冀教六年级上UnitLesson A Skating Lesson篇

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冀教六年级上UnitLesson A Skating Lesson篇

冀教版六年级上册英语 Unit 3 Winter in ‎canada Lesson ‎21 A Skating Lesson General goals of Unit 3     In this unit , Li Ming experiences winter in Canada . He and your students learn vocabulary to describe winter and the other seasons . This Unit also covers outdoor winter recreation and clothing and a variety of common English words and phrases .     Ⅰ、Teaching aims:     Nouns for winter clothes :     mittens (mitts) scarf     Nouns about seasons :     winter spring summer fall     ice rain snow sun wind     Standard phrases :     put on take off     Standard question :     Why ? Because .     Verbs :     learn teach think skate ski     Ⅱ、Oral vocabulary :     Students can say and aurally understand the following vocabulary :     Common phrases :     go backwards , go forwards , turn around     Exclamation :     What a day !     Ⅲ、Important point : Ⅰ     Difficult point : Ⅱ ‎ ‎    Ⅳ、Teaching steps Step 1 : Class opening and Review     1) Greeting     2) Review     ① Play “ What’s wrong ? ” to review “ ski snow skate and ice ”     ② Give commands or play “ Simon says ” to review directions such as “ turn right/left , walk quickly/slowly .”     Step 2 Presentation and practice     1、Teach “ Learn , learn , think .”     1) Role – play to write “ winter ” .what letter is first ?     T : Hmmm, I am thinking . I’m thinking . Who can help me ?     S : I can .     T : I want to learn . Can you teach me ?     S : .(Write it on the blackboard .)     2) Practice in pairs . With learn , teach , think .     3) Play a game to drill “ walk forwards , walk backwards , turn around turn right , turn left .”     2、Learn Number 2 . Put on your skates .     ① Does Li Ming put on skates ?     ② Can he stand up on the ice ?     ③ Can he skate forwards ?     ④ Can he skate backwards ?     ⑤ Does Li Ming learn fast ?     3) Put it into Chinese by themselves .     4) Role – play to read “ No . ‎2 ”‎     Step 3 Consolidation     1) Practice in groups to make sentences with “ think , learn , teach .”     2) Divide the class into small groups .     Ask each group to make up a dialogue about learning a new skill . ‎ ‎    Step 4 Summary     They can use correctly the vocabulary “ learn , teach , think .”     Step 5 Homework     Activity book . ‎ Lesson 21:A Skating Lesson(讲学稿)‎ 一、学习目标:‎ ‎1、学会单词: frward backward 这两个单词加s变为副词后ds发音为/dz/,而skates中字母e不发音,ts发音/ts/. (重点)‎ ‎2、学会词汇:skate learn teach think。 (重点)‎ ‎3、掌握句型;put on your skates! ‎ ‎ Danny is going to teach Li Ming to skate.‎ ‎ I think I can stand up.‎ ‎ You learn fast. (重点)‎ ‎4、会用语法:‎ ‎(1)不定式teach sb to do sth.‎ ‎(2)skate的现在分词skating.‎ ‎(3)Can you……?Yes,I can./No,I can’t. (难点)‎ ‎5、每课一篇(必背)‎ Danny is going to teach Li Ming to skate.Danny has a pair of skates for Li Ming.Li Ming puts them on.“Can you stand up on the ice?”says danny.“I think I can stand up,”says Li Ming 二.学习过程:‎ ‎1. 用 learn , teach , think 编对话.‎ 例如:winter T : what letter is first ?Hmmm, I am thinking . I’m thinking . ‎ Who can help me ?‎ S : I can .‎ ‎ T : I want to learn . Can you teach me ?‎ S : .(Write it on the blackboard .)‎ ‎2、读课文回答下面问题。‎ ‎① Does Li Ming put on skates ? ② Can he stand up on the ice ?‎ ‎③ Can he skate forwards ? ④ Can he skate backwards ?‎ ‎⑤ Does Li Ming learn fast ?‎ ‎3.边读课文边把课文翻译成汉语。‎ ‎4. 自由朗读课文第二部分。‎ ‎5.读一读,填空。‎ Danny is going to teach Li Ming___ skate.Danny has a pair of _____for Li Ming.Li Ming puts them on.“____ you stand up on the ice?”says Danny.“I_____I can stand up,”says Li Ming 三.达标测评:(智慧冲浪园) (略:看多媒体)‎ 学法积累 单词记忆方法 ‎ 按读音来记单词,比如 oo一般发/u/的音 如:food pool i和y一般发/ɪ/的音 如:lucky pity i也可以发/ai/的音 如:tidy ble一般发/bl/的音 impossible double 这些东西不能死记硬背的,还有很多你要在背单词中慢慢自己领会,自己总结,自己发现这样就算以后遇到不认识的单词也可以猜测出它的大概读音 ‎

