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‎2017桂林市中考英语试卷解析 第一卷 二、单项选择 ‎31.  There are some____________ on the classroom walls.‎ A. map B. desks C. pictures 答案:C 解析:难度:简单,考点:名词单复数。看到there are ,故后面选择pictures.‎ ‎32.   Miss Li is____________ teacher.‎ A. they               B. their C. them 答案:B 解析:难度:简单,考点:形容词性物主代词,横线后面有名词,用形容词性 物主代词their.‎ ‎33.   Meimei studies______________ than Lucy.‎ A. hard               B. hardly C. harder 答案:C 解析:难度:简单,考点:形容词比较级,明显标志than.‎ ‎35.   I_____________ TV at eight last night.‎ A. was watching B. am watching C. watching 答案:A 解析:难度:简单,考点:过去进行时,标志at eight last night.‎ ‎36.  The zoo asks the visitors_____________ the animals.‎ A. not feed B. not to feed C. don't feed 答案:B 解析:难度:中等,考点:动词不定式,ask sb not to do sth为固定搭配。‎ ‎37.   My home town is___________ famous for its beautiful mountains and clear water.‎ A. more especial B. especial C. especially 答案:C 解析:难度:难题,考点:副词修饰形容词。‎ ‎38.   Daming wants to be a policeman when he______________ up.‎ A. has grown B. grew C. grows 答案:C 解析:难度:中等,考点:时态辨析,前面为wants,所以后面选用grows.‎ ‎39.  You should come by eleven o'clock_____________ you want good seats.‎ A. if                        B. whether               C. when 答案:A 解析:难度:中等考点:if引导的条件状语从句.‎ ‎40.  Our science teacher said that light_____________ much faster than sound.‎ A. traveled                 B. travels C. travel 答案:B 解析:难度:中等,考点:宾语从句的时态,从句是客观真理、自然现象时用一般现在时。‎ 三、完形填空 A British boy named Seb Cloer has a fantastic and exciting hobby—sailing. He sailed his 9.8-metre-long boat 5000km 41 Tenerife to Antigua. Fifteen-year-old Seb has become ‎ ‎ one of 42 people to sail alone across the Atlantic Ocean so far. Seb said. "Sometimes I was afraid. But I still enjoyed every moment. The 43 thing was seeing fish and other sea animals swimming close to the boat, and the worst part of the journey was when I ran out of chocolate.” Seb 44 boats since he was very young and 45 to get ready for this journey when he was only twelve.‎ Seb said."丨 enjoyed sailing alone, but I'm looking 46 to going back to school now.” Seb 47 twice a day for a year by his coach and a half year to prepare for the sailing. He also held fundraisers(募捐会). not only 48 the cost of sailing,‎ but also to 49 money for an organization which helps 50 persons. Sed said.‎ ‎"Any teenager can do this and all they have to do is to have a try.‎ ‎41.  A. from  B. across C  .through  D. on   42.  A. young  B. the youngest  C. the younger  D.younger   43.  A. worse  B. worst C  . better  D. best   44.  A. sails  B. sailed C  .has sailed  D. sailing   45.  A. has started  B. started C ‎ ‎ 二 will start  D. starts   46.  A. forward  B. for  C. after  D. up   47.  A. has trained  B. will be trained  C. trained  D. was trained   48.  A. wait for  B. pay for  C. to pay for  D. to wait for   49.  A. research  B. raise  C. rise  D. receive   50.  A. carelessly  B. carefully ‎ ‎ C. homelessness D. homeless  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎41.答案  A  解析:  固定搭配,from...to从...到... 难度:简单       42.答案  B  解析:  固定搭配,one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数 难度:简单       43.答案  D  解析:  语篇理解,联系下文的the worst,可知选反义词组the best.  难度:  中等   44.答案  C  解析  时态考查,标志since,用现在完成时。难度:简单 ‎ ‎      45.答案  B  解析:  时态考查,由when he was only twelve可知,选过去式。难度:  简单     46.答案  A  解析:  固定搭配look forward to 难度:简单       47.答案  D  解析:  考查一般过去时的被动语态,由by his coach可知用被动语态,  难度:  简单   48.答案  C  解析:  考查固定搭配,难度在于cost的名词性质,由cost of sailing可知选pay for。难度   49.答案 ‎ ‎ B  解析:  固定搭配,词义考查,raise money:筹款。 难度:简单       50.答案  D  解析:  词义考查,考查学生的语篇理解能力。 难度:简单      ‎ ‎ ‎ 四、阅读理解 A The elephant lies in Africa and in Asia. It eats plants and fruit, but it doesn't eat meat. It likes water. The tiger lives in Asia, too. It's a large and beautiful animal. It likes water and is good at swimming. It's strong and catches many kinds of animals for food. But elephants and tigers axe in danger. It is hard to believe that there are only about one hundred south china tigers left on earth and few live in the wild. So The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is working hard to save elephants and tigers.‎ 根据短文内容,判断句子的正误,正确的在答题卡上涂T,错误的涂F.‎ ‎51. The elephant eats plants and meat.‎ ‎52. The tiger eats meat.‎ ‎53. The elephant and the tiger both like water.‎ ‎54. There are only about one hundred elephants left on earth.‎ ‎55. The WWF is working hard to save elephants and tigers.‎ ‎51.答案:F 解析:由 It eats plants and fruit, but it doesn't eat meat.可得出答案,难度:简单 ‎52.                                    答案:T  解析:由文中第三行的中间那句可得知,老虎catches many kinds of animals for food.可知老虎是 食肉的难度:中等 ‎53.                                  答案:T  解析:由文中第一行的最后一句和第二行的最后一句可知,大象 和老虎都喜欢水.难度:简单 ‎54.                                  答案:F 解析:由 there are only about one hundred south china tigers left on earth可知原文中的信息是老虎。难度:简单 ‎55.                                    答案:T  解析:从文中最后一句 The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is working hard to save elephants and tigers。可得出答案。 难度:简单 B Sunday Plan      Mo「ning  Afte「noon  Evening   Tony  Play football  Have a picnic  See a film   Belly  Play the piano  Listen to music  See a film   Daming  Read a book ‎ ‎ Play football  See a film   Lingling  Ride a bike  Go shopping  See a film  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Weather table for Sunday      City  Temperature  Weather   Linging  Beijing  7°-9°C  cloudy   Tony  Dalian  -4°C-2°C  snowy   Belly  Shanghai ‎ ‎ 18°C-21°C  showery   Daming  Guangzhou  26°C-30°C  sunny  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎56.   Lingling will__________ on Sunday morning.‎ A. ride a bike B. read a book C. play the piano D. Play football ‎57.  You will most probably find all of the four in_____________ this weekend.‎ A. a park B. a cinema C. a shop D. a football club ‎58.   If you like skating very much, you can have fun in____________ ‎ A. Beijing B. Dalian C. Shanghai D. Guangzhou ‎59.   Daming will most probably wear ____________  in Guangzhou.‎ A. a sweater B. a raincoat C. a T-shirt                                     D. a scarf ‎60.  According to the weather,___________ will most probably have to change the Sunday plan.‎ A. Tony               B. Darning                 C. Betty                  D. Lingling ‎56.                答案:A   解析:从第一个表格中可知Lingling在周日上午将会去骑自行车。难度:简单 ‎57.              答案:B  解析:题干问的是在周末你最有可能发现他们四个人都在哪里?从第一个表格可知他们四个人在周曰傍晚都计划去看电影,所以答案应该选电影院难度:中等 ‎58.             答案:B  解析:从题干中的skating可知温度应该低于零度,从第二个表格可看出Dalian是正确答案。.难度:简单 ‎59.             答案:C  解析:从第二个表格中看出Guangzhou是26°C_30°C,而且是晴天,由此判断出应该穿T恤。难度:简单 ‎ 60.答案:A 解析:从第一个表格中得知,Tony计划在周日下午去野餐,但是表二中表明Tony去的城市是 Dalian,而且Dalian下雪,所以根据天气状况,Tony最有可能改变他的周日计划。难度:简单 Want to do some volunteer work? Here are some "green" opportunities. FUN Society FUN Society is an organization started by some young people to encourage the young to protect the environment. It is preparing for some summer camps to teach the young the importance of environmental protection. There are different kinds of volunteer jobs for you to choose from. Environment youth alliance (EYA)‎ This non-profit organization is run by young people. They work on the environment and the health of people in the city. EYA is now looking for volunteers who are interested in growing their own food in the city. Stinky ecology society (SES)‎ Do you want to volunteer in one of the greatest parks in the world and learn about amazing ecosystems(生态系统)? SES works on everything, including education(教育),protection, wildlife and office work. UBC Botanical Garden Volunteering at the UBC Botanical Garden is a great way to learn about plants, meet new people, and share your love to the garden with others. The UBC Botanical Garden is always looking for young people who love the plant world. Growing Chefs Join a team of chefs to grow vegetables, cook with children, and get the children excited about eating healthy food. During the first visit, plant vegetables with children, then return every 2 weeks for 4 months to help the children take care of the vegetables, do some cooking, and prepare delicious meals with the vegetables they have grown.‎ ‎61.  The Fun Society organizes the summer camps to A.  teach the young healthy eating B.  help the young have fun in summer C.  attract more young people to play together D.  encourage environmental protection ‎62.  What can you do if you join EYA?‎ A. Learn to grow food in the city. B. Help the children. C. Take part in a camp.     D. Do some office work.‎ ‎63.  If you are interested in working in the park, you would choose_____________ ‎ A. FUN society B. EYA C. IJB C. Botanical Garden D. SES ‎64.  It will take you about____________ to finish the volunteer work if you choose Growing Chefs.‎ A. 1 week B. 2 weeks C. 1 months D. 4 months ‎61.答案  :D  解析   62.答案  :A  解析   63 答案  :D  解析   64.答案  :D  解析   65.答案  :B  解析:   年轻人在管理。  ‎ ‎65.  What might the underlined word "run" in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese? A.奔跑 B.管理 C.操作 D.提供 从第二段的第二句 to encourage the young to protect the environment 可知I。 难度:简单 从第三段的最后一句growing their own food in the city可知。 难度:简单 文中只有第四段涉及“在公园工作”,所以可知选“SES"。 难度:中等 由文中倒数第一段倒数第二行for 4 months可知答案。 难度:简单 “This non-profit organization is run by young people.”这句话的意思是这个非盈利的组织由 难度:中等 ‎ ‎ ‎ D Cameroon is experimenting with Africa's first mobile system to send a bean signal (信号)over a wireless network. The system will give much needed medical aid to heart patients in poor areas. Arthur Zang invented the device called the Cardiopad. He was just 24 years old when he invented it. The Cardiopad allows heart examinations to be performed. The results of the tests are sent wirelessly to experts in other parts of the country who can understand them.‎ Simplice Momo is a 55-year-old heart patient in a poor area of the country. He says the device saves him time and money. It is too costly and difficult for him to see a heart expert in the city.‎ Cameroon has a population of about 22 million. But it only has 40 heart surgeons. Most are in the cities of Douala or Yaounde. Sometimes the heart experts needed can only be found outside the country. Now the device allows doctors to send patients medical information to experts in Europe.‎ Arthur Zang started the Cardiopad project five years ago. Then, the young computer engineer needed more training and $45.000 to make the device. His family did not have the money.‎ Bankers would not give him loans. So he shared his idea on social media. The president of Cameroon,Paul Biya, provided him with the money for the project. Mr. Zang also received free online training from an engineering school in India.‎ The Cameroon scientific community considers the Cardiopad extremely effective. The device costs about $4000. The government of Cameroon has not been able to provide the device for hospitals in need.‎ Mr. Zang says he has had private investors (投资者)contact him. But he is more interested in investors who share his vision. That vision is not of money, but of better ways to help save people's lives.‎ 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项 ‎66.  The underline word 'surgeons" can most probably be replaced by______________ in this passage.‎ A. doctors B. experts C. bankers D. investors ‎67.  According to Paragraph 1, we can know that_______________ ‎ A.   Cameroon is the inventor of the Cardiopad B.  the Cardiopad is a medical device to treat heart patients C.  Arthur Zang is a computer engineer and a heart expert D.  the Cardiopad can send medical information to faraway experts.‎ ‎68.  We can infer (推断)from the passage that__________ ‎ A.  the Cardiopad costs the patients much but very useful B.  Arthur Zang has no interest in private investors C.   it is very expensive for patients to see a heart expert in Cameroon D.  The Cameroon scientific community provided Arthur Zang with $4.000‎ ‎69.  The Cardiopad project was supported by_________________ ‎ A.   some private investors B.  the government of Cameroon C.  the Cameroon scientific community D.  Paul Biya and an engineering school in India ‎70.  Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?‎ A.  The Cardiopadis widely used in Cameroon now.‎ B.  Arthur zang is not interested in making money but in helping people.‎ C.  The Cardiopad is very effective and has been provided to those hospitals in D.  With the help of Cardiopad, the results of heart examinations can be sent to experts around the world.‎ ‎66.                                 答案:A 解析:考查词意辨析,“surgeons”意为外科医生,所以选doctor,‎ 难度:难题 ‎67.                                      答案:D    解析:考查细节题,需要考生在文中找答案,可用排除法。 Cameroon是一个城市,A:错;Cardiopad是检查病人心脏的一种设备,并不 能治疗心脏病人,B错;文中并没有表明Arthur Zang的身份和具体职位,C 错。难度:中等 ‎68.                                   答案:C 解析:逻辑推断题,考查考生对语篇的理解能力,文中第二段可 推断出结论:在大城市找心脏专家看病是非常昂贵的。难度:难题 ‎69.                                   答案:D 解析:考查细节题,由第四段倒数第一、二句,再结合倒数第一、 二段可知答案。难度:简单 ‎70.                                    答案:B 解析:考查细节题,由文中最后一段but of better ways to help save people's lives.可得出B选项是正确的。难度:简单 ‎ ‎ ‎   ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 五.补全对话(每小题1分,共5分) A: Hi,Tom,what are you reading?‎ B:___ 71____ Have you ever read a Tintin book?‎ A:No,I have never read one.Are they popular?‎ B:______ 72________ ‎ A:What does it come out?‎ B:______ 73________ ‎ A:What does Tintin do?‎ B:______ 74_________ ‎ A:Do the stories have happy ending? B:    75     ‎ A:Yes,they have been popular for more than eighty years.‎ B:He works for a newspaper.‎ C:The Adventures of Tintin.‎ D:The first Tintin story appeared in 1929.‎ E:Oh,yes, they always do.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎   ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎71-75.答案:CADBE ‎(补全对话属于中考里面的送分题,掌握一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的基本句型及用法,即可选对,难度:简单)‎ 笛一类 第二卷 六、综合填空(每小题1分,共15分)‎ ‎(一)选词填空:根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的单词填空。‎ felt birds clear quiet along In the morning, the park was very_______ 76_______ and the only sound was the________ 77_____ singing.There was no one shouting nor were any dogs barking.‎ The sun was very bright and the air was very__________ 78_______ and fresh. We walked________ 79_____ lake, crossed the small bridge and climbed up the hill. We______ 80_____ very happy at the top.‎ ‎76.                                               答案:quiet      解析:从提示词only sound得出这里要放一个反义形容词quiet 难度:简单 ‎77.                                              答案:birds       解析:the后面缺的是一个名词,选项里只有一个名词,意味着“鸟儿们唱歌”。难度:简单 78答案:clear 解析:从very可知只能填写另外一个形容词clear, 难度:简单 ‎ ‎ ‎79.                                                答案:along     解析:五个选项中,只有along能与walk搭配,难度:简单 ‎80.                                          答案:felt   解析:从后面的happy看出前面主语we后面缺一个感官动词,难度:简单 ‎(二)单词拼写:根据所给的中文或首字母提示,写出单词在句子中的正确形 式,每空只能一词,请将单词完整地写在答题卡上。‎ ‎81.             The___________________ US is a very    (大的)country.‎ ‎82.                Alice_________________ is going to      (买)some books tomorrow.‎ ‎83.                  Jack's_________________ father is the         (经理)of a hotel.‎ ‎84.I think it is__________ (令人放松的)to play tennis.‎ ‎85.             Can__________________________ you tell me how you (提高)your spoken English last term?‎ ‎86.  There is nothing in my bag. It is e___________ .‎ ‎87.   I want to learn English well. Please give me some a____________ .‎ ‎88.   Lao She Teahouse d________ the changes in Chinese society over fifty years.‎ ‎89.   Foreigners are surprised to see many great d_________ of China.‎ ‎90.    Thanksgiving Day is c_____________ on the fourth Thursday in November in America.‎ ‎81.                                                答案:big         解析:从中文提示可知填big, 难度:简单 ‎82.                                                  答案:buy       解析:从中文提示可知填buy 难度:简单 ‎83.                                                         答案:manager  解析:从中文提示可知填manager,难度:中等 ‎84.                                                             答案:relaxing 解析:-从中文提示可知填relax ing, ing结尾的形容词用来修饰事物,表示“令人感到…… 的”难度:中等 ‎85.     答案:improved解析:从中文提示可知填improve,从后面的时间状语判断,这个动词的时态要变成一般过去时,故正确答案为:improved, 难度:简单 ‎86.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        答案:empty解析:从前面句子提示词nothing,可推出答案是形容词empty                                                                                                      难度:中等 ‎87.                                                                                                                                                                                                  答案:advice解析:advice是不可数名词,不能在后面加s                                                          难度:中等 ‎88.     答案:describes解析:这件事陈述的是一件客观事实,时态用一般现在时,又因为主语是第三人称单数,所以在动词后面加s难度:中等 ‎89.                                                                                                                                            答案:developments解析:从前面的短语so    many看出,后面应该是一个可数名词的复数形式,通过句意 可推出填developments,考查的长单词,难度:中等 ‎90.     答案:celebrated解析:celebrate在各种考试中被多次考查,感恩节和动词庆祝构成了被动关系,所以be动词后面需要动词的过去分词形式难度:中等 七、书面表达(共15分)‎ 假如你是一名来自美国的游客Tony,此时正与你的中国笔友Daming, Linging在长城游玩。你将你们刚刚拍摄的几 张相片做成一张电子明信片发送给你的同学Sam,请根据相片的内容及所给提示,完成明信片的留言。提示:‎ ‎1、你可倉c会用至lj的词:the     Great Wall, walk on, take photopictures, the present shop;‎ ‎2、Sam的地址已为你写好,可根据相片内容适当发挥,字数在80-100词左右;‎ ‎3、文中不得出现你的真实姓名或校名 ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 范文: Dear Sam I'm really excited to write you a postcard. I am enjoying a trip with my pen pales Darning and Lingling in Beijing. The weather is so fine that we all have a wonderful time today.‎ In the morning, we walked on the Great Wall and saw many amazing sceneries, It was such a wonderful experience to climb the Great Wall that we took a great number of photos together before climbing down. What's more, in order to bring my parents and friends some souvenirs. I went to a present shop in the afternoon.‎ Hope you were here with me'‎ Best wishes!‎ Yours Tony

