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题型三 题型演练 四、阅读理解(35分)‎ A ‎(2017·哈尔滨中考)‎ Drugs come in different forms. However, can you imagine that drugs come in chicken eggs? A team of scientists from England prove that it can come true. They have developed special chickens that lay eggs with drugs inside. These special drugs can help treat some kinds of diseases. Until now, they have made two kinds of drugs. One drug can treat skin cancer and the other can treat a nerve disease(神经性疾病). ‎ Certain drugs are produced by the special chickens inside their egg whites. These drugs are made of proteins(蛋白质) which can be found in animals' skin, hair, milk and meat. The scientists also use DNA technology to make sure that the drugs are only inside the egg whites. In this way, the chickens can stay healthy. ‎ Besides egg whites, drugs made of proteins come in milk of cows and sheep. Compared with cows and sheep, the special chickens have __________ over them. First, they are cheaper to raise. Second, they need less room and grow faster. ‎ These special chicken can pass on their drugproducing ability to their children. So far, five generations (代) of the special chickens have appeared. But scientists may need more time to make the drugs perfect. It's said that scientists will realize their dream in five to ten years. ‎ 请根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。‎ ‎1.The underlined word “ascendancy” in the passage means “___” in Chinese. ‎ A.情况    B.优势    C.劣势 ‎2.According to the passage, the special drugs are ___.‎ A.pills that can treat all cancers ‎ B.just the scientists' imagination ‎ C.made of proteins ‎3.According to the passage, the special chickens ___.‎ A.need less room and grow faster ‎ B.were developed by scientists from France ‎ C.produce certain drugs outside the eggs ‎ ‎4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?(    )‎ A.The scientists never use DNA technology to keep the special chickens healthy. ‎ B.It may take scientists more time to make the drugs perfect. ‎ C.Until now, scientists have made three kinds of drugs. ‎ ‎5.What is the passage mainly about?(    )‎ A.It's mainly about a serious disease. ‎ B.It's mainly about a natural ability of the special chickens. ‎ C.It's mainly about the special drugs. ‎ B ‎ ‎(2017·益阳中考)‎ Do you like traveling? Here is some advice. ‎ ‎● Always wear your most comfortable clothes when going on long journeys. ‎ ‎● Traveling on trains or buses can be boring, so take a good book to read. ‎ ‎● If you are going somewhere sunny, remember to wear sunblocks(防晒霜) and sunglasses. ‎ ‎● Always take a camera with you to _______ those special moments. ‎ ‎● Be careful with your things whenever you go to busy places, like a train station. There are often thieves there. ‎ ‎● Most countries have lower prices for students, so if you have one, take your student card with you and save money. ‎ ‎● If you travel abroad, remember to take your passport. Whatever you do, don't lose it!‎ 请根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。‎ ‎6.If you go to Hainan Island for a trip in summer, you should take ___ with you. ‎ A.some fruit and drinks ‎ B.warm clothes and sports shoes C.sunglasses and sunblocks ‎7.According to the passage, ___ is a good way to keep away from boredom(单调).‎ A.reading a good book B.taking a camera C.listening to music ‎8.You must always ___ because there are often thieves at some busy places. ‎ A.put your things down ‎ B.look after your things well C.take few things with you ‎9.If a student shows ___ to the shop assistant, he can buy some presents at lower prices while traveling. ‎ A.his things    B.his passport   C.his student card ‎10.The underlined word “capture” in this passage means “___”.‎ A.感受 B.拍摄 C.控制 C Life is like a train ride. We get on. We ride. We get off. We get back on and ride some more. There are accidents and there are delays(延误). At certain stops, there are surprises. Some of these will change into great moments of joy; some will result in bad results. ‎ When we are born and we first get on the train, we meet people who we think will be with us for the whole journey. Those people are our parents. Sadly, this is far from the truth. Our parents are with us when we completely need them. They, too, have journeys they must complete. We live on with the memories of their love, support and so on. ‎ There are others who get on the train and who finally become very important to us. These people are our brothers, sisters and friends, whom we will learn to love and take care of. ‎ Some people regard their journey as a pleasant tour. They will just go happily along. Others will _________ many upsets, tears and losses(失落) on their journey. Some others will stay on to offer a helping hand to anyone in need. ‎ Some people on the train will leave a deep impression(印象) when they get off. Some will get on and get off the train so quickly that they will hardly leave a sign. ‎ We will sometimes be upset that some passengers, whom we love, will choose to sit in another compartment(车厢) and leave us to travel on our own. Then again, there's nothing that says we can't look for them anyway. But when we find them, we may not even be able to sit next to them because that seat will already be taken. ‎ That's okay. . . Everyone's journey will be filled with hopes, dreams, challenges, difficulties and goodbyes. ‎ ‎11.When we first get on the train, the people we meet are our ___.‎ A.parents B.brothers C.sisters ‎12.The underlined word “encounter” in Paragraph 4 probably means “___”.‎ A.collect B.expect C.experience ‎ ‎13.What does the writer mean by saying “They will hardly leave a sign”?(    )‎ A.Nothing will happen to some people on the train. ‎ B.Some people on the train won't offer a helping hand. ‎ C.Some people won't leave an impression on other travelers. ‎ ‎14.Which of the following is NOT true?(    )‎ A.Some people will just go on their journey happily all the way. ‎ B.Parents are the people who will be with us for the whole journey. ‎ C.Some surprises will become great moments of happiness in life. ‎ ‎15.What's the best title for this passage?(    )‎ A.Memories of a Train Ride ‎ B.A Pleasant Train Tour C.Life is Like a Train Ride ‎ ‎【任务型阅读】‎ D ‎(2017·赤峰中考)‎ Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky in 1809. His mother died when he was ten years old. Later, his family moved to Illinois and his father remarried. The family was poor, so they had to struggle just to live. In Illinois, there were neither teachers nor schools, but Lincoln's stepmother encouraged him to study. He learned to read and write while working on the farm. ‎ At twentyone, Lincoln left home. He soon received a law license and became a lawyer. People trusted him and began to call him“Honest Abe”.‎ During the following years, he took a more active part in polities. Soon he was not only a highly respected lawyer but also a wellknown politician. He was elected the sixteenth president of the United States in 1860, and in the next year the Civil War broke out. ‎ The Civil War was between the southern states that wanted to leave the Union and form their own country, and northern states that wanted to keep all the states as one country. The southern states wanted to keep the laws that allowed them to own slaves. Both the northern states and President Lincoln wanted to get rid of those laws. On April 9, 1865, the Civil War ended and all slaves were set free. ‎ Less than a week later, on April 14, 1865, Abraham Lincoln was shot at the Ford Theater in Washington D.C. He died the next day from his wounds. ‎ 请根据短文内容,完成下表格(词数不限)‎ Abraham Lincoln Birth ‎★He was born in 1809. ‎ His family ‎ ‎★His mother died when he was ‎ (16)__________________‎ ‎★His stepmother (17)____________ him to study. ‎ Unusual ‎ ‎★A farmer,a lawyer,a politician and the sixteenth ‎ Experience ‎ ‎(18)___________ of the United States. ‎ Achievement ‎ ‎★The Civil War broke out between the southern states and the (19)_________ states. ‎ ‎★All slaves were set free when the Civil War (20)_______.‎ ‎★“Keeping all the states as one country”came true. ‎ E Failure is what often happens. It is everywhere in our life. Students may fail in exams, scientists may fail in their research work, and players may fail in competitions. (A) Although failure happens to everyone, but different people's attitudes(态度) towards failure are different. ‎ Some people don't think that their failure is an important thing at all. So they pay no attention to it. As a result, they will have the (B) failure later. Some people think they themselves are fools and lose their hearts in everything after they get a failure. Then they (C) their time and energy on useless things. At last, they may really be fools as they have thought. ‎ ‎(D)Other people are quite different from these two kinds of people mentioned above. Instead of being hopeless and lost, they draw a lesson from every failure and become more experienced. (E) they, after, will, hard, in, work, be, the, successful, end. So we should draw a lesson from every failure and become more experienced. ‎ ‎21.(A)处句中有一处错误,请找出并改正。(可用文字叙述)‎ ‎____________________________________‎ ‎22.在( B )、(C )处的横线上分别填上一个单词。‎ ‎(B)______ (C)_______‎ ‎23.将(D)处句子译成汉语:‎ ‎______________________________‎ ‎24.将(E)处的单词连成句子 ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ‎ ‎25.请从下面的选项中给短文选个标题,将答案标号填在此横线上:___‎ A.Draw a Lesson from Every Failure ‎ B.The Attitudes Towards Failure ‎ C.Failure Is Everywhere in Our Life ‎ D.Failure Is Very Important 参考答案 ‎1~5 BCABC 6~10 CABCB 11~15 ACCBC ‎16.ten (years old) 17.encouraged 18.president ‎19.norther 20.ended ‎21.去掉but保留Although,或去掉Although,保留but。‎ ‎22.(B)same (C)spend ‎23. 另一些人与上面提及(谈到)的两种人大不一样(完全不同)。 ‎ ‎24. After hard work, they will be successful in the end.或:They will be successful after hard work in the end. ‎ ‎25.B

