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英语短语动词归纳及练习 1. add to 增加 增进 add up to 加起来是, 所有这一切说明 (1) This of course _______ our difficulties. (2) The figures _______ 360. (3) I don’t think these facts will _______ anything. (4) The music _____ our enjoyment of the film. 2. break away from 逃脱,摆脱,破除,改掉 break in 强行进入,插话 break into 强行进入,突然开始 break down 身体垮了,(计划)失败,(机器等)坏了 break out 爆发,突然发生 break up 散会,(会议)结束,学期结束 break off 中断,断绝 (5) The thief _____ the police and ran into the woods. (6) Don’t _____ while others are speaking. (7) Then the car I was in _____, so I had to walk home. (8) A house was ________ between midnight and 4 a.m. (9) Excuse me for _______ like this , said the headmaster. (10) We thought it was time to _____ the talk. (11) A big fire _____ in the town last night. (12) After ten years of hard work, his health is______. (13) The meeting _____ without result. (14) When does school_______? 3. bring about 引起,实现,使发生 bring down 使下降,使倒下 bring in 收庄稼,提出 bring out 说明,出版 bring up 提出,抚养,培养 bring back 使回想起 (15) The wind _____ a lot of trees last night. (16) Xiao Li was ______ by his uncle in Shanghai. (17) How can we _____ the price? (18) This story ______ my unhappy childhood. (19) This _____ a change in the balance of force. (20) Farmers in the south have also ______ good crops. (21) Next month they will ________ a new edition of book. (22) Does anyone want to ____ anything further? 4. call at 停留,停靠 call for 叫(某人)接某人,索取,需要有 call in 来访,找(请)来,收回 call off 取消,不举行 call on 拜访,号召 call out 大声叫,请去 call up 给---大电话,征召(入伍) (23) He was ______ right at the beginning of the war. (24) Doctors are often ______ in the middle of the night. (25) The sports meet was ______ on account of the rain. (26) The next day I went to ______ her again. (27) He insisted that we should _____ a specialist at this point. (28) The librarian has _____ all the books. (29) Please wait for me at home. I’ll _____ you at your house at seven tonight. (30) The train ______ several big cities between Beijing and Guangzhou. 5. come about (某情况)发生 come across 碰到 come along 一道去,赶快,生长,进行 come in 进来(站),存在 come down 下降,下落,传下来,传病 come for 来拿,来取 come from 出身于,来自 come out 出版,开花 come to 来到(某地),来参加(某项活动),合计,总共计,苏醒过来 come up 走过来, 出现 (31) Seeing the teacher_______, we all stopped talking. (32) The magazine _____ once a month. (33) I think the roses will ______ next week. (34) Where do you _________? (35) I ______ the book I lent you last month. (36) I don’t know how this thing_____? (37) I am going to Shanghai tomorrow. Perhaps I will _____ Xiao Li there. (38) We are very glad that some prices have ________. (39) Let’s wait till the train________. (40) Please don’t keep him out in the cold. Let him_______. (41) How are you _____ with the plan for your factory buildings? (42) When I _______, I found myself lying in hospital. (43) How much does the bill _______? (44) We walked and walked, in the end we _____ a small mountain village. 6. cut down 消减,压缩,缩短 cut off 切断,断绝 cut out 删(省)掉,戒掉 (45) We must _______ our expenses. (46) We were for _______ the cost of production. (47) Let’s ________ the unimportant details. (48) They were then almost completely ________ from the outside world. 7.get along 进行,相处 get back 回来,找回 get down 记下来,打下来 get over 克服 get on 上(火车,公共汽车等),相处,进行 get off 下(火车,公共汽车等)起飞,不惩罚 get out 拔出,洗掉,传出去 get rid of 消灭,摆脱,除掉 get up 起床,起身 get to 到达 get round 传开 get in touch with 和…..取得联系 (49) He _____ the watch he had lost. (50) She spoke so fast that I couldn’t ________ what she said. (51) On the way to school, I saw Xiao Li _______ Bus No.1. (52) You won’t _____ so easily next time. (53) _____ the rope, and I’ll try my best to pull you out. (54) At what time do you _____ every day? (55) How are you ______ with your work? (56) We will find ways to _____ the difficulties. (57) Only in this way can you _____ your headache. (58) Write to us when you _______ Shanghai. (59) The story has______, and everyone knows about it. (60) When you arrive, you may ________ a friend of mine- Linda. 8. give in 屈服,让步,投降 give off 散发出 give out 分发,用完 give up 放弃 (61) After the 90th failure, he was almost ready to ________. (62) These flowers ______ a pleasant smell. (63) After two months our food _______. (64) The doctor advised my father to _______ smoking. (65) We decided to _______ to the wish of the majority. 9.go against 违反 go ahead 进行,进展,先走,走在前面,干吧,说吧 go all out 全力以赴 go down 下降,减弱 go in for 从事(某种事业或活动) go off 爆炸 go on 继续下去,发生,进行 go out 熄灭 go over 审阅,检查 go round 够用,够分配 go down on one’s knees 屈膝下跪 (66) His actions ______ the will of the people. (67) We shall have to _______ if we are to make a success of it. (68) The prices are expected to _______ in two months. (69) If you think that you can solve the problem, ________. (70) He ______ and begged for mercy. (71) A lot of students _________ playing basketball, football, and volleyball. (72) The bomb _____ and killed ten people. (73) What’s ________ outside? (74) How did you _________in your examination? (75) Suddenly all the light _______ and the room became dark. (76) He ______ our written material word for word to correct and improve it. 10. have a word with 和…..讲句话 have a good time 过得很好 had better 最好….. have on 穿着 have to do with 和…..有关系 (77) Excuse me, may I ______ you? (78) Did you ____ at the party? (79) That _____ nothing _____ what we are discussing. (80) It’s cold outside, you ______ put on your overcoat. (81) Where did you get the shoes you ________ yesterday? 11. hear about 听到,听说 hear form 接到…..的信,从…..听到 hear out 听完(别人的话) hear of 听到说起 (82) Have you _______ the accident that happened the other day? (83) I’ve just ______ Xiao Li that we’ll have an English examination next week. (84) I don’t know him, but I’ve _____ him. (85) I haven’t _____ my parents for a long time. (86) Stop talking! Please ___ me_____. 英语短语动词归纳及练习(二) 12.hold back 阻碍,阻止 hold down 控制,镇压 hold on 别挂(电话), 支持下去 hold out 维持,坚持 (87) Hearing the news, she couldn’t ______ her tears coming down her cheeks. (88) “_____, please. I heard a pleasant voice on the phone. (89) These measures helped to _____ the city’s population. (90) The water won’t _____ much longer. 13. keep off 防止,挡住 keep on 继续干 keep up with 赶上,不落在后面 keep (sth./sb.)out 不使…进入 keep in touch with 和…保持联系 keep one’s word 守信,遵守诺言 (91) You should study hard if you want to ________ others. (92) We had to think of a way to _______ the rain. (93) It was raining, but they ______till the work was finished. (94) The Chinese people always_________. (95) The rain _____for several days. (96) We have ____ each other after graduation. (97) Don’t ______ me _____ in the cold. Let me in. 14.know about 了解,知道…的情况 know from 区分 know of 听说过,知道(有…) be known as 被称为,是有名的 be known for 因…而出名 be known to all 众所周知 (98) It happened that I _______ him. (99) It isn’t easy for a child to _______ right ______ wrong. (100) I ______ a shop where you can get things like that . (101) China is a large country, as _______. (102) Hangzhou _____ its beautiful West Lake. (103) She was well ______ an excellent dancer. 15.look after 照顾 look as if 看起来似乎 look back 回想,回顾 look for 寻找 look forward to 盼望,期待 look into 调查,了解,研究 look like 看起来像 look on 旁观 look out 注意 look on …as 把…看作,认为 look round 到外看看,来访 look through 翻阅,浏览 look up 查找 look down upon 看不起 (104) I spent two hours_____ the students’ papers. (105) Let’s hurry, it _____ it’s going to rain. (106) I am _____seeing you again some day next month in Shanghai. (107) ______!There is a big hole in front. (108) Xiao Li took part in the games; the rest of us just _____ carefully. (109) Many people _____ monkeys, they do things quickly without thinking. (110) The man you are _____ has come. (111) Sorry I can’t go with you, I must stay at home to _____ my brother. (112) The workers were _______ in the old society. (113) He _____ me _____ his sister. (114) If you don’t understand the meaning of the word, you can ____ it ___ in the dictionary. (115) I ___ but I could see nothing. (116) They traveled from place , ____ matters of all kinds. (117) As we ____ over the month we spent there, our hearts are filled with gratitude. 16. lose oneself 迷失方向 be lost in 消失在….中 be lost in thought 陷入沉思 lose heart 失去信心 (118) Don’t ____. I’m sure you’ll succeed. (119) Soon he ____ the darkness. (120) My mother sat silent for some time, ________. (121) When walking in the forest, you must be careful not to _____. 17. pass away 去世 pass down 传下 pass on 谈下一个问题 (122) If there is no further discussion, let’s ________. (123) The great man ________in 1998. (124) The old house has been ____ for four generation. 18. pay attention to 注意 pay a visit to (a call on ) 拜访,访问 pay back 偿还,报复 pay for 付…款,偿还 pay off 还清 (125) How much did you _____ the dictionary? (126) You should _____ the money you borrowed from me. (127) Have you ____ the money you borrowed from Xiao Li? (128) I’ll ____ London next month. (129) We should ____ the teacher in class. 19.pick out 挑选,找出 pick up 拾起,顺便用车来接,收听广播,学会 (130) I saw a wallet on the ground and _____ it _____. (131) The bus stopped to ____ passengers. (132) I’ll come to ____ you ____ at two o’clock. (133) Where did you _____ your English? (134) Every morning, I ______ English news on the radio. (135) It took Xiao Wang a long time to _____ a new dress at the store. 20. put down 写下来 ,镇压 put into practice 执行,实行 put off 延期 put on 穿上,戴上 put out 扑灭,出版 put through 接通电话 put up 举起,安装,盖起,张贴,挂 put up for the night 住宿 put up with 忍受 put to death 处死 put into 译成…. (136) Try your best to ________ what the teacher said in class. (137) The sports meet was ______ because of rain. (138) A new magazine was _________ last year. (139) It’s cold outside, ______ your overcoat. (140) I’m afraid we will have to ______ the loss. (141) We’ll have a telephone __________ in our office. (142) Let’s______ a shed here for the time being. (143) The murderer was ______ at last. (144) Can you _______ these sentences ______ English? (145) A big fire broke out last night and soon it was______ . (146) How are you going to ______ the plan_______? (147) Then he ______ a call to Mr. Smith. (148) We must find a place where we can _______. 21. run across 碰到,遇到 run away 跑掉,逃跑 run down 撞到 run for 竞选 run into 碰到(困难),遇到(某人) run out of 用完(某物) (149) If you drive so fast, you’ll_______ someone some day. (150) He didn’t want to _______ president (in) that year. (151) The thief ______ as soon as he could in order to escape from being caught. (152) I’ve _______ my ink. (153) I happened to _______ Xiao Li in the street. (154) In that way you’ll only _______ difficulties. 22. see----off 送行 see through 看透,识破 (155) I went to the station this morning to _______ Xiao Li. (156) I suddenly _______ what he had in mind. 23. send down 使降低 send for 派人去请 send in 交上去 send off 送行 send out 发出(光亮等) send up 发射 (157) We’ve ______ another man-made satellite this month. (158) Applications must be _______by 25th this month. (159) Xiao Li is ill. Have you _______ the doctor? (160) The sun _______lights and heat. (161) There was a large crowd to _______ Xiao Wang at the station. (162) We should manage to _______ the prices. 英语短语动词归纳及练习(三) 24. set about 开始(着手)做某事 set back (把表)往回拨 set an example 树立榜样 set down 放下,写下,记下 set fire to 放火烧着 set off 动身 set out 动身,出发,着手,开始 (163) Lei Feng ______ for us to learn from. (164) It’s impossible to _______ the clock of history. (165) They asked her to _____ the facts just as she remembered them. (166) If we want to get there before dark, we’d better ______ early. (167) That evening he _____ writing the report. (168) I still remembered the day when the enemy came and _____ all the houses. (169) Mr. Smith _____ to write a history of America in 1980. (170) We’ll ______ for Shanghai some day next week. 25. make one’s living 谋生 make fun 和… 开玩笑(耍弄) make out 理解,看清楚,假装 make sure 核实,一定要,弄清楚 make up 构成,编写,弥补,补偿,化装,补上(功课) make up one’s mind 决心 make use of 利用 make room (way) for 腾出地方(让路) (171) He hasn’t ____ yet just what he should do. (172) Xiao Li, you should _____ your time. (173) Let’s ______ that we know nothing about it. (174) They sat closer together to _____ the old man. (175) Thirty boys and twenty girls ______ our class. (176) _____ that the door is locked before you leave. (177) To this day I still can’t ______ why they did so. (178) I don’t like him because he often _______ me. (179) In the play, he _____ for the part of an old man. (180) Tom _____ by selling newspaper by the roadside. 26. take away 拿走 take back 收回 take care 注意,当心 take care of 照顾,负责 take charge of 负责(管某事或照顾某人) take down 记下 take for granted 想当然 take hold of 抓住 take interest in 对…. 发生兴趣 take it easy 别紧张 take off 起飞,脱下(衣服等) take office 就职 take on 开始从事,雇用,招收,具有新面貌 take one’s seat 坐下,坐好 take out 拿出来 take part in 参加 take pride in 为…感到骄傲 take the place of 代替 take turns 轮流 take up 选学(课程),占去(时间或空间) (181) I’m sorry I can’t go with you. I have to _____ my little brother. (182) In 1919, the May 4th Movement _____ in China. (183) I will _____ an important meeting this afternoon. (184) We _____ our responsibilities as teachers in China. (185) He _____ at a very difficult time. (186) When he was young , he _____ science subjects. (187) These magazines can’t be _____ of the reading-room. (188) These big desks _____ too much room so we’d better take them away. (189) I was _____ as a worker in a big factory. (190) The land around the lake _____ a different look. (191) You have been working so hard for several weeks. You must ____ and relax over the weekend. (192) The plane _____ from the airport and headed towards Shanghai. (193) He ____ his glasses before going to bed. (194) He ____ a part-time teaching job in a middle school. (195) We _____ it ____ that they would accept our suggestions. (196) He came over and _____ my hand. (197) I want to _____ what I said. (198) _______ not to wake the baby! (199) We each_______ the lessons for three classes. (200) She _______ she was told to , careful not to miss a word. (201) His sense of touch gradually_______ sight. (202) We _____ to clear the classroom. (203) I don’t use this dictionary at the moment, you may ____ it ____. (204) They came in and ____ at the small round table. 27. try on try out try one’s best (205) I will ______ to help you with your English. (206) I went to the tailors to _______ my new suit. (207) They ____ these models with the peasants. 28. turn back 往回走,使…倒转 turn down 把(收音机等)开小一些 turn in 上交,上床睡觉 turn on 开(收音机,灯等) turn off 关(收音机,灯等) turn out 生产,制造(成品)或跟不定式,构成复合谓语,跟从句(用 it 作主语)其后跟形 容词、副词、名词、意为结果,原来(情况) turn over 移交,翻阅,考虑,细想  turn to 向…求助,翻到 turn up 出现,来( 开会,赴约等)(把收音机)开大一点声 (208) To whom should we ______ the key when we leave the room? (209) “Please _______ page 40,” said the teacher. (210) He promised to attend my birthday party ,but till now he hasn’t _____ yet. (211) Excuse me, _______ the radio a little. I could hear nothing. (212) If you have any difficulty, you can ______ me. (213) That radio is pretty loud. Could you ______ it ______ a little? (214) I want to ______ early tonight because I should get up early tomorrow. (215) Remember to _____ all the lights before you leave the room. (216) Have you _____ your exercise book? (217) The wheel of history can never be ______. (218) Would you mind ______ the light? It is dark. (219) She was afraid things were not going to _____ smooth for us. (220) The English evening party ________ a great success. (221) The factory ______ 2000 new cars last year. (222) It ______ that he has never been there. No wonder he knows nothing about it. 练习(一) 参考答案: 1. added to 2.add up to 3.add up to 4.added to 5.brike away from 6.break in 7.broke down 8.broken into 9.breaking in 10.break off 11.broke out 12..breaking down 13.broke up 14.break up 15.brought down 16.brought up 17. bring down 18.brought back 19.brought about 20.brought in 21.bring out 22.bring up 23.called up 24.called out 25.called off 26.call on 27.call in 28.called in 29.call for 30.calls at 31.coming up 32.comes out 33.come out 34.come from 35.came for 36.came about 37.come across 38.come down 39.comes in 40.come in 41.coming down 42.came to 43.come to 44.came to 45.cut down 46.cutting down 47.cut out 48.cut off 49. got back 50.get on 52.get off 53.Get hold of 54.get up 55.getting along (on) 56.get over 57.get rid of 58.get to 59.got round 60.get in touch with 61.give up 62.give off 63.gave out 64.give up 65.give in 66.went against 67. go all out 68.do down 69.go ahead 70.went down on his knees 71.go in for 72.went off 73.going on 74.go on 75.went out 76. went over 77. have a word with 78.have a good time 79.has ..to do with 80.had better 81.had on 82.heard about 83.heard from 84. heard of 85. heard from 86. hear …out 练习(二)参考答案: 87.hod back 88. Hold on 89. hold down 90.hold out 91. keep up with 92. keep off 93. kept on 94. keep their word 95. kept on 96. kept in touch with 97. keep … out 98. knew about 99.know.. from 100. knew of 101. is known to us all 102. is known for 103. known as 104.looking through 105. looks as if 106. looking forward 107.Look out 108. looked on 109. look like 110. looking for 111.look after 112. looked down upon 113. looks on ..as 114. look ..up 115. looked round 116. looking into 117. look back 118. lose heart 119. was lost in 120.lost in thought 121. lose yourself 122. pass on 123. passed away 124. passed down 125. pay for 126. pay back 127.paid off 128. pay a visit to 129.pay attention to 130.picked …up 131.pick up 132.pick…up 133.pick up 134.pick up 135.pick out 136.put down 137.put off 138.put out 139.put on 140.put up with 141.put up 142.put up 143.put to death 144.put..into 145.put out 1 46.put…into practice 147.put through 148.put up for the night 149.run down/into 150.run for 151.ran away 152.run out of 153.run across 154.run into 155.see off 156.saw through 157.sent up 158.sent in 159.sent for 160.sends out 161.send off 162.send down 练习(三)参考答案: 163.set an example 164.set back 165.set down 166.set off/out 167.set about 168.set fire to 169.set out 170.set out/off 171.made up his mind 172.make use of 173.make out 174.make room for 175.make up 176.made sure 177.make out 178.makes fun of 179.made up 180.made his living 181.take care of 182.took place 183.take part in 184.take pride in 185.took office 186.took interest in 187.taken out 188.take up 189.taken on 190.took on 191.take it easy 192.took off 193.took off 194.takes in 195.took…for granted 196.took hold of 197.take back 198.Take care 199.take charge of 200.took down 201.took the place of 202.take turns 203.take…away 204.took their seats 205.try my best 206.try on 207.tried out 208.turn over 209.turn to 210.turned up 211.turn up 212.turn to 213.turn…down 214.turn in 215.turn off 216.turned in 217.turned back 218.turning on 219.turn out 220.turned out 221.turned out 222.turns out

