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‎2010届高考各地模拟单项选择题分类汇编(9)200题 名词 ‎1.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考)10. Her teacher made a special _____ to discuss her progress at school once a month.‎ ‎ A. collection B. attraction C. arrangement D. conclusion ‎ ‎2.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 14. Less than twenty percent of the employees in their company are women. That is to say, women are in the _____.‎ ‎ A. majority B. activity C. probability D. minority ‎3.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 17. At the class meeting, some top students introduced several _____ to the study of English. ‎ ‎ A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways ‎4.(2010·吉林长春外国语学校高三上第一次月考) 9. If you stand here, you'll get a better ________ of the river. ‎ A. sight B. view C. scene D. scenery ‎5.(2010·海南临高二中高三第二次月考) 23. They soon moved back to the ____ because they could hardly get used to city life.‎ A. country B. nation C. province D. state ‎6.(2010·海南临高二中高三第二次月考) 24. After climbing for two hours we were glad to take ____rest..‎ A. a few minutes’ B. a few minutes ‎ C. a little minutes’ D. little minute ‎7.(2010·海南临高二中高三第二次月考) 25. The ____of the house were covered with yellow____.‎ A. roofs; leafs B. rooves; leafs C. roofs; leaves D. rooves; leaves ‎8.(2010·海南临高二中高三第二次月考) 27. Nobody was hurt in the accident but ____to the car _____ quite bad. ‎ A. damage; was B. the damage; was ‎ C. damages; were D. the damages; were ‎9.(2010·海南临高二中高三第二次月考) 29. Every citizen should have a(an)_____ of right and wrong.‎ A. knowledge B. idea C. sense D. feeling ‎10.(2010·江苏大丰高级中学高三第一次质量检测) 24. Political parties often differ in their views on various _____ concerning their own countries.‎ A. ways    B. measures    C. issues    D. patterns 冠词 ‎11.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 12. _____ new cure for this disease that medical experts have recently developed proved to be _____ most effective, although it can not completely kill all the viruses.‎ ‎ A. A; a B. The; / C. /; the D. A; the ‎12.(2010·吉林长春外国语学校高三上第一次月考) 1. Some people fear that _______ air pollution may bring about changes in ______ weather around the world.‎ ‎ A. /; the B. the; / C. an; the D. the ; a ‎13.(2010·安徽师大附中高三第二次模拟考试) 21.Some of the exercises appear to be _____ones that you have done, but after taking ____second look, you will find that they are different. ‎ ‎ A. /, the B. the, the C. the, a D. /, a ‎14.(2010·福建“四地六校”高三上第一次联考) 22. --I hear there was a road accident this morning.‎ ‎--Yes._____ car hit a tree and _____ driver was killed. ‎ A. A, a B. The, a C. The, the D. A, the ‎15.(2010·北京八十中学高三9月月考) 21.If I drive in this city myself, I’ll probably get lost as I haven’t got very good sense of ________direction.‎ A.a; 不填 B.the; 不填 C.a; the D.the; a ‎16.(2010·福建莆田九中高三上第二次月考) 21. It’s not good idea to drive for four hours without break. ‎ A. a;a B. the;a C. the;the D. a;the ‎17.(2010·辽宁东北育才学校高三第一次模拟) 1、Nearly at 6 o’clock in the evening we reached ________ small village ________ east of _________ famous river. ‎ A. the; the; the B. a; the; the C. a; ; the D. a; ; ‎ ‎18.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考) 1. – Have you seen ______ umbrella? I left it here yesterday.‎ ‎-- Is it ______ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.‎ A. an; the B. the; the C. the; a D. an; a ‎19.(2010·海南临高二中高三第二次月考) 26. ____poet and _____writer is to give us a report tomorrow.‎ A. A; a B. The; / C. The; the D. A; the ‎20.(2010·海南临高二中高三第二次月考) 28. Mike hit her on ____ head with ____ piece of iron and hurt her. ‎ A. the; the B. a; a C. a; the D. the; a ‎21.(2010·黑龙江哈三中高三10月月考) 23. Education is a lifelong process, _____ process that starts long before ____ start of school, and one that should be _____ necessary part of one’s entire life.‎ ‎ A. a; a ; a B. a; the; a C. the; a; the D. the; the; the ‎ ‎22.(2010·湖南桃源一中高三10月月考) 34. 21st Century, ______ weekly newspaper, provides us with ______ variety of fresh articles about campus studies and life. ‎ A. a, the B. the, a C. the, / D. a, a ‎23.(2010·江苏大丰高级中学高三第一次质量检测) 21. — Have you heard of the North Korea’s nuclear test?‎ ‎— Yes, ________ news came as ________ shock to me. ‎ A. the; a B. the; the C. a; a D. a; the 代词 ‎24.(2010·安徽师大附中高三第二次模拟考试) 29. —What do you think of Spain?‎ ‎—Well, considering its diverse cultures, it is an attractive country,______ worthy of a visit.‎ A. it B. one C. this D. that ‎25.(2010·安徽师大附中高三第二次模拟考试) 31. I would appreciate ______, to be frank, if goods could be delivered as soon as possible.‎ A. you B. this C. it D. myself ‎26.(2010·辽宁东北育才学校高三第一次模拟) 7、What I need is nothing but a book, _________ that can help to kill the time tonight. ‎ A it B that C one D the one ‎ ‎27.(2010·黑龙江哈三中高三10月月考) 24. ---Did your parents come to see you last week?‎ ‎---They had meant to, but it turned out that ____ of them could spare some time to.‎ ‎ A. none B. neither C. either D. any ‎ ‎28.(2010·湖南桃源一中高三10月月考) 30. —What do you think of Spain?‎ ‎—Well, considering its diverse cultures, it is an attractive country,______ worthy of a visit.‎ A. it B. one C. this D. that ‎ ‎29.(2010·江苏大丰高级中学高三第一次质量检测) 25. — Sorry, but the CDs Secret Garden have been sold out.‎ ‎— How I wish I had bought ________ earlier! ‎ A. this B. that C. one D. it 数词 ‎30.(2010·福建莆田九中高三上第二次月考) 25. ________people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day.‎ A. Tens of millions of B. Tens of millions C. Ten of millions of D. Ten millions of 介词 ‎31.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 16. ________ what I had originally thought, collecting stamps turned out to be fun.‎ ‎ A. In spite of B. Instead of C. Because of D. Contrary to ‎32.(2010·山东临港一中高三上10月月考) 22. The giant wrestled _____ him blindness, wandering aimlessly ____ his lost animals.‎ ‎ A. over; in search of B. with; in search of ‎ C. about ; in one’s search for D. with; in one’s search of ‎ ‎33.(2010·安徽师大附中高三第二次模拟考试) 25. __________ all my homework unfinished, I am not allowed to go online to play games.‎ A. To B. For C. With D. Without ‎34.(2010·江苏大丰高级中学高三第一次质量检测) 28. For holidays, many people visit those islands ________ the coast of Australia.‎ A. in B. on C. off D. of 连词 ‎35.(2010·吉林长春外国语学校高三上第一次月考) 7.When Captain Bligh arrived in Tahiti, it became clear that it would be some months ______ the breadfruit trees were ripe and ready to be taken to the West Indies. ‎ ‎ A. that B. before C. since D. then ‎36.(2010·吉林长春外国语学校高三上第一次月考) 10. ________ I call on him, he is out.‎ A. The moment B. So far as ‎ C. Every time D. Any time ‎37.(2010·湖南桃源一中高三10月月考) 31. Follow your doctor’s advice, ______ your cough will get worse.‎ A. or B. and C. then D. so 形容词 ‎38.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 15. Those who are of great determination are ________ to make great achievements. ‎ ‎ A. maybe B. likely C. probable D. possible ‎39.(2010·吉林长春外国语学校高三上第一次月考) 13. Solar energy heating system is an _____ method of heating.‎ ‎ A. economic B. economy C. economics D. economical ‎40.(2010·福建“四地六校”高三上第一次联考) 30. The twelve animal- head statues are _______ ,for they are our national art treasures. ‎ A. valueless B. invaluable C. worthless D. Useful ‎41.(2010·福建莆田九中高三上第二次月考) 35. Her performance was so that everybody 1aughed. ‎ A. amazed B. amazing C. amusing D. amused ‎42.(2010·辽宁东北育才学校高三第一次模拟) 14、You have given us a very good plan, but I am afraid it doesn’t seem _______.‎ A. practical B. normal C. real D. actual 副词 ‎43.(2010·山东临港一中高三上10月月考) 31.I maybe get there at eight or at nine, or still later. _____, I’ll be there as early as I can.‎ ‎ A. Besides B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Anyhow ‎44.(2010·安徽师大附中高三第二次模拟考试) 35. Your uncle seems to be a good driver; , I wouldn’t dare to travel in his car. ‎ A. even so B. even though C. therefore D. so ‎45.(2010·福建“四地六校”高三上第一次联考) 33. The situation of the global finance crisis was _______ worse than expected.‎ A. rather B. fairly C. very D .any ‎46.(2010·福建“四地六校”高三上第一次联考) 35. The first time he had a dinner with some high officials ,he felt ______ uneasy.‎ A. a sort of B. sort of C. of a sort D. all sorts of ‎47.(2010·福建莆田九中高三上第二次月考) 28. Mr. Smith is a teacher. He is also out good friend. ‎ A. only B. more than C. hardly D. 1ess than ‎48.(2010·黑龙江哈三中高三10月月考) 34. Progress so far has been very good. We are, ______, confident that the work will be completed on time.‎ A. however B. otherwise C. therefore D. besides ‎ 比较级和最高级 ‎49.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 20. The new bridge is _____ the one built last year.‎ ‎ A. three times as wider as B. three times the width of ‎ C. three times the width D. as three times as ‎ ‎50.(2010·江苏大丰高级中学高三第一次质量检测) 30. Hit by a hammer, my foot became ________.‎ A. 3 times bigger than B. as big as 3 times C. the normal size 3 times D. 3 times the normal size 动词和动词短语 ‎51.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 4.Scientists ________ in many ways for their contributions _______ the development and progress of human society.‎ ‎ A. always honour; to B. always honour; for ‎ C. are always honoured; to D. are always honoured; for ‎52.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 5. The special magazine ________ many events that are not known to many people. ‎ ‎ A. writes B. covers C. prints D. reads ‎53.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 7. As young people, we mustn’t ______ the good traditions _____ from one generation to another.‎ A. catch sight of; passing down ‎ ‎ B. lose the sight of; passing down C. lose sight of; passed down ‎ D. catch the sight of; passed down ‎54.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 9. When I saw the cars crash on the road, a frightened feeling _____ across my mind. ‎ ‎ A. flashed B. struck C. hit D. occurred ‎55.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 19. If you are found _____ in the schoolyard, you _____ by the teachers.‎ ‎ A. smoking; are blamed B. smoke; are punished ‎ C. smoking; are to blame D. smoking; are to punish ‎56.(2010·山东临港一中高三上10月月考) 23. The language training programmer ____ teenagers who want to go abroad to study.‎ ‎ A. caters for B. makes up for C. cares for D. accounts for ‎57.(2010·山东临港一中高三上10月月考) 24.Among so many scientists in the fields, he ______ and achieved great success. ‎ ‎ A. stood out B. stood for C. stood aside D. stood by ‎58.(2010·山东临港一中高三上10月月考) 26. John was dismissed because he wasn’t _____ his work.‎ ‎ A. up for B. up to C. fit in D. suitable to ‎59.(2010·山东临港一中高三上10月月考) 27.I have decided to ____ my proposal for urban development to the City Council. ‎ ‎ A. negotiate B. confirm C. prove D. submit ‎60.(2010·山东临港一中高三上10月月考) 28.The police are questioning the young man ____ murdering that old man.‎ ‎ A. spoke out B. suspected of C. scolded for D. fond of ‎61.(2010·山东临港一中高三上10月月考) 29.The case was _____ to Mr. Smith for investigation.‎ ‎ A. handed over B. handed down C. handed out D. handed on ‎62.(2010·山东临港一中高三上10月月考) 35.She told me her name, but I’m afraid it didn’t _____.‎ ‎ A. register B. consult C. adopt D. digest ‎63.(2010·吉林长春外国语学校高三上第一次月考) 2. --How about eight o'clock outside the cinema?‎ ‎ --That _______ me fine. ‎ ‎ A. fits B. meets C. satisfies D. suits ‎64.(2010·吉林长春外国语学校高三上第一次月考) 3. Her son, to whom she was so_________, went abroad ten years ago.‎ ‎ A. loved B. cared C. devoted D. affected ‎65.(2010·吉林长春外国语学校高三上第一次月考) 5. The film “A World without Thieves” _______ a great success and brought in a large profit to the cinema. ‎ ‎ A. appreciated B. enjoyed C. won D. seized ‎66.(2010·吉林长春外国语学校高三上第一次月考) 6.By sunset we had _________ thirty miles.‎ A. advanced B. covered C. charged D. marched ‎67.(2010·吉林长春外国语学校高三上第一次月考) 15. All the leading newspapers ____ the trade talks between China and the United States.‎ A. reported B. printed C. announced D. published ‎ ‎68.(2010·安徽师大附中高三第二次模拟考试) 22.She used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad has completely _________ her.‎ A. transmitted B. transported C. transplanted D. transformed ‎69.(2010·安徽师大附中高三第二次模拟考试) 23.Some people tried to separate our country by taking illegal action, which didn’t exactly _____ racial harmony.‎ A. make it B. make for C. make out D. make up ‎70.(2010·安徽师大附中高三第二次模拟考试) 30. I’ll be publishing my results only when I have _________ my research.‎ A. concerned B. connected C. conducted D. concluded ‎71.(2010·福建“四地六校”高三上第一次联考) 26 We are _______ to talk loudly in the dormitory when others are taking a noon-break.‎ A. supposed B. supposing C. not supposed D .not supposing ‎72.(2010·福建“四地六校”高三上第一次联考) 28 .Thomas Huxley(English biologist,1825-1895) once_______ "Try to learn something about everything and everything about something"‎ A. put it B. put out C. put up with it D. put in ‎73.(2010·福建“四地六校”高三上第一次联考) 34. Henry has been ill, but he is______ again now.‎ A. picking up B. going up C. drawing up D. taking up ‎74.(2010·福建莆田九中高三上第二次月考) 24. No one knows when exactly the lake _______________.‎ A. took its place B. came into being C. happened D. came over ‎75.(2010·福建莆田九中高三上第二次月考) 29. Three years __________without our knowing it.‎ A. went on B. passed by C. went by D. passed on ‎76.(2010·福建莆田九中高三上第二次月考) 30. If the wind doesn’t before three o’clock,we won’t be able to take off today. ‎ A. die out B. go down C. get off D. go up ‎77.(2010·辽宁东北育才学校高三第一次模拟) 9、Don’t play computer games too often, for once ________ them, you will suffer later on. ‎ A. adapted to B. addicted to C. adjusted to D. applied to ‎ ‎78.(2010·辽宁东北育才学校高三第一次模拟) 10、—How did you know the details of that surprising news?‎ ‎—I happened _________ the event then.‎ A. to be listening B. to have covered ‎ C. to be covering D. to have listened ‎79.(2010·辽宁东北育才学校高三第一次模拟) 11、In the time of economic crisis, every coin _________ a lot. ‎ A. values B. important C. worth D. counts ‎ ‎80.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考)2. He looks old for his age. I think he must have ______ a lot in ‎ those years. ‎ A. gone over B. gone by C. gone through D. gone with ‎81.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考)4. I’m afraid this map is wrong; I can’t ______ where we are.‎ A. work out B. turn out C. put out D. think out ‎82.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考)6. It’s difficult to tell the twins ______. Can you tell me how you ______ one from the other?‎ A. apart, distinguish B. separately; tell ‎ C. from; recognize D. between; differ ‎83.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考)7. No one can imagine the difficulty he had ______ his son to get rid of the habit of playing computer games.‎ A. persuaded B. to persuade ‎ C. persuading D. persuade ‎84.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考)8. Firefighters took two hours to ______ the driver from the damaged car.‎ A. help B. set C. take D. release ‎85.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考)12. The smell of those flowers ______ my happy childhood in the countryside.‎ A. brought up B. called up C. brought out D. called on ‎86.(2010·海南临高二中高三第二次月考) 21. Your daughter______ the enjoyment of our visit.‎ A. adds up B. adds to C. adds up to D. adds in ‎87.(2010·海南临高二中高三第二次月考) 22. This country has ______ too many wars.‎ A. passed by B. got through C. gone through D. passed through ‎88.(2010·海南临高二中高三第二次月考) 31. Vegetables _____ many kinds of vitamins and many other useful materials. So we must eat them ______.‎ A. include; every day B. contain; everyday C. including; every day D. contain; every day ‎89.(2010·海南临高二中高三第二次月考) 33. Nothing will make me ______. I will go on with it.‎ A. change my mind B. make up my mind C. take my mind D. lose my mind ‎90.(2010·海南临高二中高三第二次月考) 34. I know I should study, but he ______ me to go to the movies.‎ A. suggested B. let C. persuaded D. made ‎91.(2010·海南临高二中高三第二次月考) 35. He had many failures, but he never ______trying again and again.‎ A. give in B. give up C. give out D. give off ‎92.(2010·黑龙江哈三中高三10月月考) 31. Nearly all educators believe that a challenging situation can often ____ the best qualities of a person.‎ ‎ A. bring up B. bring about C. bring forward D. bring out ‎93.(2010·湖南桃源一中高三10月月考) 26. The message is very important, so it is supposed ________ as soon as possible.‎ A. to be sent B. to send C. being sent D. sending ‎94.(2010·江苏大丰高级中学高三第一次质量检测) 23. I support your decision, but I should also make it clear that I am not going to be _____ to it. ‎ A. connected    B. fastened    C. bound    D. stuck ‎95.(2010·江苏大丰高级中学高三第一次质量检测) 34. If they _______ what I was saying, they'd know what I was talking about.‎ A. took the trouble to listen to B. had trouble listening to C. take the trouble to listen to D. have trouble listening to 动词的时态及语态 ‎96.(2010·吉林长春外国语学校高三上第一次月考) 4. By the time Jane gets home, her aunt________ for London to attend a meeting. ‎ ‎ A. will leave B. leaves C. will have left D. left ‎97.(2010·安徽师大附中高三第二次模拟考试) 32. —What do you think of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone?‎ ‎—Fantastic. Steven Kloves ______ each character in the movie impressive through lively dialogues and fascinating plots.‎ ‎ A. makes B. would make C. will make D. had made ‎98.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考) 3. --______ you ______ the editor at the airport?‎ ‎--No, he ______ away before my arrival. ‎ A. Have; met; has driven B. Had; met; was driven C. Did; meet; had been driven D. Have; met; had driven ‎99.(2010·黑龙江哈三中高三10月月考) 22. ---What’s the matter, Mary? You are awfully quiet and look blue.‎ ‎---Oh, I ________ of my best friend who went to America last year.‎ A. just thought B. was just thinking ‎ C. had just thought D. have just thought ‎ ‎100.(2010·黑龙江哈三中高三10月月考) 32. ---You speak very good English. Have you ever been abroad to learn English?‎ ‎ ---Thanks. I have never been abroad before but I _____English in ‎ Beijing Foreign Language University for four years. ‎ ‎ A. studied B. study C. was studying D. had studied ‎101.(2010·湖南桃源一中高三10月月考) 33. Sixty miles _______ in a single night, so they were exhausted.‎ A. is covered B. was covered ‎ C. are covered D. has covered ‎102.(2010·江苏大丰高级中学高三第一次质量检测) 26. You’ve gone through all your money? I ________ you were well-off.‎ A. think B. thought C. have thought D. am thinking 非谓语动词 ‎103.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 8. Of the 2,000 stock investors _____ last month, 90% was found ______ in financial knowledge.‎ ‎ A. surveyed; lacking B. having been surveyed; to lack ‎ C. surveyed; lacked D. to have been surveyed; lack ‎104.(2010·山东临港一中高三上10月月考) 21. ____ a question that she had not thought of before, Liang Yu went to see Dr. Wang.‎ ‎ A. Face B. Faced C. Faced with D. Facing with ‎105.(2010·山东临港一中高三上10月月考) 32. The wealthy merchant went into the house, with two bodyguards ____ him.‎ ‎ A. to follow B. following C. follow D. followed ‎ ‎106.(2010·福建“四地六校”高三上第一次联考) 24. With all his attention _______ on the computer game, the boy even didn't notice his mother came in. ‎ A. was fixing B. was fixed C. fixing D. fixed ‎107.(2010·北京八十中学高三9月月考) 24.When first in China, Prison Break made Chinese viewers crazy about it.‎ A.screening B.to screen C.screen D.screened ‎108.(2010·福建莆田九中高三上第二次月考) 26. The _____ boy never dares to see the ____ film again.‎ A. frightened; frightening B. frightening; frightened C. frightened; frightened D. frightening; frightening ‎109.(2010·福建莆田九中高三上第二次月考) 27. Seeing everything remained ___ as it had been two hours before, the boss couldn’t help shouting at the secretary. ‎ A. to be done B. being done C. having undone D. undone ‎110.(2010·辽宁东北育才学校高三第一次模拟) 3、Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper _______ it closely. ‎ A. followed B. following C. to follow D. follows ‎111.(2010·辽宁东北育才学校高三第一次模拟) 5、______ his telephone number or e-mail address, she had some difficulty ____ in touch with John.‎ A. Not knowing; getting B. Not having known; to get ‎ C Knowing not; to get D. Having not known; getting ‎112.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考)19. ______ untidily and speaking in a strange way, father must have appeared to the people present to be a silly old man. ‎ A. Dressing B. Dressed C. Being dressed D. To be dressed ‎113.(2010·黑龙江哈三中高三10月月考) 30. By the end of 2008, about half a million people had flooded into the city, _____ up around 10 percent of its total population.‎ A. make B. made C. making D. to be made ‎ ‎114.(2010·黑龙江哈三中高三10月月考) 35. Please keep us ____ of any change of address as soon as possible.‎ A. informing B. informed C. being informed D. to inform ‎ ‎115.(2010·湖南桃源一中高三10月月考) 32. _________since the night before, I felt very hungry.‎ A. Having eaten something B. Not having eaten anything C. Eating something D. Not eating anything ‎116.(2010·江苏大丰高级中学高三第一次质量检测) 35. Once _______ a difficult and even dangerous place , Vietnam is now a friendly destination that welcomes visitors from all over the world.‎ A. considered; visiting B. considered; to visit C. considering; visiting D. considering; to visit 情态动词和虚拟语气 ‎117.(2010·辽宁东北育才学校高三第一次模拟) 12、—Why can your teacher know so much about London?‎ ‎—He ________ have been there before.‎ A. may B. must C. ought to D. should ‎118.(2010·海南临高二中高三第二次月考) 30. I wonder how he _____ that to the teacher.‎ A. dare to say B. dare saying C. not dare say D. dared say ‎119.(2010·黑龙江哈三中高三10月月考) 28. ---Alice, let’s go to the supermarket and buy some food.‎ ‎ ---Sorry, Mike ____ come to see me this afternoon so I’d better stay at home in case he comes.‎ ‎ A. can B. may C. must D. will ‎ ‎120.(2010·山东临港一中高三上10月月考) 34.____ it rain tomorrow, I ____ stay at home.‎ ‎ A. Should ; would B. would; should ‎ C. could ; could D. should; could ‎121.(2010·安徽师大附中高三第二次模拟考试) 34. —Hi, Johnson, any idea where Susan is?‎ ‎ —It’s class time, so she ______ in the classroom now. ‎ ‎ A. can be B. must have been C. might have been D. should be ‎122.(2010·北京八十中学高三9月月考) 29. ---- No wonder you caught a cold. You _____ out last night without a coat.‎ ‎ ---- I know how silly I was. ‎ ‎ A. shouldn’t have gone B. mustn’t have gone ‎ C. couldn’t have gone D. mightn’t have gone ‎123.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考) 15. I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I ______ for her.‎ A. had to write it out    B. must have written it out C. should have written it out D. ought to write it out ‎124.(2010·江苏大丰高级中学高三第一次质量检测) 27. — William, you ________ the car.‎ ‎— Sorry. I didn’t see the red light.‎ A. should have stopped B. couldn’t have stopped C. must have stopped D. needn’t have stopped 定语从句 ‎125.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 6. I’ve heard that our boss is to arrange me for a trade talk with another company, _____I can’t go picnicking with you on Sunday.‎ ‎ A. in this case B. in that case C. in which case D. in case ‎126.(2010·安徽师大附中高三第二次模拟考试) 24. The Niagara Waterfalls, __________ is shaped like a semicircle, are 670meters wide, and fall 56 meters in an awesome white sheet of water.‎ A. what B. where C. the largest of which D. in which ‎127.(2010·福建“四地六校”高三上第一次联考) 23. As I arrived in Sydney, I wanted to see everything on my first day,______ I knew was impossible. ‎ A. that B. where C. when D. which ‎ ‎128.(2010·福建“四地六校”高三上第一次联考) 29. The Gate of Fortune, from _______ top visitors can enjoy a wonderful sea view, will attract lots of tourists.‎ A. which B. whose C. where D. its ‎129.(2010·北京八十中学高三9月月考) 31.The hotel ___ during our holidays stands by the seaside. ‎ A. we stayed at B. we stayed ‎ C. where we stayed at D. in that we stayed ‎130.(2010·北京八十中学高三9月月考) 34.The newcomer is from Japan, I can tell from his appearance.‎ A.which B.what C.where D.who ‎131.(2010·福建莆田九中高三上第二次月考) 23. This is the house _________ windows face the south.‎ A. which B. what’s  C. where D. whose ‎132.(2010·福建莆田九中高三上第二次月考) 31. These were texts _____ there were direct notes.‎ A. in which B. to which C. of them D. which ‎133.(2010·福建莆田九中高三上第二次月考) 34. The reason ____ Malcolm didn’t study art was ___ his father didn’t want him to.‎ A. why; that B. why; because C. for; because D. of; which ‎134.(2010·辽宁东北育才学校高三第一次模拟) 13、The police finally caught up with the man ______ was the escaped prisoner.‎ A .who they thought B. whom they thought C. they thought him D. that they thought him ‎135.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考)5. Premier Wen Jiabao will visit the city in October, ______ he will open the new bridge.‎ A. which B. when C. then D. so ‎136.(2010·黑龙江哈三中高三10月月考)26. She may have missed the train, _______ she won’t arrive for another hour.‎ A. in which B. when ‎ C. in which case D. in that case ‎ ‎137.(2010·湖南桃源一中高三10月月考) 24. The beginning of the movie is impressive,________ is the ending, which leaves us to think.‎ A. what B. which C. as D. like ‎138.(2010·江苏大丰高级中学高三第一次质量检测) 31. This is the third book that he has written in the past five years, the first of _______ I really enjoyed.‎ A. which B. that C. those D. them 状语从句 ‎139.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 2. Jack had travelled six miles across the channel ________ his engine failed and was forced to land on the sea. ‎ ‎ A. when B. until C. after D. since ‎140.(2010·吉林长春外国语学校高三上第一次月考) 11. _______ there was no conclusive evidence, most people thought he was guilty.‎ ‎ A. When B. As far as C. As long as D. While ‎141.(2010·福建“四地六校”高三上第一次联考) 31. I will write down what I have seen and heard ______ memories are still fresh. ‎ A. before B. while C. though D. unless ‎142.(2010·北京八十中学高三9月月考) 22._______ , I’ll wait for you to have dinner together. Be back as early as possible.‎ A. However late it is B. No matter how it is late ‎ C. However it is late D. No matter how late is it ‎143.(2010·北京八十中学高三9月月考) 25.While dancing happily at home, .‎ A.the door bell rang B.the door bell rings C.we heard the door bell rings D.we heard the door bell ring ‎144.(2010·北京八十中学高三9月月考) 26._____ life pace continues to speed up, we are quickly losing the art of enjoyment.‎ A. With B. When C. As D.. While ‎145.(2010·北京八十中学高三9月月考) 27.She took an umbrella with her this morning ____ she should be caught in the rain.‎ ‎ A. so that B. in order that C. in case D. now that ‎146.(2010·北京八十中学高三9月月考) 35. we admit that there are still some problems about NMET, we don’t mean that it is of no use.‎ A.Until B.While C.As D.Unless ‎147.(2010·福建莆田九中高三上第二次月考) 32. I arrived half an hour earlier I had time to talk with ‎ him before the meeting. ‎ A. as soon as B. as a result C. in order to D. so that ‎148.(2010·辽宁东北育才学校高三第一次模拟) 6、Tom often has to be called several times ______ he comes downstairs for dinner.‎ A. before B. until C. when D. then ‎149.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考)11. -–Won’t you go shopping with your mother?‎ ‎---No. ______ she promises to buy me a new sweater. ‎ A. Now that B. If only C. As though D. Unless ‎150.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考) 18. – Is your grandpa still smoking? ‎ ‎-- No. It’s years ______ he smoked.‎ A. after B. before C. when D. since ‎151.(2010·黑龙江哈三中高三10月月考)27. ---Mum, I failed the test again.‎ ‎ --- Oh, I knew it. How can you learn anything ____ you spend all your free time watching television.‎ A. while B. as C. when D. unless ‎ ‎152.(2010·湖南桃源一中高三10月月考) 23. How can you expect to pass the Oral Test of PETS _________you never dare to practice in public?‎ A. in case B. even if C. unless D. if ‎153.(2010·湖南桃源一中高三10月月考) 28. __________ children grow older, they need more understanding and support from their parents. ‎ A. While B. As C. Before D. Since ‎154.(2010·湖南桃源一中高三10月月考) 35. ______________, the monument could be restored to its former glory.‎ A. If repaired well B. If repairing well ‎ C. To repair well D. Repairing well ‎155.(2010·江苏大丰高级中学高三第一次质量检测) 33. Please don't call me at the office _______ it's really necessary.‎ A. if B. unless C. unless if D. except 名词性从句 ‎156.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 13. Word came _____ China’s first spacewalk was a great success.‎ ‎ A. that B. what C. which D. when ‎157.(2010·山东临港一中高三上10月月考) 30._____ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.‎ ‎ A. No matter what B. No matter which C. Whatever D. Whichever ‎158.(2010·安徽师大附中高三第二次模拟考试) 28. ____ enters the computer rooms should take off his shoes in order to keep them clean enough. ‎ A. Who B. Whoever C. What D. Whatever ‎159.(2010·安徽师大附中高三第二次模拟考试) 33. The health official said ______ 12 suspected cases of influenza A (H1N1) were tested negative and ______, so far, this city has reported no case of the virus.‎ ‎ A. what; that B. that; what C. 不填; that D. that; 不填 ‎160.(2010·福建“四地六校”高三上第一次联考) 25. Evidence has been piled up ______ drinking water after getting up in the morning contributes to one's health.‎ A. what B. which C. if D. that ‎161.(2010·福建“四地六校”高三上第一次联考) 27. Do you know Australia was, as a matter of fact, _____ used to be a nation of prisoners?‎ A. what B. where C. which D. that ‎162.(2010·北京八十中学高三9月月考) 23.They are just college graduates and don’t realize ____ to start and run a company. ‎ A. what takes it B. what they take ‎ C. what takes them D. what it takes ‎163.(2010·北京八十中学高三9月月考) 32.I’m stuck on this problem; you may ask ____ knows better than I .‎ A. whoever B. Whomever C. anyone D. the one ‎164.(2010·辽宁东北育才学校高三第一次模拟) 4、Many young people in the West are expected to leave _____  could be life’s most important decision—marriage—almost entirely up to luck.‎ A. as                 B. that             C. which        D. what ‎165.(2010·海南临高二中高三第二次月考) 32. She insisted that she ____ wrong and that the salesman _______ an apology to her. ‎ A. should not be; should make B. not be; made C. was not; should make D. was not; made ‎166.(2010·黑龙江哈三中高三10月月考) 25. ---Tell me something about your adventure in the rainforest, please.‎ ‎---We lost our way in the forest and ___ made matters worse was ___ night began to fall.‎ ‎ A. what; that B. it; that C. it; because D. what; because ‎ ‎167.(2010·黑龙江哈三中高三10月月考) 29. The fact ____ this country spends more on its military than on education and health care combined is a serious and worrying thought. ‎ A. where B. which C. that D. why ‎168.(2010·湖南桃源一中高三10月月考) 27. _________ enters the computer rooms should take off his shoes in order to keep them clean enough. ‎ A. Who B. Whoever C. What D. Whatever 特殊句式 ‎169.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 18. There is nothing for us to do but _______ the injured man to hospital.‎ ‎ A. taking B. being taken C. took D. take ‎170.(2010·山东临港一中高三上10月月考) 33.He would rather lose his life ____ give in . ‎ ‎ A. to B. than C. for D. about ‎171.(2010·安徽师大附中高三第二次模拟考试) 27. I just wonder ______ that makes him so excited.‎ A. why it does B. what he does C. how it is D. what it is ‎172.(2010·北京八十中学高三9月月考) 28. doesn’t seem to have been much difficulty in solving the problem.‎ A.It B.That C.There D.He ‎173.(2010·北京八十中学高三9月月考) 30. we move the picture over there? Do you think it will look better?‎ A.If only B.What if C.As if D.Even if ‎174.(2010·辽宁东北育才学校高三第一次模拟) 8、________ , but it is also a good idea to reduce the potential dangers. ‎ A. Not only a fun thing is it to do B. Not only a fun thing to do it is ‎ C. Not only it is a fun thing to do D. Not only is it a fun thing to do ‎175.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考) 9. It was too noisy outside. Not until I shouted at the top of my voice ______ his head.‎ A. did he turn B. had he turned ‎ C. he had turned D. he turned ‎176.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考)13. ---Did you invite Kacy to your party?‎ ‎---I would like ______, but I was too busy and forgot to call her.‎ A. to have B. to invite her C. inviting her D. having invited her ‎177.(2010·黑龙江哈三中高三10月月考) 33. ---Have all the mysteries been cleared up?‎ ‎--- Almost. But ______ only one question ______.‎ A. there remains; answered B. it remains; to be answered C. there remains; to be answered D. it remains; answered ‎178.(2010·湖南桃源一中高三10月月考) 29. We were stopped by the security guard and told that only when we showed our licenses_________.‎ A. we could be allowed in B. we could allowed in ‎ C. could we be allowed in D. could we allow in ‎ ‎179.(2010·江苏大丰高级中学高三第一次质量检测) 29. How long do you think ________ the computer company brings out a new product?‎ A. it will be before B. will it be until C. will it be when D. it will be that 固定短语 ‎180.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 3. He spent a large _______ of money on his clothes, which was _______ more than his earnings.‎ ‎ A. number; a little B. piece; a great deal ‎ C. deal; lot D. amount; far ‎181.(2010·山东临港一中高三上10月月考) 25.After a long journey they arrived _____ in Naples, where they stopped to trade with the local people.‎ ‎ A. at sight B. at length C. at random D. at will ‎182.(2010·辽宁东北育才学校高三第一次模拟) 15、________ the danger from enemy action, people had to cope with a severe shortage of food , clothing , fuel and almost everything. ‎ A. As well as B. As long as C. As soon as D. As far as ‎183.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考)10. I know the journey won’t cost much, but I will take some more just ______.‎ A. in turn B. in reward C. in case D. in exchange ‎184.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考)14. Most school libraries allow students to borrow two books ______.‎ A. at times B. at a time C. in no time D. at one time ‎185.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考)16. Don’t be too hard on you daughter. ______, she is only a child.‎ A. After all B. First of all C. In all D. Above all ‎186.(2010·江苏大丰高级中学高三第一次质量检测) 22. _____ his knowledge of the mountainous country, John Smith was appointed as our guide.‎ A. In spite of      B. On account of C. Regardless of    D. Instead of 情景交际 ‎187.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 1. ----- Let’s go Dutch for this supper, OK?‎ ‎ ------ No, __________ this time, as a reward for all your help.‎ A. it’s up to you B. it’s my treat ‎ C. let’s talk about it D. it doesn’t matter ‎188.(2010·浙江杭州高级中学高三第二次月考) 11. The machine has been used much too long. _____ it doesn’t work well sometimes.‎ ‎ A. It’s no wonder that B. There’s no doubt if ‎ C. It’s unlikely D. That’s because ‎189.(2010·吉林长春外国语学校高三上第一次月考) 12. ---- I’ve put my name down for the expedition trip to Antarctica.‎ ‎ -----_________.‎ ‎ A. Is that all? B. That’s all right. ‎ C. I believe what you said. D. Are you serious?‎ ‎190.(2010·吉林长春外国语学校高三上第一次月考) 14. -- Let's go and have a good drink tonight.‎ ‎ -- ________ Have you got the first prize in the competition?‎ ‎ A. What for? B. Thanks a lot. ‎ C. Yes, I'd like to. D. Why not?‎ ‎191.(2010·安徽师大附中高三第二次模拟考试) 26. —I’m going to Appleby tomorrow.‎ ‎—______! I’m going up there too.‎ A. What a coincidence B. Good luck ‎ C. Congratulations D. Good idea ‎192.(2010·福建“四地六校”高三上第一次联考) 21. — Go for a picnic this weekend, ok ? ‎ ‎ --Sounds wonderful. __________ ‎ A. I couldn't wait B. I'm afraid not ‎ C. I don't think so. D. I believe not ‎193.(2010·福建“四地六校”高三上第一次联考) 32. --Guess what? I've got the job offer!‎ ‎--__________.‎ A. Contributions. B. Celebrations ‎ C. Congratulations D. Conclusions ‎194.(2010·福建莆田九中高三上第二次月考) 22. ------ How about putting some pictures into the report?‎ ‎------ A picture is worth a thousand words.‎ A. All right? B. No way. C. Why not? D. No matter.‎ ‎195.(2010·福建莆田九中高三上第二次月考) 33. ——It’s cloudy outside. Please take your raincoat.‎ ‎——________________.‎ A. Yes, take it easily. B. Well, it just depends C. OK, just in case D. All right, you’re welcome ‎196.(2010·辽宁东北育才学校高三第一次模拟) 2、---How do you find your new car? ‎ ‎---_________. ‎ A It is indeed great ‎ B By chance ‎ C In the newly-opened car market ‎ D An old friend recommended it to me ‎197.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三10月月考) 20. – If our parents would listen more to us, they would understand us better.‎ ‎-- ______. They just expect us to listen.‎ A. I believe not B. No problem ‎ C. Good idea D. I can’t agree more ‎198.(2010·黑龙江哈三中高三10月月考) 21. ---Mum, what are you getting me for my birthday?‎ ‎---_________---you’ll have to wait and see.‎ A. I think so B. I’ll tell you what ‎ C. I wouldn’t say no D. I’m not telling you ‎ ‎199.(2010·江苏大丰高级中学高三第一次质量检测) 32. --- Learning a language isn't easy. It takes time.‎ ‎--- I agree. _______. There's no short cut.‎ A. All roads lead to Rome B. Rome wasn't built in a day C. Practice makes perfect D. Slow but sure wins the race ‎200.(2010·山东东营一中高三上第一次阶段检测)33. ----Mr. Smith, you are fined for speeding. Please sign here.‎ ‎----Fined? Speeding? _______‎ A. Are you all right? B. You can’t be serious! C. I’m a foreigner. D. It doesn’t matter.‎

