2020年中考英语知识点总复习 冠词固定搭配常记素材

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2020年中考英语知识点总复习 冠词固定搭配常记素材

冠词固定搭配常记(高频)‎ 不定冠词连接的习语:‎ have a cold 感冒 have a good/happy time 玩的开心 have a gift for(对有天赋)‎ have a word with(和…简单谈谈) once in a while (时不时 偶尔) ‎ ‎ in a hurry匆忙的 at a loss(不知所措 亏本) for a while (暂时)‎ once upon a time(从前) all of a sudden (突然地 突如其来地)‎ at a distance(保持一定距离) have a population of(有多少人口)‎ a waste of(浪费) a matter of (大约 左右) ‎ have/take a rest(休息) have a break have a holiday(休假,度假,放假 ) ‎ get a lift/ride (搭车) go on a diet(用规定食谱, 节食)‎ 不定冠词短语:‎ have a look 看一看 have a walk 散步 have a break休息一下 have a try试一试 take /have a bath洗澡 have a swim游泳 take a rest /break 休息一下 give a smile 微笑 give a laugh 大笑 give a shout 大喊 make a choice 做出选择 make a decision 做出决定 make a plan 制定计划 make a suggestion提个建议 a bit (of)有一点 a few 一些 a great deal 大量 a kind of 一种 a little 一点 a good /great many大量 a number of 许多 a lot of 许多 a pair of一个/张/块等 a quantity of一些 a pair of一双/副/对 a moment ago一会之前 half an hour半小时 in a moment立刻 once in a while偶尔 all of a sudden突然 as a rule通常 as a result因此 as a matter of fact事实上 in a hurry急匆匆 in a word总之 once upon a time从前 after a while一会儿后 for a time暂时 do a good deed做好事 do sb . a favor帮某人忙 have a gift for对…有天赋 have a good time玩的高兴 make a face做鬼脸 make an effort努力 make a living谋生 make a mistake犯错误 make an apology道歉 pay a visit拜访 give sb a hand帮某人 keep an eye on照看;关注 have a fever发烧 have a pain疼痛 have a cough咳嗽 at a lass茫然失措 as a result结果 as a rule作为规则 in a way在某种程度上 have a word with sb与某人交谈 have words with sb 与某人吵架 come to an end结束 come to an agreement同意 4‎ lead/live a happy life 过着快乐的生活 turn a deaf ear to充耳不闻 turn a blind eye to视而不见 定冠词某些固定词组:‎ make the most/best ‎0f(充分利用) in the daytime(在白天) in the end 在最后 ‎ in the habit of (有…的习惯 常常) not in the least =not at all (毫不) ‎ in the distance(在远处) in the way(挡路) on the whole(大体上) ‎ on the right (在右边,在右侧)‎ on the one hand (一方面) on the other hand(另一方面) at the same time 与此同时 at the moment 此刻,此时 ‎ go to the cinema去看电影 the other day (前几天) for the time being(暂且) ‎ on the radio在广播中 on the spot(立即 当场) to tell the truth(说实话) ‎ by the way 顺便问一下 on the left在左边 in the east在东边 in the end 在最后 ‎ in the daytime在白天 to tell the truth说实话 on the contrary相反 in the middle of 在…中间 ‎ at the age of 在…岁时 at the very start一开始 on the air正在广播 on the way 在途中 on the whole整体上 from the behind从后面 to the right朝右边 to the amount of总计达 to the east of在…东方 to the end 到最后 to the full完全的 in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/中午/晚上 ‎ side by side肩并肩 little by little渐渐地 year by year一年年地 catch (a)cold感冒 for the lack 由于缺乏 take/have(an)interest in 对…感有兴趣 in (the)face of面临着 take(a) pride in以…自豪 ‎ 零冠词:‎ pen and ink笔墨 master and servant 主仆 at dawn/daybreak/dusk在黎明/黎明黄昏 on second thoughts(进一步考虑后) come to light(显露,大家熟知)‎ come to office=take office(就职) give birth to(引起,产生)‎ in case of(如果,万一) out of order(故障,违反规章)‎ in use in debt(欠债) under repair(正在修理) ‎ day and night 日以继夜 side by side(相互支持,一起)‎ · shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地;齐心协力地 ‎ · hand in hand手拉手地;联合 by weight(按重量) ‎ by mistake(错误地) in place of(代替) catch fire(着火)‎ for certain(无疑地)‎ 定冠词词不达意的词语: a big time 最愉快的时刻 the big time 第一流的 a number of 若干,一些 the number of ……的数目(号码) at a cost of 以……为价格 at the cost of 以……为代价 for a moment 一会儿,片刻 for the moment 暂时,目前 in a hole 处于困境 in the hole 亏空,负债 in a hump 一次地,同时地 in the lump 大批地,全体地 in a body 全体,整体 in the body 在体内,正文 in a fashion 以……方式(样子) in the fashion 赶时髦,随大流 of a day 短命的,昙花一现 of the day 当时的,当代的 of an age 同年 of the age 当代的,现代的 on a hike 徒步施行 on the hike 流亡,流浪 4‎ ‎ put a finger on 指出,查明 put the finger on 告发,控告 to a point 在某种程度上 to the point 中肯,扼要,切题 to an end 结束 to the end 到底 A) 不用冠词用定冠词的区别 不用冠词的词语 用定冠词的词语 at table (正在)进餐 at the table 在桌子旁 by sea 乘船,走水路 by the sea 在海边,在海岸上 by day 在白天 by the day 按日计算 go to ground 逃入地穴,隐居 go to the ground 成为泡影,落空 go to sea 当水手 go to the sea 到海边去 go to school 上学 go to the school 到这(那)所学校去 in black (穿)黑色衣服,丧服 in the black 赢利,赚钱 in blue (穿)蓝色衣服 in the blue 在天空中 in body 亲自 in the body 在体内,正文 ‎ in care of 由……转交 in the care of 由……照管 in charge of 负责 in the charge of 由……来说;至于 in course of 正在……之中 in the course of 在……期间 in court 在法庭上 in the court 在院子里 in front of 在……前面 (外部) in the front of 在……前面部位(内部)‎ in mass 整个地,全部地 in the mass 总的说来 in open 公开地 in the open 在户外 in point of 就…而言,关于 in the point of 马上,正要 in possession of 占有,拥有 in the possession of 被……占有(拥有) ‎ in red (穿)红色衣服 in the red 亏损,赤字 in rough 用草稿的方式 in the rough 大约,大致 in secret 秘密地,私下地 in the secret 参与秘密,知道内情 keep house 管理家务 keep the house 留在家里 of age 成年 of the age 当代的,现代的 out of question 毫无疑问 out of the question 不可能的 take air 被传扬,被泄露 take the air 呼吸新鲜空气 B)不用冠词与用不定冠词的区别 不用冠词的词语 用不定冠词的词语 at birth 出生时 at a birth 一胎生 in little 小规模的(的) in a little 一会儿,不久 in word 在口头上 in a word 总而言之,简言之 in body 亲自 in a body 全体,整体 keep shop 照管商店 keep a shop 开店铺,做店主 of age 成年 of an age 同年 take note of 注意到 take a note of 把……记录下来 take account of 考虑到 take an account of 把……登帐 C)不用冠词与用不定冠词的区别 at school 上学 at the school在学校 by day白天 by the day按日计算 in hospital住院 in the hospital在医院 in charge of掌管 in the charge of在…掌管之中 in place of取代 in the front of在…的位置上 4‎ in front of在…前面 in the front of在…的前端 in office执政in the office在办公室内 out of question毫无疑问 out of the question不可能 go to bed上床睡觉 go to the bed朝床边走去 go to church做礼拜 go to the church去教堂 leave school 辍学 leave the school离开学校 take place发生 take the place of代替 live on farm务农 live on the farm住在农场 two of us 我们中的两个 the two of us我们两个 in possession of 占在 in the possession of被…占有 A +in charge of+B A控制B A+in the charge of +B B控制A 不用冠词:‎ at college在上大学at dark 天黑时 at dawn 拂晓时 at dinner在吃饭 at home 在家里 at peace处于和平状态 catch hold of抓住 come back to life苏醒 in addition另外 in advance 预先 in good condition情况良好 in good order 有条不紊 keep in touch with 与…保持联系 learn …by heart背诵 lose weight减肥on business 因公出差 by air 乘飞机 pay attention to注意 4‎

