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Unit 9 This bird is bigger than the first one 湘少版·六年级上册 Lead-in Look at the pictures, what can you find? New words than 比 clay 黏土;泥土 Let’s listen and say Welcome to our clay art show. I’m Peter. I made a few birds with clay. Please take a look. Children’s clay art is on show at Sunshine School. Sure. This is the first one. It’s a small bird. This is the second one. This bird is bigger than the first one. Look at the third bird! It’s bigger than the second one. This is the fourth one. It’s bigger than the third one. Look at the fifth bird. It’s the biggest. Wow! They are lovely. Welcome to our clay art show.欢迎参观我们的粘土艺术品展。 句中的show是名词,意思是“展出;表演”。 常与介词on 组成短语,on show的意思是“展出”。 show可以作动词,意思是“给……看;表现出;上演”。 This is the first one.这是第一只(鸟)。 first的意思是“第一”,是序数词。表示“第几” 的词叫做序数词,序数词前面要加定冠词(或物主代 词),常在句中作定语和表语。 1~10的序数词的构成如下: (1)第1~第3 first(1st)第一 second(2nd)第二 third(3rd)第三 (2)第4~第10 一般在基数词的个位数后加th构成。 fourth(4th)第四 fifth(5th)第五 sixth(6th)第六 seventh(7th)第七 eighth(8th)第八 ninth(9th)第九 tenth(10th)第十 This bird is bigger than the first one. 这只鸟比第一只鸟的体型更大。 两者(人、事物、动作)之间进行比较要用比较级 句型:“A + is/are +比较级 + than + B”“A比B更……” 例:我的妈妈比我高。 My mother is taller than me. Let’s learn big bigger biggest 大的 更大的 最大的 small smaller smallest 小的 更小的 最小的 tall taller tallest 高的 更高的 最高的 short shorter shortest 矮/短的 更矮/短的 最矮/短的 long longer longest 长的 更长的 最长的 Let’s Practise Tom is taller than Mike. Tom’s hair is shorter than Mike’s. Group work. John Dick David Dick is taller than John. John is taller than David. Play roles John Dick David Dick is taller than David. John is shorter than Dick. Let’s read Once there were three big birds in a forest. They were Bob, Baker and Ben. Baker was bigger than Bob, but smaller than Ben. Bob’s singing was loud, but Baker’s singing was louder. There were three small birds in the forest. They were Jane, Judy and Julia. Judy was smaller than Julia, and Jane was the smallest. One day, the birds decided to sing together. A lot of people listened to them and said, “They are really the best singers in the forest!” Tick the correct sentences. 1. Ben was bigger than Bob. 2. Baker sang louder than Bob. 3. Julia was smaller than Judy. 4. People thought that the six singers were the best in the forest. √ √ √ √ Let’s write Fill in the blanks. taller Peter is _______________. David Peter fast David runs ______.taller than David fast faster Peter runs _______________. high Peter can jump _____.faster than David high 1.15 higher David can _____________________. the highest John __________________. jump higher than Peter can jump the highest 1.25 1.35 Let’s have fun Let’s chant. The giraffe says, “I am taller.” The little rabbit says, “I am faster.” The elephant says, “I am bigger.” The monkey says, “I am smarter.” The lion says, “I roar louder! And I feel prouder Than you!” 比较级和最高级的构成规则: 1)直接在词尾加er或est。 例如:young→ younger youngest 2)以e结尾的加r或est。 例如:nice→ nicer nicest 3)闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须先双写 这个辅音字母,再加er或est。 例如:big→ bigger biggest 4)以辅音字母加y结尾,改y为i,再加er或est。 例如:easy→ easier easiest 5)部分双音节或多音节形容词变比较级或最高级时, 要在其前面加more或most。 例如:careful→ more careful most careful 常见不规则变化的形容词和副词: 原级 比较级 最高级 good/well better best bad/ill worse worst many/much more most little less least old older(年纪较大的) elder(较年长的) oldest(年纪最大的) eldest(最年长的) far farther(远) further(进一步) farthest(最远) furthest(最大限度) Let’s know more Let’s compare! Which is faster? This is a maglev train. It runs more than 400 km an hour. This is an old type of train. It runs about 120 km an hour. Which is higher? This is Qomolangma in China. It is the highest mountain in the world. This is Mount Blanc in France. It is the highest mountain in Europe.

