by going through) 经由,取道 ‎ He flew to the Far East by way of the polar route.经由极地航线飞往远东 ‎ Ø by the way顺带地(表转折) ‎ By the way, what happened to the money? 顺便问一句,那笔钱后来怎么样了? ‎ Ø in no way 无论怎样也不… ‎ The plan is in no way practical. 该计划一点也不实际。 ‎ Ø in a way 从某种程度上说 ‎ I like the new styles, in a way. 某种程度上我喜欢这些新款式 ‎ Your composition is well done in a way.你的作文在某种程度上写得很成功。‎ Ø as a whole (=in general) 就整体而论 ‎ I disliked the acting but enjoyed the play as a whole. ‎ Ø on the whole (=generally) 大体上说 ‎ On the whole, it’s a happy ending. ‎ Ø against one’s will 违心地, 违背意愿地 ‎ He was married against his will.他违心地结了婚。‎ Ø at will 随心所欲; ‎ If you can do something at will, you can do it when you want and as much as you want. ‎ Ø word for word (=literally) 逐字地 ‎ Tell me what she said, word for word. ‎ 把她说的一五一十地告诉我。 ‎ Ø in a word总之; ‎ In a word, the situation is serious. ‎ 总而言之,形势很严峻 ‎ Ø in other words 换言之; ‎ In other words, when the wind is blowing at 120 kilometers per hour, most waves will be about twelve meters. ‎ Ø ‎ have a word with sb谈一谈; ‎ I wanted to have a word with him about the Davison project. ‎ Ø have words with sb争吵 ‎ They had words with their neighbours over some trifles. ‎ Ø have the last word (have the final say)有决定权 ‎ I don’t appreciate people who always have to have the last word on everything. ‎ Ø keep one’s word 遵守诺言 ‎ I never fail to keep my word. ‎ Ø work out an idea 出主意; ‎ I will work out an idea from a rough sketch to a finished piece. ‎ Ø work out the amount of…计算出…的数量; ‎ How to work out the amount of CGT you will actually have to pay. ‎ Ø work out a problem解决问题; ‎ You can work out a problem before it's out of control. ‎ Ø work out a puzzle解谜 ‎ This wasn’t like trying to work out a puzzle or new gadget. ‎ Ø at the thought of一想到… ‎ With the Spring Festival just round the corner, your mouth might already be watering at the thought of the coming banquet. ‎ Ø at (the) worst 在最糟的情况下 ‎ At worst we'll have to sell the house so as to settle our debts. ‎ Ø yield to 对…屈服,投降,让步,顺从 ‎ She yielded to temptation and had another chocolate. ‎ Ø be worthy of值得, 配得上 ‎ ‎ He is worthy of our praise. 他值得我们表扬。‎

