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Module 2 [外研版]2020五年级英语上册优质课件 Unit1~ Unit2 Unit1 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳 转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 Unit 2 外研版·英语·六年级上册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 2 Unit 1 There’s Chinese dancing. There's a Great Wall in China. It is very, very long. There's a Great Wall in China. It is very, very strong. There are many, many people and they like to sing this song. There's a Great Wall in China. It is very, very long. In China there's a Great Wall, a Great Wall, a Great Wall. It is very, very, very big and it's a very famous wall. Let’s chant:第一课时 Chinese restaurants Chinese shops sh shop 商店 ship 轮船 shoes 鞋 Chinese dancing China(中国) + town(市镇) = Chinatown (中国城,唐人街) 合成词 postcard everywhere foot(脚) + ball(球) = football (足球) Chinatown的中文翻译是唐人街。有 时也称为中国街。它是中国人聚居地和商 业区。唐朝在中国历史上是一个强盛的朝 代。在海外的华侨往往称自己是“唐人”, 他们聚集的地方就称为唐人街。 唐人街是中华民族在海外的落脚地, 在里面的人们讲中文,以中国的习惯生活。 住在唐人街,就像生活在在中国大陆等其 他华人小城一样。 Where’s the Chinatown? Look, listen and say. Simon: There's a Chinatown in New York. Daming: Oh, that's good. Simon: Are there any Chinatowns in China? Daming: Oh, all towns in China are Chinatowns! Watch and listen. 1. Where is a Chinatown? 2. Are there any Chinatowns in China? There's a Chinatown in New York. Yes, there are. All towns in China are Chinatowns! Listen and answer. Simon: There's a Chinatown in New York. Daming: Oh, that's good. Simon: Are there any Chinatowns in China? Daming: Oh, all towns in China are Chinatowns! Listen and read after it. Look at a picture and answer: Who is he? Where is he? He is Daming. He’s in the US with his cousin Simon. What is he doing? He’s sending an Email. Listen, read and act out. Daming misses China. Simon will take him to Chinatown. Simon: What are you doing, Daming? Daming: I'm sending an email to my family in China. Simon: Do you miss your family? Daming: Sometimes. 有时 Watch and listen. Simon: Do you want to go to Chinatown? Daming: Yes! Can you tell me more about Chinatown? Simon: There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. Daming: Really? Simon: Yes, and there's Chinese dancing. Daming: Let's go to Chinatown now! Simon: We can't go now. It's too late. Daming: Then let's go tomorrow. Simon: Ah! You do miss China! th then 既然是这样,那么 than 比 this 这个 1. What is Daming doing? He’s sending an email to his family in China. 3. Where do they want to go? They want to go to Chinatown. 2. Does Daming miss China? Yes, sometimes. 4. What are there in Chinatown? There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there, and there’s Chinese dancing. 5. When will they go to Chinatown? Tomorrow. Listen and answer. sometimes的用法 I sometimes play the computers.(我有时候玩电脑。)例 sometimes是一个频度副词,意思是有时,表示动作发生的频率。 在句中常放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前。 温馨提示 sometimes不要分开写为some times,两者的意思是不同的, some times是“几次”意思。 You do miss China! He does speak English well.(他英语确实说得好。)例 本句中do表示强调,用于加强句子的语气。可以为“确实,的 确”。该句的主语是you,所以用do。当句子的主语是第三人称 单数时,对谓语进行强调要用does,其他人称用do。 Practise. 选词填空。 dancing restaurants Then shop Sometimes Then Sometimes shop dancing restaurants 1.朗读并背诵本节课学习的单词。 2.朗读并背诵活动一的对话。 3.朗读活动二的课文,用横线画出课文中 含有there be的句子。 Homework 摘苹果:看谁摘得快! 那么 商店 国家 地图 唐人街 China- town then shop map country some- times 有时 dancing舞蹈 第二课时 There are lots of s.Chinese restaurant There is .Chinese dancing There is a map. There is a basketball. There are five apples. There are four monkeys. There are five books. Watch and listen. Simon: What are you doing, Daming? Daming: I'm sending an email to my family in China. Simon: Do you miss your family? Daming: Sometimes. Listen and find “There be…” Simon: Do you want to go to Chinatown? Daming: Yes! Can you tell me more about Chinatown? Simon: There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. Daming: Really? Simon: Yes, and there's Chinese dancing. Daming: Let's go to Chinatown now! Simon: We can't go now. It's too late. Daming: Then let's go tomorrow. Simon: Ah! You do miss China! There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. There's Chinese dancing. 那里 There be 结构 There is + 可数名词单数 不可数名词 are + 可数名词复数 注意: be 动词的形式要跟离它最近的名词在数上保持一致, 如果名词为可数名词单数或不可数名词,be动词用is ; 如果名词为可数名词复数,be 动词用are,这就是 there be 句型的“就近原则”。 There ___ a tiger and ten monkeys in the zoo. There ___ ten monkeys and a tiger in the zoo. is are I Can do 1.There_____a picture on the wall. 2.There_____some books under the table. 3.There_____lots of shoes on the floor. 4.There____a TV and some balls in the room. 5.There____some meat ,many apples and bananas on the table. is are areis is 用 There is There are 描述图片。 Talk about the zoo. There is a/an... There are some... Talk about the things in the classroom. There is a blackboard in the classroom. There is a TV in the classroom. There are two doors . There are six windows. There are many students. There are many desks and chairs. Listen and say. A: Canyou tell me more about Chinatown? B: There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. A: There’s Chinese dancing. B: Let’s go to Chinatown now! There are lots of computers in Classroom A. There are lots of desks in Classroom B. There are lots of pictures in Classroom C. Practise. Look and write. Then say. Classroom A Classroom B Classroom C _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ there be 和 have 的区别 there be 表示“某处有某人/某物”,强调客观存在。 have 表示“某人拥有某物”,强调所属关系。 There are five pencils on the desk.(书桌上有五支铅笔。)例 I have a book.(我有一本书。)例 Practise. Fill in blanks with “have, has” or “there is /are”. 1. ________a telescope on the desk. 2. He_____a new bike. 3. _________a basketball on the playground. 4. They______a nice garden. 5. What do you______? 6. ________a reading-room in the building? 7. My father____a story-book. 8. ________a story-book on the table. There is has There is have have Is there has There is 1. 朗读并背诵活动二的课文。 2. 朗读第二模块第一单元学习的单词。 3. 用“There be…”写四个句子。 Homework 外研版·英语·六年级上册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 2 Unit 2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China. There's a Great Wall in China. It is very, very long. There's a Great Wall in China. It is very, very strong. There are many, many people and they like to sing this song. There's a Great Wall in China. It is very, very long. In China there's a Great Wall, a Great Wall, a Great Wall. It is very, very, very big and it's a very famous wall. Let’s chant:第一课时 Talk about Chinatown. There are lots of Chinese restaurants. There is Chinese dancing. In China, there is lots to see. Where do you want to go? Free talk: Listen and chant. The Huangshan Mountain is high. The Changjiang River is long. The West Lake is beautiful. The Great Wall is strong. Watch and listen. 1. How about the Huangshan Mountain ? 2. How about the Changjiang River? 3. How about the West Lake? 4. How about the Great Wall? The Huangshan Mountain is high. The Changjiang River is long. The West Lake is beautiful. The Great Wall is strong. Listen and answer. The Great Wall is strong. 坚固的 strong: 1、坚固的 2、强壮的 eg: 1. The Great Wall is strong.(长城是坚固的。) 2. He is strong.(他很强壮。) The Huangshan Mountain is high. The Changjiang River is long. The West Lake is beautiful. The Great Wall is strong. Listen and chant with it. There are some postcards from China. Let’s know more about them. Listen and read. Where is the Huangshan Mountain? How long is the Changjiang River? Where is the West Lake? How long is the Great Wall? It’s in Anhui. It’s more than six thousand kilometers long. It’s in Hangzhou. It’s more than twenty thousand kilometers long. Listen and answer. Look! These are my postcards from China. There are many mountains in China. There's a famous mountain in Anhui. It's the Huangshan Mountain. Listen and read after it. This is the famous Changjiang River. It's more than six thousand kilometres long. There are lots of beautiful lakes in China. This is the West Lake. It's in Hangzhou. This is the Great Wall. It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long. There are _____________ in China.There is _______________in Anhui. It's the Huangshan Mountain.There are lots of ____________ in China. The Changjiang River is more than ___________ kilometres long.The Great Wall is more than _____________ kilometres long. many mountains a famous mountain beautiful lakes six thousand twenty thousand Read and fill in the blanks. Read again and find out the sentences with "there be": There are many mountains in China. There's a famous mountain in Anhui. There are lots of beautiful lakes in China. 表示“(某地)有某人/物”的“there be”句型。 There are some books on the table.(桌子上有一些书。)例 句型结构 There + be动词 + 名词(某人/某物)(+ 其它). 此句型用来表示“(某地)有某人/物”,there 没有实际意义。用 法 There is some milk beside my books.(我的书旁边有一些牛奶。) There isn’t any water in the cup.(杯子里没有水。)例 否定句 There + be动词 + not + 名词(某人/某物)(+ 其它). ——Are there any books in your bedroom?(你的卧室里有书吗?) ——Yes, there are.(是的,有。) 例 一般疑问句 Be动词 + there +名词(某人/某物)(+ 其它)? 肯定回答:Yes, there is/are. 否定回答:No, there isn’t/aren’t. 场景: 许多小学生在长城上。 你可以说:There are lots of pupils on the Great Wall. There be b. There are + lots of/ many 名词复数。 a. There is + 不可数名词/ 可数名词的单数。 There be 1.There some water in the bottle. 2.There a TV in the classroom. 3.There some orange juice. 4.There many students in the classroom. 5.There lots of apples in the bag. are is is is is are are Fill in the blanks. Practise. 1. There are two tall buildings in front of the museum. 2. There is a theatre on the left of the museum. 3. The two tall buildings are on one side of the street and there is a restaurant and a clothes shop on the other side of the street. 请你根据描述用不同颜色的笔画出对应的建筑物。 1.朗读并背诵第二模块学习的单词。 2.朗读并背诵活动二的课文。 3.抄写活动二课文中含有there be的句型。 Homework 第二课时 Let’s chant The Huangshan Mountain is high. The Changjiang River is long. The West Lake is beautiful. The Great Wall is strong. Watch and say. many mountains There is in Anhui. 一座著名的山 a famous mountain There are in China. 许多山 This ___the famous ______________. It’s ________ six thousand kilometres long. is Changjiang River more than There are in China. 许多美丽的湖 lots of beautiful lakes This ___ ____________. It’s more than________________ kilometres long. is the Great Wall twenty thousand Guide(导游): Welcome to China. First let's go to Beijing/Hangzhou... There's a very famous wall/lake... in China, the Great Wall/the West Lake ... Tourist(游客): Tell me more. Guide(导游) :It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long/... Tourist(游客):Thank you so much. Guide(导游) :You're welcome. Practise. Pair Work (小导游) There are five pupils on the Great Wall. There are lots of pictures on the wall. / There are four chairs. There are two boats on the lake. There is a big tree. Look and say. There’s a Chinatown in New York. There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. Let’s go to Chinatown now! We can’t go now. It’s too late. Listen and learn to say. Listen and say. Then sing. Watch and listen. There's a Great Wall in China. It is very, very long. There's a Great Wall in China. It is very, very strong. There are many, many people and they like to sing this song. There's a Great Wall in China and it‘s very, very long. In China there‘s a Great Wall, a Great Wall, a Great Wall. It is very, very big and it’s a very famous wall. There's a Great Wall in China. Listen and repeat. Let’s chant together. There’s a West Lake in China. It’s very, very big. There’s a West Lake in China. It’s very, very nice. There are many many people and they like to sing this song. There’s a West Lake in China and it’s very, very big. In China, there’s a West Lake, a West Lake, a West Lake. It’s very, very, very big. And it’s a very famous lake. Change some words and sing the song. a Great Wall → a West Lake long → big strong → nice wall → lake 四人一组,一人计时并当 裁判,其他人观察图片。一分 钟后蒙上眼睛,用there be句 型说一说图上有什么,要尽可 能多地说出自己所记住的内容。 说得最多、最全的人可以得到 一朵小红花。 Look, remember and say. There are three noodle shops... 1.看图,简单描述图片内容,注意正确运用“there be”句型。 2.拓展活动:自带明信片或出去游玩时拍的景点照片,仿照图片 上的格式和语言,像同学介绍图片上的城市及景点。 Look and complete the postcard. NEW YORK CITY Dear mum, I hope you like this postcard. On it you can see a street in New York. There are lots of taxis in the street. __________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Love , Daming The Summer Palace in Bejing is very famous. It‘s very beautiful. a big lake in it. It’s the Kunming Lake. In front of the lake, a long corridor(走廊). many old trees in the park. They are tall. And many beautiful flowers in it. Many people visit it every year. Practise. 颐和园是北京著名的景点之一,它是座皇家园林, 非常漂亮。 里面有一个大湖,有漂亮的花,还有 许多树。用所学过的there be句型描述一下它吧。 There is there is There are There are 1.朗读并背诵第二模块学习的单词。 2.朗读并背诵活动二的课文。 3.挑选一张你喜欢的外出游玩时的景点照片, 介绍照片上的城市及景点。 Homework

