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第9课时 被 动 语 态 ‎  被动语态是各地中考必考知识点之一,考查内容主要是一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在完成时的被动语态以及含有情态动词的被动语态。考查题型主要是选择题、词汇运用和翻译句子等。[来@^%~源:#中国教育出版网]‎ 预计2016年对被动语态的考查重在适当语境中运用被动语态;动词填空完成句子等主要以动词的被动语态为主。‎ 一、 被动语态的构成 被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。助动词be有人称、数和时态的变化,其变化规则与be作为连系动词时完全一样。现以动词ask,主语第一人称为例,将各种时态的被动语态的肯定式、否定式及疑问式列出如下:[ww*^w.zzste&#p.c@om]‎ 一般现在时:I am asked...I am not asked...Am I asked...‎ 一般过去时:I was asked...I was not asked...Was I asked...‎ 一般将来时:I will be asked...I won’t be asked...Will you be asked...‎ 现在完成时:I have been asked...I haven’t been asked...Have you been asked...‎ 现在进行时:I am being asked...I am not being asked...Are you being asked...‎ 含有情态动词:I may be asked...I may not be asked...May I be asked...‎ 案例 ①(2015金华28)Luckily,the old lady   to hospital immediately after she fell down to the ground.‎ A. sent B. is sent C. was sent D. sends ‎【解析】本题考查被动语态的用法。句意为:幸运的是,那个老太太摔倒在地上后立刻    医院。A一般过去时;B一般现在时的被动语态;C一般过去时的被动语态;D一般现在时。根据句意可知是被送到医院,用被动语态,排除A和D;结合fell down可知要用一般过去时态。 ‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎② (2015·江苏镇江·12 )—Don’t forget to come to our school assembly(集会) tomorrow morning.‎ ‎—I won’t. I     just now. ‎ A. reminded B. was reminded C. reported D. was reported ‎【解析】本题考查被动语态的用法。句意为:——不要忘了参加明天早上参加我们学校的集会。——不会的,我刚才才被提醒。根据语境可知此处是被提醒,所以句子要用被动语态。remind提醒;report报道。[中*@国&教%育出版~网【答案】 B 二、 被动语态的用法 A. 当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者或没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时。[ww~w.zzs^tep&.*com@]‎ B. 当动作的承受者比起动作的执行者更能引起人们的关心而需要加以强调时。如:‎ This jacket is made of cotton. 这件夹克衫是棉制的。‎ This kind of bicycle is not sold in our shop.我们商店里不卖这种自行车。‎ 三、 短语动词的被动语态 短语动词改为被动语态时,相当于及物动词,此时不能分开使用。如:‎ ‎1. We put on an English play in the school hall.  ‎ ‎→ An English play was put on in the school hall. ‎ ‎2. They take good care of the children in this school.  ‎ ‎→The children are taken good care of in this school. ‎ 不能用于被动语态的短语动词常见的有:belong to属于;agree with意见一致;take place发生;take part in参加;break down发生故障;break out战争/疾病爆发等。如:‎ He belongs to this school.  ‎ 他是这个学校的学生。‎ Great changes have taken place in my hometown. 我的家乡发生了很大的变化。 ‎ The car broke down on my way to the city. 小轿车在去城里的路上出了故障。 ‎ The first War of the World broke out in 1914. 第一次世界大战是在1914年爆发的。 ‎ 四、 双宾语的被动语态 把带双宾语的主动句改为被动语态时,通常把指人的间接宾语改为被动语态的主语,保留指物的直接宾语。如:‎ He often tells us stories. ‎ ‎→ We are often told stories by him.‎ ‎→ Stories are often told us by him. ‎ 他经常给我们讲故事。‎ 如果用指物的宾语作被动语态的主语时,通常在指人的宾语前加介词to或for。与to搭配的动词常见的有:give,show,bring,lend,send等;与for搭配的动词常见的有:buy,make,draw等。如:[中%国^教*@育出~版网]‎ He gave me a book. 他给我一本书。‎ ‎→A book was given to me by him.(强调book) ‎ ‎→I was given a book by him.(强调me)‎ She showed me her photo. 她把她的照片给我看一看。‎ ‎→ Her photo was showed to me.  ‎ Mother made me a big cake. 妈妈给我做了一块大蛋糕。‎ ‎→ A big cake was made for me by my mother.  ‎ 五、 带宾语补足语的被动语态[来~源:z#zstep*.co&m%]‎ 含宾语补足语的句子,宾语改为被动语态的主语后,宾语补足语作为主语补足语,原来的位置不变。如:‎ People keep food and vegetables cold in the fridge. 人们用冰箱使食物和蔬菜保鲜。‎ ‎→ Food and vegetables are kept cold in the fridge. ‎ 使用被动语态注意点:‎ ‎(1)动词不定式作宾语补足语时,有的带to,有的不带to。改为被动语态时,不带to的不定式必须加上to。常见的及物动词有:see,watch,make,hear等。如:‎ I saw him walk in the street. 我看见他在街道上散步的。‎ ‎→ He was seen to walk in the street by me.  ‎ ‎(2)动词等后面跟复合宾语时,改为被动句时,有两种形式。如:‎ I know him to be honest. 我知道他是诚实的。[中国*教育%出&版网#@]‎ ‎→ He is known to be honest.‎ ‎→ It is known that he is honest. ‎ We thought him to be a cleaver boy. 我们认为他是一个聪明的孩子。‎ ‎→ He was thought to be a clever boy. ‎ ‎→ It was thought that he was a clever boy. ‎ ‎(3)动词want,like,help等后面跟复合宾语时,主动句不能改为被动句。如:‎ I want you to go with me. 我想要你和我一起去。[来&%源:中教网~@^]‎ He often helps me to do my lessons. 他经常帮我做功课。‎ 六、 主动形式被动意义 英语中,有些动词,形式上是主动结构,意义上却相当于被动结构。如:‎ This kind of clothes washes very well. 这种衣服很好洗。‎ This pen writes quite smoothly. 这钢笔写起来很流利。‎ I paid all that was owing. 所欠的钱我都还了。‎ 在动词need,require,want等后面跟动名词作宾语时,表示被动意义。如:‎ Your coat needs washing.(=to be washed) 你的外衣需洗一洗。‎ Those rooms require cleaning.(=to be required) 那些房间需要打扫。‎ 案例 ①(2015·湖北遂宁·1分)—Food Safety is very important.‎ ‎—So some rules     to stop people from polluting food. ‎ A. must make B. must be made C. must made D. be made ‎【解析】本题考查情态动词的被动语态。当动作的承受者作主语时,要用被动语态,不定式必须加to。因为句子的主语是动词make的宾语,应该用被动语态。又因为情态动词的被动语态的构成是“情态动词+be+过去分词”。‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎② (2015·浙江嘉兴、舟山·24·1分)—Tell me one-thing you’re proud of in your junior high school,Tony.‎ ‎—I     as captain of the school football team. ‎ A. choose B. chose C. am chosen D. was chosen ‎【解析】考查动词语态。choose一般现在时态的主动结构;chose一般过去时态的主动结构;am chosen一般现在时态的被动结构;was chosen一般过去时态的被动结构。根据choose理解答语意思:我被推选当学校足球队队长。由此可知,该句主语是谓语动词的承受者,应使用被动语态,排除A、B;同时根据上句得知,这里指过去在初中引以为傲的事情,因此应使用一般过去时态表达。【答案】 D ‎[来@源&:中*国教育出版网#~]‎ 例1 被动语态和主动语态的选择。‎ ‎①(2015· 福建漳州·41)—Climate change     mainly by too much CO2 in the air. ‎ ‎—So I think the key is to produce electricity without creating CO2.[来源^:z#~z&step@.com]‎ A. is caused B. caused C. causes ‎【解析】考查一般现在时的被动语态。由介词by判断,该句应该用被动语态。句意:气候变化是由空气中太多的二氧化碳引起的。[中国&教育#*~出版^网]【答案】 A ‎②(2015·辽宁丹东·37)—Did you go to Linda’s birthday party,Jill?‎ ‎—No. I     . ‎ A. didn’t invite B. wasn’t invited C. am not invited D. haven’t invited ‎【解析】本题考查被动语态的用法。疑问句是询问Jill是否参加琳达的生日聚会,应答句的主语是动作的承受者,应该用被动语态。又因聚会已结束,未被邀请也是发生在过去。【答案】 B 例2 动词被动语态的运用。‎ ‎(2015·陕西·1分)—Every day much water     in our school. We should save it. ‎ A. is wasted  B. wastes C. was wasted D. wasted ‎【解析】本题考查一般现在时态被动语态的用法。句子的主语是动作的承受者,“浪费大量的水”应该用被动语态。从该句中的时间状语Every day判断,该句应该用一般现在时态。【答案】 A 一、 单项选择 ‎1. —Have you finished your project?[中国教育#^出版网~&*]‎ ‎—Not yet. I’ll finish it if I     ten more minutes. [ww^w#*.~zzste@p.com]‎ A. give B. am given [来源:zzste^p.%#co&m@] C. will give  D. will be given[来源:*中%^~教网#]‎ ‎2. The lovely postcards     to Ann last week. ‎ A. send B. sent  C. were sent D. have sent ‎3. —Susan,why are you still here?They are all ready to start.‎ ‎—I’m sorry,but I     when to start. ‎ A. wasn’t told  B. don’t tell C. didn’t tell  D. haven’t told ‎4. It’ll be great honour if I     to the charity evening party next week.  ‎ A. invite B. am invited  C. will invite D. will be invited. ‎ ‎5. The pet dog is warm and loving. It     as a daughter of my family. ‎ A. treats B. treated  C. is treated D. was treated ‎6. Look at our new school. It     last year. ‎ A. built B. was built C. is built D. will be built[来*@源:zz^ste%p.~com]‎ ‎7. Although Flight MH370 has been missing for months,I do believe it      some day in the future. ‎ A. will find B. won’t find C. will be found D. won’t be found ‎8. Three bridges     over the river five years ago. ‎ A. built  B. build C. were built D. are built ‎9. —It’s reported that some capsules(胶囊) are really bad     our health. ‎ ‎—Sounds terrible. Hopefully the problem     as soon as possible. ‎ A. to;is solved B. for;has solved C. to;was solved D. for;will be solved ‎10. Lots of trees and flowers     on both sides of the road last year. Oh,     beautiful they are! ‎ A. have been planted;what B. were planted;what C. were planted;how D. have been planted;what ‎11. —Can you play the piece of music for us,Cathy?[来源:zz@s&te~p.c%o#m]‎ ‎—Of course. It     many times. ‎ A. teaches B. is taught C. has been taught D. taught ‎12. This kind of food     cool,clean,and dry according to the instructions. ‎ A. should be carried B. must be put C. should be placed D. must be kept ‎13. Last weekend an English short play was     in the school hall. ‎ A. put in B. put down C. put on D. put up ‎ ‎14. Our sports meeting has been     till next Monday because of the bad weather.  ‎ A. put on  B. put up ‎ C. put off  D. put down ‎ ‎15. It’s said that petrol(石油)   in less than 100 years. So we should try to walk more instead of driving cars. ‎ A. used for B. will be used up C. used up D. will be used for ‎16. —What happened to Mr Wang?[来源:@中教网*&^#]‎ ‎—He     because of his drink-driving. ‎ A. is caught B. was caught C. has caught D. had caught ‎17. The Olympic Games     in London in 2012. I hear it     in different countries every four years. [来源:中@%&#教网~]‎ A. is given;is given B. was held;is held C. will be held;is held D. will be given;is given ‎18. —How often do I need to feed the golden fish?‎ ‎—They     food every day,or they will be hungry. ‎ A. should give B. shouldn’t give C. should be given D. shouldn’t be given ‎19. At last the baby was made     and began to laugh. ‎ A. stop crying B. to stop to cry C. to stop crying D. stop to cry ‎20. In many places in China,the old over 90     not only by their family but also by the government. [www.z#z%&step^@.com]‎ A. is taking good care B. are taken good care of[来#%源:中国教育&出版网^@]‎ C. is taking good care of D. are taken good care 二、 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 ‎1. (2015·江苏无锡·5·1.5分)在未来几年,政府将在环保方面尽更大的努力。‎ ‎     into protecting the environment by the government in the next few years.  ‎ ‎2. (2015·江苏常州·59·1.5分)经常看到露西的父亲开车送她上学。‎ Lucy’s father    . ‎ ‎3. (2015·江苏宿迁·62·1分)这些T恤衫是棉制的,穿着很舒服。‎ These T-shirts     cotton. They are comfortable to wear. [来@源#:^中国教育&出版~网]‎ ‎4. (2013·湖北荆门·76·2分)我不会去参加这个聚会,除非受到邀请。‎ I won’t go to the party     .(invite) [来源:中@教网*^&%]‎ ‎5. (2013·甘肃白银·74·2分)如果时间再多一些,我将能做得更好。‎ If more time     ,I will do it better.  ‎ 答案 第9课时 被 动 语 态[www.z@zstep~%#.&com]‎ 一、 1~5 B C A B C 6~10 B C C D C ‎11~15 C D C C B 16~20 B B C C B 二、 1. More efforts will be put 2. is often seen to drive her to school/is often seen to drive her to school by car/in a car 3. are made of 4. unless I am invited 5. is given ‎[来源:中%&@国~教育出版网*]‎

