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高考英语完形填空命题特点:‎ ‎1. 短文长度200词左右,生词少,难度适中。‎ ‎2. 首句无空格,提供语境。5-10词设一人名、地名、日期、数字不在之列。隔词数越少,题目越难;反之亦然。‎ ‎3. 选项多为一词,偶会为词组。四选项为同一类词或属同一范畴,或近义或形异义,或与前后配成词组。故干扰性、迷性大。‎ ‎4.考查单词以实词(v.,n.,adj.,adv,pron.)为主,虚词(conj.,prep.)为辅。实词一般占80%-90%,其中又以动、名、形为主。‎ ‎5.以考查学生对文章的整体理解和词汇的意义把握为主。有些要结合常识才能正确选项;有些甚至要求在通篇理解的基础上,正确把握上下文的逻辑关系,才能正确判断和选择。‎ 英语完形填空解题步骤:‎ 1. 通读全文,统揽全局。‎ 2. 逐句分析,确定选项。‎ 3. 通盘理解,上下一致。‎ ‎4. 复读全文,核对答案。‎ 完形填空解题分类实例分析:‎ 一. 按词类分:1.实词 2.虚词 3.词组 二. 按形式分:1.单纯性选择2.常识性选择3.近义词选择4.近形词选择5.惯用法选择 三. 按句义选择 四. 按语义选择 一、按词类分:‎ ‎ 1.实词 例1:‎ ‎ Everyone wants to be healthy and happy. __1__, illness or accidents may occur without__2__.‎ ‎1.a.Obviously b.Unfortunately c.Naturally d.Occasionally ‎2.a.reason b.information c.warning d.notice 例2:‎ Over the last few years manufacturers have been__1__reducing the size and weight of video-cassette recorders to make the equipment more___2___.‎ ‎1.a.steadily b.constantly c.frequently d.essentially ‎2.a.valuable b. portable(轻便的) c.selective d.economical 例3:‎ ‎ About 120,000 people_1__to the city every year. They come for the few_2__jobs, which are usually no better than__3__they left.‎ ‎1.a.change b.arrive c.drive d.move ‎2.a.possible b.popular c.available (可用的) d.convenient ‎3.a.one b.the one c.ones d.the ones ‎1、b c 2、a b 3、d c d ‎2.虚词 例4:‎ ‎ __1_you have chosen an article to read, you will find the important general information_2__the key facts in the first few paragraphs.‎ ‎1.a.While b.Once c.As soon as d.Whenever ‎2.a.with b.by c.for d.at 例5:‎ ‎ when I have free time, I go _1__a long walk. Some people read books or watch TV_2__others have sports.‎ ‎1.a.to b.for c.on d.with ‎2a‎.and b.but c.yet d.while ‎ 例6:‎ ‎ the audience waited__1_silence while their aged speaker searched among his notes_2__the figures he could not remember.‎ ‎1.a.for b.in c.at d.during ‎2.a.for b.of c.about d.on ‎4、b a 5、b d 6、b a ‎3.词组 例7:‎ ‎ He was only fourteen and was not good at swimming__1_.So he _2__into that place.‎ ‎1.a.after all b.in all c.at all d.for all ‎2.a.needn’t go b.needn’t have gone c.shouldn't go d.shouldn’t have gone 例8:(词组)‎ ‎ We __1_about when man first began to use salt, but we do know that it has been used in many different ways throughout the history._2__,it is recorded in many books that people who lived over 3000 years ago ate salted fish thousands of years ago in Egypt,salt__3__the dead.‎ ‎1.a.have all known b.have no idea c.haven’t any ideas d.have an idea ‎2.a.For example b.Such as c.First of all d.Above all ‎3.a.used to preserve b.got used to preserving c.used to preserving d.was used to preserve l 例9:(词组)‎ ‎ The English language serves about 250 million people, or about one tenth of the world’s population, as a mother tongue,_1__,it is more or less correctly used by_2__100 million, more as a secondary language,ranging__3__from the Pidgin English (混合语言)of the Islands of Melanesia to the almost perfect speech of cultured foreigners.‎ ‎1.a.However b.As a result c.in addition to d.In addition ‎2.a.at least b.at most c.most and least d.more than enough ‎3.a.all the way b.by the way c.on the way d.in the way ‎7、c d 8、b a d 9、d a a 按形式分:‎ ‎1.单纯性选择 例10:‎ ‎ _1__methods have been used to_2_ the intelligence of every child----dull,bright,or normal.‎ ‎1.a.Valuable b.various c.Unique d.unusual ‎2.a.measure b.describe c.illustrate d.recognize l 例11:‎ The tourist paid 700 pounds for the painting,but he_1__that he didn’t know its__2__worth.‎ ‎1.a.promised b.claimed c.admitted d.permitted ‎2.a.practical b.additional c.adequate d.actual l 例12:‎ ‎ __1_,no one was hurt in the accident,but some passengers suffered from__2__.‎ ‎1.a.Obviously b.Surprisingly c.Fortunately d.Unfortunately ‎2.a.distress b.shock c.failure d.trouble l 例13:‎ ‎ Being much too fat,Stella was advised to_1__her food for each meal,yet,she would have__2_of that.‎ ‎1.a.relax b.reduce c.relieve d.remove ‎2.a.no b.not c.none d.nothing l 例14:‎ ‎ At an early age the youth will develop his_1__,and the kind of home life he has will greatly__2__the development.‎ ‎1.a.hobby b.personality ‎ ‎ c.intelligence d.knowledge ‎2.a.increase b.enhance(增强) ‎ ‎ c.encourage d.influence(影响)‎ ‎10、b a 11、c d 12、c b 13、b c 14、b d ‎2.常识性选择 l 例15:‎ ‎ Everyone has seen the Olympic Games at some time---either in Montreal,Barcelona.‎ ‎ and everyone knows that_1__started the Games.But most people don’t know the real story.‎ ‎1.a.Greeks b.French ‎ ‎ c.Americans d.English l 例16:‎ ‎ There are twenty-seven bridges over the Thames. Tower Bridge,the first bridge over the Thames as you travel toward_1__ from the sea, is the most famous of them all.‎ ‎1.a.Europe b.America c.London d.China l 例17:‎ ‎ One of the most famous statues in the would stands on an island in New York‎ ‎Harbor.‎ ‎ This statue is, of course, the Statue of liberty ‎ .The Statue of liberty is a(an)_1__who holds a__2_up high.‎ ‎1.a.man b. woman c.child d.old ‎2.a.cane b.candle c.torch d.lamp ‎15、a 16、c 17、b c ‎3.近义词选择 l 例18:‎ ‎ He used to have a_1__of coin-collection,but he has given it up.‎ ‎1.a.custom b.habit c.hobby d.like l 例19:‎ American school children can be seen every day__ white sneakers,blue sneakers,black sneakers and even red ones.‎ ‎1.a.putting on b.having on c.wearing d.dressing l 例20:‎ ‎ The wounded soldier was unconscious but still__1__when taken to the hospital.‎ ‎1.a.living b.alive c.live d.lively l 例21:‎ ‎ While some people think that sugar is the best__1__of__2__,others believe that sugar is bad for human health.‎ ‎1.a.origin b.source c.resource d.cause ‎2.a.power b.energy c.force d.strength ‎18、c 19、c 20、b 21、b b ‎4.近形词选择 l 例23:‎ ‎ $500,000,000 is a small amount of money__1__the size of the market.‎ ‎1.a.considered b.consideration c.considerable d.considering l 例24:‎ ‎ It’s wonderful for the fact that the Chinese team won an unexpected gold_1__in Sydney,12 more than its previous best.‎ ‎1. a.metals b.medals c.models d.modals ‎23、d 24、b ‎ ‎5.惯用法选择 l 例25:‎ ‎ It suddenly__1__me that if we want to go on a picnic tomorrow we had better do ‎ some preparations this evening.‎ ‎1.a.hit on b.struck c.occurred d.drawn l 例26:‎ ‎ Safe operation means that both the operators and the equipment are__1___from harm.‎ ‎1.a.kept b.freed c.prevented d.hidden l 例27:‎ ‎ We were almost exhausted before we finally__1__sight of the dilapidated temple which was said to be one of the remains__2__back to the fifteen century B.C.‎ ‎1.a.held b.caught c.got d.took ‎2.a.dating b.traced c.going d.returned ‎25、b 26、c 27、b a ‎ 按句义分:‎ l 例29:‎ ‎ It was after midnight,and I was on my way home.The footsteps that__1__me through the dark street in the East End of London were_2__of two young men who were obviously_3__no good.‎ ‎1.a.stooped b.pursued(追求) c.followed d.traced ‎2.a.those b.that c.ones d.one ‎3.a.of b.for c.up to d.on to l 例30:‎ ‎ Nearly three-quarters of the earth is covered__1__water.Water heats up more slowly than land,_2__once it has become warm it takes longer to fall__3_.‎ ‎1.a.on b.with c.in d.by ‎2.a.so b.and c.then d.but ‎3.a.down b.up c.apart d.behind l 例31:‎ l Mrs. White aid laughingly that_1__she was so young she should hide her packet in her pocket in_2__a policeman saw it._3__,the little girl did not seem to find this very funny.‎ ‎1.a.as b.for c.while d.though ‎2.a.consequence b.time c.case d.fact ‎3.a.otherwise b.nevertheless(然而) ‎ ‎ c.Moreover d.Therefore l 例32:‎ ‎ Strangely enough,I once tried to get sick.I didn't’t wear a sweater __1_I should, and I walked in the rain__2__my boots and my feet got soaked.‎ ‎ _3__so far nothing wrong has happened.‎ ‎1.a.while b.provided c.when d.though ‎2.a.with b.in c.by d.without ‎3.a.But b.Then c.Therefore d.Yet ‎ ‎ l 例33:‎ Some parents are greatly worried_1__their children fail to do well in their studies. They_2__either genetic factors or laziness,_3__they never take these non-intelligence factors into__4__. ‎ ‎1.a.about b.with c.when d.since ‎2.a.blame b.complain c.confuse d.condemn ‎3.a.nevertheless b.similarly c.therefore d.but ‎ ‎4.a.figures b.consideration c.granted d.reflection l 例34:‎ A credit card is a __1__of identification__2_‎ which the owner may obtain consumer credit for the _3__of goods or services_4__than pay cash.‎ ‎1.a.mean b.means c.methods d.ways ‎2.a.by b.in c.through d.with ‎3.a. production b.possession c.purchase d.property ‎4.a.better b.more c.rather d.right l 例36:‎ ‎_1__hungry,the people sometimes would kill the animals in the lord’s forest for fuel;‎ ‎__2_when cold,they might cut down trees for fuel.__3_,strong laws were passed in an_4__to protect the forests and the animals.‎ ‎1.a.If b.When c.Once d.After ‎2.a.and b.but c.or d.yet ‎3.a.Besides b.In addition c.So d.However ‎4.a.effect b.effort c.offer d.afford l 例37(按语义分)‎ People of Burlington are are being disturbed by the sound of bells.Four students from Burlington College of High Education are in the bell tower of the_1__and have made up their minds to_2__the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest against heavy trucks which run_3_through the narrow High Street.‎ ‎1.a.college b.village c.town d.church ‎2.a.change b.repair c.ring d.shake ‎3.a.now and then b.day and night ‎ c.up and down d.over and over ‎29、c a c 30、b d a 31、a c b 32、d d a ‎33、c a d b 34、b a c c 36、b a b b 37、d c b

