六年级-Unit 6 How do you feel? Part B Let’s talk人教PEP版(共21张PPT)

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六年级-Unit 6 How do you feel? Part B Let’s talk人教PEP版(共21张PPT)

Unit6 How do you feel? Part B Let ’s talk 新人教版六年级上册 绿色圃中小学教育网 http://www.lspjy.com 绿色圃中小学教育网 http://www.lspjy.com 绿色圃中小学教育网 http://www.lspjy.com How does Chenjie feel? She is sad , She is sad . I’m happy, I’m happy. How does Amy feel? She is worried, She is worried. How does Mike feel? He is angry , he is angry . How does John feel? He is afraid , he is afraid. Let’s chant: Mr.Liu : What’s wrong? Mr.Liu : Don’t be worried. You should see a doctor . Zhang Peng:I feel ill. What should I do? make a dialogue! (怎么了?) (我该怎么办?) Mother : What’s wrong with you ? (你怎么了?) Mother: Don’t be worried. You should wear warm clothes . Mike: It’s cold outside .What should I do? make a dialogue! ( 做 对 话 !) Mr.Wang : How do you feel? (你感觉怎么样?) Mr.Wang : Don’t be afraid. You should do more exercise . Zhang Peng : I feel worried. What should I do? make a dialogue! ( 做 对 话 !) John : How does Oliver feel? (三单) Mr.Liu : Don’t be angry. He should take a deep breath and count to ten . Mike : He feels angry. What should he do? Mother : Bless you ! oh,no! You have a fever . (别人打喷嚏要说 。意思是祝福你 ,保佑你!) (发烧) You should see a doctor. Father : Oh. But what about the zoo? Mother : It’s OK. I will tell the kids. Unit6 lets talk PartB.mp4 It’s time to get up. come here What’s wrong? 该起床了 2. 到这儿来 3. 出什么事了? 4. 看医生 5. 不要难过 6. 下次 7.( 身体 ) 不太好 8. 不要生气 see a doctor Don’t be sad. next time Not well I can read and write ! Don’t be angry. What's wrong? It’s time to get up. He should see a doctor this morning. Don’t be sad. We can go next time. Don’t be angry. Don’t be worried. Don’t be afraid. How does dad feel? Not well. 你会说吗? Don’t o pen your books . Don’t o pen the door. Don’t close the window. Don’t be late for school. Don’t read in the sun. Don’t swim in the lake ! 1. 不要生气! Don’t be angry. 2. 不要难过! Don’t be sad . 3. 不要迟到! 4. 不要开门! 5. 不要打开书! 6. 不要在阳光下看书! 7. 不要关窗户! 8. 不要在湖里游泳! A: How do you feel ? B: A: what’s wrong? B: A: I’m happy to hear that. Don’t be . You should take a deep breath. angry I am angry. angry Because my dog take my pen away . sad How does she feel ? What ’s wrong ? Don’t be sad ! B: She is very sad. A: A: I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s go to the pet hospital . A: B: Because her cat is ill . A: How does he feel ? / What’s wrong? B: He is ill. A: I’m sorry to hear that. Don’t be worried ! He should see a doctor! 1. Your father is ill. (一般疑问句,否定回答) 2.He should see a doctor .( 一般疑问句,否定回答 ) 3. I am sad . ( 划线部分提问) 4.Dad is not well .( 划线部分提问) Is my father ill? No, he isn’t. Should he see a doctor? No, he shouldn’t. How does dad feel ? 按要求写句子 How is dad? How are you ? How do you feel ? 5. Sam is sad . .( 划线部分提问) 6. You should take a deep breath .( 划线部分提问) 7. Come here , please. ( 否定句) What should I do? Don’t come here. How does Sam feel ? How is Sam? 8.We can go next time. ( 否定句 ) We can’t go next time. 按要求写句子 Homework 1.read text three times. 2.please try to recite the text. 小 结: What’s wrong? Don’t be angry. How does she feel ? Good bye !

