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动词时态 ‎1. 动词的定义: 动词是表示动作或状态的词。 例如: work,工作 , study,学习,eat 吃。 ‎ ‎2. 动词的分类: 1) 限定动词:限定动词在句中作谓语,有人称和数的变化。 2) 非限定动词:有动词不定式,动名词和分词三种。在句中不能单独作谓语,没有人称和数的变化。 3) 实义动词:有完整的词义,并能单独作谓语,实义动词又可分为及物动词和不及物动词。例如:study 学习, reach 到达, see 看见, rise 升起。 4)连系动词: 在句中作谓语动词,后面跟表语。连系动词有 be, seem, look, become, get, grow, feel。 5) 情态动词: 表示能力,义务,必要,猜测等说话人的语气或情态。情态动词只能和动词原形一起构成谓语动词。情态动词有 can, will, have, be, should, do, would, 等 6) 助动词: 只能和主要动词一起构成各种时态,语态和语气等动词形式。例如:do, shall, will, have, has. ‎ ‎3. 动词的基本形式:英语动词有四种基本形式:动词原形,过去式,过去分词和现在分词。这四种动词形式和助动词一起构成动词的时态,语态和语气。 ‎ ‎1) 动词的原形。就是词典中所给的形式。例如:be, have, buy, sit. 2) 动词过去式和过去分词的构成有规则的和不规则的两种形式。规则动词的过去式和过去分词,由在原形动词的后面加词尾 -ed 构成。例如:work - worked - worked. 不规则动词的过去式和过去分词的形式是不规则的,须要一一记忆。 例如:go - went - gone, do - did - done. 3) 动词的现在分词由动词原形加 -ing 构成。构成方法如下: ‎ a)一般情况在动词原形后加 -ing 。例如:go---going stand---standing b)以不发音的 e 结尾的动词,去掉 e ,再加 -ing. 动词是闭音节的单音节词,或是以重读闭音节结尾的多音节词,而末尾只有一辅音字母时,这个辅音字母须双写,然后再加 ing。例如:arrive- arriving  get- getting. c)少数几个以 -ie 结尾的动词,须将 ie 变成 y ,再加 ing. 例如:die--dying lie--lying。 ‎ ‎4. 动词的时态 英语动词的时态是一种动词的形式。不同的动词时态用以表示不同的时间和方式。共有十六种时态。 ‎ 一般时 进行时 完成时 完成进行时 一般现在时 现在进行时 现在完成时 现在完成进行时 一般过去时 过去进行时 过去完成时 过去完成进行时 一般将来时 将来进行时 将来完成时 将来完成进行时 一般过去将来时 过去将来进行时 过去将来完成时 过去将来完成进行时 十六种时态的谓语形式 ‎ ‎ 一般时态 进行时态 完成时态 完成进行时态 现在 do/does am/is/are doing have/has done have/has been doing 过去 did was/were doing had done had been doing 将来 shall/will do shall/will be doing shall/will have done shall/will have been doing 过去将来 should/would do should/would be doing should/would have done should/would have been doing 以下是几个常用的时态 ‎ 一般现在时:一般现在时表示经常发生的习惯性的动作或目前所处的状态。例如:We go to school every day. 我们每天去学校。在一般现在时句中,如果主语是第三人称时,动词要进行变化,变化规则如下: ‎ ‎1) 一般情况下,动词后面直接加 -s. 例如:works, gets, says, reads. 2) 以ch,sh,s,x 或 o 结尾的动词,在后面加 -es。 例如:goes, teaches, washes. 3) 以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把 y变为 i 再加 -es. 例如:studies, tries, carries. ‎ 动词 have 遇有主语是第三人称单数时,have 改为 has例如:He has an interesting book. 他有一本有趣的书。 ‎ 动词 be 遇有主语是第一人称单数时,be 改为 am 遇有主语是第二人称时,be 改为 are, 遇有主语是第三人称单数时,be 改为 is. 例如:I'm a student and he is a student, too. 我是一个学生 ,他也是一个学生。 ‎ 一般现在式的具体用法: 1) 表示现在,目前存在的状态,性质或经常发生的动作或习惯。一般现在时常用下列副词或短语来作时间状语:often, usually, always, sometimes , seldom, every day (week, year, night), twice a month. 例如:I often visit my teachers. 我经常看望我的老师。 2) 某些动词如 come, go, move, stop, leave, arrive, be, finish, continue,start 等,在一般现在时句中可用来表示将来肯定会发生的动作。例如:The train comes at 3 o'clock. 火车三点钟到。 3) 在时间状语从句或条件状语从句中,一般现在时代替一般将来时。 例如:I'll help you as soon as you have problem. 只要你有困难我就会帮助你。 4) 一般现在时还可用在戏剧, 电影的剧本解说,体育比赛的解说以及图片的说明等场合。例如:Tom carries the ball to the left. 汤姆把球带到左方。 ‎ 一般过去式: 表示过去的动作和状态。例如:I met him yesterday. 昨天我碰见了他。 ‎ 一般过去式构成: 表示一般过去式的动词通常用动词的过去式形式来表示,而动词的过去式是在动词原形的基础上变化的。动词的过去式可分为规则动词和不规则动词。规则动词的过去式变化如下: ‎ 一般情况下,动词词尾加 -ed 例如:worked, played, wanted, acted ‎ 以不发音的 -e 结尾动词,动词词尾加 -d。例如:lived, moved, decided, wiped ‎ 以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把-y变为-i 再加-ed。例如:studied, tried, copied, justified, cried, carried. ‎ 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 -ed。例如:stopped, dropped, planned. ‎ 不规则动词的过去式变化规律性不强,须多加记忆。再加 go - went, make - made, get - got. ‎ 一般过去式的用法: 表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内所发生的动作或情况,通常一般过去式带有表示动作时间状语的词,词组或从句,如 yesterday, the day before last, last week, two days ago 等,上下文清楚时可以不带时间状语。 I worked in that factory last year. 去年我在那一家工厂工作。 ‎ 一般将来式: 表示将来的动作或状态。 一般将来时的构成: shall (will) + 动词原形. 助动词 shall用于主语是第一人称时,will 用于主语是第三人称时。 ‎ I shall attend the meeting tomorrow.我明天要参加会议。 ‎ 一般将来时的否定形式是在 shall 或 will 后面加 not 构成,即: shall not + 动词原形。 will not + 动词原形。 shall not和 will not可以分别缩写为shan't 和 won't. ‎ 例如: I shall not go to the Yingze Park next time. 下一次我不去迎泽公园了。 ‎ He won't come back this week. 这一周他不回来了。 ‎ will用在第一人称时,表示将来的意愿,决心,许诺, 命令等。 ‎ I will do my best to catch up with them. 我要尽力赶上他们 。 ‎ 其他表示将来的句型:1)be + going + 动词不定式。也是一种将来时句型,表示打算,计划,最近或将来要作的某事。 ‎ I am going to Beijing next week.下周我要去北京。 ‎ ‎2)be + 动词不定式。表示有职责,义务,可能,约定,意图等。 ‎ There is to be a meeting this afternoon. 今天下午有个会。 ‎ ‎3)be about + 动词不定式,表示马上,很快作某事。 They are about to leave. 他们就要离开。 ‎ 一般完成时: 一般完成时表示动作发生在过去,但与现在有关系,说明这个动作在现在的结果,例如: ‎ I have been here for two hours.我来这儿已有两个小时了。 ‎ 一般完成时的构成 have (has) + 过去分词, has 用于主语是单数第三人称,其它用 have。 ‎ I have worked for ten hours today. 今天我工作了十个小时。 ‎ 过去分词的构成方法如下: ‎ 一般情况下,直接在动词原形后面加 -ed。例如:worked, spelled, linked. ‎ 以不发音的 -e 结尾的动词只加 -d。例如:moved, hoped, divided. ‎ 闭音节的单音节词,或以重读闭音节结尾的多音节词,这些词的末尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写这个辅音字母,再加 -ed。例如:stopped, regretted, dropped. ‎ 一般完成时的用法: ‎ ‎1) 一般完成时表示在说话之前已经完成或刚完成的动作。例如:He has gone away. 他已经走了。 2) 一般完成时表示动作从过去开始持续到现在,或者还有可能持续下去的动作或状态。 一般完成时常与for 和 since 引导的短语或从句连用。例如:例如:We have lived here since 1976. 从一九七六以来,我们就住在这儿。 ‎ 一般进行时:表示现在正在进行的动作。例如:We are working now. 我们正在工作。 ‎ 一般进行时的构成: be + 现在分词。例如:It's raining hard. 雨下的很大。 ‎ 现在分词的构成方法如下: ‎ ‎1) 一般情况下,直接在动词原形后面加 -ing. 例如:going, asking, finding, working. 2) 以不发音的-e 结尾的动词,去-e ,再加-ing。例如:coming, taking, firing. 3) 闭音节的单音节词,或以重读闭音节结尾的多音节词,这些词的末尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写这个辅音字母,再加 -ing. 例如:sitting, running, getting. ‎ 一般进行时的用法: 1) 一般进行时的用法表示说话者说话时正在发生或者进行的动作, 它注重现在正在进行的动作,而不管动作从什么时间开始,到什么时间结束。 What are you doing now? 你在干什么呢? ‎ ‎2) 一般进行时表示目前一段时间内正在进行的动作,也许此时此刻这个动作并没有进行。 ‎ The students are preparing for the examination. 学生们正在作考试准备。 ‎ ‎3) 某些动词的现在进行时可以表示即将发生的动作,这些动词有 arrive, come, leave, start等。 ‎ They are going to Hong Kong tomorrow. 他们明天要去香港。 ‎ 过去完成时:表示过去某一时刻或某一动作之前完成的动作或所处的状态,过去完成时常和 by , before 等词组成的短语和从句连用。 ‎ 过去完成时的构成: had + 过去分词. 例如: ‎ We had already learned two thousands words by the end of last year. 到去年年底我们已经学了2000个单词。 ‎ 将来完成时:表示将来某一时刻或某一时刻之前完成的动作或所处的状态。 ‎ 将来完成时的构成: shall (will) + have + 过去分词 ‎ After we finish this text, we'll have learned twenty texts.这课课文结束后,我们就学了二十课课文了。 ‎ 过去进行时:表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行的动作,过去进行时常和表示过去时的时间状语词组或从句连用。 ‎ 过去进行时的构成:were (was) + 动词现在分词. 例如: He was reading last night. 昨天晚上他正在看书。 ‎ 将来进行时: 表示将来某一段时间正在进行的动作或有可能发生或预计要发生的动作。 ‎ 将来进行时的构成:shall (will) + be + 现在分词例如:What will you be doing next week?下一星期你在干什么?‎ 时态练习:‎ ‎1( )1 -He came early this morning, didn't he?-Yes, he did. He often___ to school early.‎ ‎ A. come B. comes C. came D. has come ( )2 Ann ____ her hair every week.A. is going to wash B. wash C. washes D. is washing ‎( )3 They usually_____TV in the evening.A. watch B. will watch C. are watching D. watches ( )4 The sun ___ in the east and___ in the west.A. raises; set B. rise; sets C. rises; sets D. rises; set ( )5 Miss Gao___ English on the radio every morning.A. had studied B. studies C. study D. studied ( )6 Our teacher will return by the time schoolA. will begin B. began C. is beginning D. begins 2( ) 1 -I usually have milk and bread for breakfast. What about you, Jim?-So do I, but my sister ‎ ___. A. hasn't B. doesn't C. didn't D. won't ( ) 2 -That ten pound note belongs to me.-___A. Yes, it belongs B. No, it doesn't C. Yes, it is D. No, it isn't ( ) 3 She will go if it ___ tomorrow.A. isn't rain B. don't rain C. doesn't rain D. didn't rain 3( ) 1 -_____ they often ___ these old men?-Yes, they___. A. Do; help; are B.Are; helping; are C. Do; help; do D. Are; helped; are ( ) 2 -___ he ___ to work on foot?-Yes, he___.A. Do; go; do B. Does; go; does C. Is; going; does D. Does; go; is ( ) 3 _ you _ some speaking in English every day? A.Is; speaking B.Do; do C. Do; does D. Does; do 4( ) 1 How ____ it in English?A. you say B. do you say C. to speak D. about talk ( ) 2 ___ you ___ to school every day?A. When; go B. When do; go . C. When did; go D. Does; go ( ) 3 __ the girl __to school?A. Where does; go B. How do; go C. How does; goes D. How does; go 5( ) 1 _____ you ___ how to get the bus stop?A. Have; know B. Do; know C. Are; knowing ' D. /; know ( ) 2 I ___ what the old man said is right.A. am thinking B. is thought C. think D. thought ( ) 3 These little boys___ playing football.A. are liking B. like C. likes D. were liking 6( ) 1 We won't go to the Great Wall if it ___ tomorrow.A. snows B. snowed C. snow D. will snow ( ) 2 We won't come back until we __ the work.A.shall finish B. have finishedC. will finish D. finish ( ) 3 Could you ring me up as soon as he ___?A. arrived B. would arrive C. arrives D. will arrive ( ) 4 I will not help you with your English if I ___ time tomorrow.A. don't have B. will not have C. am not D. won't ( ) 5 The next time you ___ his parents, tell them I want to see them as soon as possible.‎ A. meet B. will meetC. are going to meet D. met ( ) 6 The key will be left on the table when I ___.A. left B. leave C. will leave D. am ‎ leaving ( ) 7 When you ___ used to the weather here, you will ___ this place.‎ A. will get; like B. have got; like C. get; liked D. get; will like 7( ) 1Our classes__at7: 30 tomorrow morning. A.begin B. begins C. is beginning D. were beginning ( ) 2 The train ___ at five this afternoon.A. leave B. leaving C. leaves D. are leaving ( ) 3 Next month my father _ to China from America.A.returns B.are returning C. are going to return D. would return 8( ) 1 Look, in___our maths teacher.A. is coming B. came C. come D. comes ( ) 2 -Have you seen my pen?A. Here is it B. Here it is C. Here they are D. Here are they ( ) 3 Under the table___.A. a ball are B. is a ball C. are a ball D. has a ball 9( ) 1 He lived there before he ___ to China.A. come B. comes C. came D. coming ( ) 2 I ____ very hard when I was young.A. study B. studied C. had studied D. shall study ( ) 3 A girl ___ the wallet and ___.‎ A. found; turns it in B. would find; has turned in it C. found; turned it in D. has found; turned in it ( ) 4 I ___ the blackboard but ___ nothing on it. A. looked at; saw B. have looked; saw C. saw; looked at D. was looking at; was seeing ( ) 5 I have no idea what ___ while I was asleep.A. has happened B. was happened C. happened D. had happened ( ) 6 He said he would help me with my maths if he ' free. A. was B. will be C. would be D. is 10( ) 1 When___to learn English?A. does she begin B. did she begin C. has she begun D. she began ( ) 2 -I have finished my homework. -When __ you __ it? A. have; finished B. do; finish C. did; finish D. will; finish ( ) 3 My younger brother____ the army____ 1990. A. joined; at -B. joined; in C. has joined; in D. has joined; since ( ) 4 The train from Tianjin ___ an hour ago.A. arrived B. has arrived C. was arriving D. arrived at ( ) 5 I__ my homework at about nine at night.A. finished B. would finish C. was finishing D. finish ‎ ‎11()1 -Sorry, but your address again, please. I__catch it.-It's 28 Zhongshan Road.A.didn't B. don'tC.won'tD. wouldn't ( )2 -Did you wait for your father very long?-Yes, I ____ to bed until two in the morning. ‎ A. did go B. didn't go C. had gone D. went ( )3 -Tom didn't go to see the film with you last night, did he?-___‎ A. No, he did B. No, he doesn't C. Yes, he did D. Yes, he didn't ( ) 4 -Excuse me. Look at the sign: NO SMOKING!-Sorry, I_it.A. don't see B. didn't see C. haven't seen D. won't see 12( ) 1 _____ here and ask him about it yesterday?‎ A. Did you come B. Would you not go C. You didn't come D. Aren't you go ( ) 2 ___ he ___ a good time last Sunday?A. Were; were B. Did; do C. Did; has D. Did; have ( ) 3 The students hardly studied the English language, ___ they?A. did B. didn't C. were D. weren't ( ) 4 -____ the bus ____ just now?-Yes, but it has left.A. Has; come B. Did; come C. Is; come D. Does; come 13( ) 1 He came in, __ his coat and sat down.A. took down B. took off C. taking down D. taking off ( ) 2 We carried some water, dug some holes and ___ to plant these trees.A. begin B. began C. beginning D. begins ( ) 3 The old lady cleaned the tables, ___ some dirty clothes and did some cooking.‎ A. washing B. washed C. washes D. wash 14( ) 1 When he was a child, he____ in the garden in the morning. ‎ A. always plays B. always played C. plays always D. played always () 2 He is good at maths and he __ hard.A. always study B.always is studying C.is always studying D. studies always ( ) 3 Tom ___ to school.A. never is late B. never come C. never comes D. is never 15( ) 1 When he was young he ____ swim in the river.A. used B. used to C. uses D.‎ ‎ use ( ) 2 He ____ at six, but now at five.A. used to get up B. used to getting upC., .used get up D. was used to get up ( ) 3 The old man __out for a walk in the evening.A.used to going B.go C.is used to going D.will go 16( ) 1 -My father will be here tomorrow.-Oh, I thought that he___ today.‎ A. will come B. comes C. is coming D. was coming ( ). 2 -He has been in the next room.-Sorry, I thought that he___ in Shanghai.A. was B. is C. will be D. has been ( ) 3 Oh, you are here? I thought you____on the playground. A. ran B. runs C. are running D. run 17( ) 1 -What is he doing now?-He___a picture.A. draws B. drew C. is drawing D. was drawing ( ) 2 Look! An elephant___this way.A. was coming B. is coming C. came D. comes ( ) 3 Look! The children___kites over there.A. flew B. fly C. are flying D. were flying ( )4 Be quiet! I'm trying to hear what the manA. is saying B. has said C. will say D. says ( )5Don't talk with each other.The baby_.A.was sleepingB is sleeppingC.was sleeppingD.is sleeping 18( ) 1 When we came in, they___their lessons.A. are not doing B. weren't doingC. not were doing D^ have done ()2 My father__ his clothes,but he is repairing his car.A.doesn't wash B.isn't washing C.is washing D.wasn't washing 19( )1 _____ you ___ your homework now?A. Do; doing B. Are; doingC. Were; doing D. Does; do ( )2 _ your mother _ shopping at the moment?A. Are; doing B. Is; doing C. Is; taking D. Are; taking ( )3 __the children __the radio?A.Is; listening B.Is; listening to C. Are; listening to D. Are; listening 20( ) Who ___ at the door?A. do knock B. is knocking C. knock D. knocking ( ) 2 What ___ she___ when I entered?A. is; doing B. does; do C. was; doing D. did; do ( ) 3 Which car __ he __ when the accident happened?A. is; repairing B. was; repairing C. did; repair D. does; repair 21( )1 Could you tell me when__?A. he is coming B. he was comingC. will he comeD. is he ‎ coming ( ) 2 I ___ going to London next month.A. will think of B. am thinking of C. think of D. am thought of ( ) 3 My uncle ___ to see me. He'll be here soon.A. is coming B. comes C. has come D. came ( ) 4 They ___ uncle Wang this evening.A. is meeting B. meets C. meet D. are going to meet ( ) 5 We ___ for Shanghai tonight.A. are starting B. have started C. started D. start 22( ) 1 Listen! Someone___ at the door of the meeting-room. A. knocked B. knocks C. is knocking D. was knocking ( ) 2 The swimming pool is closed today because the workers___.‎ ‎ A. have made repairs B. make repairs C. are making repairs D. are made repairing ( ) 3 My brother _ a lot. He is reading a new magazine now.A.read B.reads C. has read D. is reading ( ) 4 -Who sings best in your class? -Mary____.A. is B. will C. does D. do 23( ) I My students___each other.A. are always helping B. always helpsC. always are helping D. help always ( ) 2 How tired I am, for my little son ___.A. is always crying B. cry C. never cries D. always cry ( ) 3 Don't forget to bring your pen and books. You___to bring these things. A. are always forgotten B. are always forgetting C. are always forget D. forget always 24( ) 1 My father__ breakfast at home every day.A. hasn't B. isn't having C. doesn't have D. has had ( ) 2 I ___ supper when the boy broke in.A. has B. have C. was having D. will have ( ) 3 We ___ no class on Sundays.A. had B. have C. has D. are having 25( ) 1 ___the Blacks ___TV at seven yesterday?A. Did; watch B. Are, watchingC. Were; watching D. Do; watch ( ) 2 The scientist___ a walk in his garden at four last Sunday.A. was taking B. would take C. took D. was taken ( ) 3 What___ from nine to ten last night?A. did you do B. had you doneC. have you done D. were you ‎ doing ( ) 4 While Tom___ a football match, his sister was reading an interesting story in her room. A. was watching B. is watching C. has watched D. had watched 26( ) 1 When Miss Zhao came into the classroom, the students___.A. talked B. were talking C. talking D. talk ( ) 2 When Mary came to see me, I__ the music.A. am listening to B. listened to C. was listening to D. was listening ( ) 3 When I arrived there, you___volleyball.A. has already played B. played C. were playing D. would play ( ) 4 When I knocked at the door, my mother___.A. cooked B. cooking C. was cooking D. cook ( ) 5 We heard a cry when we __TV last night.A.were watching B.would watch C.watch D. watched ‎27( )1 Mary was drawing a horse on the blackboard when I ___ in.A. have come B. came C. am coming D. come ( )2 The little boy _ when I came into the room.A. is drawing B.draws C. has drawn D. was drawing ( )3 I ___ the floor when my father came in.A. was sweeping B. swept C. sweeping D. am sweeping ( )4 They ___ a meeting when I saw them.A. had B. have had C. were having D. are having ( )5 -What __ when I phoned you this morning?-I ___ my homework and was starting to take a bath. A. were you doing; had just finished B. would you do; have just finished C. are you doing; just finished D. did you do; just finished 28( ) 1 Look at the clouds. __.A. It's going to rain B. It'll be raining C. It will be rained D.It rains ( ) 2 Myfamily____to stay in London for some time.A. is going B. are going C. go D. are go ( ) 3 There___ two English films next week.A. is going to be B. are going to have C. will have D. are going to be ( ) 4 There is going to___ a volleyball match on our school playground. The match is going to___ at six this evening.A. have; be B. be; have C. be; be D. have; have 29( ) 1 -Are you busy this afternoon?-No. I___to watch a football match.A. am going B. will C.‎ ‎ shall D. can ( ) 2 Who ___ help him to move the box away?A. are B. are going , C. are going to D. is ( ) 3 Where ___ buy a computer for your son?A. you are B. are going C. you go D. are you going to 30( ) 1 It is getting dark. I___.A. must be leaving B. must be left C. will leaving D. was leaving () 2 Tell me who_,__ to our party tomorrow.A. is coming B. was coming C. come D. have come () 3 Whom ___ you ___ to for help now?A. are; turning B. are; turn C. would; turn D. do; turning 31( )1 Next year my little sister ____ ten years old.A. is to be B. is going to be C. shall be D. will be ( )2They have just decided that they _ the job.A. have taken B. will take C. would take D. are taking ( ) 3 She says that she___to Beijing next week.A. has gone B. will go C. goes D. go ( ) 4 If he___at eight, we___, too.A. leave; do B. leaves; will C. will leave; will D. is leaving; are ( ) 5 -Is this the last exam for this term?-Yes, but there___ another test three months from now.‎ A. is B. was C. will be D. has been ‎ ( ) 6 You___ late for school again if you___ early. A. shall be; won't get up B. are; won't get up C. will be; don't get up D. have been; not get 32( ) 1 Will you please ___ this rubber to Xiao Ling?A. to give B. giving C. gave D. give ( ) 2 -___ I __ the window?-Yes, please.A. Will; clean B. Am; cleaning C. Do; clean D. Shall; clean ( ) 3 ___ you like to have dinner with us tonight?A. Would B. Do C. Are D. Will 33( ) 1 -I'm sorry, I forgot to past the card for you.-Never mind, I ___ post it tomorrow. ‎ A. am going B. am going to C. will go D. go ( ) 2 ___ you ___ a teacher when you grow up?A. Will; be B. Are; going to be C. Are; / D. Will; going to be, 34( ) 1 I thought Class One ___ in the match.A. will win B. would win C. is going to win D. was going to win ( ) 2 She didn't tell me whether she ___ back early or late.A. comes B. will come C. is coming D. would ‎ come ( ) 3 The students were told that they____ at the school gate at 2: 00 the following afternoon. A. met B. will meet C. were to meet D. were met 35() 1 Last year the old man___ under the roof, enjoying the sunlight-A. sits B. is sitting C. sit D. would sit ( ) 2 We__ each other when we studied together.A. helping B. are helping C. would help D. do help ( ) 3 Though we pushed the car hard, the car___ away.A. wouldn't move B. movedC. would move D. doesn't move 36( ) 1 ___ you __ the novel that I lent you last week?A. Did; finish B. Have; finished C. Are; finished D. Do; finish ( ) 2 He ___ in our school for 20 years and he ___ here in 1977. A. has taught; came B. has taught; has come C. taught; came D. has teached; has came ( ) 3 They are late. The film __ for five minutes.A. has begun B. has started C. has been on D. began 37( ) 1 A new school ___ in my hometown recently.A. is set up B. has been set upC. was set up D. has set up ( ) 2 -Did your brother go to America last year?-___A. No he did never go there B. No, he has never gone there C. No, he never was there D. No, he's never been there ( ) 3 _____ the Great Wall?‎ A. Have you ever gone to B. Are you ever going to C. Do you ever go to D. Have you ever been to ( )4.I___ the book yet.A. haven't read B. hadn't readC. don't read D. am not reading ( ) 5 They left for Beijing last month and we ___ them ever since. ‎ A. don't hear from B. haven't heard from C. won't hear from D. didn't hear from ()6He says he_ the book several times already this yearA.had readB.has readC.will readD is reading 38( ) 1 He ___ the book a week ago, but I ___ it to the library. A. have lent; returned B. have borrowed; return C. borrowed; have returned D. lent; have ‎ returned ( ) 2 You can't use the computer. It_.A. was broken down B. is wrong C. is bad D. has broken down ( ) 3 I'm sorry, I____your name.A. have forgotten B. forgot C. had forgotten D. forgotten 39( ) 1 The old man ___ in this house since 1949.A. has lived B. had lived C. is living D. lives ( ) 2 I hope I ___ no mistake in my work so farA. make B. am making C. have made D. was making ( ) 3 The life of the people___ greatly in the past years.A. has changed B. have changedC. changed D. are changing ( ) 4 Her grandpa___ for three years.A. has been dead B. has died C. had been dead D. died 40( ) 1 I ___ her only twice since last year.A. see B. was seeing C. have seen D. saw ( ) 2 Lucy ___ to Shanghai once.A. went B. has gone C. has been D. had been ()3 Judy___the Great Wall twice, and now she still___to go there. ‎ A. went to; wanted B. goes to; wants C. has gone to; wants D. has been to; wants ()4 In the past five years. I___ English words.A. have learned three thousand B. learned three thousand of C. had learned three thousands D. learned thousands of ()5 He ___ there many times.A. has been B. went C. has been to D. has gone 41() 1 -___ you ___ your breakfast?-Yes, I have.-When ___ you ___ it?-Twenty minutes ago. A. Have; have; have; had B. Did; have; did; have C. Have; had; do; have D. Have; had; did; have ‎ ‎()2 -___ your homework yet?-Not yet, I___it. A. Have you done; am doing B. Did you do; did C. Did you do; am doing D. Have you done; did ‎ ‎() 3 -Where___ the recorder? I can't see it anywhere.-I ___ it right here half an hour ago. But now it is gone. A. did you put; have put B. have you put; put C. do you put; putting D. did you put; have put 42() 1 Mr Green __China for three years.A.has been toB. has come toC. has been inD.has arrived in () 2 Tom ___ London for two years.A. had left B. has gone away C. has been away from D. had been away from () 3 How long __a Party member?A. have you been B.are youC.have you becomeD.did you become ‎ ‎43( ) 1 My father isn't here now. He ___Shanghai. He ___ there twice. A. has gone; has been B. has gone to; has been to C. has been to; has gone D. has gone to; has been ( ) 2 -Hi! Bruce. I have't seen you for three weeks.-Hi! George. I___America.‎ A. have gone to B. went to -C. have been to D. have been in ( ) 3 My uncle___ London for five years. But he will be back next year.‎ A. went B. has been in C. has gone D. has gone to ( ) 4 -Could I speak to Mrs Black, please?-Sorry, she ___ to the library.A. is going B. has gone C. has been D. will to ( )5 Peter is young, but he__ many foreign countries.A. has been in B. has gone to C. went to D. has been to 44( ) 1 ____ you ____ the book?A. Are; have B. Have; got C. Do; get D. Are; having ( ) 2 ____ you ____ to know about the news?A. Do; must B. Will; get C. Have; had D. Do; have ( ) 3 They___ finish the job by tomorrow.A. have got B. have got to C. got to D. have 45()1 Before we got to the railway station, the train___ already.A. went out B. had gone C. has gone D. has arrived ()2 The film _ when I ___ to the cinema.A. has begun; get B. had begun; gotC. has been on; get D. had been on; got ()3 The meeting____ for five minutes when I got there.A. had begun B. had been on C. has begun D. has been on ()4 -Let's hurry. The President is coming.-Oh, I was afraid that we___. A. already miss him B. had already missed himC. will miss him already D. have already missed him ( ) 5 When I___ to the cinema, the film___ for 5 minutes.‎ A. got; had begun B. get; will beginC. got; had been on D. got; has been on ( ) 6 By the end of last term, we___over two thousand new words.A. learned B. have learnedC. will learn D. had learned ‎1.1-6 B C A C B D  2.1-3 B B C 3.1-3 C B B 4. 1-3 B B D  5. 1-3 B C B  ‎ ‎6. 1-7 A D C A A B B  7. 1-3 A C A 8. 1-3 D B B 9 .1-6 C B C A C A 10. 1-5 B C B A A  ‎ ‎11. 1-4 A B C B 12. 1-4 A D A B 13. 1-3 B B B 14. 1-3 B C C 15. 1-3 B A C 16. 1-3 D A A ‎ ‎17.1-5 C B C A D 18.1-2 B B 19.1-3 B B C 20. 1-3 B C B 21.1-5 A B A D A 22. 1-4 C C B C ‎ ‎23. 1-3 A A B 24. 1-3 C C B 25. 1-3 C A D 26. 1-5 B C C C A 27. 1-5 B D A C A ‎28. 1-4 A B D C 29. 1-3 A C D 30. 1-3 A A A 31. 1-6 D B B B C C 32. 1-3 D D A 33. 1-2 C B ‎34. 1-3 B D C 35. 1-3 D C A 36. 1-3 B A C 37. 1-6 B D D A B B 38. 1-3 C D A 39. 1-4 A C A A ‎40.1-5 C C D A A 41.1-3 D A B 42.1-3 C C A 43.1-5 D C D B D 44.1-3 C D B 45.1-6 B B B B C D

