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‎2010届高考英语一轮复习精品学案――重点词语辨析900例 一、动词 ‎1.accuse / charge accuse 和charge都有“指责,控告”之意,有时可通用,但结构不一样。accuse不一定针对重大过失或罪行,其结构为accuse sb of sth。而charge一般用于重大过失或罪行,其结构为charge sb with sth,此结构还有“使某人负有……责任”之意。例如:‎ 例1:My father accused me of my being too careless. (父亲责备我太粗心。)‎ 例2:He accused me of neglecting my duty. (他指控我玩忽职守。)‎ 例3:He charged me with neglecting my duty. (同上)‎ 例4:Jimmy was charged with murder. (吉米被控谋杀。)‎ 例5:He was charged with an important task. (他担负有一项重要任务。)‎ ‎2.add / add to / add up / add up to add:增加,把……加上。add…to…:把……加到。例如:‎ 例6:At the end of the party, we added another program.‎ 例7:You needn’t add any water to the medicine.‎ add to:增添。指增添喜悦、悲伤、麻烦等。例如:‎ 例8:His coming added to our trouble. (他的到来给我们添了麻烦。)‎ add up:加起来。例如:‎ 例9:Have you added up all the numbers?‎ add up to:总计。表示加起来的结果,无被动结构。例如:‎ 例10:All the numbers added up to 100.‎ ‎3.advise / suggest advise:建议,劝说。例如:‎ 例11:I advised (his) trying again. (= suggest)‎ 例12:I advised that we (should) try again. (= suggest,虚拟语气。)‎ 例13:I advised him to give up smoking. ‎ 例14:I advised him not to smoke. ‎ 例15:Could you advise us on how to learn English? ‎ 例16:Could you give us some advice on how to learn English?‎ suggest:建议,表明,暗示。例如:‎ 例17:We suggest having a meeting at once. (= advise) ‎ 例18:We suggest that a meeting (should) be held at once. (= advise,虚拟语气。)‎ 例19:His pale face suggests that he is in poor health. (他那苍白的脸色表明他身体欠佳。) ‎ ‎4.agree with / agree to / agree on ‎ agree with:同意,赞成(后接“人”或what从句作宾语);适合,适应;一致。例如: ‎ 例20:I don’t quite agree with you.‎ 例21:Nobody agreed with what he had said at the meeting.‎ 例22:The weather here doesn’t agree with most of us. (这里的天气我们多数人不适应。)‎ 例23:Your words do not agree with your actions. (你的言行不一。)‎ agree to:同意,赞成。指一方同意另一方的意见、建议、观点、想法等。例如:‎ 例24:John can’t agree to Joe’s idea.‎ agree on:对……达成共识。指双方或多方对某事取得一致意见。例如:‎ 例25:Finally John and Joe agreed on the plan.‎ ‎5.allow / permit / let / promise allow:允许,许可。指听任或默许,也可用来表示客气的请求。例如:‎ 例26:Who allowed you to leave the camp?‎ 例27:Smoking is not allowed here. ‎ 例28:Please allow me to introduce myself to you. ‎ permit:允许,许可。通常指正式的许可。例如:‎ 例29:He declared that he would permit me to do so. ‎ allow 和 permit 的含义虽然有所差别,但实际运用中两者常通用。 ‎ let:允许,让。其后的宾语补足语应是不带to的不定式。一般不用于被动语态。例如:‎ 例30:Don’t let this happen again. ‎ 例31:This is not allowed to happen again. (不说:This is not let to happen again.)‎ promise:答应,允诺。用于主动答应自己要做什么的场合。例如:‎ 例32:They promised an immediate reply.‎ 例33:He promised to start at once. ‎ 例34:I promised him to see to the matter right away. ‎ ‎(我答应他马上处理这件事。不定式to see to 是主语I发出的。)‎ ‎6.announce / declare announce:宣布,宣告。常指首次公开或正式宣布人们关心的某件事情。例如:‎ 例35:The government announced that the danger was past. ‎ 例36:It was announced that the national science conference would soon be held in Beijing. ‎ 另外,要表达“向某人宣布某事”,应用announce to sb sth。后接to sb的动词还有say,explain等。例如:‎ 例37:He announced to us the news and then said to us, “Now let me explain to you in details.”‎ ‎(他向我们宣布了这个消息,然后对我们说:“现在让我详细给你们解释吧。”)‎ declare:宣布,声明。指以正式的话语公开宣布某件事。例如:‎ 例38:The chairman declared the exhibition open. (主席宣布展览会开幕。) ‎ ‎7.answer / reply answer:回答,回应。例如:‎ 例39:“Tom!” No one answered.‎ 例40:Please answer the door-bell. (请去开门。)‎ 例41:He answered that he knew nothing about it.‎ 例42:No one was able to answer him a word.‎ reply:回答,答复。‎ 作不及物动词时,后需接to再接宾语;作及物动词时,后直接接that从句或what从句,或用于倒装句。例如:‎ 例43:He replied to me, “I need the answer to the exercise.”‎ 例44:He replied that he would not go.‎ 例45:Not a word did she reply.(她一句话也不应。)‎ answer当名词用时,与reply一样,要接to。例如:‎ 例46:He made no answer / reply to his questions.‎ ‎8.appear / look / seem ‎ appear:显得,好像。有时含有表面上显得,而事实未必的意味。例如:‎ 例47:This kind of apples appears good, but in fact it tastes sour.‎ ‎(这种苹果看起来好,实际吃起来酸。)‎ seem:好像。暗示判断有一定根据,往往接近事实。例如:‎ 例48:You seem to have made the same mistake again this time. ‎ ‎(你这次似乎又犯了同样的错误。)‎ 例49:It seems that it is going to rain soon.‎ look:好像。表示凭感觉作出的判断。例如: ‎ 例50:What’s wrong with you? You look pale.‎ 例51:It looks like rain. (看来要下雨了。)‎ ‎9.argue / quarrel argue:辩论,争论。指提出理由或论据以支持或反驳某种意见或主张,着重说理。如:‎ 例52:What are you arguing about? ‎ 例53:I argued with him the whole day. ‎ quarrel:争论,争吵,吵架。例如:‎ 例54:It’s unwise to quarrel with your boss about that. (为那件事同你老板争吵是不明智的。)‎ ‎10.arrive / reach / get ‎ arrive,reach和get都有“到达”的意思。arrive通常与介词at或in连用,它和reach是比较正式的用语;reach是及物动词;get通常与介词to连用,在口语中常用。arrive和get后接副词(如here, there, home等)时,不用介词。reach和arrive at还有“达成(协议),作出(决定)”的意思。例如:‎ 例55:When we arrived at the station, the train had left.‎ 例56:At five, they arrived in Beijing.‎ 例57:The letter didn’t reach me until yesterday.‎ 例58:At what time did you get to the post office? ‎ 例59:The two sides failed to reach / arrive at an agreement after several hours’ discussion.‎ ‎(几个小时的讨论后,双方还是没能达成一致意见。)‎ ‎11.ask / inquire / question ‎ ask:问(ask sb sth或ask sth of sb);请求(ask sb to do sth);要,索取(ask for sth)。例如:‎ 例60:May I ask you some questions? ‎ 例61:Why did he ask you to come again? ‎ 例62:Did he ask for anything?‎ inquire:问,询问。它与ask同义,但是比较正式的用语;与into连用时,表示“查究,调查”‎ 的意思。例如:‎ 例63:I have inquired of him whether he could help me. (我已经问过他能否帮我。) ‎ 例64:We must inquire into the matter. (=look into,我们必须调查此事。) ‎ question:提问,质问,审问,怀疑。例如:‎ 例65:At first the girls read a chapter from their books, and then the teacher began to question them.‎ 例66:I question whether he was once questioned by the police.‎ ‎(我怀疑他是否曾被警方审问过。)‎ ‎12.be about to do sth / be to do sth be about to do:即将,正要做……。不加任何时间短语。例如:‎ 例67:We were about to start when suddenly it began to rain.‎ be to do:计划,约定;应该。例如:‎ 例68:We are to start tomorrow. ‎ 例69:What is to be done next?(下一步做什么?)‎ ‎13.be careful of / be careful with be careful of:小心,当心,留神,注意。例如:‎ 例70:The public were warned to be careful of rats. (公众被警告要当心老鼠。)‎ be careful with:细心,注意。指细心地处理或对付某人或某事。例如:‎ 例71:You’d better be careful with your work / pronunciation. (你得注意你的工作/发音。)‎ ‎14.be familiar with / be familiar to be familiar with:对……熟悉。例如:‎ 例72:Most of us are familiar with the pop star.‎ 例73:John was very familiar with this kind of situation.‎ be familiar to:对……来说是熟悉的;为……所熟知。例如:‎ 例74:The pop star is familiar to most of us.‎ 例75:This kind of situation was all too familiar to John. (=very familiar)‎ ‎15.be known for / be known as / be known to ‎ be known for:因……而出名。例如:‎ 例76:Our town is known for its stones.‎ be known as:作为……而出名。例如:‎ 例77:The town is known as a stone town.‎ be known to:被……知晓,了解。例如:‎ 例78:The hot spring city is known to every one of them.‎ ‎16.be made of ( from / out of ) / be made into / be made up / be made up of be made of:由……制成。用于由产品可以看出原材料。例如:‎ 例79:The desk is made of wood.‎ be made from:由……制成。用于由产品看不出原材料。例如:‎ 例80:Paper is made from wood. ‎ be made out of:由……制成。例如:‎ 例81:The desk / Paper is made out of wood. ‎ be made into:制成……。例如: ‎ 例82:Wood can be made into desks / paper.‎ be made up:由……编成。例如:‎ 例83:Don’t believe him; the whole story was made up. (别信他的,整个过程都是捏造的。)‎ be made up of (=consist of):由……组成。例如: ‎ 例84:This desk is made up of / consists of twelve pieces of wood.‎ ‎17.be tired of / be tired from / be tired out ‎ be / get tired of:对……厌倦。例如:‎ 例85:I am really tired of your words! (你的话我听腻了!)‎ be tired from:因……疲倦。例如: ‎ 例86:I was so tired from climbing the hill that I fell asleep the moment my head touched the pillow. (我爬山太累了,所以头一碰枕头/一躺下就睡着了。)‎ be tired out:筋疲力尽。相当于be worn out。例如: ‎ 例87:We were tired out when we climbed over the high mountain. ‎ ‎18.believe / believe in / depend on ‎ believe:相信(指信某人的言语);认为(相当于be sure)。例如:‎ 例88:Don’t believe him; he’s lying. (别听他的,他在说谎。)‎ 例89:I believe they’ll succeed in the end.‎ believe in:信任(指胜任某人);信仰(指信仰真理、主张、宗教等)。例如:‎ 例90:Don’t believe in him; he’s always lying. (不可信任他,他老说谎。)‎ 例91:I believe what she said, but I don’t believe in her. (我相信她所说的,但我不信任她。)‎ 例92:We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves.‎ ‎(我们得工作,最重要的是我们得信任自己。)‎ 例93:Most of them believe in God.‎ depend on:信任(相当于believe in或trust);依靠(相当于live on);取决于。例如:‎ 例94:He is a man to depend on / believe in / trust. (他是个可信任的人。)‎ 例95:Do you still depend on / live on your parents? (你还靠父母吗?)‎ 例96:Everything depends on the weather tomorrow. (一切取决于明天的天气。)‎ ‎19.borrow / lend ‎ borrow:借,借用。指借入,不带双宾语。结构:borrow sth from sb。例如:‎ 例97:Can I borrow your pen?‎ 例98:He borrows money from me frequently.‎ lend:把……借给。指借出,可带双宾。结构:lend sb sth =lend sth to sb。例如: ‎ 例99:Could you lend me your pen?‎ 例100:Will you lend your bike to me?‎ ‎20.bring / take / fetch / get / carry ‎ bring:带来。例如:‎ 例101:Bring the book here tomorrow.‎ take:拿走。例如:‎ 例102:Don’t take the magazines out of the reading-room.‎ fetch:去拿来。例如:‎ 例103:Go downstairs and fetch me some water.‎ get:去拿来。与fetch同义,但较口语化。例如:‎ 例104:She got him a good doctor. (她为他请来了一位好医生。)‎ carry:携带。指随身携带,如捧、抱、扛、运等。例如:‎ 例105:He carried a bag of rice on his shoulder.‎ 例106:He often carries a pocket dictionary when he goes out.‎ ‎(他出门时经常带着一本袖珍词典。)‎ ‎21.build / put up / set up ‎ build:建设,建筑。常用于建造房屋、桥梁、道路等,也用于建设国家、城市等。如:‎ 例107:A new bridge was built in this village last month.‎ 例108:We are building a socialist country.‎ put up:建设,搭建。侧重于搭盖临时性的建筑物;在现代英语中,可与build通用。还有“张贴,挂起,举起”等意思。例如:‎ 例109:They had to put up the tents before dark.‎ 例110:If you have any questions, please put up (=raise) your hands.‎ 例111:Why not put up a notice on the wall there?‎ set up:建设,创建。常用于创立组织、机构、团体、学校、工厂、公司等。例如:‎ 例112:Another night school was set up. (又一所夜校建起来了。)‎ 例113:They set up a committee to look into the matter. (他们成立了委员会来调查这件事。)‎ ‎22.care / mind ‎ care:关切,忧虑,在乎。care about:在乎,关心。care for:喜欢,照顾。例如:‎ 例114:He failed in the exam, but he doesn’t seem to care (about it).‎ ‎(他没能通过考试,但他似乎一点也不在乎。)‎ 例115:Tom doesn’t care what they say.‎ 例116:He cares about nothing but money. (他只在乎钱。)‎ 例117:Would you care for another drink? (想再来一杯饮料吗?)‎ 例118:The children are being well cared for (=looked after).‎ Mind:当心,注意(用于肯定句);介意,反对(用于疑问句或否定句)。例如:‎ 例119:Mind your own business.‎ 例120:Would you mind my/me turning on the radio? (介意我打开收音机吗?)‎ ‎23.catch / catch up with catch:赶上。尤指赶车。例如:‎ 例121:He got up early in order to catch the first bus. ‎ catch up with:赶上。指经过努力赶上同类水平,与keep up with同义。例如:‎ 例122:We must double our efforts to catch / keep up with the developed countries.‎ ‎(我们必须加倍努力以赶上发达国家。)‎ ‎24.catch / seize / hold / catch hold of catch:抓住,捉住;赶上(车)。常指从空中抓住某物,或指捕捉等。如:‎ 例123:He caught the ball and shot the basket. (他抓住球,投篮。)‎ 例124:We caught lots of fish today. ‎ 例125:I got up early so that I could catch the first bus.‎ seize:抓住(指用力猛抓);捉拿,逮捕。例如:‎ 例126:It’s a pity that I didn’t seize the chance.‎ 例127:Immediately the thief was seized and sent to the police station.‎ hold:握住,手持,抱着。例如:‎ 例128:She was holding an umbrella.‎ 例129:At that moment I held him by the arm. (就在这一刻我抓住了他的手臂。)‎ catch hold of:抓住,抓牢。指抓住某物不放手,相当于get hold of。例如:‎ 例130:Be sure to catch hold of the rope.‎ ‎25.catch fire / be on fire / cause fire / set fire to sth / set sth on fire catch fire:着火(指自然着火,无被动结构)。be on fire:着火(指状态)。cause fire:起火(引起火灾)。set fire to sth / set sth on fire:放火,纵火(指人为的)。例如:‎ 例131:The store caught fire at 5:00 this morning, and it was on fire for nearly half an hour. Nobody knows what caused the fire or who set it on fire / set fire to it. (商店早上5点着火,烧了近半个小时,没人知道是什么引起这场火灾或是谁放了这把火。)‎ ‎26.collect / gather ‎ gather:收集,聚集;采摘。指把零散的东西集中到一起。宾语通常可以是人,也可以是物。例如:‎ 例132:She is gathering wild flowers in the field.‎ 例133:Please gather the students for me.‎ 例134:He wants to gather money for a motorbike. (他想攒钱买一辆摩托车。)‎ collect:收集,集合。指精心地、有选择地收集;作为该意思时,其宾语只能是物。例如:‎ 例135:Are you fond of collecting stamps?‎ 例136:They are collecting money for the kids in those poor areas.‎ ‎(他们正在为贫困地区的孩子们集资。)‎ 注意:作为不及物动词时,两者可以互用。例如:‎ 例137:We’ll gather / collect at the gate of the school at 8:‎00 a.m. tomorrow.‎ ‎27.compare with / compare to compare with:把……和……相比。例如: ‎ 例138:Can you compare this word with that one?‎ compare to:比喻为,把……比作;把……和……相比。例如:‎ 例139:Young people are usually compared to the rising sun. (年轻人常被比作初升的太阳。)‎ 例140:Don’t compare your toys to / with others’ all the time.‎ ‎(别老是把你的玩具和别人的比。)‎ compared to / with:比起来,与……相比。过去分词短语作状语,介词用to / with均可。例如:‎ 例141:Compared to / with other people, you were indeed very fortunate.‎ ‎(比起其他人,你算够幸运的了。)‎ ‎28.contain / include contain:包含(全部),容纳。include:包括(部分)。例如:‎ 例142:Senior Book One contains twelve units, including two (units) chosen from the old textbook.‎ 例143:This atlas contains forty maps, including three of Great Britain.‎ ‎(这地图集含有四十幅地图,包括英国地图三幅在内。)‎ 例144:How much does this bottle contain? (这瓶能装多少?)‎ ‎29.cost / spend / pay / buy / charge / sell cost:花费,付出代价。通常以事物作主语,即sth+ cost + (sb) + 金钱、时间、劳力或其他代价。例如:‎ 例145:The book cost me $10.‎ 例146:Careless driving cost him his life. (粗心驾驶使他付出了生命的代价。)‎ spend:花费。主语是人,可以指花金钱,也可以指花时间。spend的用法:sb + spend +时间+ (in) + v-ing / sb + spend +金钱 (时间) + on sth。例如:‎ 例147:I spent $10 on the book. ‎ 例148:I spent two hours (in) finishing the composition. 比较:‎ 例149:It took me two hours to finish the composition.‎ pay:付款。例如:‎ 例150:I paid $10 for the book.‎ buy:买。例如:‎ 例151:I bought the book for $10. ‎ charge:收费。例如:‎ 例152:They charged me $10 for the book. (买这本书,他们收我十美元。)‎ sell:卖。例如:‎ 例153:They sold me the book for $10.‎ ‎30.cure / treat / heal ‎ cure:治愈(疾病),后常接介词of。例如:‎ 例154:The new medicine cured (him of) his heart trouble. (这种新药治愈了他的心脏病。)‎ treat:治疗。强调用药物或医疗手段进行医治的过程,并不表示治疗的结果。后常接介词for。另外还有“对待”的意思,后常接as。例如:‎ 例155:It was difficult to treat patients (for their diseases) because of a shortage of medicine.‎ ‎(由于缺少药物,所以很难给病人治疗。)‎ 例156:He treats the orphan as his own son. (他把那个孤儿当作自己的亲生儿子看待。)‎ heal:治愈(外伤)。例如:‎ 例157:It took three months for my arm to heal properly.‎ ‎31.die of / die from die of:死于。常指由于疾病、饥饿、情感等原因而死亡。例如:‎ 例158:Many of them died of hunger during the voyage.‎ 例159:The old woman died of grief soon after her husband’s death. ‎ die from:死于。常指除了疾病或情感以外的原因造成的死亡,及因某种具体疾病造成的死亡。例如:‎ 例160:In big cities during cold winter months, many old people die from the polluted air. ‎ 例161:It is said that he died from / of heart attack.‎ ‎32.discover / invent / create ‎ discover:发现(它的对象原来就存在)。invent:发明(被发明的东西原来不存在)。create:创造。例如:‎ 例162:It is well known that Madame Curie discovered the element radium.‎ 例163:As is known to all, Thomas Edison invented the electric lamp. ‎ 例164:As we know, Shakespeare created quite a number of wonderful characters in his plays.‎ ‎33.disturb / interrupt / trouble disturb:打扰,扰乱(使无法正常进行)。例如:‎ 例165:The loud noise disturbed his thought.‎ interrupt:打扰;打断,中断。例如:‎ 例166:Sorry to interrupt you, but I have an urgent message.‎ trouble:使麻烦(指心情上苦恼或行动上带来不便)。例如:‎ 例167:Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. (别自寻麻烦。)‎ ‎34.dress / put on / wear / have on / be in ‎ dress:穿衣,穿着。可用作及物动词,“人”当宾语;可用作不及物动词;可用be dressed表示穿着状况。例如:‎ 例168:The baby isn’t old enough to dress itself. (这孩子还小,无法自己穿衣服。)‎ 例169:He rose, dressed quickly and hurried to school.‎ 例170:She is well dressed today.‎ 例171:The girl was dressed in pink last night. (昨晚这女孩穿着一身粉红色的衣服。)‎ 例172:The girl dressed herself in pink last night.‎ put on:穿上(衣服),上演。表示动作。例如:‎ 例173:Better put on your coat; it’s cold outside.‎ 例174:A new play will be put on at the Grand Theatre.‎ wear:穿着,佩戴。表示状态,包括穿着衣物、佩戴首饰以及留头发、胡须等。例如:‎ 例175:Can you recognize the woman wearing sunglasses over there?‎ ‎(你能认出那边那个戴太阳镜的妇女吗?)‎ 例176:I don’t understand why he wears long hair now.‎ have on:穿。表示状态,穿着衣物,不用于进行时态;也意为“有事;有约会”。如:‎ 例177:The foolish emperor had nothing on that day.‎ 不说:We’re having on school clothes today.‎ 例178:Sorry, I can’t help you this weekend. I’ve too much on already. ‎ ‎(对不起,这周末我不能帮你,我有很多事。)‎ be in:穿。表示状态,其后常接表示颜色或服装、眼镜的词作宾语。例如:‎ 例179:The boy in white is one of my classmates.‎ 例180:He is in uniform today. (他今天穿着制服。)‎ ‎35.employ / hire / rent ‎ employ:雇用。较正式用语,指较长期雇用,宾语一般是人。例如:‎ 例181:Karl was employed by a car rental agency. (卡尔受雇于一家汽车出租公司。)‎ hire:雇用,租用。较普通用语,指短期雇用、租用。例如:‎ 例182:The store-keeper hired 10 girls for the Christmas rush.‎ ‎(为应对圣诞节前的购物热,店主雇用了十个女孩来帮忙。)‎ 例183:During the holiday they hired a boat and went fishing.‎ rent:出租。指长时间租用、出租房屋、场地等。例如:‎ 例184:She has rented the house to a young couple. (她已把这房子出租给一对年轻夫妇。)‎ ‎36.fall / drop ‎ fall:下落,下降;重伤死亡或倒下(用作不及物动词)。drop:滴落,掉下;疲劳倒下(用作不及物动词或及物动词)。例如:‎ 例185:He suddenly fell / dropped to the ground.‎ 例186:The price of oil has fallen / dropped by $ 2 each barrel. (油价每桶下降了两美元。)‎ 例187:Hundreds of soldiers fell in this battle. (数以百计的士兵在这次战斗中牺牲。)‎ 例188:He dropped in the chair the moment he got home. (他一到家就累倒在椅子上。)‎ ‎37.feed on / feed with feed on:靠……为生。相当于live on。例如:‎ 例189:Sheep feed mainly on grass. (绵羊主要吃草。)‎ feed with:喂养。指喂养的具体动作。例如:‎ 例190:He is now feeding his sheep with grass. (他在用草喂羊。)‎ ‎38.fight against ( with) / fight for fight against:与……战斗, 反对……的战争,可与fight with互用;但fight with还可表示“和……并肩作战”。例如:‎ 例191:They are making great efforts to fight against / with pollution.‎ 例192:In World War II, the British fought with the French and the Americans against the Germans.(在第二次世界大战中,英国人同法国人、美国人一起与德国人交战。)‎ fight for:为(争取)……而战斗。例如: ‎ 例193:The slaves were fighting for freedom.‎ 例194:He said he would fight for his motherland.‎ ‎39.find / find out / look for ‎ find:发现(无意识地);找到(有意识地,是look for的结果)。例如:‎ 例195:When I got there, I found my pocket picked. (当我到那里时,发现口袋被扒了。)‎ 例196:Scientists have found new ways to clean waste. (科学家已找到清理废物的新途径。)‎ find out:查明,查出。指经过探听、询问、调查之后查明、弄清。例如:‎ 例197:Please find out who broke the window. (请查清楚是谁打破窗户的。)‎ look for:寻找。例如:‎ 例198:I have been looking for my pocket dictionary, but I haven’t found it yet.‎ ‎(我一直在找我的袖珍词典,但是还没找到。)‎ ‎40.forget / leave / remain forget:忘了(带某物)。例如:‎ 例199:Oh no, I’ve forgotten my key to the office.‎ leave:把(某物 / 某人)忘 / 留在某地(后面要跟地点)。例如:‎ 例200:Oh no, I’ve left my key at the office.‎ 例201:Don’t leave your child alone at home.‎ remain:(某人)留下来;仍然(保持)。例如:‎ 例202:The refugees were allowed to remain in that area. (允许难民留在那个地区。)‎ 例203:The boy remained silent.‎ ‎41.go out / be out / put out go out:熄灭(自然熄灭,无被动结构)。be out:熄灭(表示状态)。put out:扑灭。例如:‎ 例204:The light went out suddenly, and it has been out for quite a long time.‎ 例205:The big forest fire was put out at last.‎ 例206:Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to go out.‎ ‎(没人注意到小偷溜进了房子里,因为当时灯刚好熄灭。)‎ 例207:When the firefights arrived, the fire had gone out / been put out.‎ ‎(消防队员到达时,火已经熄灭/被扑灭。)‎ ‎42.happen / occur / take place / come about happen:发生。带有偶然、未能预见的意思,主语为事;当针对人时,意为“碰巧”。例如:‎ 例208:This happened on a December evening.‎ 例209:What happened to him?‎ 例210:I happened to meet Tom in the street when I went shopping today.‎ 例211:It happened that I met Tom in the street when I went shopping today.‎ occur:发生(既表示偶然地,也表示必然地);被想到。例如:‎ 例212:When did the accident occur?‎ 例213:The tide occurs this time every year. (潮水每年这个时候出现。)‎ 例214:A fresh idea suddenly occurred to me. (我突然有个新主意。)‎ take place:发生。指事先布置或策划好而后发生。例如: ‎ 例215:The May 4th Movement took place in 1919.‎ come about:产生。指自然产生。例如:‎ 例216:How do the differences between British English and American English come about?‎ ‎43.hear / listen ‎ hear:听见;听说。它既可以表示偶然听见,也可以表示有意识听的结果;用作“听说”的意思时,后接宾语从句。listen:听,倾听。它是不及物动词,常与to连用;侧重听的过程。例如:‎ 例217:I was walking along the street when I heard my name called. (此处是无意识听到)‎ 例218:I hear (that) he’ll be back in an hour. (此处是听说)‎ 例219:He listened but could hear nothing. (此处是有意识听的结果)‎ 例220:Speak louder so that everyone can hear you clearly.‎ 例221:Speak louder to make yourself heard. (讲大声点,以便能使你的声音让别人听到。)‎ 例222:The music is well worth listening to.‎ ‎44.hear of / hear from ‎ hear of:听说(人或事)。其后常接名词或代词。例如:‎ 例223:I’ve never heard of such a man.‎ hear from:得到(某人的)音信,收到(某人的)来信。例如:‎ 例224:Have you heard from him recently? ‎ 例225:I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.‎ ‎45.help / aid / assist ‎ help:帮助,帮忙。是普通用语,常用在日常谈话中。例如:‎ 例226:May I help you with your luggage? ‎ 例227:We helped him (to) mend his bicycle. ‎ aid:帮助,援助。是比较正式的用语。例如:‎ 例228:The flooded areas were aided by many countries. (灾区得到许多国家的援助。) ‎ assist:帮助,协助。是比较正式的用语,强调起协助作用;其名词assistant是“助手”的意思。例如:‎ 例229:She assisted me in the experiments. (她协助我做实验。) ‎ ‎46.hope / wish / expect / long / desire ‎ hope:希望。常用词语,其后不能接不定式复合结构。例如:‎ 例230:I hope to visit China again.‎ 例231:I hope you’ll visit China again.‎ 不说:I hope you to visit China again.‎ wish:盼望。常用于比较难于实现的愿望。例如:‎ 例232:I wish to visit China again!‎ 例233:I wish you to visit China again!‎ 例234:I wish you would visit China again! (此处有虚拟的含义)‎ expect:期盼,期待。例如:‎ 例235:I am expecting you to visit China again!‎ long:渴望。例如:‎ 例236:I am longing to visit China again!‎ 例237:I am longing for you to visit China again! (意思同235)‎ 例238:She is longing for the chance to speak to him in private.‎ ‎(她渴望有机会能私下里跟他交谈。)‎ desire:愿望,欲望。相当于hope for,wish for,long for。例如:‎ 例239:We all desire happiness and health.‎ ‎47.hurt / injure / wound / harm / damage / destroy ‎ hurt:伤害(常用词,包括外伤和感情伤害);疼痛(此时用作不及物动词)。例如:‎ 例240:I hurt myself in the leg when I fell off the bike the other day, and it still hurts now.‎ ‎(前几天我从自行车上摔下,伤着腿,现在还疼着呢。)‎ 例241:I am afraid your words have hurt him.‎ injure:受伤。常指意外或事故伤害。例如:‎ 例242:Several people were injured in the traffic accident.‎ wound:受伤。常指战争场合的伤害,如枪伤、刀伤等。例如:‎ 例243:His father was wounded in the war 30 years ago.‎ harm:危害。例如:‎ 例244:In my point of view, the rain will harm our crops. ‎ ‎(依我看来,这雨对我们的庄稼有害。)‎ 例245:Reading in dim light will harm your eyes. (在昏暗的灯光下看书会损害眼睛。)‎ damage:损害。常指不完全地破坏;侧重人为过失;不用于指人。例如:‎ 例246:The car was slightly damaged in the accident.‎ destroy:毁坏。常指严重地,甚至毁灭性地摧毁;侧重外界力量;可用于指人或物。也可以指希望、计划等破灭。例如:‎ 例247:Thousands of houses were destroyed in the earthquake.‎ 例248:His hope of being a writer was destroyed. (他想成为一个作家的希望破灭了。)‎ ‎48.interview / cover / report / broadcast interview:采访(某人);面试。例如:‎ 例249:The winner was interviewed by a lot of reporters there.‎ 例250:We’re interviewing six candidates(候选人)for the job.‎ cover:采访,报道(某事)。例如:‎ 例251:He was sent to cover the whole event.‎ report:报告,报道(某事)。例如:‎ 例252:We aim to report news to the people as fairly as possible.‎ ‎(我们旨在尽量公正地向人们报道新闻。)‎ 例253:Journalists in Cairo reported that seven people had been shot.‎ broadcast:广播。例如:‎ 例254:The interview was broadcast live across Europe. (这次采访在全欧洲现场直播。)‎ ‎49.join / join sb in / join in join:参加。指加入某种团体、机构等。‎ 例255:When did you join the Party? (你是什么时候入党的?)‎ join sb in:参加。指和某人一起参与某种活动。‎ 例256:Will you join us in the party? (要不要和我们一起参加晚会?)‎ join in:参加。指参与某种活动。‎ 例257:Will you join in our party? (要不要参加我们的晚会?)‎ ‎50.know / get to know / recognize know:认识,了解。既可以表示“认识”的那一刻,也可以表示“认识”的过程。get to know:认识,结识。表示“认识”的那一刻。recognize:认出。例如:‎ 例258:I got to know him three years ago, that is, I have known him for three years. But strange enough, I couldn’t recognize him the other day when I met him. (三年前我认识他,也就是说,我已认识他三年了;但很奇怪,那一天我遇到他时,却认不出他来。)‎ ‎51.lie / lay ‎(注意动词变化形式)‎ 动词原形 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 中文意思 lie lay lain lying 躺下;位于 lie lied lied lying 说谎 lay laid laid laying 安放;下蛋 例259:The boy who lay on the table lied to me that the hen lying there laid two eggs that day.‎ ‎(躺在桌面上的那男孩对我撒谎说,蹲在那里的母鸡当天下了两个蛋。)‎ ‎52.lie in / lie on / lie to lie in:位于(属于,包含其中)。lie to:位于(不属于,隔开)。lie on:位于(接壤,比邻关系)。例如: ‎ 例260:Fujian lies in the southeast of China, to the west of Taiwan, and on the east of Jiangxi.‎ ‎53.lose / miss lose:丢失,失去;迷路。例如:‎ 例261:She lost her way in the mist(雾).‎ miss:丢失;不见;错过;遗漏;想念。例如:‎ 例262:—When did you lose your purse? (你什么时候丢了钱包?)‎ ‎—I don’t know. When I got home, I found it missing. ‎ ‎(不知道。我到家时,发现钱包不见了。)‎ 例263:It’s a very interesting film; you mustn’t miss it. ‎ ‎(这是一部很有趣的电影,千万别错过了。)‎ ‎54.prepare / prepare for / make preparations for / be prepared for prepare:准备。prepare for / make preparations for (=get ready for):为……而准备。be prepared for (=be ready for):准备好做……。例如:‎ 例264:I am preparing my lessons. (我在准备功课。此处未说明准备功课为了什么。)‎ 例265:I am preparing for the exam. (我在为考试做准备。此处未说明准备什么。)‎ 本句相当于:I am making preparations for the exam. ‎ 例266:I am preparing my lessons for the exam. (我在为考试而准备功课。)‎ 例267:I am well prepared for the exam.( 这场考试我已做好充分准备。)‎ ‎55.protect / prevent protect:保护。例如:‎ 例268:The villagers were planting trees to protect the crops from the strong wind.‎ ‎(为保护庄稼免受强风侵害,村民在植树。)‎ prevent:阻止。例如:‎ 例269:The villagers were planting trees to prevent the strong wind from harming the crops.‎ ‎56.raise / lift / rise / arise raise:举起(由下往上);提出;饲养。例如:‎ 例270:In order to make himself heard, he raised his voice.‎ 例271:Many shops raised their prices during the Christmas period.‎ 例272:The boy is not strong enough to raise the heavy box.‎ 例273:I’ll raise the question at tomorrow’s meeting. (我会在明天的会议上提出这个问题。)‎ 例274:Raising pigs is his full-time job. (养猪是他的专职工作。)‎ lift:提起(由上)。例如:‎ 例275:He lifted a stone, only to drop it on his own foot.(他搬石头砸自己的脚。)‎ 例276:She went shopping, lifting a basket. (她提着箩筐,购物去了。)‎ rise:上升(相当于go up);起身(相当于stand up);起床(相当于get up)。例如:‎ 例277:Prices rise day by day. (价格一天天上涨。)‎ 例278:Sales rose by 20% over the Christmas period.‎ 例279:The sun rises in the east. ‎ 例280:The old lady was too weak to rise.‎ 例281:I was about to rise when another guest came in. ‎ ‎(我正要起身,这时又进来一位客人。)‎ 例282:Thomson rises at 6:00 every morning.‎ arise是不及物动词,主要意义为“出现,产生”,常用于借喻。例如:‎ 例283:Some new difficulties have recently arisen in our work.‎ ‎(最近在我们的工作中又出现了一些新困难。)‎ 例284:A strong wind arose and blew over our boat. (一阵狂风吹起,刮翻了我们的小船。)‎ ‎57.receive / accept receive:收到,获得;款待,遭受。例如:‎ 例285:Yesterday we received his e-mail, telling us that he was well received by the native students while he was receiving further education in the States.‎ ‎(昨天我们收到他的电子邮件,说他在美国进修期间,很受当地学生的欢迎。)‎ accept:接受,答应。例如:‎ 例286:He didn’t accept the invitation he received yesterday.‎ 例287:I cannot accept you as my assistant. (我不能接收你为助手。)‎ ‎58.remember / remind / memorize ‎ remember:记忆,回忆。表示过去的事情留在记忆里,无需经过有意识的努力便可在脑子中出现。例如:‎ 例288:I remember paying him already. (我记得已给他报酬了。)‎ 例289:Please remember to turn off the lights when you leave the office.‎ ‎(离开办公室时请记得关灯。)‎ memorize:记住,熟记。相当于learn … by heart。例如:‎ 例290:Please memorize the first paragraph of the passage. (请熟记本文的第一段。)‎ remind:提醒,使想起。表示由相似之物或相关人员引起联想,唤起记忆。例如:‎ 例291:The song reminded me of my childhood. (这首歌使我想起了我的童年。) ‎ ‎59.require / demand / request require,demand和request都有“要求”的意思,其宾语从句多用虚拟语气。require侧重于制度方面的要求;demand侧重于理直气壮的要求;request侧重于客气的要求。如:‎ 例292:It is required that everybody (should) go to school at 7:00. (要求每个人7点到校。)‎ 例293:The workers demanded that they (should) be given a rise. (工人们要求加工资。)‎ 例294:All I request of you is that you (should) be early. (我对你的要求就是你应该早点来。)‎ ‎60.result in / result from ‎ result in:导致,引起。相当于lead to,cause。例如:‎ 例295:Careless driving resulted in the accident. (粗心驾驶导致这场事故。)‎ result from:由于,产生于。相当于lie in。例如:‎ 例296:The accident resulted from careless driving. (这场事故是由于粗心驾驶造成的。)‎ ‎61.rob / steal / pick rob:抢劫,掠夺,指公开用暴力抢劫他人财物,常用于rob somebody / someplace of something结构。例如:‎ 例297:He was robbed of his wallet.‎ steal:偷窃(指暗中窃取),常用于steal something from somebody / someplace结构。例如:‎ 例298:Robins is accused of stealing thousands of dollars from his employer.‎ 例299:When he got home he found his TV set stolen. 比较:‎ 例300:When he got home he found his house robbed. ‎ ‎(此处不能用stolen,房子不可能被偷走,偷走的只能是东西。)‎ pick:扒窃(常与pocket连用)。例如:‎ 例301:Someone picked my pocket on the bus the other day.‎ ‎62.run out / run out of ‎ run out:耗尽。其后不接宾语,无被动结构,相当于give out。例如:‎ 例302:Our oil has run out.‎ run out of:耗尽。其后应接宾语,有被动结构,相当于use up。例如:‎ 例303:We have run out of our oil.‎ 例304:Our oil has been run out of. ‎ ‎63.say / speak / talk / tell ‎ say:说。常用作及物动词,对某人说用say to sb。例如:‎ 例305:What you said is wrong. ‎ 例306:How do you say it in English?‎ 例307:He said to me, “I will come here soon.” ‎ speak:讲。除讲某种语言以外,不用作及物动词,其后常跟to, with, on, of等引起的短语。例如:‎ 例308:He is speaking at the meeting. ‎ 例309:You oughtn’t to have spoken to your uncle like that. ‎ 例310:He speaks English well. ‎ talk:谈。指两人或两人以上的一般交谈,一般用作不及物动词,但在有些习语中作及物动词用。例如:‎ 例311:What are you talking about?‎ 例312:Let’s talk business. (我们谈正事吧。)‎ tell:告诉,区分,判断,预言。常用作及物动词。例如:‎ 例313:Tell Bill the news when you meet him.‎ 例314:Tell Bill to be there on time. ‎ 例315:He can’t tell right from wrong; after all, he’s only a boy of four.‎ ‎(他不能辨是非,毕竟,他只是个四岁孩子。)‎ 例316:Who can tell what will happen tomorrow?‎ ‎64.scold / blame ‎ scold:责骂,发怒。例如:‎ 例317:She was scolded for being late. (她因迟到挨骂。)‎ blame:责怪,归咎。例如: ‎ 例318:Bad workmen often blame their tools. (拙劣的工人常怪工具不好使。)‎ 例319:He blamed the teacher for his failure. (他把失败归咎于老师。)‎ 例320:He blamed his failure on the teacher. (同上)‎ 例321:It’s you rather than I that are to blame for starting the fire. ‎ ‎(引起这场火灾,该受责备的是你而不是我。)‎ ‎65.search / search for ‎ search: 搜查,搜身。它是及物动词。search for:寻找。相当于be in search of或be in the / one’s search for。例如:‎ 例322:The police are searching the hill (for the robber).‎ 例323:The police are searching the robber (for the necklace).‎ 例324:The police are searching for the robber (in the hill). ‎ 例325:The police are in search of / in the search for the robber (in the hill).‎ ‎66.separate / divide ‎ separate:分开,隔离;把……分离出来,析出;作为形容词是“单独的”意思。例如:‎ 例326:Britain is separated from France by the English Channel. ‎ 例327:Oxygen can be separated from water. (氧可以从水中析出。)‎ 例328:We need two separate rooms.‎ divide:分,划分。指把整体分为若干部分。例如:‎ 例329:I divided the moon cake in half / into two halves.‎ 例330:He divided the cake among the children. (他把这块蛋糕分给了孩子们。)‎ 被divide分隔的东西在一定的条件下具有统一性,separate分隔的东西没有统一性。‎ ‎67.shut / close shut:关,闩住(门窗等);闭(口、眼、耳等)。close:关(门、窗等);不开放。如:‎ 例331:He shut the door behind him. (他把门闩上。)‎ 例332:Better shut your mouth. (= Better shut up!) (最好闭嘴!)‎ 例333:It’s a pity he shut eyes to his faults. (遗憾的是,他对过失视而不见。)‎ 例334:He closed the door behind him. (他随手把门关上。)‎ 例335:This road is closed to heavy motor traffic. (此路禁止大卡车通行。)‎ ‎68.sit / seat sit:坐。是不及物动词。例如:‎ 例336:Sit down, please.‎ seat:就座;容纳。是及物动词。例如:‎ 例337:Be seated, please. ‎ 例338:When he entered the classroom, he found the villagers seated at the back of the classroom. (= sitting / seating themselves) ‎ 例339:The hall is not large enough to seat 2,000 people.(= hold容纳)‎ ‎69.stick to / insist on / persist in ‎ stick to:坚持(原则、计划、意见、决定、理论等)。例如:‎ 例340:The theory he stuck to proved true in the end.(他所坚持的理论最终证明是正确的。)‎ insist on:坚持(人的意志),坚决要求,一定要。 例如:‎ 例341:He insisted on checking everything himself. (他坚持要亲自检查一切。)‎ persist in:坚持(继续坚持原来做的事或对某种意见固执不改)。例如:‎ 例342:If you persist in breaking the law, you will be put into prison.‎ ‎70.stop / pause stop:停止,阻止。例如:‎ 例343:My watch stopped. ‎ 例344:Nothing can stop me from going. ‎ 例345:Time’s up. Let’s stop to have a rest.‎ 例346:It’s time for class. Stop talking please.‎ pause:停顿。指暂时的停止。例如:‎ 例347:I paused for a reply. ‎ 例348:He paused to look round.‎ ‎71.suit / fit / do / match / go ‎ suit:合适,中意(多指符合需要、口味、性格、条件、地位等。特别是指颜色、款式等)。 fit:合适,合身(常指大小、尺寸等)。do:合适(常与for连用)。match / go:匹配(go常与with连用)。例如: ‎ 例349:The coat doesn’t suit you; it’s too dark.‎ 例350:The coat doesn’t fit you; it’s too small.‎ 例351:The coat doesn’t do for you; it’s too small.‎ 例352:The color of the tie doesn’t match / go with that of your shirt.‎ 例353:A good teacher suits his lessons to the age of his pupils. ‎ ‎(好教师授课力求适合学生的年龄。)‎ ‎72.surprise / astonish / shock ‎ surprise,astonish和shock都有“惊讶,惊愕”的意思。它们的语气逐渐加强,astonish和shock分别是“十分惊讶”和“震惊”的意思。例如: ‎ 例354:What surprised me most was that he was late again.‎ 例355:We were astonished to learn that he failed in the exam, as he was so excellent.‎ 例356:The earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean shocked the whole world.‎ ‎(这次印度洋地震和海啸震惊全世界。)‎ ‎73.take one’s place / take the place of / take place take one’s place:就座,就位。相当于take one’s seat。例如:‎ 例357:Please take your places; we are ready to begin our class.‎ take sb’s place / take the place of sb:替代(某人)。例如:‎ 例358:The manager is going on business. Who can take his place? ‎ ‎(=Who can take the place of the manager?)‎ 例359:Nothing can take the place of a wheel. (没有什么能取代轮子。)‎ take place:发生,举行。无被动结构。例如:‎ 例360:Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past five years.‎ 例361:A class meeting is to take place tomorrow afternoon.‎ ‎74.try to do / manage to do try to do:试图、企图做某事(未必成功)。相当于attempt to do。例如:‎ 例362:They tried to push the door open but failed.‎ manage to do:成功、设法做某事。相当于succeed in doing。例如: ‎ 例363:I just managed to get there in time.‎ 例364:In spite of the storm, he managed to get here in time.‎ ‎75.visit / call / see / drop in visit:拜访,访问;参观。可表示正式的访问或朋友间或亲戚间的拜访。例如:‎ 例365:At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. ‎ see 看望,探望。用于非正式的而且是熟人之间的拜访。例如:‎ 例366:“I’ve just arrived by train,” she said. “I’m coming to see you.”‎ call:拜访,走访。call on接某人作宾语,call at接某地作宾语。例如:‎ 例367:I called on him yesterday, but he could not help us.‎ 例368:He called at every house in the street once a month.‎ drop in:顺便走访。drop in on接某人当宾语,drop in at接某地当宾语。例如:‎ 例369:On our way home, we dropped in on the Greens. 比较:‎ 例370:On our way home, we dropped in at the Greens’.‎ ‎76.wait / expect wait:等待。指动作上等待。例如:‎ 例371:Wait a moment, please.‎ 例372:I have been waiting for him for half an hour.‎ expect:等待,期盼。指心理上期盼。例如:‎ 例373:We are expecting a letter from Li Hua. ‎ 例374:Father has been expecting you.‎ ‎77.win / beat / defeat ‎ win:赢,获得。指赢得比赛或奖项。例如:‎ 例375:Class One won (in the match). ‎ 例376:Class One won the match. ‎ 例377:Class One won the first prize.‎ beat:击败,战胜。指战胜对手。例如:‎ 例378:Class One beat Class Two (in the match).‎ defeat:击败,战胜(常指比较激烈场合,如战争);使失败(指希望、计划等)。如:‎ 例379:The north defeated the south in the war. ‎ 例380:Our hopes were defeated at last.‎ 例381:I defeated / beat him in the contest and won the prize.‎ ‎78.would / used to do / be used to / get used to would:习惯于。只可表示过去的习惯性动作,不表示过去存在的状态。例如:‎ 例382:I would get up early and go fishing.‎ 例383:Sometimes we would sit and listen to her play the piano.‎ used to:习惯于。在时间上主要是同现在对比,暗含“现在已不这样了”的意思;其后既可接表示动作的动词,也可接表示认知或状态的动词。其后接动词原形。例如:‎ 例384:My elder brother used to be in the army. (此处不用would)‎ be used to:习惯于(常表示现在的习惯性动做或状态;其后接动词-ing形式);被用于(其后接动词原形)。例如:‎ 例385:I used to live in the country, but now I’m used to living in the city.‎ 例386:The skin of snakes is used to make some kinds of musical instruments.‎ ‎(蛇皮被用于制作多种乐器。) ‎ get used to: 习惯于。其后接名词或动词-ing形式。例如:‎ 例387:Have you got used to the food / living here?‎ 二、名词 ‎1.accident / incident / event accident:事故。通常指意外事件,偶发事件。例如:‎ 例388:Twenty people were killed in the railway accident. ‎ 例389:It was quite an accident. (这完全是偶然事件。) ‎ incident:事件。尤指与较为重大的事件相比显得不重要的事件;它还用以表示引起国际争端或战争等的历史事件。例如:‎ 例390:This is only a common incident. ‎ 例391:The Lugouqiao Incident occurred on July 7, 1937.‎ event:大事件,大记事;比赛项目。例如:‎ 例392:Another earthquake struck Indonesia. Thousands of journalists were sent to cover the event.‎ 例393:Which events have you entered for? (你参加了哪几项比赛?)‎ ‎2.ache / pain ‎ ache主要指身体某一部分的“疼痛、酸楚”,常用于复合名词,如headache,toothache,stomachache。用作此义时,有时可以与pain换用。例如:‎ 例394:Where is the ache / pain?‎ pain可用于身心两方面所感受到的痛楚,在指精神方面的痛苦时不能用ache代替。如:‎ 例395:His unkind remarks caused me a great deal of pain. (他不友善的话让我很伤心。)‎ 例396:Her laziness caused pain to her parents. (她的懒散让她父母很头痛。)‎ ‎3.affair / matter / business / thing ‎ affair:事情,事务。常以复数形式出现,通常指重大或头绪较多的事务。例如: ‎ 例397:He is now in charge of foreign affairs. (他现在负责外交事务。)‎ 又如:international affairs 国际事务,family affairs家庭事务,class affairs班级事务。‎ matter:物质(用作不可数名词);问题(常指毛病或麻烦事)。例如:‎ 例398:All matter has three states: solid, liquid and gas.‎ 例399:What’s the matter with you?‎ 例400:Don’t worry. It is simply a matter of time. (别担心,这只是时间问题。)‎ business:事情。常指正经事或闲事。有时说的是指派的工作或商业买卖。例如: ‎ 例401:Business before pleasure. (先正事,后娱乐。)‎ 例402:Now let’s get down to business. (咱们谈正事吧。)‎ 例403:He went to Shanghai on business.‎ 例404:It’s none of your business. (不关你的事。)‎ 例405:Mind your own business. (少管闲事!)‎ thing:东西,事情。用复数意为“情况,形势”。例如:‎ 例406:What are those things on the table?‎ 例407:No such thing. (没那种事。)‎ 例408:Things are getting worse and worse. (情况变得越来越糟。)‎ ‎4.aim / purpose / object aim:目的,目标。指抱有一种明确的目的,并意味着为之实现而竭尽全力,相当于goal。也可作动词,意为“对……瞄准, 打算”。例如:‎ 例409:What’s your aim in life? ‎ 例410:Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.‎ ‎(生活没有目标就像航海没有指南针。)‎ 例411:We aim to complete / aim at completing the project by next month.‎ purpose:目的,意图。指心中有打算,并意味着对所做的打算有较大的决心。例如:‎ 例412:It was done with a definite purpose. (做这事是有明确目的的。)‎ 例413:For what purpose do you want to go to Canada?‎ 例414:He came here with the purpose of carrying out the plan.‎ ‎(他是带着实施这个计划的目的来这里的。)‎ object:目标。指眼前的目标和努力方向。例如:‎ 例415:The object of my visit is to consult you. (我来找你的目的是要请教你。)‎ 例416:What is your object in studying English? ‎ ‎5.amount / number ‎ amount(of):数量,量。后接不可数名词。例如:‎ 例417:People bought a great amount of food from the market before the Spring Festival.‎ number(of):数量。只可接可数名词。例如:‎ 例418:A number of experts attended the conference held in Shanghai yesterday.‎ ‎6.animal / beast / creature ‎ animal:动物。区别于植物而言,是常用词语。例如:‎ 例419:It is an animal of monkey kind. ‎ beast:动物,走兽。通常指四足动物。例如:‎ 例420:The tiger is a beast of prey.(老虎是食肉兽。)‎ creature:生物,生灵。指人时,常带有感情色彩。例如:‎ 例421:Your daughter is a lovely creature. (你女儿是个可爱的小精灵。)‎ 例422:What a cold-blooded creature!‎ 例423:Spielberg has made two films about creatures that come to the earth from outer space.‎ ‎(斯皮尔伯格已拍了两部外星球生物来地球的电影。)‎ ‎7.bank / shore / beach / coast ‎ bank:岸。常指河岸。例如:‎ 例424:The town is on the bank of the river. ‎ shore:岸。常指海、湖的岸,含有与水相对的意味。例如:‎ 例425:The ship stopped a little way off the shore. (船停在了海岸边不远处。)‎ beach:海滩,湖滩。常指涨潮时有水,退潮时无水的有沙子或卵石的海滩或湖滩。如:‎ 例426:The children are playing on the beach. ‎ coast:海岸。仅指沿海之岸,尤作为水域边界。例如:‎ 例427:There are many harbors on the east coast of our land.‎ ‎8.cause / reason cause:起因,缘故。着重指产生某种结果的原因。例如:‎ 例428:The cause of the fire was carelessness. (这次火灾是由于粗心引起的。)‎ 例429:What was the cause of it? ‎ reason:原因,理由。着重指产生某种行为或想法的理由。例如:‎ 例430:I have no reason for it. ‎ 例431:Give your reason for changing the plan.‎ 例432:The reason why I did not come yesterday is that I was sick.‎ ‎9.chance / opportunity chance:机会(用作可数名词,是普通用语,尤以指一种侥幸的或偶然的机会);可能性(用作不可数名词,相当于possibility)。例如:‎ 例433:We were offered another chance.‎ 例434:He has long hoped for a chance of success. ‎ 例435:There is no chance that he failed to come. (他不可能来不了。)‎ opportunity:指良好的“机会,机遇,时机”。例如:‎ 例436:I am glad to have this opportunity of speaking to you alone.‎ ‎(很高兴有机会和你单独谈谈。)‎ 例437:China has the opportunity to host the 2008 Olympics.‎ ‎10.clothes / clothing / cloth ‎ clothes:衣服。是名词复数,不直接与数词连用。例如:‎ 例438:Most of her clothes were made by herself.‎ 例439:I need to go and buy some new clothes.‎ clothing:衣物。是总称,没有复数形式。指一件衣服用a piece of / an article of clothing。例如:‎ 例440:The flooded areas are now in great need of food and clothing.‎ ‎(水灾地区现在急需食物和衣物。)‎ 例441:Remember to buy an article of new clothing before you go for a job interview.‎ ‎(去工作面试时记得买一件新衣服穿。)‎ cloth:布料。是物质名词,不可数名词。例如:‎ 例442:Clothes made of this kind of cloth are invisible to anyone who is unfit for his office.‎ ‎(这种布料制成的衣服,不称职者看不见。)‎ ‎11.country / nation / state ‎ country:国家。着重指疆土、国土和家园。the country=the countryside乡村,农村。例如:‎ 例443:China is a great country with a long history. (中国是一个历史悠久的伟大国家。)‎ 例444:France and Germany are European countries.‎ 例445:He is content to live in the country/countryside. (他满足于住在乡下。)‎ nation:国家,民族。着重指民族和国民,常带感情色彩。在国际交往等正式场合,nation语体庄重,比country常用。例如:‎ 例446:The Chinese nation is a great one.‎ 例447:The president spoke on TV to the nation.‎ 例448:The whole nation was in deep sorrow at this news.‎ ‎(得知这个消息,整个国家都沉浸在悲痛之中。)‎ 例449:Trade between nations is much better than war.‎ ‎(国与国之间进行贸易往来比兵戎相见好得多。)‎ state:国家,政府。着重指政权和国家机关。例如:‎ 例450:Railways in China belong to the state.(在中国,铁路归国家所有。) ‎ 例451:All the natural resources are managed by the state.‎ ‎12.day after day / day by day day after day:日复一日。强调反复, 周而复始。该短语可作主语和状语。例如:‎ 例452:Everything stays the same day after day. ‎ 例453:Day after day went by, and still no message arrived.‎ ‎(日子一天天过去,仍然杳无音讯。)‎ day by day:一天天。强调逐渐变化。该短语只能作状语。例如:‎ 例454:Our living conditions are improving day by day.‎ ‎13.environment / surroundings ‎ environment:环境,可指自然环境也可指人文环境,多指给人思想、感情等造成影响的事物或情况。例如:‎ 例455:He told a story of man’s struggle with his environment.‎ ‎(他讲了一个人类与环境抗争的故事。)‎ 例456:It’s not a very safe environment for children there.‎ surroundings:环境,多指自然环境。例如:‎ 例457:The guest house stands in beautiful surroundings.‎ ‎14.family / home / house family:家,家庭,家里人。指家庭成员结构。例如: ‎ 例458:The family is large, and the whole family are now watching TV.‎ 例459:He has a family of three.‎ 例460:He has a large family to support. (他要养活一大家子。)‎ home:家,家园。指出生及日常生活的那种环境。也可用作副词。例如: ‎ 例461:My home is not far from here.‎ 例462:The car broke down on the way home. (在回家的路上车抛锚了。)‎ house:房子,住宅。指居住的建筑物。例如: ‎ 例463:The old house was built of stones.‎ 例464:The big fire destroyed the whole house.‎ ‎15.fun / joke ‎ fun:玩笑,娱乐。是不可数名词。例如:‎ 例465:The old man is full of fun.‎ 例466:Don’t make fun of him.‎ joke:玩笑,笑料。是可数名词。例如:‎ 例467:I had a joke with her.‎ 例468:Let’s play a joke on Mr. Wang.‎ ‎16.habit / custom ‎ habit:习惯,习性。指个人,常与of doing sth连用。例如:‎ 例469:Early to bed and early to rise is a good habit.‎ 例470:Tom has the habit of listening to music while reading.‎ custom:习惯,风俗。指个人、社会或团体,常与to do sth连用。例如: ‎ 例471:It is Tom’s custom to listen to music while he is reading.‎ 例472:It is the custom in China to eat dumplings during the Spring Festival.‎ 例473:Social customs vary in different countries. (不同国家,风俗不一样。)‎ ‎17.holiday / vacation / leave holiday:假日。指逢节日、纪念日的休假日。have a (或one’s) holiday 度假,during a holiday 在一次假期中。这种用法的holiday 总用单数形式,但并不一定只是“一天”假。其复数形式有时也指学校、机关的假期。例如:‎ 例474:We got a holiday last Thursday.‎ 例475:Tom and I are going to have a holiday. (我和汤姆准备去度假。)‎ 例476:Where did you spend your summer holidays?‎ vacation:假期,任何节假日或休息日,持续时间较长。在美语中指各种假日。例如:‎ 例477:Winter vacation is drawing near. (寒假临近。)‎ 例478:I’m away on vacation / holiday for the next two weeks.‎ leave:准假,请假期间。例如:‎ 例479:You have my leave to stay away from the office tomorrow. (允许你明天请假。)‎ 例480:I asked for three days’ leave last week. (上周我请假三天。)比较:‎ 例481:I asked for three days off last week. (意思同上,off为副词,表“缺席、不在”。)‎ ‎18.job / work / labor / task ‎ work:工作。通常用作不可数名词。例如:‎ 例482:You have done a day’s work in three hours. ‎ 例483:Can hard work change a person that much? ‎ ‎ (艰辛的工作能使一个人改变那么多吗?) ‎ 例484:When I went to see him, he was still at work.‎ job:工作,活。通常用作可数名词。作“工作”解时有同义词position, place, post等;作“活”解时有同义词task, duty等。例如:‎ 例485:When you start a job, you must stick to it. ‎ 例486:I’m not going to wash the dishes; that’s his job. ‎ 例487:She has found a part-time job.‎ labor:劳动(力)。常指体力劳动,通常用作不可数名词。例如:‎ 例488:Most of them earn their living by manual labor. (他们大多靠体力劳动为生。)‎ 例489:We are in great need of skilled labor. (我们急需熟练劳动工。)‎ task:任务,工作。常指难的工作。例如:‎ 例490:He was charged with an important task at that time. (当时他负有一项重要任务。)‎ 例491:Trying to bring up a small child on your own is no easy task.‎ ‎(要自己抚养一个小孩不是件轻松的工作。)‎ ‎19.kind / type kind:种,类(比较笼统、模糊)。type:类型、风格(比较具体)。例如: ‎ 例492:There are many kinds of animals in the zoo, including three types of tigers.‎ ‎20.man / human being / people / person / mankind man:以单数形式出现,如果其前不加任何冠词,可泛指“人”,包括男人和女人;也可泛指“人类”。例如:‎ 例493:Man is mortal. (人终有一死。)‎ 例494:Be a man. (做个大丈夫!/要有男子气概!)‎ human being:可数名词,有单复数形式。它侧重于指与其他的动物、植物或鬼神相对的“人类”。有时,我们还可说成human。例如:‎ 例495:She thought she could turn a deaf person into a useful human being.‎ ‎(她认为她能够把一个聋人变成一个有用的人。)‎ people:集体名词,表示“人”时,总是用作复数,一个人不可说成one people,而要说成one person。‎ 使用people 时应注意以下几点:‎ ‎① 其前不加任何冠词时泛指“人,人们”。例如:‎ 例496:People from all walks of life will be present at the meeting.‎ ‎(各条战线的人们都会出席这次会议。)‎ ‎② 其前加the,表示“人民,民众”。例如:‎ 例497:We should serve the people heart and soul. (我们应全心全意为人民服务。)‎ ‎③ people 用着可数名词时,表示不同的民族或不同国家的人民。例如:‎ 例498:May the friendship between the two peoples last forever.‎ ‎(祝愿两国人民的友谊万古常青。)‎ person:意为“人”,是最普通的说法,它可用于指所有的人,包括男人、女人和孩子,是可数名词。例如:‎ 例499:Do you know the person over there?‎ mankind:常用来指代整个人类。其前不加任何冠词,本身也不能加复数词尾。例如:‎ 例500:Mankind is progressive. (人类总是不断进步的。)‎ ‎21.middle / center middle:中间,当中。指跟两边或各边、两端或各端大致等距离的部分;可以用于指空间或时间。例如:‎ 例501:In the middle of the room stands a table. ‎ 例502:It will be coming into bloom about the middle of next month. (下月中旬会开花。)‎ center:中心。通常用于指空间,强调正中心。它还可用于借喻,表示某一事物的中心。center作动词用时,其含义为“集中”,后常接介词on。例如:‎ 例503:Draw a circle round a given center. (用所给的圆心画圆。)‎ 例504:Beijing is the political,economic and cultural center of China.‎ ‎(北京是中国的政治、经济和文化中心。)‎ 例505:The discussion centers on the most important question.‎ ‎(这次讨论主题集中在这个最重要的问题上。)‎ ‎22.question / problem ‎ question:问题。作动词意为“提问,质疑”, 指由于疑惑不解而提出疑问。例如:‎ 例506:Can I ask a question of you? ‎ 例507:Can I ask you a question?‎ 例508:Tom made a quick answer to the question. (汤姆马上作出回答。)‎ 例509:She hates being questioned about her past. (她不喜欢别人问起她的过去。)‎ 例510:One questioned whether he was telling the truth. (有人提出质疑他是否讲真话。)‎ problem:问题。指等待解决或决定的问题,尤指难题。例如:‎ 例511:The maths problem is too hard for me to work out.‎ 例512:We argued with them about this problem for a long time.‎ ‎23.soil / earth / ground / land / mud ‎ soil:土地,土壤。指含有有机成分、适宜于耕种的土壤。例如: ‎ 例513:The water washed away much of the top soil.‎ earth:土,泥(相对于岩石和沙子而言);地球。例如:‎ 例514:The peasants were trying to fill the big hole with earth. ‎ ‎(农民正在设法用土填那个大坑。)‎ 例515:Today the earth is becoming more and more polluted. (现在地球受污染越来越严重。)‎ ground:土地,地面。指大地表面。例如:‎ 例516:The wounded have been lying on the ground for more than two hours.‎ land:陆地,土地。指海洋、河流相对的陆地。例如:‎ 例517:We came here by land, not by water. (我们是从陆路来,不是从水路来。)‎ mud:泥,泥浆。例如:‎ 例518:After the football match, he was covered with mud. (足球赛过后,他浑身沾满泥。) ‎ ‎24.sound / noise / voice ‎ sound:声音,声响。指所能听到的任何声音。例如:‎ 例519:Last night I heard the sound of voice first, then the sound of music and finally there came the sound of breaking glasses and plates. (昨晚我先是听到了谈话声,接着听到了音乐声,最后传来了打破杯子、盘子的声音。)‎ noise:嘈杂声,噪音。例如:‎ 例520:The noise from the factory machines kept me awake the whole night.‎ 例521:Try not to make a noise when you go upstairs.‎ voice:声音,嗓音。指人说话或唱歌的声音。例如: ‎ 例522:Could you raise your voice so that I can catch you?‎ 例523:He called for help in a loud voice.‎ ‎25.state / condition / situation ‎ state:状态,状况。指人或物在环境、外观、心情等方面的状态、情形。例如:‎ 例524:Ice is the solid state of water.‎ 例525:He’s now in a poor state of mind. (他现在心情不好。)‎ condition:条件,状况。侧重于外部的、周边的环境或条件。例如:‎ 例526:The conditions here can’t agree with me. (这里的条件不适合我。)‎ 例527:The workers went on strike, demanding better pay and working conditions. ‎ ‎(工人们举行罢工,要求更高的报酬和更好的工作条件。)‎ 例528:The house was in a terrible condition / state of repair. (这房子极需修葺。)‎ situation:情况,形势,局势,局面。常指军事、政治、经济的状态,也可指某人、某物所处的特殊情况。例如:‎ 例529:Nowadays the international situations are changeable. (当今国际形势风云多变。)‎ 例530:He’s now getting into difficult situations. (他陷入困境。)‎ 例531:Schoolchildren must be taught to deal with dangerous situations.‎ ‎26.story / tale story:故事。普通用词,可以指对一个虚构或真实事件的叙述,口头形式或书面形式皆可。例如:‎ 例532:I have read many novels and stories in English. ‎ 例533:I would tell my child a story before sleep.‎ tale:故事。指任何为欺骗或娱乐而讲的或编撰的荒诞事件,尤指为逗孩子们娱乐所讲的童话或所编的夸张性故事。例如:‎ 例534:It is a false tale. (那是无稽之谈。)‎ 例535:I liked fairy tales when I was a child. (童年的我喜欢童话故事。) ‎ ‎27.strength / force / energy / power ‎ strength:力量,力气。常指固有的潜在力量,如人的气力、精力,也指物质的强度等。例如: ‎ 例536:Union is strength. (团结就是力量。)‎ 例537:He lifted the stone with all his strength.‎ 例538:By doing so, you can test the strength of steel. (这样做,你可以试验一下钢的强度。)‎ force:力量,力气。常指暴力、势力、军事力量等;复数形式指“兵力、武力”等。例如:‎ 例539:Finally they had to open the door by force.‎ 例540:It is the air force that matters. (是空中力量在起作用。)‎ 例541:Air forces were sent to the front. (空军被派往前线。)‎ energy:活力,精力,能量(指人的精力、自然界的能量等)。例如:‎ 例542:Jim is a man full of energy.‎ 例543:They are making use of solar energy. (他们在利用太阳能。)‎ 例544:I’m afraid it’s a waste of energy by doing that.‎ power:力量,威力,权力,做事或行动的能力。例如:‎ 例545:Knowledge is power. (知识就是力量。)‎ 例546:Water power is more enough in this area. (该地区水力资源丰富。)‎ 例547:He has the power of life and death over thousands.‎ ‎(他手中掌握有成千上万人的生死大权。)‎ 例548:I’m sorry I can’t help you; it’s beyond my power.‎ ‎28.trip / journey / travel / tour / voyage trip:旅行,旅程。旅途不分长短。例如:‎ 例549:My trip to school usually takes me five minutes on foot.‎ 例550:My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing; I’m on business.‎ ‎(我的北京之行不只是观光,我还有公务在身的。)‎ journey:旅行,旅程(指时间和路程都较长的陆路旅行),历程,过程,进程。例如:‎ 例551:The long journey was too much for the old man.‎ ‎(这次长途旅行对这个老人家来说真是够呛。)‎ 例552:A pleasant journey to you!‎ 例553:He made a long journey from Beijing to London.‎ ‎(他从北京到伦敦做了一次长途旅行。)‎ 例554:Life is a journey from birth to death. (生命是从出生到死亡的历程。)‎ travel:旅行,旅游。无旅程含义。往往是到国外或某个遥远的地方去。泛指旅行,其前不加冠词;当复数用,表示游历、游记等。例如: ‎ 例555:This morning we finished the travel to the Great Wall.‎ 例556:Travel was slow and dangerous in olden times.‎ 例557:Mr. Wang wrote a book about his travels.‎ tour:漫游,周游。常指访问多处的观光旅行,常指周游后回到原出发地。例如:‎ 例558:He had a tour of three years as a lecturer in the States.‎ 例559:Confucius began to make his tour among the states.(孔夫子开始周游列国。)‎ voyage:航行。指航海或航空。例如:‎ 例560:The voyage through the Pacific took them nearly one month.‎ ‎29.value / price / cost value:价值。price:价格,价钱,定价。cost:价格,成本,费用。例如:‎ 例561:The book is of no value. (这本书没价值。)‎ 例562:I hope this book will be of value to both teachers and students. ‎ 例563:I hope this book will be valuable to both teachers and students.‎ 例564:The book was sold at a low price.‎ 例565:The book was sold at a cost price. (这书以成本价出售。)‎ 例566:What’s the cost of the journey? (这趟旅行的费用多少?)‎ ‎30.war / battle / campaign / fight / struggle war:战争。指战争的总体而言,一次war包含许多次battle。例如:‎ 例567:The Anti-Japanese War lasted eight years. ‎ 例568:Old Smith experienced two world wars. ‎ battle:战役。通常指大规模的战斗,也可用于比喻。例如:‎ 例569:The battle lasted three days.‎ 例570:The battle against racial discrimination is not over. (反种族歧视的斗争还未结束。)‎ campaign:战役(在某一地区所采取的一系列有固定目的的军事行动),规模比battle大;运动(为达到某一特殊目标所做的一连串有计划的活动)。例如:‎ 例571:The Huai-Hai Campaign was one of the three greatest campaigns of decisive significance in the Chinese People’s War of Liberation. (淮海战役是中国人民解放战争中具有决定性战略意义的三大战役之一。)‎ 例572:The company has spent over £50 million on its latest advertising campaign.‎ fight:斗争,战斗。指人与人或动物与动物之间的打斗。例如:‎ 例573:The quarrel ended up with a fight. (那场争吵最终以打斗告终。)‎ struggle:挣扎,斗争。表示的“斗争”包含着奋力挣扎的因素。例如:‎ 例574:He devoted his life to the struggle against fascism and oppression.‎ ‎(他献身于反法西斯和反压迫的战争。)‎ 三、形容词 ‎1.actual / real / true actual:实际的,现实的。例如:‎ 例575:Could you offer us the actual figures? (您能否为我们提供实际的数字?)‎ real:真的。与“假的”相对。指物品的外表与实质一致,不是仿造或模型之类的东西。例如:‎ 例576:Give your real name.‎ 例577:Was it a real man you saw or a ghost? (你看到的是真的人还是鬼魂?)‎ true:真实的,真诚的,真正的。指现实中存在的而不是想象或虚构的东西,多用来修饰抽象名词。例如:‎ 例578:I don’t think what he has said is true.‎ 例579:They are true friends.‎ 例580:He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.‎ 例581:Is it true that the plastic model in your shop is as big as a real girl? ‎ ‎(你商店里的塑料模特与真实的女孩一样大是真的吗?)‎ 例582:It’s a true story, based on actual events. (这是个基于现实的真实故事。)‎ ‎2.afraid / fearful ‎ afraid:害怕,担心。是形容词;be afraid to do表示“害怕”,be afraid of doing表示“担心”,be afraid (that) …表示“恐怕,担心”。例如:‎ 例583:Don’t be afraid. ‎ 例584:The boy was afraid to get close to the dog, for he was afraid of being bitten.‎ 例585:I’m afraid we shall be late for school. ‎ fearful:害怕的,担心的。fear是动词或名词;动词与be afraid往往可以通用,但不如be afraid常用。例如:‎ 例586:We fear no difficulty. ‎ 例587:He feared to speak his mind. (他不敢说出他的想法。)‎ 例588:Fearing that he would catch cold, I went out to see him.(担心他会着凉,我出去看他。)‎ 例589:I fear it’s not so. (恐怕不是这样。)‎ 例590:She stood there in fear.‎ ‎3.alike / similar alike:意指“几乎同样”,常用作表语,不可直接放在名词前面。例如:‎ 例591:Mary and Ann are alike in many ways.‎ 例592:All music is alike to Tom. (各种音乐在汤姆听来都一样。暗指没有鉴赏力。)‎ similar:指在很多方面相似,但不是全部;be similar to与……相似。例如:‎ 例593:We have similar tastes in music. (我们对音乐有类似的鉴赏力。)‎ 例594:Tom’s voice is very similar to his brother’s.‎ ‎4.alive / living / live ‎ alive:还活着的。只当表语或后置定语。例如:‎ 例595:The driver remained alive after the terrible accident.‎ 例596:Is he the only person alive after the crash?‎ living:有生命的。例如:‎ 例597:There are all kinds of living things on the earth.‎ live:活的(相对于已死的,常用来修饰动物);现场的。例如: ‎ 例598:Look! There lies a live fish in the basin.‎ 例599:It was a live broadcast. (这是现场直播。)‎ ‎5.all / whole / total all:所有的。常用于the,that,物主代词或数词之前。修饰可数名词时,指“三个或三个以上都……”;也可用来修饰可数名词的单数形式或不可数名词,指“整个的”。例如:‎ 例600:Will all the girls please stand over there?‎ 例601:All the apples were eaten. (所有的苹果都给吃了。)‎ 例602:All the apple was eaten. (整个苹果都给吃了。)‎ 例603:All the milk was drunk. (全部的牛奶都给喝了。)‎ 例604:Not all the food was shipped from the south. (并非所有的食物都是从南方运来的。)‎ whole:整个的,全体的(其前加the或形容词性的物主代词等,修饰单数名词);整整的(其前常加表示整数的数词,修饰复数名词);完整的,齐全的,无缺的,无损的。例如:‎ 例605:The whole apple was eaten. (整个苹果都给吃了。)‎ 例606:Five whole apples were eaten. (整整五个苹果都给吃了。)‎ 例607:The dish is still whole for all the shocks. (虽然受了很多震动,盘子依然无损。)‎ total:完全的,总的。例如:‎ 例608:After that, there came a moment of total silence. (随后一片寂静。)‎ 例609:What are your total debts?‎ ‎6.alone / lonely ‎ alone:单独的(多作表语或状语)。lonely:孤独的,寂寞的;荒凉的(多作定语或表语)。例如:‎ 例610:At that time he lived alone on the lonely island. Though he was alone, he did not feel lonely. In fact, he enjoyed his life there. (当时他孤身一人住在荒岛上。尽管他孤独一人,可他并没有感到寂寞。实际上,他很喜欢那里的生活。)‎ ‎7.anxious / eager ‎ anxious:渴望的,焦虑的。含有未知结果如何,有些为之担心的意味。例如: ‎ 例611:I am anxious about his health; he often works overtime. ‎ 例612:The girl is anxious for a new dictionary.‎ 例613:She was anxious to know the result of the exam, as she left at least three questions undone. (她急着想知道考试结果,因为她至少有三道题没做。)‎ eager:渴望的,热切的。着重指渴望什么或渴望做什么的热情或迫切心情。例如: ‎ 例614:They are eager for success. ‎ 例615:He is eager to join the Party.‎ 例616:I was eager to get back to work as soon as possible. (我渴望尽早回来工作。)‎ ‎8.asleep / sleepy / sleeping ‎ asleep:睡着的。表示状态,只当表语或后置定语。fall asleep表动作。例如:‎ 例617:The baby is now asleep.‎ 例618:She did not fall asleep until daybreak. (她到拂晓才入睡。)‎ sleepy:困的,欲睡的。例如:‎ 例619:The baby is sleepy; its head is nodding.‎ sleeping:睡觉的。表示正在睡觉的动作。例如:‎ 例620:Don’t shout! You may wake up the sleeping baby. ‎ ‎9.big / great / large big:大的。常用词语,也较口语化。例如: ‎ 例621:I’ve caught a big fish. ‎ 例622:He is a big boy now. ‎ large:大的,巨大的。也是常用词语,但不如big口语化。例如: ‎ 例623:Our factory is a large one. ‎ 例624:A large number of people came from all parts of the country to see the exhibition.‎ great:大的,伟大的,重要的。常带有感情色彩。例如: ‎ 例625:The Chinese people are a great people. ‎ 例626:His research has been of great practical value. (他的研究很有实用价值。)‎ ‎10.bright / clever / wise bright:聪明的,伶俐的。尤指青少年和小孩。例如:‎ 例627:His teacher said he was not bright and not worth teaching.‎ clever:聪明的,机敏的。可指人,也可指动物。例如:‎ 例628:What a clever boy / monkey!‎ wise:聪明的,明智的,英明的。可指人、行为、语言、计划等。例如:‎ 例629:A wise person is one who has much knowledge and the ability to use it well.‎ ‎(英明的人是指一个知识丰富并有能力运用好这些知识的人。)‎ 例630:Lincoln is considered to be a wise leader.‎ 例631:It’s generally considered not wise to give a child whatever he or she wants.‎ ‎(通常认为孩子要什么就给什么是不明智的。)‎ ‎11.common / popular / ordinary / general / usual / normal ‎ common:普遍的,一般的,大众的。例如:‎ 例632:Colds are common in winter. (在冬季,感冒很普遍。)‎ 例633:This is common sense. (这是常识。)‎ 例634:It is common knowledge that travel broadens the mind. ‎ ‎(旅行能拓宽视野这是众所周知的事。)‎ 例635:Jack is a common name in Britain.‎ popular:大众的,受欢迎的。例如:‎ 例636:He is a popular star in this area.‎ 例637:His teaching method is successful, so he is popular with the pupils.‎ ordinary:普通的,平凡的,不出众的。例如:‎ 例638:I use ordinary gas. (我用普通汽油。)‎ 例639:Jack is an ordinary-looking man. (杰克相貌平平。)‎ general:一般的,总体的,大体的。常指同类中的近乎全部。例如:‎ 例640:The general opinion is in favor of him. (几乎全部的观点都支持他。)‎ 例641:You should have a general idea of what you want to express.‎ ‎(你应该对你所要表达的有一个整体上的概括。)‎ usual:通常的,往常的。例如: ‎ 例642:It is usual for him to give things up halfway. ‎ 例643:He came to school at usual hour this morning.‎ 例644:She was sitting on the usual chair.‎ 例645:As usual, they’d left the children at home with Susan.‎ 例646:He arrived earlier than usual.‎ normal:正常的,正规的,常态的。如:‎ 例647:The normal temperature of the human body is about ‎37℃‎. ‎ 例648:It’s normal to feel nervous before an exam. (考前紧张是很正常的。)‎ 例649:All I want is to lead a normal life. (我所想要的就是过个正常的生活。)‎ ‎12.elder / elderly / older ‎ elder:年长的,资格老的(只当定语,不当表语);可作名词,复数意为“长辈”。elderly:过中年的,近老年的(形容词);到了晚年的人(名词)。older:年龄大的(可当定语和表语);较旧的(指物)。例如:‎ 例650:The elderly gentleman standing there said, “ My elder brother is three years older than me.” (站在那里的那位老先生说:“我哥哥比我大三岁。)‎ 例651:We learn from our elders.‎ 例652:His schoolbag is older than mine. (他的书包比我的旧。此处不能用elder。)‎ ‎13.everyday / every day / daily everyday:形容词,意为“日常的,普通的”。every day:作状语,意为“每天,天天”。daily:可作形容词(=everyday);也可作副词(=every day);还可作名词,意为“日报”。例如:‎ 例653:We learn everyday English every day.‎ 例654:Study is just part of daily / everyday life.‎ 例655:She pays a visit to the old man daily / every day.‎ 例656:Reading China Daily can improve our English rapidly.‎ ‎(阅读《中国日报》能迅速提高我们的英语水平。)‎ ‎14.false / wrong false:虚假的;错误的,表示所说的、想的与实际情况相违,含有假冒、欺骗之嫌。如false teeth / hair假牙/假发。又如:‎ 例657:Please decide whether the following statements are true or false.‎ wrong:错误的,不正确的,无假冒、欺骗之意。例如:‎ 例658:He may be wrong in his opinions, but he is not false in trying to impress them on others.(也许他的观点是错误的,但他试图让人记住这些,这并不假。)‎ ‎15.farther / further farther:更远。further:更远;更进一步,更深一层。作为“更远”,二者可以通用。若表示“更进一步,更深一层”,只能用further。例如:‎ 例659:He was too tired to walk any farther/further.‎ 例660:The problem must be further discussed next time.‎ 例661:Mr. Wang went abroad for further study last year.‎ ‎16.fast / quick / rapid / soon ‎ fast:快的,迅速的。指速度迅速。例如:‎ 例662:This is a fast train.‎ 例663:He’s one of the fastest runners in the world.‎ 例664:I always keep my watch 15 minutes fast. (我总是让我的表快十五分钟。)‎ quick:快的,迅速的;机敏的。指立即行动、毫不延迟;动作敏捷。例如:‎ 例665:We’re expecting a quick reply from the company.‎ 例666:Robertson’s quick thinking saved the little girl’s life.‎ ‎(罗伯逊敏捷的思维救了那个小女孩的命。)‎ 例667:She’s a quick learner.‎ rapid:快的,迅速的。比较具体,常指流水、发展、进步等方面的“快”。例如:‎ 例668:I’ve made rapid progress in English.‎ 例669:The patient made a rapid recovery. (病人康复很快。)‎ soon:快,早。指时间。例如:‎ 例670:He’ll be here soon.‎ 例671:Try and get the car fixed as soon as possible.‎ ‎17.foolish / silly / stupid ‎ foolish:愚蠢的。指缺乏智慧或判断力。例如:‎ 例672:It would be foolish of us to quarrel. (我们争吵是愚蠢的。)‎ silly:傻的,糊涂的,幼稚的。指头脑简单、不懂事,或指言行无聊。例如:‎ 例673:The silly child is always asking silly questions.‎ stupid:笨的。指生性迟钝或反应迟钝,有时含有顽固、固执的意味。例如: ‎ 例674:How I wish I had your brains! I’m too stupid.‎ 例675:If you’re stupid enough to skate on the lake, you deserve to fall in.‎ ‎(如果你硬是要在这湖上滑冰,掉下去活该。)‎ ‎18.possible / probable / likely ‎ possible,probable和likely都有“可能的”的意思。possible和probable只能以事情作主语,常用“It is ~ (for sb) to do sth或It is ~ that …”句型,probable的可能性较大;likely的主语可以是人、事或物。例如:‎ 例676:He is likely to come this afternoon.‎ 例677:It is likely that he will come this afternoon.‎ 例678:It is possible that he’ll come.‎ 例679:It is probable that he’ll come. (他很可能会来。)‎ ‎19.sick / ill ‎ sick:病的;恶心的(可作定语或表语)。ill:病的(可作表语,不当定语);坏的(通常作定语,不作表语)。例如: ‎ 例680:—You look pale. Are you sick / ill? (你脸色苍白,病了吗?)‎ ‎ — No, I’m just feeling sick on the ship. Ill habit! (不,没有,只是晕船。坏毛病!)‎ 例681:He was unable to join the army because of ill health. (他没能参军,因为身体不好。)‎ ‎20.silent / quiet / calm / still ‎ silent:安静的,寂静的,沉默不语的。表示不说话、不弄出声响,但不一定指没有活动。例如:‎ 例682:The boy sat there, silent.‎ 例683:The class was silent as the teacher explained the exam rules.‎ ‎(当老师解释考规时教室里寂静无声。)‎ quiet:安静的,宁静的。用于自然环境,指没有喧闹的寂静状态,相当于peaceful(宁静的,平静的,安宁的 / 和平的, 爱好和平的);指人时,表示生性安静、沉默寡言的、不易激动。例如:‎ 例684: As we were walking along the quiet / peaceful lake, he just kept silent all the time. But in fact, he is not a quiet man. (当我们沿着宁静的湖岸散步时,他自始至终一言不发,可实际上他并不是沉默寡语的人。)‎ 例685:Be quiet. Your father is sleeping now. (安静点,你爸爸正在睡觉呢。)‎ calm:平静的,冷静的,镇静的。例如:‎ 例686:The sea is now calm. ‎ 例687:Keep calm in time of danger. (危险时要保持冷静。)‎ still:静止的,不动的。例如:‎ 例688:Please keep still while I’m taking your photos.‎ 例689:The saying “Still waters run deep” is used to say that someone who is quiet may have very strong feelings or a lot of knowledge. (“静水流深”这个谚语用来指生性安静的人也许有着强烈的情感或丰富的知识。)‎ ‎21.special / especial / particular / peculiar special:特别的,特殊的,专门的;专程的。例如:‎ 例690:Are you doing anything special for Christmas?‎ 例691:This is a special room for you. ‎ 例692:I came here specially to see you. (我是专程来看你的。)‎ especial:特别的,尤其的。(英国英语,正式用语,相当于special,但special含有“专门的,专程的”之意)例如:‎ 例693:This is an issue of especial importance. (这是个特别重要的问题。)‎ 例694:I came here to see my friends, especially you. (我来看朋友,特别是你。)‎ particular:特别的,尤其的;挑剔的。例如:‎ 例695:I didn’t have any particular plan in mind.‎ 例696:The old lady is really particular about what she eats. (老太太对吃的特别挑剔。)‎ peculiar:特有的,独具的。例如:‎ 例697:That is his peculiar character. (那就是他的独特性格。)‎ ‎22.wide / broad ‎ wide:宽的,宽阔的。指距离宽,是常用词语,也可用来形容人的眼睛、嘴巴;可以用于引申意义,表示“广泛的、渊博的、丰富的”等。例如:‎ 例698:The road is ten meters wide.‎ 例699:He has a wide knowledge of French history. (他非常了解法国历史。)‎ broad:宽广的,辽阔的。常用于形容领土、疆土或人的肩膀、背、胸襟、思想等。如:‎ 例700:The ships are now sailing on the broad ocean. ‎ 例701:Looking at the new-type camera, the young man with broad shoulders was surprised with his mouth wide open.‎ 例702:He has a broad mind. (他有广阔的胸怀。)‎ ‎23.worth / worthy ‎ worth和worthy都有“值得的”的意思。worth后接动名词的主动形式表示被动意义,或接表示钱数或相当于“代价”的比喻性名词,只当作表语;worthy可以作表语(后接of,再接名词或动名词的被动形式,或直接跟不定式的被动形式),可以作定语(是“有价值的、可尊敬的”的意思)。例如: ‎ 例703:It is worth every penny of it. (所花的每分钱都值得。)‎ 例704:Smith is a worthy gentleman. (史密斯是个可敬的人。)‎ 又如,“这地方值得参观。”有以下不同表达:‎ 例705:The place is worth visiting.‎ 例706:The place is worthy of a visit.‎ 例707:The place is worthy of being visited.‎ 例708:The place is worthy to be visited.‎ 四、副词 ‎1.high / highly ‎ high:“高”,比较具体。highly:“高度地”,比较抽象。例如:‎ 例709:He can jump very high. (他能跳得高。)‎ 例710:He was highly thought of. (他深受赞誉。)‎ ‎2.deep / deeply ‎ deep:“深”,比较具体。deeply:“深深地”,比较抽象。例如:‎ 例711:Still water runs deep. (静水流深。)‎ 例712:We were deeply moved. (我们深受感动。)‎ ‎3.wide / widely wide:宽,大。widely:广泛地。例如:‎ 例713:The fox lay dead, with its mouth wide open. (张大嘴巴)‎ 例714:The Chinese language is widely used. (广泛使用)‎ ‎4.late / lately ‎ late:晚,迟。lately:最近。例如:‎ 例715:He came home late last night.‎ 例716:Have you heard from him lately?‎ ‎5.hard / hardly ‎ hard:努力。hardly:几乎不。例如:‎ 例717:Work hard, and you’ll succeed.‎ 例718:We can hardly imagine that.‎ ‎6.near / nearly ‎ near:在附近。nearly:几乎。例如:‎ 例719:I live near.(我住在附近。)‎ 例720:Nearly 1,000 people were trapped in the fire. (将近有一千人被困大火中。)‎ ‎7.close / closely close:靠近。closely:紧紧地,密切地。例如:‎ 例721:Come close to me. (请靠近我。)‎ 例722:Watch him closely. (请密切关注他。)‎ ‎8.free / freely ‎ free:免费,自由地。freely:自如地。例如:‎ 例723:The show was arranged to admit free the students from Senior III.‎ ‎(安排高三学生入内免费参观展览。)‎ 例724:He can communicate freely with the native speakers. (他能与当地人自如交谈。)‎ ‎9.most / mostly ‎ most:最,相当。mostly:大多数。例如:‎ 例725:Lesson One is a most difficult lesson. (第一课很难。)比较:‎ 例726:They are mostly visiting scientists. (他们大多是来访的科学家。)‎ ‎10.just / justly ‎ just:刚刚,仅仅,正好。justly:公正地。例如:‎ 例727:I’ve just arrived.‎ 例728:I want to be treated justly. (我需要公正对待。)‎ ‎11.a little / a bit ‎ 用作副词词组时,a little和a bit都有“一点儿”的意思,都可以直接修饰形容词或副词。用作形容词词组时,a little可以直接修饰不可数名词,a bit则必须先加介词of,再加不可数名词;not a little与not a bit的意思相反,前者是“非常”的意思,后者则是“一点儿也不”的意思,分别相当于very much和not at all。例如: ‎ 例729:I’m feeling a little / a bit nervous.‎ 例730:There is still a little / a bit of water left in the jar. (形容词性)‎ 例731:—Are you feeling hungry? (饿吗?) ‎ ‎ —Not a bit, for I’ve just had a rich meal. (不饿,刚吃过大餐。)‎ ‎ —Not a little, it’s high time we had lunch. (很饿,早该吃午餐了。)‎ 例732:He was not a little tired, so he fell asleep the moment his head touched the pillow.‎ ‎(他很累,所以一躺下就睡着了。)‎ 例733:After climbing the mountain, he was a little / a bit thirsty, but not a bit tired. ‎ ‎(爬山后,他有点渴,但一点也不累。)‎ ‎12.ago / before ‎ ago:在……以前。指从此刻起若干时间以前,通常与过去时态连用。例如: ‎ 例734:It happened two days ago. ‎ before:在……以前。指从那时起若干时间以前,通常与过去完成时态连用。例如: ‎ 例735:He said that he had seen her two days before. ‎ 此外,before 也可以泛指以前,与完成时态或过去时态连用。例如: ‎ 例736:I’ve never heard of such a man before.‎ 例737:I met him somewhere before.‎ ‎13.almost / nearly ‎ almost:差不多,几乎。有very nearly的意义。例如:‎ 例738:He has almost finished his work. ‎ 例739:Almost no one took any rest.‎ nearly:几乎,将近。所指的差距一般比almost大。例如:‎ 例740:It’s nearly five o’clock.‎ 注:almost有时可与nearly通用,但almost后可接no, none, nothing, nobody等不定代词,而nearly前则可用not。‎ ‎14.aloud / loud / loudly ‎ aloud:出声地(有使能听得到的意味);高声地(有使远处能听得到的意味)。例如:‎ 例741:Please read the story aloud. ‎ 例742:They were shouting aloud. ‎ loud:高声地,大声地,响亮地。常指在说笑等方面。例如:‎ 例743:He was giving his lecture loud enough.‎ 例744:Speak louder. ‎ loudly:高声地。有时可与loud通用,但含有喧闹的意味。例如:‎ 例745:Someone knocked loudly at the door. ‎ 例746:I can hardly hear; they are talking loudly.‎ ‎15.altogether / all together ‎ altogether:总共(相当于in all)。 all together:一起(比together语气强,相当于completely together)。例如:‎ 例747:Altogether there are sixty-six of us here. Now let’s go (all) together.‎ ‎16.always / often / frequently / usually ‎ always:永远,总是。与进行式连用时,表示“再三地、老是”等意思,有时表示生气或不耐烦等感情色彩。例如:‎ 例748:The sun always rises in the east. ‎ 例749:The boy is always talking in class. (这孩子老在课堂讲话!) ‎ often:时常,常常。强调经常性。例如:‎ 例750:He often comes here to see me. ‎ 例751:Do you often go to the library? ‎ frequently:时常,屡次。与often通用,但是强调次数频繁,相当于very often。例如:‎ 例752:Business frequently brings him to Shanghai. (因商务,他常到上海来。)‎ 例753:He frequently comes here to see her.‎ usually:通常,往常。强调习惯性。例如:‎ 例754:He usually comes here at seven o’clock.‎ ‎17.before long / long before before long:很快,不久。可用于各种时态。例如:‎ 例755:Before long he had to move on again.‎ 例756:I think I’ll meet him before long.‎ long before:很久以前,老早。可单独使用,也可带从句。例如:‎ 例757:He said he had seen the film long before. (他说他早看过这部电影。)‎ 例758:I had seen the film long before he saw it. (在他看这部电影之前,我早就看过。)‎ 注意,以下的long before在意义上是分开的:‎ 例759:It won’t be long before we meet again. (我们不久还会见面。)‎ 例760:It was not long before he returned to his motherland. (不久他回到祖国。) ‎ ‎18.late / later / latest / lately / last / latter late:晚,迟。later:以后,后来(与late的比较级同形)。latest:最新的。lately:最近。last:上一次,最末了。latter:后者。例如: ‎ 例761:—Have you heard from Jack lately?‎ ‎ —Yes, he went to Jamestown on business last week. One night he returned to his hotel late, and met with a robber in the street. He fought bravely. Later, the police came and the latter was seized.‎ ‎ —Well, this is the latest news for me!‎ ‎19.no longer / no more ‎ no longer:不再,已不。侧重于时间关系,相当于not any longer,当状语。例如:‎ 例762:The Greens no longer lives here.‎ no more:不再,再也不。侧重于数量关系;当状语时,相当于not any more,还可以当定语。例如:‎ 例763:Since we’ve got no more chances, we’ll not go there any more.‎ ‎(既然我们不再有机会,我们就不再去那里了。)‎ ‎20.still / yet ‎ still:仍然,还。表示某事仍在继续之中,多用于肯定句中,常与一般时态、进行时态或完成时态连用;在修饰比较级或加强语气时,可放在被修饰词的前面或后面,此时是“更加”的意思。例如:‎ 例764:Just at that moment, he woke up, still shaking from the terrible dream.‎ 例765:It was cold yesterday, but today it is still colder / colder still. ‎ ‎(昨天很冷,但是今天更冷。)‎ 例766:After two hours the dog was still there.‎ 例767:The plane still has not taken off. (飞机还没起飞。)‎ 例768:Tom’s brother suffered a still worse fate. (汤姆的兄弟命运更糟。)‎ yet:仍然,还(强调某事尚未完成,但不一定要继续,多用于疑问句和否定句中);然而。例如:‎ 例769:My task is not yet finished. ‎ 例770:Though he is over sixty, yet he is strong.‎ ‎21.too / also / as well / either ‎ too:也。通常用于肯定句中;常放在句末,但有时为了不引起含糊不清的感觉,把它紧放在所修饰的词之后。例如:‎ 例771:Mother was angry too. ‎ 例772:I, too, have been to Paris. (这里明确表示人家去过巴黎,我也去过。而不是我除了去过某地以外,还去过巴黎。)‎ also:也。通常用于肯定句中;一般靠近动词。例如:‎ 例773:He also asked to go. ‎ as well:也。通常用于肯定句中;常放在句末,除了在may / might as well搭配中。如:‎ 例774:He knows English, and Japanese as well.‎ 例775:You might as well take a taxi, if no bus for you. (如果没有公交车,你也可以打的。)‎ either:也。通常用于否定句中,而且要放在句末。例如:‎ 例776:If you do not go, I shall not either. ‎ ‎22.too much / much too too much:太多(后接不可数名词);太过分(后接for短语)。‎ 例777:There is too much work today.‎ 例778:The problem is too much for the five-year-old boy.‎ much too:太。比too语气强,相当于far too,rather too等;其后接形容词和副词。例如:‎ 例779:The problem is much too difficult for the five-year-old boy.‎ ‎23.very / quite / fairly / rather ‎ very,quite,fairly和rather都有“十分”的意思。rather可用于修饰形容词或副词比较级,也可放在too(太)之前,very,quite和fairly则不可以。另外,very通常不修饰以a字母开头的形容词(如afraid, alone, asleep, aware, ashamed等,而要用much修饰),也不直接修饰动词;quite侧重于“完全地、彻底地”,相当于completely或entirely,可修饰形容词、副词或动词;fairly侧重于“还算”,通常修饰“使人感到愉快的”形容词或副词;rather侧重于“极,相当”,通常修饰表示“使人感到不愉快的”的形容词或副词。例如:‎ 例780:—Instead of using “I very like English”, we often express “I like English very much.” ‎ ‎(我们不说“I very like English.”,通常说“I like English very much.”。)‎ ‎ —Quite right. It’s very important. (完全正确。这一点很重要。)‎ 例781:—His pronunciation is fairly good, but his handwriting is rather poor.‎ ‎—I quite agree with you. ‎ 五、介词 ‎1.above / over / on / up ‎ above:在……之上。指某物高过于另一物,与below相对。例如:‎ 例782:The water came above our knees.(水深及膝之上。)‎ over:在……之上。指某物在另一物的正上方,互不接触,与under相对。例如: ‎ 例783:The lamp hangs over the table.‎ on:在……之上。指某物在另一物的上面,并相互接触。例如:‎ 例784:The lamp stands on the table.‎ up:在……之上。指由低向高。例如:‎ 例785:As they went up the mountain, they had to stop from time to time.‎ ‎2.across / over / through ‎ across:横过。指在同一平面上或成十字交叉穿过。例如:‎ 例786:He was leading the blind man across the street. (他带着那个盲人过街。)‎ through:穿过。指从物体中间或空间穿过。例如:‎ 例787:They walked through street after street, searching for a suitable dress.‎ ‎(他们走街串巷,想找一件合适的礼服。)‎ over:越过。指跨过障碍物。例如:‎ 例788:The thief climbed over the wall and ran away.‎ ‎3.after / behind / at the back of ‎ after:在……以后(表示时间);在……后面(表示地点,通常指次序的先后)。例如: ‎ 例789:Two days after his arrival, I called on him. ‎ 例790:They went out of the hall one after another.‎ 例791:After you!请!(您先走!) ‎ behind:在……后面。表示地点,指主体外部的后面,相对于in front of而言;它有时也表示时间,指针对某一规定时刻而迟了的意思。例如: ‎ 例792:There is a river behind our school.‎ 例793:The train was behind time. (火车晚点了。)‎ at the back of:在……后部。表示地点,指主体内部的后部,相对于in the front of而言。例如:‎ 例794:There is a playground at the back of our school.‎ ‎4.after / in ‎ after:在……以后(当其后接一段时间或过去某一时刻时,应使用过去时态;当其后接将来某一特定时刻时,应使用将来时态)。in:在……以后(后接一段时间,以现在为起点,表示将来)。例如: ‎ 例795:He will be back in two hours. ‎ 例796:He will be back after two o’clock.‎ 例797:He was back after two hours. ‎ 例798:He was back two hours later / after.‎ ‎5.among / between ‎ among:在……之间。一般指在三个或三个以上的同类事物中。例如:‎ 例799:The Yangtze is among the longest rivers in the world. ‎ between:在……之间。一般指在两者之间或三者以上的每两者之间。例如:‎ 例800:I dropped it somewhere between my house and the station. ‎ 例801:The tables in this restaurant are so close together that there is little room between them for people to move.‎ ‎(这餐馆的桌子排得太密了,桌子与桌子之间几乎没有空间让人们移动。)‎ ‎6.by turns / in turn / take turns by turns的意思是“轮流地,交替地,忽而……忽而……”,强调重复。in turn的意思是“依次相继地”,强调按顺序,还有“转而,反过来”之意。表示“轮流地”时,take turns跟by turns同义,但二者 的语法意义不同。例如:‎ 例802:We had a swing by turns. (我们轮流荡秋千。)‎ 例803:She went hot and cold by turns. (她一会儿发热,一会儿发冷。)‎ 例804:The children got on the train in turn. (孩子们依次上了火车。)‎ 例805:Interest rates were cut and, in turn, share prices rose.‎ ‎(利率被调低了,而反过来,股票价格却上扬了。)‎ 例806:Dan and I usually take turns to cook / in cooking.‎ ‎7.except / but / besides / including / included ‎ except:除……外,没有。指同类人、事、物的比较;另外,其搭配except for指不同类的人、事、物比较,except that,except when后接从句。例如:‎ 例807:All the articles were well written except Ann’s. (同类物相比,即安的作文写得不好。) ‎ 例808:Ann’s article was well written except for some spelling mistakes.‎ ‎(不同类物相比,即只不过有些拼写错。) ‎ 例809:Ann is a good student except that she is sometimes careless.‎ ‎(跟从句,即只不过有时粗心。)‎ 例810:The old lady often takes a walk except when it is raining. (跟从句,即下雨时不散步。)‎ but:除……外,没有。与except同义,但只用于who,all,no one,nobody,nothing,everyone或everything等代词后。例如:‎ 例811:Who but Carl would do that?(除了卡尔,谁还愿意做那件事?) ‎ 例812:They had no choice but to give in. (他们只好屈服。)‎ 例813:He does everything but cook. (他什么都行,就是不会做饭。此处的but前面有行为动词do,其后的动词应不带to。)‎ besides:作介词,意为“除……外,还有”;作副词,意为“况且,再说”。例如:‎ 例814:All the students went besides their teachers. ‎ 例815:It’s getting dark; besides, it’s going to rain.‎ including / included:包括。注意它们不是介词,including是动词include的ing形式,included则是形容词。例如: ‎ 例816:All the students went, including Li Hua / Li Hua included. ‎ ‎(后者是独立主格,相当于and Li Hua was included。)‎ ‎8.for the first time / the first time / the time for the first time: 在句中作状语;the first time和the time在句中起着连词的作用。如:‎ 例817:They were invited to the palace ball for the first time in their life.‎ 例818:It was for the first time that he made such a mistake. (强调句型)‎ 例819:It is the first time (that) he has made such a mistake.‎ 例820:The first time I met him, he was feeding his sheep. ‎ ‎(此处语法意义上可以用the last time 或 the next time替换)‎ 例821:The time the bell rang, all the pupils rushed out. ‎ 此处语法意义上可以用as soon as, the moment, the minute, the instant, instantly, immediately等替换;还可以用Hardly … when, Scarcely … when, No sooner ... than等倒装结构来表达。如:‎ 例822:Hardly had the bell rang when all the pupils rushed out.‎ ‎(铃声一响,所有的学生都冲了出去。)‎ ‎9.in all / at all / after all / above all / for all / first of all ‎ in all:总计(=in total)。at all:根本,全然(用于加强语气)。after all:毕竟。above all:首要(相当于the most important of all)。for all:尽管。first of all:首先。例如:‎ 例823:First of all, I’d like to share the good news with you. For all the difficulties, we’ve managed to finish forty items in all. But we still have to work harder, and above all, we shall value every possible minute. After all, we have only ten days to go. We have no time to waste at all! (首先,我想和大家一起分享好消息:尽管存在种种困难,我们还是设法完成了总共四十个项目。然而,我们还得更加努力,最重要是要珍惜每分每秒,毕竟我们的期限只剩十天,我们的时间实在浪费不起啊!)‎ ‎10.in the end / at the end of / by the end of ‎ in the end:最后,终于。指时间,相当于at last或finally。例如:‎ 例824:He waited and waited, but gave up in the end.‎ at the end of:在……末了,在……末端。指时间或地点。例如:‎ 例825:At the end of the party, they added another program.‎ 例826:You’ll find the post-office at the end of the street.‎ by the end of:在……结束时,到……末为止。常用完成时态。例如: ‎ 例827:We had learnt 24 units by the end of last term.‎ 例828:We will have learnt 24 units by the end of this term.‎ ‎11.in the past / in the past three years in the past:过去(用过去时)。in the past three years:近三年(用现在完成时)。例如:‎ 例829:Our town was poor in the past, but great changes have taken place in the town in the past / last three years. (我们的镇过去穷,可是近三年发生了翻天覆地的变化。)‎ 六、连词 ‎1.because / since / as / for because:因为。表示直接而明确的原因或理由,语气最强。例如: ‎ 例830:It was because he got ill that he didn’t come.‎ since:既然。表示说话者和听话者双方都明白的原因,相当于now that。例如:‎ 例831:Since you see my point, let’s start right away.‎ ‎(既然你明白我的意思,那我们开始行动把。)‎ as:因为,既然。语气不如because那么强。例如: ‎ 例832:As he is so mean, nobody around likes him. (他吝啬,身边没有一个人喜欢他。)‎ for:因为。语气最弱,只是解释性的,没有直接的因果关系;它是并列连词,不用于句首。例如: ‎ 例833:It must have rained,for the road is wet. (想必下过雨了,因为道路湿着呢。)‎ ‎2.if / whether ‎ if和whether都有“是否”的意思。whether可以引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句,if则只能引导宾语从句且不放在句首;whether后可以接to do结构,if 则不可以。另外,if有“如果”的意思,引导状语从句。例如: ‎ 例834:Whether they will come on time is still unknown.‎ 例835:We don’t know whether / if they will come on time.‎ 例836:We don’t know whether to come or not.‎ 例837:If they come, we’ll tell you at once. (如果他们来了,我就马上告诉你。)‎ ‎3.though / although / even though / as though ‎ though:虽然(用作连词,引导状语从句;也可用在倒装结构中);然而(用作副词,一般放在句末)。例如: ‎ 例838:Though it was very late, he went on working.‎ 例839:Young though / as he is (=Though he is young), he knows a lot. ‎ 例840:He said he would come, he didn’t, though. ‎ although:虽然。不用作副词,不用在倒装结构中。例如: ‎ 例841:Although it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat.‎ 例842:He is quite strong, although very old.‎ even though:即使。等于even if。例如:‎ 例843:I wouldn’t attend his party, even though invited to.‎ as though:好像。等于as if。例如:‎ 例844:He runs as though he were mad. (他跑起来像发疯似的。)‎ ‎4.when / while / as ‎ when:当或在……的时候。从句中的动作可以表示某一段时间或某一时刻。例如: ‎ 例845:When we were at school, we went to the library every day. ‎ 例846:It was raining when we arrived.‎ while:当或在……的时候。表示主句中的动作在从句中的动作的进展过程中发生,只能指某一段时间。例如: ‎ 例847:Please don’t talk so loud while others are working.‎ as:当或在……的时候。往往可与when或while通用,但它着重指主句和从句中的动作同时发生,有“一边……,一边……”含义。例如: ‎ 例848:The children sang happily as they went along the road.‎ 七、代词 ‎1.比较几组不定代词 两 者 三者或三者以上 都,全部 both all 都不,全部不 neither none 任一 either any 另一 the other another 每一 each(或两者以上)‎ every 相互 each other(或两者以上)‎ one another 例849:—Which of the two ties will you take? ‎ ‎ —I’ll take both, to give me a change sometimes.‎ 例850:—Will Bill and Tom be here tomorrow? ‎ ‎ —I’m afraid neither, they have asked for leave.‎ 例851:There are green trees on each side of the road. (= either side, both sides)‎ 例852:—What would you like, coffee, coke or tea? ‎ ‎ —Any is OK.‎ ‎2.each / every each和every都是“每一”的意思。each强调个体,every强调全体;each可以接“of ”结构,可以在句中充当同位语,every则不可以;each指两个或两个以上的人或事物,every指三个或三个以上的人或事物;every有“每隔……,每……”之思,each则没有。例如:‎ 例853:Each has his good point.‎ 例854:Each of them has his own dictionary.‎ 例855:The students each have a desk. (此处each是the students的同位语。)‎ 例856:I know every member of your family. ‎ 例857:We hand in our homework every three days. (相当于every third day。)‎ ‎3.none / no one ‎ none与no one都是“没有”的意思。none表示人或物,可接of短语;no one只表示人,不接of短语。例如: ‎ 例858:—How many students are there in the classroom? ‎ ‎ —None. (没有学生,表示有特定对象“学生”。) ‎ 例859:—Who is in the classroom? ‎ ‎ —No one. / Nobody. (没有人,表示没有特定对象。)‎ 同样情况也存在于none与nothing的比较:‎ 例860:—How many pens are there in the box? ‎ ‎ —None. (没有钢笔)‎ 例861:—What’s in the box? ‎ ‎ —Nothing. (什么也没有)‎ 例862:None of them wants to go. (此处none不用no one替代。)‎ 例863:Every one of us / Everyone has a chance to try a second time.‎ ‎4.nothing but / anything but / nobody but / anybody but nothing but:只有,只是。其后接事物或人。例如:‎ 例864:Nothing but a pen and a book is on the desk.‎ 例865:He is nothing but an assistant. (他不过是助手。)‎ anything but:决不。其后接事物或人。例如:‎ 例866:I will eat anything but pork. (我决不吃猪肉。)‎ 例867:She is anything but a good guide. (她决不是好向导。)‎ nobody but:只有。其后接人。例如:‎ 例868:Nobody but John and Peter has known it.‎ anybody but:决不。其后接人。例如:‎ 例869:I would believe anybody but Jim. (我决不信吉姆。)‎ 注意:nothing but和nobody but当主语时,其谓语通常用单数形式。‎ ‎5.one / that / it one,that和it都有“那个”的意思。one是不定代词,相当于“a + 名词”, 其复数形式是ones;that是指示代词,相当于“the + 名词”,其复数形式是those;it是人称代词,指代前文提及的那件事、那个物(是唯一的)。例如:‎ 例870:I am looking for a house, and I want one with a small garden.‎ ‎(one = a + 名词,指代一幢房屋。)‎ 例871:The weather in here is better than that in Xi’an.‎ ‎(that = the + 名词,指代西安的气候。)比较:‎ 例872:The students in our class are more hardworking than those in any of the other classes.‎ ‎(those = the +名词复数,指代学生。)‎ 例873:This is the last recorder in the shop. Let’s buy it.‎ ‎(it指代前文提过的那个物,即最后一台录音机。)‎ ‎6.other / others / the other / the others / another 例874:Some people like basketball while others like football. (= other people, other作主语。)‎ 例875:Thirty students in our class are boys and the others are girls. ‎ ‎(= the other students, others作主语。)‎ 例876:I’ve got two ball-point pens. One is blue and the other is red. ‎ ‎(the other作两者当中的另外一个解,可作主语。)‎ 例877:There are four foreigners in our class. One is from the United States and the other three are from Japan. ‎ 例878:I don’t want this pen. Please show me another. (another指三支笔以上的另外一支。)‎ 例879:We need another ten people to help us. ‎ ‎(another作“又、再”解,我们再需要十个人来帮忙。)‎ 例880:We need ten other / more people to help us.‎ ‎7.some / any 例881:He’ll be back here very soon for some reason(s). (some在肯定句中表示某些或某一)‎ 例882:Would you like some tea? (some在疑问句中表示建议、诚意或愿望等。)‎ 例883:Won’t you try some rice?‎ 例884:I don’t have any change on me. (我身上没带零钱。any用于否定或疑问句。)‎ 例885:If you have any question, please raise your hand first. ‎ ‎(如有问题,请举手。any用于if从句中。)‎ 八、冠词 ‎1.go to school / go to the school 例886:Li Hua went to school at seven this morning. An hour later, his father also went to the school for a meeting. (李华今天早上7点上学,一小时后他父亲也去了学校,要开会。)‎ ‎2.go to church / go to the church 例887:We had to go to the church to get Joan, who went to church without her cell phone, for it was urgent. (我们只好去教堂叫琼,她去礼拜,没有带手机,事情又紧急。)‎ ‎3.be in hospital / be in the hospital 例888:I am going to the hospital to see Tom, for he is in hospital.‎ ‎(我要去医院看汤姆,他在住院。)‎ ‎4.in front of / in the front of 例889:In front of our house, there is a theatre. I like sitting in the front of the theatre when enjoying a play. (我家房前有个剧院,看戏时我喜欢坐前排。)‎ ‎5.in charge of / in the charge of 例890:—Is Smith still in charge of the project? (史密斯还负责这个项目吗?)‎ ‎ —No, it’s now in the charge of Jackson. (没有,该项目现在由杰克逊负责。)‎ ‎6.in possession of / in the possession of 例891:Jackson used to be in possession of the company, but now it is in the possession of his son.(杰克逊以前拥有该公司,现在公司由他儿子拥有。)‎ ‎7.in case of / in the case of 例892:You’d better take an umbrella in case of rain. (你最好带雨伞,万一下雨。)‎ ‎ Money, in the case of Jane, means everything. (钱对简来说意味着一切。) ‎ ‎8.in course of / in the course of 例893:The classroom building is in course of construction. (教学楼正在修建中。)‎ ‎ In the course of the class, he fell asleep. (他在上课过程中睡着了。)‎ ‎9.by road / by the road 例894:Did you come by road?It’s not safe for you to park your car by the road.‎ ‎(你坐车来吗?把车停在路旁不安全。)‎ ‎10.by hand / by the hand 例895:This was done by hand. (这是手工完成的。)‎ ‎ The young man took the blind man by the hand, leading him across the street. ‎ ‎(那年轻人拉着盲人的手,带他过马路。) ‎ ‎11.by day / by the day 例896:We usually work by day, and get paid by the day. (我们通常白天工作,按日计酬。)‎ ‎12.on watch / on the watch 例897:I will be on watch tonight. (今晚我值班。)‎ ‎ The police were on the watch for the criminal. (警察在看着罪犯。)‎ ‎13.out of question / out of the question 例898:—Can you do it? (你会做吗?)‎ ‎—Out of question! (没问题!)‎ ‎ —Try to finish it within two hours. (尽量在两小时内完成。)‎ ‎—Out of the question!(不可能!)‎ ‎14.three of us / the three of us 例899:Three of us are going. (我们中有三个人要去。)‎ ‎ The three of us are going. (我们这三个人都要去。)‎ ‎15.the red and white T-shirt / the red and the white T-shirts 例900:The red and white T-shirt is costly. (那条红白相间的T恤很贵。)‎ ‎ The red and the white T-shirts are costly. (那些红色和白色的T恤都很贵。)‎

