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高考听力核心词汇 (一)时间 1.星期 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 2.月份 January February March April May June July August September October November December 3.季节 spring summer autumn winter 4. 世纪和年代 in the 5th century in the 20th century in the 21st century in 1990 in 2012 in 1987 in the 1990s 二十世纪90年代 in the 1870s 十九世纪70年代 5. 其他 工作日weekday 周末 weekend 两周fortnight 今晚tonight 午夜midnight 黎明dawn 黄昏dusk (二) 学科 中文Chinese 英语English 日语Japanese 法语French 西班牙语 Spanish 德语 German 俄语Russian 数学maths 化学chemistry 物理学physics 生物学biology 地理geography 政治politics 历史history 体育P.E. 经济学economics 工程学engineering 地质学geology 心理学psychology 电脑computer IT工程 IT technology 其他:音乐music 文化culture 工业industry 农业agriculture 人口population 技术technology 科学science 绘画painting 电影movie (三)职业 宇航员astronaut 厨师cook 毕业生graduate 图书管理员librarian 售货员shop assistant 司机driver 科学家scientist 会计 accountant 教授professor 讲师lecturer 导演 director 指挥 conductor 建筑师architect 打字员typist 商人businessman 秘书 secretary 士兵soldier 船长captain 服务员(男)waiter 服务员(女)waitress 校长headmaster 农场主farmer 农民peasant 收银员 cashier 经理manager 歌手singer 记者 journalist 导游 guide 音乐家musician 警察 policeman 舞蹈员dancer 病人patient 工程师 engineer 飞行员pilot 摄影师photographer 翻译interpreter 政府公务员government official 画家 painter 军官officer 机修工mechanic 电工electrician 理发师 barber/hairdresser 男售货员salesman 女售货员 saleswoman 电子工程师electronic engineer 牙医dentist 内科医生physician 外科医生 surgeon 护士 nurse 物理学家physicist 化学家chemist 空姐air-hostess 邮递员 postman (四)学位 学士bachelor 硕士master 博士doctor 理学士 bachelor of science 文学士bachelor of arts (五)国家语言和国籍 1 国家/国籍(nationality): China/Chinese America/American Japan/Japanese Britain/British Korea/Korean Germany/German Russia/Russian France/French Canada/Canadian Spain/Spanish Australia/Australian Italy/Italian 瑞典Sweden 巴西Brazil 瑞士Switzerland 新西兰New Zealand 泰国Thailand 2 语言 Chinese English French Japanese German Italian Spanish Russian (六)天气气候 1.气候: climate temperature weather 2.天气: 大风的windy 多云的cloudy 下雨的rainy 有风暴的stormy 阳光灿烂的sunny 大雾的foggy 有雪的snowy 强风strong winds 阵雨 shower 暴风雨storm 暴风雪snowstorm 3.自然灾害:沙尘暴sandstorm 洪水flood 旱灾 drought 台风 typhoon 龙卷风 tornado 飓风 hurricane 海啸tsunami 地震 earthquake (七)家用电器 1 设备 equipment appliance battery furniture ear-phone 2 电器 数码相机digital camera 冰箱refrigerator/fridge 录音机tape-recorder 空调 air-conditioner 洗衣机washing machine 电脑computer 打字机typewriter 炊具 cooker 计算器calculator 手机mobile phone/cell phone (八)货币的写法 500英镑 500 pounds/£500 20美元 20 dollars / $20 2000元 2000 yuan (九)书籍 小说novel 科幻小说science fiction 杰作/名著masterpiece 杂志magazine 参考书reference books 悲剧Tragedy 喜剧 comedy 诗歌 poem 诗 poetry 剧本play 杂志journal 论文essay (十)体育竞技,艺术类 1 体育赛事 奥运会the Olympic Games 亚运会the Asian Games 全运会the National Games 世界杯赛the World Cup 2 运动项目 篮球basketball 排球volleyball 足球football/soccer 羽毛球badminton 兵乓球table-tennis 网球 tennis 游泳 swimming 棒球baseball 保龄球 bowling 跑步 running 去远足go hiking 慢跑 jogging 滑冰skating 滑雪skiing 滑水 water skiing 帆船运动sailing 3体育荣誉 金牌 gold medal 冠军champion 世界冠军称号world championship 4 艺术类 电影节 the film festival 艺术节 the art festival 美术展 art exhibition 电影movie 音乐会concert 戏剧drama 流行歌曲pop songs 民间音乐folk music 歌曲专集 CD album (十一)地点 1 洲: Asia Europe Africa North America South America 2 城市: London Paris Washington New York Hong Kong Sydney Rome 3 地点名词: (学校) 幼儿园kindergarten 小学primary school/elementary school 中学secondary school 技校a technical school 职校a vocational school 学院college 大学 university (购物)department store supermarket shopping center shopping mall bookstore drugstore pay in cash pay by credit card/check (旅游)旅游业tourism 名胜a place of interest 旅游胜地tourist attraction 白金汉宫 Buckingham Palace 故宫the Palace Museum 颐和园 the Summer Palace 长城 the Great Wall 迪士尼乐园 Disneyland 白宫 the White House (交通)机场airport 火车站 railway station 地铁站subway station 地铁underground/subway/metro 售票处ticket office 站台platform 失物招领处lost and found office 停车场 the parking lot 公共交通public transportation 交通卡 transportation card 单程车票single ticket 往返车票return ticket by bus by bicycle by ship by air by train by underground (宾馆餐饮)restaurant five-star hotel 快餐店 snack-bar cafeteria canteen 接待处reception desk 单人房single room 双人房 double room 洗服房laundry room 健身房gymnasium (文化娱乐)艺术中心art center 博物馆 museum 图书馆library 画廊gallery 剧院theater 体育馆 gym / gymnasium 体育场 stadium 城市广场 city square 电影院cinema (其他) 主办城市 host city 主办国 host country 校园 school campus post office 车库garage 宿舍 dormitory (十二)家庭成员 父母parents mother father grandmother grandfather grandchildren 侄子nephew 侄女niece 姨母aunt 叔父uncle 堂兄弟姐妹 cousin (十三)食品 (食品点心类)rice noodle porridge (粥) cake biscuit cookie hamburger sandwich apple pie dessert sea food frozen food 牛排steak 猪肉pork 鸡肉 chicken (饮料类) soft drinks orange juice beer wine coffee tea lemonade (水果类) fruits水果 apple banana grape lemon peach strawberry breakfast lunch supper 正餐dinner 早午餐brunch (十四)服装 1 服装 clothes skirt shirt blouse suit trousers socks stockings boots scarf tie jacket sweater T-shirt glove hat overcoat handkerchief wedding dress(婚纱) evening dress(晚礼服) 2 材质 leather plastic metal steel glass wool silk cotton wooden artificial 3 色彩 pink purple grey yellow green brown light blue bright green dark brown (十五)节日 New Year’s Day Christmas Thanksgiving Day Children’s Day Women’s Day the Mid-Autumn Day the Dragon-boating Day National Day The Spring Festival (十六)新闻用语 rescue team charity security 时事current affairs cooperation air crash traffic accident press conference environment public application civilization facilities harmony international trade natural resources news source volunteer work consumer long-term world peace global warming import export economic crisis (十七)疾病 疾病/人体描述 头痛 headache 牙痛 toothache 发烧 fever 胃痛 stomachache 心脏病heart disease 癌症cancer 检查 examine 胸 chest 肩 shoulder 手臂 arm 嘴 mouth 手指finger 量体温take temperature 中等身材 average 棕色头发brown hair 手术 operation 对话理解中常涉及到地点的关键词以及特殊表达 (1) restaurant: What would you like to order?(想吃些什么?) Would you like to see the menu?(要看一下菜谱吗?) May I have the bill, please?(请把帐单给看一下) What do you want for a drink?(想喝些什么?) A table for two?(两个人?) Reserve a table.(预定餐桌) dessert甜品, course一道菜 pork, salad, cabbage, potato, tomato 身份/关系:waiter/waitress and the customer (2) hotel: check in, check out, double room, single room, room number, service counter, suite(套间),reservation(预定), tip 身份/关系:receptionist and customer/guest porter and customer/guest (3)department store/fashion/boutique: size or color, dress, price, socks, style, sell out,, try on pay in cash pay by credit card / cheque 身份/关系:sales clerk and customer (4)post office: mail a letter, postage(邮资),stamp(邮票),envelope(信封), package/parcel(包裹),registered mail(挂号邮件), express mail(特快邮件),airmail(航空邮件) 身份/关系:post clerk and customer (5)library: borrow a book, return a book, the book is due(所借书到期), renew(续借),catalog(目录卡片),magazine, shelf, fine(罚款) 身份/关系:librarian and student/reader (6)railway station: platform(月台), train number(车 次), single ticket(单程车票), return ticket(往返车票),booking/ticket office 身份/关系:ticket conductor(售票员) and passenger (7)airport: flight number(航班号), take off, gate number(登机厅门号), see sb off, safety belt, land (8)hospital(clinic): prescribe some medicine(开药),run a fever(发烧), sore throat(嗓子疼), take the temperature(量体温), cough(咳嗽) pills/tablets(药片),operation/ surgery bad cold, disease, ill, pain, hurt, examine 身份/关系:doctor/ physician/surgeon/ dentist/ assistant and patient (9) bank: open an account(开帐户),draw/ withdraw money(取钱) ,deposit/savings(存款),interest on the savings(存款利息),check, cash(兑换现金),teller(出纳) 身份/关系:bank clerk and customer 值得关注的惯用法: take it easy(不忙/别着急); It’s out of the question(不可能); It’s out of question(没问题); I can’t agree with you more(我举双手赞成); It’s up to you(这事取决于你/由你来定); Don’t take it for granted(不要想当然地那样认为); It depends(视情况而定); no way(没门/不可能) 查看更多