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高考英语专项训练 单项选择题的命题陷阱和解题策略 泰来县第一中学 赵福友 高考,既是一场既定已久的战斗,也是一场让考生充分展示才华与潜能的重大人生机遇。如何抓住高三阶段的宝贵时光,尽快提高自己的英语成绩,无疑是每个考生都非常关注的事情。本节课谈一谈如何抓好英语单项选择题的科学备考 一.高考英语单选命题的八大陷阱 ‎ (1)—思维定势型 思维定势有时会误导同学们,对于一些比较特殊的句子或语言现象想当然地套用已形成的思维定势,从而得出错误的结论。‎ ‎ 考试的命题者常常利用考生思维定势这一特点,有意编拟一些比较特殊的句子或结构来测试考生对某一知识点的灵活处理技巧和深层理解能力。‎ 典例分析 ‎1.He ran as fast as he could ___ the bus.‎ ‎ A. catch B. to catch ‎ ‎ C. catching D. caught ‎2. Mr. Smith is __ a good teacher __ we all respect.‎ ‎ A. such, that B. such, as ‎ ‎ C. so, that D. so, as ‎ (2)—母语干扰型 由于母语在大脑中根深蒂固,所以常常会对外语学习者大脑中尚不牢固的外语知识产生负面影响,干扰学习者学习正确、地道的外语。比如汉语说“年轻一代”,说成地道的英语通常是younger generation,而不是young generation,尽管汉语表达中看不出比较意味,但其相应的英语却用比较级。‎ 典例分析 ‎( )1.I won’t go there alone, and I’ll take __wants to go.‎ ‎ A. anyone B. who ‎ ‎ C. whoever D. what ‎( )2.Stop that noise; it is ___ me mad.‎ ‎ A. putting B. causing ‎ ‎ C. driving D. turning ‎ (3)—借用倒装型 有些试题借用倒装这一语法项目,改变了原来的结构形式,导致理解偏差,在主观判断上造成失误.因此,对一些固定句式和特殊用法需要做到“死去活来”:牢记,活用.‎ 典例分析 ‎( )1.Little Jim is going to spend his holiday in Paris, ___ lives his uncle.‎ ‎ A. which B. who ‎ ‎ C. where D. that ‎( )2. ___ loudly did he speak that even the people in the next room could hear him.‎ ‎ A. So B. Very ‎ ‎ C. Too D. Much ‎ ‎ (4)—结构误配型 有许多试题,从表面上看是甲结构,而实际上是乙结构;或者命题人考查的是甲结构,而应试者却将其误认为是乙结构;或者从选项来看是甲结构,而题干考查的实际上是乙结构等等.对于这类问题,若不仔细识别,则很容易出错.‎ 典例分析 ‎( )1. Whom would you rather ___ with you, Jim or Jack?‎ ‎ A. have go B. have to go ‎ ‎ C. have gone D. has to go ‎( )2. He was in great need of money, so he ___ $5,000 for his car.‎ ‎ A. paid B. took ‎ ‎ C. cost D. spent ‎ (5)—规则硬套型 所谓“规则硬套”,即指不从语言实际出发,不考虑特定的语言环境,而是机械地套用语法规则,生搬硬套语法的条条框框,结果难免会出错.‎ 典例分析 ‎( )1. He was sentenced to death ___ what he had stolen from the bank.‎ ‎ A. that B. since ‎ C. because of D. because ‎ ‎( )2. ---“Have you seen ___ pen? I left it here this morning.”‎ ‎ ---“Is it ___ black one? I found it in the corner.”‎ ‎ A. a, the B. the, the ‎ ‎ C. a, a D. the, a ‎ ‎ (6)—词义误解型 有许多所谓的陷阱题,倒不是因为句子结构有多么复杂,用词多么生僻,而是因为其中有个别词(尤其是其中的关键词)的词义很容易误解,或是同学们对此平时没引起足够的重视,对这类词理解不准,在运用时其词义在脑海中模棱两可,从而导致做题失误.‎ 典例分析 ‎( )1.Mr. Black , who is a ___ , is now in love with Miss Smith, who is a ___ .‎ ‎ A. cooker, typewriter B. cook, typist ‎ C. cooker, typist D. cook, typewriter ‎( )2.These __ much alike that I can’t tell which is which.‎ ‎ A. twin looks B. twins look ‎ ‎ C. twin look D. twins looks ‎ (7)—词性误用型 英语和汉语不仅在谴词造句﹑句型搭配﹑习惯用法等方面有很大的差别,就是在词性方面也有很大的差别,并且这种差别有时会使同学们稍不留心就酿成错误.‎ 典例分析 ‎( )1.___ his stay in Japan, he visited many places.‎ ‎ A. During B. Since ‎ ‎ C. While D. In ‎( )2. ___ your students against or for the plan made by the teacher?‎ ‎ A. Do B. Can ‎ ‎ C. Are D. Did ‎ (8)—插入隔离型 有时一个本来很简单的句子,由于表达的需要,在其中置入一个插入成分,或将某些成分从正常位置调入一个在同学们看来属于非正常的位置,则很有可能给同学们的理解带来困难.‎ 典例分析 ‎( )1. I think __, though I should be mistaken, he liked me.‎ ‎ A. who B. which C. that D. what ‎( )2. “Each of the students, working hard at his or her lessons, __ to go to university.” “So do I”‎ ‎ A. hope B. hopes ‎ ‎ C. hoping D. hoped ‎ 二、高考英语单选解题的七大策略 点拨提示 单项填空以考查基础知识为主,即基础语法,词汇句式用法和交际用语等.其中又以动词和从句为考查重点.答题时应分清考查的项目,选题要以语法知识为依据,在上下文的语境中做出正确判断.单项填空的正确答案应该是两通:语法通,语义通.‎ ‎1.化简法 有的单项填空的题干相当复杂,让考生一时分不清结构.这是应该化繁为简,理清主干,忽略次要成分.‎ 化减法练习题 ‎( )1.Jhon,a friend of mine, who got married only last week, spent $3.000 more than he ___ for the wedding.‎ ‎ A. will plan B. has planned ‎ ‎ C. would plan D. had planned ‎( )2. ---Did you take enough money with you?‎ ‎ ---No, I needed __I thought I would.‎ ‎ A. not so much as B. as much as ‎ C. much more than D. much less than 2.补全法 有的单项填空的题干由于省略了句子成分,看起来相当简单,同样让考生分不清结构,这就需要考生利用所学的省略知识,补全省略的部分,使句子结构一目了然.‎ 补全法练习题 ‎( )1. — I was wondering if we could go skiing on the weekend. ‎ ‎ — __good ‎ A. Sound B. Sounded ‎ C. Sounding D. Sounds ‎( )2.___automatically, the e-mail will be received by all the club members.‎ ‎ A. Mailed out B. Mailing out ‎ C. To be mailed out D. Having mailed out ‎3.还原法 由于英语中经常出现倒装现象,致使好多考生分不清结构,造成失分.应将其还原,恢复短语,句型和结构的本来面目.‎ 还原法练习题 ‎( )1.Only then __how much damage had been caused. ‎ ‎ A. had she realized B. she realized ‎ C. did she realize D. she had realized ‎( ) 2.At the foot of the mountain____.‎ ‎ A. a village lies B. lies a village ‎ C. does a village lie D. lying a village ‎4.排同法 正确的答案只有一个,因此,如果两个答案在意义或用法上作用相同,则可肯定这两个答案都不正确.‎ 排同法练习题 ‎( )1.___with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.‎ ‎ A. Compare B. When comparing ‎ C. Comparing D. When compared ‎( )2.What he did suggested that he ___little education.‎ ‎ A. receive B. had received ‎ C. should receive D. receives ‎5.一致法 句子前后的关系要一致.包括:主谓一致,时态一致,代词指代一致,比较对象一致,逻辑关系一致以及句子结构一致等. ‎ 一致法练习题 ‎( )1.According to the art dealer, the painting __to go for at least a million dollars.‎ ‎ A. is expected B. expects ‎ C. expected D. is expecting ‎( )2.---The window is dirty.‎ ‎ ---I know. It __for weeks.‎ ‎ A. hasn’t cleaned B. didn’t clean ‎ C. wasn’t cleaned D. hasn’t been cleaned ‎ ‎6.标点法 标点符号的作用不可忽视.在做题时,一个标点符号也可能决定一个题的答案,逗号可以决定一个非限制性定语从句.‎ 标点法练习题 ‎( )1.The journey around the world took the old sailor nine mouths, __the sailing time was 226 days.‎ ‎ A. of which B. during which ‎ C. from which D. for which ‎( )2.Helen was much kinder to her youngest ‎ son than to the others, __,of course made the others envy him.‎ ‎ A. who B. that C. what D. which 高考英语单选题的解题策略 7.语境法 近几年的高考题更加注意考查学生综合运用英语的能力.仅从单项填空题来看,纯粹直来直去的语法题已经减少,增加更多考查语境的试题.对这类题,如果考生不借助语境信息,就很难选出正确答案来.这类试题有两类:一类是考查日常交际用语(如打电话,问路,购物等);另一类是借助语境,考查学生的英语基础知识.‎ 语境法练习题 ‎( )1.-- It’s getting late. I’m afraid I must be ‎ ‎ going now.‎ ‎ -- OK.____.‎ ‎ A. Take it easy B. Go slowly ‎ C. Stay longer D. See you ‎( )2.Stand over there ___ you’ll be able to ‎ ‎ see it better.‎ ‎ A. or B. while C. but D. and 三.初试锋芒 ‎( )1.Good luck to you, and __ all your wishes come true!‎ ‎ A. can B. may C. must D. should ‎( )2. “Alice, why didn’t you come yesterday?” “I __ ,but I had an unexpected visitor.”‎ ‎ A. had B. would C. was going to D. did ‎( )3.He is a man of few words, and seldom speaks until __ to.‎ ‎ A. spoken B. speaking ‎ ‎ C. speak D. be spoken ‎( )4.If __ carefully, the experiment will be successful.‎ ‎ A. do B. does C. done D. Doing ‎( )5. They are different in form but __ in meaning.‎ ‎ A. not B. no C. aren’t D. don’t ‎( )6.__ when one loses freedom does one know its value.‎ ‎ A. Just B. Only C. Even D. Ever ‎( )7.If the weather is fine, we’ll go. If __, __.‎ ‎ A. not, not B. no, no C. not, no D. no, not ‎( )8.They kept trying __ they have known it was hopeless.‎ ‎ A. if B. because C. when D. where ‎( )9.There are five pairs, but I’m at a loss which __ to buy.‎ ‎ A. to be chosen B. to choose from ‎ C. to choose D. for choosing 四.总结陈词 § 考生必须原则上做到语境为主,兼顾语法。灵活运用排除法、还原法、简化句子结构法等适合自己的应试技巧提高答题效率。在日常学习中要牢记基本词汇的本意、转化意、引申意或比喻意以及固定搭配;要以动词的学习为重点(时态、语态、主谓一致、非谓语动词、词义辨析);要强化从句的学习(状语从句、定语从句、名词性从句)。‎

