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‎2019年九年级英语中考模拟卷含答案 ‎(限时:120分钟 满分:120分)‎ 听力部分(20分)‎ 一、听录音.选图片(每小题1分.共5分)‎ ‎1. ‎ A B C ‎2. ‎ A B C ‎3.‎ A B C ‎4. ‎ A B C ‎5. ‎ A B C ‎1____________ 2____________ 3______________ 4_____________ 5_____________‎ 二、听录音.选出最佳答语(每小题1分.共5分)‎ ‎( )6. A. Yes. What's up? B. See you later. C. I'll be free tomorrow. ‎ ‎( )7. A. You are welcome. B. It's a pleasure. C. It doesn't matter. ‎ ‎( )8. A. In the library. B. Three days ago. C. For three days. ‎ ‎( )9. A. Quite well. B. I'm so happy. C. They are so kind. ‎ ‎( )10. A. Not at all. B. I will. Thank you. C. The same to you. ‎ 三、长对话理解(每小题1分.共5分)‎ 听第一段对话.回答第11.12小题 ‎( )11. How will the speakers go to Shanghai this Saturday?‎ A. By plane. B. By coach. C. By train. ‎ ‎( )12. Where are the speakers going to meet?‎ A. In the town square. B. At the school gate. C. At a bus stop. ‎ 听第二段对话.回答第13至15小题。‎ ‎( )13. What's wrong with Bob?‎ A. He has a toothache. B. His arms hurt. C. His leg is broken. ‎ ‎( )14. What does the woman advise Bob to do?‎ A. Have a cup of tea. B. Go to hospital. C. Color fewer boxes. ‎ ‎( )15. What is the relationship between the two speakers?‎ A. Guide and tourist. B. Husband and wife. C. Doctor and patient. ‎ 四、信息转换(每小题1分.共5分)‎ 你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容.写出下面表格中所缺的单词.每空仅填一词。‎ Our town Introduction Our town has changed a lot in the last______16years. ‎ Jobs ‎★In the past.most people worked as fishermen or______17. ‎ ‎★Now.many people work in______18factories.offices or banks.‎ Activities ‎★Young people like going to the swimming pool and the______19. ‎ ‎★Old people like going to the beach and the restaurants.‎ ‎★There are football matches and races in the sports center______20a week.‎ 笔试部分(100分)‎ 五、单项选择(每小题1分.共15分)‎ ‎( )21. ________ new study says that going to ________ bed late is harmful to our health. ‎ A. /;/ B. A;/ C. A;the D. The;the ‎( )22. —Jim, it's cold today. Put on your coat. ‎ ‎ —Mum, don't ________ about me. I can look after myself well. ‎ A. talk B. tell C. worry D. think ‎( )23. The decision about the price ________ in a few days. So they have to wait. ‎ A. is made B. was made C. is being made D. will be made ‎( )24. —How is your brother? Still doesn't like studying?‎ ‎—He's fine. He used to _______ TV after supper. But now he is used to ______ his homework. ‎ A. watch; doing B. watching; do C. watch; do D. watching; doing ‎( )25. Never put off ________ tomorrow what you can do today. ‎ A. until B. before C. when D. as ‎( )26. —The high school ________ covers a lot, including Chinese, Math and so on. ‎ ‎—Oh, I will work harder. ‎ A. ability B. information C. practice D. course ‎( )27. —A number of visitors ________ to Yangzhou many times because it is beautiful. ‎ ‎—That's right. ‎ A. have been B. has been C. have gone D. has gone ‎ ‎( )28. —I offered James a helping hand. However, he ________ it. ‎ ‎—Maybe he could do it alone. ‎ A. received B. returned C. repeated D. refused ‎( )29. —Excuse me, will the plane for Beijing ________ within an hour?‎ ‎—I'm not sure. You can go to the Information Desk for help. ‎ A. get off B. take off C. turn off D. show off ‎( )30. —Do you think this programme is the best one?‎ ‎—Well, ________ I agree with you. ‎ A. by the way B. in some ways C. on the way D. in the way ‎( )31. —They didn't know ________ to do with the problem. ‎ ‎—They could ask their teacher for help. ‎ A. how B. what C. which D. where ‎( )32. The police wondered ________. ‎ A. whose handbag it is B. whose handbag it was C. whose handbag is it D. whose handbag was it ‎ ‎( )33. Daniel was ________ a bad mood and couldn't find anybody to ________. ‎ A. on; tell about B. on; talk with C. in; talk to D. in; tell with ‎( )34. —________ convenient it is to live in China!‎ ‎—Yes.we've got WeChat.shared bikes.Alipay.etc. ‎ A. What a B. What C. How a D. How ‎( )35. —Thank you for your gift. You are so sweet. ‎ ‎—________‎ A. Yes, please. B. I'm glad you like it. ‎ C. Please don't say so. D. No, it isn't good. ‎ 六、完形填空(每小题2分.共20分) ‎ ‎________36 you have a baby brother or sister.you'll want to know some baby facts. ‎ It can be a lot of ________37 to have a new baby in the house.but it can be tiring.too. Babies need so much ________38 that your mom and dad will be busy making sure the baby gets the rest.food.clean diapers (尿布) and so on. But this does not mean they love you ________39—they just love the baby.too!‎ What can you do at home with the baby? If you are ________40.you may be able to hold or feed the baby. Your mom and dad will ________41 you the right way to care for your brother or sister. You can also help in many ________42 ways.like folding clothes.answering the phone.or getting your mother a cup of tea. That is helpful.especially ________43 she is busy and tired. And if the baby cries.you can try to cheer him or her up. ‎ When a new baby ________44 the family.you will surely see some changes. Luckily.many of them are good ones. Before you know it.that little thing will sit ‎ up.crawl (爬).run.and ________45 play hideandseek (捉迷藏) with you. In other words.this baby just might grow up to be a lifetime friend!‎ ‎( )36. A. That B. So C. Whether D. If ‎( )37. A. use B. fun C. work D. trouble ‎( )38. A. food B. love C. care D. water ‎( )39. A. more B. less C. better D. longer ‎( )40. A. old enough B. enough old C. big enough D. enough big ‎( )41. A. ask B. get C. give D. show ‎( )42. A. good B. cleve C. other D. useful ‎( )43. A. when B. before C. after D. until ‎( )44. A. sees B. likes C. joins D. visits ‎( )45. A. even B. ever C. still D. never 七、阅读理解(每小题2分.共30分)‎ A Many parents agree that smartphones are bad for students' health and study. They hope their children can keep away from smartphones. ‎ Tang Lin.14.from Changsha.supports parents' opinions. He uses a nonsmartphone and finds its functions(功能)are enough for him. Tang once said many students spent much time on games and QQ with their smartphones. He also said.“If students use smartphones.they may use them to listen to music.surf the Internet or do some other things. In this way.they may not work hard at their studies. As students.we don't need to use smartphones. ”‎ But Chen Jie.14.from Ningbo.doesn't think so. She thinks that she can't live without smartphones. “Smartphones are useful.” she said. “I often use my phone to surf the Internet and get the latest news. It opens my eyes. ”‎ Smartphones have advantages and disadvantages. The key to the problem is how to use smartphones. In fact.it is a test of students' self control. Zhang Yan.13.from Hengyang.understands the point well. She said.“I put my phone in another room when I am studying. I also set a time limit about 30 minutes when I use it. I follow these rules so the smartphone doesn't influence my life or study. ”‎ ‎( )46. What does Tang think of smartphones?‎ A. Smartphones have too many unnecessary functions. ‎ B. Smartphones can take students' attention away from their studies. ‎ C. Smartphones are.in fact.not smart at all. ‎ D. Smartphones are always good for people. ‎ ‎( )47. For Chen Jie.the smartphone is ________ in her life. ‎ A. a key B. a luck C. a friend D. a must ‎( )48. The underlined word “selfcontrol” probably means ________. ‎ A. the ability to behave calmly even when you're excited B. the wish to do something well even it is very difficult for you C. the resolution to succeed in something important to you D. the way to spend your free time ‎( )49. How does Zhang use her smartphone?‎ A. She makes rules and follow them strictly. B. She tries not to use any of its functions. ‎ C. She uses it as a test of self control. D. She uses it as much as possible. ‎ ‎( )50. The passage is about ________. ‎ A. smartphones and non smartphones ‎ B. what teachers and students think of smartphones C. opinions on using smartphones ‎ D. smartphones' usage B Cars make our lives more convenient. But they can also be a problem. For example.fossil fuel(化石燃料) cars mainly cause air pollution. ‎ To improve the environment.many countries are developing electric vehicles(EVs.电动车). Among them.China is taking a leading role and has created the world's largest EV market. ‎ Last year.over 40 percent of the 753.000 EVs sold in the world were sold in China.more than twice as many as the number sold in the United States. ‎ ‎“Filling up a fossil fuel car with gas(汽油) is more expensive than charging(充电)an ‎ electric car.” said Wu Hao.who bought an electric car this year. ‎ However.there are still some problems. It can be hard to find charging piles(充电桩)and the cars can't go far before needing to be recharged. ‎ Some of these problems are being solved. In 2014.China had 31.000 charging piles. Now China has the world's largest EV charging network.with more than 167.000 charging piles in total. ‎ Developing EVs is one of many efforts that China has made to cut down pressure on its environment after the government promised to stop increases in carbon dioxide emissions(二氧化碳排放量)by 2030. ‎ ‎“As China goes.so will the world's car industry.” The Wall Street Journal said. China has taken a leading role in the world's electric vehicle industry. ‎ ‎( )51. ________ mainly cause air pollution according to the passage. ‎ A. Subways B. Sharing bikes C. Electric vehicles D. Fossil fuel cars ‎( )52. Over________ electric vehicles were sold in China last year. ‎ A. 150.600 B. 167.000 C. 301.200 D. 753.000‎ ‎( )53. What did Wu Hao think of charging an electric car?‎ A. It's more expensive than filling up a fossil fuel car with gas. ‎ B. It's less expensive than filling up a fossil fuel car with gas. ‎ C. It's as expensive as filling up a fossil fuel car with gas. ‎ D. It's as cheap as filling up a fossil fuel car with gas. ‎ ‎( )54. Which country has the world's largest EV charging network now?‎ A. America. B. Germany. C. China. D. England. ‎ ‎( )55. What is the passage mainly about?‎ A. China has taken a leading role in the world's electric vehicle industry. ‎ B. Electric cars will disappear in the future. ‎ C. There is no problem using electric cars. ‎ D. How to deal with air pollution. ‎ C The roundtable of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation(合作) was held on May 14.2017 in Beijing. President Xi Jinping made a theme speech at the Opening ‎ Ceremony. Distinguished guests from over 100 countries attended this important forum on the Belt and Road Initiative. ‎ Over 2.000 years ago.our ancestors opened the transcontinental (横贯大陆的) passage connecting Asia.Europe.and Africa.known today as the Silk Road. They also created sea routes connecting the East with the West.namely.the maritime (海运的)Silk Road. These ancient silk routes opened windows of friendly engagement among nations. ‎ In China's Han Dynasty around 140 B. C. .Zhang Qian left Chang'an. He made a journey to the Western regions and opened an overland route connecting the East and the West. Centuries later.in the years of Tang.Song and Yuan Dynasties.such silk routes.both over land and at sea.great adventurers.including Du Huan of China.Marco Polo of Italy.left their footprints along these ancient routes. In the early 15th century.Zheng He.the famous Chinese navigator (航海家)in the Ming Dynasty.made seven voyages to the Western Seas.a great achievement which still is remembered today. Generation after generation.the silk routes travelers have built a bridge for peace and EastWest cooperation. ‎ The Belt and Road Initiative is rooted(植根)in the ancient Silk Road. It focuses on the Asian.European and African continents.but is also open to all other countries. All countries.from Asia.Europe.Africa or the Americas.can be international cooperation partners of the Belt and Road Initiative. ‎ Today.China is trying to build the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The Belt and Road can create chances in challenges and changes. “Peaches and plums do not speak .but they are so attractive that a path is formed below the trees. ” Four years on.over 100 countries and international organizations have supported and got involved in this initiative. We are sure the dream of the Belt and Road is coming true. ‎ ‎( )56. Where was the roundtable of the Belt and Road Forum held?‎ A. In Beijing. B. In Shanghai. C. In Guangzhou D. In Qingdao. ‎ ‎( )57. Which continents does the Belt and Road Initiative focus on?‎ A. Asian.European and American continents. ‎ B. Asian.European and African continents. ‎ C. American and European continents. ‎ D. American and African continents. ‎ ‎( )58. What routes did Zhang Qian create after he left Chang'an?‎ A. Zhang Qian left Chang'an and created sea routes connecting the East with the West. ‎ B. Zhang Qian left Chang'an and created sea routes connecting the East with the South. ‎ C. Zhang Qian left Chang'an and created an overland route connecting the East with the West. ‎ D. Zhang Qian left Chang'an and created an overland route connecting the South with the West. ‎ ‎( )59. Put the sentences in the right order according to the passage. ‎ ‎①These ancient silk routes opened windows of friendly engagement among nations. ‎ ‎②The silk routes travelers have built a bridge for peace and EastWest cooperation. ‎ ‎③President Xi Jinping made a theme speech at the Opening Ceremony. ‎ ‎④The Belt and Road can create chances in challenges and changes. ‎ ‎⑤The Belt and Road Initiative is rooted in the ancient Silk Road. ‎ A. ③②①④⑤ B. ②①④⑤③ C. ②③①④⑤ D. ③①②⑤④‎ ‎( )60. What's the meaning of the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?‎ A. 使者相望于道.商旅不绝于途。 B. 桃李不言.下自成蹊。‎ C. 不积跬步.无以至千里。 D. 伟业非一日之功。‎ 八、词汇运用(每小题1分.共10分)‎ A)根据句意和汉语提示写单词。‎ ‎61. People like ________(分享)things through WeChat now. ‎ ‎62. Never giving up is the most ________(有价值的)thing in the world. ‎ ‎63. Our school leaders often ________(出现)in our classroom while we're having classes. ‎ ‎64. We can't see anything ________(没有)light in the dark room. ‎ ‎65. Sometimes it's ________(有帮助的)to make a list of everything you have to do. ‎ B)根据句意和首字母提示写单词。‎ ‎66. Can your little sister dress h________?‎ ‎67. TFBOYS are popular a________ young people. ‎ ‎68. I s________ watch movies on my smartphone because it's not good for my eyes. ‎ ‎69. —Where is my k________ to the door?‎ ‎—Look! It's in your bag. ‎ ‎70. The German girl likes b________ Chinese and English. ‎ 九、写作(25分)‎ 读万卷书.行万里路。为帮助中小学生了解国情、热爱祖国、开阔眼界、增长知识、提高社会责任感、创新精神和实践能力.教育部倡导开展“研学旅行(study tour)”活动。你校也计划开展此项活动.但是有些同学表示欢迎.也有些表示反对。请你以My Opinions on Study Tour为题.写一篇英语短文.谈谈你的看法并说明理由。‎ 要求:‎ ‎1. 结合以上提示阐明自己的观点.可适当发挥.以使行文连贯;‎ ‎2. 词数:80-100(文章开头已给出.不计入总词数)‎ 可参考以下词汇:‎ the sense of social responsibility社会责任感;creative spirit创新精神;practical ability实践能力 My Opinions on Study Tour In recent years.many primary and middle schools have been organizing study tours for students. _______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________‎ 中考模拟卷(一)‎ 听力材料 ‎ 一、1. I don't like eating this kind of bananas at all. ‎ ‎2. Many teenagers spend too much time on computer games. ‎ ‎3. Lily is a girl who likes playing volleyball with her friends after school. ‎ ‎4. My grandfather is too old to remember his telephone number 83973536 exactly. ‎ ‎5. The Great Wall is a great tourist spot which attracts many tourists every year. ‎ 二、6. Are you free this afternoon?‎ ‎7. I'm sorry I've broken your toy car. ‎ ‎8. When did you borrow the book?‎ ‎9. How are you getting on with your classmates?‎ ‎10. Please give my best wishes to your family. ‎ 三、Text 1:‎ M:We're going to Shanghai Disneyland this Saturday. Would you like to join us?‎ W:Sounds great!I'd love to. ‎ M:Oh.good. We're going to catch the ten o'clock train. Is that OK?‎ W:That's fine. Where shall we meet?‎ M:Let's meet at the school gate at 8:00. My dad will drive us to the station. ‎ W:OK. ‎ Text 2:‎ M:Oh!‎ W:Bob?What's the matter.dear?‎ M:My arms hurt. ‎ W:I'm not surprised. Why don't you stop for a moment?Let's have a cup of tea!‎ M:That's a good idea. ‎ W:You should ask our son to help you with the heavier boxes. ‎ M:Yes. You're probably right. ‎ ‎四、Text:Our town has changed a lot in the last forty years. When my parents were very young.most people worked as fishermen or farmers. Now in our town.a lot of people work in car factories.offices or banks. The factories are outside the town.and the offices and banks are in the center. ‎ In our town.there are many different places to go in the evenings and at weekends. Young people like going to the swimming pool and the cinema while old people like going to the beach and the restaurants. ‎ There is a big new sports center in our town and there are football matches and races there once a week. ‎ 听力答案:‎ 一、1~5. BCCCB 二、6~10. ACBAB 三、11~15. CBBAB 四、16. forty/40 17. farmers 18. car 19. cinema 20. once 笔试部分 五、21. B 句意:一项新的研究表明.睡觉太晚对我们的健康有害。第一空填不定冠词a表示数量“一”;第二空go to bed“去睡觉”.为固定搭配.无需用冠词。故选B。 22. C ‎ ‎23. D 用主谓关系分析法。主语The decision about the price和谓语make之间是被动关系.用被动语态。由in a few days(几天之后)可知是一般将来时的被动语态。‎ ‎24. A 用固定搭配法。used to do sth. 和be used to doing sth. 都是固定搭配.used to do sth. 意为“过去常常做某事”.be used to doing sth. 意为“习惯做某事”。‎ ‎25. A 句意:绝不要把今天你能做的推到明天。until直到;before在……之前;when当……的时候;as因为.当……时候。故选A。‎ ‎26. D ability能力;information信息;practice练习;course课程。由句中的Chinese.Math and so on可知这里谈论的是课程。‎ ‎27. A 用主谓一致法。a number of visitors意为“许多游客”.主语为复数.排除选项B和D;表示“去过某地”用“have/has been tosp. ”。‎ ‎28. D 用关键词法。由表转折的However一词可知空处是与offered(提供)相反的词.结合选项可知是refused(拒绝)。‎ ‎29. B 主语the plane for Beijing和take off(起飞)搭配合适.和get off(下车).turn off(关闭).show off(炫耀)搭配均不合适。‎ ‎30. B 用辨析法。by the way顺便说一下;in some ways在某种程度上;on the way在……途中;in the way挡道.妨碍。结合句意可知选项B合适。‎ ‎31. B 用固定搭配法。what to do with和how to deal with是习惯搭配.意为“如何处理”。‎ ‎32. B 用语法判定法。空处为宾语从句.宾语从句用陈述语序.排除选项C和D;主句是过去时.从句中也要用过去的某种时态.排除选项A。 ‎ ‎33. C 34. D ‎ ‎35. B 用交际法。当一方感谢另一方的时候.另一方要表示开心。Yes.please. 好的。I'm glad you like it. 我很高兴你喜欢它。Please don't say so. 请不要这么说。No.it isn't good. 不.它不好。句意:——谢谢你的礼物.你好贴心啊。——很高兴你能喜欢。故选B。‎ 六、36. D 句意:如果你有一个小弟弟或妹妹的话.你将想知道一些有关婴儿的事实。故用if引导。‎ ‎37. B use使用.利用;fun乐趣.快乐;work工作;trouble问题.苦恼。由句意可知一个小生命的诞生能够给这个家庭带来快乐。故选B。‎ ‎38. C 根据后面的“your mom and dad will be busy making sure the baby gets the rest.food.clean diapers(尿布)and so on”可知婴儿需要更多的关心和照顾。food食物;love爱;care关心;water水。故选C。‎ ‎39. B 句意:但是这并不意味着他们对你的爱会减少——他们只是也爱这个婴儿!故选B。‎ ‎40. A ‎41. D show sb. …意为“把……展示给某人看”. 句意:你的爸爸妈妈会把照顾你的弟弟或妹妹的正确方式示范给你看。故选D。‎ ‎42. C 这里指除了带孩子之外别的事情;句意:你也可以在别的方面进行帮助.像叠衣服、接电话或者给妈妈倒杯茶。故选C。‎ ‎43. A when在此处为“当……的时候”。 句意:那是有帮助的.尤其是当她又忙又累的时候。故选A。‎ ‎44. C  see看见;like喜欢;join加入.成为……中的一员;visit参观;拜访。句意:当一个新生命来到这个家庭.你确实会看到一些变化。故选C。‎ ‎45. A even甚至;ever曾经;still仍然;never从不。 句意:不知不觉.那个小家伙会坐、爬、跑甚至是和你一起玩捉迷藏了。故选A。‎ 七、A)46. B 推理判断题。从文章第二段的内容可知唐林认为:如果学生使用智能手机.他们可以使用它们来听音乐、上网或做其他事情。这样.他们可能不会在学习上努力工作。故答案选B。‎ ‎47. D 推理判断题。从文章第三段第二句She thinks that she can't live without smartphones. (句意:她认为没有智能手机就不能生活。)可推出智能手机对她来说是一件必需品。故选D。 ‎ ‎48. A ‎49. A 细节理解题。从文章最后一段最后一句I follow these rules so the smartphone doesn't influence my life or study. (句意:我遵守这些规则.所以智能手机不会影响我的生活和学习。)可知答案选A。‎ ‎50. C 主旨大意题。本文通过几位学生的具体事例讲述了智能手机的利与弊。其实问题的关键是如何使用智能手机。‎ B)51. D 细节理解题。由第一段最后一句…fossil fuel(化石燃料) cars mainly cause air pollution. 可知化石燃料的汽车主要引起了空气污染。故选D。‎ ‎52. C 细节理解题。由第三段第一句Last year.over 40 percent of the 753.000 EVs sold in the world were sold in China…可计算753.000的百分之四十。故选C。‎ ‎53. B 细节理解题。由第四段第一句中“Filling up a fossil fuel car with gas(汽油) is more expensive than charging(充电)an electric car.” said Wu Hao可知选B。‎ ‎54. C 细节理解题。第六段中Now China has the world's largest EV charging network指出中国有世界最大电动车充电网络.故选C。‎ ‎55. A 主旨大意题。由文章最后一段最后一句“China has taken a leading role in the world's electric vehicle industry. ”以及全文可知中国处于世界电动车工业的领导地位。故选A。‎ C)56. A 细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句The roundtable of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation(合作) was held on May 14.2017 in Beijing. 可知是在北京召开。故选A。‎ ‎57. B 细节理解题。根据第四段第二句It focuses on the Asian.European and African continents.but is also open to all other countries. 可知一带一路聚焦于亚非欧国家。‎ ‎58. C 细节理解题。根据第三段第一、二句In China's Han Dynasty around 140 B. C. .Zhang Qian left Chang'an. He made a journey to the Western regions and opened an overland route connecting the East and the West. 可知张骞建立了连接东西方的陆上线路。‎ ‎59. D 归纳综合题。文章第一段介绍了习近平主席主持的一带一路会议.接着介绍古老的丝绸之路打开了国家之间的友好之窗.第三段介绍友好的旅行者张骞、马可·波罗、郑和等起到的巨大作用.第四段介绍现在的一带一路是以古丝绸之路为基础的.最后指出一带一路的意义。故选D。‎ ‎60. B 语句猜测题。根据句中的Peaches桃子;plums李子;don't speak不说话……。可猜测出本句的意思。故选B。‎ 八、A)61. sharing 62. valuable 63. appear 64. without 65. helpful B)66. herself 67. among 68. seldom 69. key 70. both 九、范文:‎ My Opinions on Study Tour In recent years.many primary and middle schools have been organizing study tours for students. I think study tours have both advantages and disadvantages. ‎ First①.study tours benefit the students a lot in many ways. They not only help the students know better and love more about our country.but also open up a wider window to them which greatly increases their sense of social responsibility.develop their creative spirit and strengthen their practical ability. ②‎ Second①.there's also something needed to be improved about study tours. For example③.some organizers aim to make money through study tours.and some students spend too much time playing. ‎ So.we need to choose and learn wisely. ‎ 点评:本文运用了“三步法”写观点看法类作文。1. 提出观点(第一段);2. 正面论证(第二段);3. 反面论证(第三段)。‎ 添彩点:①first.second等词的使用.使观点表述条理有序.行文流畅;②定语从句的使用.使文章句式丰富;③for example列举研学的不足之处.起到统领后续内容的作用.使表达全面准确。‎

