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‎ 初中英语填空题专练 ‎1 Yesterday morning, Li Hua got up early and____1____breakfast he went to school._____2_____his way to school he saw some____3____ coming from the ____4___ of a house. “There must be something on ____5_____,” he thought. Then he ___6____ as fast as he could to get some water, after a short time, he carried a bucket of ___7____. Quickly he poured the water into the fire. The smoke was put___8_____. To his surprise, he saw an old ____9____out of the window, with a smoke in his hand. He shouted at Li Hua___10______,“ See what you are doing! You bad boy!”‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ ‎2 More and more people are___1_____the life with computers. Using computers you can send E-mail ____2___ and easily. You are able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone___3____in the world without putting a stamp. E-mail can send its message to the other side of the world____4_____seconds.E-mail is easy to use and it_____5___time and money. It serves(服务)for twenty-four hours. So it doesn’t matter if your friends are in bed when you send E-mail to them, or you are seeing a film at the cinema when they send E-mail____6____.Can you imagine(想象) the future without teachers____7_____computures? Students will teach themselves in the schools of the future. Computers help students develop their own ways of____8___. Students will follow the learning programmes by looking at on line libraries and _____9____lessons by world-class teachers. If they don’t understand something, they will ask other students online or E-mail their teachers. Computers are becoming more and more_____10_____indeed.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ ‎3 It is easier to go downhill than to climb uphill, so it is easier to _____1____ into bad habits(习惯)than into good ones. Bad habits don’t come ___2_____. They come little by little(逐渐的)____3___people do not notice(注意)their danger(危险). Schoolboys first pick up little____4_____habit in school and on the streets. When they can’t finish their lessons, they copy(抄袭) from their ___5______. If they see bigger boys____6___, they also want to learn to smoke. When they get bigger, the habits become so ___7_____that they can no longer get ride of___8___. From copying, they fall behind, then they learn to steal, and smoking is bad for their _______9___. At last, they become worse and worse. How necessary ‎(必要) it is that we get rid of the bad habits in the ___10_____.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ ‎4 Here’s a part of an e-mail _____1______from Joe, giving some ___2______to his son in college.” when I was young, I often met ___3____”about what to do and what not to do. My grandmother told me not to ____4____about those things because I only did them once a year or once a lifetime. ____5_______, I should try to do well those things which I do every day. For example, I need to eat every day, so I should learn how to ____6____. I need to talk____7_____ , so I should learn how to work with _______8____people and know how to speak well. I walk every day, so my ____9___ should be all right and know comfortable(舒服). Every night I sleep,‎ ‎ so my bed should let me have a good rest. Taking care of the___10____ things means that you do a better job of the one-in-a-lifetime things as well.”‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ ‎5 The computer was one of the most important_____1___of last century. The first computer was as large as a room. Now some computers are as small as television sets. Some computers can even made smaller ___2_____ a book. About 20 years ago, the computer was a ____3___machine in china, not many people understood it and said yes to it. Today much of that is changing. In 1984, Deng Xiaoping ___4____two pupils working on the computers in Shanghai, he said that computer lessons _____5____start from child. So there was the first computer book for middle school students. Now in Shanghai _____6____all middle schools have classrooms for computer courses(课程). Some of the students now have their ___7______comptuers at home. With the help of internet, they can send and ________8_____messages and e-mails. They can learn about the world more, quickly. Now computers are____9____used in banks, factories, airports and so on. The computer coming into everyone’s_____10____, so it is important for us to learn how to use a computer freely.‎ ‎ 1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ ‎6 Climbing a mountain is hard work, but one step after another finally brings a person to the_____1_____. Along the way, he can stop and look___2_____. And the ______3____he climbs, the more wonderful his view(视野)is. If he keeps climbing, he will have a new world before him. He will have a new way of___4______everything.Now learning _____5____language is something like climbing a mountain. This new language can give you a new view of life. And it is more than a look at the surface(表面)of things. It can open the way into people’s minds and hearts, into a culture(文化)very ______6____from the one of your own. This will make you richer,____7_____in things that money can’t buy. Even though you never set foot on a ship or a plane, you can be an armchair ___8_______through books. Like the mountain climber who stops now and then to __9_____the scenery around him, everyone who is interested in reading will find_____10____in books as he fights on to learn more and more of that new language.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ ‎7 A storm dropped heavy rains on central and southern parts of china. The radio says that___1_____ the Xiangjiang River in Hunan, flood caused by terrible___2______in the past weeks killed 25 people and 13 others were missing. The Chinese government warned some parts in Yunnan and the city of Chongqing of possible heavy rains over the____3_____few days. In Changsha, water levers rose to 38 meters early Monday morning about 3 meters _____4_____ the danger life. In Guangdong, at ______5______21 people have been killed, while three were____6_____hurt and 7 went missing_______7___ heavy floods hit northern parts by Saturday. The cities of Shaoguan ,Meizhou and Heyuan_____8______hardest hit and many people were left homeless(无家可归)。A bout 620 million yuan has been lost in the floods. The local government of Guangdong has sent something_____9______to Meizhou, Heyuan and ‎ Shaoguan to help people who had lost homes build their _____10______again.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ ‎8 When Martin was a small boy , he lived in the a little town of Holtham. Then , he thought the town was a big_____1_____. When Martin went back to Holtham last week , he thought“ it’s a small town!” Holtham has changed little during the ____2____forty years. ____3_____Martin has changed a lot. He has ____4____into a man. He is now in his _____5_______age. His thoughts are a man’s thoughts, and ‎ He sees things through a____6______eyes. Martin ___7_____in Holtham for five hours, He walked from street_____8_______street. He could see no friends. Was Holtham then a town of strangers? No , Martin suddenly______9_____it al, Only he _____10____was a stranger in the town.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ ‎9 One day, Mark Twain_____1_____his father that he had ___2______the rule of the school. According to the rule, he had to ___3______for five dollars or was ____4____before the whole school. His father said it was too bad to_____5_____their family shamed in front of the whole school. His ____6_____to give Mark Twain five dollars to _____7____ over the teacher. But before_____8______him the money, he gave him a good beating. As he ___9_____one beating at home and had got used of it, he decided to ___10______another beating at school and kept the five dollars. Thus he earned his first bit of money in his life.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ ‎10 I often by train to some____1____of interest. This summer I decided to take a train trip to the countryside. I got on the train and ____2______a seat by the window. When the bell rang, the train started moving. The train moved along_____3___and gradually gained______4____. We went through a number of tunnels, crossed some bridges and traveled in the countryside. It was a _____5_____day and the scenery outside was ______6_____. There were fields everywhere. We could see farmers working____7_____in the fields. Some children who were playing under trees waved to us as the train went by. The train ____8_____ over a bridge under which a group of ducks were enjoying themselves. They were frightened by the noise of our train and __9_______off. I looked out of the window, after while, I closed my eyes and started to make ___10______for my next holiday.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 11 Children’s schooling is changing very fast today. In the past, teachers_____1______children sitting for hours. They made them remember____2___kinds of things. In other ______3_____, the children had to go on repeating things until they knew them” by heart”. Today, many teachers want to know if it is _____4_____to make children learn at all. They say you can ___5_____help them learn. They say you must let children learn and find out things by____6____. But for these children, school is a kind of prison(监狱). They are there only because their_______7_______make them go. They get out of the classroom as soon as the teacher lets ‎ them_____8_______. Many of them want to find work, but the law(法律) will not let them work until they reach a certain ___9______. And so , they have to stay in school. Often they do not learn anything at all and___10_____every moment.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 12 The men came to London for holidays. They came to a very large hotel and ___1_____in a room on the forty-fifth floor. One day they__2______ to a theatre and came____3____to the hotel very late. “I’m sorry,” said the waiter of the hotel,“ but our lift doesn’t work tonight.” One of _____4______said to his two friends, “we have to _____5__up to our room. It’s very difficult. I think I know how to make it easier. On our way to the room, I shall tell you _____6____jokes, john will sing us some songs. Then you Peter will tell us some____7_______stories.” So they began to walk toward their room. Tom told them many jokes. John sang some songs. At last they came to the fortieth floor. They were tired and _____8___to have a rest. “well,” said Tom, “Peter, will you tell us a ____9______story with a sad end?” “ I shall tell you a sad story,” said Peter. “it’s short, but it is sad enough. We left key in the __10_____room just now. what shall we do?”‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 13 Many people like to play_____1_______. Here is one. It make your classmates______2____. And it is ____3_____, too. For this trick you need a five-fen coin and a piece of paper. On the paper draw a ____4_____smaller than the coin. Then cut out the little circle you drew just now. now give the paper and coin to one of your friends. Ask him or her to ___5_______through the hole but do not get the paper _______6_______. Of course he or she can’t do it. Then ask your friend to give you back the paper and the coin, and tell him that you will show him _____7______to do the trick. Put your finger through the hole and push the coin_____8_____your finger. It will be ___9_______to you have pushed the coin____10___the hole in the paper!‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 14 ‎ A bee went to a river to drink. As it was _____1_____, the bee was carried away by the running water. A kind bird saw that the bee was in danger. It picked a leaf off the tree and threw it into the ____2_____in front of the bee. The bee climbed onto the leaf, and it was _____3____safely to the land. The bee___4_____the bird a lot and then flew away. Not long_______5___that,a bird was sitting on the branch of the tree. It did not_____6___a man was shooting(射击) at it. But bee saw_____7___the man was doing. So it flew __8_____ the man’s eye and stung(刺)him. The pain(疼痛) in the man’s eye was so ____9_____that he was not able to shoot the bird, and the bird flew away. In this_________, the bee, whose life had been saved by the bird, was able to save life of the bird.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ ‎ ‎ 15 ‎ Once a ____1______German writer visited Japan, he was ______2_____to give a ‎ lecture ____3_____of students. Most of them couldn’t _______4___spoken German, so he had to have an interpreter(口译)。 _____5______his lecture he told an amusing story. The story went to _____6________ for quite a long time. At last he stopped to let the interpreter to translate the long story into Japanese. He was ____7______ when the man did this in few seconds. When the man ______8_____translating it, all students laughed______9_____. The writer wondered what a simple language Japanese was. After the lecture, the writer thanked the interpreter for his good work and then said to him,“ now please tell me how you translated that long story of_____10____into such a short Japanese one? ”“ I didn’t tell the story at all,” the interpreter answered with a smile,“ the well_-known writer has just told a funny story, you will all laugh, please. ”‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 12 A famous rich old man once gave a _____1______at an American university.” I’m going to tell you how to live a long, _____2______life and how to get very rich,” he said.“ you can’t ______3____or smoke. But you have to get up early every morning, work at____4______10 hours a day and save every______5___sa well,” he said. A young man____6______ stood up. “ my father did all those things and yet he ______7____a very poor man at the age of only 39. how do you _____8_____that? ”he asked. The rich old man thought for a ___9____. “It’s very simple. He didn’t do them for long____10______,”he answered.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 13 A woman saw three old men sitting in her front yard. She said,” I don’t think I know you, but you must be ___1____.please come in and have something to eat. ”‎ ‎“we do not go into a house together,” they answered at the ____2______time.“____3_______is that?” she wanted to know. One of the old men explained,“ his___4_____ is wealth, this is success, and I am love.” Then he added(补充) ,“now go in and discuss with your husband____5______one of us you want in your home.” Then the women went in and told her husband_______6___the old man said. her husband said,” let’s invite wealth, let him come and ________7________our home with wealth!” his wife agreed. Then the daughter said,” wouldn’t it be _8_______ to invite love? Our home will then be _____9___with love! ”“all right,” said the father. So the woman went out and asked, “which one of you is love ? please come in and be our guest.” love got up and started walking towards the house. The other two also got up and ____10______him. The woman was ____11_________and asked wealth and success,” I _____12_____invited love. Why are you coming in?” the three old men answered together,” if you had invited wealth_____13__success, the other two of us would have stay out. But_____14_____you invited love, where he goes, we go with him, wherever there is love,_______15________is also wealth and success!”‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ ‎11_________  12_____________13_____________  14____________  15_____________‎ 14 Suppose you are going to Boston and you have_____1_____visited the city before. If someone tells you about the ___2_______places in this city, you ____3________to get some ‎ idea of what you will see. But you don’t have a ________4_______idea of where these places are or of how to find them. However, if someone has a map of the city and ____5_______ you the main roads and buildings, you may say, “oh, now I ___6____i can find my way with no trouble at all. ” working in maths is somewhat like trying to find your way ____7_______a new city. Perhaps in problems the words may tell you some things and you have heard about them, but you can’t see any clear road____8___ the answers. Maybe you need to have a kind of map of the ____9____roads in maths to help you find your way. Explore what goes on in maths, and try your best to find the main roads. They will lead you to answers. If you can find the road map, the maths problems will be___10_______worked out.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 12 Can animals be made to work for people? Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs ____1_____.of people. They say that at a circus , for example, we may see elephants , monkeys ,dogs ,bears ,or other animals doing_____2_______skillfull things .perhaps you have seen them on tv or in a film. If you watch closely, you may find that trainers ___3_____the animals some sugar_____4____a piece of fruit as reward. The scientists say that many _______5______ animals may be trained to do a lot of simple things if they know they will get a reward ____6____doing that.Of course, as we know , dogs can be trained to guard a house ,and soldiers in both old and modern______7____have_____8_____geese to give warning by___9_____a lot of noise when an enemy comes near. And also it may be possible to train animals to work in families or______10_____.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 13 With the ____1________ of the material prosperity, advertisement have become more and more ____2_____in our daily life. Advertisements give the ________3______information about products. If there were no advertising, consumers could not____4______about goods in there nearby shops. Advertisements help sell at a bigger market. Therefore, as more goods are sold, they are cheaper. Advertisement also provides ________5____for newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations, etc. but there are also some opinions _____6____advertising. Some people think that advertisements do not give much information but only try to ____7_____you to buy. They create a demand for goods that are not ______8_____needed. Besides, advertising adds to the price of goods. Actually, every coin______9____two sides. Advertising is with out exception. But in today’s world, advertising is not only necessary, but also_______10_____.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 14 Western country music is very old. It came from the United States, Canada, Ireland, and Great Britain. Western country music is a mixture of music from all of these __________1_____. In the American west, cowboys had to take care of the cattle. They had to watch them all day and all night because the cattle______2_____nervous and sometimes ran away. A cowboy’s life was______3____and dangerous. When he was alone in the desert ‎ with the cattle, he ____4______strong coffee to stay awake at night. He sang about the_____5______and the moon, about his family and his friends. The cattle listened to the cowboy and went to ________6___. They did not run away if he sang beautiful music. The cowboys also sang music they ________7________to town. Sometimes they played either guitars or harmonicas(口琴)。Later, they used violins and other instruments(乐器)。In the American south, many people came from Ireland, Scotland; other people came from France, Canada. They___8______their own kind of music. They also added(添加) instruments from their homes. When they visited their friends and families on holidays like Christmas, they usually sang and played country music. Western country music describes(描述)life. It ___9___________about love, jobs and money. People in many parts of the world like western country music because everyone knows something about these ideas. Also, many western country music fans wear western____10_____and dance together to western country music.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 12 I can’t remember when I _____1_____in love with music. Maybe it happened when I was feeling blue sometime long ago. I can’t tell you exactly how music_____2_____me feel better. But when I listen to music, especially light music, it makes me feel calm and peaceful. Now I am listening to a song _____3_____moon river. It really is a fantastic song. It inspired(激励)me to write this article. I didn’t like this song at the ______4______, but_____5___found its slow melody(旋律)and ______6_______lyrics(曲调)deeply touching(感人的).“Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker. Wherever you’re going I’m going your way. Two drifters(流浪者) off to see the world. There’s such a lot of world to see.” Yes.____7______there is a long way to go for drifter and maybe there are many troubles ahead, he seems_____8____ of nothing. I like music. Music reminds me that human beings have a lot in common_____9________if come from different countries or backgrounds, because we all have the same feeling or ________10_______of melodies and words.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ ‎23 While traveling in Russia. Ed Jackson ran short of (缺少) money. So he wrote ______(1) his brother, asking for $ 500. "Send the ________(2) by telegram (电报) to the bank (银行) here." he wrote. After a week Ed began ________ (3) the bank. He ________(4) his passport (护照)to the bank clerk (职员). "Nothing has come for you, Mr Jackson." he was told.‎ This went ________(5) for three weeks, and Mr Jackson got very ___ (6), he phoned his brother, asking __________(7) the money was. The brother said it had been sent three weeks________(8). That evening Ed Jackson was arrested (被捕) for failing to _________(9) his hotel bill (帐单). He tried to tell the police what his problem was, but no one would believe him. At last he was ________(10) to the police station for fifteen.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 24 he programs Sun Xiaomei hosts(主持)might be among the shortest on CCTV. “on Screen_____1_____week”is once a week for 15 minutes. And “TV You, He and I” comes for 5 minutes each time too.“___2______these programs are short, I have ‎ many___3_______to make them lively for the audience,” she said. Sun was___4_______in music in her childhood(童年). She played the violin since the age of 5until she finished middle school. At first her father wanted her to ______5______a music school, however,16-year-old Sun Xiaomei became a _____6______in Beijing Broadcasting College(北京广播学院). Sun loves her job as a hostess(女主持人)very much. She plays______7________attention to(注意) learning from her comrades, especially Zhao Zhongxiang. When Zhao hosted” The Animal World”, Sun would _______8_____beside him to learn.” I am sure when I am seen by hundreds of _____9_____of audiences on the weekend, I can make friends with them________10____my warm and easy talk,” she said.‎ ‎ 1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 24 Traveling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier, but how well do we do know and ______1_______each other? ____2______at four o’clock, what time should you ___3__your foreign business friends to come? If they are German, they will ___4______on time. If they are American, they’ll probably be 15 minutes early. If they are British, they’ll be 15 minutes late. The British seemed to think that since the English______5____was widely used in the world, what they did was certain to be widely understood. Very _____6____they were completely wrong. For ___7______, the British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss matters with a drink during the meal. But the Japanese_____8_____ not to work while eating. Lunch is a time for them to relax and get to know____9_____other, and they don’t drink at lunch. The German like to talkbusiness___10_____dinner. They French like to eat first and talk afterwards. They have to be well fed and watered before they discuss anything.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 25 A young man was going to spend his holiday in a mountain village. That night he ___1______ at a small hotel near the railway station._______2_______going to bed, he went to the owner of the hotel and said, “Excuse me, sir. Will you please_____3______me up at a quarter to five tomorrow morning?” “I’ll take five o’clock___4_____.”“Oh,sorry,”the owner said ____5_____a hurry.“ I’m afraid I can’t. I won’t be able to get up _____6____early.” The man was about to return to his____7_____when he stopped and asked,” Have you got an alarm clock?____8____it can help me.‎” yes, here you are , young man.” The young man thanked the owner happily. But when he looked at the alarm clock closely, it seemed there was something___9____with it.” will it ring____10___time?”he asked.“ sure! You just give it a good shake(摇晃)at a quarter to five. And it will ring.”‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 26 No man can change the weather. Nobody can control(控制)the weather. But if we study carefully the signs around us, we can tell the important_____1_____in weather. This way of______2____what the weather will be like on the_____3_____day or two is ‎ called weather forecasting. For many centuries and in all countries people have_______4___the weather and tried to make weather forecasting. Sometimes the objects far away such as hills and tall trees seem to be very_____5_____and near. This is a sign of much water vapor(蒸汽)in the air, and so______6_____may come. Rings(光环)round the sun are the sign of the _____7_____rain. Many people fell pain in their bones(骨头). This is a sign of the coming of wet weather. Some birds fly____8_____if fine weather is coming. They fly near the ____9_____if rain and storm is on the _____10______. If you see a rainbow(彩虹)rainy weather, this sign shows that the weather will become clear and fine. If a fog comes out in the morning just about sunrise, then the day will be warm.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 24 In the long summer holiday, Jack and Peter spent a lot of time in the forest. They built a house with the wood from a dead ____1______. They cooked and ate their_____2_____in the house. When it rained, they stayed_____3______. One day , Jack said,” Shall we bring some bed clothes from home and ____4____here tonight?” So they brought the bed clothes, made beds and____5____to bed in the forest. It was all______6____for a time. Then it grew dark. The____7_____of night birds and animals were loud and near. The two boys were ____8____. At eleven o’clock____9_____got up and went____10______to their families.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 25 The Hope Project is a national charity(慈善组织)that_____1_____young dropouts in _____2______areas go back to school. The Hope Project was ___3_______in 1990 by the China Youth Development Fund. It has____4______over 1.78 billion yuan in donations(捐助) ____5____2.29 million children back to school over the past ten years. Many people inside our country and____6______have given their______7________to help poor children go back to school._____8_______you like to help poor children? If you would,____9________action(行动) right now. you cab give your old books or your____10____money to them.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 26 ‎ (此题配图)The picture_____1_______a school girl and a _____2_____woman. The girl is wearing a pair of_____3_____and carrying a large and _______4______schoolbag. The woman is doing some_____5____. The girl is saying to the woman, “if you ____6______schoolbag for me, I’m sure you’ll lose some weight(重量)”now we students are overburdened(过重负担)with lessons and_____7____. Every day we have to listen to the teachers, take notes and do our homework. We hope our teacher will help us get more knowledge with______8_____lectures(讲课)and _______9______homework. We want to do more physical exercise and take part in some social activities to make us stronger and____10______.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 24 Ladies and Gentlemen:, thank you for coming to this concert. I hope you have_____1_____the music. We had this concert to_____2_____money for children in Africa die because they have illness or don’t have enough_____3_____to eat. There are two____4____. First, the children, parents have no jobs, so they have no money to buy medicine or food. Second, the governments in many African countries do not have the money to ____5______care of poor people. Most African countries are____6____. The land is not good for______7_____food and the weather isn’t good for farming, either. The organization” The Feed African Fund”_____8_____a lot of money every year on food for poor people in African. The money comes from generous(慷慨的)people, for they do not want to see children_____9_______from hunger. Just one dollar can buy enough rice or corn to feed family of four for three days. How____10______do you spend on food every day? Ten dollars? Twenty dollars? I am sure you can spend less on your own food so that you have a few dollars for” The Feed African Fund ”. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now taking a collection. Please be generous. Thank you.‎ ‎ 1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 25 Dear Ann,‎ ‎ Thank you for your letter, I’m fine.‎ ‎ I just come back from Canada. Canada is a very______1____country. There are many____2______there. I like Banff‎ ‎National Park best. There are trees, flowers, lakes, animals, and mountains in that park. These make the park very beautiful. I went to Banff‎ ‎National Park with my____3______. It was a fine day. We rode horses in the park. It was great! I liked_____4___horses. Then we went ____5__in one of the lakes. The water was____6_____. There were some fish in the lake. It was good to sit in the boat and____7____the beautiful scenery(风景). After that, we went to the mountains. In the mountains, there were many animals. We walked and watched the animals. I thought they were___8_______. I loved them very much. Finally, I ate some food, I t was____9____! And I ________ some souvenirs for my friends.‎ ‎ How about you? Is everything ok? Looking forward to your letter.‎ ‎ Best wishes to you!‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Kay ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 26 There was an old pear tree in a man’s garden. In the past, the tree fruited every year, so the man would get many pears. But now, the tree got old. There were no______1____pears for the man. So the ungrateful(忘恩负义的)man____2_____to cut the tree down. When he walked toward the tree with an axe(斧子)in his hand, the tree said to him,“ please don’t cut me down. I have borne(结)so many pears for you in the past years. Now I will die soon. I only have a short time to ______3____. Please don’t kill a ____4______tree that has done so much for you.” I’m sorry, I have to do so,” the man said,“ because I need wood to make a chair.” then he began to wave(挥动)his axe. At that ‎ moment, a bird in the old tree shouted at him,“ Don’t cut it down! Every time you go out and your wife feels_____5__, she will come out to the garden and sit under the tree to enjoy its cool shade(树阴),and I sing songs to make her_____6____. We give pleasure to your wife when you are _____7______from home.” The man didn’t listen to the bird and drove it away. Just when he was about to cut the tree, some trees flew out of it and said,” listen, if you agree not to kill this tree, we will give you delicious honey(蜂蜜) every day. Would you please___8______the tree with us?” the man got moved(感动). He said,“ You are so kind to the tree,______9____it has become old. Now I see that I shouldn’t cut it down. It has done so much for me and my wife. Let the tree stay here, and let the bird continue its songs here. ”With the words, the man left, and the old tree lived there to its___10_____day.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 24 Do you_____1____robots? There are a _______of robots in the world now. some of the robots can walk, sing and dance. Some can talk____3__people. Most of them can do heavy work. In a few_______4_____years, a robot will be able to____5_____a car, a train, a ship or a _______6_____. In a hospital, a restaurant or a shop,we___7_______see a robot at work. By then, we need____8____do the cooking or go shopping ourselves. We just give orders(命令)to a robot and it will do____9______the housework. A robot will be our good______10__.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 25 For several years, Americans have enjoyed tele-shopping----watching TV and buying things by phone. Now tele-shopping is becoming___1______in Europe. In a number of European countries, people can turn on their TVs and_______2____for clothes, jewelry, food, toys and many other things. Tele-shopping is becoming popular in Sweden. For___3______, the biggest Swedish company sells_____4_____kinds of things on TV in 15 European countries, and in one year it made$100 million. In France there are two tele-shopping channels, and the_____5___spend about $20 million a year buying things___6______ those channels. In Germany, until last year, tele-shopping was only____7_____on one channel for an hour every day. Now the government_______8____tele-business. And many companies, including(包括)the largest American tele-shopping company and a 24-hour tele-shopping will help them___10_____more things.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 26 In the past, women could only stay at home to do housework, such as____1______clothes, looking after babies, cooking meals and so on. They were looked down upon and not____2____to find a job outside. In the 1960s, women____3______to fight for their rights. Women in China enjoy a ____4_____life than before. They can get jobs___5___and can do all kinds of jobs. For example, there are women police officers, women doctors, women teachers, and women nurses. But it’s more____6_____for ‎ women to get to the top of a company as they do more housework at home. In the countryside, many people still____7___to have boys are stronger and are better at farm work than girls. I don’t think it’s_____8______. In fact, women can do everything men can do. In China, everyone knows“ women hold up______9__of the sky”,but still the government must do a lot ____10____ to improve women’s life.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 24 Bill Gates born on October 28, 1955. He was___1______ William Henry after his father and grandfather. He was a very clever boy, at school, his favorite___2______were science and math. When people asked him_____3___he wanted to be in the future, he always said,” A scientists.” when he was 13 years old, Bill started to play____4______computers. At that time, a computer was a very large____5_____. Once he was interested in a very old computer. He and some of his friends spent lots of time____6______Unusual things with it. In the end, they worked out a software program(软件程序)。 Bill sold it for 4,200 dollars when he was only 17. In 1973, Bill went to Harvard University, there he developed the BASIC language for the first microcomputer (微机). But he didn’t finish his studies in Harvard. In his_____7_____year, he left Harvard to work for Microsoft(微软). He thought computer would be an ______8______tool(工具) in every office and in every home,___9_____he began developing software for personal computers. He made it much_____10_____for people to use computers than before.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 25 Moths is rather than fun, you know. The problem and puzzles are often very____1____. Would you like to have a try? Now here is a ____2______for you. Three men had a ___3____in a restaurant. After the meal, the waiter brought them a bill for thirty dollars. Each man ____4____the waiter a ten dollar note. The waiter then took the thirty dollars to the cash-desk(收款台). The bill was only twenty-five dollars, so he ___5_______five dollars back to the three man. But the three men could not divide(分)the five dollars_____6_____them. “Let’s give the_____7____two of the five dollars,” said one of the man,” Then he can give us one dollar___8______” the other men agreed to his. And so each man received only one dollar from the waiter. This means that each man____9___nine dollars for his meal. The waiter____10______two dollars. Three times(乘)nine is twenty-seven, plus(加)two is twenty-nine. Where is the other dollar then?‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 26 The Kiwi(几维鸟) lives only in New Zealand. It looks a bit a long_-beaked(长嘴的) chicken, but it has no tail and it can’t fly. Kewis Live in _____1__. They sleep in the day time and come out to _____2____at night. They eat worms and insects(昆虫) that live among dead_____3___. They also enjoy fallen___4_____. The Kewi is a very strange-looking bird. It is about 45cm long. A female Kiwi weighs___5_____ 4 kilos, but her egg weighs about 0.5 kilo____6___. That’s nearly ten times as ______7____as ‎ chicken’s egg! It gets its name from its_____8_____of Ki-wee. The number of Kiwis is getting smaller and smaller because so many have been___9______by the cats, dogs and other animals that people have____10____to New Zealand. What a pity!‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 24 A long_____1_____ago there was an old woman. She lived with her two____2_____in a small house. There_____3____two rose trees in her____4____. One rose tree had white flowers. One of her daughters was as beautiful as a white rose. Her name was snow white. The other rose tree had red flowers. the other daughter had long hair and big blue eyes. She was as_____5______as a red rose. Her name was Rose Red, And she liked singing and____6___. Snow white liked_____7____at home and working in the house with her mother. The girls were good friends and they were ___8___together. They loved their mother. They_____9____care of their mother, their mother liked them very much.. they lived___10_____.‎ ‎ 1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 25 Mr. and Mrs. White had two sons and three daughters. One Sunday, Mrs. White said to her husband,“ The children don’t have any lessons today, and you’re_____1____, too. There’s a new funfair in the park. Let’s all go there to play.” Her husband said, “I want to__2____some work today.”“ oh, forget it. Go there and make our children___3______. That’s the most important work,” Mrs. White said. So Mr. and Mrs. White_____4_____their children to the funfair. Mr. White was forty-five years old, but he_____5______the funfair more than his children. He hurried from one thing to another, and_____6____lots of sweets. One of the___7_____said to her mother,“ Dad is just____8____a small child, isn’t he, mom?” Mrs. White didn’t want to____9_____her husband around any more at that time and answered,“ He is even worse than a small child, Mary, because he might_____10____more money than a small child.”‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 26 Library is room or building for collection of books kept there for reading. Our school library’s a newly-built five-story building, standing in the___1_____of our schoolyard. It has become the most attractive_____2______to both the teachers and the students ever since it came into use. The library has a____3____of over 3 million books which are stored in different parts. On the ground floor, a great variety of reference(参考书)books and_____4____ are for people to read. As more as 2,500,000 books on ____5_____and engineering are shelved on the first floor, materials about ____6____and humanity(人类)are available(可得到的) on the third floor. Novel-lovers can go up to the top floor to __7_____their favorites from among300,000 books on literature(文学) arts. on the second floor, more than 80 kinds of newspapers and 200sorts of magazines and periodicals are on display, welcoming groups and groups of____8_______. We can ___9______a lot from the library, not only about subjects. But also about everything we want to know. Going to library_____10_____to be part of school life. We love our school library.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 24 Work styles(方式)have changed dramatically. Instead of person-to –person contacts,________1____, faxes and the internet are used more frequently to keep business operations. Chen Pengcheng, general manager of Wangfu Economic and Trade Co. Ltd. In Zhuhai of Guangdong said,“ we thought SARS would disrupt(破坏) our normal operations, but with modern office equipment, everything is as_____2___.” “It reminds me that our work procedure(过程) could be well more streamlined(合理化).many flights and____3___ are actually redundant(多余的),”said Chen. Pan Yining, professor of Zhongshan University in Guangdong said,“ It’s good opportunity to strength the cohesion(凝聚力) of the nation, and for many people, a reassessment(重新估价) of the value of their____4_____”“ SARS is an all new test of rapid response capability(能力) of china’s public ____5_____adiminstration(机构) and government officials,” said Pan. Tang Yong, who works with china southern airlines, said he and his son would_____6_____his collections of reports______7____medical workers fighting SARS____8_____during the coming holiday.“ I would ______9____ my child this: when the motherland calls, your parents would make the same_____10____. And I hope you do, too,” said Tang.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 25 Mr. Green was a proud man.“ I’m sure my family is one of the oldest in the country,” he often told people.“ It has long ___1_____”‎ One day, he went to see an export on family history, Mrs. Polly.‎ ‎“I want you to find out____2_____about my family,” he said.“ Where do they come from? Who was the first Green? were there any famous people in your family? Do I have any rich____3_____?”‎ ‎“Ok,”Mrs. Polly said,“ but it will cost you $ 2,000.”‎ Mr. Green thought about this. Two thousand dollars was a lot of ___4_____.‎ At last he said, “ All right, But for $2,000, I want a _____5_____history. I want full details.”‎ The experts___6______,“Come back in three months,” she said.‎ Three months later Mr. Green____7____Mrs Polly.‎ ‎“Well,” he said, “have you found out everything about my family?”‎ ‎“YES,” she said, “it’s a very interesting family. However, my price is $5,000”‎ ‎“Five thousand dollars!” Mr. Green______8____.“ But you told me the _____9_____was only $2,000.”‎ ‎“I see, it was $2,000 to find out everything about your family,” she said,” It’s _____10__$3,000 to keep secret what I found out!”‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 26 PRESENTS: if you are ___1______to someone’s home to have a meal, it’s usual to take some____2_____ or a box of chocolates. it is not usual to take a bottle of wine_____3_____ you know your host well. Although flowers and chocolates are quite ‎ acceptable, it would be very nice if you could take something from your country. It is different if you are invited to a p[arty, and it also_____4_____on what kind of party it is. Many parties these days are “ bring a bottle” parties. Unless your host is very rich, then a bottle of wine is always____5_______if it is a bottle of 30 or more people. Ask whether or not you should bring a bottle when you are invited if you aren’t___6____. Say something like,“ Can I bring a bottle?” and your____7______will tell you what to do. DRESS: if you aren’t sure what you should___8_______, then ask your host or your friends. Usually dress is informal and individual in Britain for parties and for invitations to dinner in people’s homes. If you are going to an ______9______reataurant, then men may have to wear jacket and tie. And jeans wouldn’t be ______10.______‎ ‎ 1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 24 The customs (风俗)of people in other countries may appear_____1________to us. And some of our ways must seem just as strange to them. For example, let us look at old Japanese______2_____ . we sleep on ____3_______pillows and beds; they sleep on hard_____4____. We wash our faces and wipe(擦净) them dry with towels(毛巾); they wipe their faces with ____5___towels. We lower our faces when we say prayers(祈祷);they___6_____theirs. When entering houses, we_____7______off our hats; the Japanese take off their shoes. We give gifts when arriving; they leave them when departing. We open gifts in _____8______of the giver; they never do. When in mourning(哀悼), we wear black; they wear white. We frown when scolded(责备); they_____9_______. When we say that the customs of people in other countries are strange, they could reply,“ The _____10_____to you”‎ ‎ 1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 25 You have to shake hands when you’re coming or going in Germany, but in Britain you usually only____1______hands when you meet someone for the first time. You have to give your present in_____2_____ the Middle East to show it’s not a bribe(受贿)but it’s good manners to give present in private in Asia. You mustn’t give cutlery(刀具) in Latin American because it’s___3___ that you want cut off the relationship. You mustn’t give food or drink in Saudi Arabia because it suggests you think your hosts not offering you enough to eat and drink. You mustn’t give a ___4_______ in China because the Chinese word “clock” is similar to the word “funeral.”“ Come any time”___5______“ I want you to visit me” in India. If you don’t suggest a time and arrange a visit immediately, an India will think you are________6__the invitation. But if an English person says “come any time”, they will think you are bad-mannered if you start_____7____a date. Offices are usually_____8___ on Friday in Moslem(穆斯林) countries. Americans usually mean “yes” when they nod their heads. An English person probably just mean “ I understand”, and an Asia is just____9____interest.it’s bad manners to discuss at social occasion in India. In an English pub(酒店), you have to take your_____10______to buy” round”-drink for everyone in your group.‎ ‎ 1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 26 An India put his ear to the ground. He ___1_______many horses. They were coming his ‎ way. He ran to tell his people. Then he ran to tell the people of the next village. He was a ____2_____. Using runners was one way Indians sent_____3____. People in a land across the sea___4____messages, too. One man____5______his drum. In the next village the people heard the drum. They boat their drums. The message______6____ from village to village by drums. Much later, some armies____7______many pigeons(鸽子). These pigeons always___8____ back to their own nesting place. Suppose a soldier was sent far from his own army, he might take a pigeon along. He could__9____ a message to the bird’s leg. He would let the bird go. It would fly home with the soldier’s message. These were slow ways to send messages. Can you think of_____10______ways?‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 24 When the steam engine(蒸汽机) was_____1____in the 18th century, it began one of the___2______revolution(革命) that had ever happened in our world. The______3____ of the petrol engine(内燃机)at the end of the 19th century led other great____4____ in our lives. And the computers is an invention more important than these engines____5_____. Just as there was a Stone Age(石器时代), an Iron Age(铁器时代) and so on, we have been ____6___for centuries in a Paper Age. And almost all information was______7____ and____8_____on paper, and so much of it is wasted after it has been used_______9_____that a large number of trees have to be cut down every year to make paper. But now, with the computer, a lot of information can be stored and sent______10_______any paper at all, using small discs(碟片) or magnetic tapes.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 25 Every June, parents drag(拖,拉) their kids to bookstores. For kids____1_______love to read, summer and books go together like Harry Potter and Quid ditch. But if you don’t like reading, the summer book list can be like a summer__________2________. You know the scene(情景): your parents rush around the bookstore, pretending(假装) to be happy. They___3_____half a dozen books,____4________if they had just found jewels on sale for$5.95. then they put these treasures into your hands:“ How _____5____this one?” Mom asks, pushing book after book into your face. You keep on_________6_____your head. At last she will say,” Just pick something!” you choose a book just to get her to calm down(冷静下来). You would rather read the phone book______7________the book you’re taking home with you. In fact, you can do something to make things_____8_____. When your parents are going to bring you to the bookstore, take it as an outing. Ask your parents what they read when they were your_______9______. They may not be as hard on you. Remind them what they may call “trash ”is still reading. If you can’t find a book that___10_______you, don’t get one.‎ ‎ 1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ ‎51Most things cannot be ____1_______without_____2_____, bue reading can. While we are sitting ______3________in our houses, we can’t_____4______the world, and we can____5_____lots of things. We can talk with the persons hundreds of years ageo. Though we may be not_____6______, we can become the friends of____7_____men. Only books can give us these_______8____. If you cannot enjoy them, you are a ____9_______person. If you ‎ enjoy them most, you will be the____10_______person in the world.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 52 ‎ Bill works in a factory, and he___1_____comes home at half past six every evening. He came home very early last Friday, and he was very angry. He closed the door very______2_____, went into the living room and sat down. His wife in the kitchen, she went to her______3___and looked at him for a few____4_______. Then she said to him, “why are you angry, Bill?”“ But_____5_____cost three pence last week,_____6_____now they cost two pence,” he said. “But that isn’t bad, Bill,” his wife said, “It’s good,going by bus is___7_____now.”“ Yes , it is,” Bill said,“ But I always __8______ to work in the morning and come home on ________9____ in the afternoon.. last week, I saved six pence everyday, but now, I save two pence______10_____.”‎ ‎ 1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 53 Mr. Browser went swimming with his friends one afternoon. They had all put on their swimming trunks(游泳裤) except him because he ___1________there would be some___2_____for the swimmers to change clothes near the beach. However, when they got there, he____3______nowhere to change clothes. So Mr. Browser was putting on his swimming trunks in a car on the beach. An old woman____4______near and stood by the car. Mr. Browser had to be_______5___. Then he ______6_____the door of the car and shouted___7____to the woman, “Do you always____8_____people changing their clothes?” the woman_____9____ her head and said, “Do you always change your clothes in ____10_______people’s car?”‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 54 Joe had a holiday, so he decided to go to the seashore for a few days. He got on a____1_____train, and an hour later he was in a small town by the sea. A few minutes later he______2__ the station. He saw a small hotel and went in. he asked the owner how much it would_____3_____for one night there. “ Fifteen dollars”, the owner answered.‎ ‎“ That’s more than I can really afford(负担得起) to ____4_____,”Joe said____5____.“All right,” the owner_______6_____,“ if you make your bed yourself, you can _____7_____the room for ten dollars.” Joe was very happy because he always made his____8_______at home.“ok”, he said, “I’ll do that.”‎ The owner went into a room at the___9________, took some things____10_______ and came back to Joe. “Here you are,” he said, and gave him a hammer(榔头) and some nails(钉子).‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ ‎55 I love trip in the countryside. On holidays, after I finished my homework, I _____2_______to go to Hu Qiu Hill with my friend. We_______2___ a bus to the beautiful place. We sat in the front of the bus to _____3_______ a good view of the countryside. It took us about an hour to get there. Then we began to _____4______the hill. There were___5____trees and flowers on the hill. And there were also many people on the hill. Some of them were____6_____slowly around the hill. Others were____7_____on the ground and enjoying the scenery. At noon, we sat under the trees and had our___8_____lunch. All ‎ the____9______was very delicious. We took many interesting photos during the trip. And we all enjoyed_______10________on that day.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ 56 ‎ By midday the sun was so strong Jin was too____1_______to walk. There were no trees____2_______the road so he rested against(靠着)a big rock. After drinking some__3_____, he took off his shirt, lay down on the_______4______and fell asleep at once. He was so tired that he did not wake himself up until evening. He was just about to jump up when he felt_____5_______moving near his feet. He looked down and____6_____ a long black snake. Jim was so ____7______ that he didn’t dare(敢)to move. The snake began to move across his_____8___. It moved on and on until it disappeared(消失) under the rocks. Jim jumped___9____ to his feet, picked up his_____10____and ran off down the road.‎ ‎ 1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10_____________‎ ‎57 Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again. They want to bring water to the deserts, so people can____1______and grow food there. They are___2____a lot about the deserts. But more and more of the earth is becoming deserts all the_____3____. Scientists may not be able to change the deserts in time. Why is more and more land____4____deserts? Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth. Some_____5____on the earth do not get very much rain, but they still won’t become deserts. This is because some green______6___ are growing there. Small green plants and grass are very____7_____to dry places. Plants do not let the hot_____8____make the earth even drier. Plants do not let the wind blow the soil away._____9______a little bit of rain falls, the plants hold the water. Without plants, the land will become a desert much more_____10_____.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10____________‎ 57 Once in a city, there_____1_____ a lot of rats in all houses. They were very big rats. They ________2_____the food, fought the dogs and killed the cats! They made a lot of noise. People _____3_______what to do. One day, a man came to the city. He said that he could____4______. The people. He walked____5_____and began to play the violin. When the rats____6_______the music, all of___________7_____ran out of the houses. Old ones, young ones, they all ran after the man. He______8_____down street and crossed the field. When he got to the river, he____9___. But the rats did not stop. They all_______10___into the river and died.‎ ‎ 1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10____________‎ 58 Recently in Hong Kong, wild monkeys are increasing too fast. They beg for food andd sometimes take bags from____1_____people. A brave monkey took a ride on the ferry(轮渡)____2_____Hong Kong harbor to the busy central district. The _____3____ animals may cause a growing health________4____. The government has begun testing a method(方法)to control their_____5___. Maybe it is the world’s first birth control____6______. Keeping a healthy______7______ of monkeys in Hong Kong is very important. To control the growth of the monkeys is needed so that visitors and ‎ monkeys can live together in peace. Now people have succeeded in____8______the females infertile(不孕)for up to five years. If the_____9____ prove effective(有效的)in controlling the population of the monkeys, the government will_____10____a full scale(全面)plan.‎ ‎ 1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10____________‎ ‎60 What is time? We can’t _____1___ and we can’t catch hold of it. But we can feel it pass by. Time is ______2_____with us in our lives. When we wash our faces,time_____3___away in front of us. And when we play, time goes by____4______. Time is fair(公平的) to everyone of us. If we make the ______5_____use of it, or we will___6_____a lot. The lost time will not be found again. Today, time is becoming more and more valuable(宝贵的) to us. We often____7_____people say,“ Time is money,” “Time is life.” it warn(警告) us to waste any time. My friends, we must keep in mind: Time and tide wait for no man(岁月不等人). Now we are still___8______. It is the best time for us to learn___9_____. We must make good use of every_____10_______and be the master(主人)of time.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10____________‎ ‎61 It is well___1_____that man is much cleverer than any animal. But which is the____2____among the animals? Some ______3____think it should be Alex, an African gay parrot. He is unlike any other animal. He can realiy___4_____with people! When he says“ come here”, he really wants____5______to come up to him. “Alex is as clever as a ____6___of 2 or 3 years old,”said Dr.Pepperbery. “ He does not just repeat the sounds he has been____7_____. He understands the ___8____!”Alex can tell about 50____9____things, name 7 colors and count from 1 to 6. Is the parrot actually thinking in the way how man does? Nobody can say. But the question is very____10_____.‎ ‎ 1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10____________‎ ‎62 Postcards that have been sent through the mail have a postmark. The post___1______prints a round postmark on all cards and____2____. You will usually find it beside the stamp. It gives the city and state____3______the card is mailed. A long time_____4___, the postmark told the exact____5_______of day it was mailed. The postmark can be______6_____as the picture on the front of the card. It’s fun to see if you can find the_____7_____places on a map. Sometimes people buy postcards, but_____8____mail them. They_____9_____want to have a memory of a place that they have____10______to.‎ ‎1_________  2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________  7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10____________‎ ‎63 John was sent for a doctor because his mother was_____1_____. He called the doctor to make____2______they would meet at five. He ____3_____at the doctor’s at twenty to five. He thought,“ it’s a little___4______. I’ll wait for a moment. It’s good to keep the time.” Then he____5_____his car in front of the doctor’s. he looked around and saw a noisy square not_____6____from here. He went___7______and sat down on the chair to____8____the last light of afternoon sun and make him quiet. He saw some children_____9___quiet. He saw some woman talking to each other happily. Suddenly he heard a girl__10_____. He came up to her and asked some___11_____. Then he knew she got lost. John tried to find out her ‎ address and___12____her home. The girl’s parents were very___13___. Then John hurried to the doctor’s. The doctor said____14____when he saw him.“ you’re late. Why did you help me____15___for twenty minutes?”‎ ‎1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10____________‎ ‎11_________ 12___________13_____________  14____________  15____________‎ ‎64 “Dream may be more important than sleep, We all need to dream,” some scientists say. Dreams take up about one quarter of our___1______time. People have several dreams____2_____night. Dreams are______3____short films. They are usually in color. Some dreams are like old films. They come to us over and over_____4___. That maybe because the dreamer is____5_____about something. Dreaming may be a way of trying to find an ___6____. Some people get new ideas about their work from____7_____. They may have been____8_____about their work all day. These thoughts can be carried over into dreams. Sometimes we ____9______ up with a good feeling from a dream. But often we can’t remember the dream. Dream can____10___quickly from memory. Too much dreaming can be harmful. The more we sleep the longer we dream. The mind is hard at work when we dream. That is why we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired.‎ ‎1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10____________‎ ‎65 If you do not use your arms and legs for some time, they will become weak. When you start____1____them again, they slowly become____2_____again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory works in the same way. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his____3____in practice by using it. When someone says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough____4____ to become strong. If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault(错误). But if he tells us that he has a ___5_____memory, many of us think his parents may be blamed(责备), and____6_____of us know that it is his own fault. Have you ever___7____that some people can not read or write but usually they have__8_____memories? This is because they can’t read or write and they have to remember things. They can not write them in a small note book. They have to_____9____days, names, songs, and stories___10______their memory is always being exercised. So if you want to have a good memory, practice remembering things in a way as other people do.‎ ‎1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10____________‎ ‎66 At different times in a man’s life, his food has different effects(影响) on his body. Among children_____1____is quickly changed to the power to run and____2____games. Most of a young man’s food is spent on ____3___tall; we grow upwards only during the____4____twenty years of our lives, not later. Working men get their strong_____5____from their food; and if they work_____6___, they do not get fat. Office workers eat well and sit a lot, and may begin to grow_____7___when still quite young. Many older people try to work much and____8___after supper. Perhaps the most difficult time is when a man ___9____sixty years of age. His body and_____10___become restful, without much work or interest. That is when food changes quickly to fat.‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4____________  5_____________‎ ‎6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________  9____________  10____________‎ ‎67 Autumn is a colorful____1_____. Before the_____2___fall down from the trees they turn beautiful colors. It is fun to rake(耙子)_____3___leaves. Autumn is also a time to____4_____. The farm stands(货摊) have delicious fruits and vegetables. They are very healthy to___5_____. Some people freeze food for the____6_____. Animal are very busy in autumn. Birds fly___7_____in order to find food. Some animal collect food to store for the long winter. Other animals____8____during the winter,Autumn is an exciting time to be in school. Some luckier__9____can take part in “Online Autumn”. They will write____10____, poems, and do art work that will be put on a beautiful website.‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10__________‎ 68 Catherine and Martin met in England before they came to Australia. At that time, Martin was a minister(牧师)in a church, and it was three village____1_____from Catherine’s. one evening, they happened to have dinner___2_______in a restaurant. They______3___their talk and laughed a lot. The young man soon won Catherine’s____4_____, so she asked him whether he would marry her in church. The minister was very surprised and said that her____5____came quite unexpected. Catherine realized that he had not understood her____6____. So she laughed and said,” What I ____7_____is, when I get married in church, will you be the minister who marries me and my husband?” they both laughed, and they had a nice evening. However, their talk that evening put an idea into Martin’s head. He realized that he had____8____fallen in love with Catherine and he wanted to marry her. So a few days later, he visited her and asked her to marry him. Catherine felt proud and pleased, and_____9___it . soon after they were married, they____10__to Australia.‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10__________‎ 69 Fred William worked in a factory____1_____a lot of other men. They talked and laughed a lot, and at lunch time they sat____2____and read newspapers and laughed about the pictures in ____3__. Then Fred ____4____. His wife, Betty, Betty, was very nice, but she liked newspapers___5____than Fred. Every day a boy___6_____Fred’s newspaper to the house, and Fred took his to the factory and a ____7___Betty’s in the ball. Once or twice he read____8___, but he did not like it, and sometimes in the evening he said to Betty,” Why do you read that paper? I ___9_____it.”But last Monday Fred said to his wife,” There was something very___10___in that newspaper yesterday.” Betty was happy. “Oh!” she said,” That’s good, Fred. What was that?” Fred laughed and said,” My friend Bill’s lunch. He bought it to work in the newspaper.”‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10__________‎ 70 It is December 31st in New York City. Hundreds of people are__1______ at Tomes Square. They stand close together,______2___in the cold darkness for midnight. That is the time when the cold year dies and the New Year is___3______. The people count the seconds until the New Year____4___. “Ten……nine…… eight…”A huge glass New Year Ball falls____5___the darkness. Someone says the ball looks like thousands of burning stars. Someone____6___says it looks like a huge, bright piece of snow. When the ball___7____the ‎ ground, the New Year has____8___. People shout” Happy New Year.” They throw tiny pieces of colorful paper into the____9_____. They also____10_____and sing a traditional New Year Song of friendship.‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10__________‎ 68 Will it matter if you don’t take your breakfast? A short time ago, a test___1____given in the United States. People of different_______2_____, from 12 to 83, were asked to have a test. During the test, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts and___3_____they got no breakfast at all. Scientists wanted to see how well ____4____bodies worked when they had had different kinds of breakfast. The results show that if a person____5_____a right breakfast, he or she will work better than if he or she has no breakfast. If a student has fruit, eggs, bread and milk_____6____going to school, he will learn more quickly____7____listen more carefully in class. The results__8_____show that having no breakfast will not____9____you lose weight. This is because people become so_____10_____at noon that they eat too much for lunch. So they will gain weight instead of losing weight.‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10__________‎ 69 Age, to most British and American people, is one of the things considered not____1___to ask a stranger or a person that one does not know well.____2___age, other things such as one’s income, marriage, and politics are_____3___ not fit to ask or talk about. There are still other____4___for you to understand the westerners and to_____5_____on well with them. If you want to____6____one’s bedroom, you have to ask for permission at first, and you must not open the desk or the closet in that___7____. On the top of the desk, there may___8______letters,business papers or other things. You must not____9____up one of these and read it. It is the____10____as in an office. If it is somebody else’s office, always ask,” May I come in?” and wait for the answer before entering the office.‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10__________‎ 70 Two Americans were traveling in Span. One morning they came into a little____1___for lunch. They did not know Spanish, and their waiter did not know English___2____, they wanted him to understand that they wanted some____3___and Sandwiches. At ____4____they pronounced the word“milk”many___5_____. Then they spelt it. But the waiter still could not understand. At___6____one of them took a piece of paper and began to ____7___a cow. When he was____8___his work, the waiter looked at it and run out. “Do you see,” said one of the travelers.” What a pencil can do for a man who had difficulties in a ____9___country!”The waiter was back again some time later. But he __10_____no milk. He put down in front of the two men tickets for a bull-fight.‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10__________‎ 71 A British historian, Gavin Menzies, thinks that China discovered the New World 70 years____1___the West. He thinks that Chinese sailors mapped the world in the early 1400s. but later in the 15th century, they___2_____exploring(探险). “An important Chinese map reached___3____,”says Menzies. “An Italian, Nicole da Conti, traveled to china. He brought back a map, drawn in 1428, for the King of Portugal. The King kept it secret. Thee map itself is ‎ now lost, but people copied parts of it. ”The map showed parts of America and Australia. Western explorers____4___Christopher Columbus used it to help themselves. “Somebody must have drawn these maps before the Europeans got there. Who was it?” asks Menzies. His ____5____is “Admiral(舰队首领) Zheng He. He __6_____seven voyages(航海)of exploration from 1403 to 1433. his ships were four times____7____than Columbus’ Santa Maria. We know he explored Indonesia, south Asia, and Africa.” Menzies says the sixth voyage of Zheng He in 1421-1423 went further. It reached Central America, the Caribbean, and Australia. It could possibly have gone____8__the world. Menzies is writing a book about his ideas. But it is ____10__we will never know the truth!‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10__________‎ 68 In England nobody under the age of 18____1_____to drink in a bar. Everyone_____2___it well. It was jack’s___3___birthday yesterday. Mr. Smith, Jack’s father,___4____him to his usual bar for the___5___time. They__6____for half an hour, and then Mr. Smith said to his son, “Now, Jack,_____7___to me, you must always be___8____not to drink too much.” But how can I know I have had____9____?”“Well, I will tell you. Do you see those two lights at the corner of the bar? when you see four there, you’ve had enough and should___10_____home. ”“But, dad.” said Jack,“I can only see one light there.”‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10__________‎ 69 We have been in Australia for three days. We’re having a____1_____time here. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. There is so____2____to see that it is impossible for me to tell you everything. Sydney is a beautiful city. There are many big ____3____and beautiful flowers around the houses and they____4____really beautiful. There are also some special___5____in Australia, such as kangaroos and koalas, they are really lovely. During the past three days we’ve visited many___6____of interest around Sydney. I’d like to spend more time here, but we will____7___to another city, Cairns, to see coral beds(珊瑚礁)tomorrow. It is said that words cannot____8_____the beauty of the colorful corals. Many famous cartoon films were made there. No we are _____9____picking our bags so that we will not lose time when we leave. We can enjoy____10____in Cairns this time tomorrow. I’m looking forward to going there!‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10__________‎ 70 George was a quiet, serious young man. He had been studying___1____for one year and when he passed his exam, his friend went to give him his___2____.“You’ve___3____gone a dance, George. ”he said, “it’s boring always studying and never____4____youeself. Come out with me this evening.” “Maybe you are right, Jim. ”said George. So they went to a dance and had a ___5____time, George was so happy that he drank more than he had before and Jim become____6__about him, so he said,” Now we’ll walk home in the cool___7____.” On their way home, they came to a bridge, and George looked down at the river___8_____.the stars were reflected(反射)in the water. “What are those__9____?”George asked.“They’re__10_____,George,”Jim answered. “The stars?” George said, “well, then how did we get up here?”‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10__________‎ 68 A reporter is interviewing an international photojournalist(摄影记者), Sam. His photos have been published in newspapers and magazines all over the world.‎ ‎ R: Can you tell us____1___about yourself, Sam?‎ ‎ S: Sure. Both my parents are Americans, but I was born in Sydney, Australia. My parents____2____from America to Australia just before I was born, My parents and I spent a lot of time traveling in Australia_____3_____our holidays.‎ ‎ R: How did you first become____4_____in taking pictures?‎ ‎ S: I was given a ___5______for my 10th birthday, and I took it along with me to the park. When I ____6_____my photos to my family, they said that I would be a great photographer in the ____7_____.‎ ‎ R: So you went to a photography school?‎ ‎ S: Yes, there I was chosen as one of the best student to ___8_______part in a national photo competition, and I got the 1st prize.‎ ‎ R: What photo have you been dreaming about taking some day?‎ ‎ S: I’d like to take a photo from the___9____ of Mt. Qomolangma! I am not ready for that right now, but I won’t stop____10___ I make it. It’s my dream!‎ ‎ R: So I wish you success! Thank you!‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10__________‎ 69 Mr.Robinson____1____a lot of money on the football pools(赌注), but he did not know what the best thing to do with it would be, so he went to a friend who___2______a lot about money matters. This friend said to him, “Go and____3_____some modern paintings(油画) their value goes up every year.” Mr. Robinson went to a good art shop and looked at some modern painting. He did not understand them at____4____, and thought that they were terrible and also very_____5___. At last he saw a small picture which did not have a ____6__on it. It was square(方的)and white, and it had a black spot(点) in the____7____and a narrow brass frame(铜框)。 Mr. Robinson liked it better than____8__of the others in the shop.“How____9____is this one?” he said to the shopkeeper. “That, sir,” answered the_______10____,“is the electric light switch(电灯开关)”‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 70 As a middle school student of Junior Three, I do____1___one or two hours a day, such as doing morning exercise,____2____basketball, long-distance___3____and so on. I think it is very____4__to me.____5___exercise makes me healthier so that I won’t be__6_____very often. What’s more, I also get__7___relaxed in different kinds of sports, and then I do the job better in my study in high___8____. By doing physical exercise, I’m becoming___9____and more confident than before. I think it is____10____for everyone to spend some time on sports every day because people’s health is the first important in modern life.‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 71 Mrs. Green has lived in the city for about forty years. She’s very rich and has got a lot of money. But she never buys something___1____for her family and always does all the housework herself. Last morning, when she got up, she felt terrible. After breakfast she felt ‎ even___2___. She found some medicine and____3__it. But it was_____4_to her and she had to go to a hospital. The doctor___5__her over and asked her to be in hospital, but she ___6___and went home on foot. As soon as she got home, the telephone rang. She hurried to ___7____it. The doctor told her she had____8__her wallet in the hospital and a nurse had found it.‎ ‎ “Could you tell me her name, please?” asked Mrs. Green.‎ ‎“Of course, Mrs. Green. Are you going to thank her?” asked the doctor.‎ ‎ “No, no.” he old woman said in a hurry,“ My wallet was___9____three years ago. I want to know if she ____10___it. ”‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 68 I was traveling on a train, it was already half an hour late. I had expected to arrive in Vienna at 7:15 to____1____the 7:25 train to Paris, but it was not possible. I told my station to__2_____man, he asked me to get off two___3_____before Vienna station and then____4____a taxi. When I was getting off, he___5___helped me with my big bag. He wished me good___6___and a few minutes later I was rushing towards the center of the city in a taxi. It was_____7__7:25 when we stopped outside the station, I paid him for taking my bag and___8___inside. When I saw the first man I asked, “Paris train?”He___9___to a train. It was just___10____out of the station very fast.‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 69 Children need ways to show what they think and feel. For this______, many children enjoy finger painting, using their fingers they can paint their____2___pictures and make designs. People started finger painting long ago. Early human used their___3____to paint animals on the walls. Hundreds of years ago, Chinese artists used their fingers to ____4___with ink. Modern finger painting was started by an American school teacher____5___Ruth Show. A child in her __6____cut a finger. The teacher told the student to____7___some iodine(碘酊)on it. Later she____8___the child using the iodine and all the fingers to draw designs. From this, she got the_____9__of letting children draw on ___10___with their fingers.‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 70 Mr. Black came home from work at 6 p.m. He ____1__tired. As soon as he sat down in a chair, Mrs.Black__2____him a cup of tea.‎ ‎ “Thank you, dear.” said Mr. Black.‎ ‎ “Have you___3__from Mr. Bill?” she asked.‎ ‎ “I’ve____4___another letter from him,” Mr. Black said. “His leg’s____5___worse. That's too bad”‎ Mr.Black___6____ the tea and_____7___on the TV, “Um, what’s wrong with the TV? There is no program on any channel.”‎ ‎ “I’m afraid it needs ___8____.”Mrs.Black turned off TV and said,“ But I don’t know how the children can live without it. ”‎ ‎“Nenver____9___, I’ll see what I can deal with the TV set this weekend. ”Said Mr. Black. “Now let’s____10____to the radio instead.”‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ ‎85 A rich farmer in England had a friend who grew very good apples. One day his friend _____1___the farmer a very fine young tree and___2_____him to take it home and___3______it. The farmer was__4______with the present, but when he came home, he did not know____5____to plant it. He thought, “If I plant it near the road, strangers will_____6___ the apples. If I plant it near my field, my neighbors will come at night and rob me. If I plant it near my___7_____, my children will take the apples.” At last he planted the apple tree deep in a wood where____8_____could see it. But the tree would not grow_____9____sunlight and it died. When the farmer’s friend finally _____10____of it, he got angry and said,“You not only lost a tree, you also lost your soul.”‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 86 New York, London ,Paris and other big cities are exciting places to ___1_____ in. there are many____2_____things to see and to do. You can go to the different kinds of museums, plays, and the films, you can also_____3___things from all over the world. But there are some___4____in big cities, too. The air there is not always___5_____, and there are too ___6_____people in some places of the big cities. Every year many people_____7____to the cities to find jobs, to study at good schools and____8____good medical(医疗的) care. But sometimes these people can not find work or good places to live in, also it is hard to ____9_____the cities safe and clean. Some people ____10____living in big cities, others do not. Before people move to a big city, they should think about the problems of living there.‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 87 The United States covers a large part of North America Continent(大洲), when this__1_____first became a nation. After____2___its freedom(自由) from England, it has 13 States(州),each of the states had a____3____on the American flag. As the nation_____4___, new states formed(形成)and there were stars on the flag. For a long time, there were forth-eight____5__. In 1959 two____6___ stars were added(加)to the flag, standing for(代表)the new state of Alaska and Hawaii. Indians(印第安人) were the_____7___people of the land and great number of people came from____8____. It is that__9_____that the language of the Us is English and that its culture and customs are more____10___those of England than any other countries in the world.‎ ‎ 1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 88 It is interesting to visit another country, but there are some__1____when we don’t know the language very well. It may be _____2___to talk with the people there, we may not know how to use the telephone in the country we are_____3___. We may not know how to buy the things we ____4_____. In a ____5_____country we might not know where to eat or what to ____6____in a restaurant. It is not___7_____to decide how much tips(小费)the waiter or taxi drives. When we need help, we might not know how to____8____for. It is not pleasant to have an____9___like that. After a short time, however, we learn what to do and what to say. We learn to____10___life in another country and then we may be sorry to leave.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 86 There are some boys who____1____themselves men and go to the barber’s shop ‎(理发店)to be shaved(刮胡子). One day a boy named Jack____2___into the barber’s shop and asked the barber to shave him. The barber__3_____him to sit down and soaped(用肥皂洗)his face. Then he____4____Jack alone. He stood at the door___5_____and talking with another barber. Jack_____6___for a few minutes and then____7_____,“Well, what are you leaving me all the time for?” The barber____8____, “ I am waiting until your beard(胡子) grows.”‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 87 Many children____1____stamp collecting didn’t____2_____until 1854.As time____3____, there are more and more stamp collector. Not only children but also men and women____4_____stamps. In 1921, America began_____5___stamps to the collectors. In some countries, there_____6__even lessons on stamps collecting in schools. People__7______more and more interested in stamps. Every picture on a stamp____8____meaning in it. It may be the head of a famous person or an important place. Each stamp_____9_____us meaning a story. Do you___10___collecting stamp?‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 88 Susan is a pretty girl with long hair. She___1____China very much. She______2__herself Chinese now because she____3____in Peking University next month. She is often___4______something about China by her Chinese friends. She feels very__5____whenever she learns the development in China. At the age of ten, Susan____6____a panda in a zoo from China. That was the first time she got_____7___something about China. Since then she___8_____interested in all about china, especially the culture. She practices___9____chinese every day. And she keeps on_____10___CCTV at weekends. She often says to herself,“ I must study Chinese hard so I can make a contribution to the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.”‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 89 Have you ever seen a lake of seven color? If you haven’t, you can go to Qinghai Lake. It____1____in northeast Qinghai province, about 150 kilometers from provincial capital Xining. The lake shows____2____colors in different seasons, and___3____at different time of day. This is because the water depth(深度)___4______from place to place. The ____5__salt(咸的) water lake in China, Qinghai also is well-known for Bird Island. The island off the western shore(岸) is the___6__of seven big playgrounds. It’s home for 100,000 birds in spring and summer. Bird watches can___7___better views there than in any zoos. Grasslands and high mountains all around make the ____8____even more attractive. Animals graze(吃草)on the_____9_____. The blue sky is reflected(反射) in the deep blue lake. Can you imagine a more____10____place than this?‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 90 It was a rainy afternoon. Xiao Mao was on his___1_____home from school. Suddenly he saw an old man____2____in the street in the rain. The old man didn’t get an____3___with him and he was__4_____all over. Xiao Mao ____5___up to him and tried to hold the umbrella for the old man, but he was too____6___and it was difficult for him to do it. The old man held the ‎ umbrella. He was very pleased and______7__the boy again and again. Then they went on__8___way home.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 86 Dear Kaka,‎ ‎ It is natural for teenagers to want some “ personal space”and___1____ independent. It is also natural for parents to______2____, and to want to protect and guide their___3_____. But the problem is that your father uses the wrong way to___4___his love to you. Since your father is not so easy to talk with, I __5_____you to solve the problem indirectly(间接的)。 What about your mother and grandparents?_____6____with them and tell them what you are worried about. Maybe they will do you a____7____.what’s more, share funny school___8_____as well as your learning achievements and problems with your parents. It will help your parents know you better and become_____9_____worried about your school life. After you’ve done this, your father probably will_____10____checking your private area so often.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 87 When I was a little girl , I practice____1____the piano day and night dreaming of becoming a famous pianist someday. I would play for hours and hours and__2_____to rest. If I ___3_____any mistake while playing, I would_____4___on playing that part again and again____5___ I could get it right. My parents often tried to make me______6___a break, but I wouldn’t rest unless I could play a piece of music perfectly. Every night before I _____7___asleep, I would recall the music in my head. In my first concert, I played with all the____8____that I had. The concert was really successful. When the music came to an end, my parents’ eyes____9_____with tears, I was truly___10______to my parents, who supported all my music lessons when I was young, even though they had no money.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 88 London in the seventeenth century was one of the most beautiful cities in the world. There were many important_____1_____ and one or two famous theatres(剧院). There was also one large bridge___2_____the Thames River. Most of Londoners lived in ___3_____wood houses in the streets, there were____4_____drains(下水道) so people threw their dirty water and rubbish into the streets. It was___5_____, this may cause some unexpected things to happen. On September 2nd ,1666, at about three o’clock. In the morning a____6___suddenly started in a shop. There was a strong____7___and the fire went quickly from one street to ____8___. The fire____9__for three days and destroyed 200 homes and many other important buildings. This was the ____10____of the old city of London.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 89 This is a story about a ___1______man. He was clever in many ways but he had one dark secret, he wasn’t able to____2__. He didn’t want his friends and neighbors to____3___out that he couldn’t read, so pretended that he ____4____read any written language. One day, the rich man was____5_____with a friend when his neighbor’s servant____6___him a note, his neighbor was a ______7______and the note said,” Could I borrow an ox from you to plough (犁)my field?” the rich man looked at the note and pretend to read it, he was embarrassed and ‎ didn’t____8_____his friend to know that he couldn’t read the note. He____9____to the servant and said,” I understand…. I understand. Tell your master I’ll be there in five___10_____.”‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 86 Once upon a time there was a lion. He was___1_____, and thought he was better than all the other animals. A mosquito(蚊子)___2_____past, and the lion growled(咆哮)at it.“ Go away, you pimple(脓包)on the face of the earth!” he said. The mosquito became___3_____and declared war on the King of the animals. He said that many animals could beat the lion- even a bull(公牛)was____4____than it. The lion laughed at the challenge. So the mosquito landed on his nose and start to bite him.____5____in one place, then in another, he stung (叮) the lion. He went up his nose, he bit his mouth. The lion started roaring(吼叫) and twisting(扭动)his body with_____6__. The mosquito laughed- the lion’s teeth and claws were too big to_____7___him! The poor lion bit his own skin with pain; he beat his sides with his tail, he could do __8______---and look, he’s completely tired out! The mosquito_____9_him, and in the moment of his triumph(胜利),he flew off to tell everybody. But on the way, he flew into a spider’s web. He also had___10_____to the end.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 87 The following words were ___1_____on the tomb of an Anglican bishop(圣公会主教) in the crypts(教堂地下室)of Westminster Abbey:‎ When I was _____2___and free and my imagination had no limits(没限制),I __3____of changing the world. As I grew____4_____and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to______5__only my country. But it, too, seemed immovable. As I ____6____into my twilight(黄昏)years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled for change only my____7____those closet to me, but also, they would have none of it. And now as I_8____on my deathbed, I suddenly realize: if I had only changed ___9_____ first, then by example I would have changed my family. From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able to better my country and, who knows, I may have even changed the___10_____‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 88 ‎ We have___1___in Australia for three days, we’re having a great time here. Australia is the ___2__ largest country in the world. There is so much to see that it is impossible for me to tell you____3__ . Sydney is a beautiful city. There are many big trees and beautiful flowers around the houses and they___4______really beautiful. There are also some special___5____in Australia, such as kangaroos and koalas. They are really______6__. During the past three days we have ___7___many places of interest around Sydney, I’d like to___8___more time here, but we will____9____to another city, Cairns, to see coral beds tomorrow. It is ____10___that words can not describe the beauty of the colorful corals.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ ‎101 In recent years(近年来), people are more and more___1____in computer games in many towns and cities. A lot of small shops and restaurants along busy____2____have changed ‎ into__3_____game houses in order to get more__4_____. These places are always filled with people especially(特别是)young boys. In the computer game houses, people__5____a lot of money playing with a computer. It’s difficult for one to win against a computer, but one can make progress after___6_____again and again. The more they lose, the more they want to _____7___when they play computer games, and at last they even cannot live___8____it. The_____9__is that some people don’t want to work, instead, they play in the computer houses for hours and hours. For school boys, things are even worse, they have no mind for their____10___. When school is over, they rush to the nearby computer game houses.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________  4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________  10_________‎ 102 out a hundred people lived in a small mountain____1___. It was very far from the other villages and towns, they had few friends and they got bad halves, none of them___2_____the village, of course there was___3_____electricity. Once a writer____4____the village, the backwardness of the village_____5___him, he decided to write about it to the world, so he took the oldest____6____to London. The old man told all about his home village to the ___7____. Several____8__later, he returned, all the villages went to see him and asked him how he had enjoyed____9____in the city.” Everything is wonderful in town,” the old man said.” I’ve been to many good places and eaten all kinds of nice food and other things, but the trouble was I could not__10____at night.” What happened to you?” his wife asked.” The light was on in my bedroom all the time.” Why not blow it out then?” I tried, but it was inside a little glass bottle.”‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________‎ 103 ‎ (John feels ill, the doctor looks him over)‎ ‎ D=Doctor J=John ‎ D: well, there’s nothing serious____1___you. I’m glad to say. You are working too hard and worrying too____2__. Do you take enough exercise?‎ ‎ J: No, doctor. I never have enough time___3____exercise. I start work very___4___in the morning and finish late in the evening. Then I can’t get to sleep. Can you give me some medicine to help me to sleep?‎ ‎ D: I can,____5___i’m not going to. You don’t need medicine. Remember: Don’t work too hard. Too much work is____6___for you. Don’t worry____7__your work. It’s no use to worry. Take enough exercise.‎ ‎ J: But I may lose my____8___, doctor. It’s hard to get a job like mine.‎ ‎ D: Then get an easier one, even if get___9___money. Which would you like to have, health or wealth?‎ ‎ J: you are right. It’s more important to be healthy. I’ll change my job. Thanks a lot.‎ ‎ D: Come and see me__10___a month’s time. I think you’ll be a different man.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________‎ 104 The earthworm(蚯蚓) is a useful animal. Out of the ground, it is___1___for other animals, in the ___2___, it makes____3___soil for fields and gardens. Earthworm__4__tunnel(地道)that loosen the soil and make it____5___for air and water to reach the roots of___6____. These tunnels help keep the soil well drained. Earthworm drag dead__7_____, grass, and flowers into ‎ their burrows(洞穴).____8____this plant material decays(腐烂), it makes the soil more fertile(肥沃的). No other __9____ is so useful in building up good topsoil(表土)。It is estimated that in one year fifty thousand earthworms_____10___about 18 tons of fine soil to the surface of an acre if land. One earthworm may add three quarters of a pound of earth to the topsoil.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________‎ 102 A: How are you___1___now?Geroge and I were quite anxious about you when Ann__2____us yesterday.‎ B: Not too well yet. I still have a headache and my right hand can hardly___3___a cup.‎ A: What about your legs?‎ B: Much better. I feel less pain in my knees though I can’t____4__. Just now the doctor told me to__5___in bed for two weeks.‎ A: That’s OK. But how did it____6__?‎ B: Oh, yesterday morning I cleaned the windows. In order to__7____the work easier, I climbed over the window and___8___outside the windows. I worked quickly, but suddenly I____9___down to the ground. When I woke up_____10___myself lying in bed in the hospital.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3____________4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7__________8___________ 9__________ 10_____‎ 103 Mrs. Brown lived alone in a small flat. She was old and didn’t like_____1____at all. So she was very___2____when the excited young man and woman in the flat above____3___out. A new young man moved in, and Mrs. Brown thought, “Well, he looks____4___,” But at three o’clock next___5____, she was ____6___up by the barking of a dog.“ I’ve never___7___the barking dog here before,” she thought. “It must be the young man’s dog. ”So she____8___the young man at home at once, said some unpleasant things to him, rang off the telephone and___9___to bed before he could answer. The next day Mrs. Brown’s telephone rang at that hour of morning, and when she got out of bed and___10___, the young man said to her,” I haven’t got a dog, madam.”‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________ ‎ 104 Some people do not like anything to be____1____of place-----they are never late for work, they return their books to the library on time, they remember people’s birthday, and they pay their bills as soon as they arrive. Mr. Dodds is___2____ a person.. Mr.Dodds works in a bank and lives on his own. The __3_____family he has is in the next town. His sister lives there with her___4____and her son, Mark. Mr.Dodds does not see his sister or her family from one year to the next. But he ___5___them Christmas cards, and he has not forgotten one of Mark’s seventeen birthdays. Last week Mr.Dodds had quite a_____6___. He drove from the bank at the usual time, driving___7_____too slowly nor too fast, he stopped his car as usual, out of the way of other cars, and he went inside to make his evening meal.____8____away, there was a knock at the door. Mr.Dodds opened the door, to find a policeman standing on the doorstep. “What have I done wrong?” Mr. Dodds asked himself, “Have I __9____on the wrong side of the road? Has there been some___10___at the bank? Have I forgotten to pay an important bill? ”“Hello, Uncle,” said the policeman, “My name is Mark.”‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________ ‎ 102 The drugstore was beginning to close for the____1___. Young Alfred Higgins, who___2__in the store was___3___on his coat, getting ready to go home. On his way___4___, he passed Mr. Carr, the little gray-haired man who owned the store. Mr. Carr looked up at Alfred as he__5___, and said in a very soft voice , “Just one moment, Alfred. One moment before you go.” Mr. Carr spoke so quietly that he worried Alfred. “What is it, Mr. Carr?” “Maybe, you’d be good enough to take a few things out of your pockets and____6___them here before you go.” said Mr. Carr. “What…what things? What are you ___7___about?”“You’ve got a compact and a lipstick and at least two tubes of toothpaste in your pockets, Alfred.” “What do you mean?” Alfred answered.” Do you think I’m crazy” His face got____8__. Mr. Carr kept__9____at Alfred coldly. Alfred did not know what to say, and tried to keep his eyes from meeting the eyes of his boss. After as few moments, he put his hand into his pockets and took out the things he had__10____.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________ ‎ 103 Elena was not a good student. Her head was in the clouds_____1___of the time____2___time she tried to concentrate(集中)on her___3__, her mind wandered(心不在焉). One day, her English teacher, Mrs. Frederickson, announced (宣布) an important test. She reviewed all___4____. The day of the test____5___. Elena didn’t study very much, and she didn’t study very much, and she didn’t know many questions. She tried to guess but soon____6___up. Next to Elena sat Ivan, a very serious student. Elena didn’t want to___7____in the test, so she began to___8___all of Ivan’s answers. Ivan noticed Elena cheating(作弊)and was very angry. Quickly he changed all his answers____9___that they were wrong. So did Elena. then , hiding his paper, he quickly changed his answers____10__to the way were. Elena wasn’t quick enough and the bell rang. Ivan laughed and said,” Honesty is the best. Now all your answers are wrong for sure.”‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________ ‎ 104 Long long ago there was a city in Germany. The people who lived in the city were very____1__because there were a great many rats in all the houses. They made a lot of___2___. One day the Governor(统治者) of the city asked all the people to come to a meeting. They talked for a long time but they couldn’t___3____what to do. Suddenly they heard a___4____on the door.” Come in!” said the governor. The door opened and a__5___came in with a pipe in his hand. He said to the governor,” If I take away___6__the rats from your city, will you give me a thousand dollars?” A thousand dollars?” said the Governor,” We’ll give you fifty thousand!” the piper walked___7___and began to play his pipe. When the rats heard the___8____, all of them came out of the houses. When the pipeer came to the river, he stopped. But the rats could not____9___, then all of them splashed(淹没,溺死)into the river and____10__.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________ ‎ 105 Most of the schools in our country do not give students_____1___time for after-class activities. Some school have____2___two P.E lessons a week, and others even have no ‎ art___3___music lessons. Sports and games and other activities can train us to be persons____4__good characters, and we can also learn much more from practice.____5___some teachers think that to learn knowledge from books____6___the most important thing for student. School headmasters try____7___best to raise the percentage(百分比)of students entering school of higher lever. According to investigation(调查), many___8___health is going worse and worse. Why is it so? Obviously(明显的) , one of the____9___for the bad result is that the time for activities is too limited. So we have to have more___10___for sports, for arts and for some social activities.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________ ‎ 102 ‎ Last night, I __1_____on my English teacher. He was correcting our papers____2___i got there. He welcomed me with tea and fruit. We talked__3____thee English study and some__4___things. I told my teachers something about the new ideas on _____5___English I recently had. My teacher told me____6____do more reciting and reading. I asked him a lot of___7__ I had met in my self-study as what____8___ between “ used to” and“ be used to” before I left. I learned a lot___9___the talk. It was half past nine when I said____10___to my teacher.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________ ‎ 103 Almost everyone knows the meaning of Mr. Mrs. and Miss. Mr. is used before the names of men. Mrs. Is for married women and Miss is for unmarried women, but___1___is Ms. For? For some time, businessmen in the united states have used Ms before a ____2___name when they don’t know____3___the woman is married or not. Today, however, many woman like Ms better than Mrs. or Miss.. the word “Mr.”does not tell us whether or not a man married, so women___4___to be equal to men in this___5___. These women feel it is important for people know whether____6___are married or not. There are some___7___with Ms. However, not all the women like it, some like the old way of doing things. Some find it___8___to read, Ms sounds like /miz/.____9___women like it better than old women do. It is not easy to know whether Ms will be used by more American women in the ___10____. What do you think of it?‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________ ‎ 104 Did you ever hear anyone say,“ An apple a day keeps the doctor away?”Do you believe that____1___peoplee eat apples they won’t get___2___? Some scientists wanted to find___3___if this old saying is true. They divided a college class___4___two groups. The first group__5___two apples a day. The____6__ did not eat any people.____7____a few months, they added up all the times the young people sick. The people eaters turned out to be healthier than those___8___hadn’t eaten apples. It seemed to__9____that an apple a day or two apples a day can really___10___the doctor away.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3___________4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________ ‎ 105 An artist went to a beautiful part of the__1___for his holiday, and stayed with a farmer. Every day he went out with his paints and his brushes and painted___2___morning to evening. When it got back, he went back to the farm and had a good___3___before he went to bed. At the ‎ end of the holiday he wanted to__4___the farmer, but the farmer said,“No, I don’t want money, but give me one of your pictures. what is money? In a week it will all be gone,____5__your painting will still be there.”The artist was very___6__and thanked the farmer for saying___7___kind things about his paintings. The farmer smiled and answered,“ It’s not that. I have a son in London. He want to___8 ___an artist. When he comes here next month, I’ll____9__him your picture, and he will not want to be an artist any___10___, I think.”‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________ ‎ 102 Before the window were used, old____1 __in Europe(欧洲) and Britain were very dark. Their great rooms were high___2___only one hole in the roof to let the smoke____3___of the cooking fire. Later, people began to make the holes___4____to have more light and air in their rooms. The first English window was___5____a small opening in the wall. It was cut long to let in as_____6___light as possible, and narrow to keep out the bad___7___. But, more wind than light would____8___in if the window was cut long. This is why it was __9____“The wind’s eye.”And the word“____10__”comes from two ancient words“wind”and “eye”.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________ ‎ 103 At different times in a man’s life, his food was different effects(影响) on his body. As __1___children, food quickly changes to the power(能量) to run and play games. Most of a young man’s food is___2___on getting taller. We grow up only during the___3___twenty years of our lives, not later. Working men get their strong___4___from their food; and if they work___5___, they do not get fat. Office workers eat well and___6____a lot, and they may begin to grow fat__7______they are still quite young. Many older people try to work__8____and walk often. Perhaps the most___9___time is when a man reaches sixty years of age. He is relaxed or quite,___10__much work or interest. This is when food changes quickly the fat(脂肪).‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________ ‎ 104 Almost everybody likes to play. All over the world men and____1___, boys and girls enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people____2___. They help people to live happily. Sports__3___with the season. People play different games in winter and summer. Swimming is fun___4___hot weather, but skating is good in winter. Games and sports often grow out of the work people do. The Arabs(阿拉伯人) are famous for their horses and camels. They___5___them in their work, and they use them in their sports events, too. Hunting and___6___are very good sports,____7____millins of people hunt and fish only for living. People from different countries may not be____8___to understand each other, but after a game on the sports field,____9___often become good friends. Sports help to train a ____10____character (品质). One learns to fight fair(公平) and hard, to win without feeling proud and to lose with grace(体面). What do you think of sports?‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________‎ 119 Animals are people’s friend.____1__many wild animals are facing the danger of dying out.‎ ‎ That’s because the environment that they are living in has___2___greatly. For__3___, their living areas have become smaller and___4__because of the development of cities and increase in population. They don’t have enough room to live___5__or enough food to__6___. At the same time, many people are trying their___7__to kill the animals just for getting their fur and skin, teeth and meat. People should realize ___8___serious it is. And something should be done to protect the animals. we should build more nature reserves(自然保护区) so that animals can live freely. And we should do___9__to make our world cleaner. Fresh air, clean water and green grass are all important for animals. the death of the endangered(濒危的) animals will bring a disaster(灾难)to human___10____‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________‎ ‎120 About a hundred people lived in a very small mountain village. It was very____1___from the other village and towns. They had few friends and they got very bad harvest._____2___of them there left the village. Of course there was neither electricity nor gas there. Once a writer visited the___3_____. The backwardness(落后)of the village surprised him. He decided to_4____it to the world. So he took the oldest villager in London. The old man told all about his home village to the people. Several months___5____, he returned. All the villagers went to see him and asked him how he had enjoyed____6___in the city.“Everything is wonderful in___7__,” the old man said.“ I’ve ___8___to many good places and eaten all kinds of nice food and other things. But _____9___was I couldn’t not sleep at night.”‎ ‎ “What happened to you?”his wife asked.‎ ‎ “ The light was on in my bedroom all the time.”‎ ‎“Why not____10__ it out, then?”‎ ‎“I tried, but it was inside a little glass bottle.”‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________‎ ‎121 Jenny was an amazing woman, she was born in 1901 and____1___in 2000. it was a pity that she didn’t live to celebrate her 100th birthday.___2___she had a good, long life. She had already been a professional___3__before many women had jobs. She taught in Africa for many years. Then she moved to Malaysia and taught English there for a few years. At that time, people didn’t travel____4___plane, so she had to travel there by ship. It took her three months to sail from England to Malaysia in those days. In 1947, she traveled by plane for the first time. This made traveling a lot____5___and easier. She continued to teach around the world___6___she was 76 years old. Jenny really loved teaching and she was also good at____7___stories. I always loved to hear her talk about her stories. They were____8___interesting that I would like to listen to her when I was free, It was amazing that she could remember____10__ stopped working and thinking. She was really an amazing woman.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________‎ ‎122 Which is more important in____1____, knowledge from the books you read, or personal ____2__you gain in reality? The answer may vary from person to person. The____3___, educated may emphasize the former, and the old may stress the later. But in my opinion, they are of the ____4___importance. Experience is priceless. How to become an efficient secretary? How to prepare for your first child to come into the____5__? There is so much experience we ‎ need in careers, in life and ___6__in academic studies. It helps one deal with the problems with ease and confidence. ___7___activities and to accumulate experience of different kinds is more crucial. ‎ Experience, however, is limited in terms of time and space. For_8___ thing, it is impossible for anyone to experience all the important events and meet all the famous people. For another, as the speed with which skills are obsolete and new problems crop up is unprecedented because of the fast development of society, experience is far less adequate. Depending too much on it only ___9__to narrow-mindedness and prejudice. One way to compensate for it is to read books. Books of various kinds can bring us almost unlimited additional experience. From books you can not only trace back to the wisdom of our antecedents, but keep up with the latest developments of science and technology. To be sure, it's secondhand experience. But it is the ideal supplement to our own limited experience. Few of us can travel around the world, or live long beyond one hundred years, but all of us can live many lives by reading books. ‎ ‎ _____10___book knowledge and personal experience are essential. While experience makes one more resourceful, book knowledge makes one more learned.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________8___________9__________10_________‎ ‎123 Habits, whether good or____1___, are generally acquired. When a person does a certain thing once and again, he is impelled by some unseen force to do the___2__ thing repeatedly; thus a habit is formed. Once a habit is___3___, it is difficult, and ___4___impossible, to shake it off. It is therefore very ____5___that we should take great care____6_ the formation of habits. Some bad habits formed in childhood may remain__7___. Older persons also form bad habits, and in some cases they are ruined by these bad habits. ‎ There are good habits which, when formed in__8___ life, are great blessings. Many successful people declare that they owe much of their success and prosperity to the formation of such good habits as punctuality, honesty, and perseverance in early life. ‎ ‎_____9__habits as rudeness, laziness, stealing and slandering are bad habits. If we want to be useful to society, we ought to keep away from ail these vices, and strive to acquire those habits that are proven to be good for_____10___ and others.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________ 4__________ 5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7__________ 8_________ 9________ 10_________‎ ‎124 The large number of our population has become one of the most serious ___1____of our society. ___2____to a recent survey of the National Bureau of Statistics, there are more than 1.3 billion people in our country, which account for about 1/5 of all the people in the world. The same survey also predicts that our population will ____3___quickly in the years to come. ‎ Overpopulation has ____4___about a series of negative effects to our economic development and social security. In the first place, too ____5__people impose a heavy burden on our environment. As a result, we suffer ___6___a shortage of fresh water and natural resources. In the second place, as the supply of labor greatly exceeds the demand of the society, many people become employed. This is a source of social unrest. Last but not least(用的很好啊), we have to manufacture all kinds of products to ___7___the needs of the people, which causes environment pollution to our lakes and land. Serious though the problem seems, we have to _8____some measures to tackle it. On the one____9___, the government should carry out more strictly the policy of family planning, thus reducing the total number of population. On the other hand, all the ‎ people should realize the harms of overpopulation. With the concerted efforts of all the parties concerned, we’re sure to solve the problem in the___10____.‎ ‎1_________ 2___________3_____________4__________5_________‎ ‎6_________ 7___________ 8___________ 9__________ 10_________‎ ‎125 What is the ____1___important thing in the world? I think it is____2__. You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken___3__, we would surely die. That is _4____we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly. In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food ___5__in fat, like French fries or cookies. I also eat___6__ meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins. Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy. What's more, I think ____7___are an important part of one's health. Many studies ____8___that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. ____9____is also an important part of health, I like to laugh with my friends. By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is ___10__if we want to keep healthy.‎ ‎1________2________3_________4_________5________6_________ 7_________8________ 9__________ 10_________‎ ‎126 Why is one such a bad___1____? It is because when the date has this number in it, some bad thing always___2___. Let me give you some examples. There midnight in Taiwan. The earthquake was very horrible. That night, there were about three thousand people that____3__ in that accident. Many____4__ collapsed and the mountains moved. ___5____was attacked by terrorists on September 11 . the terrorists crashed into America's pentagon with an___6___. the terrorists used airplanes to hit many__7____ buildings in America. There were bombs inside the buildings. When the airplanes hit the tall buildings, the tall buildings and the airplanes exploded. About six thousand people____8__. How terrible that is! I think the terrorists were crazy. People say that the American emergency number is 911, so the terrorists chose September 11 to attack America. There was a big typhoon on July 11 this year in Taiwan. It's name was Tarija. Many cities ___9__flooded. Some people died because of landslides. these dates all this "one" number. I really don't think "one" is a good or lucky number. So we have to be __10___on dates with this number.‎ ‎1_________ 2_________3__________4__________5_________6_________ 7__________8_________9________10_________‎ 初中英语填空题专练答案:‎ ‎1 .1 after 2 On 3 smoke 4 window 5 fire 6 ran 7 water 8 out 9 man 10 angrily ‎2 .1 enjoying 2 quickly 3 anywhere 4 in 5 saves 6 back 7 but 8 learning 9 watching 10 popular ‎3 .1 fall 2 suddenly 3 when/while 4 bad 5 classmates 6 smoking 7 strong 8 them 9 bodies 10 beginning ‎4 .1 answer 2 advice 3trouble(s) 4 worry 5 instead 6 cook 7 others 8 different 9 shoes 10 everyday ‎5 .1 inventions 2 than 3 strange 4 watched 5 should 6 almost 7 own 8 receive 9 widely 10 life ‎6 .1 top 2 around/about 3 higher 4 seeing 5 another 6 different 7 richer 8 traveler/tourist 9 enjoy 10 pleasure ‎7 .1 along 2 rains 3 following 4 above 5 least 6 seriously 7 when 8 were 9 helpful 10 homes ‎8 .1 place 2 past 3 But 4 grown 5 middle 6 man’s 7 stayed 8 to 9 understood 10 himself ‎9 .1 told 2 broken 3 pay 4 beaten 5 have 6 agree 7 hand 8 giving 9 had 10 take ‎10 .1 places 2 took 3 slowly 4 speed 5 sunny 6 wonderful 7 busily 8 ran 9 hurried 10 plans ‎11 .1 kept 2 different 3 words 4 possible 5 only 6 themselves 7 parents 8 leave 9 age 10 hate ‎12 .lived 2 went 3 back 4 them 5 walk 6 some 7 interesting 8 decided 9 real 10 downstairs ‎13 .1 tricks 2 laugh 3 easy 4 circle 5 push 6 broken 7 how 8 with 9 clear 10 through ‎14 .1 drinking 2 water 3 brought 4 thanked 5 after 6 know 7 what 8 into 9 great 10 way ‎15 .1 famous 2 invited 3 group 4 understand 5 During 6 on 7 surprised 8 finished 9 loudly 10 mine ‎16 .1 lecture 2 healthy 3 drink 4 least 5 penny 6 suddenly 7 died 8 explain 9 moment/minute 10 enough ‎17 .1 hungry 2 same 33 Why 4 name 5 which 6 what 7 fill 8 better 9 filled 10 followed 11 surprised 12 only 13 or 14 since 15 there ‎18. 1 never 2 interesting 3 begin 4 clear 5 shows 6 think 7 around 8 to 9 main 10 easily ‎19 .1 instead 2 quite 3 gives 4 or 5 different 6 for 7 times 8 used 9 making 10 farms ‎20. 1 development 2 important 3 newest 4 know 5 money 6 against 7 persuade 8 really 9 has 10 helpful ‎21 . 1 places 2 were 3 lonely 4 drank 5 stars 6 sleep 7 traveled 8 enjoyed 9 talks 10 clothes ‎22. 1 fell 2 makes 3 named 4 beginning 5 later 6 beautiful 7 Although 8 afraid 9 common 10 understanding ‎23 .1 to 2 money 3 visiting 4 showed 5 on 6 worried 7 where 8 before 9 pay 10 sent ‎24 .1 Next 2Though 3 ideas 4 interested 5 enter 6 student 7 great 8 sit 9 millions 10 through ‎25. 1 understand 2 meeting 3 expect 4 arrive 5 language 6 found 7 example 8 prefer 9 each 10 before.‎ ‎26 . 1 stayed 2 Before 3 wake 4 train 4 in 6 so 7 room 8 Maybe 9 wrong 10 on ‎27 . 1 change 2 telling 3 following 4 studied 5 clear 6 rain 7 coming 8 high 9 ground 10 way ‎ ‎28 . 1 tree 2 meals 3 inside 4 sleep 5 went 6 right 7 sounds 8 afraid 9 they 10 home ‎29 . 1 helps 2 poor 3 started 4 got 5 sent 6 abroad 7 money 8 Would 9 take 10 pocket ‎30 .1 shows 2 fat 3 glasses 4 heavy 5 exercise 6 carry 7 homework 8 fewer 9 less 10 healthier ‎31 . 1 enjoyed 2raise 3 food 4 reasons 5 take 6 poor 7 growing 8 spends 9 die 10 much ‎32 .1 beautiful 2 parks 3 friends 4 riding 5 boating 6 clean 7 enjoy 8 cute 9 delicious 10 bought ‎33 .1 more 2 decided 3 live 4 dying 5 lonely 6 happy 7 away 8 leave 9 although 10 last ‎34 . 1 know 2 lot 3 with 4 more 5 drive 6 plane 7 may 8 not 9 all 10 friend ‎35 . 1 popular 2 shop 3 example 4 different 5 French 6 through 7 possible 8 allow 9 open 10 sell ‎36 . 1 washing 2 allowed 3 began 4 better 5 easily 6 difficult 7 prefer 8 right 9 half 10 more ‎37 . 1 named 2 subjects 3 what 4 with 5 machine 6 doing 7 third 8 important 9 so 10 easier ‎38 . 1 interesting 2 question 3 meal 4 gave 5 took 6 among 7 waiter 8 each 9 paid 10 kept ‎39 . 1 forests 2 feed 3 leaves 4 fruits 5 only 6 each 7 heavy 8 call 9 killed 10 taken ‎40 . 1 time 2 daughters 3 were 4 garden 5 beautiful 6 dancing 7 staying 8 always 9 took 10 happily ‎41 . 1 free 2 finish 3 happy 4 took 5 enjoyed 6 ate 7 children 8 like 9 follow 10 spend ‎42 . 1 center 2 place 3 collection 4 dictionaries 5 science 6 social 7 choose 8 readers 9 borrow 10 seems ‎43 . 1 phones2 usual 3 meetings 4 lives 5 health 6 read 7 on 8 together 9 tell 10 choice ‎44 . 1 history 2 everything 3 relatives money 5 complete 6 agreed 7 visited 8 shouted 9 cost 10 another ‎45 . 1 invited 2 flowers 3 unless 4 depends 5 welcome 6 sure 7 host 8 water 9 expensive 10allowed ‎46 . 1 strange 2 customs 3 soft 4 ones 5 wet 6 raise 7 take 8 front 9 smile 10 same ‎47 . 1 shake 2 public 3 suggests 4 clock 5 means 6 refusing 7 fixing 8 closed 9 showing 10 turn ‎ ‎48 . 1 heard 2 runner 3 messages 4 sent 5 beat 6 went 7 kept 8 flew 9 tie 10 fast ‎49 . 1 invented 2 greatest 3 invention 4 changes 5 were 6 living 7 kept 8 sent 9 once 10 without ‎50 . 1 who 2 cold 3 choose 4 as 5 about 6 shaking 7 than 8 better 9 sent 9 age 10 interests ‎51 . 1 enjoyed 2 friends 3 alone 4 travel 5 understand 6 important 7 great 8 pleasure 9 poor 10 happiest ‎52 . 1 usually 2 hard 3 husband 4 seconds 5 tickets 6 but 7 cheaper 8 walk 9 foot 10 less ‎ ‎53 .1 thought 2 places 3 found 4 came 5 quick 6 opened 7 loudly 8 watch 9 shook 10 other ‎54 .1 morning 2 left 3 cost 4 pay 5 sadly 6 answered 7 have 8 bed 9 back 10 out ‎55 1 decided 2 took 3 get 4 climb 5 many 6 walking 7 sitting 8 picnic 9 food 10 ourselves ‎56 1 tired 2 near 3 water 4 ground 5 something 6 saw 7afraid 8 legs 9 quickly 10 shirt ‎57 1 live 2 learning 3 time 4 becoming 5 places 6 plants 7 important 8 sun 9 when 10 easily ‎58 1 were 2 ate 3 did 4 help 5 outside 6 heard 7 them 8 walked/went 9 stopped 10 fell ‎59 1 frightened 2 across 3 wild 4 search 5 measures 6 program(me)7 population 8 making 9 results 10 begin ‎60 1 see 2 always 3 runs 4 quietly 5 best 6 miss 7 hear 8 young 9 more 10 minute ‎61 1 known 2 cleverest 3 scientists 4 talk 5 someone 6 child 7 taught 8 words 9different 10 interesting ‎62 1 office 2 letters 3 where 4 ago 5 time 6 interesting 7 different 8 never 9 just 10 been ‎63 1 ill 2 sure 3 arrived 4 earlier 5 stopped 6 far 7 there 8 enjoy 9 playing 10 crying 11 questions 12 took 13 thankful 14 angrily 15 waiting ‎64 1 sleeping 2 each 3 like 4 again 5 worrying 6 answer 7 dreams 8 thinking 9 wake 10 disappear ‎65 1 using 2 strong 3 memory 4 chance(s) 5 poor 6 few 7 found 8 better 9 remember 10 so ‎66 1 food 2 play e3 growing 4 first 5 bodies 6 hard 7 fat 8 walk 9 reaches 10 mind ‎67 1 season 2 leaves 3 fallen 4 harvest 5 eat 6 winter 7south 8 sleep 9 children 10 stories ‎68 1away 2 together 3 enjoyed 4 heart 5 question 6 correctly 7 mean 8 already 9 accepted 10 moved ‎69 1 with 2 together 3 them 4 married 5 better 6 brought 7 left 8 hers 9 hate 10 nice ‎70 1 gathering 2 waiting 3 born 4 arrives 5 through 6 else 7 reaches 8 begun 9 air 10 dance ‎71 1 was 2 ages 3 sometimes 4 their 5 eats 6 before 7 and 8 also 9 help 10 hungry ‎72 1 polite 2 besides 3 also 4 suggestions 5 get 6 enter 7 room 8 be 9 pick 10 same ‎73 1 restaurant 2 either 3 milk 4 first 5 times 6 last 7 draw 8 finishing 9 foreign 10 brought ‎74 1 before 2 stopped 3 Europe 4 like 5 answer 6 led 7 bigger 8 round 9 before 10 possible ‎75 1 allowed 2 knows 3 eighteenth 4 took 5 first 6 drank 7 listen 8 careful 9 enough 10 go ‎76 1 good/great 2 much 3 trees 4 look 5 animals 6 places 7 fly 8 describe 9 busy 10 ourselves ‎77 1 hard 2 congratulations 3 never 4 enjoying 5 wonderful 6 worried 7 air 8 below 9 lights ‎ 10 stars ‎78 1 something 2 moved 3 during 4 interested 5 camera 6 showed 7 future 8 take 9 top 10 until ‎79 1won 2 knew 3 buy 4 all 5 expensive 6 price 7 middle 8 any 9 much 10 shopkeeper ‎80 1 sports 2 playing 3 running 4 helpful 5 Taking 6 ill 7 myself 8 spirit 9 stronger 10 necessary ‎81 1 expensive 2 worse 3 took 4 useless 5 looked 6 refused 7 answer 8 left 9 lost 10 found ‎82 1 catch 2 another 3 stops 4 take 5 even 6 luck 7 almost 8 hurried 9 pointed 10 moving ‎83 1 reason 2 own 3 hands 4 draw 5 named 6 class 7 put 8 found 9 idea 10 paper ‎84 1 felt 2 brought 3 heard 4 had 5 getting 6 drank 7 turned 8 mending 9 mind 10 listen ‎85 1 gave 2 told 3 plant 4 pleased 5 where 6 steal 7 house 8 nobody 9 without 10 heard ‎86 1 live 2 interesting 3 buy 4 problems 5 clean 6 many 7 move 8 receive 9 keep 10 enjoy ‎87 1 land 2 winning 3 star 4 grew 5 states 6 more 7 first 8 England 9 reason 10 like ‎88 1 problems 2 difficult 3 visiting 4 need 5 strange 6 order 7 easy 8 ask 9 experience 10 enjoy ‎89 1 think 2 came 3 asked 4 left 5 laughing 6 waited 7 shouted 8 replied ‎90 1 like 2 start 3 passes 4 collect 5 selling 6 are 7 becoming 8 has 9 tells 10 enjoy ‎91 1 likes 2 teaching 3 study 4 told 5 pleased 6 saw 7 know 8 been 9 speaking 10 watching ‎92 1lies 2 different 3 even 4 changes 5 largest 6 size 7 enjoy 8 lake 9 grassland 10 beautiful ‎93 1 way 2 walking 3 umbrella 4 wet 5 went 6 short/young 7 thanked 8 their ‎94 1 become 2 worry 3 children 4 express 5 advise 6 Talk 7 favor 8 news 9 less 10 stop ‎95 1 playing 2 forget 3 made 4 keep 5 until 6 take 7 fell 8 feelings 9 filled 10 thankful ‎96 1 building 2 across 3 small 4 no 5 dangerous 6 fire 7 wind 8 another 9 lasted 10 end ‎97 1 rich 2 read 3 find 4 could 5 talking 6 brought 7 farmer 8 want 9 turned 10 minutes ‎98 1 proud 2 flew 3 angry 4 stronger 5 First 6 pain 7 reach 8 nothing 9 beat 10come ‎99 1 written 2 young 3 dreamed 4 older 5 change 6 grew 7 family 8 lie 9 myself 10 world ‎100 1 been 2 sixth 3 everything 4 look 5 animals 6 lovely 7 visited 8 spend 9 fly 10 said ‎101 1 interested 2 streets 3 computer 4 money 5 spend 6 trying 7 win 8 without 9 result 10 lessons ‎102 1 village 2 left 3 neither 4 visited 5 surprised 6 villager 7 people 8 months 9 himself 10 sleep ‎103 1 with 2 much 3 for 4 early 5 but 6 bad 7 about 8 job 9 less 10 in ‎104 1 food 2 ground 3 rich 4 dig 5 easier 6 plants 7 leaves 8 When 9 animal 10carry ‎105 1 feeling 2 called 3 take 4 walk 5 stay 6 happen 7 make 8 stood 9 fell 10 found ‎106 1 neighbors 2 pleased 3 moved 4 quiet 5 morning 6 woken 7 heard 8 telephoned 9 went 10 answered ‎107 1 out 2 such 3 only 4 husband 5 sends 6 surprise 7 neither 8Straight 9 driven 10 trouble ‎108 1 night 2 worked 3 putting 4 out 5 passed 6 leave 7 talking 8 red 9 looking 10 stolen ‎109 1 most 2 Every 3 lesson 4 week 5 arrived 6 gave 7 fail 8 copy 9 so 10 back ‎110 1 unhappy 2 noise 3 decide 4 knock 5 stranger 6 all 7 outside 8 music 9 stop 10 died ‎111 1 enough 2 only3or 4 with 5 But 6 is 7 their 8 students’ 9 reasons 10 time ‎112 1 called 2 when 3 about 4 other 5 studying 6 to 7 questions 8 difference 9 from 10 goodbye ‎113 1 what 2 woman’s 3 whether 4 want 5 way 6 they 7 problems 8 difficult/ hard 9 Young 10‎ ‎ future ‎114 1 if 2 sick 3 out 4 into 5 ate 6 second 7 after 8 who/that 9 show 10 keep ‎115 1 country 2 from 3 dinner/supper 4 pay 5 but 6 pleased/glad/happy 7 such 8 become/ be 9 show 10 more /longer ‎116 1 houses 2 with 3 out 4 bigger 5 just 6 much 7 weather 8 come 9 called 10 window ‎117 1 for 2 spent 3 first 4 bodies 5 hard 6 sit 7 when 8 much9 difficult 10 without ‎118 1 women 2 healthy/ fit/active 3 change 4 in 5 use 6 fishing 7 but 8 able 9 they 10 person’s/ man’s ‎119 1 But 2 changed 3 example 4 smaller 5 in 6 eat 7 best 8 how 9something 10 beings ‎120 1 far 2 None 3 village 4 tell 5 later 6 himself 7 London 8 been 9trouble 10 blow ‎121 1 died 2 But 3 teacher 4 by 5 quicker 6 until/till 7 telling 8 so 9 everything 10 never/didn’t ‎122 1 life 2 experience 3 young 4 same 5 world 6 even 7 Especially 8 one 9 leads 10 Both ‎123 1 bad 2 same 3 formed 4 sometimes 5 important 6 in 7 lifetime 8 early 9 Such 10 ourselves ‎124 1 problems 2 According 3 grow 4 brought 5 many 6 from 7 meet 8 take 9 hand 10 future ‎1251 most 2 health 3 away 4 why 5 high 6 little 7 friends 8 show 9 Laughing 10 necessary ‎126 1 number 2 happens 3 died 4 houses 5 America 6 airplane 7 tall 8 died 9 were 10 careful

