六年级英语上册课件-Unit 5 What does he do-part A 人教PEP版(6)(共15张PPT)

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六年级英语上册课件-Unit 5 What does he do-part A 人教PEP版(6)(共15张PPT)

What does he do? job He is tall and strong. He is a basketball player. Sometimes He works in China. But sometimes he works in America. … Guess!Who is he? How exciting! What does he do ? He is a/an … Yao Ming's jobs I ’ m going to be a/an… This is He Jiong. He has many jobs. He is a TV reporter. He Jiong's jobs He is an actor on TV. He ChengLong's jobs He is a writer. He write s many books for us. He AiQing's jobs He is a teacher , too. He Jiong's jobs He Jiong's jobs He work s in Changsha and Beijing. He go es to work by plane. This is He Jiong. He is a TV reporter. He is an actor on TV. He is a writer. He writes many books for us. He is a teacher , too. He works in Changsha and Beijing. He goes to work by plane He Jiong's jobs Wu Yifan ’ s aunt and uncle ’ s jobs Who is the beautiful woman? She is Wu Yifan ’ s aunt. What does she do? She is an actress on TV. Who is the man? He is Wu Yifan ’ s uncle What does he do? He is a writer. He writes the TV show(剧本) for Wu Yifan ’ s aunt. Q1: Q2: Q3: Q4: My _______ is a ___________ . She work s in __________ . She go es to work by ______ . aunt principal Nanchang taxi Jobs Jobs: worker , farmer , policeman , lawyer , singer , dancer… Vehicles: bus, taxi, train, van, plane, ship , on foot… My _______ is an ___________ . She work s in __________ . She go es to work by ______ . sister Hong kong plane officer Show our love and respect to every job at every moment of every day 每一时刻爱和尊重你身边的每一个职业! Homework Write your family members ’ jobs and tell it to your friends. Show your respect and love to every job at every moment of every day.

