牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Project 1 Being a good student 》PPT课件 (2)

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牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Project 1 Being a good student 》PPT课件 (2)

Project 1 Being a good student ( Period 1 ) 6 Grade Let’s talk about our habits ! What habits do they have? Amy’s/John’s good habits Amy’s/John’s bad habits Name Activities How When/Where go to school in the morning do at home go to bed at night Name Activities How When/Where go to bed at night D o a survey early early well early 请在表格里填入单词让这个句子变成一个好习惯! Let’s make a survey form Do a survey Work in groups. What good habits do your group members and you have? Name Activities How When/Where go to school early in the morning do well at home go to bed early at night Name Activities How When/Where go to bed early at night Tip: 如果是第三人称,不要忘记动词的变化哦 ! Get up early Have breakfast every day Go to school early Help her classmates Finish her homework before dinner The habits of school life Can you tell me some other habits of our school life? get up early in the morning and never go to bed late put the things in orders finish his homework before dinner brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtime listen to the teachers keep the classroom clean and dirty go to school on time The other habits: In a healthy diet ,we can have a lot of rice, we can have a lot of fruit and vegetables, too.… Show time! 1 写一段描述你的好朋友的生活习惯的短文 2 预习 P47 ,准备好做海报的东西 Homework

