译林英语6B Unitl1 单词,短语,句型

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译林英语6B Unitl1 单词,短语,句型

‎1.mouse老鼠 ‎1.in the forest在森林里 ‎2.large大的 ‎2.又大又壮large and strong ‎3.strong强壮的 ‎3.安静地说say quietly ‎4.wake…up吵醒,叫醒 ‎ ‎4.又小又弱small and weak ‎5.walk by走过,路过 ‎5.大声地笑laugh loudly ‎6.some day某一天 ‎6.catch…with…用…捉…‎ ‎7.quietly小声地安静地 ‎7.with a large net用一个大网 ‎8.weak软弱的 ‎8.his sharp teeth他的尖牙 ‎9.loudly大声地 ‎9.ask sadly伤心地问 ‎10.let…go释放,放开 ‎10.make a big hole弄一个大洞 ‎11.the next day第二天 ‎11.开心地说say happily ‎12.net网 ‎12.get out from…从…出来 ‎13.bite咬 ‎13.play table tennis happily高兴地打乒乓球 ‎14.sharp锋利的 ‎14.become friends变成朋友 ‎15.sadly难过地 ‎15.cheer for……为…喝彩 ‎16.just then就在那时 ‎16.Chinese idiom成语故事 ‎17.soon不久 ‎17.hit the ball hard用劲击球 ‎18.happily开心地 ‎18.a deep hole一个深洞 ‎19.from then on从那时起 ‎19.so many balls这么多球 ‎20.cheer欢呼 ‎20.cry sadly伤心地哭 ‎21.hit打击 ‎22.deep深的 ‎23.reach够得着 ‎24.quickly迅速的 ‎25.pour…into…把……倒入 句型:‎ 1. A mouse walked by and woke the lion up.‎ 2‎ 1. Two men caught the lion with a large net.‎ 2. The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth ‎ The mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth.‎ 3. Sam and Bobby are playing table tennis happily.‎ 4. You are really good at table tennis.‎ 2‎

