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‎ 湖北省联考试题完成句子专项十(强调句)‎ ‎[2013黄冈市4月调考]1.Could you tell me____ you found the missing boy. (it)‎ ‎ 你能告诉我你究竟是在哪里找到的那个丢失的男孩。‎ ‎[2013黄冈市期末考试]2. It is your efforts, not your intelligence ___________________ your success, (contribute)‎ 正是你的努力,而不是你的聪明促成你的成功。‎ ‎[2012黄冈中学11月月考]3.It was because he experienced the unusual turns and twists of his career .( resolve )‎ ‎ 正是他经历了职业生涯的起起伏伏后,他才决定退休的。‎ ‎[2013湖北八校Ⅱ] 4. It’s not now finding a method, but finding the best one that is effective and safe _______________. (matter)‎ 现在不是要找个方法,而是找到最好的,有效又安全的方法最为重要。‎ ‎[2013湖北八校Ⅰ]5.It is not the money at the fear that the canes is hopeless. (worry)‎ 真正令美国人不安的倒还不是钱的问题,而是对取得战争胜利遥遥无的恐怖。‎ ‎[2013湖北七市]6. It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do our work most. (benefit)‎ 让我们的工作最受益的不是我们做多少,而是我们有多么热爱自己所做的事。‎ ‎[2013湖北八市]7. In my opinion, it is his measures rather than his ability ______________. (blame)‎ 依我看来,是他的措施而不是他的能力应该受责备。‎ ‎[2013湖北稳派10月月考]8.My classmates kept asking me ________that l worked ‎ out the math problem.(how)‎ ‎ 我的同学们一直在问我到底是怎么做出那道数学题的。‎ ‎[2013湖北部分中学联考Ⅰ]9.I think that it is I rather than my sister what has happened. (blame)‎ 我认为出了事不能怪姐姐而应该怪我。‎ ‎[2013湖北部分中学期末联考]10. ______________________ that Bell sent his first ‎ telephone message to his assistant Watson. (until) ‎ 直到5天后贝尔给他的助手沃森发送了第一份信息。‎ ‎[2013武汉市部分中学12月联考]11. We’d like to know ______________________‎ a businessman like your age has succeeded in remaining energetic. (it) ‎ 我想知道一个你这样年龄的商人究竟怎样成功地保持精力充沛。‎ ‎[2013武汉市部分中学11月联考]12. Who ______________ went to the concert with you yesterday? (it)‎ ‎ 到底是谁昨天跟你一起去听音乐会的?‎ ‎[2013武汉市部分中学起点联考] 13.Do you know that ‎ your parents chose to settle down in this city? (why)‎ ‎ 你知道你父母为什么选择在这座城市定居吗?‎ ‎[2013武汉市四月调考]14.It is always ______that we realize it is not so important as we expect, ( obtain)‎ 我们总是在得到我们想要的东西后,才意识到它们不像我们希望的那么重要。‎ ‎[2013襄阳市部分中学11月联考]15.It was____________the cost that the factory ‎ made some money and got out of debt in the end. (cut). ‎ 正是通过削减开支,那家工厂才赚得一些钱并最终摆脱了债务。‎ ‎[2013襄阳市上学期期中联考]16. I feel it is the absent-minded driver the traffic accident. (blame)‎ ‎ 我以为那个心不在焉的司机应为这起交通事故负责。‎ ‎[2013襄阳市第一次联考]17.It was at a Christmas party _______ my American ‎ friend Jack.(acquaintance)‎ ‎ 我是在一次圣诞晚会上认识我的美国朋友杰克的。‎ ‎[2013襄阳市第二次联考]18. I really want to know ______________that Gangnam ‎ Style is so popular all over the world.(why)‎ ‎ 我真的想知道是为什么江南style如此的风靡全世界。‎ ‎[2013襄阳五中三月统考]19.  When the survivor came to, he was eager to know _________saved him from the burning house.  (be) 当生还者醒过来后,他急切的想知道是谁把他从燃烧的房子里救出来的。   ‎ ‎[2013荆州市龙泉中学10月统考]20.Was it because of murder ________________? ‎ ‎ (sentence)‎ ‎ 他是因为谋杀才被判处死刑的吗?‎ ‎[2013荆州市质量检查Ⅰ]21.The CEO from the big company believed that it was the newcomers’ ability______,not the university they graduated from. ( difference)‎ 这家大公司的首席执行官认为,真正重要的是新员工的能力,而不是他们毕业于什么大学。 ‎ ‎[2013荆门市元月调考]22. From my point of view, it is you, rather than your ‎ husband, ______________your spoiled child. (blame)‎ 在我来看,是你而不是你的丈夫应该为宠坏了的孩子受责备。‎ ‎[2013荆州市质量检查Ⅱ] 23.It was only after serious consideration _______to sponsor the poor children to finish his compulsory education. (decide)‎ 他就是在慎重考虑后,才决定资助这个贫困孩子完成义务教育。‎ 强调句答案 ‎1. where it was that ‎ ‎2.that contribute to ‎3. that he resolved to retire ‎4. that matters (the) most ‎5.that worries Americans so much ‎6. that benefits ‎7. that are to blame ‎8. how it was ‎9. that/who am to blame for ‎10. It was not until 5 days later / It was not until after 5 days ‎ ‎11. how it is that ‎12. was it that ‎13. why it was ‎14. after we obtain/have obtained what we want/desire/ get /hope for ‎15.by cutting down ‎16. who / that is to blame for ‎17. that I made the acquaintance of ‎18. why it is ‎19. who it was that ‎20.that he was sentenced to death ‎21 .that made a difference ‎22. who/that are to blame for ‎23. that he decided ‎

