六年级上英语课件-daily routine_通用版

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六年级上英语课件-daily routine_通用版

Daily routines What do you usually do in a day? fWhat do you do in the morning? fWhat do you do in the afternoon? fWhat do you do in the evening? fWhat do you do at night? Time f8:00 f8:30 f8:15 f8:45 f8:23 eight o'clock eight thirty eight fifteen eight forty five eight twenty three half past eight fifteen past eight fifteen to nine twenty three past eight a quarter to nine a quarter past eight fWhat time do you get up? fWhen do you have breakfast? fWhat time do you go to school? fWhen do you go home? fWhat time do you arrive home? fWhat time do you have lunch? fWhen do you have dinner? fWhen do you have a shower? fWhat time do you watch TV? fWhen do you do you homework? Listening Exercise fP21. Exercise 1. fP21. Exercise 2. Your timeline 6.30 7.00 7.15 7.45 2.50 3.00 10.00 get up have breakfast go to shcool start school go home do some exercise go to bed Time zone P22 Read and listening Marta Group 1 fTime fWhere fWhat does she do? Michelle Group 2 fTime fWhere fWhat does she do? Renata Group 3 fTime fWhere fWhat does she do? David Group 4 fTime fWhere fWhat does he do? Reading Exercise 2 P22 fWhich city is Marta in? fShe is in London, US. fWhich city is Michelle in? fShe is in Sydeny, Australia. fWhich city is Renata in? fShe is in Rio, Brazil. fWhich city is David in? fHe is in Dubai, UAE Exercise 4 fPrepositions of time fin the morning at lunchtime fduring the week at the weekend fat this time fin the afternoon at night Exercise 5 f1. in the morning f2. at lunchtime f3. at the weekend f4. in the afternoon f5. at night After school activities play tennis do karate do drama play football have dance classes play chess have art classes go swimming play music After school activities fP24 Exercise 1 fExercise 2 fClara and Lucas are talking to their teachers. What activities do Clara and Lucas do? Answers: Clara plays tennis. Lucas plays chess. Answers: 2. b 3. a 4. b. 5. a go+ verb + ing fgo swimming fgo running fgo shopping fgo hiking fgo fishing fgo skiing fgo drinking Discover Culture fP26 Exercise 1 gymnast Look at the picture, and answer the question. 1.She from Beijing in China. 2.It's probably gymnastics. 3.I think it's a diffucult sport. Watch the vedio Discover Culture fRead Exercise 3. fPut events in order. 5-4-6-3-1-2 Read Exercise 4. 1. 12 2. school 3.parents 4. six 5. six 6.doctor Reading and writing fP 29 Read Madison Finsey' blog post. New words: Champion, swimmer, swimming pool What does she do at these times? f6:45 am f8:00 am f2.15 pm f7:30 pm f10:30 pm get up start chool finish school get home go to bed Connectors fand when one thing happens after another f but constrast two different ideas Writing fThe timeline you created fWrite a blog about your daily life. rules: 1. What do you do? 2. When do you do it? 3. How often do you do it? 4. Use connectors in your writing.

