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九年级上册 Units 5、6‎ ‎(45分钟 100分) ‎ Ⅰ. 单项选择(30分)‎ ‎1. (2012·贵阳中考)Teresa is _______ nervous _______ she can’t talk in front of the class. ‎ A. such; that B. too; to C. so; that ‎2. —Did the doctors operate _______ the patient? ‎ ‎—Yes, they did. The patient _______ now. ‎ A. with; saved B. on; was saved C. in; was saved D. to; saved ‎3. —Do you go swimming _______ Sunday mornings? ‎ ‎—Yes. Why not _______ with me this Sunday? ‎ A. on; go B. in; to go C. on; going D. in; going ‎4. You’d better not read today’s newspaper because there is _______ in it. ‎ A. something interesting B. anything new ‎ C. important thing D. nothing special ‎5. Miss White doesn’t like buying nice clothes. She likes collecting story-books _______. ‎ A. instead B. either C. too D. neither ‎6. He _______ most of his spare time to computer studies. ‎ A. spends B. uses C. shares D. devotes ‎7. Look! The kite is climbing _______. ‎ A. high and high B. higher and higher C. more high and high D. more and more high ‎8. Brian _______ Danny not to use the knife. ‎ A. let B. warned C. made D. agreed ‎9. (2011·北京中考)Hurry up, _______ you will miss the plane. ‎ A. and B. but C. so D. or ‎10. Do you know another way _______ the problem? ‎ A. solves B. to solve C. solved D. solving ‎11. —What college did you graduate _______? ‎ ‎—Beijing‎ ‎Teachers’ College. ‎ A. of B. on C. from D. in ‎12. It will _______ much time if we drive instead of walking. ‎ A. take B. spend C. save D. pay ‎13. —Everyone is here except John. ‎ ‎—Yes, yesterday he _______ his motorbike and hurt his feet and legs. ‎ A. set off B. took off C. fell off D. turned off ‎14. Look out! The traffic is _______ fast _______ we can’t cross the street now. ‎ A. enough; to B. such; that C. too; to D. so; that ‎15. Dubai(迪拜) is _______ the highest building, Burj Dubai(迪拜塔). ‎ A. famous as B. famous for C. ready to D. ready for Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)‎ My dear children, ‎ It’s time to say goodbye to you all. I feel a bit 1 . But as the saying goes, “All good things must come to an end. ” I am sure all of you have learned what the teachers want you to know. I 2 the three years you have spent here will be an unforgettable 3 to you. ‎ As your head teacher, I’m proud of you. Every student who joined the competitions 4 tried their best to win the prizes for their own classes. They practised again and again, and never 5 easily even if they got hurt. I hope all of you can carry the spirit on 6 you go. ‎ Besides, make the most of your 7 . As everyone knows, “Time and tide ‎ wait for no man. ” Don’t just fool around all day and then complain, “ 8 I had enough time, I would do my best to finish that. ” Use your time well, 9 you can be a successful person in the future. ‎ At last, all I want to 10 you is to face every challenge (挑战) bravely on your way to success. ‎ Best wishes! ‎ ‎1. A. tired B. nervous C. sad D. excited ‎2. A. remember B. believe C. discover D. forget ‎3. A. trip B. adventure C. lesson D. memory ‎4. A. sometime B. always C. sometimes D. never ‎5. A. gave up B. showed off C. took off D. looked up ‎6. A. so that B. whenever C. even if D. wherever ‎7. A. time B. chance C. room D. dream ‎8. A. If B. Though C. As D. Because ‎9. A. then B. and C. but D. or ‎10. A. warn B. allow C. tell D. promise Ⅲ. 阅读理解(10分)‎ Zhang Lili is a teacher at No. 19 Middle School in Jiamusi‎, ‎Heilongjiang Province. She was badly hurt after saving two students from being hit by an oncoming bus on May 8, 2012. ‎ Zhang and her students were crossing the road just outside the school gate when suddenly a runaway(失控的) school bus rushed towards the ‎ students. Zhang tried to push the two students out of danger, but she herself did get run over. Her legs were crushed(压碎的) and later had to be amputated(截肢) above the knee. ‎ Zhang was born on Jan. 19, ‎1984 in Jiamusi. Zhang became a student in Yilan Normal School in 1999 and went on to attend Daqing‎ Normal ‎University in 2004. She graduated from Harbin‎ Normal ‎University in 2007 and has worked at the Jiamusi No. 19 Middle School ever since, teaching Chinese. ‎ Zhang was once a 1. 68-metre-tall lively and cheerful young woman. She had devoted herself completely to her job. She got married to Li Ziye in 2009. The couple planned on having a baby after her class’s graduation. “Now I just hope my wife can wake up soon. From now on I will simply be there for her, be her rock. No matter when and where, we’ll be together forever, ” said her husband. ‎ Lots of people are moved by Zhang’s story. She is even named “the most beautiful teacher” by people. ‎ ‎1. Zhang Lili lost her legs because she wanted to _______. ‎ A. save two students B. cross the road C. have a baby D. devote herself entirely to her job ‎2. This traffic accident happened when she was _______ years old. ‎ A. 15 B. ‎20 ‎ C. 23 D. 28‎ ‎3. Zhang Lili teaches _______ in Jiamusi No. 19 Middle School. ‎ A. maths B. Chinese C. English D. history ‎ ‎4. Zhang Lili and Li Ziye got married in _______. ‎ A. 1999 B. ‎2004 ‎ C. 2007 D. 2009‎ ‎5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? ‎ A. Zhang Lili was 1. 68 metres tall before the traffic accident. ‎ B. She is even named “the most beautiful teacher” by people. ‎ C. The couple planned on having a baby as soon as they got married. ‎ D. This traffic accident happened outside the school gate. ‎ Ⅳ. 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)‎ ‎1. They enjoyed _______ (they) at Ann’s birthday party. ‎ ‎2. His brother _______ (graduate) from Beijing‎ ‎University last year. ‎ ‎3. Lucy is a_______ girl and she does her homework _______ (care). ‎ ‎4. Mum warned me _______ ( not make) friends on the Internet. ‎ ‎5. Would you mind _______ (take)today’s newspaper to Mr. Gao? ‎ Ⅴ. 完成句子(10分)‎ ‎1. 小心! 别伤着你自己。‎ ‎______ ______! Don’t ______ ______. ‎ ‎2. 把暖瓶放在桌子边上是很危险的。‎ It’s very dangerous to put a thermos ______ ______ ______ ______ a desk. ‎ ‎3. 我儿子太小了。我不能把他单独留下。‎ My son is too young. I can’t ______ ______ ______. ‎ ‎4. 据说他出生于一个富有的家庭里。‎ ‎______ ______ ______ ______ he was born in a rich family. ‎ Ⅵ. 补全对话(10分)‎ 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余 A. Why can’t he come? ‎ B. I’m sorry to hear that. ‎ C. Where did the doctor go? ‎ D. It’s half past eight. ‎ E. What did the doctor say? ‎ F. I’m glad to hear that. ‎ G. What’s wrong with his sister? ‎ A: Hello, Mike! What’s the time? ‎ B: 1 ‎ A: Where’s Bob? I can’t find him. ‎ B: I don’t think he can come. ‎ A: 2 ‎ B: He has to look after his sister. ‎ A: 3 ‎ B: She doesn’t feel well. ‎ A: 4 ‎ Did she go to see the doctor? ‎ B: Yes. ‎ A: 5 ‎ B: The doctor said nothing serious, but she has to rest. ‎ ‎1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______‎ Ⅶ. 短文填空(10分) ‎ 用所给词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。‎ Beethoven was one of the 1 (great) musicians. He 2 (be) born in ‎1770 in Bonn‎, ‎Germany. Beethoven’s father was also a musician. He 3 (teach) Beethoven about music and wanted 4 (he) to practice musical instruments when Beethoven was just a small boy. ‎ Beethoven was the 5 (old) child in his family. He had two younger 6 (brother). When he was only six, he 7 (can) play musical instruments such as the violin and the piano. He 8 (play) the piano very 9 (good) and he started 10 (play) on stage when he was only 8 years old. ‎ ‎1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______‎ ‎6. _______ 7. _______ 8. _______ 9. _______ 10. _______‎ Ⅷ. 书面表达(10分)‎ 假设你是China Daily的一名新闻工作者,昨天你亲眼目睹了本市的一起交通事故,请写一篇80词左右的英语文章在China Daily上报道这起事故。‎ Time At 2: 30 p. m. yesterday.‎ Place Near Renmin Square in the city centre.‎ Cause The driver was drunk.‎ Injuries and deaths ‎4 people were killed and more than 15 were injured.‎ Consequence (影响)‎ The traffic was delayed (延迟) for an hour.‎ Warning Never drive after drinking.‎ A Traffic Accident ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案解析 Ⅰ. 1.【解析】选C。so/such. . . that连接结果状语从句;nervous是形容词,因此用so修饰。故选C。‎ ‎2.【解析】选B。operate on sb. 给某人做手术。the patient和save之间是动宾关系,故用被动语态。‎ ‎3.【解析】选A。在具体某一天上午用介词on, why not后跟动词原形。故选A。‎ ‎4.【解析】选D。句意:你最好不要读今天的报纸因为上面没什么特殊的东西。‎ ‎5.【解析】选A。句意:怀特小姐不喜欢买好衣服,反而喜欢收集故事书。instead反而,而不是; either也不; too也; neither两者都不,故选A。‎ ‎6.【解析】选D。devote. . . to献身于……,致力于……。‎ ‎7.【解析】选B。形容词比较级+and+形容词比较级,表示“越来越……”。‎ ‎8.【解析】选B。句意:布赖恩警告丹尼不要使用刀子。warn“警告、提醒”。‎ ‎9.【解析】选D。句意:快点,否则你会错过飞机。D项意为“否则”。‎ ‎10.【解析】选B。句意:‎ ‎ 你知道另一种解决这个问题的方法吗?此处动词不定式作way的定语。‎ ‎11.【解析】选C。graduate from. . . 意为“从……(学校)毕业”。‎ ‎12.【解析】选C。句意:假如我们开车而不是步行的话,那将会节省很多时间。save意为“节省”。故选C。‎ ‎13.【解析】选C。句意:——每个人都在这里,除了约翰。——是的,昨天他从摩托车上摔下来,摔伤了脚和腿。fall off 跌下。‎ ‎14.【解析】选D。so. . . that. . . 意为“如此……以至于……”,其中so后面跟形容词或副词,that后面跟一个表示结果的状语从句,而such后面要跟名词,enough. . . to. . . 和too. . . to. . . 两种搭配中to后面要跟动词原形构成不定式,故选D。‎ ‎15. 【解析】选B。句意:迪拜因其最高建筑迪拜塔而闻名。be famous for“因为……而著名”;be famous as“作为……而著名”;be ready to do sth. “准备/乐意做某事”;be ready for. . . “为……做准备”。‎ Ⅱ. 1.【解析】选C。tired疲倦的;nervous 紧张的;sad难过的;excited令人兴奋的。句意:到了离别的时候了,我感到有点儿难过。故选C。‎ ‎2.【解析】选B。remember 记住;believe相信;discover 发现;forget忘记。句意:我相信你们在这儿度过的三年将会是你们难忘的记忆。故选B。‎ ‎3.【解析】选D。trip 旅行;adventure 冒险;lesson 课;memory记忆。由上题解析可知应选D。‎ ‎4.【解析】选B。sometime(将来的)某个时间;always 总是;sometimes 有时;never 从不。句意:参加竞赛的每个学生总是尽最大的努力为他们的班级争荣誉。故选B。‎ ‎5.【解析】选A。 give up 放弃;show off 炫耀; take off 脱掉(衣服); look up 查(词典等)。句意:即使受伤了,他们也从不轻易放弃。故选A。‎ ‎6.【解析】选D。so that 以便;whenever 无论什么时候;even if 即使;wherever 无论哪里。句意:无论你们去哪里都要坚持这种精神。故选D。‎ ‎7.【解析】选A。由后面的Time and tide wait for no man. (岁月不待人)可知此句意为“充分利用时间”。故选A。‎ ‎8.【解析】选A。句意:如果我有足够的时间,我就会尽我最大的努力完成。故选A。‎ ‎9.【解析】选B。句意“利用好你的时间,将来你就会是个成功的人。”故选B。‎ ‎10.【解析】选C。句意:最后,我想告诉你们的是在通往成功的路上,要勇敢面对每一个挑战。故选C。‎ Ⅲ. 1.【解析】选A。由第二段第二、三句Zhang tried to push the two students out of danger, but she herself did get run over. Her legs were crushed and later had to be amputated above the knee. 可知张丽莉失去双腿是因为她想救那两名学生。‎ ‎2. 【解析】选D。由第一段第二句She was badly hurt after saving two students from being hit by an oncoming bus on May 8, 2012. 及第三段第一句Zhang was born on Jan. 19, ‎1984 in Jiamusi. 可知事故发生时张丽莉28岁。‎ ‎3.【解析】选B。由第三段最后一句She graduated from Harbin Normal University in 2007 and has worked at the Jiamusi No. 19 Middle School ever since, teaching Chinese . 可知张丽莉教语文。‎ ‎4.【解析】选D。由第四段第三句She got married to Li Ziye in 2009. 可知应选D。‎ ‎5.【解析】选C。由第四段第四句The couple planned on having a baby after her class’s graduation. 可知C项是错误的。‎ Ⅳ. 答案:1. themselves 2. graduated 3. careful; carefully ‎4. not to make 5. taking Ⅴ. 答案:1. Be careful/Take care; hurt yourself 2. at the edge of ‎3. leave him alone 4. It is said that Ⅵ. 答案:1~5. DAGBE Ⅶ. 答案:1. greatest 2. was 3. taught 4. him 5. oldest ‎6. brothers 7. could 8. played 9. well 10. to play/playing Ⅷ. 【参考范文】‎ A Traffic Accident A terrible traffic accident happened at about 2: 30 p. m. near Renmin Square in the city centre yesterday. ‎ A drunk driver couldn’t control his truck and drove it onto the sidewalk. 4 people were killed and more than 15 were injured in the accident. It was found that the truck driver had drunk too much before driving. The traffic was delayed for an hour because of the accident. The police warned us that we should never drive after drinking. ‎

