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2011高考英语词汇总复习---F字母开头 face n. the front part of the head from the thin to the hair 脸;面孔; v. to have the face or front pointing (towards) 面对;面向 face to face in the direct presence(of) 面对面;当面 make a face to make an expression with the face to show rude amusement, disagreement, dislike, pain, etc. 做鬼脸;做苦脸 fact n. something that has actually happened or is happening; something known to be, or accepted as being, true 事实;实际 syn: reality; truth ant: conjecture as a matter of fact really; actually 事实上 syn: in (actual) fact; in point of fact in fact really; actually 实际上 syn: as a matter of fact; in point of fact factory n. a building or group of buildings where goods are made, esp, in great quantities by machines 工厂 syn: works; plant; mill fail v. to be unsuccessful(in) 失败;不及格 ant: succeed 成功 fair adj. 1. Free from dishonesty or injustice 公平的;合理的; 2. fairly good 相当好(尚好) 3. (of the weather) fine; clear (天气)晴朗的; 4. (having skin or hair that is) light in colour not dark(肤色) 白晰的;(头发)淡色的 syn: proper; blond; pleasant ant: unfair fairly adv. 1. in a manner that is free from dishonesty; injustice, etc. 公正地; 2. for the most part; rather; quite 相当地 syn: rather, quite faith n. strong belief; trust 信念;信仰 syn: trust ant: doubt fall v. (fell fallen) 1. to descend through the air 落下;下降 2. to come down from a standing position, esp. suddenly. 倒下;跌倒 3. Am.E autumn (美)秋天 syn: drop; descend; sink ant: rise fall asleep to go to sleep 入睡fall ill to be not well in health 患病 [来源:学§科§网Z§X§X§K] fall in love with 爱上 fall off 跌落;下降 fall over 跌倒;倒下 fall to pieces 崩溃;倒塌 false adj. 1. not true or correct 不正确的 2. not real 假的 syn: wrong; incorrect ant: true; correct familiar adj. having a thorough knowledge(of) 熟悉 ant: unfamiliar be familiar with 对……熟悉 family n. any group of people related by blood or marriage, esp. a group of parents and their children 家庭;家族 syn: household famous adj. very well known 著名的;有名的 syn: remarkable ant: obscure [来源:Z.xx.k.Com] be famous for 因……而著名 fan n. 1. an instrument meant to make a flow of (cool) air, such as an arrangement of feathers or paper in a half circle waved by hand, or a set of broad blades turned by a motor 扇子 2. a very keen follower or supporter, esp. of a sport or famous person 球迷 far adj. & adv. (farther farthest further furthest) a long way 远的/地 syn: remote ant: near far away a long way. 遥远的;远离的 far from farther than; instead of 远离;完全不 so far until now 到目前为止 farm n. an area of land, with its buildings, concerned with the growing of crops or the raising of animals 农场;农庄 farmer n. a person who owns or plants the work on a farm 农夫;农场主;牧场主 syn: peasant farther adv. & adj. (far的比较级) more far 较远;更远 syn: further ant: nearer fast adj. quick; moving quickly 快的 迅速的 adv. quickly快地;迅速地 syn: quick adv. quickly ant: slow adv. slowly fasten v. to make or become firmly fixed or joined 扎牢;扣住 syn: fix ant: unfasten. fat adj. having (too) much fat 肥胖的; n. the material under the skins of animals and human beings which helps to keep them warm 脂肪 syn: feshy ant: lean father n. a male parent 父亲 fault n. a mistake or imperfection 缺点;毛病 syn: mistake ant: merit; excellent favo(u)r n. a kind act 恩慰;好意;帮助 syn: kindness ant: animus favo(u)rite n. something or someone that is loved above all others 特别喜爱的人(或物) adj. being a favorite 喜爱的 syn: preferred fear n. the feeding that one has when danger is near; the feeding that something is likely to happen 害怕;恐惧;担忧 syn: dread; fright ant: fearlessness feather n. one of the many parts of the covering which grows on a bird’s body, like a thin stick with soft hair-like material on each side 羽毛 February n. the 2nd month of the year 二月 feed v. (fed, fed) to give food to 喂(养);饲(养) feel v. (felt, felt) to get knowledge of by touching with the fingers感觉;感触 feel like doing to have a wish for; want 觉得想做 ant: want would like to do 想做 would prefer to do 想做 feeling n. a consciousness of something felt 感情;感觉 syn: sensation fellow n. someone with whom one shares a (stated) activity or spends time in a (stated) place 同伴;伙伴 syn: companion; mate fence n. a wall made of wood or wire, dividing two areas of land 栅栏;篱笆 syn: hedge fetch v. to go and get from another place and bring back 去取;去拿 syn: bring few adj. not many; not enough 少数(的) pron. not many; no enough 不多(的) ant: many fever n. an illness in which the sufferer suddenly develops a very high temperature 发烧;发热 a few not many 一些;少数几个 field n. a stretch of land on a farm marked off in some way and weed for animals or crops 田地;牧场;场地 fierce adj. angry, violent and cruel 猛烈的 [来源:Zxxk.Com] syn: violent; cruel; angry ant: tame; mild fifteen num. (the number) 15 十五 fifth num. 5th 第五 fifty num. (the number)50 五十 fight v. (fought, fought) to wse violence( against others) 打仗;打架;战斗 n. a battle 战斗 syn: battle; war figure n. a whole human body, as shown in art or seen in reality 塑像;画像 fill v. to make or become full 满;充满 syn: perrade ant: empty(v.) fill in to put in 填充;填空 film n. 1. the substance on which one takes photographs or makes cinema pictures 电影胶片 2. movie 电影 syn: movie final adj. last; coming at the end 最后的 syn: last find v. (found, found) to discover, esp. by researching 找到;发现 syn: discover find out to learn or discover (a fact that was hidden) 查明;发现;了解 fine adj. bright and sunny; beautiful and of high quality晴朗的;美好的 healthy and comfortable(身体)很好的;健康的;舒适的 finger n. one of the movable parts with joints, at the end of each human hand 手指 finish v. to come or bring to an end 结束;做完 syn: complete fire n. burning with place 火;火炉;火灾 v. to shoot off bullets 开火;射击 syn: blaze(n.) on fire 着火 fire alarm 火警 fire escape 安全梯 fire fighter 消防人员 fire wood 火柴 firm adj. strong; hard 牢固的;稳固的 n. business company 公司;企业 syn: strong; hard; solid ant: infirm first adj. & adv. before anything else 第一 before the others 首先 n. the person or thing before all the others 开始;开端 ant: last at first at the beginning 起先;开始的时候 first of all as the first thing 首先 fish n. a creature which lives in water and use its fins and tail to swim 鱼;鱼肉 v. to try to catch fish 捕鱼;钓鱼 fishing net 鱼网 fist n. the hand with the fingers closed in tightly 拳头 fit v. 1. to be the right size or shape(for)(使)合适;(使)符合 2. to provide and put correctly into place安装 adj. right and suitable 适合的;适当的 syn: suitable ant: unfit be fit for be suitable 适合 five num. (the number)5 五 fix v. to repair 修理;安装;确定;决定 syn: repair ant: alter fix up 安顿;修理好 flag n. a square piece of cloth, usu. with a pattern or picture on it, fastened by one edge to a pole or rope 旗 syn: banner flash n. 1. a sudden quick bright light 闪光 2. the method or apparatus for taking photographs in the dark 闪光灯 in a flash 一杀那间 flat adj. smooth and level. 平的;扁平的;平坦的;平展的; n. a set of rooms, esp. on one floor, usu. one of many such sets [来源:学科网ZXXK] in a building or block 一套房间 syn: level(a.) apartment(n.) flight n. 1. trip by plane 航班;搭机旅行 2. a set of stairs 楼梯的一段 syn: flying float v. to stay at the top of liquid or be help up in air without sinking [来源:Zxxk.Com] 漂浮;浮动 syn: waft ant: sink flood v. 淹没;使泛滥 n. the covering with water of a place that is usu. dry; great overflow of water 洪水 floor n. 1. the surface on which one stands indoor; surface nearest the ground 地面;地板 2. a level of a building (楼梯的)层 flour n. grain, esp. Wheat, made into powder and used for making bread, pastry, cakes, etc. 面粉;粉 flow v. to run or spread smoothly like a river; pour 流动;涌出 syn: pour flower n. the part of a plant, often beautiful and coloured, that produced seeds or fruit 花 fly v. 1. to move through the air by means of wings or a machine飞翔;乘飞机; 2. to move through the air 飞行 fold v. to turn, bend, or press back one part of something and lay on the remaining part 折叠;合拢 syn: lap ant: unfold follow v. to come or go after 跟随;随后 to come next in order (表示时间,次序等)接着 fond adj. loving in a kind, gentle, or tender way 喜爱的;爱好的 syn: doting be fond of like 喜欢;爱好 food n. something that living creatures or plants take into their bodies to give them strength and help them to develop and to live 食物;食品;养料 [来源:学科网] fool n. a silly person 傻子;蠢的 syn: idiot ant: wiseman foolish adj. without good sense; stupid; laughable 傻的;愚蠢的 [来源:学.科.网] syn: stupid ant: sensible [来源:Z#xx#k.Com] foot (feet) n. 1. the movable part of the body at the end of the leg, below the ankle, on which a person or animal stands 脚;足 2. 12 inches or about 0.305 metres 英寸 on foot (by) walking 步行;走路 football n. a ball game between two teams of eleven players, using a round ball which is kicked but not handled 足球运动;足球 syn: soccer for prep. 1. shows purpose (说明目的或用途)为…… 2. instead of 代替;帮助 3. in favor, support 赞成;支持 4. towards (表示方向)往;向 for a while 暂时;一刻 for free 免费 for one thing 首先 forbid v. to command not to do something 禁止;不许 syn: prohibit ant: permit force v. to use bodily force or strong influence on 强迫;迫使 syn: compel foreign adj. of a country or nation that is not one’s own 外国的 syn: domestic forest n. (a large area of land thickly covered with) trees and bushes 森林;丛林 forever adv. = for ever for all future time 永远;永久 syn: always; ever forget v. to fail to remember 忘记;忘掉 ant: remember forgive v. to say or feel that one is no longer angry about and/or wishing to give punishment to (sb.) for (sth.) 原谅;宽恕 syn: pardon fork n. an instrument for holding food or carrying it to the mouth, having a handle at one end with two or more points at the other叉;餐叉;(路,词等)岔口 form n. shape; appearance 形状;形式;种类 syn: shape v. 1. to take or make into a shape 形成 2. organize 组织 syn: organize; shape fortnight n. two weeks 十四的;两个星期 fortunate adj. having or bring good fortune; lucky 幸运的;侥幸的 fortunately adv. by good chance; luckily 幸运地 syn: luckily fortune n. luck 运气;好运 wealth 财产 syn: luck; wealth forty num. (the number)40 四十 forward adj. towards the front, the end, or the future 向前;前进;将来;今后 syn: advancing ant: backward [来源:Z§xx§k.Com] found v. to start building (something large); establish 成立;建立 syn: establish ant: destroy fountain n. a stream of water that shoots straight up into the air 喷泉 four num. (the number)4 四 fourth num. 4th 第四 fox n. a small doglike European wild animal with reddish fur, which is hunted in Britain and is often said to have a clever and deceiving nature 狐狸 France n. a republic in W. Europe 法兰西;法国 free adj. 1. Able to act as one wants 自由的 2. without payment of any kind 免费的 3. not busy. 空闲的 syn: independent; released ant: bond set free free 释放;使自由 freedom n. the state of being free 自由 syn: independence ant: bondage freeze v. (froze, frozen)to harden into or become covered with ice 结冰 French n. the language of France 法语 adj. belonged to France, its people 法国的;法国人的 Frenchman (pl. Frenchmen) n. man of French birth or nationality 法国人 frequent adj. common; found or happening; often 经常的;频繁的 syn: common; usual ant: infrequent [来源:学科网ZXXK] frequently adv. often 经常地;频繁地 syn: often ant: rarely; seldom fresh adj. not long gathered, caught, produced, etc, and therefore in good condition 新鲜的;无经验的;不熟练的 syn: new ant: stale Friday n. the 6th day of the week 星期五 Fridge (refrigerator) n. ice box 冰箱 friend n. a person whom one knows well and likes, but who is not related 朋友 syn: confidant ant: enemy make friends to form a friendship or friendships 交朋友 friendly adj. acting or ready to act as a friend 友好的 syn: kind; amiable ant: unfriendly friendship n. the condition of sharing a friendly relationship; feeling and behaviour that exists between friends 友 谊;友好 syn: friendliness ant: animosity frighten v. to fill with fear 使惊恐;吓唬 syn: terrify from prep. 1. starting at 从……起 2. using; out of 由 3. shows separation, difference or taking away 表距离,差异 from now on in future 从此以后;今后 from then on 从那时开始;从那时起 from…to… 从……到…… front n. the most forward position, part, or surface, furthest form or opposite to the back 前部;前面 in front of towards or outside the front of 在……前面 fruit n. the part of tree or bush that contains seeds, esp. considered as food 水果;果实 fry v. to be cooked in hot fat or oil 油煎;油炒;油炸 fuel n .material that is used for producing heat or power by burning燃料 full adj. 1. filled completely; holding as much or as many as possible 满的;充满的 2. complete完全的 syn: complete ant: empty be full of be filled with 充满……的 fun n. amusement; enjoyment; pleasure 有趣的事;玩笑;娱乐 syn: amusement; enjoyment; pleasure make fun of poke fun of; laugh rather unkindly at取笑(某人);开……的玩笑 funny adj. amusing; causing laughter 滑稽可笑的;古怪的 syn: amusing fur n. a hair-covered skin of certain animals, used for clothing皮;毛皮;皮子 furniture n. all large or quite large movable articles, such as beds, chairs, tables, etc, that are placed in a house, room, or other area(总称)家具 further adj. & adv. (comparative of fur) 更远的(地);较远的(地); 更进一步的(地) syn: farther future n. time yet to come 将来;未来 in (the) future = from now on 以后;将来 查看更多