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Unit2 Last weekend A. Let’s try& Let’s talk Let’s do! 给 " 咱三 " 排排序 ! last weekend next weekend this weekend last weekend this weekend next weekend (表示过去) (表示现在) (表示将来) Let’s try Sarah and Mike are talking about this weekend. Listen and circle. 1.Sarah and Mike are talking on ____. A. Saturday B. Sunday 2.Who is Mike going to call( 打电话 )? A. His grandparents. B. His parents. Let’s try Sarah and Mike are talking about this weekend. Listen and circle. 1.Sarah and Mike are talking on ____. A. Saturday B. Sunday 2.Who is Mike going to call( 打电话 )? A. His grandparents. B. His parents. Sarah: Tomorrow is Monday . We will have class again soon. Mike: Yes,we will. Sarah:How was your weekend? Mike: It was OK. I cleaned my room and watched TV. I'm going to call my grandparents now . They're in London. Sarah: OK. Bye. Let's try Mike is calling his grandparents now . 1. What did Mike's grandparent s do last weekend? 2.What did Mike do last weekend? Scene 1( 情景 1 ) Mike: Hi,Grandpa. Grandpa: I ’m fine , Mike. Mike: How was your weekend? Grandpa: It was ,thank you. ? How are you good Scene 2 Grandpa: I stayed at home with your grandma. Mike: What did you do? We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV . stay / steɪ / 暂住,逗留 【 常见用法 】 stay ed at home 【 例 】 I stayed at home with your grandma. stay stay ed drink tea 【 例 】 Grandpa and grandma drank tea in the afternoon. drank tea /dræ ŋ k/ Scene 2 Grandpa: I stayed at home with your grandma. Mike: What did you do? We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV . Scene 3 Mike: I watched TV, too. I watch ed some children’s shows on TV. Grandpa: That’s nice. Did you do anything else ? Mike: Yes, I clean ed my room and wash ed my clothes. Grandpa: You are a good boy. show / ʃəʊ / 节目,演出 【 常见用法 1】 TV show 【 常见用法 2】 children’s show 【 例 】 I watched some children’s shows on TV. something 【 例 】 I must do something else. 【 例 】 Did you do anything else? I didn’t do anything else. something 表示一些事,用在肯定句中 ; anything 也表示一些事,用在否定句和疑问句中 . anything 一些事 Scene 3 Mike: I watched TV, too. I watch ed some children’s shows on TV. Grandpa: That’s nice. Did you do anything else ? Mike: Yes, I clean ed my room and wash ed my clothes. Grandpa: You are a good boy. Scene 3 Mike: I watched TV, too. I watch ed some children’s shows on TV. Grandpa: That’s nice. Did you do anything else ? Mike: Yes, I clean ed my room and wash ed my clothes . Grandpa: You are a good boy. Mike: Hi,Grandpa. How you ? How your weekend? Grandpa: I ’m fine , Mike. It fine ,thank you. Mike: What did you do? Grandpa: I at home with your grandma. We tea in the afternoon and TV. drank are was watched Mike: I watched TV, too. I some children’s shows on TV. watched Grandpa: That’s nice. you do anything else? Did Mike: Yes, I my room and my clothes. cleaned washed Grandpa: You are a good boy. 填充句子! was stayed Show time! 3 2 1 Go! Read it again and answer questions: 1 、 How was Mike’s grandpa’s weekend? 2 、 What did Mike’s grandparents do? 3 、 What did Mike do? 4 、 Did Mike clean his room and wash his clothes? It was good. They stayed at home, drank tea and watched TV. He watched TV, cleaned his room and washed his clothes. Yes, he did. Summary for today ( 今日小结) 1.词组 stayed at home drank tea watched TV wash my clothes cleaned my room watched some children's shows 2.句型 How was your weekend? What did you do? 拓展练习 pair work Ask and answer: 1 、 How was your weekend? 2 、 What did you do last weekend? 3 、 What are you going to do next weekend? 1. 温习上课内容,并熟记背诵 let’s talk 。 2. 在作业本上完成拓展练习。 Homework Thank you ! Bye bye ! Let’s check. 检测练兵 单项选择: 1 、 What ___ you do last weekend? A. are B. did C. do 2 、 Did Lucy ___ the food yesterday? A. cooking B.cook C. cooked 3 、 I stayed___ home with my grandma. A. in B. for C. at B B C

