人教版(新起点)英语六下《All Around Me》单元测试

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人教版(新起点)英语六下《All Around Me》单元测试

Unit2 单元测试卷 一、根据汉语意思,补全下列单词。 1. downt__ __n (市中心) 2. s__bway (地铁) 3. f__m__us (著名的) 4. d__ffic__lt (困难的) 5. c__ __ly (卷曲的) 6. rest__ __rant (餐馆) 二、英汉互译。 1. art gallery __________ 2. 迷路 __________ 3. on the third floor __________ 4. 女王公园 __________ 5. police station __________ 6. 公共图书馆 __________ 7. post office __________ 8. 谈论 __________ 9. maple leaves __________ 10. 勤奋的 __________ 三、选词填空。(每词一空) beside next down under back (1) There is a bike ________ the tree. (2) I’m going to be ________ home tomorrow. (3) Look ________! There is a goldfish in the lake. (4) The bank is ________ to the cinema. (5) Let’s walk to the library. It is ________ school. 四、选择填空。 ( ) 1. ________, I met my friend. A. On my way home B. In my way home C. At my way home ( ) 2. There are ________ people in the art gallery. A. so much B. so many C. so some ( ) 3. There is a park in my city ________ Renmin Park. A. called B. call C. calling ( ) 4. I’m learning football ________ my PE class. A. on B. in C. of ( ) 5. Beijing is ________ the most beautiful cities in the world. A. some of B. many of C. one of ( ) 6. I want ________ dress. A. another B. some C. others 五、根据汉语意思填单词,补全下列句子。 1. Tom 比 Jim 高。 Tom is ________ ________ Jim. 2. 她篮球打得很好。 She plays basketball ________ ________. 3. 美国食物与中国食物不同。 American food is ________ Chinese food. 4. 她是一个有着金黄色长发的漂亮女孩。 She is a pretty girl with ________ ________ hair. 5. 在这儿周边有很多漂亮的建筑。 There are many beautiful ________ ________ here. 六、根据答语写问句。 1. A: _______________________ B: I like Lingling best. 2. A: _______________________ B: My favourite season is spring. 3. A: _______________________ B: The park is next to the subway station. 4. A: _______________________ B: There are two buildings in our school. 5. A: _______________________ B: We have English, maths, science, music and PE at school. 七、选择合适的单词,补全下列对话。 older shorter funnier one longer bigger A: Look! The elephants! B: Look at the big ________. It’s ________ than others. Its legs are ________. A: Yes, I think its age is ________. B: Look at the monkeys. They are ________. A: There is a little monkey. It’s so sad. Why? B: Its tail is ________ than other monkey’s. A: It’s so poor. 八、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 A brown duck meets a sad cat and asks him, “Please tell me, OK? I can do a lot of things for you.” “Oh, no. You can’t.” The cat shakes his head and goes away. The duck keeps up with the cat and asks him again. The cat cries, “I want to buy some flowers for my mother on Mother’s Day. But I can’t find the flowers.” The duck claps his hands happily, “I see. I can help you.” The duck points to the other side of the river and says, “Look there. There are many beautiful flowers. “So the cat climbs up a tree, “Wow, how beautiful they are!” “But I can’t swim. How can I get there?” The cat is worried. The duck says, “Don’t worry. I can swim. You can just sit on my back.” In the river, the duck tells the cat, “If we help each other, we can do many things.” (1) The duck is ________. A. black B. brown C. white (2) The duck asks the cat for ________ time(s). A. one B. two C. three (3) The cat wants some ________ for her mother. A. food B. coats C. flowers (4) Where is the flowers? A. On the other side of the river. B. In the river. C. On the tree. (5) How does the cat cross the river? A. He sits in a boat. B. He climbs on the tree. C. He sits on the duck’s back. 参考答案: 一、 1. ow 2. u 3. a; o 4. i; u 5. ur 6. au 二、 1. 艺术馆;画廊 2. get/ be lost 3. 在第三层 4. Queen’s Park 5. 警察局 6. Public library 7. 邮局 8. talk about 9. 枫叶 10. hardworking 三、 (1) under (2) back (3) down (4) next (5) beside 四、 1-6 ABABCA 五、 1. taller than 2. very well 3. different from 4. long golden 5. buildings around 六、 1. Who do you like best? 2. What’s your favourite season? 3. Where is the park? 4. How many buildings are there in your school? 5. What classes do you have at school? 七、 one bigger longer older funnier shorter 八、 (1)-(5) BBCAC

