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Recycle 第二课时 Day 3/ Day 4 Day 3 Life on the farm . These are things people often do on the farm. Circle the words in the puzzle. Write down what he she or they do every day. What's missing? play the pipa swim play basketball sing a song cook watchTV dance play ping-pong do kung fu draw cartoons go fishing have music class do homework Can you say? play the pipa play the violin play the piano play badminton play basketball play ping-pong What can you find? 你发现了什么? play: (弹、踢、打、玩) 我发现: 运动名词 乐器名词 + the + play +运动 play the + 乐器 总结: Can you say? go shopp ing go fish ing go camp ing go hik ing go swimm ing go boat ing What can you find? 你发现了什么? go: (去……) 我发现: 动词ing (动名词) + Can you say? do homework do some reading do housework do the dishes do moring exercises What can you find? 你发现了什么? do: (做……) 我发现: 名词 + Can you say? have music class have some coffee What can you find? 你发现了什么? have breakfast have: (吃、上…课) 我发现: 食物名词、三餐 课程名词 + play s the violin have music class go es shopping do es the dishes He / She/ They ... every day. has breakfast do morning exercises He / She/ They ... every day. 总结 一般现在时,第三人称单数加 s 或 es go-go es have- has do-do es play-play s play ing the violin go ing shopping do ing the dishes He / She/ is ... now. having music class doing morning exercises They are ... now. 总结 现在进行时,第三人称单数用be动词 is ,复数用 are ,动词加 ing go- going have- having do- doing play- playing Mike‘s day on the farm The tiger is . big The elephant is . bigger The elephant is than the tiger. The tiger is than the elephant. bigger smaller The is . large The whale is . whale The tiger is . the smallest the largest Is the elephant bigger than the whale? No, it isn't. 绿色圃中小学教育网http://www.Lspjy.com clean ed my room wash ed my clothes watch ed TV stay ed at home 绿色圃中小学教育网 http://www.Lspjy.com read a book saw a film ate fresh food took pictures sang and danc ed r o de a bike went fishing I ...... with my ...... yesterday. Retell what Mike did on Saturday? Saturday was a busy day for Mike. In the morning, he . Then, he . After that, he . Next, he . In the afternoon, he . In the evening, he . Finally, he at 10p.m.

