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有梦想才会伟大,要执行才能成功 我们追求轰轰烈烈地开花,但我们更追求实实在在地结果 (三)气候与环保篇 精讲篇 Passage 1(09年安徽高考) A rainforest is an area covered by tall trees with the total high rainfall spreading quite equally through the year and the temperature rarely dipping below l6℃. Rainforests have a great effect on the world environment because they can take in heat from the sun and adjust the climate. Without the forest cover,these areas would reflect more heat into the atmosphere,warming the rest of the world. Losing the rainforests may also influence wind and rainfall patterns,potentially causing certain natural disasters all over the world. In the past hundred years,humans have begun destroying rainforests in search of three major resources(资源):land for crops,wood for paper and other products,land for raising farm animals. This action affects the environment as a whole. For example,a lot of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)in the air comes from burning the rainforests. People obviously have a need for the resources we gain from cutting trees but we will suffer much more than we will benefit. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly,when people cut down trees,generally they can only use the land for a year or two. Secondly,cutting large sections of rainforests may provide a good supply of wood right now,but in the long run it actually reduces the world’s wood supply. Rainforests are often called the world’s drug store. More than 25% of the medicines we use today come from plants in rainforests. However,fewer than l%of rainforest plants have been examined for their medical value. It is extremely likely that our best chance to cure diseases lies somewhere in the world’s shrinking rainforests. 72. Rainforests can help to adjust the climate because they . A. reflect more heat into the atmosphere B. bring about high rainfall throughout the world C. rarely cause the temperature to drop lower than l6℃ D. reduce the effect of heat from the sun on the earth 73. What does the word “this” underlined in the third paragraph refer to? A. We will lose much more than we can gain. B. Humans have begun destroying rainforests. C. People have a strong desire for resources. D. Much carbon dioxide comes from burning rainforests. 74. It can be inferred from the text that A. we can get enough resources without rainforests B. there is great medicine potential in rainforests C. we will grow fewer kinds of crops in the gained land D. the level of annual rainfall affects wind patterns 75. What might be the best title for the text? A. How to Save Rainforests B. How to Protect Nature C. Rainforests and the Environment D. Rainforests and Medical Development Passage 2(08模考) . We experience different forms of the Sun’s energy every day. We can see its light and feel its warmth. The Sun is the major source of energy for our planet. It causes the evaporation(蒸发) of water from the oceans and lakes. Sunlight also provides the energy used by green plants to make their own food. These green plants then provide food for all organisms(生物) on the Earth. Much of the energy that comes from the Sun never reaches the Earth’s surface. It is either reflected or absorbed by the gases in the upper atmosphere. Of the energy that reaches the lower atmosphere, 30% is reflected by clouds or the Earth’s surface. The remaining 70% warms the surface of the planet, causes water to evaporate, and provides energy for the water cycle and weather. Only a tiny part, approximately 0.023%, is actually used by green plants to produce food. Many gases found in the atmosphere actually reflect heat energy escaping from the Earth’s surface back to the Earth. These gases act like the glass of a greenhouse in that they allow energy from the Sun to enter but prevent energy from leaving. They are therefore called greenhouse gases. When sunlight strikes an object, some of the energy is absorbed and some is reflected. The amount reflected depends on the surface. For example, you’ve probably noticed how bright snow is when sunlight falls on it. Snow reflects most of the energy from the Sun, so it contributes to the low temperatures of winter. Dark-coloured surfaces, such as dark soil or forest, absorb more energy and help warm the surrounding air. 59. According to the passage, the root cause for weather changes on the Earth is ______. A. the atmosphere surrounding the Earth B. water from oceans and lakes C. energy from the Sun D. greenhouse gases in the sky 60. Only a small part of the Sun’s energy reaches the Earth’s surface because most of it is ______. A. absorbed by the clouds in the lower atmosphere B. reflected by the gases in the upper atmosphere C. lost in the upper and lower atmosphere D. used to evaporate water from the oceans and lakes 61. We learn from the passage that ______. A. all living things on the Earth depend on the Sun for their food B. a forest looks dark in winter because it absorbs solar energy C. only 0.023% of the energy from the Sun is made use of on the Earth D. greenhouse gases allow heat energy to escape from the Earth’s surface Passage 3(安徽10高考) He need to feed a growing population is putting much pressure on the world’s supply of water. With 97% of the world’s water too salty to be drunk or used in agriculture, the worldwide supply of water needs careful management, especially in agriculture. Although the idea of a water shortage(短缺)seems strange to someone fortunate enough to live in a high rainfall country, many of the world’s agricultural industries experience constant water shortages. Although dams can be built to store water for agricultural use in dry areas and dry seasons, the costs of water redistribution(重新分配)are very high. Not only is there the cost of the engineering itself, but there is also an environmental cost to be considered. Where valleys(山谷)are flooded to create dams, houses are lost and wildlife homes destroyed. Besides, water many flow easily through pipes to fields, but it cannot be transported from one side of the world to the other. Each country must therefore rely on the management of its own water to supply its farming requirements. This is particularly troubling of countries with agricultural industries in areas dependent on irrigation(灌溉). In Texas, farmers’ overuse of irrigation water be resulted in a 25% reduction of the water stores. In the Central Valley area of south eastern USA, a huge water engineering project provided water for farming in dry village but much of the water use has been poorly managed. Saudi Arabia’s attempts to grow wheat in desert areas have been the pumping of huge quantities of irrigation water from underground reserves. Because there is no rainfall in these areas, such reserves can only decrease, and it is believed that fifty years of pumping will see them run dry. 72. From the first two paragraphs we learnt that _______. A. much of the world’s water is available for use B. people in high rainfall countries feel lucky C. the costs of water redistribution should be considered D. water can be easily carried through pipes across the world 73.Which of the following is true? A. The water in Texas have been reduced by 75%. B. Most industries in the world suffer from water shortages. C. The underground water in Saudi Arabia might run out in 50 years. D. Good management of water use resulted from the project in the Central Valley. 74.What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows? A. Steps to improving water use manage. B. Ways for reduce the costs of building dams. C. Measured to deal with worldwide water shortages. D. Approaches to handling the pressure on water supply. 75.The text is mainly about . A. water supply and increasing population B. water use management and agriculture C. water redistribution and wildlife protection D. water shortages and environmental protection. Passage 4 Humanity uses a little less than half the water available worldwide. Yet occurrences of shortages and droughts (干旱) are causing famine and distress in some areas, and industrial and agricultural by-products are polluting water supplies. Since the world’ population is expected to double in the next 50 years, many experts think we are on the edge of a widespread water crisis. But that doesn’t have to be the outcome. Water shortages do not have to trouble the world—if we start valuing water more than we have in the past. Just as we began to appreciate petroleum more after the 1970s oil crises, today we must start looking at water from a fresh economic perspective. We can no longer afford to consider water a virtually free resource of which we can use as much as we like in any way we want. Instead, for all uses except the domestic demand of the poor, governments should price water to reflect its actual value. This means charging a fee for the water itself as well as for the supply costs. Governments should also protect this resource by providing water in more economically and environmentally sound ways. For example, often the cheapest way to provide irrigation (灌溉) water in the dry tropics is through small-scale projects, such as gathering rainfall in depressions (凹地) and pumping it to nearby cropland. No matter what steps governments take to provide water more efficiently, they must change their institutional and legal approaches to water sue. Rather than spread control among hundreds or even thousands of local, regional, and national agencies that watch various aspects of water use, countries should set up central authorities to coordinate water policy. 21. What is the real cause of the potential water crisis? A) The world population is increasing faster and faster. B) Half of the world’s water resources have been seriously polluted. C) Humanity has not placed sufficient value on water resources. D) Only half of the world’s water can be used. 22. As indicated in the passage, the water problem ________. A) has been exaggerated by some experts in the field B) is underestimated by government organizations at different levels C) poses a challenge to the technology of building reservoirs D) is already serious in certain parts of the world 23. According to the author, the water price should ________. A) correspond to its real value B) be reduced to the minimum C) stimulate domestic demand D) take into account the occurrences of droughts 24. The author says that in some hot and dry areas it is advisable to ________. A) build big lakes to store water B) construct big pumping stations C) channel water from nearby rivers to cropland D) build small and cheap irrigation systems 25. In order to raise the efficiency of the water supply, measures should be taken to ________. A) centralize the management of water resources B) increase the sense of responsibility of agencies at all levels C) guarantee full protection of the environment D) encourage local and regional control of water resources Passage 5 People living on parts of the south coast of England face a serious problem. In 1993, the owners of a large hotel and of several houses discovered, to their horror, that their gardens had disappeared overnight. The sea had eaten into the soft limestone cliffs on which they had been built. While experts were studying the problem, the hotel and several houses disappeared altogether, sliding down the cliff and into the sea. Erosion(侵蚀)of the white cliffs along the south coast of England has always been a problem but it has become more serious in recent years. Dozens of homes have had to be abandoned as the sea has crept farther and farther inland. Experts have studied the areas most affected and have drawn up a map for local people, forecasting the year in which their homes will be swallowed up by the hungry sea. Angry owners have called on the Government to erect sea defenses to protect their homes. Government surveyors have pointed out that in most cases, this is impossible. New sea walls would cost hundreds of millions of pounds and would merely make the waves and currents go further along the coast, shifting the problem from one area to another. The danger is likely to continue, they say, until the waves reach an inland area of hard rock which will not be eaten as limestone is. Meanwhile, if you want to buy a cheap house with an uncertain future, apply to a house agent in one of the threatened areas on the south coast of England. You can get a house for a knockdown price but it may turn out to be a knockdown home. 11. What is the cause of the problem that people living on parts of the south coast of England face? A) The disappearance of hotels, houses and gardens. B) The experts’ lack of knowledge. C) The rising of the sea level. D) The washing-away of limestone cliffs. 12. The erosion of the white cliffs in the south of England ___________________. A) will soon become a problem for people living in central England B) has now become a threat to the local residents C) is quickly changing the map of England D) can be stopped if proper measures are taken 13. The experts’ study on the problem of erosion can _____________________. A) lead to its eventual solution B) provide an effective way to slow it down C) help to prevent it from worsening D) warn people whose homes are in danger 14. It is not feasible to build sea defenses to protect against erosion because _____________. A) it is too costly and will endanger neighbouring areas B) the government is too slow in taking action C) they will be easily knocked down by waves and currents D) house agents along the coast do not support the idea 15. According to the author, when buying a house along the south coast of England, people should ___________________. A) be aware of the potential danger involved B) guard against being cheated by the house agent C) take the quality of the house into consideration D) examine the house carefully before making a decision 赏析篇 Companionship of Books 以书为伴(节选) A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men. A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age. Men often discover their affinity to each other by the mutual love they have for a book just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both entertain for a third. There is an old proverb, ‘Love me, love my dog.” But there is more wisdom in this:” Love me, love my book.” The book is a truer and higher bond of union. Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. They live in him together, and he in them. A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for the world of a man’s life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters. Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author’s minds, ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. The only effect of time have been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive e but what is really good. Books introduce us into the best society; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did; we see the as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which they describe. The great and good do not die, even in this world. Embalmed in books, their spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which on still listens. 参考译文: 通常看一个读些什么书就可知道他的为人,就像看他同什么人交往就可知道他的为人一样,因为有人以人为伴,也有人以书为伴。无论是书友还是朋友,我们都应该以最好的为伴。 好书就像是你最好的朋友。它始终不渝,过去如此,现在如此,将来也永远不变。它是最有耐心,最令人愉悦的伴侣。在我们穷愁潦倒,临危遭难时,它也不会抛弃我们,对我们总是一如既往地亲切。在我们年轻时,好书陶冶我们的性情,增长我们的知识;到我们年老时,它又给我们以慰藉和勉励。 人们常常因为喜欢同一本书而结为知已,就像有时两个人因为敬慕同一个人而成为朋友一样。有句古谚说道:“爱屋及屋。”其实“爱我及书”这句话蕴涵更多的哲理。书是更为真诚而高尚的情谊纽带。人们可以通过共同喜爱的作家沟通思想,交流感情,彼此息息相通,并与自己喜欢的作家思想相通,情感相融。 好书常如最精美的宝器,珍藏着人生的思想的精华,因为人生的境界主要就在于其思想的境界。因此,最好的书是金玉良言和崇高思想的宝库,这些良言和思想若铭记于心并多加珍视,就会成为我们忠实的伴侣和永恒的慰藉。 书籍具有不朽的本质,是为人类努力创造的最为持久的成果。寺庙会倒坍,神像会朽烂,而书却经久长存。对于伟大的思想来说,时间是无关紧要的。多年前初次闪现于作者脑海的伟大思想今日依然清新如故。时间惟一的作用是淘汰不好的作品,因为只有真正的佳作才能经世长存。 书籍介绍我们与最优秀的人为伍,使我们置身于历代伟人巨匠之间,如闻其声,如观其行,如见其人,同他们情感交融,悲喜与共,感同身受。我们觉得自己仿佛在作者所描绘的舞台上和他们一起粉墨登场。 即使在人世间,伟大杰出的人物也永生不来。他们的精神被载入书册,传于四海。书是人生至今仍在聆听的智慧之声,永远充满着活力。 练习篇 Lead deposits, which accumulated in soil and snow during the 1960’s and 70’s, were primarily the result of leaded gasoline emissions originating in the United States. In the twenty years that the Clean Air Act has mandated unleaded gas use in the United States, the lead accumulation worldwide has decreased significantly. A study published recently in the journal Nature shows that air-borne leaded gas emissions from the United States were the leading contributor to the high concentration of lead in the snow in Greenland. The new study is a result of the continued research led by Dr. Charles Boutron, an expert on the impact of heavy metals on the environment at the National Center for Scientific Research in France. A study by Dr. Boutron published in 1991 showed that lead levels in arctic(北极的)snow were declining. In his new study, Dr. Boutron found the ratios of the different forms of lead in the leaded gasoline used in the United States were different from the ratios of European, Asian and Canadian gasolines and thus enabled scientists to differentiate(区分)the lead sources. The dominant lead ratio found in Greenland snow matched that found in gasoline from the United States. In a study published in the journal Ambio, scientists found that lead levels in soil in the Northeastern United States had decreased markedly since the introduction of unleaded gasoline. Many scientists had believed that the lead would stay in soil and snow for a longer period. The authors of the Ambio study examined samples of the upper layers of soil taken from the same sites of 30 forest floors in New England, New York and Pennsylvania in 1980 and in 1990. The forest environment processed and redistributed the lead faster than the scientists had expected. Scientists say both studies demonstrate that certain parts of the ecosystem(生态系统)respond rapidly to reductions in atmospheric pollution, but that these findings should not be used as a license to pollute. 21. The study published in the journal Nature indicates that _______. A) the Clean Air Act has not produced the desired results B) lead deposits in arctic snow are on the increase C) lead will stay in soil and snow longer than expected D) the US is the major source of lead pollution in arctic snow 22. Lead accumulation worldwide decreased significantly after the use of unleaded gas in the US ________. A) was discouraged C) was prohibited by law B) was enforced by law D) was introduced 23. How did scientists discover the source of lead pollution in Greenland? A) By analyzing the data published in journals like Nature and Ambio. B) By observing the lead accumulations in different parts of the arctic area. C) By studying the chemical elements of soil and snow in Northeastern America. D) By comparing the chemical compositions of leaded gasoline used in various countries. 24. The authors of the Ambio study have found that _______. A) forests get rid of lead pollution faster than expected B) lead accumulations in forests are more difficult to deal with C) lead deposits are widely distributed in the forests of the US D) the upper layers of soil in forests are easily polluted by lead emissions 25. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that scientists _______. A) are puzzled by the mystery of forest pollution B) feel relieved by the use of unleaded gasoline C) still consider lead pollution a problem D) lack sufficient means to combat lead pollution (四)广告与宣传篇 精讲篇 Passage 1(07安徽卷) King's College Summer School King's College Summer School is an annual( 每年的) training program for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English. Courses are given by the teachers of King's College and other colleges in New York. Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized.This year's summer school will be from July 25 to August 15. More information is as follows: Application (申请) date l Students in New York should send their applications before July 18, 2007. l Students of other cities should send their applications before July 16, 2007. l Foreign students should send their applications before July 10, 2007. Courses l English Language Spoken English: 22 hours Reading and Writing: 10 hours l American History: 16 hours l American Culture: 16 hours Steps l A letter of self-introduction l A letter of recommendation(推荐) ﹡ The letters should be written in English with all the necessary information. Cost l Daily lessons: $200 l Sports and activities: $100 l Travels: $200 l Hotel service: $400 ﹡You may choose to live with your friends or relatives in the same city. Please write to: Thompson, Sanders 1026 King' s Street New York, NY 10016, USA E-mail: KC-Summer-School@ yahoo, com 60.You can most probably read the text in ________. A.a newspaper B.a travel guide C.a textbook D.a telephone book 61.Which of the following is true about King' s College Summer School? A.Only top students can take part in the program. B.King' s College Summer School is run every other year. C.Visits to museums and culture centers are part of the program. D.Only the teachers of King' s College give courses. 62.If you are to live with your relatives in New York, you will have to pay the school ______ A.$200 B.$400 C.$500 D.$900 63.What information can you get from the text? A.The program will last two months. B.You can write to Thompson only in English. C.As a Chinese student, you can send your application on July 14, 2007. D.You can get in touch with the school by e-mail or by telephone. Passage 2 English teacher wanted We have a good teaching opportunity Production assistant wanted - Highly motivated beginning at the end of March for dedicated native English teachers. We offer good pay and provide a comfortable teaching environment. We can ensure you this is an opportunity you do not want to miss. If interested send a current photo and your CV to Jason at: americanenglishacademy@gmail.com. Tele: 88867356 Applicants must have at least two years teaching experience and be from one of the following countries: UK, USA, CAN, AUS, NZ. Reliability is the first quality to consider when you meet our basic requirements. - Fluent English speaker - Organized, easy going, passionate, involved, open minded, reliable - Background in the industry - Excellent computer skills Fresh Graduates welcome, a major in TV/News/Media would be a plus. Please drop us your CV to the address below if you match the requirements and feel that you would suit one of the positions. Only serious applicants need apply. Please click on the link below to see our offices: http://www.brightshadowfilms.com/QTVR.html hr@brightshadowfilms.com Tele: 88822357 We want to find a teacher with following qualities: 1. Native English speaker who comes from USA, UK, CAN and AUS. 2. Rich Experience in teaching English. 3. Pleasant personality, reliable, full of responsibility, creativeness. 4. Recognized TEFL certificate 5. Living near from our school. 6. Good computer skills hyhysh@hotmail.com Mobile: 136051113248 If you are interested in the position, please contact Sabrina immediately: 13661641372 Babel International Communication Club Now we are looking for a program coordinator. Location: Shanghai (People Square) Requirements: 1. Be good at communication, fun-loving and reliable , and most importantly organizing. 2. Have experiences in activities planning (party, games, contest etc.) 3. Native English Speaker or English fluently If you meet the above requirements, please send your resume to babelchina@126.com Tel:86(021) 63222995 63. If you are a native English speaker from New Zealand and want a teaching job, you may contact ______. A. hyhysh@hotmail.com B. babelchina@126.com C: hr@brightshadowfilms.com D. americanenglishacademy@gmail.com 64. Which of the following jobs pays most attention to organizing? A. An English teacher. B. A program coordinator. C. A production assistant. D. A branch director. 65. If you are a non-native English speaker with great skills in computer, which of the following telephones may interest you? A. 86(021) 63222995. B. 13661641372. C. 88822357. D. 88867356. 66. Which of the following qualities is necessary for all the four jobs? A. Reliability. B. Pleasant personality. C. Responsibility. D. Open-mindedness. (08安徽) Passage 3 Part-time Front Desk Position , a book development company, is looking for a part-time front desk office worker. This position is perfect for a person who is cheerful, dependable, and pleasant to work with. Also, you should be able to welcome guests, redirect phone call, and take messages. More importantly, you can stay cool under pressure. You are expected to work 5:00--6:00 pm weekdays. You need to fill in some forms if you are interested. Forms can be collected at 866 United Nations Plaza, #525 New York, NY 10037 Important Points to Remember When Swimming ·Wait at least an hour after meals. ·Follow the advice of lifeguards. ·Don’t dive into unknown waters. Always swim in line with the ·Find out at the seaside when and where it is safe to swim. ·Don’t use floating toys on the water. Wind can easily sweep them out to sea. ·Get out of the water if you feel tired or cold. Cold can kill even strong swimmers. Help Telephone:212-543-5902 Atlantic City Beach Office Arrive on time. Introduce yourself in a polite manner. Read company materials while you wait. Have a firm handshake. Listen. Use body language to show interest. Smile and nod to the interviewers. Ask about the next thing you should do. Thank the interviewer. Write a thank-you letter to anyone you have spoken to. For more information, please visit jobweb.com 368 Cooper Square, New York. 60. If you want to work in an office, where can you get the forms to fill in? A. jobweb.com B. Atlantic City Beach Office. C. 368 Cooper Square, New York, NY D. 866 United, New York, NY 10017. 61. What does a person need most to be the one-hour weekday job? A. He should he cheerful, dependable, and easy-going. B. He has to work from Monday to Friday. C. He can remain calm in a difficult situation. D. He can welcome guests and deal with phone calls. 62. According to the above information, what is the right thing to do when you? A. To keep close to the beach. B. To dive into unknown waters. C. To use floating toys on the water. D. To swim soon after lunch. 63. The best title for the last piece of information would be_________. A. Tips on Showing Interest in a Job B. Stops to a Successful Interview C. Advice on Introducing Yourself Politely D. of Body Language in an Interview Passage 4 Gallery Policies For Visitors to National Gallery of Art, Washington Visitors must present all carried items for inspection upon entry. After inspection, all bags, backpacks, umbrellas, parcels, and other things as determined by security officers must be left at the checkrooms. Free of charge, close to each entrance. All oversized bags. Backpacks, and luggage must be left at the checkrooms near the 4th Street entrance of either the East or West Building. These items will have to be x-rayed before being accepted. Items of value, such as laptop computers, cameras, and fur coats, may not be left in the checkrooms but may be carried into the galleries. We regret that we do not have enough space for visitor items larger than 17×26 inches into the Gallery or its checkrooms. Additional security procedures and checks may be taken according to the decision of the Gallery. For the safety of the artworks and other visitor. Nothing may be carried on a visitor’s back, Soft front baby carriers are allowed, but children may not be carried on shoulders or in a child carrier worn on the back. Pushchairs are available free of charge near each checkroom. Smoking is prohibited. Food and drink are not permitted outside the food service areas. Unopened bottled water may be carried only in a visitor’s bag. Cell phones may not be used in the galleries. Animals, other than service animals, are not permitted in the Gallery. Skateboarding is prohibited. Picture-taking(including video) for personal use is permitted except in special exhibitions and where specifically prohibited. Tripods(三脚架) are not allowed. Please do not touch the works of art. 62. When people come to visit the Gallery, they should ______. A. leave all their carried items at the checkrooms B. have all their carried items x-rayed at the entrance C. take all their carried items with them without inspection D. have all their carried items inspected at the entrance 63. What does the Gallery feel sorry for? A. Visitors have to keep their valuable items in the checkrooms. B. The size of visitor items allowed into the Gallery is limited. C. It cannot keep oversized visitor items due to limited space. D. Visitor items over 17×26 inches must go through additional checks. 64. Parents with small children visiting the Gallery ______. A. can carry their children in soft front child carriers. B. can carry their children on their shoulders C. can carry their children in child carriers worn on the back D. ought to pay if they want to use pushchairs for their children 65. Visiting photographers should make sure that ______. A. pictures and videos are allowed for personal use anywhere in the Gallery B. pictures and videos can be taken in some places for personal use C. picture-taking and videoing are totally forbidden in the Gallery D. tripods are allowed except in some special exhibitions 08合肥二模Passage 5 Four Insurance Policies You Can’t Do Without A single gap,in insurance coverage could wipe out the money that you’ve earned for many years through your hard work.That’s why it’s important to give yourself a yearly insurance checkup,whether you buy your policies through an agent or from one of the growing number of insurance companies. Health.Before selecting。policy from your employer or deciding among Medicare options,review your current health,predictable medical needs,and family status.This review should help you avoid a plan that fails to cover a necessary treatment or paying for services that you know you’11 never use. Disability.Your chances of becoming disabled before you retire are far greater than your chances of dying.So every working person.needs some kind of disability coverage.If you are working for an employer who offers less than that,you can buy an individual policy to promote your coverage. Homeowners or renters.Make sure you have replacement-cost coverage-that would pay the current costs of rebuilding your home and replacing your personal possessions , A policy that would only pay for the decrease in value of these items isn’t good enough,because you could end up recovering just a small part of their costs.Don’t forget flood and/or earthquake insurance if you live in a locale that has a possible tendency to these types of disasters. Life.Empty nesters and。retirees may no longer need life insurance at a11.But if you have dependents who would suffer financially if you died,it’s still a must. 60.To have your insurance checkup every year is mainly because . A.the gap in insurance coverage could cost you a large sum B.the gap in insurance coverage could bring you benefits C.some insurance agencies cover few of your policies D.too many insurance companies prefer to sell coverage 61. can be ignored while deciding among,Medicare choices. A.Your necessary treatment B.Your personal health al present C.Your social status. D.Your predictable medical needs. 62.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? . A.Workers needn’t buy personal disability coverage if their bosses offer that B.Insurance companies can secure the full value of private possessions C.Earthquake insurance can cover replacement-cost caused by the disaster D.Divorced or retired people may need life insurance for their dependents 63.We can infer that demand for insurance . A.varies due to individual needs of coverage B.stays the same whether you are working or not C.increases when we move to a new place D.decreases if we have a large family to support 赏析篇 If I Rest,I Rust 如果我休息,我就会生锈 The significant inscription found on an old key---“If I rest, I rust”---would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest bit of idleness. Even the most industrious person might adopt it with advantage to serve as a reminder that, if one allows his faculties to rest, like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust and, ultimately, cannot do the work required of them. Those who would attain the heights reached and kept by great men must keep their faculties polished by constant use, so that they may unlock the doors of knowledge, the gate that guard the entrances to the professions, to science, art, literature, agriculture---every department of human endeavor. Industry keeps bright the key that opens the treasury of achievement. If Hugh Miller, after toiling all day in a quarry, had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation, he would never have become a famous geologist. The celebrated mathematician, Edmund Stone, would never have published a mathematical dictionary, never have found the key to science of mathematics, if he had given his spare moments to idleness, had the little Scotch lad, Ferguson, allowed the busy brain to go to sleep while he tended sheep on the hillside instead of calculating the position of the stars by a string of beads, he would never have become a famous astronomer. Labor vanquishes all---not inconstant, spasmodic, or ill-directed labor; but faithful, unremitting, daily effort toward a well-directed purpose. Just as truly as eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, so is eternal industry the price of noble and enduring success. 参考译文: 在一把旧钥匙上发现了一则意义深远的铭文——如果我休息,我就会生锈。对于那些懒散而烦恼的人来说,这将是至理名言。甚至最为勤勉的人也以此作为警示:如果一个人有才能而不用,就像废弃钥匙上的铁一样,这些才能就会很快生锈,并最终无法完成安排给自己的工作。 有些人想取得伟人所获得并保持的成就,他们就必须不断运用自身才能,以便开启知识的大门,即那些通往人类努力探求的各个领域的大门,这些领域包括各种职业:科学,艺术,文学,农业等。 勤奋使开启成功宝库的钥匙保持光亮。如果休·米勒在采石场劳作一天后,晚上的时光用来休息消遣的话,他就不会成为名垂青史的地质学家。著名数学家爱德蒙·斯通如果闲暇时无所事事,就不会出版数学词典,也不会发现开启数学之门的钥匙。如果苏格兰青年弗格森在山坡上放羊时,让他那思维活跃的大脑处于休息状态,而不是借助一串珠子计算星星的位置,他就不会成为著名的天文学家。 劳动征服一切。这里所指的劳动不是断断续续的,间歇性的或方向偏差的劳动,而是坚定的,不懈的,方向正确的每日劳动。正如要想拥有自由就要时刻保持警惕一样,要想取得伟大的,持久的成功,就必须坚持不懈地努力。 练习篇 We can see how the product life cycle works by looking at the introduction of instant coffee. When it was introduced, most people did not like it as well as “regular” coffee, and it took several years to gain general acceptance (introduction stage). At one point, though, instant coffee grew rapidly in popularity, and many brands were introduced (stage of rapid growth). After a while, people became attached to one brand and sales leveled off (stage of maturity). Sales went into a slight decline (衰退) when freeze-dried coffees were introduced (stage of decline). The importance of the product life cycle to marketers is this: Different stages in the product life cycle call for different strategies. The goal is to extend product life so that sales and profits do not decline. One strategy is called market modification. It means that marketing managers look for new users and market sections. Did you know, for example, that the backpacks that so many students carry today were originally designed for the military? Market modification also means searching for increased usage among present customers or going for a different market, such as senior citizens. A marketer may re-position the product to appeal to new market sections. Another product extension strategy is called product modification. It involves changing product quality, features, or style to attract new users or more usage from present users. American auto manufacturers are using quality improvement as one way to recapture world markets. Note, also, how auto manufacturers once changed styles dramatically from year to year to keep demand from falling. 26. According to the passage, when people grow fond of one particular brand of a product, its sales will ________. A) decrease gradually B) remain at the same level C) become unstable D) improve enormously 27. The first paragraph tells us that a new product is ________. A) not easily accepted by the public B) often inferior to old ones at first C) often more expensive than old ones D) usually introduced to satisfy different tastes 28. Marketers need to know which of the four stages a product is in so as to ________. A) promote its production B) work out marketing policies C) speed up its life cycle D) increase its popularity 29. The author mentions the example of “backpacks” (Line 4, Para. 2) to show the importance of ________. A) pleasing the young as well as the old B) increasing usage among students C) exploring new market sections D) serving both military and civil needs 30. In order to recover their share of the world market, U.S. auto makers are ________. A) improving product quality B) increasing product features C) modernizing product style D) re-positioning their product in the market (五) 科普与网络篇 精讲篇 10合肥二模 Passage 1 NANJING, June 13,2009 (Xinhua) – China will see the longest total solar eclipse (日食) in 500 years on July 22, a scientist said Saturday. The most important time of the total eclipse was expected to begin from 9:00 a.m. to 9:38 a. m. (Beijing Time), said Wang Sichao, a research fellow with the Nanjing – based Purple Mountain Observatory under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. “The total eclipse will last up to six minutes, which is the longest one that can be seen in China in almost 500 years from 1814 to 2309,” Wang said. He said viewers in parts of eleven provinces in China's southwestern, central-southern and eastern areas, such as Tibet, Hunan and Jiangsu, will be able to witness the total solar eclipse, while in most parts of Shanghai, viewers can see the spectacular phenomenon. For viewers in other provinces, including Beijing, they can observe a partial eclipse, he said. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon is caught between the sun and the earth while each of them moves along their fixed orbits. In a total solar eclipse, the sun, the moon and the earth are directly aligned as the sun swings into the cone of shadow cast by the moon. Wang said the next total solar eclipse that can be seen in China will fall on March 20 th, 2034. "But it can only be seen remote provinces, such as Tibet and Qinghai. It cannot not be compared with the upcoming one -- in terms of duration and number of cities that can see the eclipse," he added. The last total solar eclipse visible in China took place on Aug. 1 last year. It was observed in northwest China and lasted two minutes in Yiwu County of northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the best place to see the phenomenon. 72.According to the report, the total eclipse on July the 22 nd will last . A.over a month B.about 38 minutes C.about 6 minute D.less than 30 minutes 73.Viewers can possibly witness the total solar eclipse in . A.Liaoning B.Sichuan C.Beijing D.Xinjiang 74.When a total solar eclipse happens, . A.the moon goes into the shadow cast by the sun B.the earth stays between the sun and the moon C.the sun temporarily moves into the moon’s orbit D.the sun is in a line with the moon and the earth 75.Which is the best title for this report? . A.China to witness longest total solar eclipse in 500 years B.The most important total solar eclipse will favor China C.The beginning time of the total solar eclipse is expected D.China has been the best place to witness the solar eclipse Passage 2 China launched its first lunar probe(探测器)on Wednesday,Oct. 24,moving a step closer to fulfilling its ambitions of one day reaching the moon. The Chang’e-I satellite,named after a Chinese goddess who flew to the moon,1ifted off at 6:05 pm.Officials and tourists watched the launching at a site in Sichuan Province,while state television broadcasted live to the rest of the nation. The probe is expected to circle around the moon for the next year,providing satellite images and other information.China prepares to launch a space vehicle to the moon by 2012 and then send an astronaut by 2020. Within an hour after its lift-off,the probe’s solar panels(电池板)had been opened,and space officials declared the launching a success. In recent years,China’s space program has attracted international attention for its ambitions and fast—rising technological ability.In 2003,China became one of the only three nations after the United States and the former Soviet Union to send a man into space.However,the United States and other nations reacted violently with alarm when China successfully destroyed one of its own aging weather satellites out of use in a military test. China is not the only space power in Asia. Last month,Japan launched its own lunar probe,and India plans its own lunar probe next year. Technological development is a motivator for all three countries,but so are nationalistic pride and regional competition. “As lunar exploration shows our overall(综合的)national strength,it is very significant for raising our international status and our national unity.”said Ouyang Ziyuan. a top scientist with China’s space program. 64.The Chang’e-I satellite . A.is the first lunar probe to circle around the moon B.is the first satellite sent from Sichuan Province C.has fulfilled China's ambitions of landing on the moon D.has made it possible to launch a moon vehicle by 2012 65.Which of the following can be the first evidence for the successful launch of the probe? A.The opening of the solar panels. B.The circling around the moon. C.The lifting off from the earth. D.The sending—back of the information. 66.The United States and other nations felt greatly worried when . A.China showed its ability to destroy satellites in space B.China was the third nation to send a man into space C.China showed its ambitions and technological ability D.China was not the only emerging space power in Asia 67.China has presented from the successful launch of Chang’e-I. A.national military strength B.Hi—tech development C.international status D.overall national power 09二模 Passage 3 Computer still can’t translate as accurately and artfully as people do .Many experts doubt they ever will. But some researchers have found what could be a powerful new tool for translations –the World Wide Web. “Possibly everything I ‘ve ever wanted to say is no the Web, and probably already translated on the Web,” said Edwards , a researcher at the University of Southern California. The Web is flooded with translations of everything from novels to company documents t personal pages. Some have been translated by people ,some by translation software ,some by a combination. Collecting the lessons suggested in Web pages may some day prove more effective at creating new translations than the current method, For now,. programmers generally collect dictionaries fo words and phrases likely to occur in the documents to be translated , along with rules to help understand an unfamiliar phrase. This method works well enough for texts with recurring vocabularies and style , for example. Words used in weather forecasts, Dates. Stories, laws and proper nouns-a person named “Mike” came out as “microphone” on one Web site-are too complex. In short .computers have little common sense, Even a child can tell from the context of a sentence whether the “bank” is a place to borrow money or to fish, but that still makes machines difficult to tell. By surveying millions of translated pages, however, a computer could deduce(推论)that “bank” usually means a financial place when the word ’account” also is used, Every rule a computer deduces is one that doesn’t have to be programmed. To deduce those rules, a computer needs millions of examples, This new idea faces many big problems, but the researchers believe that the Web will help create efficient translation software sooner or later, 72.Which of the following statements about the Web in TRUE? A The Web offers efficient translation lessons. B Web texts are not translated by machine only C The Web has become a powerful tool for translation D The Web had been equipped with accurate translation software. 73.The underlined word in the ed word in the 5 th paragraph probably means A reappearing frequently B, quite short and simple C frequently changeable D, similar in different language 74.The comparison made between a child and a computer indicates that A creating accurate translation tools is almost impossible B translation tools are still in their early stage of development C the power of a computer is slightly higher than that of a child D talented children are usually cleverer than computers 75. We may conclude from the article that usage rules A should be used by millions of people B are too abundant to be programmed C could be deduced automatically by computers D should be programmed by language specialists Passage 4 How to protect children Web fans from unsuitable material on-line while encouraging them to use the Internet has long been discussed in the U.S. For some parents, the Internet can seem like a jungle, filled with danger for their children. But jungles contain wonders as well as dangers and with good guides, some education, and a few precautions(预防措施), the wilds of the Internet can be safely navigated(航行). “Kids have to be on-line. If we tell our kids they can’t have access(机会) to the Internet, we’re cutting them off from their future,” said an expert. Most kids have started to use search engines. Many of them are great for finding tons of interesting Internet sites, and they can also locate places where you might not want your kids to go. There are search engines designed just for kids. A certain software contains only sites that have been selected as safe. The most popular way to limit access would be to use what is known as a “content screener(过滤器)”. But this can’t be wholly reliable(可靠), and the best thing parents can do is to talk to their kids and let them know what is OK or not OK to see or do on the Internet. Another way is that mum or dad is nearby when the child is surfing(浏览) the Internet. A few other tips ●Don’t put the PC in a child’s room but keep it in an area where mum or dad can keep an eye on things. That also makes the Internet more of a family activity. ●Ask your child what he or she has been doing and about any friends they make on-line. ●Tell your child not to give on-line strangers personal information, especially like address and phone number. ●And tell your children never to talk to anyone they meet on-line over the phone, send them anything, accept anything from them or agree to meet with them unless you go along. 1. The passage is mainly about the subject of _______. A. American children going on-line B. Internet in America C. appreciating Internet D. opposing children’s on-line 2. The best way to protect children from improper material is _______. A. to install(安装) a content screener on the computer B. to buy some search engines for the children C. to be nearby when they are surfing the Internet D. to talk to the children and persuade them to tell right from wrong 3. Which of the following is right according to the passage? A. Surfing the Internet is the best method of educating children. B. Children’s not having access to Internet may have effect on their progress. C. Using a content screener is most reliable for keeping children having access to Internet. D. Searching engines can help children to select materials fit for them. 4. According to the passage, we can infer that _______. A. soft wares fit for children want programming B. a child who is on-line is in danger C. Internet is a jungle full of danger D. Internet contains a lot of harmful sites Passage 5 Of all the websites,one that has attracted attention recently is myspace.com.Most of this attention has come from the media and tells every reason why the website should be shut down.The threat of internet predators(窃掠者)is indeed a tough reality,but shutting down the site is not the answer.If myspace.com were shut down,another site would quickly take its place.Therefore,the right way is to teach teens how to use the site safely and educate them about who may be predators and how to avoid them. The key to staying safe on the Internet is to make sure that your profile(个人资料)is secure.The simplest way is to change the privacy setting on your profile to “private”, which protects your information so that only the people on your friend list can view it.Although this is effective,it is not perfect.Predators can find ways to view your profile if they really want to,whether through hacking in or figuring out their way onto your friend list.Thus,you should never post too much personal information.Some people actually post their home and school addresses,date of birth,and other personal info,often letting predators know exactly where they will be and when.The most information that is safe is your first name and province.Anything more is basically inviting a predator into your life. Another big issue is photos. I suggest completely skipping photos and never posting a photo of a friend online without asking permission. Most importantly, never,under any circumstances,agree to a real-life meeting with anyone you meet online.No matter how well you think you know this person, there are no guarantees that they have told the truth.But you could feel free to chat with people you meet on the site, but just remember that not everyone is who they say they are.Hopefully,the next time you edit your profile,you’ll be more informed about the dangers of internet predators and take the steps to defend yourself. 68.Kids can avoid web predators successfully by . A.attracting more public attention B.shutting down the website “myspace . com” C.showing the kids ways to try other sites D.recognizing and getting away from them 69.The safest basic personal information that you can share online is . A.your home address and birthday B.school address and your first name C.your first name and province D.your province and cell phone number 70.We can learn from the passage that . A.not everybody you meet on line is honest and reliable B.it is not acceptable to post a photo of a friend on line C.it is not safe by chatting with grown-ups on the website D.only you and your friends can view your personal profile 71.What could be the best title of this passage? A.Web Safety for teens B.Personal Safety C.Web Hackers in the past D.Predators’ Tricks 赏析篇 Ambition 抱负 It is not difficult to imagine a world short of ambition. It would probably be a kinder world: with out demands, without abrasions, without disappointments. People would have time for reflection. Such work as they did would not be for themselves but for the collectivity. Competition would never enter in. conflict would be eliminated, tension become a thing of the past. The stress of creation would be at an end. Art would no longer be troubling, but purely celebratory in its functions. Longevity would be increased, for fewer people would die of heart attack or stroke caused by tumultuous endeavor. Anxiety would be extinct. Time would stretch on and on, with ambition long departed from the human heart. Ah, how unrelieved boring life would be! There is a strong view that holds that success is a myth, and ambition therefore a sham. Does this mean that success does not really exist? That achievement is at bottom empty? That the efforts of men and women are of no significance alongside the force of movements and events now not all success, obviously, is worth esteeming, nor all ambition worth cultivating. Which are and which are not is something one soon enough learns on one’s own. But even the most cynical secretly admit that success exists; that achievement counts for a great deal; and that the true myth is that the actions of men and women are useless. To believe otherwise is to take on a point of view that is likely to be deranging. It is, in its implications, to remove all motives for competence, interest in attainment, and regard for posterity. We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents. We do not choose our historical epoch, the country of our birth, or the immediate circumstances of our upbringing. We do not, most of us, choose to die; nor do we choose the time or conditions of our death. But within all this realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we shall live: courageously or in cowardice, honorably or dishonorably, with purpose or in drift. We decide what is important and what is trivial in life. We decide that what makes us significant is either what we do or what we refuse to do. But no matter how indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these choices and decisions are ours to make. We decide. We choose. And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. In the end, forming our own destiny is what ambition is about. 参考译文: 一个缺乏抱负的世界将会怎样,这不难想象。或许,这将是一个更为友善的世界:没有渴求,没有磨擦,没有失望。人们将有时间进行反思。他们所从事的工作将不是为了他们自身,而是为了整个集体。竞争永远不会介入;冲突将被消除。人们的紧张关系将成为过往云烟。创造的重压将得以终结。艺术将不再惹人费神,其功能将纯粹为了庆典。人的寿命将会更长,因为由激烈拼争引起的心脏病和中风所导致的死亡将越来越少。焦虑将会消失。时光流逝,抱负却早已远离人心。 啊,长此以往人生将变得多么乏味无聊! 有一种盛行的观点认为,成功是一种神话,因此抱负亦属虚幻。这是不是说实际上并不丰在成功?成就本身就是一场空?与诸多运动和事件的力量相比,男男女女的努力显得微不足?显然,并非所有的成功都值得景仰,也并非所有的抱负都值得追求。对值得和不值得的选择,一个人自然而然很快就能学会。但即使是最为愤世嫉俗的人暗地里也承认,成功确实存在,成就的意义举足轻重,而把世上男男女女的所作所为说成是徒劳无功才是真正的无稽之谈。认为成功不存在的观点很可能造成混乱。这种观点的本意是一笔勾销所有提高能力的动机,求取业绩的兴趣和对子孙后代的关注。 我们无法选择出生,无法选择父母,无法选择出生的历史时期与国家,或是成长的周遭环境。我们大多数人都无法选择死亡,无法选择死亡的时间或条件。但是在这些无法选择之中,我们的确可以选择自己的生活方式:是勇敢无畏还是胆小怯懦,是光明磊落还是厚颜无耻,是目标坚定还是随波逐流。我们决定生活中哪些至关重要,哪些微不足道。我们决定,用以显示我们自身重要性的,不是我们做了什么,就是我们拒绝做些什么。但是不论世界对我们所做的选择和决定有多么漠不关心,这些选择和决定终究是我们自己做出的。我们决定,我们选择。而当我们决定和选择时,我们的生活便得以形成。最终构筑我们命运的就是抱负之所在。 练习篇 (09·宁夏、海南B篇) Computer programmer David Jones earns $35.000 a year designing new computer games. yet he cannot find a bank ready to let him have a credit card(信用卡)Instead he has been told to wait another two years until he is 18. The 16-year-old works for a small firm in Liverpool where the problem of most young people of his age is finding a job David’s firm releases(推出)two new games for the fast growing computer market each month But David’s biggest headache is what to do with his money. Even though he earns a lot he cannot drive a car take out a mortgage(抵押贷款),or get credit cards David got his job with the Liverpool-based company four months ago ,a year after leaving school with six O-levels and working for a time in a computer shop. “I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I had already written some programs” he said David spends some of his money on records and clothes and gives his mother 50 pounds a week But most of his spare time is spent working. “Unfortunately, computing was not part of our studies at school “ he said “But I had been studying it in books and magazines for four years in my spare time I knew what I wanted to do and never considered staying on at school Most people in this business are fairly young, anyway” David added :”I would like to earn a million and I suppose early retirement(退休)is a possibility You never know when the market might disappear.” 60.In what way is David different from people of his age? A.He often goes out with friends B.He lives with his mother C.He has a handsome income D.He graduated with six O-levels 61.What is one of the problems that David is facing now? A.He is too young to get a credit card B.He has no time to learn driving C.He has very little spare time D.He will soon lose his job 62.Why was David able to get the job in the company? A.He had done well in all his exams B.He had written some computer programs C.He was good at playing computer games D.He had learnt to use computers at school 63.Why did David decide to leave school and start working? A.He received lots of job offers B.He was eager to help his mother C.He lost interest in school studies D.He wanted to earn his own living (五) 社会与习俗篇 精讲篇 Passage 1 Handshaking, though a European practice is often seen in big cities of China. Nobody knows exactly when the practice started in Europe. It is said that long long ago in Europe when people met, they showed their unarmed (无武器的) hands to each other as a sign of goodwill. As time went on and trade in cities grew rapidly, people in cities began to clap each other’s hands to make a deal or to reach an agreement. This practice was later changed into shaking hands among friends on meeting or leaving each other. “Let’s shake (hands) on it” sometimes means agreement reached. Do the Europeans shake hands wherever they go and with whomever they meet? No. Sometimes the Chinese abroad reach out their hands too often to be polite. It is really very impolite to give your hand when the other party, especially when it is a woman, shows little interest in shaking hands with you and when the meeting does not mean anything to him or-her. Even if, for politeness, he holds out his unwilling hand in answer to your uninvited hand, just touch it slightly- There is generally a misunderstanding (误解) among the Chinese that westerners are usually open and straighforward, while the Chinese are rather reserved (保守的) in manner. But in fact some people in western countries more reserved than some Chinese today. So it is a good idea to shake hands with a westerner only when he shows interest in further relations with you. 64. In the old days in Europe, people put out their unarmed hands to each other ______. A. to make a deal B. to greet each other C. to show friendliness D. to reach an agreement 65. The first paragraph mainly tells us ______. A. where handshaking was first practiced B. how handshaking came about C. about the relationship between handshaking and trade D. about the practice of handshaking both in Europe and in China 66. According to the text. which of the following statements is true? A. Westerners are more reserved than the Chinese. B. Westerners are unwilling to shake hands. C. We should make a judgement before shaking hands. D. We shouldn’t shake hands with European women. 67. The main purpose of the text is ______. A. to tell us some differences between the East and the West B. to offer us some important facts about handshaking C. to introduce us to some different customs in the West D. to give us some advice before we travel abroad Passage 2 Meeting people from another culture can be difficult. From the beginning, people may send the wrong signal . Or they may pay no attention to signals from another person who is trying to develop a relationship. Different cultures emphasize the importance of relationship building to a greater or lesser degree. For example, business in some countries is not possible until there is a relationship of trust. Even with people at work, it is necessary to spend a lot of time in "small talk", usually over a glass of tea, before they do any job. In many European countries -- like the UK or France -- people find it easier to build up a lasting working relationship at restaurants or caf6s rather than at the office. Talk and silence may also be different in some cultures. I once made a speech in Thailand. I had expected my speech to be a success and start a lively discussion; instead there was an uncomfortable silence. The people present just stared at me and smiled. After getting to know their ways better, I realized that they thought I was talking too much. In my own culture, we express meaning mainly through words, but people there sometimes feel too many words are unnecessary. Even within Northern Europe, cultural differences can cause serious problems. Certainly, English and German cultures share similar values; however, Germans prefer to get down to business more quickly. We think that they are rude. In fact, this is just because one culture starts discussions and makes decisions more quickly. People from different parts of the world have different values, and sometimes these values are quite against each other. However, if we can understand them better, a multicultural environment will offer a wonderful chance for us to learn from each other. 72. In some countries, eating together at restaurants may make it easier for people to _______. A. develop closer relations B. share the same culture C. get to know each other D. keep each other company 73. The author mentions his experience in Thailand to show that _________. A. the English prefer to make long speeches B. too many words are of no use C. people from Thailand are quiet and shy by nature D. even talk and silence can be culturally different 74. According to the text, how can people from different cultures understand each other better? A. By sharing different ways of life. B. By accepting different habits. C. By recognizing different values. D. By speaking each other' s languages. 75. What would be the best title for the text? A. Multicultural Environment. B. Cross-Cultural Differences. C. How to Understand Each Other. D. How to Build Up a Relationship. 10合肥二模 Passage 3 Neatness and personal cleanness have been around for ages and have become an important part of everyone’s daily routine. You might think that all modern societies would have the same neatness and personal cleanness practices. After all, doesn’t everybody take baths? Most people do recognize the need for cleanness, which is the basis for health. Neatness practices include all the little things people do to make themselves look their best, such as combing their hair and putting on makeup. However, while most modern people agree that these things are important, people in different cultures take care of themselves in different ways. There used to be an old joke in America that people should take a bath once a week, whether they need one or not. In fact, though, Americans generally take a bath or more commonly, a shower every day. But in contrast to some cultures, most Americans get their shower in the morning so that they can start the day fresh. Americans are known for having very sensitive noses. In America, body smell is socially unacceptable. For that reason, Americans consider it a must to use special lotion (浴液) to prevent the smell. Ladies often add a touch of perfume. Men may spray on after – shave cream or manly – smelling perfume. Some of the cultural varieties in neatness practices result from physical differences between races. Whereas many Asian men have little facial hair, Westerners have a lot. As a result, most American men spend some time each day shaving or tidying their facial hair to keep it nice. American women, on the other hand, generally prefer not to be hairy at all. Americans put great value on both neatness and personal cleanness. For some people, taking care of themselves has become almost a religion. As the old saying goes, “Cleanness is next to godliness.” Whether or not being clean and neat – looking brings one closer to God, it certainly at least brings one closer to others. Americans look down on people who don’t take care of themselves, or who “let themselves go.” 68.We can infer from the first paragraph that . A.everyone takes baths daily to get a nice look. B.people have the same neatness practices today. C.neatness practices may be affected by cultures. D.neatness means combing hair and doing makeup. 69.Americans have a bath in the morning to . A.begin an energetic day B.refresh their sensitive noses C.prevent their body smell D.style their hair at home 70.According to the author, physical differences between races can cause differences in . A.cultures B.locations C.religions D.neatness practice 71.The underlined phrase in the last paragraph means “ ”. A.care much about themselves B.give loose to themselves C.stay away from other people D.stay closer to other people 安徽10 Passage 4 American cities are similar to other cities around the world; In every country. Cities reflect the values of the culture. American cities are changing, just as American society is changing. After Wolld Wa Ⅱ,the population of most large American cities decreased; bowever. The populaton In omthe Sun Belt cities increased. Los Angeles and Houston are eitit where populatfon shife(转移)to and from the oity reflect the changing values of Amorican society. In the late 1940s and early 1950s,city residents(居民)became wealthier. They had more children so they needed more space, They moved out of their apartments in the city to buy their own homes. They bought houses in the suburbs(郊区). Now things are changing. The children of the people who left the cities in the 1950s are now adults. Many, unlike their parents, want to live in the cities. They continue to move to Sun Belt cities and older ones of the Northeast and Midwest. Many young professionals are moving back into city. They prefer the city to the burbs because their jobs are there; or they jus enjoy the excitement and possibility that the city offers. His people shift is bringing problems as well as benefits. Countless poot people must leave their apartments in the city because the owners want to sell the buildings or make apartments for sale instead of for rent. In the 1950s, many poor people did not have enough money to move to the suburbs; now many of these same people do not have enough money to stay in the cities. Only a few years ago, people though that the older American cities were dying. Some city residents now see a bright, new Future, Others see only problems and the thing is sure that many dying cities are alive again. 64. What does the author think of cities all over the world? A. They are alive. B. They are hopeless. C. They are similar. D. They are different. 65.Why did American city residents want to live in the suburbs after World War Ⅱ? A. Because older American cities were dying. B. Because they were richer and needed more space. C. Because cities contained the wont pare of society. D. Because they could hardly afford a live in the city. 66. According to the 4th paragraph, a great many poor people in American cities . A. are faced with housing problems B. are forced to move to the suburbs C. want to sell their buildings D. need more money for daily expenses 67. We car conclude from the text that . A. American cities are changing far the worse B. people have different views on American cities C. many people are now moving from American cities D. the population is decreasing in older American cities Passage 5(09安徽) Remembering names is an important social skill.Here are some ways to master it. Recite and repeat in conversation. When you hear a person’s name,repeat it.Immediately say it to yourself several times without moving your lips.You could also repeat the name in a way that does not sound forced or artificial. Ask the other person to recite and repeat. You can let other people help you remember their names.After you’ve been introduced to someone,ask that person to spell the name mad pronounce it correctly for you.Most people will be pleased by the effort you’re making to learn their names. Admit you don’t know. Admitting that you can’t remember someone’s name can actually make people relaxed.Most of them will feel sympathy if you say.“I’m working to remember names better.Yours is right on the tip of my tongue.What is it again?” Use associations. Link each person yon meet with one thing you find interesting or unusual.For example,you could make a mental note: "Vicki Cheng -- tall, black hair. " To reinforce you’re your associations, write them on a small card as soon as possible. Limit the number of new names you learn at one time. When meeting a group of people, concentrate on remembering just two or three names. Free yourself from remembering every one. Few of the people in mass introductions expect you to remember their names. Another way is to limit yourself to learning just first names. Last names can come later. Go early. Consider going early to conferences, parties and classes. Sometimes just a few people show up on time. That's fewer names for you to remember. And as more people arrive, you can hear them being introduced to others -- an automatic review for you. 56. How will most people feel when you try hard to remember their names? A. They will be moved. B. They will be annoyed. C. They will be delighted. D. They will be discouraged. 57. If you can't remember someone's name, you may __ A. tell him the truth B. tell him a white lie C. ask him for pity D. ask others to help you 58. When you meet a group of people, it is better to remember __ A. all their names B. a couple of names first C. just their last names D. as many names as possible 59. What does the text mainly tell us? A. Tips on an important social skill. B. Importance of attending parties. C. How to make use of associations. D. How to recite and repeat names. 赏析篇 What I have Lived for 我为何而生 Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy---ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours for this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness---that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what---at last---I have found. With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved. Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always it brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer. This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me. 参考译文: 我的一生被三种简单却又无比强烈的激情所控制:对爱的渴望,对知识的探索和对人类苦难难以抑制的屿。这些激情像狂风,把我恣情吹向四方,掠过苦痛的大海,迫使我濒临绝望的边缘。 我寻求爱,首先因为它使我心为之着迷,这种难以名状的美妙迷醉使我愿意用所有的余生去换取哪怕几个小时这样的幸福。我寻求爱,还因为它能缓解我心理上的孤独中,我感觉心灵的战栗,仿如站在世界的边缘而面前是冰冷,无底的死亡深渊。我寻求爱,因为在我所目睹的结合中,我仿佛看到了圣贤与诗人们所向往的天堂之景。这就是我所寻找的,虽然对人的一生而言似乎有些遥不可及,但至少是我用尽一生所领悟到的。 我用同样的激情去寻求知识。我希望能理解人类的心灵,希望能够知道群星闪烁的缘由。我试图领悟毕达哥拉斯所景仰的“数即万物”的思想。我已经悟出了其中的一点点道理,尽管并不是很多。 爱和知识,用它们的力量把人引向天堂。但是同情却总把人又拽回到尘世中来。痛苦的呼喊声回荡在我的内心。饥饿的孩子,受压迫的难民,贫穷和痛苦的世界,都是对人类所憧憬的美好生活的无情嘲弄。我渴望能够减少邪恶,但是我无能为力,我也难逃其折磨。 这就是我的一生。我已经找到它的价值。而且如果有机会,我很愿意能再活它一次。 练习篇 Americans are pound of their variety and individuality, yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform, whether it is the uniform of an elevator operator or the uniform of a five-star general. Why are uniforms so popular in the United States? Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they look more professional than civilian (百姓的) clothes. People have become conditioned to expect superior quality from a man who wears a uniform. The television repairman who wears uniform tends to inspire more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes. Faith in the skill of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform. What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to lose professional identity (身份) than to step out of uniform? Uniforms also have many practical benefits. They save on other clothes. They save on laundry bills. They are tax-deductible (可减税的). They are often more comfortable and more durable than civilian clothes. Primary among the arguments against uniforms is their lack of variety and the consequent loss of individuality experienced by people who must wear them. Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without change, until retirement. When people look alike, they tend to think, speak, and act similarly, on the job at least. Uniforms also give rise to some practical problems. Though they are long-lasting, often their initial expense is greater than the cost of civilian clothes. Some uniforms are also expensive to maintain, requiring professional dry cleaning rather than the home laundering possible with many types of civilian clothes. 61. It is surprising that Americans who worship variety and individuality ________. A) still judge a man by his clothes B) hold the uniform in such high regard C) enjoy having a professional identity D) will respect an elevator operator as much as a general in uniform 62. People are accustomed to think that a man in uniform ________. A) suggests quality work B) discards his social identity C) appears to be more practical D) looks superior to a person in civilian clothes 63. The chief function of a uniform is to ________. A) provide practical benefits to the wearer B) make the wearer catch the pubic eye C) inspire the wearer’s confidence in himself D) provide the wearer with a professional identity 64. According to the passage, people wearing uniforms ________. A) are usually helpful B) have little or no individual freedom C) tend to lose their individuality D) enjoy greater popularity 65. The best title for this passage would be ________. A) Uniforms and Society 来源:www.examda.com B) The Importance of Wearing a Uniform C) Practical Benefits of Wearing a Uniform D) Advantages and Disadvantages of Uniforms (七)心理与认知篇 精讲篇 Passage 1 The summer I was ten, my mother decided to bring us to the world of art. My brother and I were not very excited when we realized what my mother meant. What she meant was not that we could take drawing classes or painting classes but that we would have to spend one afternoon a week with her at the Fine Arts Museum. Before each visit to the museum, she made us read about artists and painting styles(风格). It was almost as bad as being in school. Who wants to spend the summer thinking about artists when you could be with your friends at the swimming pool? First we had to read about ancient Egyptians(古埃及人) and their strange way of painting faces and then go to look at them at the museum. My 12-year-old brother thought this was so funny, but I was not interested.Later we had to learn about artists in the Middle Ages who painted people wearing strange long clothing. We had to look at pictures of fat babies with wings and curly (鬈曲的) hair and with no clothes on flying around the edges of paintings. I certainly couldn't see what was so great about art. On our last visit to the museum, something happened when I saw a painting by a woman called Mary. In it, a woman was reading to a child.The colors were soft and gentle, and you could tell by the mother' s expression how happy she was just to be with the child.I couldn't stop looking at this painting ! I wanted to see every painting Mary had ever made! It was really worth looking at so many paintings to find a painter who could interest me so much. 68.The aim of the mother' s plan was to _________. A.take them to visit the museum B.introduce them to the world of art C.ask them to read about artists D.show them different painting styles 69.What was the writer' s experience in the museum before the last visit? A.She came to feel her mother' s love. B.She liked many paintings. C.She hardly enjoyed herself. D.She could understand the pictures of fat babies. 70.What made the writer go through a change that summer? A.One of Mary's paintings. B.A strange way of painting. C.Artists in the Middle Ages. D.Her mother' s instruction. 71.From the text, we can see _________. A.the importance of curiosity B.the effect of art C.the value of learning D.the power of family education Passage 2 Patricia Blues, 29, has a new aim in life: to keep drivers' hands on their steering wheels and off their cell phones. On November 2, 2007, Blues lived through a horrible experience. A motorist dialing a cell phone drove through a stop sign at 45 miles per hour and run into the side of Blues' car. Blues' 2-year-old daughter was killed immediately in the crash. Blues has since dedicated her time to pushing for laws that would prevent this type of tragedy from happening again. Cell phones are not the only distractions (分神) that cause accidents. Eating, changing CD, reading maps, talking to passengers, and just reaching for an object on the floor can be dangerous. Therefore, the emphasis should be on educating drivers to avoid all distractions. However, talking on cell phones might be easier to regulate than eating or changing music. At least 34 states have already passed laws to restrict cell phone use in moving cars. No state has banned it yet, but several U. S. cities have. Worldwide, 13 nations, including Australia, England, Germany, Japan and China have banned drivers' use of cell phones in moving cars. To date, no scientific evidence has been published showing that talking on the phone affects driving safety. But according to a test by some high school students, "driving while on the phone does affect safety and probably shouldn't be done". 56. What happened to Patricia Blues last November? ____. A. She was seriously injured in a car crash B. She lost her daughter in a road accident C. She broke the traffic rules at a bus stop D. Her vehicle was destroyed by a motorbike 57. The tragedy was caused by ____. A. Blues' lack of driving experience B. the motorist’s failure of seeing the stop sign C. Blues' poor car conditions D. the motorist's absence of mind while driving 58. Patricia Blues' new goal of life is to persuade the government ____. A. to prohibit the carrying of cell phones in cars B. to educate drivers to avoid all distractions C. to ban talking on the phone while driving D. to study, harmful results of using cell phones 59. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? ____. A. Using cell phone while driving is easier to be controlled by law than other distractions B. It is more important to make laws than educate drivers to be aware of driving safety C. Driving while on the phone is firmly against only by some students from high school D. It is extremely urgent for the cities with a large population to restrict using cell phones 08二模 Passage 3 I have recently been diagnosed with an addiction to coffee and I am not alone.This is a problem among Americans of all ages.The coffee shop has become a social feature in our culture.Its appealing smell,cozy and inviting atmosphere are difficult to resist.especially if you struggle with an addiction like alcoho1. But,when you look past the leather couches and coffees named after European cities.all you’11 find is coffee,milk,and a little sugar.Anyone can buy a Coffeemaker and a container of Coffee Mate and try to create the same drink as a coffee shop does.The only difference between your homemade coffee and coffee shops is that they put it in a cute cup and throw on some whipped(泡沫状的)cream to convince us that we are treating ourselves to a worthy relief from the fast pace of everyday life.And we believe them,silly for the idea that drinking their coffee improves our quality of life. So,next time this" white chocolate" begins echoing in your mind,you’ll have to make a decision:Will you continue to be one of the millions of brainwashed Americans who live for their next trip to a coffee shop,or will you just walk away and ignore it? My advice is---dare to resist and just say no. 56.The major features of a coffee shop are the following EXCEPT its . A.attractive smell B.comfortable surrounding C.pleasant atmosphere D.alcohol-like addiction 57.The coffee from coffee shops differs from homemade coffee mainly because it . A.is mixed with whipped cream B.is usually served in a cute cup C.offers a feeling of precious relief D.can improve the quality of life 58.“White chocolate” in the last paragraph probably means . A.coffee with cream B.chocolate with coffee C.brainwashed Americans D.addiction to shop coffee 59 .The author’s attitude towards“ white chocolate ” is . A.positive B.uncaring C.negative D.optimistic 09一模 Passage 4 Have you ever had the strange feeling that you were being watched? You turned around and, sure enough, someone was looking right at you! Some parapsychologists (心理学家) say that humans have a natural ability to sense when someone is looking at them. To study whether such a "sixth sense" really exists, Robert Baker, a psychologist at the University of Kentucky, performed several experiments. In the first one. Baker sat behind unsuspecting people in public places and stared at the backs of their heads for 5 to 15 minutes. The subjects were eating, drinking, reading, studying, watching TV, or working at a computer. Baker made sure that the people could not tell that he was sitting behind them during those periods. Later, when he questioned the suspects, almost all of them said they had no' idea that someone was staring at them. For the second experiment. Baker told subjects that they would be stared at from time to time from behind a two-way minor in a lab setting. The people had to write down when they felt they were being stared at and when they weren’t. Baker found that the subjects were no better at telling when they were stared at than if they had just guessed. Baker’s experiment concludes again that people do not have the ability to sense when they are being stared at. If you doubt the outcome of his two experiments, I suggest you repeat the experiments and see for yourselves. 60. The first experiment made by Baker shows that ____. A. people can’t realize it when they are watched secretly B. one can't sense other people’s watching when they are talking C. people have no idea about the sixth sense of human beings D. the sixth sense doesn’t work during the first 5 or 15 minutes 61. The second experiment differs from the first one in that ____. A. the subjects were not directly stared at from time to time B. the subjects had to write something down in a lab sitting C. the subjects were good at guessing when they were stared at D. the subjects were informed of the purpose of the experiment 62. What is the author's attitude towards the result of the experiment? ____. A. Support B. Doubt C. Sympathy D. Surprise 63. We can infer from the passage that ____. A. it’s most probable that humans have six senses B. the so-called sixth sense doesn’t exist in human beings C. the experiments done by Baker hardly explain anything D. people should make conclusions by themselves 10二模Passage 5 A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and loved the boy very much. When the boy was around two years old, one morning the husband saw a medicine bottle open. He was late for work so he asked the wife to cap the bottle and keep it in the cupboard. The mother, preoccupied in the kitchen, totally forgot the matter. The boy saw the bottle and playfully went to the bottle and, fascinated with its color, drank it all. It happened to be a poisonous medicine meant for adults in small dosages. When the child collapsed, the mother hurried him to the hospital, where he died. The mother was stunned. She was terrified how to face her husband. When the distraught father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he looked at his wife and uttered just four words. The husband just said ‘I am with you, Darling’. The husband's totally unexpected reaction is proactive behavior. The child is dead. He can never be brought back to life. There is no point in finding fault with the mother. Besides, if only he have taken time to keep the bottle away, this will not have happened. No point in attaching blame. She had also lost her only child. What she needed at that moment was consolation and sympathy from the husband. That is what he gave her. If everyone can look at life with this kind of viewpoint, there would be much fewer problems in the world. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears and you will find things are actually not as difficult as you think. Sometimes we spend time asking who is responsible or whom to blame, whether in a relationship, in a job or with the people we know. By this way we miss out some warmth in human relationship. 56.The uncapped medical bottle was not put back into the cupboard because . A.the husband was careless B.the husband was busy C.the wife wasn’t informed of the matte D.the wife ignored the matter 57.What do we know about the bottle? . A.It contained poison only for adults B.It appeared like a nice drink C.It was broken by the child D.It was kept in the kitchen 58.The husband’s attitude towards his wife can be described as . A.optimistic B.confident C.considerate D.generous 59.What did the writer intend to tell us about life? . A.Let go the negative side and we can enjoy life. B.It is always useless finding who is responsible C.Think of nothing and life will be easy D.Life should give way to responsibility 赏析篇 Giving Life Meaning 给生命以意义 Have you thought about what you want people to say about you after you’re gone? Can you hear the voice saying, “He was a great man.” Or “She really will be missed.” What else do they say? One of the strangest phenomena of life is to engage in a work that will last long after death. Isn’t that a lot like investing all your money so that future generations can bare interest on it? Perhaps, yet if you look deep in your own heart, you’ll find something drives you to make this kind of contribution---something drives every human being to find a purpose that lives on after death. Do you hope to memorialize your name? Have a name that is whispered with reverent awe? Do you hope to have your face carved upon 50 ft of granite rock? Is the answer really that simple? Is the purpose of lifetime contribution an ego-driven desire for a mortal being to have an immortal name or is it something more? A child alive today will die tomorrow. A baby that had the potential to be the next Einstein will die from complication is at birth. The circumstances of life are not set in stone. We are not all meant to live life through to old age. We’ve grown to perceive life3 as a full cycle with a certain number of years in between. If all of those years aren’t lived out, it’s a tragedy. A tragedy because a human’s potential was never realized. A tragedy because a spark was snuffed out before it ever became a flame. By virtue of inhabiting a body we accept these risks. We expose our mortal flesh to the laws of the physical environment around us. The trade off isn’t so bad when you think about it. The problem comes when we construct mortal fantasies of what life should be like. When life doesn’t conform to our fantasy we grow upset, frustrated, or depressed. We are alive; let us live. We have the ability to experience; let us experience. We have the ability to learn; let us learn. The meaning of life can be grasped in a moment. A moment so brief it often evades our perception. What meaning stands behind the dramatic unfolding of life? What single truth can we grasp and hang onto for dear life when all other truths around us seem to fade with time? These moments are strung together in a series we call events. These events are strung together in a series we call life. When we seize the moment and bend it according to our will, a will driven by the spirit deep inside us, then we have discovered the meaning of life, a meaning for us that shall go on long after we depart this Earth. 参考译文: 你有没有想过,你希望人们在你死后怎样评论你?你能否听到这样的说,“他是个伟大的人”或“人们的确会怀念她”,他们还会说些什么? 人生最奇异的现象之一就是,你从事的事业在你死后仍将长久存在。这和你用所的钱进行投资以便后人能从中获益不是如出一辙吗?也许,如果你审视自己的内心深处,你就会发现促使你做出这种贡献的驱动力-一种驱使每个人寻找在自己死后仍能继续存在的事业的驱动力。 你希望自己的名字被人记住吗?你希望别人提起你的名字时心怀敬畏吗?你希望自己的面容被雕刻在50英尺高的花岗岩上吗?答案真的那么简单吗?贡献一生的目的难道终将一死之人想要获得不朽名声的自我鞭策的欲望?抑或是其他更伟大的事物? 今天活着的孩子明天就会死去。一个有可能成为下一个爱因斯坦的婴儿会死于出生并发症。生命的情形并不是固定不变的。我们并没有注定都要活到老年。我们已经认识到,生命是一个周期,其时间长度是特定的。如果这些时间没有被充分利用,那就是个悲剧,因为人的潜能还未实现,因为火花还没形成火焰就被补灭。 由于存在于肉体之中,所以我们接受这些风险。我们使易朽的肉体服从周围物理环境的法则。你仔细想一想就会发现,这种交易并不是那么糟糕。当我们幻想生命应该如何时,问题就来了。当生命和我们的幻想不一致时,我们就变得烦恼,无奈或沮丧。 我们活着,那我们就要活得精彩;我们有能力体验,那我们就要体验人生甘苦;我们有能力学习,那我们就要在学海徜徉。生命的意义可以在一瞬间抓住-一个经常被我们忽略的短暂瞬间。 当生命戏剧般地一幕幕拉开时,其中隐含的意义是什么?当我们周围所有其他都似乎随着时间而消逝时,我们能够掌握哪个真理并依靠它来生活呢? 这些瞬间串联在一起,我们称之为事件。这些事件串联系在一起, 我们称之为生活。当我们抓住那个瞬间并按照我们的意志来改变它-这意志受到我们内心深处的精神的驱使,我们就发现了生命的意义-这意义将在我们离开地球之后长久存在。 练习篇 Most cases of absent-mindedness — forgetting where you left something or wondering why you just entered a room — are caused by a simple lack of attention, says Schacter. “You’re supposed to remember something, but you haven’t encoded it deeply.” Encoding, Schacter explains, is a special way of paying attention to an event that has a major impact on recalling it later. Failure to encode properly can create annoying situations. If you put your mobile phone in a pocket, for example, and don’t pay attention to what you did because you’re involved in a conversation, you’ll probably forget that the phone is in the jacket now hanging in you wardrobe (衣柜). “Your memory itself isn’t failing you,” says Schacter. “Rather, you didn’t give your memory system the information it needed.” Lack of interest can also lead to absent-mindedness. “A man who can recite sports statistics from 30 years ago,” says Zelinski, “may not remember to drop a letter in the mailbox.” Women have slightly better memories than men, possibly because they pay more attention to their environment, and memory relies on just that. Visual cues can help prevent absent-mindedness, says Schacter. “But be sure the cue is clear and available,” he cautions. If you want to remember to take a medication (药物) with lunch, put the pill bottle on the kitchen table — don’t leave it in the medicine chest and write yourself a note that you keep in a pocket. Another common episode of absent-mindedness: walking into a room and wondering why you’re there. Most likely, you were thinking about something else. “Everyone does this from time to time,” says Zelinski. The best thing to do is to return to where you were before entering the room, and you’ll likely remember. 26. Why does the author think that encoding properly is very important? A) It helps us understand our memory system better. B) It enables us to recall something form our memory. C) It expands our memory capacity considerably. D) it slows down the process of losing our memory. 27. One possible reason why women have better memories than men is that ________. A) they have a wider range of interests B) they are more reliant on the environment C) they have an unusual power of focusing their attention D) they are more interested in what’s happening around them 28. A note in the pocket can hardly serve as a reminder because _________. A) it will easily get lost B) it’s not clear enough for you to read C) it’s out of your sight D) it might get mixed up with other things 29. What do we learn from the last paragraph? A) If we focus our attention on one thing, we might forget another. B) Memory depends to a certain extent on the environment. C) Repetition helps improve our memory. D) If we keep forgetting things, we’d better return to where we were. 30. What is the passage mainly about? A) The process of gradual memory loss. B) The causes of absent-mindedness. C) The impact of the environment on memory. D) A way of encoding and recalling. (八) 科技应用篇 精讲篇 Passage 1 Sometimes, the simplest ideas are the best. For example, to absorb heat from the sun to heat water, you need large, flat, black surfaces. One way to do that is to build those surfaces specially, on the roofs of buildings. But why go to all that trouble when cities are rub of black surfaces already, in the form of asphalt (柏油) roads? Ten years ago, this thought came into the mind of Arian de Bondt, a Dutch engineer. He finally persuaded his boss to follow it up. The result is that their building is now heated in winter and cooled in summer by a system that relies on the surface of the road outside. The heat-collector is a system of connected water pipes. Most of them ran from one side of the street to the other, just under the asphalt road. Some, however, dive deep into the ground. When the street surface gets hot in summer, water pumped through the pipes picks up this heat and takes it underground through one of the diving pipes. At a depth of 100 metres lies a natural aquifer (蓄水层) into which several heat exchangers (交换器) have been built. The hot water from the street runs through these exchangers, warning the ground-water, before returning to the surface through another pipe. The aquifer is thus used as a heat store. In winter, the working system is changed slightly. Water is pumped through the heat exchangers to pick up the heat stored during summer. This water goes into the building and is used to warm the place up. After performing that task, it is pumped under the asphalt and its remaining heat keeps the road free of snow and ice. 64. Which of the following is true according to the first two paragraphs? A. Arian de Bondt got his idea from his boss. B. Large, flat, black surfaces need to be built in cities. C. The Dutch engineer's system has been widely used. D. Heat can also be collected from asphalt roads. 65. For what purpose are the diving pipes used? A. To absorb heat from the sun. B. To store heat for future use. C. To turn solar energy into heat energy. D. To carry heat down below the surface. 66. From the last paragraph we can learn that __ A. some pipes have to be re-arranged in winter B. the system can do more than warming up the building C. the exchangers will pick up heat from the street surface D. less heat may be collected in winter than in summer 67. What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows? A. What we shall do if the system goes wrong. B. What we shall do if there are no asphalt roads. C. How the system cools the building in summer. D. How the system collects heat in spring and autumn. Passage 2 Sports shoes that out whether their owner has enough exercise to warrant time in front of the television have been devised in the UK. The shoes — named Square Eyes — contain an electronic pressure sensor and a tiny computer chip to record how many steps the wearer has taken in a day. A wireless transmitter passes the information to a receiver connected to a television, and this decides how much evening viewing time the wearer deserves, based on the day’s efforts. The design was inspired by a desire to fight against the rapidly ballooning waistlines among British teenagers, says Gillian Swan, who developed Square Eyes as a final year design project at Brunel University to London, UK. “We looked at current issues and childhood overweight really stood out,” she says. “And I wanted to tackle that with my design.” Once a child has used up their daily allowance gained through exercise, the television automatically switches off. And further time in front of the TV can only be earned through more steps. Swan calculated how exercise should translate to television time using the recommended daily amounts of both. Health experts suggest that a child take 12,000 steps each day and watch no more than two hours of television. So, every 100 steps recorded by the Square Eyes shoes equals precisely one minute of TV time. Existing pedometers (计步器) normally clip onto a belt or slip into a pocket and keep count of steps by measuring sudden movement. Swan says these can be easily tricked into recording steps through shaking. But her shoe has been built to be harder for lazy teenagers to cheat. “It is possible, but it would be a lot of effort,” she says. “That was one of my main design considerations.” 71.According to Swan, the purpose of her design project is to ________. A.keep a record of the steps of the wearer B.deal with overweight among teenagers C.enable children to resist the temptation of TV D.prevent children from being tricked by TV programs 72.Which of the following is true of Square Eyes shoes? A.They regulate a child’s evening TV viewing time. B.They determine a child’s daily pocket money. C.They have raised the hot issue of overweight. D.They contain information of the receiver. 73.What is stressed by health experts in their suggestion? A.The exact number of steps to be taken. B.The precise number of hours spent on TV. C.The proper amount of daily exercise and TV time. D.The way of changing steps into TV watching time. 74.Compared with other similar products, the new design ________. A.makes it difficult for lazy teenagers to cheat B.counts the wearer’s steps through shaking C.records the sudden movement of the wearer D.sends teenagers’health data to the receiver 75.Which of the following would be the best title for the text? A.Smart Shoes Decide on Television Time B.Smart Shoes Guarantee More Exercise C.Smart Shoes Measure Time of Exercise D.Smart Shoes Stop Childhood Overweight Passage 3 The first bullet train designed and manufactured in China with a speed of 300 kilometers per hour rolled off the production line on Saturday morning.The train was the latest model in the county’s China Railway High— speed(CRH)Series.This marks that China has joined a leading world club after Japan,France and Germany to become the fourth country capable of turning out such high speed trains.Previously.China’s fastest serf-developed trains ran at a service speed of up to 250 km per hour. Those trains,which presented to public on April 18,served the Beijing—Harbin,Beijing—Shanghai and Beijing—Guangzhou mutes.The new streamlined train was made of aluminum alloy(铝合金).The train body was the lightest of kind in the world.Such a design was for the sake of energy economization.The train’s power was 12.7 kilowatts,lower than other high—speed trains.which was normally about 15 kilowatts. The new train,which features a bar in the dining car and double—faced LCD TV screens in the first—class ears,was equipped with shock absorbers between carriages As the train is running at a high speed,the shock absorbers are used to reduce shocking force and rocking of the train body.A train with eight carriages could seat about 600 passengers.They were expected to run on the 115- km Beijing—Tianjin route starting from August before the Beijing Olympic Games.It would reduce the journey time from the current 80 minutes to around 30 minutes. 72.From the 1st paragraph we learn that . A.The latest model of CRH Series ran at a 8crvice speed 0f up to 250 km per hour B.China became the fourth country in the world able to produce bullet trains C.The first self-developed bullet train rolled off the production line at a speed of 300 km per hour D.China has joined a leading world club consisting of Japan,France and Germany 73.The new bullet train . A.has been put into use in China B.has double—faced LCD TV sets in first carriage C.is slower than high—speed trains D.is made of the lightest material in the world 74.“It” in the last paragraph refers to . A.a train with eight carriages B.the speed of 115-km per hour C.the Ministry of Railways D.the use of the new train 75,What is mainly talked about in this passage? A.The bullet trains designed and made in China have been put into operation. B.The bullet trains serve many of the main routes between big cities in China. C.The new bullet trains are equipped with some advanced facilities D.The new bullet trains are expected to Hill for the Beijing Olympic Games. Passage 4 After the violent earthquake that shook Los Angeles in 1994, earthquake scientists had good news to report: The damage and death toll (死亡人数) could have been much worse. More than 60 people died in this earthquake. By comparison, as earthquake of similar intensity that shook America in 1988 claimed 25,000 victims. Injuries and deaths were relatively less in Los Angeles because the quake occurred at 4:31 a.m. on a holiday, when traffic was light on the city’s highways. In addition, changes made to the construction codes in Los Angeles during the last 20 years have strengthened the city’s buildings and highways, making them more resistant to quakes. Despite the good new, civil engineers aren’t resting on their successes. Pinned to their drawing boards are blueprints (蓝图) for improved quake-resistant buildings. The new designs should offer even greater security to cities where earthquakes often take place. In the past, making structures quake-resistant meant firm yet flexible materials, such as steel and wood, that bend without breaking. Later, people tried to lift a building off its foundation, and insert rubber and steel between the building and its foundation to reduce the impact of ground vibrations. The most recent designs give buildings brains as well as concrete and steel supports. Called smart buildings, the structures respond like living organisms to an earthquake’s vibrations. When the ground shakes and the building tips forward, the computer would force the building to shift in the opposite direction. The new smart structures could be very expensive to build. However, they would save many lives and would be less likely to be damaged during earthquakes. 21. One reason why the loss of lives in the Los Angeles earthquake was comparatively low is that ________. A) new computers had been installed in the buildings B) it occurred in the residential areas rather than on the highways C) large numbers of Los Angeles residents had gone for a holiday D) improvements had been made in the construction of buildings and highways 22. The function of the computer mentioned in the passage is to ________. A) counterbalance an earthquake’s action on the building B) predict the coming of an earthquake with accuracy C) help strengthen the foundation of the building D) measure the impact of an earthquake’s vibrations 23. The smart buildings discussed in the passage ________. A) would cause serious financial problems B) would be worthwhile though costly C) would increase the complexity of architectural design D) can reduce the ground vibrations caused by earthquakes 24. It can be inferred from the passage that in minimizing the damage caused by earthquakes attention should be focused on ________. A) the increasing use of rubber and steel in capital construction B) the development of flexible building materials C) the reduction of the impact of ground vibrations D) early forecasts of earthquakes 25. The author’s main purpose in writing the passage is to ________. A) compare the consequences of the earthquakes that occurred in the U.S. B) encourage civil engineers to make more extensive use of computers C) outline the history of the development of quake-resistant building materials D) report new developments in constructing quake-resistant buildings Passage 5 Some houses are designed to be smart. Others have smart designs. An example of the second type of house won an Award of Excellence from the American Institute of Architects. Located on the shore of Sullivan’s Island off the coast of South Carolina, the award-winning cube-shaped beach house was built to replace one smashed to pieces by Hurricane (飓风) Hugo 10 years ago. In September 1989, Hugo struck South Carolina, killing 18 people and damaging or destroying 36,000 homes in the state. Before Hugo, many new houses built along South Carolina’s shoreline were poorly constructed, and enforcement of building codes wasn’t strict, according to architect Ray Huff, who created the cleverly-designed beach house. In Hugo’s wake, all new shoreline houses are required to meet stricter, better-enforced codes. The new beach house on Sullivan’s Island should be able to withstand a Category 3 hurricane with peak winds of 179 to 209 kilometers per hour. At first sight, the house on Sullivan's Island looks anything but hurricane-proof. Its redwood shell makes it resemble "a large party lantern ( 灯笼 )" at night, according to one observer. But looks can be deceiving. The house's wooden frame is reinforced with long steel rods to give it extra strength. To further protect the house from hurricane damage, Huff raised it 2.7 meters off the ground on timber pilings -- long, slender columns of wood anchored deep in the sand. Pilings might appear insecure, but they are strong enough to support the weight of the house. They also elevate the house above storm surges. The pilings allow the surges to run under the house instead of running into it. "These swells of water come ashore at tremendous speeds and cause most of the damage done to beach-front buildings," said Huff. Huff designed the timber pilings to be partially concealed by the house's ground-to-roof shell. "The shell masks the pilings so that the house doesn't look like it's standing with its pant legs pulled up," said Huff. In the event of a storm surge, the shell should break apart and let the waves rush under the house, the architect explained. 36. After the tragedy caused by Hurricane Hugo, new houses built along South Carolina’s shore line are required_______. A) to be easily reinforced B) to look smarter in design C) to meet stricter building standards D) to be designed in the shape of cubes 37. The award-wining beach house is-quite strong because _______. A) it is strengthened by street rods B) it is made of redwood C) it is in the shape of a shell D) it is built with timber and concrete 38. Huff raised the house 2.7 meters off the ground on timber pilings in order to _______. A) withstand beak winds of about 200 km/hr B) anchor stronger pilings deep in the sand C) break huge sea waves into smaller ones D) prevent water from rushing into the house. 39. The main function of the shell is ___________. A) to strengthen the pilings of the house B) to give the house a better appearance C) to protect the wooden frame of the house D) to slow down the speed of the swelling water 40. It can be interred from the passage that the shell should be ________. A) fancy-looking B) waterproof C) easily breakable D) extremely strong 赏析篇 The Happy Door 快乐之门 Happiness is like a pebble dropped into a pool to set in motion an ever-widening circle of ripples. As Stevenson has said, being happy is a duty. There is no exact definition of the word happiness. Happy people are happy for all sorts of reasons. The key is not wealth or physical well-being, since we find beggars, invalids and so-called failures, who are extremely happy. Being happy is a sort of unexpected dividend. But staying happy is an accomplishment, a triumph of soul and character. It is not selfish to strive for it. It is, indeed, a duty to ourselves and others. Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the sufferer. He soon finds himself alone, miserable and embittered. There is, however, a cure so simple as to seem, at first glance, ridiculous; if you don’t feel happy, pretend to be! It works. Before long you will find that instead of repelling people, you attract them. You discover how deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will. Then the make-believe becomes a reality. You possess the secret of peace of mind, and can forget yourself in being of service to others. Being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens thronged with grateful friends. 参考译文: 快乐就像一块为了激起阵阵涟漪而丢进池塘的小石头。正好史蒂文森所说,快乐是一种责任。 快乐这个词并没有确切的定义,快乐的人快乐的理由多种多样。快乐的关键并不是财富或身体健康,因为我们发现有些乞丐,残疾人和所谓的失败者也都非常快乐。 快乐是一种意外的收获,但保持快乐却是一种成就,一种灵性的胜利。努力追寻快乐并不自私,实际上,这是我们对自己和他人应尽的责任。 不快乐就像传染病,它使得人们都躲避不快乐的人。不快乐的人很快就会发现自己处于孤独,悲惨,痛苦的境地。然而,有一种简单得看似荒谬的治病良方:如果你不快乐,就假装你很快乐! 这很有效。不久你就会发现,别人不再躲着你了,相反,你开始吸引别人了。你会发觉,做一块能激起好意涟漪的小石头有多么值得。 然后假装就变成了现实。你拥有了使心灵平静的秘密,会因帮助他人而忘我。 一旦你认识到快乐是一种责任并使快乐成为习惯,通向不可思议的乐园的大门就会向你敞开,那里满是感激你的朋友。 练习篇 Even plants can run a fever, especially when they’re under attack by insects or disease. But unlike humans, plants can have their temperature taken from 3,000 feet away-straight up. A decade ago, adapting the infrared (红外线) scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites, physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under stress. The goal was to let farmers precisely target pesticide (杀虫剂) spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field, which invariably includes plants that don’t have pest (害虫) problems. Even better, Paley’s Remote Scanning Services Company could detect crop problems before they became visible to the eye. Mounted on a plane flown at 3,000 feet at night, an infrared scanner measured the heat emitted by crops. The data were transformed into a color-coded map showing where plants were running “fevers”. Farmers could then spot-spray, using 50 to 70 percent less pesticide than they otherwise would. The bad news is that Paley’s company closed down in 1984, after only three years. Farmers resisted the new technology and long-term backers were hard to find. But with the renewed concern about pesticides on produce, and refinements in infrared scanning, Paley hopes to get back into operation. Agriculture experts have no doubt the technology works. “This technique can be used on 75 percent of agricultural land in the United States,” says George Oerther of Texas A&M. Ray Jackson, who recently retired from the Department of Agriculture, thinks remote infrared crop scanning could be adopted by the end of the decade. But only if Paley finds the financial backing which he failed to obtain 10 years ago. 26. Plants will emit an increased amount of heat when they are ________. A) sprayed with pesticides B) facing an infrared scanner C) in poor physical condition D) exposed to excessive sun rays 27. In order to apply pesticide spraying precisely, we can use infrared scanning to ________. A) estimate the damage to the crops B) draw a color-coded map C) measure the size of the affected area D) locate the problem area 28. Farmers can save a considerable amount of pesticide by ________. A) resorting to spot-spraying B) consulting infrared scanning experts C) transforming poisoned rain D) detecting crop problems at an early date 29. The application of infrared scanning technology to agriculture met with some difficulties due to ________. A) the lack of official support B) its high cost C) the lack of financial support D) its failure to help increase production 30. Infrared scanning technology may be brought back into operation because of ________. A) the desire of farmers to improve the quality of their produce B) growing concern about the excessive use of pesticides on crops C) the forceful promotion by the Department of Agriculture D) full support from agricultural experts (八) 人物传记篇 精讲篇 Passage 1 People fell in love with Elizabeth Taylor in 1944, when she starred in National Velvet-the story of Velvet Brown, a young girl who wins first place in a famous horse race, At first, the producers of the movie told Taylor that she was too small to play the part of Velvet. However, they waited for her for a few months as she exercised and trained—and added three inches to her height in four months! Her acting in National Velvet is still considered the best by a child actress. Elizabeth Taylor was born in London in 1932. Her parents, both Americans, had moved there for business reasons. When World war II started, the Taylor moved to Beverly Hills, California, and there Elizabeth started acting in movies. After her success as a child star, Taylor had no trouble moving into adult(成人)roles and won twice for Best Actress: Butterfield 8(1960) and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? (1966) Taylor’s fame(名声)and popularity gave her a lot of power with the movie industry, so she was able to demand very high pay for her movies. In 1963, she received $1 million for her part in Cleopatra—the highest pay received by any star up to that time. Elizabeth Taylor is a legend (传奇人物) of our time. Like Velvet Brown in National Velvet, she has been lucky, she has beauty, fame and wealth. But she is also a hard worker. Taylor seldom acts in movies any more. Instead, she puts her time and efforts into her businesses, and into helping others — several years ago, she founded an organization that has raised more than $40 million for research and education. 60. The producers didn’t let Taylor play the part of Velvet at first because they thought she ____. A. was small in size B. was too young C. did not play well enough D. did not show much interest 61. What Elizabeth Taylor and Velvet Brown had in common was that they were both _____. A. popular all their lives B. famous actresses C. suecessful when very young D. rich and kind-hearted 62. Taylor became Best Actress at the age of . A. 12 B. 28 C. 31 D. 34 63. In her later life , Elizabeth Taylor devoted herself to . A. doing business and helping others B. turning herself into a legend C. collecting money for the poor D. going about research and education work . Passage 2 November not only marks the publication of Toni Morrison’s eagerly anticipated(期待) eighth novel, Love, but it is also the tenth anniversary of her Nobel Prize for Literature. Morrison is the first black woman to receive a Nobel, and so honored before her in literature are only two black men:Wole Soyinka, the Nigerian playwright, poet and novelist, in 1986; and Derek Walcott, the Caribbean-born poet, in 1992. But Morrison is also the first and only American-born Nobel prizewinner for literature since 1962, the year novelist John steinbeck received the award. Like Song of Solomon, Love is a multigenerational story, revealing the personal and communal legacy() of an outstanding black family. As Morrison scholars will tell you, Love is the third volume of a literary master’s trilogy(三部曲)investigating the many complexities of love. This trilogy began with Beloved(1988), which deals with a black mother’s love under slavery and in freedom. Jazzy(1993), the second volume, tells a story of romantic love in 1920s Harlem. This latest novel looks back from the 1970s to the 1940s and 50s. The emotional center of Love is Bill Cosey, the former owner and host of the shabby Cosey’s Hotel and Resort in Silk, North Carolina, described in the novel as “the best and best-known vacation sport for colored folk on the East Coast.” We get to know Cosey through the memories of five women who survive and love him: his granddaughter, his widow, two former employees, and a homeless young girl. The latest novel, Love, had been described in the promotional material from her publisher as “Morrison’s most accessible work since Song of Solomon.” This comparison to her third novel, published in 1977, was an effective selling point. 61. What would be the best title for the text? A. Toni Morrison’s latest novels B. Toni Morrison and her trilogy C. Toni Morrison and her novel Love D. Toni Morrison, the Nobel prizewinner 62. What can we learn about John Steinbeck? A. He was a black writer. B. He was born in America. C. He received the Nobel Prize after Morrison D. He was the first American novelist to win a Nobel 63. The similarity between Love and Song of Solomon is that they both _____. A. belong to the same trilogy together with Beloved B. concern families of more than one generation C. deal with life of blacks under slavery D. investigate life in 1920s Harlem 64. The novel Love mainly describes ______. A. the best-known vacation spot for blacks B. the life of an outstanding black family under slavery C. the miserable experience of the five women in Harlem D. the memories of five women about Bill Cosey .. Passage 3 MARK HUGHES is a master of the fine art of survival. His Los Angeles-based Herbalife International Inc. sells weight-loss and nutrition medicine of uncertain value. Bad management hurt his U.S. business in the late 1980s. But Hughes can live just on his salary and bonus, which last year came to $7.3 million. He survived his troubles in the U.S. by moving overseas. Today 77% of Herbalife retail sales (零售) come from overseas. Based on Herbalife’s Nasdaq-traded stock (股票), the company has a market capitalization of $790 million, making Hughes’ 58% worth $458 million. There’s a worm, though, in Hughes’ apple. Foreigners aren’t stupid. In France, for instance, retail sales rose to $97 million by 1993 and then dropped to $12 million last year. Contributing to Hughes’ trouble, Herbalife’s legal attack dog, David Addis, quit in January. Before packing up, he shouted at Hughes, “I can’t protect you anymore.” Addis wants to spend more time with his family. On a recent conference call with distributors, Hughes mentioned he was divorcing his wife, Suzan. Meanwhile, in a lawsuit that’s been quietly moving through Arizona’s Superior Court, former Herbalife distributor Daniel Fallow of Sandpoint, Idaho charges that Herbalife refuses to pay distributors and increases the price of its products over seven times the cost of manufacturing. Fallow also claims Hughes wanted to use the Russian mafia (黑手党) to gain entry to that nation’s market. Randy Cox of Lewiston, Idaho says Herbalife “destroyed my business” after he and his wife complained to the company that they were being cheated out of their money by higher-ups in the pyramid organization. _______________________? Don’t count on it this time. 67. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A. David Addis was a dog’s name. B. Daniel Fallow was a former distributor of Herbalife. C. Herbalife Inc is based in Los Angeles. D. Today most of Herbalife retail sales come from overseas. 68. The complaint of Randy Cox of Lewiston, Idaho, against Herbalife was that _______. A. the company increased the price of its products B. the products supplied by Hughes were low in quality C. their higher-ups in the pyramid organization cheated them D. Hughes had connections with the Russian mafia 69. At the time when this article was written, if Herbalife had had a market capitalization of $1 billion, what would have been Hughes’ share? A. $420 million. B. $580 million. C. $125 million. D. $500 million. 70. Which sentence can be filled in the blank of the last paragraph? A. Will Hughes Survive again B. Will Hughes Retire C. Is Hughes’ life fun D. Shouldn’t Hughes go abroad Passage 4(10·安徽A篇) The engineer Camilla Olivetti was 40 years old when he started the company in 1908. At his factory in Ivrea, he designed and produced the first Italian typewriter. Today the company’s head office is still in Ivrea, near Turin, but the company is much larger than it was in those days and there are offices all around the world, By 1930 there was a staff of 700 and the company turned out 13.000 machines a year. Some went to customers in Italy, but Olivetti exported more typewriters to other countries. Camillo’s son, Adriano, started working for the company in 1924 and later he became the boss. He introduced a standard speed for the production line and he employed technology and design specialist. The company developed new and better typewriters and then calculators(计算器). In 1959 it produced the ELEA computer system. This was the first mainframe(主机) computer designed and made in Italy. After Adriano died in 1960, the company had a period of financial problem. Other companies, especially the Japanese, made faster progress in electronic technology than the Italian company. In 1978, Carlo de Benedetti became the new boss. Olivetti increased its marketing and service networks and made agreements with other companies to design and produce more advanced office equipment. Soon it became one of the world’s lesding companies in information technology and commucations. There are now five independent companies in the Olivetti group—one for personal computers, one for other office equipment, one for systems and service, and two for telecommunications. 56.From the text we learn that A. by 1930 Olivetti produced 13.000 typewriters a year B. Olivetti earned more in the 1960s than in the 1950s C. some of Olivetti’s 700 staff regularly visited customers in Italy D. Olivetti set up offices in other countries from the very beginning 57. What was probably the direct result of Olivetti’s falling behind in electronic technology A. Adriano’s death B.A period of financial problems C. Its faster progress D. Its agreements with other companies. 58. What do we know about Olivetti? A. It produced the best typewriter in the world. B. It designed the world’s first mainframe computer. C. It exported more typewriters than other companies. D. It has five independent companies with its head office in Ivrea. 59. The best title for the text would be A. The Origin of Olivetti. B. The Success of Olivetti. C. The History of Olivetti D. The Production of Olivetti. Passage 5(10·湖南B篇) When Mary Moore began her high school in 1951, her mother told her, "Be sure and take a typing course so when this show business thing doesn't work out, you'll have something to rely on." Mary responded in typical teenage fashion. From that moment on, "the very last thing I ever thought about doing was taking a typing course," she recalls. The show business thing worked out, of course. In her career, Mary won many awards. Only recently, when she began to write Growing Up Again, did she regret ignoring her morn," I don't know how to use a computer," she admits. Unlike her 1995 autobiography, After All, her second book is less about life as an award-winning actress and more about living with diabetes (糖尿病). All the money from the book is intended for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), an organization she serves as international chairman. "I felt there was a need for a book like this," she says." I didn't want to lecture, but I wanted other diabetics to know that things get better when we're self-controlled and do our part in managing the disease." But she hasn't always practiced what she teaches. In her book, she describes that awful day, almost 40 years ago, when she received two pieces of life-changing news. First, she had lost the baby she was carrying, and second, tests showed that she had diabetes. In a childlike act, she left the hospital and treated herself to a box of doughnuts (甜甜圈). Years would pass before she realized she had to grow u p ---again---and take control of her diabetes, not let it control her. Only then did she kick her three-pack-a-day cigarette habit, overcome her addiction to alcohol, and begin to follow a balanced diet. Although her disease has affected her eyesight and forced her to the sidelines of the dance floor, she refuses to fall into self-pity. "Everybody on earth can ask, 'why me?' about something or other," she insists. "It doesn't do any good. No one is immune (免疫的) to heartache, pain, and disappointments. Sometimes we can make things better by helping others. I've come to realize the importance of that as I've grown up this second time. I want to speak out and be as helpful as I can be." 61. Why did Mary feel regretful? A. She didn't achieve her ambition. B. She didn't take care of her mother. C. She didn't complete her high school. D. She didn't follow her mother's advice. 62, We can know that before 1995 Mary A. had two books published B. received many career awards C. knew how to use a computer D. supported the JDRF by writing 63. Mary's second book Growing Up Again is mainly about her . A. living with diabetes B. successful show business C. service for an organization D. remembrance of her mother 64. When Mary received the life-changing news, she . A. lost control of herself B. began a balanced diet C. Med to get a treatment D. behaved in an adult way 65. What can we know from the last paragraph? A. Mary feels pity for herself. B. Mary has recovered from her disease. C. Mary wants to help others as much as possible. D. Mary determines to go back to the dance floor. 赏析篇 Born to Win 生而为赢 Each human being is born as something new, something that never existed before. Each is born with the capacity to win at life. Each person has a unique way of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and thinking. Each has his or her own unique potentials---capabilities and limitations. Each can be a significant, thinking, aware, and creative being---a productive person, a winner. The word “winner” and “loser” have many meanings. When we refer to a person as a winner, we do not mean one who makes someone else lose. To us, a winner is one who responds authentically by being credible, trustworthy, responsive, and genuine, both as an individual and as a member of a society. Winners do not dedicated their lives to a concept of what they imagine they should be; rather, they are themselves and as such do not use their energy putting on a performance, maintaining pretence and manipulating others. They are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable. Winners do not need to hide behind a mask. Winners are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge. They can separate facts from opinions and don’t pretend to have all the answers. They listen to others, evaluate what they say, but come to their own conclusions. Although winners can admire and respect other people, they are not totally defined, demolished, bound, or awed by them. Winners do not play “helpless”, nor do they play the blaming game. Instead, they assume responsibility for their own lives. They don’t give others a false authority over them. Winners are their own bosses and know it. A winner’s timing is right. Winners respond appropriately to the situation. Their responses are related to the message sent and preserve the significance, worth, well-being, and dignity of the people involved. Winners know that for everything there is a season and for every activity a time. Although winners can freely enjoy themselves, they can also postpone enjoyment, can discipline themselves in the present to enhance their enjoyment in the future. Winners are not afraid to go after what he wants, but they do so in proper ways. Winners do not get their security by controlling others. They do not set themselves up to lose. A winner cares about the world and its peoples. A winner is not isolated from the general problems of society, but is concerned, compassionate, and committed to improving the quality of life. Even in the face of national and international adversity, a winner’s self-image is not one of a powerless individual. A winner works to make the world a better place. 参考译文: 人皆生而为新,为前所未有之所存在;人皆生而能赢。人皆有其特立独行之方式去审视,聆听,触摸,品味及思考,因而都具备独特潜质-能力和局限。人皆能举足轻重,思虑明达,洞察秋毫,富有创意,成就功业。 “成者”与“败者”含义颇多。谈及成者我们并非指令他人失意之人。对我们而言,成者必为人守信,值得信赖,有求必应,态度诚恳,或为个人,或为社会一员皆能以真诚回应他人。 成者行事并不拘泥于某种信条,即便是他们认为应为其奉献一生的理念;而是本色行事,所以并不把精力用来表演,保持伪装或操控他人。他们明了爱与装家,愚蠢与装傻,博学与卖弄之间迥然有别。成者无须藏于面具之后。 成者敢于利用所学,独立思考,区分事实与观点,且并不佯装通晓所有答案。他们倾听,权衡他人意见,但能得出自己的结论。尽管他们尊重,敬佩他们,但并不为他们所局限,所推翻,所束缚,也不对他人敬若神灵。 成者既不佯装“无助”,亦不抱怨他人。相反,他们对人生总是独担责任,也不以权威姿态凌驾他人之上。他们主宰自己,而且能意识到这点。 成者善于审时度势,随机应变。他们对所接受的信息做出回应,维护当事人的利益,康乐和尊严。成者深知成一事要看好时节,行一事要把握时机。 尽管成者可以自由享乐,但他更知如何推迟享乐,适时自律,以期将来乐趣更盛。成者并不忌惮追求所想,但取之有道,也并不靠控制他们而获取安然之感。他们总是使自己立于不败。 成者心忧天下,并不孤立尘世弊病之外,而是置身事内,满腔热情,致力于改善民生。即使面对民族,国家之危亡,成者亦非无力回天之个体。他总是努力令世界更好。 练习篇 09陕西 When people hear a president speak,they seldom think about others helping to shape the presentation(报告).Today,however,presidents depend on writers such as J. Terry Edmonds to help them communicate(交流)effectively. Edmonds is the first African American ever to work as a full-time speechwriter for a U. S. president;he is also the first African American to serve as director of speechwriting for the White House. His is an all-American story of success. Edmonds grew up in Baltimore,Maryland;his, father drove a truck,and his mother worked as a waitress. A great reader,Edmonds showed a gift for writing at his high school,Baltimore City College. After graduating in f967,Edmonds went on to Morgan State University. Edmonds began his~in business,with jobs in public relations and communications. He joined the world of politics as news secretary for his congressman(国会议员)from Baltimore. During Bill Clinton`s presidency,he wrote speeches for Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala and worked in a number of jobs in the White House and in governmental departments. President Clinton then appointed(任命)him to the office of director of speechwriting. Following the 2000 elections,Edmonds returned to Morgan State University as the school`s special assistant to the president' for 2001一2002. 45. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text? A. Edmonds proved himself to be good at writing at high school. B. Edmonds graduated from Morgan State University in 1967. C. Edmonds was the first full-time speechwriter: D. Edmonds served the White House after 2000. 46. Edmonds entered the world of politics first as A. news secretary for a congressman B. a speechwriter for President Clinton· C. news secretary in the White House D. a speechwriter for Secretary Donna Shalala 47. The text is most likely to be found in a book about_. A. popular science B. historical events C. successful people D. political systems查看更多