中考英语 第三轮 中考题型聚焦 考点跟踪突破38 完形填空1

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中考英语 第三轮 中考题型聚焦 考点跟踪突破38 完形填空1

考点跟踪突破38 完形填空 训练一 故事类 ‎(一)雨夜惊魂(2016,铁岭)‎ A man stood on the side of the road to get a ride on a very dark stormy night.The night was getting darker and darker and no cars passed.The storm was so __1__ that he could hardly see a few meters in front of him.‎ Suddenly,he saw a __2__ come towards him and stop.Without __3__ about it,the man got into the car and closed the door.And then he realized that nobody drove it.But the car started slowly again.The man looked at the road and saw a turning (转弯处) coming his way.He was really __4__,he thought he would die if the car hit the turning.All of a sudden, a hand appeared __5__ the window and moved the wheel (方向盘).The man was very nervous.He watched the __6__ appear every time before a turning.‎ When the car came near a town,the man got out of the car as __7__ as possible and ran into a bar (酒吧).He __8__ two glasses of beer (啤酒) and started telling everybody about the terrible experience.Everyone kept silent __9__ they realized the man wasn't drunk (醉).‎ About half an hour later,two men walked into the same bar,and one said to __10__.“Look,that's the man who climbed into the car while we were pushing it.”‎ ‎1.A.sudden B.strong C.weak D.light ‎2.A.car B.bus C.train D.bike ‎3.A.worrying B.talking C.thinking D.knowing ‎4.A.bored B.afraid C.excited D.happy ‎5.A.through B.over C.past D.across ‎6.A.head B.arm C.hand D.leg ‎7.A.slowly B.happily C.bravely D.quickly ‎8.A.looked for B.prepared for C.asked for D.waited for ‎9.A.unless B.if C.so D.when ‎10.A.other B.another C.the other D.the others ‎1~5 BACBA 6~10 CDCDC ‎(二)爱是什么(2016,营口)‎ Joe and Amy are two pigs.They __1__ each other and been in love since they were little.They love each other so much as if there are __2__ others in the world.Joe takes very good care of Amy.When they have dinner,Joe always reserves(保留) the best for Amy.Amy grows __3__ under Joe's good care.‎ But on a dark windy night,their master decided to __4__ the fatter one to the butcher's(屠夫的) house.Watching Amy in her sleep,Joe stayed wide awake that night.He knew that Amy would be the one __5__ things went on like that.Joe decided ‎ to sacrifice(牺牲) himself.For the first time in his __6__,Joe started a fight with Amy,which broke his heart.However Amy tried,Joe __7__ talked to her anymore.‎ After that,Joe always had fat meals __8__ waiting up for Amy.Amy started to slim(变瘦) down __9__ the heartbreak.But Joe got __10__ every day.‎ Joe wrote down “I Love You” on the wall the night before his death.Joe was taken __11__ from Amy forever.“If words can't speak __12__,my death will say it all.”‎ Amy finally __13__ what Joe had done for her.She didn't even have a chance __14__ “I Love You” to Joe.‎ Amy decided to leave the place that had the sad memory and live her __15__ life,also Joe's.‎ ‎1.A.know B.knew C.are knowing D.have known ‎2.A.none B.no C.some D.any ‎3.A.sadly B.angrily C.happily D.unluckily ‎4.A.buy B.sell C.have D.keep ‎5.A.if B.so C.whether D.while ‎6.A.land B.love C.life D.list ‎7.A.never B.often C.usually D.sometimes ‎8.A.with B.without C.for D.as ‎9.A.such as B.because of C.thanks for D.instead of ‎10.A.smaller and smaller B.thinner and thinner C.more and more D.fatter and fatter ‎11.A.off B.up C.away D.out ‎12.A.ourselves B.herself C.himself D.themselves ‎13.A.understood B.saw C.told D.thought ‎14.A.to say B.saying C.said D.says ‎15.A.else B.own C.alone D.self ‎1~5 DBCBA 6~10 CABBD 11~15 CAAAB ‎(三)母爱无边(2016,丹东)‎ It was a cold day in December in New York City.A little boy about 10 years old was standing in front of a shoe store on Green Street.He was __1__ the windows,barefoot (赤脚的) and shivering (颤抖的) with cold.A lady walked to the boy and said,“My little boy,__2__ are you doing?” “I am asking God to give me a pair of __3__.” the boy said.‎ The lady took__4__ by the hand and went into the store.She asked the clerk to get a pair of socks for the boy.She then asked __5__ the clerk could give her a basin (盆) of hot water and a towel (毛巾).The clerk quickly brought the things to her.She washed the boy's little feet and dried them with the towel.After that,the lady __6__ the socks for the boy,and then bought him a pair of shoes.She patted (轻拍) him on the head and said,“My little boy,are you feeling more __7__ now?”‎ As she turned to go,the boy __8__ her by the hand suddenly.With tears in his ‎ eyes,he answered the question __9__ these words,“Are you God's wife?” “No,I'm a mother.” said the woman.‎ The boy was moved deeply by the__10__ words.‎ ‎1.A.looking through B.looking up C.looking for D.looking after ‎2.A.how B.when C.what D.where ‎3.A.shorts B.shoes C.glasses D.trousers ‎4.A.her B.she C.he D.him ‎5.A.unless B.but C.if D.though ‎6.A.put on B.took off C.wore D.dressed ‎7.A.better B.worse C.surprised D.comfortable ‎8.A.gave B.caught C.told D.helped ‎9.A.with B.to C.at D.by ‎10.A.God's B.clerk's C.woman's D.God's wife's ‎1~5 ACBDC 6~10 ADBAC ‎(四)情感故事——海豚帮助人的故事(2016,南京)‎ Rob Howes wanted to spend a day at the beach.He __1__ his daughter Nicky and her two friends,Helen Slade and Karina Cooper.They all went to Ocean Beach in New Zealand,where Howes was a lifeguard.‎ The group swam and bodysurfed.Then they saw something __2__.“Suddenly,there are these fins,” said Howes.‎ The __3__ saw seven dolphins moving towards them.The dolphins seemed worried. They __4__ the water with their tails.They kept moving in a circle around the swimmers.Then one large dolphin swam towards Howes and Helen.Next,it dived(潜水) down underwater.That's when Howes saw something grey moving in the __5__.‎ A great white shark __6__ underwater.It wasn't far from the people.The shark headed straight towards Nicky and Karina.Now the shark was not slow.It moved __7__!So the dolphins used their tails to swim even faster.Each one splashed its tail even more.Then Howes knew __8__ the dolphins did so.The dolphins didn't want to __9__ him and the girls.These sea mammals(哺乳动物) wanted to keep them safe.‎ The dolphins stayed close to the group __10__ the shark left.When Howes and the kids were safe,the dolphins swam away.‎ ‎“You want to say thank you and shake their flippers,” Howes said.This isn't a fishy tale!These dolphins are heroes.‎ ‎1.A.brought B.missed C.returned D.searched ‎2.A.broken B.common C.strange D.polluted ‎3.A.trainers B.coaches C.fishermen D.swimmers ‎4.A.held B.hit C.cleaned D.provided ‎5.A.pool B.air C.island D.water ‎6.A.waited B.washed C.grew D.served ‎7.A.beautifully B.fast C.heavily D.away ‎8.A.where B.what C.why D.whether ‎9.A.play B.trust C.harm D.protect ‎10.A.until B.because C.if D.since ‎1~5 ACDBD 6~10 ABCCA ‎(五)哲理故事——用快乐的方式去获得成功(2016,广东)‎ I am sure many people are working hard for lots of money,a big house,a new car,expensive clothes and so on.These are considered to be symbols of __1__ on the material(物质的) level.When I was young,I was also __2__ reaching for material success.So I chose a job as a salesman and I did make some pretty good money.‎ But later I realized that was not what I wanted,because I was often forced to sell products that might not be good for the customers.I became very unhappy __3__ I could make a lot of money.I no longer felt proud of my job and even __4__ myself for doing things like that.So I __5__ my sales job and took another job,this time helping people __6__ — the poor and the weak.The sense of belonging (归属感) was great and suddenly I felt successful in my life again.I made less money,but I was __7__ with myself.‎ For my own part,success comes from the feeling of satisfaction and joy.I feel successful when I love what I do,not caring so much about __8__.And I feel the most successful when I __9__ my kindness everywhere I go.‎ So be __10__ to yourself:Learn to listen to the voice from the bottom of your heart.And find your own way with a happy heart to achieve your own success.‎ ‎1.A.luck B.success C.safety D.hope ‎2.A.sadly B.hardly C.crazily D.honestly ‎3.A.if B.since C.until D.although ‎4.A.looked down upon B.looked up to C.looked through D.looked into ‎5.A.made up B.gave up C.set up D.turned up ‎6.A.in danger B.in order C.in need D.in surprise ‎7.A.strict B.careful C.angry D.satisfied ‎8.A.trust B.love C.money D.health ‎9.A.throw B.spread C.sell D.lend ‎10.A.true B.brave C.friendly D.terrible ‎1~5 BCDAB 6~10 CDCBA

