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阅读理解 ‎01 命题趋势 考标导向化 ‎1.命题原则 ‎ ‎(1)考查学生在阅读中准确捕获信息的能力。这就要求考生通过阅读短文,运用自己所学的语法、词组、短语等方面的语言知识,根据自己的理解,掌握所读材料的主旨和大意,以及用以说明主旨和大意的事实和情节,迅速找出题目后面的正确选项。‎ ‎(2)要求学生既理解具体的事实,也理解抽象的概念;既理解文章的表层意思,也理解文章的深层含义,包括作者的态度、意图等“弦外之音”。‎ ‎(3)要求学生既理解某句、某段的意义,也理解全篇的逻辑关系,并据此进行推理和判断。 ‎ ‎(4)要求学生既能根据材料提供的信息去理解,也能结合自己应有的常识去理解。‎ ‎2.试题特点 阅读理解题要求学生根据材料的内容从四个(或三个)选项中选出最佳答案,主要考查学生的语篇阅读能力、分析能力和判断能力,是一种综合性很强的题型。‎ ‎3.阅读材料的选取特点 ‎(1)阅读文章不少于两篇,一般是三至四篇,分值不少于30分,一般是30-40分,是中考试题中的重头戏。‎ ‎(2)题材广泛,涉及科普、社会、政治、经济、文化、历史、习俗、故事等各个方面。答案一般可以直接在文章中找到,有的虽不能直接在文章中找到,但文章中有它们的同义形式或通过某些暗示及关键信息都可推测出。‎ ‎(3)体裁多样,包括记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文。近年来的中考英语阅读理解多选用一些富有鲜明时代特征、实用性强的语言材料作为试题的素材,如报刊文章、使用说明书、招贴告示、广告以及各类图表等。选用这些材料不仅能提高测试的真实性,还能通过展示目标语言在现实生活中的真实运用来激发学生的学习动力。‎ 预计2015年中考会加大对学生阅读理解能力的考查,阅读材料的体裁会更加全面,包含常见的各种文体,题材会呈现多样化,更加丰富多彩,贴近生活和社会话题,为学生所感兴趣;在题设方面会加大对考生理解能力和推测能力的考查。 ‎ ‎02 方法归纳 能力提升化 ‎1.阅读全文,捕捉信息。阅读理解的主旨是要求考生仔细阅读全文,掌握其大意,了解作者的观点和写作意图,故事的起因、时间、地点以及结局。考生必须在有限的时间内迅速抓住文章的要点,读懂全文。‎ ‎2.注意首句,抓住中心。俗话说“眼睛是心灵的窗户”,那么一篇文章的眼睛应是题目,而中考阅读是不给文章题目的。这给考生快速了解全文的中心增加了难度,在这种情况下,考生应特别注意首段和每一自然段的首句以及结尾句。这样一来就抓住了中心,为正确答题打下了良好的基础。‎ ‎3.优选排除,确定答案。阅读理解题备选答案有三个是干扰项。我们可先排除语法、词法上明显有错误的选项,再排除与短文内容不符的选项,剩下的就是应选答案了,在这个过程中要仔细鉴别,对比各选项的区别。‎ ‎4.复读全文,检查答案。考生应把短文中考查的信息归纳一遍,再次阅读,检查答案,看看是否前后一致,是否符合逻辑推理,有错及时纠正。‎ ‎03 整合集训 反馈层级化 ‎▲记叙篇 A(2014·十堰)‎ From my father I have learned a lot.And I’m very thankful to him.I remember when I was a child my father always got up very early,quietly putting on his clothes and going off to work.To arrive in time to open his tiny store at 8:30,he needed to leave our apartment at 6:30.After all,he had to take a bus and then the subway.The last journey was a long walk through a neighborhood much of which was full of the smell of rubbish.I learned:It is very important to work.No excuse.‎ When I was 12,I would,on some Saturdays,go to my father’s store to help out.After helping set up the outside clothing display,for the rest of the day,I’d watch to make sure no one stole anything.When I noticed someone looking unusual or strange,I would look the person in the eye,smile and say,“May I help you?” Usually that worked,but sometimes,someone would run off with something.The first time,I ran after the thief but my father shouted,“Martin,stop! There is no need to do that.” It’s true that safety is more important than money.‎ After 10 years of hard work,he saved up enough money to buy his first car,a cheap one—he wouldn’t buy one until he could afford to pay for it without borrowing money.I learned:Buy only what you can afford.Buying necessary food and clothing won’t make us go in debt(债务).The unnecessary things won’t give us happiness,which comes from achievement only.‎ ‎( )1.What shop did the author’s father own?‎ A.A bookshop. B.A coffee shop.‎ C.A clothing shop. D.A food shop.‎ ‎( )2.Which of the following is NOT true according ‎ to the passage?‎ A.The author ran after thieves many times.‎ B.The author thanked his father a lot.‎ C.The author’s father worked very hard.‎ D.The author’s father made some money.‎ ‎( )3.All the following are talked about in the passage EXCEPT ________.‎ A.the importance of working B.the good ways to keep healthy C.the safety comes before money D.that it’s bad to spend more than you make ‎( )4.According to the author,what usually makes people go in debt?‎ A.To rent a house for the family.‎ B.To send their children to school.‎ C.To enjoy something unnecessary.‎ D.to buy enough food for the family.‎ ‎( )5.What is the passage mainly about?‎ A.How to live a happy life.‎ B.What makes a person successful.‎ C.The help the author got from his father.‎ D.What the author learned from his father.‎ B(2014·河南)‎ Once there was a man traveling in a faraway village.As he was passing the elephants,he suddenly stopped.He found that these huge elephants were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg.No chains(锁链),no cages.It was clear that the elephants could,at any time,break away from their ropes but for some reason,they did not.‎ He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and didn’t try to get away.“Well,”the trainer said,“when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and,at that age,it’s enough to hold them.As they grow up,they still believe they can not break away.They believe the rope can hold them,so they never try to break free.”‎ How could it be?These animals could at any time break free from their ropes.But because they were always stuck right where they were,they believed they couldn’t.‎ Just like the elephants,how many of us go through life believing that we cannot do something,just because we failed at it once before?‎ ‎_______.We should never give up the struggle in life.‎ ‎( )1.What did the writer see in the village?‎ A.Chains. B.Elephants.‎ C.Cages. D.Farmers.‎ ‎( )2.Why do the elephants never try to break free from the ropes?‎ A.Because they think they can not.‎ B.Because they are too old to do it.‎ C.Because they like their living places.‎ D.Because they get on well with the trainer.‎ ‎( )3.How did the man feel after he heard what the trainer said?‎ A.Moved. B .Surprised.‎ C.Angry. D.Nervous.‎ ‎( )4.Which of the following is the missing part in the last paragraph?‎ A.Failing is part of learning.‎ B.We should be different from others.‎ C.Helping animals is helping ourselves.‎ D.Traveling always makes people relaxed.‎ ‎( )5.What is the best title for this text?‎ A.A Pleasant Trip.‎ B.A Cruel Trainer.‎ C.Elephant Training.‎ D.The Elephant Rope.‎ C(2014·东营)‎ Penny was a five-year-old girl.One day when she and her mother were in a department store,Penny saw a plastic pearl necklace(珍珠项链).What a beautiful necklace! She wanted it very much,so she begged(乞求)her mother to buy it for her.The mother said,“Well,I can buy you the necklace,but when we get home,we should discuss what you can do to pay for it.Can we do that?” Penny agreed with much happiness,and she got the necklace.‎ How much Penny loved the necklace! She wore it everywhere and every minute.Penny also did part - time jobs to make pocket money.She worked very hard.Soon she succeeded in paying off the price for the necklace.‎ Penny’s daddy knew how she tried her best to get the necklace.He also knew how much Penny cared about it.One night,he asked Penny if she loved him.“Sure,Daddy.” the little girl said.“Then how about giving me your necklace?” “Oh,no,Daddy! Not my necklace!” Penny cried.“Oh,dear,it’s fine.” her father gave her a kiss.‎ Several days later,Penny went to her daddy,with her lips(嘴唇)trembling(颤抖).“Here,Daddy.I love you.” She held out her hand.Inside it was the plastic pearl necklace that she loved ‎ so much.‎ When he saw this,Penny’s father smiled with surprise.He then pulled a cute box out of his pocket.Inside the box was a real and colourful pearl necklace,which was waiting for Penny for so long.‎ ‎( )1.One day,Penny_____ in a department store.‎ A.went to buy a necklace B.got a plastic pearl necklace C.bought her mother a pearl necklace D.asked her mother to buy something tasty ‎( )2.Why did Penny’s mother ask Penny to pay for the necklace herself?Because ______.‎ A.she didn’t have enough money B.she wanted to buy her a real pearl necklace C.she thought it was not right for little kids to wear a necklace D.she wanted Penny to know that one should buy and pay for oneself ‎( )3.Why did Penny’s father give a real necklace to her at the end of the story?Because_______ .‎ A.Penny wanted one B.Penny gave him a plastic one C.he was pleased to see that Penny had learned what love is D.he thought that people would laugh at him if Penny wore a plastic one ‎( )4.According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?‎ A.Penny worked hard to pay for the plastic necklace.‎ B.Penny’s father wanted the plastic necklace.‎ C.Penny knew her father had bought her a real necklace.‎ D.Penny gave the plastic necklace to her father because she didn’t like it any more.‎ ‎( )5.From the passage,we can learn _______.‎ A.parents should buy their kids everything B.kids should love their parents C.parents shouldn’t ask for anything from their kids D.how to educate kids in a right way ‎▲说明篇 A(2014·杭州)‎ How quickly can you count from one to ten?Do you use ten different words to do it?Can you do it in English,or do you have to use your first language?Do you count on your fingers?Many people think that numbers and math are the same all over the world.But scientists have discovered that it is not true.‎ People in different parts of the world use different ways to count on their fingers.In the United States,people begin counting with their first finger,which they extend or stick out.They then extend the rest of their fingers and finally the thumb(拇指)to count to five.Then they repeat this with the other hand to get to ten.In China,people count by using different finger positions.In this way,a Chinese person can easily count to ten on only one hand.‎ Besides ways of finger counting,scientists have found that cultures and languages are also different when it comes to numbers.Some languages have only a few words for numbers,and others have no words for numbers.A group of scientists studied aboriginal(土著的)people in Australia.These people don’t have hand movements to stand for numbers.They don’t even have words for numbers.However,they are still able to understand different ideas about numbers.‎ In a similar study,researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology discovered that people of the Piraha tribe(部落)in northwestern Brazil don’t have words for numbers such as “one” or “three”. They are not able to say “five trees” or “ten trees” but can say “some trees”,“more trees” or “many trees”.Professor Edward Gibson said that most people believe that everyone knows how to count,“But here is a group that does not count.They could learn,but it’s not useful in their culture,so they’ve never picked it up.”‎ Although all humans are able to understand quantities(数量),not all languages have numbers and not all people use counting.Number words in a certain language are a result of people needing numbers in their daily lives.Now we know that people have different ideas about numbers and math,too.‎ ‎( )1.The writer begins with the four questions in order to_______ .‎ A.make a survey B.interest readers C.tell a story D.solve math problems ‎( )2.What do we learn from the difference in finger counting between the U.S.and China?‎ A.People from China count much faster than people from the ‎U.S.‎ B.People from China need two hands to count from one to ten.‎ C.People of different cultures may use different ways of finger counting.‎ D.People of different cultures use the same way of finger counting.‎ ‎( )3.Which of the following is true about aboriginal Australians?‎ A.They have only a few words for numbers.‎ B.They have hand movements to stand for numbers.‎ C.They can only count to five on their fingers.‎ D.They can understand different ideas about numbers.‎ ‎( )4.The study of the Piraha tribe shows that_________ .‎ A.people all over the world know how to count B.people of the tribe have words for numbers C.some groups of people are not smart enough to count D.counting is not useful in the culture of the tribe ‎( )5.What is the main idea of the passage?‎ A.People from different cultures have different ideas about numbers and math.‎ B.Chinese people can count more easily on their fingers than Americans.‎ C.In some aboriginal cultures,people don’t even know how to count.‎ D.Some languages don’t have number words because people don’t need numbers.‎ B(2014·滨州)‎ What do you think of a “talking kitchen”?A French Digital Kitchen has been developed at Newcastle‎ ‎University in the UK.It teaches students how to cook French food and speak French at the same time.For the first time,students can learn a language by the following cooking steps.‎ All grammar and ▲ have been carefully chosen to make sure the users can understand French well.After learning for some time,the users can test themselves by doing a short test on the computer.‎ The kitchen project was started by Professor Paul Seedhouse.He became interested in the idea after he visited another kind of talking kitchen.He said,“The purpose of the French Digital Kitchen is to make learning a language more interesting and more educational.”‎ How does the kitchen work?There is a computer in the kitchen.With this computer,the users can first choose a French recipe that they want to follow.Using information in the computer,the kitchen starts to guide the users how to make a French dish.If you follow the instructions on the computer,it moves on to the next.If you go wrong,the program goes back and repeats the recipe or information.At any time,the users can also ask the kitchen to repeat the recipe or any information.‎ The new kitchen can be used in schools,universities and even people’s homes.The researchers will also be developing the European Digital Kitchen,for the next three years.‎ ‎( )1.After reading the passage,we know the Digital Kitchen ________.‎ A.is a “talking kitchen”‎ B.teaches students English C.was developed in ‎France D.cooks all food for people ‎( )2.Which of the following can be properly put in ▲ ?‎ A.food B.vocabulary C.recipe D.instructions ‎( )3.Paragraph 3 mainly tells us that _________.‎ A.how the kitchen works B.where the kitchen can be used C.when the kitchen can be bought D.why the kitchen project was started ‎( )4.If the users don’t follow the instructions on the computer,the kitchen _______.‎ A.chooses another recipe B.goes on to the next step C.repeats the recipe or information D.stops working at once ‎( )5.The passage is written to ________.‎ A.show you how computer works B.introduce a French Digital Kitchen C.teach you how to cook French food D.tell you the importance of language learning C(2014·宁波)‎ The small Middle Eastern nation of Qatar(卡塔尔)has a soccer team,but it has never played in soccer’s greatest tournament,the World Cup. However,something amazing will happen in 2022 and at that time Qatar will become the first nation in the Middle East to host the men’s Soccer World Cup games.‎ Some fans were confused about this choice.Where will the athletes compete?Qatar ‎ doesn’t have any stadiums(体育场)built yet.Also,the weather in Qatar gets extremely hot in summer.However,Qatar has plans to fix those problems.The country has announced plans to build enough stadiums for the tournament.To keep everyone cool,each stadium will have solar-powered(太阳能)air-conditioning.Qatar is also building a new airport and train system.Because the stadiums will be so close together and connected by trains,fans will be able to watch two games in one day.‎ Qatar has big plans for its new stadiums.Game officials say that after the World Cup,they will take the stadiums down.The stadiums will be taken apart and sent to countries that don’t have enough money to build stadiums.‎ Qatar is very happy to be the first Middle Eastern nation to host the tournament.The country’s Emir(穆斯林国家统治者)said to the World Cup organization,“Thank you for believing in change...Thank you for giving Qatar a chance.”‎ ‎( )1.Why is it so amazing that Qatar will host the World Cup?‎ A.Because Qatar is a small country.‎ B.Because Qatar has very few soccer fans.‎ C.Because soccer is not played in the Middle East.‎ D.Because Qatar has never played in the World Cup.‎ ‎( )2.What is one problem that Qatar will have to face?‎ A.Their team is not good enough to compete.‎ B.It is very,very hot in Qatar in summer.‎ C.Qatar’s stadiums are very far apart.‎ D.There is a lot of pollution in Qatar.‎ ‎( )3.How did some soccer fans feel about the decision of hosting the World Cup in 2022?‎ A.They thought it was strange.‎ B.They did not care.‎ C.They were very disappointed.‎ D.They were very sad.‎ ‎( )4.What will happen to the stadiums after the World Cup in Qatar?‎ A.They will be used by the Qatar soccer team.‎ B.They will be used to host musical concerts.‎ C.They will be given to other countries.‎ D.They will be sold to fans as souvenirs.‎ ‎( )5.What can we infer(推断)from the article?‎ A.The tournament was moved from Japan to Qatar.‎ B.Qatar is a rich country.‎ C.The rules of soccer will be changed in 2022.‎ D.Soccer is the most popular sport in Qatar.‎ ‎▲议论篇 A(2014·德州)‎ If you want to see a thing well,touching can help you to “see” it better.‎ Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round.But by holding it in your hands,you can feel how smooth and cool the ball is.You can feel how heavy the glass ball is.When you learn all these about the ball,you really see it well.‎ With your skin,you can feel better.For example,your fingers can tell the difference between two different coins in your pocket.You can feel a little drop of water on the back of your hand,too.You can even feel sounds against your skin.Have you ever wanted to know why some people like very loud music?They must like to feel the sounds of music.‎ All children soon learn what “Don’t touch!” means. They hear it often. Yet most of us keep on touching things as we grow up. In shops,we touch things that we might buy. To see something well,we have to touch it. The bottoms of our feet can feel things,too. You know this when you walk on warm sand,cool grass or a hard floor. All feel different under your feet.‎ Most museums are just for looking.But today some museums have some things to touch.Their signs say,“ Do touch!” There you can feel everything on show.‎ There are ways of learning to see well by feeling.One way is to close your eyes and try to feel everything that is touching your skin.Feel the shoes on your feet,the clothes on your body,the air on your skin.‎ If you want to see better,reach out and touch it.Then you will really see!‎ ‎( )1.The underlined word “these” in Paragraph 2 refers to(指代)_________.‎ A.a glass ball is round B.a glass ball is smooth and cool C.a glass ball is smooth,cool and heavy D.a glass ball is round,smooth,cool and heavy ‎( )2.From Paragraph(段落)4 and 5,we can know that______.‎ A.we have to touch something in order to see it well B.we never touch things that we might buy in shops C.the bottoms of our feet can’t feel cool grass D.we can see “Do touch!” in all museums ‎( )3.By touching things,you can_______ .‎ A.have a strange feeling B.know how to reach out your hand C.learn more about them D.tell what colors they really are ‎( )4.Which of the following is NOT true?‎ A.Touching is helping us to see better.‎ B.Our skin may help us enjoy music.‎ C.People don’t have to learn to feel.‎ D.Most people touch things to see them well.‎ ‎( )5. ________can be the best title of the passage.‎ A.Feeling by Seeing B.To See or to Feel C.Ways of Touching D.To See Better-Touch B(2014·宜宾)‎ Moms take care of their children and dads bring home food and make family rules.These are the roles moms and dads fall into when they become parents and it’s common among all cultures.But times change and parents’ roles seem to be changing,too.More women are bringing home food by having full-time jobs and men are taking care of children at home.‎ The Chinese TV show Where Are We Going,Dad?provides a closer look at the changing roles of dads in modern family life.The show follows the adventures(冒险经历)of five celebrity(明星)dads who take trips with their young children(aged 4 to 6)and try to complete a set of tasks.It shows how young dads are trying hard to find the best way to raise their children and keep a closer relationship with them.Young dads no longer want to be cold.Psychologists(心理学家)say that a strong fatherly influence is important in a child’s development.Fathers teach their children skills and encourage them to try new things.They also give them a sense of safety.A child learns that if something goes wrong,he or she can depend on dad to help fix it.The psychologists also say that without a dad,a child is more possible to drop out of school and get into trouble.‎ A mother’s love is important,and so is a father’s love.Chen Mo,a psychology professor says,“It takes both parents to raise a child.Children have different needs at different ages and this needs to be considered by both parents.”‎ ‎( )1.What are the common rules of moms and dads in all cultures?‎ A.Moms take care of their children and dads bring home food and make family rules.‎ B.Moms bring home food by having full-time jobs and dads take care of their children at home.‎ C.Both parents take care of their children at home.‎ D.Both parents go out to work,while their grandparents take care of their children at home.‎ ‎( )2.What are the young dads trying to do in the show?‎ A.They are trying hard to find the best way to raise their children and keep a closer relationship with them.‎ B.They are trying to complete a set of tasks with their kids.They are also trying hard to find the best way to raise their children and keep a closer relationship with them.‎ C.They are trying to make more money.‎ D.They are trying to be cold to their children.‎ ‎( )3.Why is a strong fatherly influence important in a child’s development?‎ A.Fathers teach their children skills and encourage them to try new things.They also give them a sense of safety.‎ B.If something goes wrong,a child can depend on dad to help fix it.‎ C.With a dad,a child can do better in school work.‎ D.Without a dad,a child is more possible to drop out of school and get into trouble.‎ ‎( )4.What is more possible to do without a dad?‎ A.Stay out late.‎ B.Get into trouble and do badly in school work.‎ C.Drop out of school.‎ D.Drop out of school and get into trouble.‎ ‎( )5.Why does it take both parents to raise a child?‎ A.A child feels safer with both parents.‎ B.A child feels happier with both parents.‎ C.Both parents need to consider that children have different needs at different ages.‎ D.It is both the father’s and mother’s duty to raise a child.‎ C(2014·莱芜)‎ Recently,the TV show Where Are We Going,Dad?has become one of China’s most popular TV shows,attracting more than 600 million viewers each week.‎ In this program,five celebrity fathers traveled to six countryside locations across China.including some villages in ‎ Beijing,Yunnan,Shandong,Hunan,Heilongjiang and a desert in Ningxia.They took care of their kids without the help of the children’s mothers.At the same time,they also took part in different kinds of activities with their kids together,such as cooking,fishing and selling groceries.‎ Why is the show so popular?“It reflects(折射)social reality.In big cities,fathers are always busy earning money and making achievements in their career.They don’t spare more time for their kids.”said Xie Dikui,general director of the show.As the father of a 3-year-old daughter,Xie said that he found his own heart being touched as he made it.“Although these fathers are busy,they are able to spare time for their kids.We can do better than them.”‎ This also happens in some rural areas in China.More and more men from rural areas are now working in big cities,leaving their kids at home under the grandparents’ care.‎ ‎“I have a son and a daughter in my hometown.”said Xu Canyong,a 33-year-old man working in Shantou,Guangdong Province.“They come to live with me only during summer and winter vacations.I miss them very much.I want to have them live with us in Shantou,but the cost of living here is too high.”said Xu.‎ ‎( )1.Five celebrity fathers have ever traveled to ______ with their kids.‎ A.Beijing,Hunan and Heilongjiang B.Hunan,Heilongjiang and Tibet C.Yunnan,Ningxia and Hong Kong D.Yunnan,Shandong and Gansu ‎( )2.The TV show Where Are We Going,Dad?is popular mainly because ________.‎ A.the five fathers are all famous stars B.there are many beautiful sights in it C.Xie Dikui is a popular director in ‎China D.it reflects the problems about family education ‎( )3.The underlined word “This” in Paragraph 4 refers to______.‎ A.the TV show Where Are We Going,Dad?‎ B.the fact that fathers have less time with their kids C.the trip of five celebrity fathers with their kids D.the relationship between Xie Dikui and his daughter ‎( )4.Xu Canyong can’t live with his two kids in Shantou because ______.‎ A.he can’t afford to live there together B.he has no time to look after his kids C.Shantou is too far from his hometown D.his kids are used to living with their grandparents ‎( )5.From this passage,we may infer(推断)_______.‎ A.fathers will raise the kids instead of mothers B.the five celebrity fathers will give up their own jobs C.in some rural areas,more and more kids live with their grandparents D.Mr.Xu often goes back to his hometown during summer and winter vacations ‎▲应用篇 A(2014·滨州)‎ Trip 1 One Week In The Mountains Bring your strong shoes and warm clothes for this walk in a beautiful area of the Green Mountains.You may go hiking or have a try of rock climbing.This is also a protection area for wild animals.You can find many kinds of animals in this area.‎ Time:July 8-July 14 Tel:84639818‎ Adult :$110 Child:$55‎ Trip 2 Three Days In The Country There are many beautiful gardens. Take your camera and enjoy the wonderful sights in Hunter Valley.It is a good place for fishing and horse riding.You can also find different kinds of flowers here.This is also a great walk for bird-lovers.‎ Time:July 20-July 22 Tel:83986432‎ Adult:$50 Child:$25‎ Trip 3 Flashlight(手电筒)Adventure(冒险)‎ Put on your warm clothes,bring a flashlight and come for a night walk along the Dungog Valley.It is a trip full of adventure.A guide will lead the tour.Many of the plants on this trip can only be seen at night.‎ Time:July 16-July 18 Tel:83875629‎ Adult:$30 Not for children Trip 4 Five Days By The Sea Wear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine all the time from morning to evening. Our hotel is next to the sea. We have our own boats,too. You can swim in the sea or in the swimming pool. Every day our boat will take you to different places for ‎ swimming.‎ Time: July 13-July 17 Tel:87549679‎ Adult:$80 Child:$40‎ ‎ ( )1.What number can you call if you want to enjoy the sunshine at the seaside?‎ A.87549679. B.83875629.‎ C.84639818. D.83986432.‎ ‎( )2.Sam stayed in Hunter Valley with his wife,his five-year-old daughter. How much did it cost?‎ A.$25. B.$50.‎ C.$100. D.$125.‎ ‎( )3.David loves sports.He will take his holiday from July 7 to July 15.What activity will he probably take part in?‎ A.Hiking in the mountains.‎ B.Watching plants at night.‎ C.Fishing in the country.‎ D.Swimming in the sea.‎ ‎( )4.Lucy wants to know something about the life of plants at night. Which trip will she choose?‎ A.Trip 1. B.Trip 2.‎ C.Trip 3. D.Trip 4.‎ ‎( )5.Which of the following is NOT mentioned according to the four advertisements?‎ A. B. C. D. ‎ B(2014·成都)‎ Dear Li Fei,‎ How are you? I will have a short holiday next week and have decided to visit Shanghai for a second time.I have booked a room in the Peace Hotel. I hear it is on the Bund(外滩)and has a good view of the famous Huangpu River.I will arrive on the night of March 27 and leave early on March 29.I would like to visit some of the most famous places,such as Nanjing Road and Yu Garden in Chenghuangmiao.‎ Can you give me some suggestions for my visit to Shanghai? I will have only one day to look around Shanghai. I will be happy if you can make a tour plan for me. Please say hello to Lu Mei. I’m looking forward to your reply.‎ Yours,‎ Sandy ‎ ( )1.Who will visit Shanghai next week?‎ A.Li Fei. B.Lu Mei. C.Sandy.‎ ‎( )2.Where has the writer booked a room?‎ A.On Nanjing Road‎.‎ B.In Yu Garden.‎ C.In the Peace Hotel.‎ ‎( )3.We can learn from the letter that the writer________ Shanghai.‎ A.has never visited B.once visited C.often visits ‎( )4.When will the writer look around Shanghai?‎ A.On March 27. B.On March 28.‎ C.On March 29.‎ ‎( )5.The most important purpose of writing this letter is to_______ .‎ A.ask for a tour plan B.ask for a reply C.say hello to Lu Mei C(2014·安徽)‎ J&M Music Store ‎●Rock, pop and country music ‎●Buy CDs new or used ‎●Listen before you buy ‎●Guitar lessons offered Peth Market ‎●Fresh fruit and vegetables ‎●Open Friday to Sunday mornings ‎●Free ice-cream for children under 12‎ Times Coffee Shop ‎●The best coffee in town ‎●Sandwiches,cakes,pies ‎●Open 10:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m.daily ‎●Jazz music(爵士乐):Wednesday to Sunday Macon‎’s B&B ‎●Feel like home when you’re away from home ‎●We have different kinds of rooms ‎●Delicious homemade breakfast ‎ ( )1.You can ______at J&M Music Store.‎ A.receive guitar lessons B.borrow new or used CDs C.learn pop music history D.buy all kinds of music books ‎( )2.You can go to Times Coffee Shop to have coffee and pies at______.‎ A.8:30 a.m. B.9:30 a.m.‎ C.10:30 p.m. D.11:30 p.m.‎ ‎( )3.If your friend is coming for a visit,where will he stay for a night?‎ A.In J&M Music Store.‎ B.In Peth Market.‎ C.At Times Coffee Shop.‎ D.At Macon’s B&B.‎ ‎( )4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?‎ A.There is no breakfast at Macon’s B&B.‎ B.You can’t listen to the CD before you buy it.‎ C.Times Coffee Shop offers Jazz music every day.‎ D.Kids under 12 can get free ice-cream in Peth Market.‎ ‎( )5.Where is the passage probably from?‎ A.A dictionary. B.A newspaper.‎ C.A story book. D.A science report.‎ 参考答案:‎ 阅读题型二阅读理解 ‎▲记叙篇 A)1—5CABCD B)1—5BABAD C)1—5BDCAD ‎▲说明篇 A)1—5BCDDA B)1—5ABDCB C)1—5DBACB ‎▲议论篇 A)1—5DACCD B)1—5ABADC C)1—5ADBAC ‎▲应用篇 A)1—5ADACB B)1—5CCBBA C)1—5ACDDB

