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作文之写作基础辅导讲义 学员姓名: 学科教师:‎ 年 级: 辅导科目: ‎ 授课日期 ‎ ‎ 时 间 A / B / C / D / E / F段 主 题 写作基础训练 教学内容 C专题-作文之写作基础训练 一、 将下列短语翻译成中文。‎ ‎1)a long time ago ‎2)a sense of achievement ‎3)after a while ‎4)agree on something ‎5)apologize to ( someone )‎ ‎6)argue with ( someone )‎ ‎7)as a matter of fact ‎8)as long as ‎9)as soon as ‎10)as soon as possible ‎11)as usual ‎12)at the age of ‎13)at the beginning of ‎14)at the bottom of ‎15)at the end of ‎16)at the same time ‎17)balanced diet ‎18)be angry with ( somebody )‎ ‎19)be available for...‎ ‎20)be aware of ‎21)be based on ‎22)be curious about (something)‎ ‎23)be prepared to (do something)‎ ‎24)be proud of ‎25)be serious about ( something)‎ ‎26)be strict with ( someone)‎ ‎27)be tired of (doing something)‎ ‎28)believe in oneself ‎29)best wishes ‎30)billions of ‎31)bump into someone/something ‎32)by accident ‎33)by mistake ‎34)can afford ( something )‎ ‎35)do much sightseeing ‎36)educational exchange ‎37)enjoy oneself ‎38)feel sorry for( somebody)‎ ‎39)focus one’s attention (on something)‎ ‎40)for free ‎41)from now on ‎42)get into bad habits ‎43)get the chance to (do something)‎ ‎44)grow up ‎45)have a great sense of humour ‎46)have an argument ‎47)have something done ‎48)have something in common ‎49)have the ability to (do something)‎ ‎50)have time for fun ‎51)in charge of ‎52)inform someone about/of something ‎53)jump out of one’s skin ‎54)keep in touch with ( someone)‎ ‎55 ) keep something in mind ‎56)know something by heart ‎57 ) lose one’s appetite for ‎58)lose one’s memory ‎59) make a deep impression on ( someone)‎ ‎60)make mistakes ‎61 ) make a lot of friends ‎62)make an appointment ‎63 ) make an effort to ( do something)‎ ‎64)on the other hand ‎65) pay no attention to(something)‎ ‎66)play an important role in ‎67) put pressure on somebody to do something ‎68)remind somebody about something ‎69) share something with somebody ‎70)sit up straight ‎71) skip classes ‎72)start out small ‎73) step by step ‎74)succeed in ( doing something)‎ ‎75) take charge of ‎76)take part in...‎ ‎77 ) tell the truth ‎78)upside down ‎79) vote for ‎80)wait in a queue 一、 将下列的短语翻译成英文 ‎1)找英语老师帮忙 2)问题的关键 ‎ ‎3) 由天气决定 4)充分利用时间 ‎5) 对事故负有责任 6)从火灾中逃离 ‎7) 指出错误 8)引起游客的注 ‎9) 专心致志于阅读 10)搜索信息 ‎ ‎11)为她的好心而感激她 12)关灯 ‎13) 来自世界各地的商人 14)名胜古迹 ‎15) 盼望见到你 16)为他的安全担忧 ‎17) 干得好 18)毕业 ‎19) 每周一次 20)相互相处得好 ‎21) 更重要的是 22)想要吃东西 ‎23) 中等身高 24)对长辈无礼 ‎25) 使学生活跃起来 26)在我看来 ‎27) 接电话 28)破例,犯规 ‎29) 持续一周 30)独生子女 ‎31) 熬夜 32)毫无疑问地 ‎33) 至少 34)就座 ‎35) 有信心赢得一等奖 36)钱发光了 ‎37) 与此相反;恰恰相反 38)出差去澳洲 ‎39) 对社会做出贡献 40)报名参加计算机课程 一、 根据句子意思和所给的首字母写出所缺单词或用括号内所给词的适当形式完成句子 1) To keep healthy, you should do sports and have a balanced d____________.‎ 2) May I have your attention please? I’ve got some i news to tell____________.‎ 3) Don’t play football on the street. It’s quite d____________.‎ 4) This job is very d____________, but I will try my best.‎ 5) Of all the subjects, I like English best. English is my f____________ subject.‎ 6) She loves taking photos and always takes her c____________with her wherever she goes.‎ 7) My aunt’s son graduated from high school last year. Now he is studying in a very famous u____________. ‎ 8) Please don’t make any n____________. The baby is sleeping.‎ 9) Football is a very popular game. E____________ in the world, you can see 10) She c____________online with her friends every day,which worries her 11) The food in this restaurant is very d____________. I love it.‎ 12) Her mother has suffered from heart illness s____________ she retired.‎ 13) I like the country, e____________ in spring. It’s really very beautiful.‎ 14) I hope you will have a w____________ time at the party tonight.‎ 1) I used to try to stay awake on Christmas Eve when I was a little boy. Now I don’t do it any 1____________.‎ 2) I’ve been studying for quite a long time. I need to take a r____________. ‎ 3) This blue jacket is very nice. But I won’t buy it, because it is too e____________.‎ 4) The day before the new t ____________,John’s parents bought him a new schoolbag.‎ 5) I woke up late today so I had to hurry to get r____________for school.‎ 6) I was standing at the bus stop when an a____________happened. A car hit a dog.‎ 7) Jane often helps me with my homework. She is very h____________ .‎ 8) A____________they are poor, they are living a very happy life.‎ 9) My parents were so p____________with my exam results that they bought me a present.‎ 10) The meeting is at 10 am, so it's not n____________for you to come early.‎ 11) If you are late for school, don't try to make any e____________ .‎ 12) He was very late but he refused to give any r____________.‎ 13) Some v________from the USA came to our school today. We gave them a very warm welcome.‎ 14) We are going to Guilin next week. My uncle Jim will be our g____________this time. He ‎ used to live in Guilin for quite a long time.‎ 15) If you want to be h____________,you should have a balanced diet and do some exercise ‎ every day.‎ 16) His family was very poor. He had to leave school at the a____________of 15.‎ 17) The back s____________of the car is wide enough for three people.‎ 18) Lord Kelvin was a genius (天才).By the time he was ten years old, he had c________ university.‎ 19) The students asked the speaker many q____________ about his adventures in the Arctic.‎ 20) My schoolbag is similar to Lily’s. Yesterday I took Lily’s bag by m____________ ‎ 21) Lingshi’s family is going to t____________ a holiday next week. They are planning to go to Hainan Island.‎ 22) The football game was c____________ because of the heavy snow.‎ 23) Some holidays from other countries such as Christmas Day, Valentine’s Day are now very p____________ in China.‎ 24) She was very f ____________of the dark and always slept with the light on.‎ 25) You should r_______the books you borrowed to the library on time, or you will be fined (罚款).‎ 26) The Internet is really amazing. We can get any i____________we want from it.‎ 27) My cousin has got a terrible earache. He can hardly hear anything. I hope it’s nothing s____________and he will get well soon.‎ 1) Zheng He,a famous Chinese explorer,set off on a very long sea j____________ about 600 years ago.‎ 2) I haven’t seen John for a long time. I can’t i____________ what he looks like now.‎ 3) As the old saying goes, “Practice makes p____________”.‎ 4) If you want to move to a foreign country, you should learn something about the c___________ and custom of that country before you go.‎ 5) The little boy has p____________ his teacher that he won’t do naughty things again.‎ 6) Our English teacher has been teaching for 20 years. She has very rich e__________in teaching.‎ 7) F____________is a very important part in our lives. It’s fantastic that we can share our joys ‎ and love with our friends.‎ 8) Whatever study m____________ you use,you have to work hard to get good results.‎ 9) They had no c____________ but to wait until the boss came back.‎ 10) No one knows what will happen in the f__________,but we can work hard in the present.‎ 11) Christmas is the most popular h____________ around the world.‎ 12) The teacher asked the students to c____________ their homework before handing it in.‎ 13) He lived a happy l____________ in the country when he was young.‎ 14) Autumn is the best s____________ for travel. The weather is nice and the scenery is beautiful.‎ 15) They are busy working on the project and have had two nights w____________sleep.‎ 16) This book was a p____________from my parents for my 10th birthday. I like it very much.‎ 17) It’s not r____________ to expect a child to understand such a difficult question.‎ 18) Swimming is not a____________ at this beach,as sharks can be seen often.‎ 19) She now needs time to think about it, just leave her a____________.‎ 20) Most of the houses here are b____________ of wood.‎ 21) I tried to ring you last night but couldn’t get t____________.‎ 22) What’s the s____________ to your success? Would you like to share it with me? ‎ 23) We could judge from his eyes that he was not telling the t____________.‎ 24) I s_________ all my winter vacation reciting English words and I am now very good at English.‎ 25) He was very h________after five hours’ hard-work without a break. He felt he could eat a horse.‎ 26) You need warm clothes to p____________ yourself against the cold when it snows.‎ 27) She was lucky to win three f____________ tickets for the concert.‎ 28) She received a lot of lovely g____________ from her friends on her birthday.‎ 29) We are going shopping in the afternoon. Would you like to j___________us?‎ 1) Do you think I still have e____________time to go over all the textbooks?‎ 2) I wish there were a kind of time m so that I could travel back to my childhood and met my dear grandpa.‎ 3) He is planning to go a____________for a better education and Paris is his dream city..‎ 4) To my surprise, my friend Jack completely disagreed with my point of v____________.‎ 5) Though it’s sometimes difficult to c____________ with your parents, you should try to talk with them as often as possible.‎ 6) In China student finish p____________ school when they are 12 years old.‎ 7) It’s rude to play j____________on others.‎ 8) He didn’t really get the c____________ to talk with his friend in the party because he was always talking with others.‎ 9) Don’t take away anything that doesn’t b____________to you.‎ 10) Can you give me some a____________ on how to learn English well?‎ 11) There’s usually a lot of t____________ on the road at this time of day,so you should start earlier or you’ll be late.‎ 12) Although he f____________ to break the record, he was No. 1 in the race.‎ 13) Last evening an old friend whom I had not heard from for years r____________ up and we had a long chat over the phone.‎ 14) When they finally a____________ at the railway station,the train had already left.‎ 15) He is very p____ with his students and will explain again and again until they really understand.‎ 16) It’s b_________to sit there without anything to do. Why don’t you go out and do some sports?‎ 17) She has good t____________ in clothes and always dresses well.‎ 18) This is the w____________essay I’ve ever read. It is full of mistakes and I don’t understand what it is about at all.‎ 19) I hope one day I can travel in s____________and visit other planets.‎ 20) Feeling hot and sleepy, he opened the window to let in more f____________air.‎ 21) B____________it or not, we were left waiting in the rain for two hours.‎ 22) We should be careful not to get into bad h____________, because they’re easy to develop but difficult to quit ‎ 23) All the students are ___________the new law for higher school fees.‎ 24) When I lived there,I borrowed a lot of wonderful novels from the public 1____________.‎ 25) With the company of the flowers and birds, I never feel 1____________in the big house.‎ 1) She is n____________ when talking to strangers and her face turns red.‎ 2) In r____________ years,there have been many changes in the city. He couldn’t find the house he was living in five years ago.‎ 3) The movie was very bad and the audience was disappointed. Before the end of it, the cinema was almost e____________.‎ 4) The little boy quickly finished an apple and asked for a____________. It seemed that he liked apples very much.‎ 5) The concert is very popular, so you need to book your t____________weeks before.‎ 6) As soon as he stepped into the room, he n____________something was wrong.‎ 7) Mark is always sleepy in class and a____________in sports.‎ 8) Before he bought a car, he traveled to and from the office by u____________.‎ 9) By the time they arrived home, the child was so tired that he could h____________stay awake.‎ 10) Whenever she m____________her parents, she will phone them.‎ 11) After the argument (争吵),the girl a____________ her friend’s apology and they talked to each other again.‎ 12) The children ran out of the classroom when the bell rang and the classroom was s_____ at once.‎ 13) We really enjoyed the b____________ of nature on that peaceful island.‎ 14) Children should learn to show r____for the elders : their parents and their teachers, for example.‎ 15) The t____________ of today’s lesson will be interesting to young learners.‎ 16) Wherever he travels, he will try the l____________food and buy some cook books.‎ 17) Her father didn’t go to bed u____________ she came home.‎ 18) This film is freely a ____________online to anyone wishing to see it.‎ 19) Teachers should try to discover the natural a____________ of every child and give them chance to use them.‎ 20) The city must improve its public t____________in order to reduce traffic jams.‎ 21) They have many pets, i____________ three dogs and two cats.‎ 22) There are lots of difficulties to o____________ on the way to success.‎ 23) The teacher was very s________with her students and doesn’t accept any excuse for being late.‎ 24) I have t____________understanding English grammar. Luckily my classmate is good at it and she helps me a lot.‎ 25) The film is about how a group of t____________ tried to form a youth band (乐队). It’s very popular with middle school students.‎ 26) The kindness of the nurse has made a deep i____________ on the patients.‎ 27) The bad news s____________everybody. They just couldn’t believe their ears.‎ 1) My elder brother moved away from home when he started work because he wanted to be i____.‎ 2) The girl was very warm-hearted. She is always w_________ to help those who are in trouble.‎ 3) He was very t________after a whole day’s hard work and went straight to bed without a shower.‎ 4) Professor Smith gave us a wonderful 1____________on how to write poems.‎ 5) The boy has been ill for weeks and he is still quite w____________now.‎ 6) The Great Wall has been chosen as one of the new Seven W_________of the World.‎ 7) As u____________ ,she got up at six and set off half an hour later. She didn’t know something special was waiting for her.‎ 8) Why don’t you take a holiday? I’m sure the fresh air and quiet environment will b_______your health.‎ 9) David is a very c__________name in England. You can have several Davids in the same office.‎ 10) It has been sunny all day. It doesn’t seem 1____________to rain tonight.‎ 11) He passed his English e____________ and his teacher was pleased at his progress.‎ 12) Mike is a__________from class today. He is taking part in an international chess competition.‎ 13) Mary is the most h__________student in her class. She is the first to come and the last to leave.‎ 14) He usually reads one n____________ at breakfast and reads another on the subway to work.‎ 15) The exam was so difficult that no student was able to get a full m____________.‎ 16) He is crazy about o____________ games and spends much time in front of the computer. His parents and teachers are very worried about it.‎ 17) They walk to school every day for an hour because they can’t a____________ the bus tickets.‎ 18) They put warning signs and road blocks (路障)to p____________drivers from going into the dangerous area.‎ 19) The teacher wrote the sentences on the board, and the children c____________ them down in their exercise books.‎ 20) She has a f____________of snakes because she was once bitten by one.‎ 21) ‎ Most living things d____________on the sun for their growth.‎ 22) This song r____________me of my childhood.‎ 23) Don’t w____________your valuable time on computer games.‎ 24) When learning a language,you cannot a____________making mistakes.‎ 25) He was very nervous at first but then he r__________ a bit and his speech was a great success.‎ 26) He is not stupid, just 1____. He never does his homework. How can he possibly pass the exams?‎ 27) She forgot her k____________at work and had to wait until her husband came back from work to open the door.‎ 28) She has made up her m____________to make some money by working in the McDonald’s.‎ 1) She enjoyed a happy c____________ in the countryside, but she felt lonely when she moved to the city for middle school.‎ 2) He had other people to take care of b____________ me, so I tried not to add to his trouble.‎ 3) Before they went to the supermarket,they made a long s____________list.‎ 4) Shopping online has lots of a____________ ,but we should also pay attention to its safety.‎ 5) Human beings and n_________ are closely linked. We should always protect the environment.‎ 6) He is the most h__________man I’ve ever met. His funny stories keep us laughing all the time.‎ 7) The fans went c____________when the pop singer appeared.‎ 8) In r____________, things happen out of our expectation.‎ 9) Ice-cream is very a____________ to children.‎ 10) They live in a country house, which is very far away from d ____________.‎ 11) S____________ is the study of physical or natural things in the world, such as biology,chemistry and physics.‎ 12) English is a f____________ language for Chinese learners. It’s really very useful.‎ 13) Jim is a music lover. He listens to music p____________ on the radio every day.‎ 14) As a child,I was often sick so I couldn’t go to school. H____________, I still learned to read and I loved books.‎ 15) The storm last night was really t_________. It destroyed a lot of trees and houses in that area.‎ 16) I don’t know when the letter will come. P____________it will come today.‎ 17) In England, students don,t have to carry their t____________in their schoolbags. As a result, they have to take careful notes on their notebooks.‎ 18) Could you please say it once again? I can’t f ____________you.‎ 19) Be careful and think t____________before you decide what to do next ‎ 20) We should try to develop ourselves into a u____________ person for the society.‎ 21) I have to make an e____________ to study more if I want to go to university.‎ 22) We’ve prepared enough food,just feel free to try w____________food you like.‎ 23) We should be c____________ ( confidence) and believe in ourselves.‎ 24) The experiment was very ____________ ( success) because of our careful preparation.‎ 25) It is my great____________ (please) to be asked to come to your birthday party today.‎ 26) I am very_______(interest) in travel and I hope I can visit many different countries in the future.‎ 27) Lily is moving to a big city. She is very ____________ (excite).‎ 28) After our ____________ ( discuss) we still couldn’t agree on where to go on holidays.‎ 29) The ____________ (care) driver ran the red light and almost hit a truck.‎ 1) It’s____________( possible) for a little child to lift such a large stone.‎ 2) It is ____________( polite) to cut in when others are talking.‎ 3) Scientists have made many important___________( discover) that have improved people’s lives.‎ 4) When cycling on the roads, remember:____________(safe) first.‎ 5) The city is putting in efforts to handle the problems of water____________(pollute) ‎ 6) I arrived late but____________(luck) the meeting had been canceled.‎ 7) We have discussed this question enough. Now we need to make a____________(decide) ‎ 8) Will it be____________ ( convenience) for you to start work tomorrow?‎ 9) Thomas Edison is one of the greatest____________(invent) in the world.‎ 10) By following my____________(suggest),he was able to win the game.‎ 11) He is a strong____________( support) of that football team.‎ 12) I was greatly____________( encourage) by the speakers’ story and believed that nothing is impossible to a willing heart.‎ 13) He was very much____________( delight) with the results.‎ 14) In the show,the actors and actresses wore____________( colour) clothes and danced cheerfully.‎ 15) Parents try their best to provide their children with good ____________ ( educate).‎ 16) Though they are poor,they are____________( hope) about the future and believe that they can have a better life with their efforts.‎ 17) He was____________( confuse) by the teacher’s words and decided to find the answers himself.‎ 18) The headmaster sent out ________(invite) to all parents to come and join the school sports meet.‎ 19) Reading in strong or weak lights is____________(harm) to the eyes.‎ 20) Bus companies provide extra ____________(serve) hours during the New Year holidays.‎ 21) Teachers are often____________ ( compare) to candles 四、 句型训练 ‎ 掌握英语简单句的五个基本句型是写好英语作文的基础也是关键。(简单句的五个基本句型请详见本书第47页中的表格。)‎ ‎1. 将下面的句子翻译成英文。‎ 主语+不及物动词(S+Vi)‎ 1) 正在下着大雨。‎ ‎ ___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎2) 他很努力地学习。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎3) 我每天早上六点半起床。‎ ‎ ___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎4) 太阳从东边升起西边落下。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎5) 她在一所中学教书。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎6) 我们班有30位男同学,25位女同学。(There be...)‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ 主语+连系动词+主补(表语)(S + V + SC/P)‎ 1) 我的名字叫李华。‎ ‎ ___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎2) Kate和Deming是同班同学。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎3) 你的梦想一定能实现。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎4) 你考试准备好了吗?‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎5) 要学好英语不是一件容易的事。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎6) 他今天看上去很高兴。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ 主语+及物动词+宾语(S + Vt + O)‎ 1) 我喜欢打篮球和羽毛球。‎ ‎ ___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎2) 你昨天去看电影了吗?‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎3) Kate既会说英语也会说中文。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎4) 孩子们正在操场上高兴地玩游戏。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎5) 我在假期读了5本书。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语(S+Vt+IO+ DO)‎ 1) 我为妈妈做了一张生日贺卡。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎ 2) 我的老师经常为我们讲一些有趣的故事。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎ 3)请为我泡一杯茶。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎ 4) Tim 前几天写了一封电子邮件给我。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎ 5) 我父亲上星期为我买了一只新手表。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________. ‎ 一、 写作高分句型突破 句型 1: What’s the weather like ...? / How is the weather...?‎ ‎1.北京的天气怎么样?‎ ‎2.夏天的天气怎么样?‎ 句型 2: How is / are ... going? ‎ ‎3.玛丽,近况如何?‎ 4. 杰克,事情进展得怎么样?‎ 句型 3: What... look like?‎ ‎5.你妹妹长得什么样?‎ ‎6.企鹅长得什么样?‎ 句型 4: What do you think of...? / How do you like ...?‎ ‎7.你觉得这部电影怎么样?‎ ‎8.他觉得他的数学老师怎么样?‎ 句型 5: What’s the population of...?‎ ‎9.北京的人口是多少?‎ ‎10.加拿大的人口是多少?‎ 句型 6: ... so + adj. / adv. + that... ‎ ‎11.他如此劳累以至于走不动了。 ‎ ‎12.他跑得如此快,以至于他赢了。‎ 句型7: ... such +名词性词组+ that... ‎ ‎13.她是一个好老师,我们都爱她。‎ ‎14.那么热的天气,他们没有像往常一样去散步。‎ 句型 8: ... in order to do ... / ... in order that...‎ ‎15.为了提高他的英语水平,他巳经去了英国。‎ ‎16.我早出发,以便八点之前到达。‎ 句型 9: ... too + adj. / adv. + to do ...‎ ‎17.我激动得一个字也说不出来了。‎ ‎18.他走得太慢,赶不上第一趟公共汽车。‎ 句型 10:... (not +) adj. / adv. + enough + to do ...‎ ‎19.这个女孩年龄小,不能上学。‎ ‎20.这个男孩够强壮,能搬动这只重箱子。‎ 句型11: It takes sb. some time to do ...‎ ‎21.写这封信花了我两个小时的时间。‎ ‎22.每天早上骑自行车上学要花费她20分钟的时间。‎ 句型 12: Sb. spend some time / some money on sth. / (in) doing sth.‎ ‎23.我买这辆自行车花了 298元。‎ ‎24.他每天早上花半小时读英语。‎ 句型 13: Sb. pay some money for sth.‎ ‎25.他买这本书花了 6美元。‎ ‎26.买它你应该付2美元。‎ 句型14: Sth. cost sb. some money. ‎ ‎27.那双鞋花了我200元。‎ ‎28.它花了我5美元。‎ 句型15: Sth. be worth some money / doing ...‎ ‎29.这本字典值20元。‎ ‎30.这本书值得买。‎ 句型 16: Let’s (not) do ... ‎ ‎31.我们打篮球吧。‎ ‎32.我们不要在外面玩了。‎ 句型 17: You’d better (not) do…‎ ‎33.你最好去看医生。‎ ‎34.你最好不要熬夜熬得太晚。‎ 句型 18: Why not do ...? / Why don’t you do ...? ‎ ‎35.为什么不加人我们呢?‎ ‎36.为什么不去问问老师?‎ 句型 19: What (How) about doing ...?‎ ‎37.唱首英文歌曲怎么样?‎ ‎38.跳舞怎么样?‎ 句型 20: Would you like to do ...? / Would you mind doing ...? / Will you please do ...?‎ ‎39.你愿意跟我一起去吗?‎ ‎40.你介意打开窗户吗?‎ 句型 21: It’s one’s duty to do …/ It’s a good idea to do...‎ ‎41.努力学习是我们的责任。‎ ‎42.送她一些花是个好主意。‎ 句型 22: It’s time to do ... / It’s time for ... ‎ ‎43.该起床了。‎ 44. 是吃晚饭的时候了。‎ 句型 23: It’s good / bad for sb. / sth. to do ‎45.平衡饮食对我们有益。‎ ‎46.玩太多游戏对你的眼睛有害。‎ 句型 24: It is +adj. (+for/of sb.) +to do ...‎ ‎47.保持健康对我们来说很重要。‎ ‎48.弄丢包你太粗心了。‎ 句型 25:1 find/think it + adj. +to do … ‎ ‎49.我发觉很难人睡。‎ 50. 他认为有必要告诉他真相。‎ 句型26: ... like... better than... / like doing... better than doing...‎ ‎51.与那件夹克相比,我更喜欢这件。‎ ‎52.比起跑步,他更喜欢游泳。‎ 句型 27:…prefer …to …/ prefer doing... to doing …‎ ‎53.与蓝色相比,他们更喜欢红色 ‎54.我喜欢做点什么,而不喜欢闲着。‎ 句型 28: ... prefer to do ... rather than do ...‎ ‎55.他喜欢走着去那儿,不喜欢乘公共汽车。‎ ‎56.他们宁愿饿死也不愿接受他的面包。‎ 句型 29: ... would rather (not) do ... ‎ ‎57.他宁愿晚餐吃面条。‎ ‎58.我宁愿没有去那儿。‎ 句型30:... would rather do ... than do ...‎ ‎59.他宁愿跳舞也不愿意唱歌。‎ ‎60.我宁愿待在家里也不愿去参加聚会。‎ 句型 31:1 (don’t) think that...‎ ‎61.我认为她是一名教师。‎ ‎62.我认为他不对。‎ 句型 32: Across from ... / In front of …‎ ‎63.公园的对面是一个学校。‎ ‎64.房子的前面是一个花园。‎ 句型 33: There will be …/ There is / are going to be ...‎ ‎65.下周将会有一个英语演讲比赛。‎ ‎66.明年这个动物园将会有更多的动物。‎ 句型 34: There be something wrong with … ‎ ‎67.他的腿有一些毛病。‎ ‎68.这块手表肯定出了一些毛病。‎ 句型 35: There be …doing ....‎ ‎69.有200名学生在这个学校学习。‎ ‎70.公园里有很多人跳舞。‎ 句型36:... be sure to do ... /... make sure that...‎ ‎71.他一定会赢得比赛。‎ ‎72.确保你已经锁了门。‎ 句型 37: So /Neither /Nor + be 动词 /助动词 /情态动词+主语 ‎73. 她英语说得好,我也是。‎ ‎74.他不会唱英文歌曲,她也不会。‎ 句型 38: So / Neither / Nor + 主语 +be 动词 / 助动词/情态动词 ‎75.她英语说得很好。确实是这样。‎ ‎76.他不会唱英文歌曲。确实是这样。‎ 句型39: the +比较级,the +比较级 ‎77.越多越好。‎ ‎78.问题越难越好。‎ 句型40: It seems that...‎ ‎ 79.似乎要下雨了。‎ 80. 说似乎比做容易得多。‎ 句型41:.. .make sb. do... /... make + sb. / sth. + adj. ‎ ‎81.昨天他的母亲让他弹钢琴。‎ ‎82.我们会尽力让我们的家乡更漂亮。‎ 句型 42: ... have trouble / difficulty (in) doing .. ‎ ‎83.他找一份好工作很困难。‎ ‎84.她不费事地做完了作业。‎ 句型 43: Sb. realize that...‎ ‎85.我意识到太晚了。‎ ‎86.你将会意识到这个问题有多难。‎ 句型 44: All I want to do is ...‎ ‎87.我想做的是看一场篮球赛D ‎88.他父母曾经想做的是周游世界。‎ 句型 45: This / That is because ...‎ ‎89.这是因为他不喜欢网球。‎ ‎90.那是因为这儿的天气太热。‎ 句型46: One ... the other ... / Some ... others ...‎ ‎91. 一个是红色的,另一个是蓝色的。‎ ‎92.—些人喜欢音乐,另一些人喜欢体育。‎ 句型 47: On (the) one hand...on the other hand …‎ ‎93.她一方面工作,另一方面又照看孩子。‎ ‎94. 我们一方面给他钱,另一方面又帮他找工作。‎ 句型 48: You are supposed to do ...‎ ‎95. 你应该努力工作。‎ ‎96.他应该参军。‎ 句型 49: Sb. wonder if / whether / when / where / how / what...‎ ‎97.我想知道他是否会来这儿。‎ ‎98.我想知道他什么时候下飞机。‎ 句型50: Sb. be the first / last to do ...‎ ‎99.他总是第一个到学校。‎ ‎100.我是最后一个离开教室的人。‎ 句型51:祈使句+ and/or +陈述句 ‎101.努力学习,你就会通过考试。‎ ‎102.快点,否则我们上学就要迟到了。‎ 句型52:主句+if / unless+从句 ‎103.如果明天天气晴朗,我就会去参观长城。‎ ‎104.我不会去参加这个聚会,除非受到邀请。‎ 句型 53:主句 +as soon as/when/after/before + 从句 ‎105.我一到北京就给你打电话.。‎ ‎106.我正想离开,这时天下起了雨。.‎ 句型54:主句(not) ... until+从句 ‎ ‎107.直到你告诉我,我才知道这件事。‎ ‎108.有些人直到失去健康才意识到健康的重要性。‎ 句型 55: ... as ... as possible ... / as ... as one can / could ‎109.我会尽快把字典还你。‎ ‎110.请尽可能早睡。‎ 句型 56: It’s the best way to do... / It’s better to do... ‎ ‎111.这是使你放松的最佳方式。‎ ‎112.今天最好待在家里。‎ 句型 57: It’s no use / useless doing .... ‎ ‎113.告诉他没有用。‎ ‎114.只学习不练习没有用。‎ 句型 58: It’s said / reported / suggested / believed that...‎ ‎115.据说他已经回来了。‎ ‎116.据报道,明天会下雪。‎ 句型 59: It / This / That is / was the first / second / last time that sb. has / had done sth.‎ ‎117.这是我第一次去北京。‎ ‎118.那是他最后一次见到他的朋友。‎ 句型 60: It is / was ... that... ‎ ‎119.我是昨晚看的这本书。‎ ‎120.这是给我妈妈买的裙子。‎ 一、1)很久以前 2)成就感 3)过了一会儿 ‎ ‎4) 对......意见取得一致 5)向(某人)道歉 6) 和(某人)争吵 ‎ ‎7)事实上;其实 8) 只要 9) 一……就…… ‎ ‎10) 尽可能快 11)照例;像往常一样 12) 在......岁时 ‎ ‎13) 在......的开始 14) 在……底部;在……的最下面 ‎15) 在.......的末尾 16) 同时 17 均衡的饮食 ‎18) 生(某人的)气 19)有空的 20) 意识到 ‎21) 基于;根据 22)对(某事)感到好奇 23) 准备好(做某事) ‎ ‎24) 为……而骄傲;因……感到自豪 25)对(某事)当真;对(某事)认真 ‎ ‎26) 对(某人)要求严格 27)厌倦;厌烦(做某事)28) 相信自己 ‎29)最美好的祝愿 30) 数以亿计 31)碰撞到某人/某物 ‎ ‎32) 偶然;意外地 33)错误地;无意地 34) 买得起(某物)‎ ‎35)四处观光旅游 36) 教育交流 37)玩得高兴 ‎38) 怜悯;同情(某人) 39)集中注意力(于某事)40)免费 ‎41)从现在起 42) 染上恶习 43)有机会(做某事)‎ ‎44) 长大 45)有很强的幽默感 46) 吵架;争论 ‎47)让他人为你做(某事) 48) (想法、兴趣等方面)相同 ‎ ‎49)有能力(做某事) 50) 有时间玩乐 51)管理;掌管;负责 ‎ ‎52) 通知;知会 53)大吃一惊;吓一大跳 54) 与(某人)保持联系 ‎ ‎55)将……记在心中;考虑 56) 记住;背熟 57)对……失去胃口 ‎ ‎58) 失忆 59)给(某人)留下深刻的印象 ‎ ‎60) 犯错 61)广交朋友 62) 预约;约定 ‎ ‎63)试图;努力(做某事) 64) 另一方面 65)不注意;不留意(某事)‎ ‎66) 在……中发挥重要作用 67)强迫某人做某事 68) 提醒某人某事 ‎ ‎69)和某人分享某物;共享 70)坐直 71)逃课 ‎ ‎72) 从小事做起 73)一步一步地 74)办到;做成某事 ‎ ‎75)主管;掌管 76)参与... 77)说实话 ‎ ‎78)颠倒;倒转 79)投票赞成 80)排队等候 二、 (1)go to the English teacher for help (2) the key to the question ‎(3)depend on the weather (4) make the best use of time ‎(5)be to blame for the accident (6) escape from the fire ‎(7)point out the mistakes (8) catch the tourists’ eyes ‎(9)be absorbed in reading (10) search for information ‎(11)be grateful to her for her kindness (12) turn off the light ‎(13)businessmen from all over the world (14) places of interest ‎ ‎(15)look forward to seeing you (16)be concerned about his safety ‎(17)do a good job (18)leave school ‎ ‎(19)once a week (20)get on well with each other ‎(21)more importantly (22)feel like eating ‎(23)of average height (24)be rude to the elderly ‎(25)warm the students up (26)in my opinion ‎(27)answer the phone (28)break the rules ‎(29)last for a week (30)the only child ‎(31)stay up late (32)without question ‎(33)at least (34)have a seat ‎(35)have confidence in winning the first prize (36)run out of money ‎(37)on the contrary (38)go to Australia on business ‎(39)make a contribution to the society (40)sign up for the computer course 三、(1) diet (2) important (3) dangerous ‎(4) difficult (5) favourite (6) camera ‎(7)university (8) noise (9) Everywhere ‎(10)chats (11)delicious (12) since ‎(13)especially (14)wonderful (15) longer ‎(16)rest (17)expensive (18) term ‎(19)ready (20)accident (21) helpful ‎(22)although (23)pleased (24) necessary ‎(25)excuse (26)reason(s) (27) visitors ‎(28)guide (29)healthy (30) age ‎(31)seat (32)completed (33) questions ‎(34)mistake (35)take (36) canceled ‎(37)popular (38)frightened (39) return ‎(40)information (41)serious (42) journey ‎ (43)imagine (44) perfect (45)culture ‎ ‎ (46) promised (47)experience (48)Friendship ‎ ‎(49) method ( s )/materials (50) choice (51)future ‎ ‎(52)holiday (53) check (54)life ‎ ‎(55)season (56) without (57) present ‎ ‎(58)reasonable (59) allowed (60) alone ‎ ‎(61)built (62) through (63) secret ‎ ‎(64)truth (65) spent (66) hungry ‎ ‎(67)protect (68) free (69) gifts ‎ ‎(70)join (71) enough (72) machine ‎ ‎(73)abroad (74) view (75) communicate ‎ ‎(76)primary (77) jokes (78) chance ‎ ‎(79) belong (80) advice (81)traffic ‎ ‎(82)failed (83) rang (84)arrived ‎ ‎(85)patient (86) boring (87)taste ‎ ‎(88)worst (89) space (90)fresh ‎ ‎(91) believe (92) habits (93)against ‎(94) library (95) lonely (96)nervous ‎(97) recent (98) empty (99) another ‎ ‎(100) ticket(s) (101) noticed (102) active ‎ ‎(103) underground (104) hardly (105) misses ‎ ‎(106) accepted (107) silent (108) beauty ‎ ‎(109) respect (110) topic (111) local ‎ ‎(112) until (113) available (114)ability ‎ ‎(115) transport (116) including (117)overcome ‎ ‎(118) strict (119) trouble (120)teenagers ‎ ‎(121) impression (122) shocked (123)independent ‎(124) willing (125) tired (126)lecture ‎ ‎(127)weak (128) Wonders (129)usual ‎ ‎(130)benefit (131) common (132) likely ‎(133) exam (134) absent (135) hard-working ‎(136)newspaper (137) mark (138) online ‎ ‎(139)afford (140) prevent (141) copied ‎ ‎(142)fear (143) depend (144) reminded ‎ ‎(145)waste (146) avoid (147) relaxed ‎ ‎(148)lazy (149) key(s) (150)mind ‎ ‎(151) childhood (152) besides nature (153)shopping ‎ ‎ (154) advantages (155) nature (156) humourous ‎(157) crazy (158) reality (159) attractive ‎(160)Downtown (161) Science (162) foreign ‎ (163) programmes (164) However (165) terrible ‎(166) Perhaps (167) textbooks (168) follow ‎(169) twice (170) useful (171) effort ‎ ‎(172)whatever (173) confident (174) successful ‎(175 ) pleasure (176 ) interested (177) excited ‎ ‎(178)discussion (179) careless (180) safety ‎(181) impolite (182) discoveries (183) safety ‎ ‎(184)pollution (185) luckily (186) decision ‎(187)convenient (188) inventors (189) suggestion ‎ (190) supporter (191) encouraged (192) delighted ‎ (193) coloured (194) education (195) hopeful ‎ ‎ (196) confused (197) invitations (198) harmful ‎ (199) service (200) compared ‎ 四、1. S+Vi ‎1)It is raining heavily. ‎ ‎2)He studies very hard.‎ ‎3)I get up at half past six every morning.‎ ‎4)The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.‎ ‎5)She teaches in a middle school.‎ ‎6)There are 30 boy students and 25 girl students in our class.‎ ‎2.S+ V + SC/P ‎1)My name is Li Hua.‎ ‎2)Kate and Deming are classmates.‎ ‎3)Your dream will come true.‎ ‎4)Are you ready for the exam?‎ ‎5)It is not easy to learn English well.‎ ‎6)He looks very happy today. ‎ ‎3.S+ Vt +O ‎1)I like playing basketball and badminton.‎ ‎2)Did you go to see the movie yesterday?‎ ‎3)Kate can speak both English and Chinese.‎ ‎4)The children are playing games happily in the sports field.‎ ‎5)I read five books during the holidays.‎ ‎4.S+ Vt +10 + DO ‎1)I made a birthday card for my mum.‎ ‎2)My teacher often tells us a lot of interesting stories.‎ ‎3)Please make a cup of tea for me./ Please make me a cup of tea.‎ ‎4)Tim wrote an e-mail to me several days ago./ Tim wrote me an e-mail several days ago.‎ ‎5)My father bought a new watch for me last week.‎ ‎5.S+Vt+O+OC ‎1)I found this dictionary very useful.‎ ‎2)He often makes us feel happy.‎ ‎3)The teacher often teaches us to be honest.‎ ‎4)I want you to help me.‎ ‎5)We all call him Uncle Sam. ‎ 五、写作高分句型突破 ‎1.What’s the weather like in Beijing? / How is the weather in Beijing?‎ ‎2.What’s the weather like in summer? / How is the weather in summer?‎ ‎3.Mary, how is it going?‎ ‎4.Jack, how are things going?‎ ‎5.What does your sister look like?‎ ‎6.What do penguins look like?‎ ‎7.What do you think of the film? / How do you like the film?‎ ‎8.What does he think of his math teacher? / How does he like his math teacher?‎ ‎9.What’s the population of Beijing?‎ ‎10.What’s the population of Canada?‎ ‎11.He was so tired that he couldn’t walk on.‎ ‎12.He ran so fast that he was the winner.‎ ‎13.She is such a good teacher that we all love her.‎ ‎14.It was such a hot day that they didn’t go out for a walk as usual.‎ ‎15.He has gone to Britain in order to improve his English.‎ ‎16.I left early in order that I could arrive before eight.‎ ‎17.I was too excited to say a word.‎ ‎18.He walked too slowly to catch the first bus.‎ ‎19.The girl is not old enough to go to school.‎ ‎20.The boy is strong enough to carry the heavy box.‎ ‎21.It took me two hours to write the letter.‎ ‎22.It takes her 20 minutes to go to school by bike every morning.‎ ‎23.I spent 298 yuan on the bike.‎ ‎24.He spends half an hour (in) reading English every morning.‎ ‎25.He paid 6 dollars for the book.‎ ‎26.You should pay 2 dollars for it,‎ ‎27.The pair of shoes cost me 200 yuan.‎ ‎28.It costs me 5 dollars.‎ ‎29.The dictionary is worth 20 yuan.‎ ‎30.The book is worth buying.‎ ‎31.Let’s play basketball.‎ ‎32.Let’s not play outside.‎ ‎33.You’d better go to see a doctor.‎ ‎34.You’d better not stay up too late.‎ ‎35.Why not join us? / Why don’t you join us?‎ ‎36.Why not go and ask the teacher? / Why don’t you go and ask the teacher?‎ ‎37.What (How) about singing an English song?‎ ‎38.What (How) about dancing?‎ ‎39.Would you like to go with me?‎ ‎40.Would you mind opening the window?‎ ‎41.It’s our duty to study hard.‎ ‎42.It’s a good idea to give her some flowers.‎ ‎43.It’s time to get up.‎ ‎44.It’s time for dinner.‎ ‎45.It’s good for us to eat a balanced diet.‎ ‎46.It’s bad for your eyes to play computer games too much.‎ ‎47.It is very important for us to keep healthy.‎ ‎48.It was careless of you to lose the bag ‎49.I found it hard / difficult to fall asleep.‎ ‎50.He thought it necessary to tell him the truth.‎ ‎51.I like this jacket better than that one.‎ ‎52.He likes swimming better than running.‎ ‎53.They prefer red to blue.‎ ‎54.I preferred doing something to doing nothing.‎ ‎55.He preferred to walk there rather than go by bus.‎ ‎56.They preferred to die of hunger rather than take his bread.‎ ‎57.He would rather have noodles for dinner.‎ ‎58.I would rather not go there.‎ ‎59.He would rather dance than sing.‎ ‎60.I would rather stay at home than go to a party.‎ ‎61.I think she is a teacher.‎ ‎62.I don’t think he is right.‎ ‎63.Across from the park is a school.‎ ‎64.In front of the house is a garden.‎ ‎65.There will / is going to be an English speech contest next week.‎ ‎66.There will / are going to be more animals in the zoo next year.‎ ‎67.There is something wrong with his legs.‎ ‎68.There must be something wrong with the watch.‎ ‎69.There are 200 students studying in the school.‎ ‎70.There are lots of people dancing in the park.‎ ‎71.He’s sure to win the game.‎ ‎72.Make sure that you have locked the door.‎ ‎73.She speaks English very well. So do I.‎ ‎74.He can’t sing English songs. Neither / Nor can she.‎ ‎75.She speaks English very well. So she does.‎ ‎76.He can’t sing English songs. Neither / Nor he can.‎ ‎77.The more, the better.‎ ‎78.The more difficult the question is, the better.‎ ‎79.It seems that it’s going to rain.‎ ‎80.It seems that saying is much easier than doing.‎ ‎81.His mother made him play the piano yesterday.‎ ‎82.We will try our best to make our hometown more beautiful.‎ ‎83.He has much trouble / difficulty (in) finding a good job.‎ ‎84.She has no trouble / difficulty (in) finishing her ‎85.I realize that it is too late.‎ ‎86.You will realize that how hard / difficult the question is.‎ ‎87.All I want to do is watch a basketball game.‎ ‎88.All his parents ever wanted to do was travel around the world.‎ ‎89.This is because he doesn’t like tennis.‎ ‎90.That’s because the weather here is too hot.‎ ‎91.One is red, the other is blue.‎ ‎92.Some people like music, others like sports.‎ ‎93.On (the) one hand, she works; on the other hand, she looks after the children.‎ ‎94.On (the) one hand, we gave him money; on the other hand, we helped him look for a job.‎ ‎95.You are supposed to work hard.‎ ‎96.He is supposed to join the army.‎ ‎97.I wonder if / whether he will come here.‎ ‎98.I wonder when he will get off the plane.‎ ‎99.He is always the first to come to school.‎ ‎100.I was the last person to leave the classroom.‎ ‎101.Work hard and you’ll pass the exam.‎ ‎102.Hurry up, or we will be late for school.‎ ‎103.I will visit the Great Wall if it is sunny.‎ ‎104.I won’t go to the party unless I am invited.‎ ‎105.I will ring you up as soon as I arrive in Beijing.‎ ‎106.I was leaving when it began to rain.‎ ‎107.I didn’t know it until you told me.‎ ‎108.Some people won’t realize the importance of their health until they lose it.‎ ‎109.I’ll return the dictionary to you as soon as possible / I can.‎ ‎110.Please go to bed as early as possible / you can.‎ ‎111.It’s the best way to relax yourself.‎ ‎112.It’s better to stay at home today.‎ ‎113.It’s no use / useless telling him.‎ ‎114.It’s no use / useless studying without practice.‎ ‎115.It’s said that he has come back.‎ ‎116.It’s reported that it will snow tomorrow.‎ ‎117.This is the first time that I have been to Beijing.‎ ‎118.That was the last time that he had met his friends.‎ ‎119.It was last night that I read the book ‎120. It was my mother that I bought the dress for.‎

