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专题限时集训二十三 任务型阅读(Ⅱ)‎ ‎(对应学生用书第161页)‎ A ‎(2017·南京、盐城高三二模)“HELL is a city much like London,” said Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1819.Modern academics agree.Last year Dutch researchers showed that city dwellers(居民)have a 21% higher risk of suffering from anxiety disorders than do their calmer rural countrymen,and a 39% higher risk of suffering from mood disorders.But exactly how the inner workings of the urban and rural minds cause this difference has remained unclear—until now.A study just published in Nature by Andreas Meyer Lindenberg of the University of Heidelberg and his colleagues has used a scanning technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging(功能性磁共振成像,简称fMRI)to examine the brains of city dwellers and countrymen when they are under stress.‎ In Dr Meyer Lindenberg's first experiment,participants lying with their heads in a scanner took maths tests that they were bound to fail(the researchers had designed success rates to be just 25%-40% ).To make the experience still more embarrassing,the team provided negative feedback through headphones,all the while checking participants for indications of stress,such as high blood pressure.‎ The city people's general mental health did not differ from that of the rural countrymen.However,their brains dealt with the stress caused by the experimenters in different ways.These differences were noticeable in two regions:the amygdalas(杏仁核)and the perigenual anterior cingulate cortex(前扣带皮层,简称PACC).‎ People living in the countryside had the lowest levels of activity in their amygdalas.Those living in towns had higher levels.City dwellers had the highest.In the case of the PACC,however,what mattered was not where someone was living now,but where he or she was brought up.The more urban a person's childhood,the more active his PACC,regardless of where he was dwelling at the time of the experiment.‎ The amygdalas thus seem to respond to the hereandnow while the PACC is programmed early on,and does not react in the same,flexible way as the ‎ amygdalas.Secondtosecond changes in its activity might,though,be expected to be connected with changes in the amygdalas,because of its role in regulating them.fMRI allows such connections to be measured.‎ In the cases of those brought up in the countryside,regardless of where they now live,the connections were as expected.For those brought up in cities,however,these connections broke down.The regulatory mechanism of the native urbanite,in other words,seems to be out of order.‎ Dr Meyer Lindenberg and his team conducted several more experiments to check their findings.They asked participants to complete more maths tests—and also tests in which they had mentally ups and downs—while investigators scolded them about their performance.The results matched those of the first test.They also studied another group of volunteers,who were given stressfree tasks to complete.These experiments showed no activity in either the amygdalas or the PACC,suggesting that the earlier results were indeed the result of social stress rather than mental effort.‎ As is usually the case in studies of this sort,the sample size was small and the result showed an association,rather than a definite,causal relationship.That association is,nevertheless,interesting.Living in cities brings many benefits,but Dr Meyer Lindenberg's work suggests that Shelley and his fellow Romantics had at least half a point.‎ Title:Do urban brains behave differently from rural ones?‎ Purpose of the research The research was conducted to explain why city dwellers are more likely to 1.________ serious disorders than countrymen.‎ Process of the research Design of the research ‎●The researchers made the participants take difficult maths tests and provided negative feedback,which served as the source of ‎2.____ for the participants. ‎ ‎●Meanwhile the researchers scanned their brains and got indications by a scanning technique called fMRI.‎ Findings of the research ‎●The activity level in the amygdalas is highest in city dwellers,3.________by those living in towns and the countryside.Besides,the amygdalas respond ‎4.________.‎ ‎●The activity level of a person's PACC,regulating the amygdalas,is 5.________ by the place where he was raised,and the PACC works when a person is at a 6.________ age.‎ ‎●The association between the amygdalas and the PACC depends on a person's living 7.________.‎ ‎8.______‎ on the findings Several more experiments were carried out with9.________ results.‎ Conclusion of the research It is the social stress rather than mental effort that leads to mental disorders,so living in cities also bring some 10.________.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了一项研究。该研究发现,城市居民的大脑活动不同于农村居民的大脑活动。这或许解释了城市居民患焦虑症和情感障碍症的概率较高的原因。‎ ‎1.develop/catch/have/suffer [直接信息题。根据第一段中的“Last year Dutch researchers showed that city dwellers(居民)have a 21% higher risk of suffering from anxiety disorders than do their calmer rural countrymen”可知答案。]‎ ‎2.stress/embarrassment [信息转换题。根据第二段中的“To make the experience still more embarrassing” “stress”可知答案。]‎ ‎3.followed [信息归纳题。通过对第四段中的“People living in the countryside had the lowest levels of activity in their amygdalas.Those living in towns had higher levels.City dwellers had the highest”进行概括可知答案。followed by“紧随其后的是”。]‎ ‎4.flexibly/differently [信息转换题。根据第五段中的“...and does not react in the same,flexible way as the amygdalas”可知答案。]‎ ‎5.decided/determined [信息归纳题。根据对第四段中的“what mattered was not where someone was living now,but where he or she was brought up”进行概括可知答案。decide/determine“决定”。]‎ ‎6.young [信息转换题。根据第四段中的“The more urban a person's childhood”可知答案。at a young age“小时候”。]‎ ‎7.environment/surroundings [信息归纳题。根据第四段至第六段的内容可以概括出amygdalas和PACC的关系取决于一个人的生活环境。]‎ ‎8.Checks/Checking [信息转换题。根据第七段中的“Dr Meyer Lindenberg and his team conducted several more experiments to check their findings”可知答案。]‎ ‎9.similar/consistent [信息归纳题。通过对第七段的内容的概括可知所进行的几个实验所得出的结果是类似的(或一致的)。]‎ ‎10.disadvantages/drawbacks/shortcomings [信息归纳题。根据全文内容,尤其是最后一段中的“Living in cities brings many benefits,but ...”可知生活在城市也有弊端。]‎ B ‎(2017·苏锡常镇高三二模 )‎ Molecules(分子)found on phones reveal lifestyle secrets What does your phone say about you? Molecules found on mobile phones ‎ reveal an astonishing amount of information about the owner's health and lifestyle—including their food preferences and medication.‎ Californian scientists found traces of everything from caffeine and spices to skin creams and antidepressants(抗抑郁药物)on 40 phones they tested.We leave traces of molecules,chemicals and bacteria on everything we touch.Even washing hands thoroughly would not prevent the transfer to everyday objects,the researchers said.Using a technique called mass spectrometry(光谱测定),the University of California,San Diego research team tested 500 samples taken from 40 adults' mobile phones and hands.They then compared them with molecules identified in a database and produced a “lifestyle profile” of each phone owner.‎ Dr Amina Bouslimani,an assistant project scientist on the study,said the results were revealing.“By analysing the molecules they left behind on their phones,we could tell if a person is likely to be female,uses highend cosmetics(化妆品),dyes her hair,drinks coffee,prefers beer to wine,likes spicy food,is being treated for depression,wears sunscreen and bug spray—and therefore likely to spend a lot of time outdoors—all kinds of things,” she said.‎ Most of the molecules are thought to be transferred from people's skin,hands and sweat to their phone.Mosquito repellents(驱蚊剂)and sunscreens were found to stay for a particularly long time on people's skin and phones,even when they had not been used for months.Previous research by the same team found that people who had not washed for three days still had lots of traces of health and beauty products on their skin.‎ The study said the testing method could identify an object's owner without fingerprints.It could also check if patients were taking their medication.Besides,it could provide useful information about a person's exposure to pollution.‎ The researchers now want to find out more about the great quantity of bacteria that cover our skin—and what they reveal about us.Senior author Prof Pieter Dorrestein said there were at least 1,000 different microbes living on the average person's skin,in hundreds of locations on the body.‎ Molecules found on phones reveal lifestyle secrets Research result Your mobile phones convey a large amount of information ‎ on your personal health and lifestyle.‎ ‎11.______research People who had not washed for three days still had lots of traces of health and beauty products on their skin.‎ Research 12.______‎ ‎●Molecules,chemicals and bacteria can be traced on mobile phones 13.________the habit of washing hands thoroughly.‎ ‎●With the help of a(n) 14.________, researchers tested 500 samples from 40 phones.‎ ‎●15.________ the samples with molecules identified in a database,scientists produced a “lifestyle profile” of each phone owner.‎ ‎ ●Based on the 16.________ of the molecules,scientists could tell a person's gender,habits,hobbies,etc.‎ Practical application ‎●The testing method can tell an object's owner's 17.________ in the absence of fingerprints.‎ ‎●Information about a person's medication can be checked.‎ ‎●How much a person is 18.________to pollution can be traced.‎ ‎19.______research The researchers want to have a better 20.________of bacteria covering our skin.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。研究发现,手机上的分子会泄露有关其主人的健康和生活方式方面的信息。‎ ‎11.Previous [直接信息题。根据表格右栏的内容及第四段最后一句“Previous research by the same team found that people who had not washed for three days ...on their skin”可知,此处讲的是先前的研究成果。]‎ ‎12.details/information [信息归纳题。根据第二、三段的内容及表格右栏中的信息可知,此处介绍的是研究的具体情况/信息。]‎ ‎13.despite [信息转换题。根据第二段中的“Even washing hands thoroughly would not prevent ...”可知,即使你有彻底洗手的习惯,手机上也会留下分子、化学品和细菌的痕迹。]‎ ‎14.technique [直接信息题。根据第二段中的“Using a technique called mass ‎ spectrometry(光谱测定)”可知,研究人员使用了一种被称作光谱测定法的技术。]‎ ‎15.Comparing [信息转换题。根据第二段最后一句话中的“They then compared them with molecules identified in a database”可知,研究人员将收集的样本与他们在数据库中找到的分子进行了比较。]‎ ‎16.analysis/analyses [信息转换题。根据第三段第二句话中的“By analysing the molecules they left behind on their phones ...”可知,根据对分子的研究分析,研究人员可以辨别一个人的性别、习惯、爱好等。]‎ ‎17.identity/identification [信息转换题。根据第五段第一句话中的“the testing method could identify an object's owner without fingerprints”可知,即使没有指纹,这种测验方式也可以识别出物体的主人的身份。]‎ ‎18.exposed [信息转换题。根据第五段最后一句话中的“...about a person's exposure to pollution”可知,这种测验方式能提供有关一个人接触污染的程度的信息。]‎ ‎19.Future/Further [信息归纳题。根据表格右栏中的信息及最后一段的内容尤其是“find out more about the great quantity of bacteria that cover our skin ...”可知,此处内容有关未来的/进一步的研究。]‎ ‎20.understanding/knowledge [信息转换题。根据最后一段第一句话中的“find out more about the great quantity of bacteria that cover our skin”可知,研究人员想要更好地了解我们皮肤上的细菌。]‎

