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外研版六年级英语下册期末复习知识归纳全套 Module 1 期末知识点要点总结 一、重点掌握的词汇 1.look 看上去 例句:The cake looks delicious. 这个蛋糕看起来很美味。 That girl in white dress looks beautiful. 那个穿白色裙子的女孩看起来很美。 2.cashier 收银员 例句:She is a cashier at a supermarket. 她是超市的收银员。 I work at a bookstore as a cashier once a week. 我一个星期去一次书店做收银员。 3.dollar 美元 例句:The rich man has millions of dollars. 这个富人有数百万美元。 I pay him seventy dollars a week. 我一星期付给他 70 美元。 4.cent 美分 例句:There are one hundred cents in a dollar. 一美元合一百美分。 We haven’t got a cent. 我们身无分文。 5.enjoy 享用,享受 例句:We enjoyed the holidays. 我们很享受我们的假期。 They went out of their room to enjoy the warmth of the sun. 他们走出房间去享受那温暖的阳 光。 6.careful 小心的 例句:I think I’m a pretty careful driver. 我认为我是个很小心的司机。 Be careful not to wake the baby. 注意别吵醒了宝宝。 二、重点掌握的短语 1.look good 看起来很好 例句:The food looks good but it tastes terrible. 食物看起来很好,但吃起来很糟糕。 2.how much 多少钱 例句:How much are your new shoes? 你的新鞋多少钱? 3.lots and lots of ... 许多许多…… 例句:There are lots and lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. 在那儿有许多的中国商店 和饭店。 4.want to do 想要做某事 例句:What do you want to eat? 你想要吃什么? 三、重点掌握的句子 1.Be careful! 当心! 2.I don’t know. 我不知道。 3.—Can I help you? 我可以为你效劳吗? —I want a hot dog, please. 我想要一个热狗。 4.—Here you are. 给你。 —Thank you. 谢谢。 5.Enjoy your meal. 享受你的大餐吧! 6.Let me take them. 让我来拿它们吧。 7.—How much is it? 多少钱? —It’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five yuan. 是 13 美元 25 每分。 8.—What do you want to eat? 你想吃点什么? —I want chicken and rice, please. 我想要鸡肉和米饭,谢谢。 四、重点句型结构 1.购物时,店员一般会走上来招呼的句型:Can I help you? / May I help you? / What can I do for you? 我可以为你效劳吗? 如果你需要,就可以回答:I want... 例句:—Can I help you? 您想买点什么? —I want a yellow skirt. 我想买一条黄色的裙子。 2.询问价格的句型:How much...? 例句:—How much is the schoolbag? 书包多少钱? —It’s twenty dollars. 20 美元。 —How much are the black shoes? 黑色的鞋多少钱? —They’re 100 dollars. 100 美元。 3.表达“你想要……?”的句型:What do you want (to drink/eat)? 你想要(喝点/吃点)什么? want sth. / to do sth. 想要某物/做某事。 例句:What do you want (to drink)? 你想要(喝点)什么? I want a hamburger. 我想要一个汉堡包。 I want do drink some milk. 我想要喝点牛奶。 Module 2 期末知识点要点总结 一、重点掌握的词汇 1.later 后来,以后 例句:She later became a doctor. 她后来当了医生。 I met her again three years later. 三年后我又遇见她了。 2.duck 鸭子 例句:A frog and a duck live in the pond. 青蛙和鸭子生活在池塘里。 I have a cow, a dog, a goat, a duck and a hen. 有一头奶牛,一只狗,一只山羊,一只鸭子和 一只母鸡。 3.pond 水池,池塘 例句:I fished in the pond. 我在池塘钓鱼了。 I fell into the pond yesterday. 昨天我掉进池塘里了。 4.cloud 云 例句:The moon was hidden by clouds. 月亮被云彩遮住了。 Look at the clouds! I think it’s going to rain soon. 看那些云!我想很快就要下雨了。 3.dry 干 的 例句:Is my shirt dry? 我的衬衣干了吗? Put the onions in a cool dry place. 把洋葱头存放在凉爽干燥的地方。 6.like 像……一样 例句:I feel like a young girl. 我感觉自己像个年轻的小姑娘。 He looks like Father Christmas. 他长得像圣诞老人。 7.stay 保持,维持 例句:He never stays angry for long. 他生气时间从来不会长。 The store stays open until late on Thursdays. 这商店每星期四都会开到很晚。 二、重点掌握的短语 1.to go 剩余 例句:I only have one exam to go. 我只剩一门考试了。 2.look like 看来好像 例句:It looks like rain. 像是要下雨的样子。 That photograph doesn’t look like her at all. 那张照片看上去一点也不像她。 3.have breakfast/lunch 吃早饭/午饭 例句:It’s seven o’clock. It’s time to have breakfast. 七点了。该吃早饭了。 She usually has lunch at school. 她通常在学校吃午饭。 4.have a picnic 去野餐 例句:We’re going to have a picnic this Saturday. 这个星期六我们要去野餐。 Why not call some friends and have a picnic? 为什么不叫几个朋友去野餐呢? 5.half past eleven 十一点半 例句:We have lunch at school at half past eleven. 我们十一点半在学校吃午餐。 The train leaves at half past eleven. 火车将在上午十一点办出发。 6.after dinner 晚饭后 例句:like having a walk after dinner. 我喜欢晚饭后散步。 After dinner, go into your room and do your homework. 晚饭后,进房间做家庭作业。 7.play chess 下棋 例句:Let’s play chess. 我们下棋吧。 Would you like to play chess with me? 你想和我下一盘象棋吗? 三、重点掌握的句子 1.—When are we going to eat? 我们打算什么时候吃饭? —At half past twelve. 在十二点半。 2.Let’s have a picnic in the park today! 今天让我们去野餐吧! 3.Look at the ducks! They’re eating our sandwiches! 看那群鸭子!它们正在吃我们的三明治! 4.It looks like you’re going to stay hungry. 看起来好像你们要饿着了。 5.It will be hot on Friday. 星期五将会很热。 6.It won’t be sunny in Hangzhou. 杭州将不会是晴天。 7.—What are you going to do today? 你今天打算做什么? —I’m going to play chess. 我打算下棋。 四、重点句型结构 1.询问时间点的句型:What time is it? 也可以用句型 What’s the time? 回答用:It’s + 时间 点。表示整点用“数字+o’clock”,o’clock 可以省略;表示几点半用“half past+数字”。 例句:—What time is it? 几点了? —It’s eight (o’clock). /It’s half past eight. 八点钟了。/八点半了。 2.表示“打算做某事/将要发生某事”的句型:be going to+动词原形 例句:—What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天你打算做什么? —I’m going to play basketball. 我打算打篮球。 —When are you doing to school? 你打算什么时候去上学? —At half past seven. 在七点半。 3.表示“将要发生某事”可以用:will + 动词原形 例句:I will go to the park. 我将会去公园。 It’s will be sunny in Beijing. 北京将会是晴天。 【注意】be going to = will 计划和将要发生某事 Module 3 期末知识点要点总结 一、重点掌握的词汇 1.shine (太阳)发光;照耀 例句:Shine like the stars in the sky. 像天空中的繁星一样闪耀。 It is a mild morning and the sun is shining. 这是个和煦的早晨,阳光普照。 2.cry 哭 例句:It’s all right. Don’t cry. 不要紧,别哭了。 The baby was crying. 婴儿在哭。 3.everyone 人人,每人;大家 例句:Everyone is in the classroom. 每个人都在教室里。 The English teacher is kind to everyone. 那位英语老师对每个人都很好。 4.just 就,且请 例句:Just listen to me. 请听我说。 Just help yourselves. 请大家随便吃。 5.cow 奶牛 例句:I have a cow, a dog, a goat, a duck and a hen. 我有一头奶牛,一只狗,一只山羊,一 只鸭子和一只母鸡。 There are many cows in my grandpa’s farm. 我爷爷的农场里有很多牛。 6.blow 吹,刮 例句:It was blowing hard. 刮着大风。 A cold wind blew from the east. 东边吹来一股冷风。 7.rabbit 兔子 例句:I have a white rabbit. 我有一只白色的兔子。 I feed my rabbit every day. 我每天喂我的兔子。 二、重点掌握的短语 1.write to... 给……写信 例句:Please write to me soon. 请尽快给我写信。 We often write to each other. 我们经常给彼此写信。 2.in the tree 在树上 例句:There is a bird in the tree. 树上有一只鸟。 A little bird was singing happily in the tree. 小鸟在树上快乐地歌唱。 3.look hungry 看起来饿了 例句:You look hungry. Would you like some bread? 你看起来很饿。你想要点面包吗? 4.fly away 飞走 例句:Did the kite fly away? 风筝飞走了吗? The bird is flying away. 小鸟飞走了。 5.look out of... 向……外面看 例句:Look out of the window! It’s snowing. 看窗外!下雪了。 三、重点掌握的句子 1.Look at the little dog. It’s crying. 看那只小狗。它在哭。 2.I had a very interesting day on Saturday. 星期六我度过了非常有趣的一天。 3.Please write me me soon. 请尽快给我写信。 4.The birds are singing in the tree. 鸟儿在树上唱歌。 5.The ducks are eating our sandwiches! 鸭子在吃我们的三明治! 6.—What are you doing? 你在干什么? —I’m cleaning my room. 我正在打扫房间。 7.Simon and I are playing hide-and-seek. 西蒙和我正在玩捉迷藏。 8.We are having a lovely time! 我们正过着没好的时光! 9.Some pigs are sleeping under a tree. 一些猪在树下睡觉。 10.A girl is buying food in the supermarket. 一个女孩正在超市买食物。 四、重点句型结构 1.询问或表达“某人正在做某事”的句型:What + be + 主语+ doing? 回答:主语+be+doing. 例句:—What are you doing? 你在干什么? —I’m doing my homework. 我正在写作业。 —What is your mother doing? 你的妈妈在做什么? —She is watching TV. 她在看电视。 【注意】现在分词的变化规则: 1.一般情况下,直接在动词后加-ing,如:work—working sleep—sleeping 2.动词以不发音的-e 结尾,要去-e 加-ing,如:take—taking make—making 3.以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ing(重闭 单辅先双写),如:put—putting run—running 2.表达“在树上”的句型:on/in the tree 在树上。on the tree 指在树上的东西本身是树的一部 分东西(如叶子、果实);in the tree 在树上的东西本身不是树的一部分(如鸟、人)。 例句:There are some apples on the tree. 那棵树上有几个苹果. There’s a bird in the tree. 树上有只鸟. Module 4 期末知识点要点总结 一、重点掌握的词汇 1.balloon 气球 例句:Look! There are some balloons in the tree. 看!树上有一些气球。 We filled the room with balloons. 我们把房间里面布置满了气球。 2.stairs(常复)楼梯 例句:He sat at the bottom of the stairs. 他坐在最下面的一级楼梯上。 He stopped at the top of the stairs. 他在楼梯顶端停了下来。 3.mess 肮脏,凌乱 例句:The room was in a mess. 这个房间杂乱不堪。 The kids made a mess in the bathroom. 孩子们把浴室搞得一塌糊涂。 二、重点掌握的短语 1.buy... for... 给某人买某物 例句:My mother buys a new skirt for me. 妈妈给我买了一条新裙子。 I’m going to buy a book for my brother. 我打算给弟弟买一本书。 2.have a birthday party 举行生日派对 例句:I will have a birthday party on Sunday. 我周日会举行生日派对。 Are you going to have a birthday party tomorrow? 你明天打算举行生日派对吗? 3.get on the bus/get off the bus 上公交车/下公交车 例句:Let’s get on the bus. 我们上车吧! Don’t get off the bus. 不要下车。 4.stand up 起立 例句:Stand up, please. 请起立。 I saw him stand up and go out. 我看见他站起来,然后就走了出去。 5.sit down 坐下 例句:Let's sit down and have a rest. 让我们坐下来歇会儿。 When you stand up, I will sit down on your chair. 当你站起来的时候,我将要坐在你的椅子上。 三、重点掌握的句子 1.She’s buying things for your birthday. 她在为你的生日买东西。 2.—Am I going to have a birthday party? 我要举行生日派对吗? —Yes, you are! 是的, 3.—Who can help me? I can’t carry everything. 谁能帮我?我拿不了所有的东西。 —Sorry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能。 4.I’m on the phone. 我在打电话。 5.I can help you. 我能帮你。 6.The balloons are flying away! 气球飞走了。 7.Look, a panda is falling! 看,一只熊猫掉下来了! 8.What a mess! 太糟糕! 四、重点句型结构 1.请求帮助的句型:Who can help me? 如果可以提供帮助,回答:I can help you. 如果不可 以提供帮助,回答:Sorry, I can’t. 例句:—Who can help me? 谁能帮助我? —I can help you. /Sorry, I can’t. 我能帮助你。/对不起,我不能。 【拓展】情态动词 can 表示“能够做某事”,后接动词原形。 肯定句:主语+ can+动词原形+其他. 例句:I can help you. 我能帮助你。 否定句:主语+can’t+动词原形+其他. 例句:I can’t help you. 我不能帮助你。 一般疑问句:Can +主语+动词原形+其他. 例句:—Can you help me? 你能帮助我吗? —Yes, I can./No, I can’t. 是的,我能。/不,我不能。 2.be going to(打算做某事)结构的一般疑问句:将 be 动词提前,即:Be + 主语+ going to do+其他?肯定回答:Yes, 主语+be. 否定回答:No, 主语+ be not. 例句:—Are you going to clean the room? 你打算打扫房间吗? —Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 是的,我打扫。/不,我不打扫。 Module 5 期末知识点要点总结 一、重点掌握的词汇 1.play 演奏,弹奏(音乐) 例句:He can play the piano. 他会弹钢琴。 More and more people learn and play saxophone. 越来越多的人学习和演奏萨克斯。 2.third 第三(个) 例句:My bedroom is on the third floor. 我的卧室在三楼。 It is the third time you forgot my name! 这是你第三次忘记我的名字了! 3.time 次,回 例句:He failed his driving test three times. 他考了三次驾驶执照都没通过。 Next time you're here let’s have lunch together. 下次你到这里来,咱们一起吃午饭。 4.bark (狗)吠,叫 例句:Don’t let the dogs bark. 让那些狗别叫。 The dog suddenly started barking at us. 那条狗突然开始对我们汪汪叫。 5.loudly 大声地 例句:I’m talking too loudly. 我说的太响了。 Don’t speak loudly in the cinema. 不要在电影院大声说话。 6.nothing 没有东西,没有事情 例句:There was nothing in her bag. 她的包里什么都没有。 There’s nothing you can do to help. 你什么忙也帮不上。 二、重点掌握的短语 1.play the suona 吹唢呐 例句:I can’t play the suona. 我不会吹唢呐。 2.come in 进来 例句:A teacher says, “Come in, please!” 老师说:“请进。” May I come in? 我可以进来吗? 3.the third time 第三次 例句:The third time I came to Beijing was on Christmas Day last year. 第三次我来北京的时 候是去年的圣诞节。 4.cross the street 穿过街道 例句:Please don’t cross the street. 请不要过马路。 5.talk to...和……说话 例句:I am talking to Tom. 我在和汤姆说话。 Never talk to strangers. 不要和陌生人讲话。 三、重点掌握的句子 1. Daming is having a birthday party. 大明正在举行生日派对。 2. He is playing the suona, but the phone rings. 大明正在吹唢呐,但是电话响了。 3. Daming is playing the suona for the third time, but the dog starts to bark very loudly. 大明第 三次吹唢呐,但是狗开始非常大声地叫。 4.He is crossing the road, but a car comes. 他正在过马路,但是来车了。 5.He’s riding his bike,but it’s starting to rain. 他正在骑自行车,但是开始下雨了。 6.She’s doing exercise, but it gets too hot. 她正在做运动,但是天变得很热。 四、重点句型结构 1.用现在进行时谈论或描述正在发生是事情: 例句:I’m flying in the sky. 我正在天上飞。 I’m looking out of the window. 我正在想窗外看。 2.描述当某人正在做某事时,同时又发生了什么事的句型:主语+be +doing, but ... 例句:She’s watching TV, but the bell rings. 她正在看电视,但是门铃响了。 She’s having lunch, but the phone rings. 她正在吃午饭,但是电话响了。 3.表示“开始做某事”,用 start to+动词原形。 例句:I start to do my homework at six. 我在六点开始做作业。 He started to learn English when he was only three. 他在只有三岁的时候就开始学习英语了。 Module 6 期末知识点要点总结 一、重点掌握的词汇 1.home 回家 例句:Let’s go home. 我们回家吧。 Last night they stayed at home and watched TV. 昨晚他们待在了家里看电视。 2.got (get 的过去式)得到,收到 例句:I got a birthday present from my mother. 妈妈送我一份生日礼物。 I got a letter from Dave this morning. 今天早上我收到戴夫的一封来信。 3.space 太空 例句:The book is all about space and satellites. 这本书全是关于太空和卫星的。 4.interested 感兴趣的 例句:I’m very interested in history. 我很喜欢历史。 5.spaceship 宇宙飞船 例句:He went into space in this spaceship. 他乘坐这艘宇宙飞船飞入了太空。 6.finish 结束,完成 例句:Did you finish your homework last night? 昨晚你完成作业了吗? How long will it take to finish this task? 完成这任务需要多少时间? 7.decide 决定 例句:I decide to travel this week! 我决定这周去旅行! I can’t decide what to wear. 我拿不定主意穿什么。 8.paper 纸做的,纸质的 例句:Can you make a paper plane? 你会做纸飞机吗? 9.brought (bring 的过去式)拿来,带来 例句:My father brought home a book for me. 我的父亲给我带回家一本书。 10.model 模型 例句:I made a model out of paper and glue. 我用纸和胶水制作了一个模型。 11.taikonaut (中国的)太空人,宇航员 例句:Which is the Taikonaut Zhai Zhigang, do you know? 你知道哪个是宇航员翟志刚吗? 12.first 最初(的),第一次(的) 例句:I didn’t take the first bus. 我没有乘坐首班公共汽车 January 1 is New Year’s Day, the first day of the year. 一月一日是元旦,是一年的第一天。 13.national 国家的,民族的 例句:There is a maple leaf in Canada’s national flag. 加拿大国旗上有片枫叶。 14.seed 种子 例句:Plants grow from seed. 植物由种子长成。 二、重点掌握的短语 1.be interested in... 对……感兴趣 例句:Mark was interested in sport. 马克对体育运动很感兴趣。 He is interested in listening to stories. 他对听故事很感兴趣。 2.thank sb. for sth. 感谢某人的…… 例句:Thank you for inviting me. 感谢你邀请我。 3.a model of 一个……的模型 例句:I bought him a model of ship. 我给他买了一艘船的模型。 4.for the first time 首次 例句:She met him at the cinema for the first time. 她第一次碰到他是在电影院里。 5.bring back 带回 例句:I’m sorry. I forgot to bring back you CD. 抱歉,我忘了把你的 CD 带来了。 三、重点掌握的句子 1.Welcome home! 欢迎回家! 2. He got many presents from his family and friends. 他从家人和朋友那里得到了许多礼物。 3.Simon’s mum bought him a present too. 西蒙的妈妈也给他买了一件礼物。 4.It was a book about space travel. 它是一本关于太空旅行的书。 5.Daming is very interested in space travel. 大明对太空旅行很感兴趣。 6.Daming asked him to read the book with him. 大明让他和他一起读这本书。 7.They learnt a lot about space travel. 他们学习了很多关于太空旅行的 8.They gave the spaceship to Simon’s mum. 他们把飞船模型给了西蒙的妈妈。 9.Look at our spaceship. It took us to the earth. 看看我们的宇宙飞船。它把我们带到了地球。 四、重点句型结构 1.用一般过去时描述过去发生的动作,标志性词语:yesterday, last Sunday/week... 其句型结构为:主语+过去式动词或短语+过去的时间 例句:It was Daming’s birthday yesterday. 昨天是大明的生日。 What did you buy yesterday? 你昨天买了什么东西? 2.表示“给某人某物”的句型:give sth. to sb. =give sb. sth. 给某人某物 例句:They gave the spaceship to Simon’s mum. =They gave Simon’s mum the spaceship. 他们把飞船模型给了西蒙的妈妈。 Module 7 期末知识点要点总结 一、重点掌握的词汇 1.spent (spend 的过去式)度过 例句:We spent the weekend in Paris. 我们在巴黎度过了周末。 How do you spend your spare time? 你在业余时间干什么? 2.about 大约 例句:They waited for about an hour. 他们等了一小时左右。 He arrived at about ten. 他是十点钟左右到的。 3.flew (fly 的过去式)飞,飞行 例句:I’m flying to Hong Kong tomorrow. 明天我要乘飞机去香港。 4.October 十月 例句:My birthday is in October. 我的生日在十月。 He visited the Great Wall last October . 他去年十月参观了长城。 5.video 录像 例句:She has watched the race on video. 她看了比赛的录像。 6.proud 感到自豪的,感到骄傲的 例句:You will be so proud of me, Dad. 你会为我自豪的,老爸。 7.someday 有朝一日 例句:I will invite you to my home someday. 哪天我要邀请你去我家。 Someday, you will thank me. 有朝一日你会感谢我的。 8.born 出生,诞生 例句:I was born in Shenyang in 1976. 我于 1976 年出生在沈阳。 9.as 作为 例句:She works as a writer. 她的职业是作家。 As a teacher, I am interested in the education of young children. 作为一名教师,我对幼儿教育 感兴趣。 10.became (become 的过去式)变成 例句:The weather became warmer. 天气变得暖和起来。 11.letter 字母 例句:‘B’ is the second letter of the alphabet. b 是字母表的第二个字母。 12.spell 拼写,拼出 例句:Can you spell all the new words ? 你们能拼写所有的生词吗? 13.herself 她自己 例句:My sister can’t look after herself. 我妹妹不能照顾她自己。 14.live 活着 例句:She lived to see her first grandchild. 她一直活到抱上第一个孙子。 二、重点掌握的短语 1.a long time ago 很久以前 例句: A long time ago, there was an emperor. 很久以前,有一个皇帝。 2.come back 回来 例句:I asked him to come back to England with me. 我让他和我一起回英格兰。 3.be proud of 为……感到自豪 例句:I am always proud of you! 我始终为你而骄傲自豪! 4.be born in 出生于 例句:.I was born in a small city. 我出生在一个小城市。 5.all over the word 世界各地 例句:We have friends all over the world. 我们的朋友遍天下。 6.role model 模范,榜样 例句:I think that I become a role model for them. 我认为我成了她们效仿的榜样。 三、重点掌握的句子 1.I flew to the earth in it a long time ago. 很久以前我就乘它飞到了地球上。 2.In October 2003, my father flew into space in Shenzhou V. 2003 年 10 月,我父亲乘坐神舟五 号飞入太空。 3.He spent about twenty-one hours in space. He did a lot of work there. 他在太空中待了大约 21 个小时。他在那里做了很多工作。 4.He also made a video in space. 他还在太空拍了一段视频。 5.My mother and I went to the airport to meet my father. 我和妈妈去机场接爸爸。 6.I was very proud of him. 我为他感到骄傲。 7.Now he still tells me about his space travel. 现在他还告诉我他的太空旅行。 8.Helen Keller was born in the US in 1880. 海伦·凯勒 1880 年出生于美国。 9. She couldn’t see or hear. 她看不见也听不见。 10.She drew letters in Helen’s hand and taught her to spell. 她在海伦的手上画字母并教她拼 写。 11.She wrote a book about herself and travelled all over the world. 她写了一本关于自己的书, 并且周游世界。 12.She lived to be eighty-seven. 她活到 87 岁。 四、重点句型结构 1.询问某人何时/何地出生的句型:When/Where was/were +主语+born? 回答用:主语 +was/were born in + 时间/地点. 例句:—When was he born? 他什么时候出生的? —He was born in 1996. 他出生于 1996 年。 —Where were you born? 你出生在哪里? —I was born in Beijing. 我出生在北京。 2.实义动词一般过去时的一般疑问句构成:Did+主语+动词原形+其它?肯定回答:Yes, 主语+did. 否定回答:No, 主语+didn’t. 例句:—Did you read a book yesterday? 你昨天看书了吗? —Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 是的,我看了。/不,我没看。 Module 8 期末知识点要点总结 一、重点掌握的词汇 1.cup 杯子 例句:The cup is full of tea. 这个杯子装满了茶水。 2.planned (plan 的过去式)计划 例句:He planned to leave Baghdad on Monday. 他计划周一离开巴格达。 We’re planning a trip to France in the spring. 我们打算春天去法国旅游。 3.baseball 棒球 例句:I like to play baseball. 我喜欢玩棒球。 He wears his baseball cap back to front. 他把棒球帽反戴着。 4.more 更强烈地 例句:I like her more than her sister. 我喜欢她多于喜欢她姐姐。 5.smile 微笑 例句:When he saw me, he smiled. 他看见我的时候,他笑了。 6.mistake 错误 例句:Don’t worry, we all make mistakes. 没关系,我们都会犯错。 7.with 与……有关 例句:Be careful with the glasses. 小心这些玻璃杯。 8.said (say 的过去式)说 例句:I can't remember what I said. 我记不起来自己说了什么。 9.raincoat 雨衣 例句:It’s raining. Don’t forget your umbrella and raincoat. 正下着雨,别忘了带上雨伞和雨 衣。 二、重点掌握的短语 1.plan to do 计划做…… 例句:What do you plan to do after school? 放学后你们打算做什么? 2.put...on...把……放在……上 例句:Don’t put the cup on the table! 别把杯子放在桌上! 3.make mistakes 犯错误 例句:Everyone does make mistakes. 每个人都会犯错。 三、重点掌握的句子 1.—Where’s my bag? 我的书包在哪儿? —I put it on your bed. 我把它放在你的床上了。 2.Why can’t I see it? Oh, it’s under my bed. 为什么我看不见它?噢,它在床下。 3.They planned to play a baseball game. 他们计划打棒球。 4.Then they put the cups on their heads and laughed more. 然后他们把杯子放在头上,笑得更 厉害了。 5.It’s easy to make mistakes with English words. 英语单词很容易出错。 6.—Why are you laughing? 你为什么笑? —Because I’m happy. 因为我很开心。 7.—Why are you wearing a raincoat? 你为什么穿雨衣? —Because it’s going to rain. 因为就要下雨了。 四、重点句型结构 1.play 与表示球类、棋类、牌类运动的名词连用时,中间不加冠词。与乐器名词连用时, 中间要与定冠词连用。 例句:I like playing baseball. 我喜欢打棒球。 She can play the piano. 她会弹钢琴。 2.学会用这些形容词来描述状态:happy, sad, angry, hungry, thirsty, tired, afraid 等。 例句:I’m hungry. 我饿了。 She’s sad. 她很伤心。 3.询问原因及其回答的句型:Why ...? Because... 例句:—Why are you wearing a hat? —Because it’s going to be sunny. —Why are you happy? —Because I’m eating ice cream. 4.It’s + 形容词+ to do sth. 做某事很…… 例句:It’s easy to wash clothes. 洗衣服很容易。 It’s difficult to learn Chinese. 学习汉语很难。 Module 9 期末知识点要点总结 一、重点掌握的词汇 1.wish 愿望,希望;祝,祝愿 例句: We all send our best wishes for the future. 我们都对未来致以最好的祝愿。 I wished her a happy birthday. 我祝她生日快乐。 2.primary 小学的,初等的 例句:She is a primary school teacher. 她是一名小学老师。 3.message 留言 例句:Could I leave a message for him? 我能给他留言吗? 4.keep 保留 例句:I keep all her letters. 我把她所有的信都保留着。 5.forever 永远 例句:I think that we will live together forever. 我想我们会永远生活在一起。 6.joy 乐事,乐趣 例句:The game was a joy to watch. 这比赛看起来真开心。 7.future 将来 例句:He was making plans for the future. 他正在为将来制订计划。 8.wonderful 了不起的,出色的 例句:She’s a wonderful friend. 她是个极好的朋友。 9.happiness 幸福,愉快 例句:Wish you health and happiness. 祝你康乐。 10.what 多么 例句:What a beautiful house! 多么漂亮的房子啊! 二、重点掌握的短语 1.best wishes 最美好的祝福 例句:Happy New Year and give my best wishes to you. 新年快乐,给你我最美好的祝愿。 2.primary school 小学 例句:I teach maths in a primary school. 我在一所小学教数学。 3.say goodbye to 跟……道别 例句:It’s very difficult for me to say goodbye to you. 对我来说,很难对您说再见。 4.write a message 写一条留言 例句:Please write a message in this book. 请在这本纪念册里写下留言。 三、重点掌握的句子 1.Best wishes to you! 向你致以最美好的祝愿! 2.Good luck to you. 祝你好运。 3.We’re going to say goodbye to our primary school soon. 我们很快就要告别小学了。 4.I’ll keep it forever. 我会永远保存它。 5.You brought us lots of joy. 你给我们带来了很多欢乐。 6.Good luck for the future. 祝未来好运。 7.We had a happy time at school. 我们在学校过得很愉快。 8.You taught me Chinese. 你教我中文。 9.Come to the UK to watch football games with me! 来英国和我一起看足球赛吧! 10.I’m writing an email to my friends from the earth. 我正在给地球上的朋友们写一封电子邮 件。 11.That’s a good idea. 那是个好主意。 12.There are about forty letters here. 这里有大约四十封信件。 13.What a lot of good wishes! 多美好的祝愿啊! 四、重点句型结构 1.表示“祝愿”的句型:wish 作动词时,wish sb.+名词,意为“祝愿某人……”; wish 作名词时,表示“祝愿,心愿”。 例句:Wish you happiness. 祝你幸福。 Wish you success. 祝你成功。 Best wishes to you. 向你致以最良好的祝愿。 2.询问某人“此刻正在做什么”及回答:What + be + 主语 + doing? 回答:主语 + be + doing. 例句:—What are you doing? 你在做什么? —I’m watching TV. 我在看电视。 3.what 引导的感叹句:What + a/an +形容词+可数名词单数(+主语+谓语)! What +形容词+比可数名词/可数名词复数(+主语+谓语)! 例句:What a nice present( it is)! 它是一件多么好的礼物啊! What beautiful flowers (they are)! 多么漂亮的花啊! What fine weather (it is)! 天气多好啊! 4.There be 句型:表示“(某地)有某物”,①There is+a/an+单数可数名词(+介词短语)表 示“(在某地)有一个……”;②There is+不可数名词(+介词短语)表示“(在某地)有……”; ③There are+复数可数名词(+介词短语)表示“(在某地)有……”。 例句:There is an old bike.有一辆旧自行车 There is some water in the bottle. 瓶子里有一些水。 There are four bags on the desk. 桌子上有四个书包。 Module 10 期末知识点要点总结 一、重点掌握的词汇 1.middle 中间的,中等的;中期,中间 例句: He was standing in the middle of the room. 他站在屋子的中间。 2.speech 演说,讲演 例句:Several people made speeches at the wedding. 有几个人在婚礼上讲了话。 3.classmate 同班同学 例句:My classmate called me this afternoon. 我的同学下午给我打了电话。 4.leave 离开 例句:The plane leaves for Beijing at 12.35. 飞机于 12:35 起飞前往北京。 5.September 九月 例句:Her son, Jim, was born in September. 她儿子吉姆生于 9 月。 6.excited 激动的,兴奋的 例句:The children were excited about opening their presents. 孩子们对打开礼物感到兴奋不 已。 7.geography 地理 例句:We use a globe in our Geography class. 我们在地理课上使用地球仪。 8.same 相同的 例句:We are in the same school. 我们在同一个学校。 9.spoke (speak 的过去式)说(某种语言) 例句:He spoke English well. 他英语说得很好。 10.little 极少量的 例句:I had little money and little free time. 我没什么钱,也没多少空闲时间。 11.practise 练习 例句:You need to practise English every day. 你需要每天练习英语。 12.sometime 某个时候 例句:I saw him sometime last summer. 我去年夏天什么时候见过他。 13.chemistry 化学 例句:Chemistry was her favourite subject at school. 她上学时最喜欢化学。 14.physics 物理 例句:He’s very interested in Physics. 他对物理非常感兴趣。 二、重点掌握的短语 1.middle school 中学 例句:My brother and I study in the middle school. 我和我弟弟在中学读书。 2.at the same time 同时 例句:It’s impossible to get everybody together at the same time. 让所有人同时聚在一起是不 可能的。 3.come back to 回到 例句:I hope you’ll come back to China again! 希望你会再来中国。 4.keep on 保持 例句:Keep on learning as long as you live. 活到老,学到老。 5.each other 互相,彼此 例句:We become friends, and we often call each other on the phone. 我们成了朋友,经常互 通电话。 三、重点掌握的句子 1.We are going to leave our primary school soon and start middle school this September. 我们很 快就要离开小学,今年九月开始上中学。 2.At the same time, I’m very sad to say goodbye to you.同时,和你说再见我很难过。 3.We’re going to different schools. 我们要去不同的学校。 4.Four years ago, they spoke only very little Chinese.四年前,他们只说很少的中文。 5.Keep on practising Chinese in the UK. 继续在英国练习中文。 6.And come back to China sometime! 以后有空再来中国! 7.Let’s write lots of emails to each other! 让我们互相写很多的电子邮件吧! 8.Are you going to middle school in September? 你九月份要上中学吗? 9.What about you? 你呢? 10.But I’m not going to study French. 但我不打算学法语。 四、重点句型结构 1.“一段时间+ago”用在一般过去时中,意为“……以前”,是一般过去时的标志性时间状语。 例句:Li Lei’s father went to Beijing two days ago. 李雷的父亲两天前去的北京。 She was a teacher ten years ago. 她十年前是一名教师。 2.表达“将要去某地/做某事”的句型:①主语 + be going to...,其中 be 的形式(is,am,are) 要根据主语的变化而变化。 例句:I’m going to No. 1 Middle School. 我将要去第一中学。 She is going to study English. 她将要学英语。 They are going to play basketball. 他们将要去打篮球。 ②其一般疑问句将 be 提前,肯定回答为:Yes, 主语+be. 否定回答为:No, 主语+be not. —Are you going to do your homework? 你将要做作业吗? —Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 是的,我要做作业。/不,我不做作业。 ③含有 be going to 结构的特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + be + going to...? 例句:—Where are you going this summer? 这个暑假你将要去哪儿? —I’m going to Beijing. 我将要去北京。 —What are you going to do? 你们明天将要做什么? —We are going to play baseball. 我们将要打棒球。

