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‎2015年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课考试 I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)‎ ‎1. A. happy B. healthy C. hungry ‎2. A. a pop game B. a ball game C. a short game ‎3. A. 2:20 B. 3:40 C. 3:20‎ ‎4. A. You needn't take a car. B. You mustn't drive a car. C. You shouldn't buy a car.‎ ‎5. A. Jim entered the room. B. Jim said something in the room.‎ C. Jim went out of the room and said nothing.‎ II.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)‎ ‎6. A. I'm sorry. B. I'm tired. C. I'm serious.‎ ‎7. A. You're welcome. B. Help yourself, please. C. Just looking, thanks.‎ ‎8. A. The same to you. B. Thank you. C. Glad to hear that.‎ ‎9. A. Katie. Katie Reese. B. Here's my name. C. Your name, please?‎ ‎10. A. It's opposite the bank. B. You can walk there. C. It's a tall building.‎ III.听对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分)‎ ‎11. A. B. C. ‎ ‎12.A. B. ‎ ‎13. A. He wants to take a taxi. B. He left a wallet in a taxi. C. He'll ask the driver for cards.‎ ‎**************************************************************************‎ ‎14. A. A dish. B. A cook. C. A restaurant.‎ ‎15. A. Eat fish. B. Order lunch. C. Book a table.‎ ‎***************************************************************************‎ ‎16. A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.‎ ‎17. A. An engineer. B. A nurse. C. A teacher.‎ ‎18. A. He'll go to France. B. He'll work in a store. C. He'll fmd a part-time job.‎ IV.听短文和问题,选择正确答案。(共7小题,每小题1分,计7分)‎ ‎19. What are they doing now?‎ A. Having a meeting. B. Reading new words. C. Having an English class.‎ ‎20. What can they get if they have one word wrong?‎ A. A pen. B. A pencil. C. A picture.‎ ‎21. Which word do they begin with?‎ A. Kitchen. B. Colorful. C. Page.‎ ‎**************************************************************************‎ ‎22. Which country does the speaker mention?‎ A. England. B. America. C. Canada.‎ ‎23. What kind of universities do Bob and Jenny go to?‎ A. Private universities. B. Small universities. C. State universities.‎ ‎24. What are the required courses?‎ A. English and math. B. History and physics. C. Science and PE.‎ ‎25. When will Bob and Jenny study required courses?‎ A. The first year. B. The second year. C. The third year.‎ VIII.听短文填空(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)‎ Information Sheet Cities Weather Beijing ‎66. Cold and ‎ The high will be 6 degrees.‎ Mexico City ‎67. and wet.‎ With a low of 23.‎ Tokyo ‎68. weather.‎ The low will be 4 degrees.‎ New York A rainy day.‎ ‎69. With a high of ‎ Hong Kong ‎70. Wet and ‎ With a low of 20 degrees.‎ ‎2016年河北省初中毕业生学文化课考试 I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息.(共5小题,每小题l分,计5分)‎ ‎1.A. price B. palace C. practice ‎2. A. 3:15 B. 3:45 C. 4:15‎ ‎3. A. take a walk B. read a book C. give a talk ‎4. A. He loves math B. He hates math. C. He teachers math.‎ ‎5. A. The speaker is sad about the news.‎ ‎ B. The speaker is surprised at the news ‎ C. The speaker is angry about the news.‎ II听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)‎ ‎6. A. This is Bob Smith. B. Hold on, please. C. I'll ring him later.‎ ‎7. A. I feel relaxed B. I eat mea1. C.I like to exercise.‎ ‎8. A. Thanks a lot. B. Nice to meet you. C. Take it easy ‎9. A. Let me try. B. Yes, please. C. That's right ‎10. A. You're welcome. B. Surely you on do it. C. Sony, but I'm busy now.‎ III、听对话和问题,选择正确答案(共8分)‎ ‎13. A. Rainy.  B. Sunny.  C. Snowy.‎ ‎14. A. Read Page 10.  B. Copy a text.  C. Write a diary ‎15. A. By Monday.  B. By Tuesday.  C. By Wednesday.‎ ‎16. A$200.  B$300.  C$500‎ ‎17. A. A light computer.  B. A heavy computer.  C. A big computer.‎ ‎18. A. Black.  B. Red.  C. Blue.‎ N.听短文和问题,选择正确答案。(共7小题,每小题1分,计7分)‎ ‎ 19. What competition did Tony's sister win?‎ ‎ A painting competition.  B. A singing competition.  C. A writing competition ‎ 20. Who is playing with toys in the picture?‎ ‎ A. Tony.  B. Cindy's friend.  C. Cindy's brother.‎ ‎ 21. Which is right about Cindy?‎ ‎ A. She is lazy.  B. She is shy.  C. She is serious ‎ 22. Why do people have Buy Nothing Day?‎ ‎ A. They buy too much.  B. They make gifts together.  C. They have no money.‎ ‎23. When is Buy Nothing Day?‎ ‎ A. November 29.  B. November 25.  C. November 19‎ ‎24. How do some people celebrate the day?‎ ‎ A. Do sports and watch TV.‎ ‎ B. Watch TV and read stories ‎ C. Read stories and do sports ‎25. Who had a party in New York?‎ ‎ A. Parents. B. Teachers. C. High school students.‎ 听短文填空 Information sheet School Yuyying Middle School Size ‎66.A___________school.‎ Lessons ‎67.__________lessons each day.‎ Activities ‎68.Play___________in the sports field.‎ ‎69.Swim in the town ___________ a week.‎ ‎70.Go to the Music Club on Tuesday and Chess Club on ______.‎ ‎2017年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课考试英语试卷 I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)‎ ‎1. A. cat B. cap C. cup ‎2. A. try on B. turn on C. put on ‎3. A. September 2nd B. November 22nd C. December 27th ‎4. A. I’ll invite him to the party.‎ B. I like the drinks at the party.‎ C. I’ll provide drinks for the party.‎ ‎5. A. People were angry with the players.‎ B. People were happy to join the players.‎ C. People were excited to see the players.‎ II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)‎ ‎6. A. I’m fine. B. I’m reading. C. I’m nineteen.‎ ‎7. A. Sure. B. Good idea. C. Many thanks.‎ ‎8. A. That’s great. B. Never mind. C. You’re welcome.‎ ‎9. A. It’s clean. B. It’s getting dark. C. It’s very hot.‎ ‎10. A. Sorry, I don’t know. B. Yes, I think so. C. No, I don’t feel well.‎ III. 听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分)‎ ‎11. What will the woman get for the man?‎ ‎ A. B. C. ‎ ‎12. Where is Jane now?‎ ‎ A. B. C. ‎ ‎ *********************************************************************‎ ‎13. What does Peter want to do?‎ A. Help to cook. B. Set the table. C. Wash the dishes.‎ ‎14. Why doesn’t Mom let Peter help her at first?‎ A. The work is afraid home.‎ B. Peter has something to do. ‎ C. She thinks he’s too young.‎ ‎ **********************************************************************‎ ‎15. Who speaks English best?‎ A. Lucy. B. Mark. C. Lily.‎ ‎16. What will Lucy do if she has no one to talk to?‎ A. Take to herself. B. Practice with Lily. C. Study in a university.‎ ‎17. What does Mark think of Lucy’s learning method?‎ A. Popular. B. Creative. C. Interesting.‎ ‎18. When did Lucy start practicing this way?‎ A. Half a year ago. B. Two years ago. C. Two and a half years ago.‎ IV. 听短文和问题,选择正确答案。(共7小题,每小题1分,计7分)‎ ‎19. What are they going to hear?‎ A. Six sentences. B. A conversation. C. News on TV.‎ ‎20. Which letter should they choose if the sentence is correct?‎ A. N. B. A. C. B ‎21. How long will they look at the questions before listening?‎ A. Three seconds. B. Four seconds. C. Twenty seconds.‎ ‎**************************************************************************‎ ‎22. When do they have courses in the Star Theater School?‎ A. Every day. B. Every weekend. C. During school holidays.‎ ‎23. At what age can the children go to the Star Theater School?‎ A. Between 4 and 16. B. Between 5 and 16. C. Between 14 and 17.‎ ‎24. How much are the courses for 15-year-old kids?‎ A.£75 a month. B. £50 a month. C. £85 a month.‎ ‎25. What do they offer for free?‎ A. Clothes. B. Books. C. Lunch.‎ VIII. 听短文填空(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)‎ Information Sheet Tony’s experiences ‎61. Study ___________________________ in London ‎62. Stay in someone’s _________________________________‎ ‎63. Take an ______________________ when going out People in England ‎64. Very ______________________‎ Difference in language ‎65. Say “film” for “______________________________”‎ ‎2018年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课考试英语试卷 ‎ ‎ I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。 ‎ ‎1.A.easy B.busy C.crazy ‎2.A.11:15 B.12:15 C.12:30‎ ‎ 3.A have a picnic B. have a rest C, have a party ‎4.A We are already on the plane B. We may be late for the plane C. We are waiting for the plane.‎ ‎5.A Cindy can not cross the street.‎ B Cindy tells the speaker to cross the street.‎ C Cindy should be careful when crossing the street Ⅱ,听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。‎ ‎6 A. Sounds good B. Glad to hear that C. Nice to see you, too.‎ ‎7. A. He's a policeman B. He's thirty-five C.He’s tall and cool.‎ ‎8.A.Yes. here you are B No, thank you C. Sure, I'm hungry ‎9.A I like to travel B. It was great C. They went to a zoo ‎10.A.Why not B.Not really C.Not at all ‎ Ⅲ.听对话和问题,选择正确答案,‎ ‎11. What is Tina reading? ‎ ‎ ‎ A. B. C. ‎ ‎12. Where are they talking ‎ ‎ A. B. C. ‎ ‎13. What are they going to do A. Eat breakfast B. Go to school C. See a doctor ‎14. What does Tony want Jane to do?‎ A. Watch a match. B. Join the team. C. Teach him ‎15. What is Jane's last reason to refuse Tony?‎ A. She isn't good at baseball.‎ B Baseball has too many rules.‎ C, Baseball takes a long time to play.‎ ‎16. Where should the woman meet with her friends?‎ A. At the ticket office B. At the coffee shop. C At the bus stop ‎17. Why does she feel worried A. She can't find a taxi.‎ B. The theater is too far C. She's gone to a wrong place ‎18. What do you think she will do after talking to the man A Buy gifts for her friends B Hurry to the New Theater.‎ C.Decide which movie to see Ⅳ.听短文和问题,选择正确答案。‎ ‎19. Who is speaking?‎ A. A teacher B A guide C. A tourist ‎20. How will the tourists go to see all the places?‎ A By bus. B On foot C By train ‎21. Why don't they have to worry about the weather?‎ A. It isn’t raining B. They can enjoy the rain. C. The rain will ‎22. How many students are there in each group?‎ A Two B.Four C.Six ‎23. Who will role-play a phone call first?‎ A. The boys B. The girls C A girl and a boy ‎24. When can they go somewhere in the role-play?‎ A. On Friday B. On Saturday C.On Sunday ‎25. What will the girls finally do?‎ A Role-play a phone call. B. Talk about the boys. C Copy the key words.‎ VIII. 听短文填空(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)‎ Information Sheet About my grandma ‎61.______________years old ‎62.a ______________lover How to spend time with her ‎63.watch TV together and talk about any ______________‎ ‎64.teach her to play___________‎ ‎65.go to the _______________with her

