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‎ 中考作文集训之翻译训练 一、高分作文的要素:‎ 1. 字迹规范、清楚、大方。‎ 2. 段落清楚,一般要采用“三段式”作文法,即:第一段引出要写的内容,总体说今天要谈一个什么主题;第二段写主体(包括所有的要点,内容,观点);第三段写总结和期望(再次表达自己的见解,感受或者希望)。‎ 3. 逻辑清晰,在文中要善于使用恰当的关联词如:first of all,in my view,what’s more,what’s worse,first/next/then/finally/in the end, in a word/in short/all in all/generally speaking/in general等等关联词使文章十分连贯、流畅。‎ 4. 优秀学生要多使用高级词汇,如 :I feel very good.就不如:I feel quite comfortable.好。‎ 5. 要多使用复合句(尤其是定语从句)、并列句、形式主语句式、形式宾语句式等或者用一些both ...and...;not only...but also...;neither ...nor...;so that...;so/such...that ;使自己的文章显得更加华美更加有水平。‎ 6. 要点必须要写齐全,可以适当发挥,语法一定要正确,包括时态、语态、名词单复数、非谓语动词用法甚至是大小写、标点符号等每个细节都不要放过。‎ 7. 迂回战术,你想到一个汉语句子,第一,你想想你要表达的这个句子有没有自己不会的单词,如果有,用其他会的单词代替,这个句子的语法你确定是正确的吗?如果不确定,换一种自己会的句式来表达,首先要确保的是没有语法错误,然后才去追求更好的;千万不可以自己“凭感觉造句”,那样通常有可能是汉语式句式或者错误的。‎ 二、 如何做翻译 ‎ 其实英语作文就是考察学生汉译英的能力,你想到了某个汉语句式然后正确的翻译出来。‎ 所以能否正确的翻译成了写好作文的关键。翻译时一定要灵活,善于找词或者句式来代替自己不会或者没有把握的词汇和句型。同时,任何一个简单句;都逃不过简单句中的几种机构:‎ 1. 主语(S.)+谓语(V.);2.主语+谓语+宾语;3.主语+谓语+直接宾语+间接宾语4.主语+连系动词+表语;5.主语+谓语+宾语+宾补;6.There be +sb./sth.+地点/时间介词短语。当然还有祈使句,感叹句,反意疑问句等特殊句式也可以使用。‎ 三、 翻译题训练 (1) 听到那个消息我好兴奋。(兴奋:excite)‎ ‎ I was quite excited to hear the news. /I was exctied when I heard the news (2) 我写信是要告诉你下个月20号我要乘火车去上海旅行。(旅行,travel/go....for a trip)‎ ‎ I’m writing to tell you that I will travel to Shanghai by train on the 20th of next month.‎ (3) 大象的鼻子比猴子的长很多。(长:long)‎ The noses of elephants are much longer than those of monkeys./The nose of an elephant is much longer that that of a monkey.‎ (4) 动物园的大象比森林的老虎大很多。(动物园,zoo;森林,forest;elephant大象)‎ ‎ The elephants in the zoo are much bigger than the tigers in the forests.‎ (5) 按时完成作业是每个学生的职责。(完成,finish;职责,duty)‎ Finishing his homework on time is every student’s duty./It’s each student’s duty to finish ‎ homework on time.‎ (1) 熬夜玩游戏对身体相当有害。(stay up 熬夜;be bad for/do harm to 对...有害)‎ Staying up playing games is quite bad for your/our health./Staying up playing games does great harm to our/your health.‎ (2) 长大后当一名飞行员是康康的梦想。(飞行员,pilot;梦想,dream)‎ To be a pilot when Kangkang grows up is his dream./Kangkang’s dream is to be pilot when he grows up. /It’s Kangkang’s dream to be a pilot when he grows up.‎ (3) 长大后当一名宇航员是康康小时候的梦想。‎ To be an astronaut when he grows up is his dream which he had when he was young./‎ Kangkang’s dream which he had when he was young is to be an astronaut when he grows up. ‎ (4) 遇到危险时最重要的是保持冷静,并且尽快像老师求助或者报警。(有危险be in danger;call the police报警;ask...for help向...求助)‎ Keeping calm when you are in danger is the most important and ask the teachers for help or call the police.‎ (5) 每当老师抽到Jane回答问题时,她总是感觉很紧张。(nervous,紧张)‎ Jane always feels/gets very nervous when the teachers ask her to answer their questions.‎ (6) 那个大眼睛、长头发、爱唱歌的20岁女孩已经成了我的女朋友,我们是在网上认识的。(认识,get to know)‎ The 20-year-old girl with big eyes,long hair,loving singing has become my girlfriend,who I got to know on the Internet./The 20-year-old girl who has big eyes ,long hair and loves singing has become my girlfriend,whom I got to know on the Internet.‎ (1) 没有什么能阻止我对我伟大祖国深深的爱,我把它当成了我的母亲。(stop ...from阻止...做...;regard...as...把...当作....)‎ Nothing can stop my deep love for my great motherland which I have regarded as my mother . /Nothing can stop me from loving my great country deeply which I have regarded as my mother.‎ (2) 我发现每天做那么多的作业好无聊。(find,发现;boring,无聊)‎ I find it so boring to do so much homework every day./I find that it is so boring to do so much homework every day.‎ (3) 我很荣幸能和大家一起分享我学习英语的方法。(honor,荣幸)‎ It’s my honor that I can share my methods on how to learn English with all of you./It’s an honor for me to share my methods on how to learn English with you.‎ (4) 依我看,政府应该加大力度净化空气,给市民一个良好生活环境。(government,政府)‎ In my opinion/view,the government is supposed to do more things to make the air cleaner and provide good environment for the people in the city.‎ (5) 由于下大雨,明天的运动会不得不取消。(cancel,取消)‎ ‎ The sports meet tomorrow will have to be canceled because of the heavy rain./We will have to cancel the sports meet tomorrow because it will rain heavily.‎ (1) 当我昨天在街上过马路时,碰巧遇到了我20年没有见过面的那个同学。(happen to do sth.碰巧)‎ I happened to meet the classmate who I hadn’t seen her/him for twenty years when I was crossing the street yesterday.‎ (2) 我的父母对我的学习十分严格,这让我感到压力山大。(strict,严格;pressure/stress压力)My parents are quite strict with me in my study,which brings me too much pressure.‎ I have too much pressure because my parents are quite strict with me in my study.‎ (3) 我必须感谢我的老师Miss Green,她不仅教会了我如何学习,还教会了我如何做人。‎ I must thank my teacher,Miss Green because she teaches me not only how to study but also how to be a man./I must thank my teacher,Miss Green because she not only teaches me how to study but also teaches me how to be a man.‎ (4) 我20年前就读的那所学校已经搬迁到了丰都的新城。(move搬迁)‎ The school where I studied 20 years ago has been moved to the new city of/in Fengdu.‎ (5) 阿里山的姑娘辫子长,一双眼睛真漂亮。(pigtail辫子)‎ ‎ The girls on/in Mount Ali have long pigtails with pairs of beautiful eyes.‎ (1) 我们在英语课上应该尽可能地多讲英语。‎ We should/ought to/are supposed to speak English as much as possible.‎ (2) 一些学生经常向父母要钱去玩电子游戏。(video games) ‎ Some students often ask their parents for some money to play video games.‎ (3) 他向父母要一辆自行车作为生日礼物。(birthday present生日礼物)‎ ‎ He asked his parents for a bike as his birthday present.‎ (4) 护士告诉我服用此药需一日三次,饭后服用。‎ The nurse told me to take the medicine three times a day after meals.‎ (5) 老师警告我不要再犯同样的错误。 (warn,警告)‎ The teacher warned me not to make the same mistake again.‎ (6) 昨天他使我在影院门口等了很长时间。(the gate of the theater电影院门口)‎ Yesterday his kept me waiting for a long time at the gate of the theater.‎ (7) 许多人担心他们会失去工作。(be afraid that)‎ Many people are afraid that they will lose their jobs.‎ ‎(8)老师很高兴我们班得了第一名。‎ The teacher was happy (to hear )that our class won first place.‎ (9) 很多大学生发现在大学中交友很难。(make friends交友)‎ Many college students find it difficult to make friend in colleges.‎ (10) 英语,我们练习得越多,说得就越好。(practice练习)‎ The more English we practice ,the better we can speak.‎ (11) 我认为他不应该放弃学习英语。‎ I don’t think he should give up English.‎ (1) 对学生们来说,做眼保健操是十分必要的。(eye exercises眼保健操,necessary,‎ 有必要的)It’s very necessay for the students to do eye exercises.‎ (2) ‎ 练习游泳对你的肺部有好处。(lung,肺) ‎ ‎ Pracicing swimming is good for your lungs./It’s good for your lungs to practice swimming.‎ (3) 快点!不要让他们等得太久。(wait等)‎ Hurry up! Don’t keep them waiting too long.‎ (4) 我是那么的困倦以至于老师在讲课的时候不知不觉就睡着了。(fall asleep入睡)‎ I was so sleepy that I couldn’t help going to sleep while the teacher was giving us the lesson.‎ (5) 只要勇敢地面对挑战、克服困难,我坚信有一天我们一定会成功的。(brave勇敢的;overcome 克服;challenge挑战;)As long as we face the challenges and overcome the difficulty bravely,Istrongly believe that we are sure to succeed one day/some day..‎ (6) 正如谚语所说,失败乃成功之母,所以不要害怕失败,失败了就再来一次。(fail,失败)‎ As the saying goes,failure is the mother of success,so don’t be afraid of failure,you can try again if you fail.‎ (7) 众所周知,保护环境,人人有责。(protect,保护;environment环境)‎ It’s well-known that it’s everyone’s duty to protect the environment.‎ (8) 我觉得那些给别人带来快乐的人才是世界上最快乐的人。(happy快乐的)‎ I think the persons who bring others happiness are the happiest persons in the world.‎ (9) 总之,我们的明天取决于今天你付出了多少努力。(depend on 取决于; take effort付出努力)‎ In short,our future depends on how much effort you take now.‎ (10) 我家门前的小河里有各种各样的鱼。‎ There are all kinds of fishes in the river which is /lies in front of my house.‎ (11) 老师手里拿着两本书进教室来了,还高兴地哼着歌。‎ The teacher came into the classroom with two books in his hand,singing happily.‎ (12) 那个工厂的工人每天不得不工作12个小时。‎ The workers in that factory have to work for 12 hours every day.‎ (13) ‎20年以后,我一定会有自己的大房子,房子里住着我的漂亮的妻子,可爱的儿子。‎ In twenty years,I’m sure to own my own big house where my beautiful wife and my lovely son live./‎ I’m sure to have my own big house which my beautiful wife live in with my pretty son.‎ (14) 夏天,重庆的天气比北京的天气热得多。(天气,weather;)‎ In summer, the weather in Chonging is much hotter than that in Beijing.‎ (15) 我们学校的老师有200多,许多老师和学生都相处十分融洽。(get on/along with,相处)‎ The number of the teachers in our school is over 200 and many teachers and students get on well with each other.‎ There are more than 200 teachers in our school and many teachers get along quite well with their ‎ students.‎

