陕旅版英语六年级上册unit 1 Part C优质课件

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陕旅版英语六年级上册unit 1 Part C优质课件

Unit 1 It’s Time to Play the Violin 陕旅六年级上册 Part C Review Play the violin Do eye exercise Play sports Learn English Have a rest Take out the book Lead-in Look at the picture ,what do you think about them? time What time is it? Three o’clock Ten past ten A quarter to five Listen and match 解题指导: 本题是听一听,连一连,要求不仅能听懂听力材料,而且能够正确搭配。在做本题之前,同学们应该首先浏览一下图片,分别能 识别出课本上所出示的图片信息 —— 钟表上显示的时间和图片所代表的动作 ,了解了这些之后再听听力做题目,就会事半功倍。 twelve o’clock half past four half past eight ten o’clock play the violin learn Chinese play sports have lunch Look and talk What time is it? It’s half past seven. It’s time to go to school. Role play Talk with your partner about the following pictures. 7:30 8:00 9:30 10:00 Order and act ( )OK, Dad. I’ll play it right now. ( ) I’m afraid you can’t. It’s time to do your homework. ( ) Well, you can play sports. But you have to play the violin first. ( ) Dad, can I play sports now? ( ) But I have no homework today. 5 2 4 1 3 Son : Dad, can I play sports now? Dad : I’m afraid you can’t. It’s time to do your homework. Son : But I have no homework today. Dad : Well, you can play sports. But you have to play the violin first. Son : OK, Dad. I’ll play it right now. Act it Choose and write bus hospital cleans cooks time My mother gets up at 6:00 every morning and then she ______ breakfast. After breakfast, she does the dishes and _______ the rooms. cooks cleans Then it’s _____ to go to work. She works in a _______. It’s a little far from my home. So she usually takes a _________ to work. time hospital bus

