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‎ 中考作文范文选读 说明:‎ 同学们,经过近两个月的复习,你在词汇、阅读、等各方面肯定有了大幅度的提高。但是,还有不少同学在书面表达上仍然较难突破。很多同学面对书面表达感觉无话可写,不知道怎样规范开头结尾,更不知道文章的构建等。为此,我们收录了2019、2019各地的中考卷和模拟卷中的书面表达题目配上范文,同学们每天安排一定的时间朗读、研究每篇范文的写作方法,关注好词好句、注意文章的结构,对你的应考复习会起到参考和帮助。‎ 第一篇.‎ 每个人都生活在一个特定的环境里。请以“what I like about where I live”为题,并根据以下要点和要求用英语写一篇短文,描述你生活的环境。‎ 1. 要点:你生活在什么样的环境;你喜欢这个环境的什么;你对这个环境有何期望。‎ 范文朗读:‎ What I like about where I live I live in a small and quiet city in Henan Province. Different from other cities, it has no skyscrapers or endless cars on the streets. People there are seldom late for their work and enjoy a slow and peaceful life. And that is what I like most about my city.‎ However, my city has her problems. She has no high-speed train. I hope she will soon have high-speed trains so that I can travel to other cities more easily!‎ 第二篇 假设你校校刊英文版正在开展以“I Like Reading”为主题的征文活动。请根据下表提示内容写一篇短文,介绍你对阅读的看法及个人的阅读情况。不少于80词。(短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)‎ I Like Reading 1. The importance(重要性) of reading open up one’s mind;get more knowledge; ...‎ 2. My reading habit when to read;where to read;what to read;...‎ 3. My favorite book(s)‎ ‎......‎ 4. My reading plan ‎......‎ 范文朗读:‎ ‎ Reading makes a full man. It’s important and necessary for everyone to read. Reading can open up our minds and help us get more knowledge.‎ ‎ As for me, I like reading a lot. In my spare time, I not only go to bookstores to buy books but also borrow books from the library. Before going to bed, I always spend some time reading. That really makes me feel relaxed. On weekends, I enjoy reading some novels. Journey to the West is my favorite book. And the Monkey Ling is my superhero.‎ ‎ The summer holiday is coming, and I am going to read Harry Potter which is a very popular book.‎ Reading is a lifelong journey. I hope everyone can read as much as possible in the future.‎ 第三篇 积极锻炼是非常重要的,为此,某英文报开展了一次关于初中生锻炼情况的调查活动。请你根据下列图表和相关文字提示,以“Exercising is important!”为题,用英语写一篇短文。‎ 要点 具体内容 调查数据 锻炼的意义 有益身体健康;保持思维敏锐;变得自信快乐。‎ 你的建议 就如何更好地开展锻炼,提出你的建议(至少两点)。‎ 参考词汇:敏锐的 sharp Exercising is important!‎ Recently, we have done a survey about students’ exercising. According to the survey, 32% of the students spend over one hour every day doing exercise, while 68% of them spend less than one hour. The reasons are as follows: Firstly, 46% of them have too much homework, so they have no time to do exercise. Secondly, 29% of them are not good at exercise. Thirdly, 25% of them are not interested in it.‎ As we all know, exercising is good for our health, which keeps our minds sharp and makes us confident and happy.‎ In my opinion, we should keep a balance between our study and exercising. Besides, we should develop a good habit of doing exercise.‎ 第四篇 在即将举行的中学生国际文化交流活动中,你将代表学校介绍中国的传统节日。请你从所给的卡片中任选一张,用英语写一篇发言稿,介绍该节日。词数80—100.‎ The Mid-Autumn Festival Time: In September or October Activities: express wishes and hopes; have moon cakes; enjoy the moon Meaning: symbol of being together; missing family members far away The Spring Festival Time: In January or February Activities: welcome the new year; visit relatives; get together....‎ Meaning: the biggest day of the year; a new start....‎ 范文朗读:‎ Ladies and gentlemen,‎ Welcome to the Chinese culture tour. Now allow me to introduce one of the Chinese traditional festivals, the Spring Festival.‎ The Spring Festival falls in Journey or February. It is Chinese New Year and also the biggest day of the year. So people come back home from different places and get together for a big dinner. Many people stay up late to welcome the new year, hoping they will have a bright new start. ‎ During the festival, people visit their relatives and friends and wish each other good luck for the new year. Children can often get hongbao from their elders. Do you think it interesting?‎ That’s all. Thanks for listening.‎ 第五篇 假如你发明的“飞行单车”在学校科技节中获奖,被推荐参加一个国际青少年科技展览。请用英语介绍你的发明,内容包括下图中1-4项.参考词汇:轮子(wheel) 太阳能(solar power) ‎ 范文朗读:‎ My invention is a flying bike. Here is my introduction to it. It has two wheels and two wings so that we can use it to ride on the ground or fly in the sky. Besides, when we ride the bike, we can take photos/pictures or call others with it. What’s more, it can not only travel very fast but also help to protect the environment and save energy because we use solar power to move it.‎ It has many advantages. However, it can be improved as well. First of all, we had better add something to the bike to protect us if we fall off it. In addition, it’s a good idea to set an umbrella on it to help us keep off the train.‎ 第六篇 现代生活要求我们会工作、会学习、会运动、会娱乐。良好的运动习惯是生活的重要组成部分。请你根据以下内容要点提示,以“Sports Make Me Strong and Confident”为题,写一篇短文,可以适当发挥。1.每天早晨6:30 按时起床,做本个小时运动,晚饭后散步1小时左右;2.汽车或步行上学;3.主动上体育课,积极参加课外活动,从不旷课;4.身体健壮,精力充沛,运动会常得第一,永远保持运动习惯。‎ 范文朗读:‎ Everybody , men or women, young or old, should have a good habit of doing sports. So should I , and so I do.‎ In the morning, I usually get up at 6:30 on time, and do morning exercises for half an hour. After breakfast, I ride or walk to school, which is also a kind of exercise. In the school, I take an active part in P.E. classes. Sometimes we play football and volleyball, and sometimes we play basketball, table tennis or badminton. Football is my favorite sport. I also join in all the after-class activities. I have never been absent from them. In the evening after supper, I often take a walk along the street near my house for an hour either with parents or my friends.‎ I like sports, which make me healthy, strong and energetic. So I often get first prize in the school sports meeting. I will keep the good habit all my life.‎ 第七篇 假如你应邀参加一个国际读书会,并将分享自己读过的一本好书。请根据下列表格中的要点,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你要分享的书。可选择使用所给的书名及内容,也可另选书籍;‎ 词数:80-100 。‎ Key points(要点)‎ Words and expressions for reference(参考词汇)‎ What the name is ‎ The Old Man and the Sea ‎...‎ Who wrote it ‎ Ernest Hemingway, America ‎...‎ What it is about fisherman, fight against fish and nature ‎...‎ Why I like it meaningful, never give up, well-known sentence“Man is not made for defeat(失败)”‎ Interesting,‎ helpful, ‎ well-known sentence ‎......‎ 范文朗读:‎ ‎ The book I’d like to share with you is the Old Man and the Sea, written by an American writer Ernest Hemingway. This book tells about a fisherman who is lucky enough to catch a huge fish at sea, but finds it hard to take it home. On the way back, he has to fight against the fish and the sea as well.‎ ‎ What I like most about the book is that the fisherman never gives up when meeting with difficulties. I still remember the well-known sentence from the book: Man is made for defeat. This tells us that nothing seems terrible as long as we have a strong will and a brave heart.‎ 第八篇 假定你是李明,是校篮球队队长。现你队拟招收几名新队员,请给你的外籍同学Henry写一封词数:80- -100的邮件邀请他加入。邮件内容要点见下表。‎ Benefits protect your eyesight keep physically healthy Activities do basketball training ‎3:00- 5:00 pm every Friday have basketball matches every two weeks Attention sign up on the school website before May 1st 范文朗读: Dear Henry, ‎ I am Li Ming, captain of the school basketball team. Occasionally learning that you are addicted to basketball, I am writing to sincerely invite you to join the school basketball team aimed at developing our interests and improving our skills.‎ Considering the enormous benefits, which we can earn steadily from basketball practice, including protecting your eyesight and keeping physically healthy. As for the activities, we will be honored to be given high-level training by a professional coach every Friday around 3-5pm. Meanwhile,we will have a basketball match every two weeks. If you are interested in what I have stated above, sign up on our school website before May lst. I’m looking forward to your reply even your appearance in our training centre soon. Yours,‎ Li Ming ‎ 第九篇 市举办了“美德少年”评选活动。假如你是“美德少年”的争创者,请根据下列表格中的提示,以"Be a Virtue Teenager, Build a Civilized City"为题,用英语写一份倡议书,号召大家积极争做“美德少年”,为港城添彩。‎ 主题 ‎ 做“美德少年”,创文明城市 内容 待人方面:尊老爱幼,友好互助 言谈方面:语言文明, 耐心倾听 出行方面:遵守交规,主动礼让 你的观点 联系实际,谈谈你的观点(至少两点)‎ 范文朗读:‎ Be a Virtue Teenager, Build a Civilized City Being a teenager of Lianyungang, what should we do to help build a civilized city? Firstly, when in public places, we should respect the elderly and take care of the young. We should also be friendly and helpful to others. Secondly, when having a conversation, we should speak politely and be patient enough to listen. Thirdly, when on the road, we should obey the traffic rules and give seats when necessary.‎ As junior students, I think it’s our duty to do as the above. At the same time, we should try our best to study hard and obey all the school rules. In this way, we can be virtue teenagers and help to build our city into a civilized one. I hope everyone will join us and try to be a virtue teenager.‎ 第十篇 初中毕业在即,英语周刊对初三毕业生就“如何有意义地度过初中阶段最后一个暑假”进行了随机调查(结果见下表)。请你就此结果写一篇英语短文,在英语课上进行汇报,并谈谈你自己的看法和建议。.词数:80--100 左右。‎ ‎60%的学生观点 参加培训班,为高中学习做好准备;‎ 学习做家务,逐渐培养独立生活能力 ‎40%的学生观点 无需再学习;‎ 做自己想做的事情,放松身心 你的看法和建议 ‎......‎ 范文朗读:‎ English Learning Magazine has recently done a survey about how to spend a meaningful summer vacation among the students who are going to graduate. Sixty percent of the students plan to take the after-school classes in order to get ready for studying in senior high school. Besides, they decide to learn to do housework so that they can develop their independence. However, forty percent of the students disagree. They think it’s not necessary to study anymore. They should take the chance to relax themselves and do what they like, because they’ll be busier after entering senior high school. In my opinion, studying is as important as having fun. Also we can put the vacation to good use by being a volunteer.‎ 第十一篇 Nora ‎ √ one of the top students ‎ √ loves English, math and chemistry ‎√ is a little fat and not good at sports ‎√ has few friends and feels lonely 假设你是Sunshine Middle School的心理咨询教师,正在撰写一份有关九年级学生 Nora 的咨询记录。请根据以下信息先介绍一下Nora的基本情况,并就她的问题各给出一至两条可行的建议。‎ Nora is one of the top students in her class and her favorite subjects are English, math and chemistry. But she still has some problems. First, she is a little bit fat and not good at sports. Also she has few friends in her class and always feels lonely. ‎ Sports are not only good for our body but also for our mind. So I think she should just try her best to keep fit and enjoy the exercise in PE class. And she should be more outgoing and make some friends so that when she is lonely, she can share her problems with them.‎ 第十二篇 请你根据以下内容提示,以”The Story of Li Hua"为题为学校广播站英语专栏写一篇短文,介绍发生在你班同学李华身上的一件事。(1)上周五放学后李华乘公交车回家,看到有人在吃橘子,并把橘皮扔在车上。(2)李华把橘皮捡起,放进垃圾桶。(3)乘客用手机拍了照片,发布到网上。(4)老师知道后表扬了李华,李华说这是他应该做的。(5)你觉得.....‎ 参考词汇:果皮peel 垃圾桶dustbin 发布post 表扬praise 范文朗读:‎ The Story of Li Hua ‎ Last Friday , when my classmate Li Hua took a bus back home from school, he saw someone eat oranges and throw orange peels on the bus. Li Hua picked up the orange peels and put them into the dustbin. A passenger used his mobile phone to take some photos of Li Hua and then he posted the photos on the Internet. When the teacher learned about what Li Hua did, he praised Li Hua. Li Hua said that it was just a small thing he was supposed to do.‎ ‎ I think Li Hua’s behavior is worth praising and we should learn from him.‎ 第十三篇 英语课上,同学们正在准备举行以“真实的自我"为主题的演讲活动。请你以李华的名义写篇演讲词,向同学们介绍一一下自己。‎ 提示: (1) What are your strong points? (2) How do you improve yourself? (3) What is your dream for the future?‎ 范文朗读:‎ Hello, everyone!‎ ‎ I'm Li Hua and I'm very happy to stand here to talk about myself. I’m a kind and helpful person. I’m always ready to help others when they're in trouble. I can sing and dance so well that I often give performances at our school party. ‎ When I think back to what I’ve done before, I should help my parents do more housework. Doing housework is good for my future life. ‎ As for my dream, I want to be a teacher. I’ll make friends with my kids. I want to teach them everything I know !‎ Thanks for your attention !‎ 第十四篇 梁玲(Liang Ling)同学是你校初三(1)班的学生。她家境贫寒,但她勇于面对困难、主动承担家务且刻苦学习,大家都很喜欢并敬佩她。作为学校英文报刊记者,你对她进行了采访。请根据下面的采访笔记写一篇关于她的报道。 ‎ Something about LiangLing Something we can learn from a poor family care for study hard ‎…‎ Face difficulties ‎…‎ 范文朗读:‎ Liang Ling, a l4- year- old girl, is a student in Class1,Grade 9. She comes from a poor family. Since she was a little girl, she has cared for her family. Every day Liang Ling helps with the cooking, cleaning and washing. I asked her whether she was tired of doing so much housework. ‎ ‎" Not really,"she smiled. "l’ve got used to it. " Though she is busy, she studies hard and gets good grades. What’s more, she is always ready to help others. Everyone likes her because of her kindness. In our eyes, she always faces difficulties bravely. No matter how hard the life is, she never gives up:‎ ‎ She is great. Let’s wish her a better future.‎ 第十五篇 英语广播合正在进行”我诚实,我守信”系列人物介绍。请你根据下列表格提示和要求,写一篇介绍陈信同学的文字稿。‎ 基本情况 姓名:陈信班级:九(2)‎ 主要表现 ‎1.诚实做人,友好待人2.有言必行,信守承诺 具体事例 举例(或诚实,或友好,或守信)予以介绍 希望 做一个诚实、守信的人 参考词汇: integrity正直, honesty诚实, get on well with与.....和睦相处,make a promise许诺, keep a promise守诺,overcome克服,reliable可信赖的 范文朗读:‎ Good morning, everyone! Today I am glad to introduce a teenager. His name is Chen Xin. He is from Class Two, Grade Nine. He is a boy full of integrity and honesty. Whenever he meets all people around, he is always very friendly and gets on well with them. ( What’s more , he is an honest boy who never tells a lie at school or at home.) As long as he makes a promise, he will never break it. Even when he is in trouble, he always tries his best to overcome it to keep his promise.‎ One night, while Chen Xin was doing his homework at home . He remembered that it was time to give back a book to his classmate. However. it was very late and was raining heavily outside. " I must return it now !". he said to himself. Without thinking twice, he put down his pen quickly and rode his bike to his friend’s home. When he came back home , he was all wet. He did his homework until midnight.Although he was tired, he was very happy!‎ It’s really important for everyone to be honest/ reliable/ friendly, Chen Xin has set a good example to us. If everyone can be honest /reliable/ friendly, we believe our world will be more wonderful.‎ 第十六篇 你班召开了一次"告别陋习,走向文明”的主题班会,会上老师让你们谈谈身边同学的变化。请你根据表格里的内容写一篇有关王明同学的文章。‎ 过去的表现 现在的表现 经常和同学打架 与同学相处融洽 花很多时间玩电脑游戏 积极参加各项活动 经常吃垃圾食品 健康的生活习惯 在课堂上吃东西、睡觉 认真听讲,按时完成作业 考试不及格 各门学科学得很好 范文朗读:‎ Wang Ming is my classmate. He has made great progress this term. In the past, he always fought with others. He used to spend much time playing computer games. And he often ate junk food. In class, he either ate or slept. He could never pass any exam.‎ ‎ But now , he has changed a lot. He can get on well with the other students. He takes an active part in all kinds of activities. He has healthy living habits. He always listens to the teachers carefully in class and finishes his homework on time. And he does well in all subjects. We all like him now.‎ 第十七篇 某英文杂志社正面向九年级毕业生征文,请从以下要点中选择一至两个方面,并结合具体事例,用英语写一篇题为" Thank you, my teacher!"的短文参加此次活动。要点如下:‎ ‎1.严格要求;2.耐心指导;3.热情鼓励;4. ......‎ 范文朗读 Thank you, my teacher!‎ I’d like to say thanks to myEnglish teacher, Miss Li, because she'shelpedme alot.‎ ‎ Once, I failed my English exam. When she found Iwas very worried,she encouraged me to study harder and promised to help me. After that, I turned to her for help every time I had questions. She was always patientto make meunderstand everysingle question. With her help, I’ve hadenough courage to face difficulties and made much progress in English.‎ ‎ Thank you, my dear teacher! The love and support from you will bewith me forever.‎ 第十八篇 ‎“播种习惯收获性格,播种性格收获命运。”在生活中,一定有好的习惯伴随你的成长。请你以Good habits make me…为题写篇短文(词数80-100)。步骤与要点如下: 1.确定主题(补全标题),并在文中说明原因;2.围绕主题,进行叙述; 3.写出具体计划,也可以讲述段与主题有关的故事或经历。或虚构的故事鼓励写出真情实感,参考词汇: better, happier, healthier, stronger等);‎ 范文朗读:‎ Good habits make me healthy Good habits are important in our lives. They influence us a lot in many ways. I think good habits make me healthy. I have some goodhabits make me healthy. I have some good habits such as eating healthy food and taking exercise.‎ Years ago, I was very fat and I often fell ill. I used to eat much junkfood and never took exercise. My doctor said that I had to lose weight if Iwanted to stay healthy. I decided to give up my bad habits and develop some good ones. I began to eat healthy food. I spent some of my free timeexercising every day. In addition, I joined a sports club and took part inthe activities there. Gradually, I got healthier and healthier.‎ Thanks to my good habits, they help me have a healthy body.‎ 第十九篇 请以“My hobby”为题写一篇短文,必须包含以下要点和词语提示信息:‎ ‎1. What is your hobby? 2. How do you developyour hobby? 3. Share your happiness you get from yourhobby. Give atleast one example.‎ 提示词语:practice,different,forget,no longer 范文朗读:‎ My hobby ‎ Everyone has his or herown hobbyand sodo I. Myhobbyissinging. I usually spend most of my free time practicing singing. Ialso read somebooks or watch some videos about how to improve singing skills.‎ ‎ When I am in trouble, singing can make me calm down and give me courage to overcome the difficulty. When I am very tired, it can make merelaxed. When I am angry with something, it can also make me happyagain. Singing brings me much happiness. I took part in a singingcompetition last year. And I won first place at last. It really made me feelpleased and proud.‎ 第二十篇 当今社会,很多家庭对孩子过分湖爱,导致当他们面对问题时手足无措。因此对孩子们来说,学会自立相当重要。请根据以上所述,结合表格所提供的图片及文字信息,以“Learn to Be Independent"为题写篇100词左右的短文。‎ 社会现象 ‎ ‎ 你的观点 ‎◆家长应相信孩子,不要包办一切;‎ ‎◆提出合理建议,让孩子自己做决定; ‎ ‎◆……‎ ‎◆孩子不要过度依赖父母,学做家务,照顾自己;‎ ‎◆勇于面对并解决 困难;‎ ‎◆……‎ 参考词汇:1. make decisions 2. dependon3. look after4. on the one hand…on the other hand.. .‎ Learn to Be Independent ‎ Nowadays, many children are treated as "little emperors" athome. Parents show so much love to their children that when they faceproblems, they don’t know what to do. So it’s important for children tolearn to be independent.‎ ‎ In my opinion, parents should believe in their children and never do everything for them. It’s necessary to give children proper advice and more chances to make their own decisions.‎ ‎ As for children, they shouldn’t depend on their parents too much. On the one hand, they should learn to do chores. It helps to developtheir independence and teaches them how to look after themselves. Onthe other hand, they ought to face difficulties bravely and try to solvethem.‎ ‎ In a word, the earlier children learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.‎ 第二十一篇 现在,中学生在校内能保证定时间的运动量,但在校外普遍缺少运动甚至不运动。请就此现象写一篇短文,谈谈你的看法。内容包括: 1.缺少运动甚至不运动的原因; 2.缺少运动甚至不运动对学生的影响;3.针对这种现象提出合理的改善建议。参考词汇:be short of缺少 范文朗读:‎ Many students are short of exercise in their spare time now. Theyhave to do too much homework after school, or have too many after-schoolclasses. So there is no time for them to do exercise.‎ ‎ Being short of exercise may cause many problems, such as putting on weight andpoor health. Even though they aretoo busy with their schoolwork, it’s still necessary to do exercise to make their bodies strongand healthy. First, they can ride or walk to school on weekdays. Second, theycan go swimming on weekends. Last, they can exercise by doingdaily housework.‎ ‎ Allin all, students need to do exercise in their spare time. Themore exercisethey do, the better they will be.‎ ‎ 第二十二篇 某英语站正在开展主题为" How can a teenager have a successful life?"的讨论,为此你采访了一些同学(结果见下表)。请据此用英语写一篇短文参与讨论,并阐述你的观点。‎ 同学主要观点 你的观点 ‎●尊重父母 ‎●努力学习 ‎●服务社会 ‎●计划未来 ‎……(至少两条)‎ 参考词汇:尊重 respect 范文朗读:‎ I have recently done a survey about how a teenager can have asuccessful life.‎ ‎ Most students believe it’s necessary to study hard. After all, studyplays a key role in their life. They also agree they should respect theirparents, who look after them every day. Besides, they're ready to serve the society and in their opinion it’s really meaningful. What’s more, they think each teenager is supposed to make a good plan for future.‎ ‎ From my point of view, we need to make some good friends so thatwe can learn from each other. Also, we must be active and exercise more to keep healthy because it's important to a successful life.‎ 第二十三篇 学校将举办 “A Summer for Better English"活动。请你从下面的推荐书单中选择2本想阅读的书刊,然后用英语写一篇短文说明你的选择意向及理由,在学校的English Comer分享。‎ A list of books for English skills and for fun Basic English Writing Treasure Island Serets of English Words Robinson Crusoe Guide to English ListeningAlice's Adventures in Wonderland ‎20 Topics for English SpeakingTime for Kids ( a magazine )‎ 范文朗读:‎ To improve our English, the school has givena list of books for usto read thissummer. .Of all the suggested books, I have decidedtochoose Secrets of English Words and Time for Kids.‎ The first one is a book which may helpmeuse English wordsbetter. By reading this book, I will surely learn more newwords. Thiswill make my future studymuch easier.Time for Kids is a popularmagazine specially written for students, in which I will read interestingstories and have a taste of teenage life abroad. So it must be great funreading it.‎ By reading books, I think I willmakeprogress in my English.‎ ‎ 第二十四篇 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Tony是一个体育爱好者。 他想了解你们班的同学对“毕业班学生是否应该坚持体育锻炼”的看法。因此你在你们班就此话题做了调研,同学们对此有不同的看法。请根据表格中提供的要点,以 “Whether school-leavers should keep on doing sports”为话题写一篇英语短文,谈谈同学们的看法并发表你的个人观点。‎ Do's Don'ts Students' opinions ‎(1)strengthen one's body(2)relax ‎(3)develop friendship ‎(1)take up the time for study ‎(2)get hurt Your opinion ‎….‎ 范文朗读:‎ Recently I’ve had a survey about whether schoolleavers should keep on doingsports. Different peoplehave different opinions.‎ ‎ More than half of my classmates believe it is agood idea to keep on doing sports every day. Theybelieve sports canstrengthen their bodies. What’s more, students will be relaxed and have a clear andfresh mind after takingexercise. Besides, they candevelop better friendship. However, some studentsdisagree. For onething, doing sports usually takes upthe time for study. For another, it is easy for studentsto get hurt in physical exercise.‎ ‎ In my opinion, it is good and necessary forschool-leavers to take exercise. And I hope more andmore students can do sports so that they can be ingood health.‎ 第二十五篇 在英语课上,同学们就“I think I can make it”的话题进行了讨论,大家都表示要努力学习,争取考人自己理想的学校。假如你是Zhang Ping, 请根据下表提示,写篇英语发言稿,并谈谈你的做法。‎ 同学们的做法 你的做法 学会思考;勤做笔记;读有用的书刊;坚持体育锻炼;‎ ‎……(至少两条)‎ 范文朗读:‎ Recently, we’ve had a discussion about 1 think Icanmakeit inourEnglish class. Some classmatesplan to think more before doing anything. It’s important to thinkmore and do more.Also, theywanttotake noteswell and it canhelpthem reviewwhatthey’ve learnedinclass.After school, they wouldlike to read moreuseful books because reading canopenup theirminds.What’s more, exercising everyday is necessary for them and health isthe mostimportant of all.‎ As for me, I willnot only domore math exercises but also ask theteacherfor help, because I’m not good atmath.Meanwhile, I want to watchmoreEnglish-speaking movies so that I canimprove myEnglish listening.‎ 第二十六篇 人非圣贤,孰能无过?作为一名学生,在学习或生活中你是否也曾犯过错误、做过傻事?在认识到自己所犯错误或明白所做的傻事后,你又是如何改正的呢?请根据写作要点提示,以“The Mistake Made Me Grow Up"为题,用英语写一篇短文。‎ ‎1.写作要点提示:‎ ‎(1)简述你犯过的一次错误或 做过的一件傻事;‎ ‎(2)谈谈你是如何在他人的帮助下或在自己的努力下改正的;‎ ‎(3)你从中吸取了哪些教训或收获了哪些成长的经验。‎ 范文朗读:‎ The Mistake Made Me Grow Up One day, Isatin the classroom alone. Suddenly I saw Lisa's newpen on her desk. What a beautiful pen!I really wanted to own it. Then I took the pen and put it in my schoolbag. While Lisa was looking for her pen,i was afraid and didn’t have the courage to tell her the truth. When I got home, I told my mother about the pen. She said I made a mistake and told me I should be honest and make up for it.Then I realized howwrong I was and felt very sorry, so I decided to give the pen back to Lisa and say sorry to her. The next day, I did so and Lisa forgave me.‎ That’s the mistake I once made.It made me grow up and l learned andthe importance of honesty.‎ 第二十七篇 三年的初中生活让你收获满满。校英语报邀你写一篇短文,给即将升入九年级的学弟学妹或他们的父母提一些建议。请结合自己的学习经历选择其中一个对象,阐述你的观点。‎ Advice for students Advice for parents keep healthy join clubs develop your study skills ‎...‎ encourage... more not compare... with allow... to make decisions ‎...‎ 短文首句:How time flies! Now (you/your children) are students of Grade 9.‎ 范文朗读:‎ A) How time flies! Now you are students of Grade 9. Here I’d like to tell you something that will make your school life more comfortable and wonderful.‎ ‎ First of all, it is important for you to keep healthy, so don’t forget to exercise every day. Second, you’d better join clubs so that you can learn better and make more friends. Third, you will be able to make great progress if you develop your study skills. Besides, there are many ways for you to lower your stress, such as listening to music, hanging out with friends, and watching movies.‎ I hope you will enjoy your school life and achieve your dreams.‎ B) How time flies! Now your children are student of Grade 9. Here I’d like to tell you something that will make their school life more wonderful.‎ First of all, it is important to encourage your children more so that that will be more confident. Second, please do not compare your children with others, because if you push them too hard, they will feel stressed out. Third, the children should be allowed make their own.‎ decisions. There is no need to get everything ready for them. Besides, being a good listener will help you get well with your children.‎ ‎ I hope your children’s dreams will come true with your help.‎ ‎ 第二十八篇 在过去的日子里,我们曾经欢笑,也曾经哭泣......的照片,或将这些精彩定格,或勾起你对往事的回忆。某英语网站向你发出邀请,请你按要求用英语写一篇文章,分享你照片背后的故事。要求:故事必须原创;‎ 参考要点:1)描述你的照片(时间,地点,人物......)2)分享你的故事(起因,经过,结果......)‎ ‎3)谈谈你的感受(感动,怀念,影响......)‎ 范文朗读:‎ This is a photo that is very special to me. In the photo, I was 10 while my dad looked younger. Look, we are playing ping-pong happily. ‎ I used to be a ping-pong player. My dad trained me so hard, though he was tired after a day's work. Once, I lost a game and I felt so sad that I wanted to give up. My father said nothing, sitting quietly with me. The next morning, I found a piece of paper. It said, "Never give up, dear. I am proud of you!"‎ Now, I spend less time playing ping-pong because of my busy study. But I will never forget what my father told me. He is proud of me. How lucky I am to be his daughter!‎ 第二十九篇 现在我校同学们上学主要有两种方式——接送上学和自己上学。为此,校报English garden专栏正在讨论。请你向校报投稿,选择你喜欢的一种上学方式并阐释理由。1. 理由必须包括表中你所选择的上学方式的相应内容,可适当发挥;‎ Being sent to school Going to school by myself save time keep safe communicate with parents ‎...‎ good exercise ‎ relieve traffic make more friends ‎...‎ 范文朗读:‎ A) Some students prefer to be sent to school, while others may want to go to school by themselves. The way I like is to be sent to school. In my opinion, being sent to school can save me a lot of time , and I can spend more time on my study. As for my parents, they want to make sure I am safe, especially when the weather is terrible, It is also very convenient for me to communicate with my parents. I can talk with them about the things that happened at school. What’s more, we can relax ourselves and enjoy the beautiful views on the way.‎ Given the reasons above, I choose to be sent to school.‎ B)Some students prefer to be sent to school, while others may want to go to school by themselves. The way I like is to go to school by myself. First, it’s good exercise and it helps me become stronger and healthier. Second, it can relieve traffic. As we know, there are more and more parents driving their children to school and it makes the traffic heavy. Third, on my way home, i usually talk with my classmates about the things we are interested in. So I can make good friends with them. As for my parents, they can spend more time doing their own things, and have a good rest at home.‎ Given the reasons above, I choose to go school by myself.‎ 第三十篇 针对大部分高中要求学生住校的现状,英语课上同学们就“Would you like to live in schoolor not?”这一话题展开讨论,请你表达你的意愿并阐述理由。‎ Would like to live in school Would not like to live in school (1) concentrate on (专注于......) study (2) be convenient to communicate (3) learn to look after myself (4) ‎...‎ (1) feel free at home (1) relax better at home ‎ (2) spend more time with family (3) ‎...‎ 范文朗读:‎ A) Would you like to live in school? My answer is yes. Why? Let me tell you the reasons.‎ First of all, if I live in school, I can concentrate on study more. As a result, I can get better grades. Then, ot will be convenient for me to to communicate with other students. It helps me to get on well with others. What’s more, when I live in school, I have to learn to look after myself and do many daily things by myself, such as washing clothes and so on. At the same time, I’m sure to become more independent than before. It’s good for me to grow up as a person.‎ In a word, I’d like to live in school.‎ B) Would you like to live in school? My answer is no. Why not? Here are some reasons.‎ First of all, I will feel free at home. However, i’ll feel busy the whole day if I live in school. Besides, I can relax better at home. I can do many things to get relaxed, like listening to music. Next, I can spend more time with my family. I’d like to tell my parents some interesting things that happen at school.‎ In short, I’d like to live at home instead of in school.‎ 第三十一篇 为培养英语学习的兴趣,你校打算开设一些英语拓展课程(extended courses)。目前正在英语校报上征求意见。为此,你采访了一些同学(结果见下表)。请根据调查结果,用英语写一篇短文参与讨论,并阐述你的建议和理由。‎ 同学们的主要想法 你的建议及理由 学唱英文歌曲 ‎...‎ 给英语电影配音(dub the English movie)‎ 了解NBA球员和他们的故事 范文朗读:‎ I have recently done a survey about what students want to do in the English extended course. The students in my class have got different views about it.‎ ‎ For example, some students would like to learn to sing English songs while others to dub the English movies. On the other hand, the boys who like playing basketball show great interest in the stories behind the NBA players. They are in agreement that music, movie dubbing and the players’ life experiences can not only develop their hobbies but also help them get much progress in English listening and speaking.‎ ‎ In my opinion, it will be wonderful to enjoy reading English novels. For one thing, I can enjoy the beauty of written English. For another, I can gain more knowledge of English so that it can help to improve my English level.‎ 第三十二篇 你是英语校报编辑李华。校报收到初一新生Ben的来信,他提出了所面临的两个问题。请你根据以下提示写一封回信,说明Ben的问题,提出你的建议并陈述理由。‎ Ben’s problems Your advice and reasons 朋友少,感觉孤单 ‎1.参与学校社团(club)——结识更多朋友 ‎2....(请你补充)‎ 英语单词难记 ‎1.多阅读英语故事、新闻——在运用中学单词 ‎2...(请你补充)‎ 范文朗读:‎ Dear Ben,‎ I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting used to life in middle school. In your letter you said that you always felt lonely because of having few friends. I think is a good choice to join some clubs in your school. In this way, you can make more friends who share the same interest with you. Besides, you’d better be friendly to others. Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return. On the other hand, you found it difficult to remember English words. Reading more English stories and news can help you learn English words in a practical way. In addition, if you can develop a habit of keeping an English diary every day, it will be easier for you to remember more words. I hope you will find these suggestions useful.‎ Good luck with everything!‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ 第三十三篇 假定你是班长李华,请回复新同学Mike 的求助邮件,给他至少3条建议并说明理由。词数80-100,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。‎ To: Li HuaFrom: Mike Hi, Li Hua,‎ You know I am new here. I found it hard for me to get along well with people here. When I have trouble with my study, I don’t know how to get help. I really want to be a good part of the class. Would you please give me some advice?‎ Mike To: MikeFrom: Li Hua Hi Mike, ...‎ Li Hua 范文朗读:‎ Hi Mike,‎ You told me about your problem in your email. I have some suggestion for you. ‎ The first suggestion is to be helpful. Everybody wants to make friends with people who are always ready to help others. The second one is to keep smiling. Keeping smiling is a way to show you are friendly. The third one is to find someone who has the same interest as you. If you have the same hobbies, you will have topics to talk about. Then you will be friends soon. ‎ These are my suggestions for you. Follow them, and you will get along well with us. Then you ‎ will be a good part of the class.‎ Li Hua 第三十四篇 假如你是王俪,你的美国笔友David到中国来做交换生,他不知道如何结交新朋友,他发了一封邮件向你求助。请你根据下面内容提示给他回一封邮件。‎ 参考要点:Ways to make new friends :‎ Taking part in activities; joining clubs; helping others; smiling;...‎ 范文朗读:‎ Dear David,‎ I'm glad to have received your e-mail.You will come to China to be an exchange student.However,you're worried about how to make new friends.Don'tworry!I have some good ideas for you.‎ First of all,you should learn to smile at others.That shows others that you are a friendly boy.Second,it's a good idea to help others.If so,youwill be so kind in others'hearts that more peoplelike to make friends with you.Then,you'd betterjoin some clubs.There you can meet many new people and make friends with them. What’s more, why don’t you take in some activities? There are some activities that can help you know some new friends,such as going camping and having a picnic.‎ I hope the ways I tell you are helpful for you. Wish you enjoy yourself in China.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ 第三十五篇 我们每天都要做很多事情,有些还很棘手。请以“I did it!”为题并根据要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文,描述一件你完成的棘手事情。1.要点:1)你做了什么事情;2)你是如何做那件事情的;3)你做完那件事情后的感受。‎ 范文朗读:‎ I did it!‎ How nervous I was when I was told to give a speech! It was my first speech and I didn’t know what to do.‎ My teacher encouraged me and gave me some useful advice. After I chose a topic I liked best, I watched videos about how to be a good speaker and I learnt a lot of skills. Then I practiced and practiced. Finally, the big day came.‎ I did it!!! Everyone loved my speech. I was so proud of myself.‎ 第三十六篇 假如你是李明,本周日由你组织国际交换生去 The Dream City 游玩。请用英语拟一份口头通知。内容要点如下:1)集合时间和地点:上午九点,the Dream City入口处;2)观看楚剧,学习剪纸,制作陶土作品;3)自由活动一小时,可游玩、拍照等,五点乘地铁返校;4)天气炎热,着装轻便;5)请补充一至两点个人的想法或建议。‎ 参考词汇:entrance n.入口处 Chu Opera 楚剧 clay piece 陶土作品 范文朗读:‎ Hello, everyone! We are going to the Dream City this Sunday. We will meet at the entrance to the Dream Cityat 9:‎00a.m. At the DreamCity,wecanenjoy Chu Opera, learn paper cutting andmake claypieces.We will be givenan hour to do activitiesfreely. We can do somethings such as traveling aroundand taking photos.We will take thesubway to go back to school at five o’clock.‎ I also have some suggestions for you.It ishot and you can wearcasual clothes.We must pay attention tosafetyand never go anywherealone.‎ I hopewewill have a good time at the Dream City.‎ 第三十七篇 微笑是人类最美的语言。某英文报以“Smiles”为题,举办中学生征文活动。请根据下面的图表信息,写一篇英语短文。内容包括:微笑的力量、你的微笑故事以及故事给予你的启示。‎ A) Smiles A smile is the most beautiful language of human beings. A smile shows you are kind and friendly. It helps you get on well with others. It also brings good luck and makes others feel warm.‎ When I was in Grade 6, a new student came to our class. He did badly in schoolwork. No one talked with him. He felt very lonely. When I learnt this, each time I met him, I gave him a big smile. Afterwards, he often asked me questions about study. We became good friends and he did better and better in his study. He said it was my smile that made him more confident and outgoing.‎ Smiles are so important to our life, so let’s try to smile more. If we smile to life, life will smile back to us.‎ ‎ B) Smiles A smile is the most beautiful language of human beings. A smile is like the sunshine in winter. It warms our hearts and helps us get on well with each other. A person who often smiles usually gets good luck. What’s more, smiles can give us confidence.‎ When I was young, I was very shy. I was afraid to speak in public. One day I needed to give a speech in my English class. I was so frightened that I did badly at the beginning. But when I saw a big smile on my teacher’s face, I got more and more confident. Finally I made it.‎ Smiles are very helpful in our lives. We should often keep smiles on our faces. If we are happy, we smile. If we meet difficulties, we should smile, too. Let’s smile to life!‎ ‎ 第三十八篇 如今,国内外很多孩子在父母的安排下没有了自己的周末,如下图中的Jack。请分析图中的这种现象并谈谈你的看法,以“Weekend or Not?”为题写一篇约110词的英语短文向Parents杂志投稿,让父母们通过阅读你的文章能有所启发。‎ 范文朗读 Weekend or Not?‎ Jack has to attend lots of classes at weekends. He has little time for his favorite sport—soccer. Still, his parents are pushing him to do more math exercises, which worries him a lot.‎ Nowadays, many students are under much pressure like Jack. Their parents believe it necessary for them to make full use of the weekends and learn as much as possible. As a result, some students are stressed out and therefore lose interest in learning anything. What is worse, they may not be able to learn to manage their own life.‎ I do hope all the children can have the freedom to choose what they like to do and enjoy their weekends. ‎ 第三十九篇 分享是一种行为方式,也是一种良好的品质(quality)。人生处处充满分享,懂得分享非常重要。分享快乐,快乐加倍;分享烦恼,烦恼减半。请根据这个观点,以“My Sharing Experience”为题,写一篇100词左右的短文。内容包括:你的一次经历;你的感悟;分享的意义等。‎ ‎ 范文朗读:‎ My Sharing Experience Sharing is away of behavior as well as a good quality of people.Life is full of sharing. I think it's important to share happiness and sadness with others.‎ When Iwasten, we moved to a newarea.Facing the strangesurroundings, I felt lonelyand upset. Itwas my neighbor, Tim, whohelped me find pleasure again. He showed me around and introducednewfriends to me. He also shared his favorite books, music and learningmethods with me.We soon became good friends. Thanks to his sharing,I began to share with others.‎ As we know, when happiness is shared, it will be doubled; when aproblem is shared, it is like ‎ cutting it in half. Sharing brings uspleasure, confidence and courage to overcome difficulties. Let’s open ourhearts to share with others in our future life!‎ 第四十篇 假如你是李华,你们学校将举行”弘扬中华传统文化一戏曲进校园”展演活动,你打算邀请你的美国朋友Mike参加。请你根据以下提示用英文给他写一封电子邮件。‎ 1. 时间: ‎7月1日下午2点;地点:学校操场;内容: 文化展览,节目表演等。‎ 提示词: 戏曲opera n. 表演performance n.‎ 范文朗读:‎ Dear Mike,‎ I know you are interested in traditional Chinese culture. Now, I have a piece of good news to share with you. There is an activity about traditional Chinese operas at 2:00 p.m. on July l. It will be held on the playground in our school and all the teachers and students will attend. On that day, a culture show and many wonderful opera performances will be put on. It's a chance for you to learn more about Chinese traditional culture. Come and join us! I think we’ll have a great time.‎ I’m looking forward to your early reply.‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ 第四十一篇 假设你是李华,你们班同学决定进行一次野餐,请你用英语给外教Jack写封邮件,邀请他参加。内容包括: 1)时间: 本周日上午9:00到下午15:00; 2) 地点: 劳动公园( the Laodong Park); 3) 活动: 做游戏、唱歌、吃午饭…… 4)要求: 上午8:00校门口集合、自带食品……‎ Dear Jack, ‎ How is it going?‎ We’ ve decided to have a picnic this coming Sunday. I wonder if you could come and join us. At 8 o’clock, we will meet at our school gate and then go to the Laodong Park by bus, which is about an hour’s ride. After arriving there, some of us are going to play games. At the same time, a few classmates interested in music can sing songs together. At noon, we will sit around and have a wonderful lunch. In the afternoon, we plan to collect rubbish that is thrown about by careless visitors till 15:00.‎ Each of us should bring his favorite food and we’d better wear sunglasses to protect us from the strong sunlight.‎ ‎ I’m looking forward to your reply.‎ ‎ Yours ‎ ‎ Li Hua 第四十二篇 难忘的初中生活即将结束。你们班计划举行告别初中生活”的主题班会。假如你是班长,根据以下提示,用英语写一则通知。要点如下: 1)时间: ‎6月26日下午3:00。2)地点: 301‎ 教室。3)活动内容: 对老师用话语表达谢意;与同学交流暑假计划;师生合影,互赠留言。‎ 参考词汇 : look back at;say goodbye to;express thanks to;talk about;take photos 范文朗读:‎ Boys and girls,‎ The wonderful middle school life will go to the end. In the past three years, we have studied and stayed together. Looking back at the days we spend together, how sweet we feel! In order to keep the happy times in our hearts forever, we are going to have a class meeting on the afternoon of June 26, next week. The theme of the class meeting is saying goodbye to our middle school life. It will be held in Classroom 301.‎ We are going to have some meaningful activities. To express thanks to our teachers, we each should say a thankful word to our dear teachers. We can chat freely with our classmates about our plans of the summer vacation. We can even talk about the dreams of our future. Then, we are going to take some photos with our teachers and classmates. In the end, we may give our wishes to each other.‎ Don't be late! That’s all, thank you!‎ 第四十三篇 三年的初中生活即将结東,康康的班级打算于‎6月26日上午举办最后一次班级活动。假如你是康康,请你根据下表内容向你班的师生介绍本次活动的安排情况。‎ 时间 活动内容 ‎9:00—9:50‎ 谈论“你长大后想做什么”;讨论“如何过暑假”‎ ‎10:00—10:55‎ 唱歌、跳舞、表演魔术……‎ ‎11:00—11:30‎ 打扫教室、照相合影、互留电话和地址……‎ 参考词汇: plan to;take photos;address;perform magic tricks;put on short plays;write farewell words(写留言);gift;telephone number;‎ 范文朗读: ‎ My dear teachers and classmates ,‎ Attention, please! Our class is going to have a farewell party in our classroom on the morning of June 26th, 2019. At 9:00, we will talk about " What are you going to be when you grow up?". After that , we will discuss how to spend our summer holidays.‎ ‎ From 10:00 to 10:55, we plan to sing, dance, perform magic tricks and put on a short play at the farewell party. At 11:00, it’s time for us to take photos together, give telephone numbers and addresses to each other. We can also write farewell words, give gifts and so on. After that, we will do some cleaning for our classroom. The party will be over at 11:30. I wish you all have a wonderful time.‎ ‎ 第四十四篇 一年一度的杜鹃节又临近,××局决定选拔部分中学生周末为外国游客志愿服务并 提供英语讲解。××局需要应征者提交英文自荐信。假如你是王伟,你希望成为一名志愿讲解员。请按要求用英语写一封自荐信。‎ 参考要点:1.擅长英语(英语学习情况,英语水平,沟通能力......) 2. 热爱家乡,了解当地文化,熟知杜鹃节的情况等3. ......(考生自己发挥)‎ 参考词汇:杜鹃节:Rhododendron Festival 范文朗读:‎ Dear sir or madam,‎ I’m a student from a junior high school. I’d like to become a volunteer guide for the coming Rhododendron Festival this year. I believe I have such ability to do the job well for the coming Rhododendron Festival.‎ Firstly, I have learned English for nearly seven years. I spend a lot of my free time listening to English news, watching English TV programs and English movies to develop my English speaking skills. So it’s not difficult for me to talk with people in English. I think I can communicate with foreign friends very well. ‎ Secondly, like many people, I regard with great interest how our hometown is developing. I know much about the customs and cultures of hometown and I have mastered lots about Rhododendron Festival which has brought many chances for the development of our hometown.‎ Besides, I feel like making friends with different people, no matter where they come from. I am so friendly that I can get along well with foreigners.‎ Last but not least, I’d like to make an effort to do the things I am interested in. I will try my best to solve any problem to give good service to the visitors.‎ I would be most thankful if you could give me the chance.‎ 第四十五篇 为了进一步增强中学生的安全意识,提高自我保护能力,某校开展了以”安全”为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你根据以下要点提示写一篇演讲稿。   ‎ ‎1.慎重交友 2.遇险报警 3.安全饮食 4. 其他(1-2点)   ‎ 参考词汇:be careful, on line, danger, call...for, go bad    范文朗读:‎ How to keep safe?    As teenagers we should always keep safety in mind. But how can we keep safe? Here are some of my suggestions.    First, we should be careful when we make friends, especially on line. We should tell our parents if we could meet the “internet friend”. We could agree to meet in a public place, not go alone. Second, when we have something dangerous, we must call the police for help in time so that we can keep ourselves safe. Also, we ought to eat healthily and safely. Eating food that goes bad will do harm to our health. Last but not least, summer is coming, and we must remember it’s dangerous to swim in the river. In short, safety must come first ! 第四十六篇 实现有效的沟通,建立良好的人际关系,不仅要善于表达,更要善于倾听。请你根据表格中所提供的信息,写一篇题为“Being a Good Listener”的英文演讲稿。 ‎ 范文朗读:‎ Being a Good Listener    Good afternoon, everyone! Today I’d like to share my ideas of “Being a Good Listener” with you.    Good listening can always show respect and build good relationships with people. Parents should listen to their children, so they will understand them better and trust each other. Teachers should also listen to their students so that they can increase their understanding and improve ‎ relationships. Students should listen to their classmates so that their friendship will be made stronger and they will help each other. We’d better be patient while listening. Don’t forget to keep silent while listening. In a word, good listening can really make us get closer to each other. Thank you for your listening! ‎ 第四十七篇 最近,你们班就“是否应该帮助陌生人”展开了讨论,同学们就这一话题意见不一,你的看法如何?根据所提供的信息,以“Should We Help Strangers?”为题,写一篇短文。 原因 赞成 帮助他人是美德; 帮助他人就是帮助自己; 反对 怕陷入麻烦; 怕被误解; 你的观点?(至少两点)参考词汇:美德virtue 范文朗读:‎ Should We Help Strangers?‎ Recently our class had a discussion about whether we should help strangers. Different students have different opinions. Some think we should try to help strangers. Helping others is a virtue,and helping others is helping ourselves. We may come across some trouble and need others' help some day. If everyone isn't willing to help us just because we are strangers to them,it's hard to imagine what our world will be like. However,some are afraid that helping others can sometimes bring us trouble.Sometimes we are just misunderstood and even have to pay the cost of kindness. In my opinion,we should try our best to help others when they are in need of help,but we should also protect ourselves from getting into trouble.If everyone tries a little kindness,our world will be full of love. ‎ ‎ 第四十八篇 学校英语社团在举办征文比赛,请你根据以下提示内容,写一篇题为“The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most”的英语文章。内容要点如下: 1. 对我影响最大的人是我的妈妈,她四十几岁; 2. 她总是耐心倾听我的问题,并建议我如何解决它们; 3. 作为一名医生,她常说再怎么仔细也不为过。她总是加班,把她的大部分时 间都奉献给了工作; 4. 所以,我认为她不仅是位好妈妈,也是名好医生。 5. 我希望 …… 参考词汇: work extra hours加班: ‎ The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most My mother is the person who has influenced me most. She is in her forties. She always listens to my problems patiently. And she advises me how to solve them. As a doctor, she often says she can’t be too careful. She often works extra hours. She has spent most of her time on her work. So I think she is not only a good mother but also a good doctor. I hope I can be a person like her. I also hope she will pay more attention to her own health. She’d better have more time to relax herself. ‎ 第四十九篇 某英文报社正就青少年与父母关系这一话题开展题为“How to keep a good relationship with parents”的征文活动。请你根据以下要点, 写一篇80个词左右的英语短文参加此次活动: 1. 父母规矩太多, 过于强调学习成绩, 不理解自己等问题; 2. 你对这些问题的看法; 3. 你与父母保持良好关系的做法。 ‎ 范文朗读: How to keep a good relationship with parents How to keep a good relationship with parents? In my opinion, I have too many rules at home. My parents never allow me to go out with my friends at night. They don’t allow me to choose my own clothes, either. And they pay too much attention to my exam results. I think my parents don’t quite understand me. However, I try my best to understand them. Although they don’t allow me to make my own decisions and give me too much pressure, I know that it is because they really love me and want me to have a bright future. In order to keep a good relationship with my parents, I study hard, listen to them, talk to them as friends, tell them my troubles, and help them do more housework. ‎ 第五十篇 假如你是李华,参加了长城景区组织的“志愿小导游”活动,请根据以下内容写一篇短文,‎ 向外国游客介绍中国的万里长城。‎ ‎1)简单介绍长城:世界八大奇迹之一;长约21,196 千米; 始建于秦朝,重建于明朝。‎ ‎2)简单介绍民间传说《孟姜女哭长城》:孟姜女的丈夫被抓去修长城,因劳累致死, ……‎ ‎3)提一条游览注意事项。 ‎ 参考词汇:朝代 dynasty; 奇迹 wonder; 《孟姜女哭长城》the story of Lady Mengjiang ‎ 范文朗读:‎ It’s my great honor to be your tour guide today. ‎ As we know, the Great Wall is one of the eight most famous wonders in the world. It’s about 21, 196 kilometers long. It was first built in Qin Dynasty and rebuilt in Ming Dynasty. ‎ The story of Lady Mengjiang has been spread widely throughout the history. It’s about a beautiful lady whose husband was caught and sent to build the Great Wall, but died from being too tired. After hearing it, the ladycried so sadlythat the Great Wall fell down over her heartbroken cries.What a moving story!‎ As there’re too many tourists, please watch your steps carefully. ‎ 第五十一篇 目前,许多七八年级的同学们为他们升学考试中的增加英语口语测试而烦恼。请你根据表格内容并结合自己的学习经验,写一篇英语短文向他们介绍如何提高口语,并适当阐述理由。 ‎ In class l listen and repeat l get the pronunciation right l ‎…‎ After class l have conversations with… /communicate with;try to memorize as many as words as possible Your encouragement l be patient l ‎…‎ ‎ 范文朗读:‎ Speaking exams can be stressful! But don’t worry and here are some suggestions for you.‎ In class, you should listen to your English teacher or the tape carefully and repeat out loud. I think it helps. But you must get your pronunciation right. ‎ After class, you need to practice more. You can have conversations with your classmates or some foreigners if possible. “Practice makes perfect.” Even if you’re good, keeping practicing is necessary. And remember that it’s also a secret to learn from mistakes. It can make your spoken English better. And another thing is that you should try to memorize as many words as possible.‎ It may be difficult for everyone to pass the exam. So please be patient. It takes time! Don’t give up and feel good about yourself. I think if you follow the advice and continue to practice , you will make it.‎ 第五十二篇 假如你是Grace, 你的中国笔友李红初中毕业后要去美国读高中,但担心陌生环境中难以交到朋友。因此给你发邮件,倾诉烦恼。请根据下面的邮件内容, 给李红建议。要求:‎ ‎ 建议至少三条, 可适当发挥, 但必须包含邮件所含的内容;‎ ‎ Dear Grace,‎ ‎ How is everything going? I'm excited to tell you that I'm going to study in the US this September. But I'm a shy girl and don't know how to make new friends there. What shall I do? Could you give me some advice?[来源:学§科§网Z§X§X Li Hong ‎ 范文朗读:‎ Dear Li Hong, ‎ ‎ I'm glad that you are coming to study in the US. I know you are a shy girl, and sometimes don't know how to make new friends. But don't worry, I have some good suggestions for you.‎ ‎ Firstly, it's easier for you to make friends if you find the same interests or hobbies with people around you. Secondly, always be friendly to others. And remember: smiling always helps. Another important thing is to be a good listener. It's better to listen carefully than to keep talking about yourself. Finally, you need to be brave. There's nothing to worry about. Just enjoy your new life!Hope to see you soon!‎ Grace 第五十三篇 随着科技的发展,我们可以预见在未来生活中机器人很有可能进入普通家庭。请根据以下问题的提示,写一篇短文,描述你对家用机器人的想象。‎ (1) What will a home robot look like in the future? (2) What can a home robot do for your family? (3)How will your life change if you have a home robot?‎ 范文朗读:‎ My Home Robot in the Future With the development of science, it’s possible to have a home robot in the future.‎ What will a home robot look like in the future? Well, it might look like a real man, with two big and bright eyes as well as two ears. Or it can be like a lovely cartoon character. Anyway, it must be very clever.‎ A home robot can do many things for my family. First of all, it can cook delicious food. So my mother doesn’t need to be busy preparing meals for us. Also it can do some cleaning and washing. What’s more, it can play chess with us. Maybe it can sing beautiful songs and dance with us, too. ‎ If we have such a home robot, my family and I could have more free time to do other things instead of spending much time on housework. And I will not feel lonely when I am alone at home because I have the company of the robot. It will be a nice friend and also a family of us.‎ 第五十四篇 某学生英文报向即将毕业的初三学生征文,以了解他们初中三年的收获和对未来的希望与打算。请以What I Have Learned in Junior High为题写一篇文章,要点如下:(1)三年来收获:学会如何与人相处;养成一些好习惯、学会独立; 变得有责任心;(2)未来的希望与打算。‎ 范文朗读 What I Have Learned in Junior High Three years of junior high school life is coming to an end, during which we have gained a lot so far.‎ ‎ I used to be too shy and didn’t know how to get on well with others at the beginning of Grade 7. Therefore, I had few friends and felt lonely at times. Later I got relaxed as all my classmates were so friendly and helpful. There is really no need for me to worry too much.‎ ‎ It is not the only thing that makes me cheerful. During the past three years, I have become more and more independent and gradually formed some great habits which are both good for my health and study.‎ ‎ Last but not the least, I have grown into a responsible boy/ girl. I am grateful to all my teachers and classmates. Thanks to all those who have helped me, I could be a better one.‎ ‎ I hope to improve myself by learning more in the senior high and then university. I wish to be an outstanding fashion designer. No matter what difficulties I will face, I’ll turn them into ‎ challenges and try my best to overcome them. The future is ours. Let’s start a new bright future.‎ 第五十五篇 在英语课上,同学们对以下漫画展开了讨论,主题为“什么是父母给孩子最好的礼物?”。请根据漫画内容和提示写一篇80-100词的英语短文(短文开头已给出,不计入总词数)。提示:1)描述漫画内容;2)分析父母的这种行为对孩子的影响(如感到被忽略,不利于孩子发展等);3)你认为什么是父母给孩子最好的礼物。‎ 参考词汇:feel left out, influence, development 小宇,妈妈没时间陪你,要努力赚钱送你去最好的学校。‎ 妈妈,我努力学习,将来赚钱送你去最好的养老院。‎ 范文朗读:‎ What is the best gift from parents?‎ 范文朗读:‎ Some parents think money is the best gift for their children. As we can see in the picture,Xiao Yu’s mother has no time to stay with her son because she is busy making money to provide her son with the best education. However, Xiao Yu’s reply is surprising. He decides to work hard and when he grows up, he will make much money to send her mother to the best old people’s home. ‎ For some parents, money is the only way to show their love. Children often feel left out. It influences their development. In my opinion, the best gift from parents is their love and care. Parents should spend more time with their children even though they are busy.‎

